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好教师应具备的基本素质好教师应具备的基本素质 怎样做一个优秀的一对一个性化教师 第一节、人格魅力和学识魅力在个性化教学中的作用 我利用闲暇时间认真、仔细的对个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的个性化教学进行观察了解和研究,我认为对个性化一对一的课外辅导机构老师应具有何种能力,无论是在执教还是实践、树立师德学习榜样等方面和一般学校的教学方式是两种不同的概念,我观察了解和研究后,结论是受益匪浅,我深切地感受到个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的个性化教学中一个智者和仁者所显现出来的精神魅力,因此略表一二。 在今天这个充斥着各种诱惑的时代,以其平凡的坚...

好教师应具备的基本素质 怎样做一个优秀的一对一个性化教师 第一节、人格魅力和学识魅力在个性化教学中的作用 我利用闲暇时间认真、仔细的对个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的个性化教学进行观察了解和研究,我认为对个性化一对一的课外辅导机构老师应具有何种能力,无论是在执教还是实践、树立师德学习榜样等方面和一般学校的教学方式是两种不同的概念,我观察了解和研究后,结论是受益匪浅,我深切地感受到个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的个性化教学中一个智者和仁者所显现出来的精神魅力,因此略 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 一二。 在今天这个充斥着各种诱惑的时代,以其平凡的坚实促使我们对教师精神进行重新思考:做什么样的教师,怎样做教师,细细想来,它绝非仅仅是一种职业名称。不同的社会、不同的历史时期,师德的内涵是不同的。百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。从学识魅力和人格魅力两个方面作为一名教师,教育的最高境界是身教胜于言教, 我们应以自己每节课的认真准备教会学生勤勉踏实的治学精神。 以自己对学生尤其是差生的尊重教会学生尊敬生命。 以自己在业务上的不断钻研和学习教会学生尊重知识。 通过发现学生身上不显眼的优点增强其信心。 通过不断的鼓励培养其拥有乐观的精神面貌。 从而做好个性化的教育教学工作。 作为一名个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的教师,需要老师无私奉献的精神;学习爱岗敬业,为人师表,为教书育人恪尽职守,呕心沥血的精神。 学习崇高师德,治学严谨,为追求学术锲而不舍,求真务实的精神,学习他珍爱生命,坚韧不拔,为战胜疾病不屈不挠,积极乐观的精神。 教书是手段,目的是育人。孔子曾说过:“其身正,不令而行,其身不正,虽令不从。” various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 教师的素质决定了学生的素质,教师不仅要以其人格的力量,令学生所敬佩,还要以最佳的思想境界、精神状态和行为表现,将言传和身教完美结合起来,以身作则,行为示范,积极地影响和教育学生。 这样面对个性化的教学才可以在短时间内得到学生的吸引,使他们“亲其师”“信其道”,健康成长。因此,当教师力图向学生传授知识的时候,必须清楚地意识到对学生所具有的影响,这就要求我们要付出更多的努力去肩负起更多的道德和人类的责任。我想作为作为一名个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的教师,每位老师都应具有这样的能力,具有学识魅力和人格魅力从而更好的胜任个性化的教育教学工作。 “学识”意味着才华,一个有学识的才华横溢的教师,是会深受学生喜爱和家长信任的,我们常说“学高为师”,学识丰富的教师,不仅在满足学生的文化求知上游刃有余,更由于他们厚实的底蕴而散发着绵绵的才学魅力。 教师一旦拥有了学识魅力,就会产生一股强大的磁场吸引力,随之而来的教与学的过程,就会变得快乐而和谐。教与学的效果,就会获得轻负担而高质量的回报。学习上的领路人,我想,没有比这样的老师更强大有力的了,特别是作为一名个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的教师,不仅是一名老师,更要从市场的角度去思考,使个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的品牌价值不断提升,进而使自己更好发展。 “人格”意味着品行。一个有着优良品行,浑身散发着品格魅力的教师,其言行对学生产生的好影响是非常深远的,我们常说“身正为范”,说的就是榜样的力量,当教师的一举一动都能带来学生的亲近和效仿时,当教师的一言一行都能带来学生的佩服甚至是崇拜时,教师的品格魅力就产生了最大效应,这对学生的良性发展与健康成长是十分有利的。古人云: “亲其师,则信其道。”无可置疑,学生喜欢这样的教师,我们更需要这various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 样的教师。让每个教师拥有学识魅力和品格魅力是个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的追求和责任,让每个教师在教书育人的发展过程中成为一面面引领学生健康成长的旗帜是我们的努力目标。如果我们有这样一支发展良好的具有学识魅力和人格魅力的教师队伍,教育的内涵发展肯定潜力无穷。 如果说教师对学生确实有影响的话,那就是对学生的优点毫不吝啬的肯定和张扬,它决定着学生今后发展的方向,那么个性化一对一的课外辅导机构要善于并且不断去发现教师的优点——他们在教育教学过程中取得的成绩(闪光点),然后经常在各种场合肯定老师的成绩。可以是教职工大会上的表扬,可以是全校师生大会上的公布,也可以是教学区的事迹展览,还可以是媒体网站的宣传等,不仅肯定教师的个体努力,也肯定教师的群体合作,弘扬正气,树立榜样。不仅仅让老师知道,也让学生知道、家长知道、社会知道。使取得成绩的老师在领导的赏识中、同事的称赞中、学生的喜爱中、家长的信任中、社会的肯定中获得成功感、成就感,同时也产生新的责任感。获得荣誉是光荣的,但这荣誉不仅仅是带来光荣,它更是一种鼓励和鞭策。一个优点逐渐增多的老师,是不会让自己的优点又变成缺点的,而是更加珍惜、更加努力、更加有追求。我认为这样的老师一多,就会形成一种氛围,一种“以点带面”的氛围,一种和谐上进的氛围。这支队伍就会逐渐发展扩大。心理学研究表明:人在受到赏识的时候工作或学习,效果最好。学生是这样,老师也是这样。发展一支具有学识魅力和人格魅力的教师队伍虽不可能是一朝一夕之功,但值得有意识地去重视与研究。或许有人认为:要让教师有魅力已经不容易,还要形成一支队伍,这也太难了。对于这种想法完全可以理解,这样做是不容易。但我认为,事情总是靠做出来的,做了比不做总要有希望、有收获。老师不求魅力十足,能发展八分也行。没有八分,有五分、三分也行。总之,有发展就行,就有希望。何况,许多老师本身就有上佳的潜质值得挖掘。教育various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 管理是一门科学,更是一门艺术。对教师的教育教学成绩不断进行“优点”积累、不断进行“优点”赏识和“优点”宣传的过程,本身就是不断激活教师内在潜能的过程,因而能最大限度地唤醒教师的主体意识和责任意识,促使教师源源不断的产生新的内动力,形成一种良性循环。我认为这也是一种建设,一种弘扬正气树立榜样的软件建设 ,这种建设对学校的发展是非常必要的。从评价的角度来说,对教师的成长过程,既是终结性评价,也是过程性评价。既是激励性评价,也是发展性评价。这种评价对激发教师潜力、促进教师内涵发展是非常重要的。教师的内涵发展过程,其实就是教师的成长过程,需要不断得到尊重、鼓励、信心和力量。 作为我们老师,肩负着教育工作使命,也应有自身的品质追求: 要有思想,一种倡导先进教育、推进公平教育的思想; 要有理念,一种不断创新、与时俱进的理念; 要有精神,一种科学的求实的精神; 要有好的心态,一种阳光的和上进的心态。 要探求两种“艺术”——教书艺术和育人艺术, 要运用两种“策略”——因材施教策略和成功激励策略, 要做好两个“注重”——注重细节和注重实效。 面对现有生源,牢固确立“教育就是服务”的理念,以发展的眼光去看待学生,力争使具有不同天赋、潜能,不同气质、性格和不同文化背景的学生,都能得到最充分的发展,真正做到“一切为了学生,为了一切学生,为了学生的一切”。品质育人,有教无类。 打造具有学识魅力和人格魅力的教师队伍,将会打造品牌教育的保障,有良好的品牌教育,才能切实地提升家长学生的信任指数,这是密切相关的几个环节,也是我们关注教育内涵发展的着眼点和工作点。我想,只要我们用科学的发展观去思考、去决策、去指导具体的教育教学实践,相信various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 我们个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的品牌不断发展一定会取得喜人的大好局面,使个性化一对一的课外辅导机构的明天得到更好的发展。 第二节、好教师应具备的基本素质 加里宁说过,教师是人类灵魂的工程师;而夸美纽斯也说,教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业。那么,如何使教师自身更加完美,使教师的职业更加光辉灿烂?我认为,教师要成长,就必须重视以下几个基本素质。 一、思想素质——想不想当教师 想不想当教师是一个教师称职与否的最根本、最关键的问题。被动的“要我当教师”与主动的“我要当教师”会产生截然不同的结果。 苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基就是一个热爱教师工作的典型代表。他的《给教师的建议》、《把整个心灵献给孩子》等著作,不但系统论述了他的全面和谐教育思想,同时热爱教育、献身教育的情怀充斥于字里行间。而作为平凡教师的我们应该扪心自问:我喜欢教育工作吗?我喜欢学生吗?我愿意为文化的传承和后人的培养尽一份力量吗? 二、文化素质——能不能当教师 教师的根本任务是教书育人。教书育人就是引导学生学会生存、学会做人、学会合作、学会学习。作为培养人的人,教师要具有精深的学科专业知识和广博的非本学科知识。 教师首先要有精深的学科专业知识,这样才有利于把学生带入极具魅力的学科世界。其次要有广博的非本学科知识,理科教师要通文,文科教师要懂理。同时教师要在音、美、体等方面有所涉猎,这样才能在教学中开阔思路、旁征博引、左右逢源、得心应手,使教学富有色彩。正如诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁教授所说:“在我所读的书中,非专业的比专业的一点都不少,非专业的知识常常给我的专业研究提供灵感。” various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 三、能力素质——会不会当教师 有做教师的想法并且具备了丰厚的学科知识并不意味着会当教师。当教师还必须具备一定的能力素质。 一名好教师应具备的能力素质有: 1、组织教育教学的能力——对教材的再加工、再创造能力,根据学情设计教学目标、教学方法以及教学过程的能力,包括在教学过程中掌控师生关系的能力等; 2、语言表达能力——对教师的语言表达的基本要求是简练、准确,较高要求是抑扬有度、张弛得法、繁简恰当、丝丝入扣; 3、组织管理能力——增强组织管理能力,一是要多思考、多研究,善于用组织管理智慧解决问题,二是要勤实践、勤修养,提升组织管理情商,完善个性品质; 4、自我反思与调控能力——勤于反思,知道自己作为教师的不足,并善于对教学实践中的各个要素进行适时、恰当的调控,保证教学有序、平稳、高效的进行。 四、理论素质——当什么层次的教师 这里的理论是指马克思主义理论和教育教学理论。教师应该具有系统的马克思主义理论修养,这对明确教师的人生观、价值观、提升其对教育的认识大有裨益。 当然,教育教学更离不开教育教学理论的指导。没有理论的实践是盲目的实践,没有教育教学理论指导的教学就是盲目的教学。 英国教育家洛克说:“人类之所以千差万别,便是由于教育之故。”也就是说,不同的教育造就不同的人。 教育的不同主要包含两个方面:一是教育的内容、观念不同,二是教育中是否按教育规律办事。在这里,我们要向陶行知、蔡元培等教育家学various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 习,努力把教育教学理论与实践相统一,遵循教育规律及学生成长的规律,切忌成为一个不知思考、只知照本宣科、缺少教育智慧的教书匠。 五、职业素质——怎么当专业的教师 教师职业道德的核心是忠诚于人民的教育事业。把教育工作当成谋生手段的教师是平庸的教师; 兢兢业业工作、具有强烈职业精神的教师是值得人们尊敬的教师; 把教育工作当成自己的事业、全身心投入、精益求精、不断创造、与学生共同发展的教师是伟大的教师。 在对待学生方面,教师的职业素质体现在: 一是热爱关心学生。关心他们的生活,关心他们的思想,关心他们的学业,关心他们的个性发展。 二是理解尊重学生。教师要全面认识自己的学生,要掌握他们的家庭情况、个性特征、兴趣爱好;关注他们的思想、情感变化、人际交往;了解他们对教师的要求、期望;要能角色易位,进入学生的心灵深处。 六、个性素质——当有风度的教师 好教师应多才多艺,善于与学生交往,表现在个人品行上就是要有优雅的风度。 风度是一个人各种心理素质和修养的外在表现,能够反映出一个人的道德品格、思想情感、性格气质、学识教养等内在修养。 教师的风度直接决定着教师在学生心目中的形象,它主要包括几个方面。 一是仪表。教师不仅要衣着整洁、得体,符合教师的身份,更要注意气质和仪态,使自己优良的内在品格自然流露。 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 二是神态。神态是沟通人际间思想感情的非语言手段,是风度的具体 表现方式。精力充沛、富有自信,会带动学生活力十足;微带笑容、温文 尔雅,能令学生心理得到放松。 三是谈吐。无论是上课,还是即兴演讲、个别辅导,教师的言语要高 雅,具有美感,富有智慧,唯有如此,才能够吸引学生向教师靠拢,形成 向心力。 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once
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