首页 摄像头的工作原理说明加电路图



摄像头的工作原理说明加电路图摄像头的工作原理说明加电路图 楼层直达摄像头的工作原理说明加电路图 只看楼主 更多操作 331435 699 , 倒 序阅读 , 复 制链接 , 使 用道具 楼主 发表于: 2009-10-09 级别: 数码8 随着中国网络事业的发展(直接的说,电脑的外部环境的变化?宽带网络的普及),大家对电脑摄像头的需求也就慢慢的加强。比级 如用他来处理一些网络可视电话、视频监控、数码摄影和影音处理等。话说回来,由于其的相对价格比较低廉(数码摄象机、数码照相机),发帖 技术含量不是太高,所以生产的厂家也就多了...

摄像头的工作原理说明加电路图 楼层直达摄像头的工作原理说明加电路图 只看楼主 更多操作 331435 699 , 倒 序阅读 , 复 制链接 , 使 用道具 楼主 发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 于: 2009-10-09 级别: 数码8 随着中国网络事业的发展(直接的说,电脑的外部环境的变化?宽带网络的普及),大家对电脑摄像头的需求也就慢慢的加强。比级 如用他来处理一些网络可视电话、视频监控、数码摄影和影音处理等。话说回来,由于其的相对价格比较低廉(数码摄象机、数码照相机),发帖 技术含量不是太高,所以生产的厂家也就多了起来,中国IT市场就是如此,产品的质量和指标也就有比较大的差距。 2 9 一、首先来看看感光材料 M币 一般市场上的感光材料可以分为:CCD(电荷耦合)和CMOS(金属氧化物)两种。前一种的优点是成像像素高,清晰度高,色彩还原系1 数高,经常应用在高档次数码摄像机、数码照相机中,缺点是价格比较昂贵,耗功较大。后者缺点正好和前者互普,价格相对低廉,耗功也较7 1 小,但是,在成像方面要差一些。如果你是需要效果好点的话,那么你就选购CCD元件的,但是你需要的,就多一点了~ 专家 二、像素也是一个关键指标 1 现在市面上主流产品像素一般在130万左右,早些时候也出了一些10-30万左右像素的产品,由于技术含量相对较低效果不是很好,不久贡献值 0 就退出历史舞台了。这个时候也许有人会问,那是不是像素越高越好呢,从一般角度说是的。但是从另一个方面来看也就不是那么了,对于同 , 关 一个画面来说,像素高的产品他的解析图象能力就更高,呵呵,那么你所需要的存储器的容量就要很大了。不然……我还是建议如果你选购的注Ta , 发时候还是选购市面上比较主流的产品。毕竟将来如果出问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 了保修也比较好。 消息 三、分辨率是大家谈的比较多的问题 我想我没有必要到这里说分辨率这个东东了,大家最熟悉的应该就是: A:你的显示器什么什么品牌的。分辨率可以上到多高,刷新率呢, B:呵呵,还好了,我用在1024*768 ,设计的时候就用在1280*1024。玩游戏一般就800*600了。 但是摄像头的分辨率可不完全等同于显示器,切切的说,摄像头分辨率就是摄像头解析图象的能力。现在市面上较多的CMOS的一般在640* 480,有是也会在800*600。但是如果是CCD的一般还要高些。 四、是摄像头,当然也要比较摄像的效果 摄像头的视频捕获能力是用户最关心的了,目前电脑摄像头所能够捕捉都是通过软件来实现的,因此对电脑要求比较高,一般情况下640 *480他的速度可以到达30帧/S,但当分辨率在320*240的状态下,速度稍微一快点。因而,自己在选购是,可以按照自己的作用选择一个合 适自己的。 五、镜头是一个大问题 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 估计这么东东很多用户在购买的时候会忽视掉,但这却是摄像头对光线的最重要部位。光圈的大小、镜头可调焦的范围等等。一般按照材料分主要有3中,有玻璃镜片;塑胶镜片和化合物的,这里最好的要算是玻璃的,他的通光系数大,一般好的镜头他的通光口径也会做的较大,在光线不是很好的时候也可以得到交好的效果,但是价格要高点(一分钱一分货)。塑胶的通光要差点,但是价格便宜,就这点也得到了一些中低端用户的认可。化合物的市面上不是很多,这里就不做详细介绍了。 六、其他数据 虽然说,现在的应用程序比较多,自己也比较好找,但是一个名牌产品,他里面的东西都很到位,通常会有拍照、摄像、影像文件管理、设置,有的摄像头带有MIR功能,那么软件方面还需要有音频方面的设置。 再来看看接口方面,以前的摄像头都是采用并口,但是随着技术的进步,慢慢的被USB的接口给取代了,这里千万提醒你一点,不要为了一点小利(,)而放弃了USB接口的产品。毕竟并口退出历史舞台了 小知识:摄像头的镜头最好的是玻璃镜头,最便宜的是塑料镜头,最常见的是塑料与玻璃的混合镜头。塑料镜头透光率低,常用于低端摄像头。主流的玻璃、塑料混合摄像头一般是由两片玻璃镜片和若干塑料镜片组成。全玻璃镜片通常有5片玻璃组成,透光率好。好的镜头镜片上会有镀膜以保证好的透光率。不过我们凭肉眼是不能判断出镜头是由几片玻璃或塑料镜片构成。 要想知道为什么厂家不能自己把镜头做大,我们还得先来了解下摄像头的内部结构。大部分去掉外壳的摄像头,内部都是一样的——由镜头、CMOS传感器、PCB板和DSP控制芯片组成(图4,有少数低价格摄像头的CMOS传感器和DSP控制芯片是整合的)。外面的景象通过镜头反映到CMOS上转换为电信号,经过A/D(模/数转换)转换为数字图像信号,再送到DSP控制芯片中加工处理,通过USB接口传输到电脑中,最后我们就可以看到图像了。 其中CMOS、DSP都是由第三方厂家设计生产,我们称其为“方案”。目前性价比最高的,采用得非常多的方案就是中星微ZC0301PLH+美光360的CMOS传感器组成的(图5)。当CMOS和DSP控制芯片定下来后,厂家会自己选择最适合该方案的摄像头,因为第三方厂家提供的是一个通用方案,很多厂家都可以用,因此采用的摄像头大小基本也是相同的。 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 美光360 CMOS传感器 如果厂家特立独行,非要自己采用不适合某种方案的镜头,不仅会造成成本的增加,在成像质量上也不会有任何改观。要有好的噱头,当然也只能在镜头的最外面加一块看似“大镜头”的塑料以混淆视听。 so.bitsCN.com网管资料库任你搜 逗你玩的30帧/秒 谎言:“影像捕捉速率:每秒30帧” “影像捕捉速率:每秒30帧”这句话本身没有错,问题就出在它没有把话说完,如果是30万像素的摄像头,在分辨率为320×280的时候,能达到30帧/秒的速度,这个时候我们看图像应该是没有明显的延迟现象的。将分辨率调到30万像素摄像头能支持的最大分辨率640×480的时候,帧数也只有大约11帧/秒。 要保证摄像头在高分辨率下也能有高的帧数,至少首先要满足接口为USB2.0这个重要条件,就30万像素的摄像头而言,如果在640×480的分辨率下要达到30帧/秒,至少需要接口有27Mbps的带宽,而目前大多数的摄像头采用的还是USB1.1接口,仅能提供12Mbps的带宽。 其次就算是摄像头采用了USB2.0的接口,要用130万像素的摄像头在达1280×960的分辨率下达到30帧也是不现实的,因为现在摄像头的硬件压缩技术还没发展到这个地步,也无法在主流的电脑上通过软件进行实时地视频压缩。所以,每秒30帧的说法只是个来蒙蔽你眼睛的障眼法而已。 摄像头的工作原理大致为:景物通过镜头(LENS)生成的光学图像投射到图像传感器(SENSOR)(*注1)表面上,然后转为电信号,经过A/D(模数转换)转换后变为数字图像信号,再送到数字信号处理芯片(DSP)(*注2)中加工处理,再通过USB接口传输到电脑中处理,通过显示器就可以看到图像了。 工作原理篇: 摄像头(CAMERA)主要分数字摄像头和模拟摄像头两种,模拟摄像头即那种可以直接通过视频接口(通常为S端子或AV端子)连接显示设备(一般指电视机或监视器)完成摄像功能的摄像头,特点是模拟影像清晰而连贯,不受分辨率影响,模拟摄像头以中低价位黑白摄像头为 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 主;而数字摄像头可以直接捕捉影像并转换为数字信号存储在电脑里,其信号传输接口发展由早期的串口、并口发展到如今的USB2.0和IEEE1394火线接口,我们这里主要涉及的PC摄像头,其主流就是指USB接口的数字摄像头。注1:图像传感器(SENSOR)是一种半导体芯片,其表面包含有几十万到几百万的光电二极管。光电二极管受到光照射时,就会产生电荷。注2:数字信号处理芯片DSP(DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING)功能:主要是通过一系列复杂的数学算法运算,对数字图像信号参数进行优化处理,并把处理后的信号通过USB等接口传到PC等设备。 摄像头,像眼球 了解摄像头,首先就要了解它的工作原理。为了方便大家理解,我们拿人的眼睛来打个比方。当光线照射景物,景物上的光线反射通过人的晶状体聚焦,在视网膜上就可以形成图像,然后视网膜的神经感知到图像将信息传到大脑,我们就能看见东西了。摄像头成像的原理和这个过程非常相似,光线照射景物,景物上的光线反射通过镜头聚焦,CMOS就会感知到图像。图像信息通过PCB板传到摄像头的“大脑”——DSP芯片,经过芯片处理后的信息经过USB线传输就让我们看见摄像头“看见”的物体了。 眼球结构图 从这个工作过程,我们可以分析出摄像头几个关键部分:镜头、CMOS、DSP芯片。所以我们在购买时也应该注意这几个点。镜头分为塑料、玻璃、玻璃塑料混合三种,玻璃的透光度最佳,但成本也高,一般来说玻璃摄像头会镀膜以增加亮度;而塑料和玻璃塑料混合则不会镀膜,为的是减少成本。COMS和DSP芯片搭配我们称之为方案,中星微的DSP芯片市场占有量相当大,性能和质量都也被大家所认可,CMOS方面则以镁光的为主,而且大多数方案都是经过测试,制定好了的,所以大家挑选时只注意一下芯片品牌就可以了。 小知识:我们常说的摄像头传感器相当于传统相机的胶片,传感器是摄像头的核心,也是最关键的技术,它是一种用来接收通过镜头的光线,并且将这些光信号转换成为电信号的装置。目前摄像头的核心成像部件有两种:一种是CMOS(互补金属氧化物导体)器件,多用在摄像头上,另一种是CCD(电荷藕合)元件,多见于数码相机中。 免驱在手,懒人不愁 有人会问:“免驱、免驱就是免去驱动吧,”不准确。严格来说免驱并不是真正不需要驱动,只是驱动程序不用自己去安装罢了。要实现免驱,需要摄像头和操作系统达成某个协议,协议早就准备妥当,它叫UVC即USB Video Class,是USB组织定义的视频设备类 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 协议。Windows XP SP2以上操作系统也支持这个协议,实现免驱只需要厂家做出满足这个协议的摄像头就可以了。所以摄像头免驱功能出现也有点万事俱备,只欠东风的味道。 另外,市场上也有一些冒充“免驱”的产品,它们只能在Windows Vista系统下实现无驱,而在其他Wind are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site ows系统下仍然需要安装驱动。这些产品只是利用了更新的操作系统支持更多的硬件这一特点来实现“免驱”,不是真正通过支持UVC协议来实现的。 亮度不足,背光补 我们在使用摄像头时,常常会觉得画面中的自己不够亮,美丽指数大跌。为了还我“亮”色,厂家们也就开发出了背光补偿功能。背光补偿有效地弥补了摄像头在逆光环境下拍摄时画面主体黑暗的缺陷。为了解释背光补偿,我们还是用眼睛的例子吧,光线越充足,我们看东西很容易看清楚,因此所需的看清物体所需时间越短;光线不足的状况下,我们看东西就很费力,因此所需的时间就越长,这里指的时间,专业点就是曝光时间。摄像头方面也很类似,当外界光线较弱时,CMOS成像芯片工作电流较小,所成图像偏暗,这时就要让摄像头多“看”一会儿(增加曝光时间)达到背光补偿的效果;同理,光线充足或较强时,要适当减少曝光时间,防止曝光过度图像发白。 你的脸,是重点 摄像头很多时候是用来拍人的,脸自然就成为了摄像头重点照顾对象。“人脸追踪”四个字很容易让人觉得摄像头会“聪明”地跟着人脸动。其实不然,人脸追踪说白了是物体局部放大,将物体尽量保持在画面中央。当在具有这个功能的摄像头前放一个玩具时,摄像头就会对焦从而“认定”它的头就是你的头。当玩具偏离画面中心时,摄像头就会放大玩具的头,这样就会让人觉得玩具是被“移到”了中间。 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site , 描述:摄像头的工作原理说明 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site
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