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雅思考试的一些题目雅思考试的一些题目 电影类的考题几乎每次都出,同学们都见怪不怪了,考官对于大量雷同的回答方式也烦, 所以想考高分的同学,一定要有自己的风格回答,吴老师给你们参考答案是拓展你们的思 路,更重要的是表达自如,感觉不像背诵。加油吧同学们,更多的学习方法可以参考官方 博客和校内网: l Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema? Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You k...

雅思考试的一些 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目 电影类的考题几乎每次都出,同学们都见怪不怪了,考官对于大量雷同的回答方式也烦, 所以想考高分的同学,一定要有自己的风格回答,吴老师给你们参考 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 是拓展你们的思 路,更重要的是 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达自如,感觉不像背诵。加油吧同学们,更多的学习方法可以参考官方 博客和校内网: l Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema? Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You know, I?m always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing. l Why do you like to watch films? Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie . l Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home? I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely. You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror. So you can understand the story and the roles? emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films. l What kind of films do you like? I love fancy film the most. They are full of magic, imagination and creativity. I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful. My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies. I admire J.K.Rowling, the producer of it; I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head! l Who is your favorite movie star? My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood. She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world. She?s good at martial arts. She?s not very beautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful. I think she?s the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world. l What?s the difference between American films and Chinese films? I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom. You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently. But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits. 这是4月的题库,4月底和5月初的全国各地的考生要注意了,三部分都会从里面出,部 分参考答案和思路可以参照以前我发过的文章,一定要练习好啊,对着镜子练习发音和表 达,我正在各地讲课,除了主要雅思之外,现还教托福和口译,现身还在外地,过几天回 北京上课,我的老朋友和同学们,加油啊。只要知识才可以改变命运,努力。 Part 1 Personal information: What?s your full name? Where are you from? Which part of the country are you from? When do you usually get up? What?s your favorite time of day? Do you prefer to stay alone or stay with your friends? Hometown & Accommodation: Do you live in a house or a flat? Why do you want to live here? How long have you been living here? Where?s your hometown? Describe the place you live in. What do you feel about the place you live in? What?s your hometown like? Media: How do you usually get news? What kind of news are you interested in? Are you interested in the news on the elderly? Why? Do you like the Internet? Do people like swimming? Do you think swimming is good? Where do people go for swimming? When did you first use the Internet? Who use the Internet most in your country? What do you think of the Internet? How does the Internet affect your life? Do you like writing letters? Do you prefer to write a letter or make a phone call? Sports: Do you have sports? Does you community have any sports equipment? What sport do you do? What sport are you going to learn in the future? Are there any good sports facilities in your community? What sport do you want to do in the future? Study: Are you working or studying? What major are you going to choose? What?s your major? What are you studying? What do you learn in school? Do you like your major? Do you think your major course is easy to learn? What subject do you learn? Why do you want to learn this subject? How does the education system change in China? What do you want to be in the future? Why do you study English? How does your teacher teach English? What teaching style do you like? Do you prefer group learning or individual learning? How do you study English? Where do you usually study English? With whom? Do the young and the elderly learn English in different ways? What are the differences? Work: Do you think your job is easy to do? Why? What?s your job responsibility? Vacation: Do you like traveling? What?s the most interesting journey? Which country do you want to visit? When did you have your vacation last time? Society & Culture: Have you received any gift? When do people give gifts in your country? When will you give gifts? Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift? Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody? Do most people ride bicycles? Did you learn to ride a bike when you were young? Are there any benefits of bicycle riding? Why so many people ride bicycles in your country? Do you think bike riding is safe? What are the differences between being a child and being an adult? Leisure activities: When did you go shopping last time? Do you like going to a party? What do you dislike most about a party? Do you like shopping? What do you dislike most about shopping? When do you usually go shopping? Do you prefer small shops or shopping malls? Why? Food & Cooking: What?s your favorite dish? Who is the best cook among the people around you? Who cooks in your family? Do you cook? Is it necessary for everyone to learn to cook? Why? 前两天的考试中出现了这个旧考题,虽然普通,但同 学们分数不高。当我们要描述家庭成员的时候,不要 太在意外表和特点,最重要的是他们所对你的影响 (一句话,一件事,一个道理等等),要体现出爱, 同学们要多关心家人啊。 A home being so called home is a place full of members of family and the love ones. My father is a tall man with hard, handsome features, though he looks like a local, a regular guy. Working for a factory as a technical backup, he is a very serious, responsible and well-respected staff member, He used to tell me, “Son, no matter how small the work at your hand may look, it might be an important link to the whole chain, so be faithful. Only when you learn to be faithful in small things will you become faithful in big things." My mother, on the other hand, is a typical housewife who spends most of her time at home, cooking or trying to make everything in house spic and span. What’s more, she has also taught me many things, one of which is how to manage my personal life with passion and emotion. My parents are not celebrities or rich people, but they are great people with valuable life lessons to share. So I love them very much and always enjoy talking about them. 21. an advice you received What is more acceptable , your friend?s advice or your parents?? What advice you will give to your friends? Do you think teachers should give students personal advice or just academic advice? Have you ever received advice from a trained person? What personal qualities do you think these professional advice givers should have? 22. Occasion when you were late Do you think it's important to be punctual? How do you feel when others are late, keeping you waiting? What are some examples of occasions when punctuality is especially important? Do you think that ideas about being 'on time' are the same in the West and in China? Do you think modern technology has given us more time than before? 23. Project or homework assignment Do you think students in China have too much homework? (Why do you say that?) Do you think homework is important (or, necessary)? (Why?/Why not?) What modern technology is used in classrooms in China today? Do you think it's important (or, necessary) for children to go to school to be educated or is it possible for a child to be educated at home, without attending a school? 24. a place for shopping Why do some people like shopping and others not like it? Compare big shops such as supermarkets & department stores with small shops. Do you think the increase in the number of big supermarkets and department stores will cause the eventual disappearance of the small, family-owned shops? What do you think of buying things on the internet? How has advertising influenced the way you do your shopping? What do you think is the most effective form of advertising? 25. Teenager What's the difference between children and teenagers? How is the life of teenagers (or children) today different to what it was 20 or 30 years ago? Would you say life for teenagers today is better than it was several decades ago? What do teenagers think about old(er) people? What do you think about the so-called 'generation gap'? 26. a family you are familiar with (not your own) What do you think are some of the advantages and some of the disadvantages of big and of small families? In Chinese families, who usually makes the major decisions? Do you think it is good for grandparents to help bring up their grandchildren? In your opinion, what are (some of ) the attributes (= the qualities) of 'a good parent'? Do you think parents today should spend more time with their children than they do at the moment? In their free time, do families in China go out much together? 27. Film what kind of movies do Chinese people like ? what are the criterior of a good movie? What are some of the benefits from watching foreign films? Do you think (watching) films have (has) any educational benefits? Are people attracted (or influenced) by advertisements (or previews) for new films? What are the differences between documentary films and films purely for entertainment? 28. Magazine what is more popular, newpaper or magazine? What are the main differences between news magazines and newspapers? Some people say we can't believe everything we read in newspapers and news magazines. What do you think? What do people in China prefer to read, magazines or newspapers? 29. Interesting animal What animals are most common where you live (or, in your country)? Compare the usage of animals nowadays and in the past? Do you think there are more problems of feeding on animals in rural area than in the urban? What are the main obstable of raising animals in city? Do people in China still use animals for work? Do people today treat animals the same as they used to do, several decades ago? Do you think it's suitable to keep pets in the city or is it more suitable to have a pet only if you live in the countryside? 30. an electrical appliance that is useful to you Have (the item you chose to talk about) changed much over the years? What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in daily life? Do you think we can now live without electrical appliances? What's your opinion of this? Is that a good situation? Do you think science and technology will one day completely eliminate traditional technology and equipment? Do you think people rely too much on machines nowadays? What are the advantages that we get from using modern home and office equipment? What do you think is the most useful thing that man has ever invented? 31. Garden What is the function of public garden? Should the government pay more money on it ? What will people do in the garden? should we plant more vegetable or flowers at the garden? Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit? Do you think gardens have any value for children? 32. an enjoyable event What are the relationships between age and happiness? Nowadays , people are not happy as they used to be , why? Are the things (or, the events) that make people happy today the same as several decades ago? Do you think money makes people happy? Do you think people mostly remember sad events or happy events? (Why?) Do you think there is any relationship between government and the happiness of the citizens? 33. a visitor to you home When you travel to another city, do you prefer to stay in a hotel or with friends? (Why?) In China, when people visit other people in their homes, do they usually bring a gift? Are people in your country very hospitable to guests? What kinds of things do foreigners need to pay attention to when they travel in your country? If you were visiting another country, what do you think would be the biggest problem(s) you would have? 34. A book you recently read Should children read more books or watch more TVs? What kind of books do children like reading? What are the benefits of reading for children? How should parents encourage children to read more books? Do you think people's reading habits have changed at all in the past few decades? 35. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child Do children prefer to spend time with other children or with adults? What are the differences of activities played now and in the past? Do you think it's necessary for children to have after-school activities (= extra-curricular activities)? Is the physical excersice good for students? mental health? Should the government organize more leisure activities for people? What is difference of the adult?s game and children?s ? What's your opinion about the entertainment choices that children today have? 36. A photo Why do people take photos? What is the function of the photo in newspaper? What is the effect of photo on our life in the future? How has modern science and technology changed photography? Do many Chinese people visit photograph exhibitions? 37. A good law in China How do people in your country feel about the police? Which job would most people prefer - to be a policeman/woman or a lawyer? (Why?) What do you think is the importance of having a system of laws? How successful do you think the laws are in your country? (successful in achieving the aim of the laws) 38. Some interesting news Do people in China like reading the newspaper (= newspapers)? Do people in China prefer to read about local news, national news or international news? Do many people get their news from the internet? How are modern news media and the old forms of news media different? (Compare them) Would you say the quality of news reporting is the same on TV, in newspapers and on the internet? (Compare them) How do you think the future will develop - do you think people will more and more use the internet for getting their news or will they continue to read newspapers? (Compare them) How do you think a newspaper could increase its readership? What personal qualities (and skills) do you think a journalist needs to have? How do you think journalist (or, reporters) can (or do) influence people? 39. A gift you gave to another person On what occasions do people give gifts to others? When (at what times of the year) do children receive presents in China? What kinds of gifts do children in China usually get? Do you think toys have any educational value? 40. A tourist attraction How many kinds of tour in China? what is your favorite? what can be brought about by tour? Would you like to live or study at a popular tourist destination? What are the good and bad effects of tourism for a country? Do you think it is necessary to take steps to protect tourist sites from being damaged by tourists? 41. A person you helped should we help our neighours? do you think nowadays people are not more likely to help others than they used to be? how should parents teach their children to help people? Are there any non-government organizations in China that help people? What kind of people need help in China? Do you think the government should help these people? 42. An organisation What would you prefer to work in, a big organization or a small one? Do you think the size of an organization can give that organization any advantages? 43. A show/performance you watched what are the benefits of watching performance and art activity? What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to dance? Are traditional art forms performed very much in China? (Give examples) 44. Something that you don't know but would like to learn. What practical skills do children learn at school in China? Do you think children should learn some practical skills at school? Do you think it?s useful for old people to attend classes to further their education? 以下的红色字体是第二部分在今年第一季度全国范围里各考点出 现频率最高的普通话题(新话题除外),相对应的黑体字就是第三部 分的问题,请同学们把这些话题用自己的话通过镜子学习法 和 TSE 方法来练习。 Someone you would like to spend time with 1. What kind of people do you like to be friends with? What kind of people don't you like to be with? Compare the things you do with your family with the things you do with your friends. Do you think people can make real friendships on the internet? Compare the friendships that people have at work with the friendships people have at school. 2. An old person Who do old people today live longer than in the past? what are the good advantages of being a eldly? What are the jobs that suitable for the old but not for the young? 3. a place where you have worked or studies before? What facilities do you think a good school should have? In general, what do you think are the factors that influence a person's working (or studying) conditions? Do you prefer to study at school or at home? In the future, what changes do you think we will see in schools? Do you think being a housewife should be considered to be 'work'? 4. a place where has a lot of pollution What are the different kinds of environmental problems that exist right now? What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China? Do you think it is the government's responsibility to solve environmental problems or is it the the responsibility of each individual? What do you think China's environment will be like in the future (e.g., 20 or 50 years in the future)? Do young people & older people have the same attitudes towards waste disposal? Do you think that advertising leads to the production of more garbage in society? 5. an important letter that you received. Do you often write letters to your family and relatives? Do people today write letters by hand as much as they used to do many years ago? What is the value of reading letters that famous people in history have written? Is the handwriting of children today as good as it was many years ago? 6. TV program what kind of TV program are popular with adults? what kind of TV program are popular with children? How do (or can) TV programs influence children? Do you think parents should supervise what their children watch on TV? Compare the TV program nowadays and in the past? How has television affected (or, changed) society? 7. A place with a lot of water Why people like going to place with water what kind of activities are available there? water pollution...what should the government do...? Do you think it's important to try to save (conserve) water? Do you think people use more water today than they did before? What are the reasons for water shortages in (parts of ) China? 8. Family event Do you think (most) people spend too much on weddings? Compare modern weddings in China with traditional Chinese weddings (i.e., weddings many years ago). Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West Can you think of any other important family events in China, besides weddings? Do you think strong families are important for society? 9. A city you visited What kind of people do you think would like to live in big cities , Do you prefer living in a city or a small town? Why are people migrating from the rural to the urban areas of China? What's the advantage for a family to live in a big city? What are some of the (serious) problems associated with living in big cities? 10. Second foreign language you want to learn Do many people in China study a second foreign language? Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language? Who do you think is better at learning a language, boys or girls? Do you think it's important (or, a good idea) to have one main world language? (= 'a universal language') What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a global language? Do you think it's possible to learn a foreign culture without learning the language? 11. Website What are th pros and cons of using Internet? Do old people access (= go onto = use) the internet very much? Do you think it is useful to encourage old people to use the internet? What are purpose of various kinds of people in using Internet? Is the internet used much in schools or colleges/universities? Do you think it is good to download the movies and songs from Internet,why? What is your idea of On line shopping? 12. handicraft you made Compare handmade and machine-made products How to pretect the traditional handicraft? What are the benefits of children learning how to make something by hand? What is the value of encouraging the development of creativity in children? 13. A recent change in your life Do you think experiencing change is good for children? How can people make changes to (improvements to) their everyday lives? 14. A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child In China, what sports are most popular with young children? Do you think boys and girls should play the same sports? (Why?/Why not?) What benefits do children (or, young people) derive from playing sport? Do you think competitive sport is beneficial for children (or, young people)? In what ways do you think the Olympic Games will effect (change) China? What effect do you think the Olympic Games will have on China's international relations? 15. Cafe or restaurant what is your definition of healthy food? why do people need to lose weight? Should we eat the fast food like Madonale?s ? What do the effects of western restaurant on domestic cultures? What are some of the factors that make a restaurant a good one? 18. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked. During their holiday time, do most people in China prefer to stay at home and relax or do they prefer to travel? Why do people enjoy traveling? What (kinds of) places do people in China prefer to travel to, as tourists? Do you think your hometown is attractive to tourists? 19. a person who is good at his/her job Do you thinks schools and universities have a responsibility to prepare students for work? In high school in China, are there many opportunities for you to gain practical work experience? What about in university? What is the usual retirement age for people in China? If someone who is older than the retirement age wants to and is able to continue working, is he or she allowed to do that? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring young people and of hiring older people for work? 2O. A school friend Do you think friends are important? Do you think it's easier to make friends today than it used to be? Why do some people choose to make friends on the internet? What are the qualities of a good friend? 只要讲到电器的时候,同学们一般都会讲电视,电脑和手机什么的,其实我们可以讲一些 更加特别的东西,据我了解到10个老外中,有7 个以上拥有IPOD,特别黑人和女人都超 级迷恋她,同学们可以参考下 我给的答案加以改良,吴慧冬老师在西安祝你们成 功。 Describe a useful piece of equipment You should say: What kind of equipment What it looks like/what functions it has Where , when you got it/who gave it to you And explain how it can be used to improve the quality of your life. A. Well, I would love to talk about my little girlfriend’s iPod, a trendy mp3 player, which I would always take along with me wherever I go. Though it is an mp3 player I seldom use it to listen to music , but to something called a Podcast, which basically it is a kind of “radio” program broadcasting on the web. There are so many different programs, about culture, news, politics and even language learning. I am particularly fascinated by the free educational resources it provides. Now I have French, German and Japanese learning programs on my iPod ( Given me some time, I am pretty sure I can speak some French, German or Japanese or at least some daily phrases. In a word, iPod is special to me not only because it can accompany me wherever I go just like my girlfriend, but also because it is a new technology that I have greatly benefited in language learning ( 4.READING Do you like reading? Yes. I like reading very much. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I believe that all of us should read a lot. For example, when you read you acquire new knowledge, which in turn will broaden your views on important matters. In addition I also like reading „Crazy English?. The topics are interesting and short, and the translations ensure that I don?t waste time looking up unfamiliar words. What kinds of books do you like best? I like cartoons. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I believe cartoons are a special form of art. For example, the Japanese cartoons that are common in China, have excellent illustrations. What kinds of books do you like best? I like novels. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I like to read a storyline that is full of intrigue and suspense. For example, many love stories have characters who are involved in all sorts of conflicts amongst them. The most common one known all over the world since ancient times is the so-called „love triangle?. Describe a book that you have read recently. I have read a book about the life of Michael Jordan. I am sorry, but I have forgotten the name of the book. I also like to read Japanese cartoons. Describe a book that you have read recently. I have recently read a book about the history of South Africa. It is called „ The Covenant?, and was written by a famous American author called James Mitchener. It describes the history from the very first days, up to the present. It covers all aspects of the country, but focuses on the people of the country. Do you often read the newspapers? No. Allow me to explain the reasons by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I use the Internet these days if I want to know what?s happening in China and the world. For example, websites like CNN contain all the latest news on world events. Secondly, I like to read about stories in depth, and this I cannot find in newspapers. For example, I often would like to know the history behind a story. On the Internet I can do some research right away, and so gain a broader perspective on the subject at hand. 5 SHOPPING Do you like shopping? Yes, I love shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I usually buy clothes for myself. I like to go to the shops and see what they have to offer. I browse around and compare the prices before a buy something. Secondly, I do the shopping of all our household needs. I love to find out about any new products on the market and how they can possibly make my life easier. 6 MOVIES Do you often go to the cinema? Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies. We have a great time, like for example when our favorite star is playing a lead role in the movie. Do you often go to the cinema? Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I believe that films are a wonderful form of art. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, in films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and science fiction. For example, recently I have seen the drama „Titanic?, which has been described as the most expensive film ever made. The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding. Another example would be the thriller with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins in the lead role called „Silence of the lambs?. It had me on the edge of my seat for most of the time. Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her. My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng. He is handsome, and very funny. He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in. The U.S. President Clinton went to watch one of his movies with him. 7 MUSIC Do you think music is important? Yes, I like music very much. That is to say, I cannot imagine what my life would be like without music. Firstly, I believe music plays an important part in people?s lives. For example, we can use it to sooth our minds after a hard day at work, or it can provide us with the rhythm to dance to. What kind of music do you enjoy most? I like pop music very much. Allow me to explain. First of all, pop music is lively, and suits me at my age. What I mean to say is that us youngsters like to listen to music that fits in with the way we feel Secondly, usually has a good rhythm. For instance, it is suitable for us to dance on. Lastly, pop music is simple to understand. That is to say, I like it because it is not difficult to understand, and it helps me to relax after I have been studying hard for some time. How long do you listen to music everyday? Oh, let me think a bit. I guess I listen to music for about half an hour every day. I would, for example, listen when I get home from school, or in the evenings before I go to bed. On weekends, however, I listen to music much more. For example, I would invite my best friend over to my place, and we would listen to our favorite CD?s for a few hours at a time. 8 TRAVELLING Do you like traveling? Yes, I like traveling. Firstly, I believe that traveling is always educational. What I mean to say is that the people that you meet along the way are usually interesting. Secondly, I wish I were able to travel more. For example, I have not traveled to a foreign country yet. How do you usually travel? In China I like to travel by train. Allow me to explain. Firstly, when I travel by train I am able to see more of China. In addition, the trains in China are convenient and comfortable. For example, I can travel to any city, and I am able to sleep on the train. Lastly, traveling on a train is a social event as well. For example, one can chat to the other passengers about where they are going, and why they are traveling. Where have you traveled to lately? I traveled to Dalian last month. My parents and I traveled there by train. We went to see my grandmother who has been ill lately. I enjoyed the trip as I have not been to Dalian before. We did not have the opportunity to sleep on the train, as it takes only six hours to get there. What kind of places do you like to visit? I like to visit places where there is a lot of entertainment. For example, I don?t like it when we go and visit my grandparents in the country. They live on a farm and don?t even have a computer for me to play on. I like to visit the cities where there are movies to watch and nightclubs to visit. 9.WEEKEND What do you usually do on weekdays and on weekends? On weekdays I go to school. On weekends I like to go out with my friends. For example, we will go and visit new shopping malls in the city. Then we would browse around all the shops. Sometimes we will sit in a restaurant and have something to drink while we watch the crowds of people go by. What do you usually do on weekdays and on weekends? On weekdays I go to school. On weekends I like to stay at home. I can easily spend a weekend watching TV and just relaxing. For example, I like the soap operas like „Meteor Garden? and so on. I know the different characters well by now, some whom I love, and some whom I hate. I realize that some of the plots are silly and overdramatic, but it is good relaxing entertainment, as one does not have to think very hard to follow the stories. 这些话题是这几次考试中在全国范围内出现频率较多的第一部分,希望同学们好好准备, 把下面的话题用自己的话加以改良,脱口而出。成功其实很简单,那就是简单的事情重复 做。吴慧冬老师在校内祝福你们。第一部分重点话题:hobbies, birthday , swimming,bicycles, reading, cooking, handwriting, party, sport, plan, news, music,friend, weekend, shopping 1: Hobby What do you usually do in your spare time? As a matter of fact, I have very little spare time these days. My studies are so important to me that I have given up all my other activities. For example, I used to love playing tennis, but these days I simply do not have the time. In addition, I used to swim often, as I believe it kept me fit without the danger of being injured. What are your spare time interests? Well, these days, I surf on the Internet in my spare time. I have just bought my first computer, and love to look for exciting web sites that I have not known before. It is of course very time consuming, so I don?t rally have time for anything else. I have to mention that it is an educational activity. For example, by means of web cams (video images from cameras set up at certain places) I am able to watch what wild animals are doing in many parts of the world. I particularly like to watch the polar bears playing with their cubs. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program? Yes, I often watch TV. My favorite program is called „Discovery?. As to why it is my favorite, I would like to mention the following. Firstly, it is not science fiction but a documentary on real life events and happenings. For example, it had a program on the latest eclipse of the sun that occurred at the end of the year. Secondly, it often has items about nature. For example, last week it explained how some birds have adapted to survive in a desert. Do you think watching TV is a waste of time? No, I do not think watching TV is a waste of time. Firstly, one can learn a lot from watching TV, and secondly, it is a good way to relax. For example, the soap operas help me to relax, while the documentaries are informative. Lastly, I believe that TV has become the best source of information these days. For example, it is a fast and convenient way to find out about the latest news from all over the world. 2.FRIENDS What does friendship mean to you? One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that friendship is very important to me. For example, I believe that friendship should be the basis for many of our relationships. Husbands and wives, for example, should be friends. In addition, I need friends to help me when I am in trouble. I know this sound selfish, but I feel that it is one of the reasons why I have friends, and they would not mind me saying so. On the other hand, my friends know that I will always be available should any one of them get into some trouble. Do you have a lot of friends? Yes, I have a lot of friends. Some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work, but I also have some best friends. For example, I have some friends who I have known for many years. I will do anything to help them when they need me, and I know they would do the same for me. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? I prefer to be alone. Please allow me to explain. I like reading, which takes a lot of my time. Reading to me is a way of studying, so I have to do it alone. I often have to check the meaning of unfamiliar words in my dictionary, which is a slow process taking a lot of time. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? I prefer to be with my friends. Please allow me to explain. At work I spend most of my time alone in my office. So after work I like the company of other people. I often invite some of my friends over, and we listen to our favorite music, or just chat the whole evening. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? Sometimes I prefer to be alone. For example, after a hard day at work I just want to relax without anybody disturbing me. Those are the times that I might meditate on the meaning of life for example, or just savour some fond memories. On the other hand, sometimes I want to be with my friends. For example, over weekends, I like to go out with them and enjoy their stimulating company. What do you usually do with your friends? Firstly, we often visit the nearest net bar for a number of reasons. For example, to play computer games or to surf the net. Sometimes we chat to young people abroad. We often spend hours there at a time. Secondly, we like to play basketball. For example, we would challenge another group to play against us. What do you usually do with your friends? We usually go to the movies. My friends and I like cartoons very much, so we will look in the newspaper where a new cartoon is being showed and go and watch it. In addition, we like to watch a good action movie from time to time. We find the spectacular crashes and explosions very exiting. These movies are from Hong Kong or Hollywood, and have famous actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise playing in them. 3 News What are the different ways people get news? Newspapers, TV, Radio and magazines are the most important channels through which we get the news.Nowadays, Internet offers us a much easier access to the information. Sometimes our friends like to talk about daily events, which provides another way for us to get news. What types of news do you like? I prefer TV news to the radio news. I can get a better understanding of the news on TV because I can see the vivid pictures and images. In addition, I feel more convinced of the news through watching some TV interviews. Also, I like international news because I like to keep up-to-date about what's going on in the world in case I'm going on vacation, or need to do business abroad. I also like it because it teaches me about other cultures and that way learn a lot about human psychology. Do you think children like the news? No I don't think they are interested because it is soo depressing and kids look for humour in TV also they would be too young to understand what was going on. Are old people and young people interested in the same (kinds of) news? It really depends on the individual and not their age. For example: I know young people who are veryinterested in global events and some elderly interested in celebrity watching, and vice-versa. It is individual preference. How does the news affect people? News influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One sided news or journalism isn't news but propaganda in my opinion. It's like the good old saying LeLe always mentioned: Some people would rather believe the lies of Satan than the truth of God. TODAY THERE IS IELTS EXAM. FOR THOSE MY FELLOW STUDENTS AND FRIENDS WHO WANT TO SCORE HIGH IN YOUR ORAL TEST, PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING STEPS . TO do : 1.Talk to the examiner – you?ll feel more involved in the conversation. 2.Listen carefully to the questions you?re asked so that your answers are relevant. 3.Answer the questions you?re asked with some detail so that your answers are long enough. 4.Practise speaking for 2 minutes for the long turn in Part 2. 5.Use the preparation time in Part 2 to think about what is written on the card. 6.Use the instructions and prompts on the card in Part 2 to help you to organise your long turn. 7.Practise ways of delaying answers to give yourself time to think in Part 3. 8.Explain your opinions and give examples to support them. Not to do : 1. Don't learn answers by heart. 2. Don't give very short answers except when the examiner interrupts you at the end of the 2 minutes in Part 2. At this point the examiner needs to move on to Part 3 of the test and only expects a short answer to his/her questions. 3.Don't talk about something different from what?s on the card in Part 2. 4.Don?t worry if the examiner stops you in Part 2. It means you have spoken enough, and s/he has to keep to the timing of the test. 5.Don?t worry if you can?t think of a word, try to paraphrase and get round it. 6.Don?t write on the task card. 7.Don?t worry if you realise you?ve made a mistake. It?s OK to correct yourself. If you can't correct yourself, forget it and carry on. 8.Don?t ask the examiner if what you say is correct. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL. (必要作文思路) 第1段: Ambition is the decision one who makes resolution and carries out into action. It is a burning desire to achieve any tasks and mission in our life. Shakespeare put it, “one who has no ambition that means one who has no soul.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to accomplish our goals, then our life becomes meaningful, which almost have a bearing on all aspects of life. • 1,主题定义。2,延伸主题(解释)3,引用名人名言(自编)4,对名人名言的态度 (赞成还是反对)5,主题的影响(国家,社会,个人等方面) • 第2段: • First aspect, ambition offers us a sense of mission (观点一和例证一) • In the second place, ambition can bring one?s potentials to the full play.(观点二和例证二 ) • Last but not the least,(观点三和例证三) 对比观点(好与坏) 第3段: • To sum up 1)自己的独特看法 • 2)主题的意义 • 3)问题的存在和解决方法 阅读技巧: 同学们认为阅读都是非常难的有,及格的也很少,全国平均通过率在60%左右,师范和语言院校可能会高点。上一年我受到首都师范大学的英语系主任刘晓红老师的邀请,给全外国语学院的同学讲专八的阅读和作文终极做题技巧和压题,最后师大全院的通过率提升了10.5%,40分的阅读平均能达到28分以上(也就是及格线),下面的阅读方法请同学们记牢,并反复运用. 阅读方法 1) 首句尾句法(经我多年研究,阅读中的每一段的第一句和最后一句加起来就是后面5个问题的60%的答案所在地,把每一个名词和动词用铅笔划出来) 2) 作者态度题和单词互换题。(作者态度一般都是中立和积极向上的,单词互换一定要选择最简单的,因为给出的单词就是文中很难的词) 3) 阶梯和长短选题法(这个要面授才可以懂得如何运用)这个概率是50%以上,07年的阅读20题里中了11道.不用看题也可以知道答案从哪出,但同学们的专四成绩一定要在65分以上,因为专四在60到65分之间的一般都是不及格的分,如果要通过专八,要很努力.这些同学一定要把5年的阅读全部用自己的话背下来的同时,写下来,边听边写. 4) 关键题回归法,每个问题都会有一个名词,把这个名回到回文中找(注意,找的时候一定要找它的同义词和相近词),它所在的句子一般就是答案。 5) 有时间的话通读全文,检查答案。 必考人文知识: 1. A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens. 2. Phonology: The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation. 音位学; 在语言或一门语言中,对有关其分类和模式以及为大家所默认的发音规则的研究音韵学, 音系学 3. Syntax: The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences. 句法,研究词或其它句子成分如何联合起来形成合乎语法的句子规则的学科 4. Semantics: The study or science of meaning in language forms.语义学,以语言形式表示 意思的研究或科学 5. acronym : 首字母组合词,首字母缩略词,比如,NATO, UNESCO, BASIC,它们可以连 拼,但VOA是Initialism。 6. Metonymy: A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power. 换喻或转喻,一种,一个词或词组被另一个与 之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿代替美==或用剑代替军事力量,对 面来了三个“红领巾”也是,以红领巾指代少先队员。 7. Simile: A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or as, as in How like the winter hath my absence been or So are you to my thoughts as food to life (Shakespeare).明喻, 一种修辞手法,把两种基本不相像的 东西进行比较,通常在由 like或 as引导的短语中,如 “我的离开好象是冬天来临”或“你对 我的思想就象食物对于生命一样重要”(莎士比亚) 8. Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in a sea of troubles or All the world's a stage(Shakespeare) 隐喻一种语言表达手法,通常用指某物的词 或词组来指代他物,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处,如 “忧愁之海”或“整个世界一台戏”(莎 士比亚) the ship of desert 沙漠之舟 9. Oxymoron: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist. 矛盾修饰法, 一种把互相矛盾 或不调和的词合在一起的修辞手法,如在 震耳欲聋的沉默和悲伤的乐观 cruel kindness 10. The affection name given to the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster is Big Ben. 11. John Milton the poet wrote of Adam and Eve?s expulsion from the Garden of Eden in Paradise Lost. Paradise Regained was also written by him. 12. Sonnet: A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes. 十四行诗体, 一种由十四行组成的诗歌形式,通常有一种传统的押韵形式, 莎士比 亚用过此诗体。 13. Slang: A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech, made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness, humor, irreverence, or other effect. 俚语主要出现在非正 式的、游戏性的话语中的一种语言,基本由存在时间很短的派生词和修辞构成,它们被故 意地用来取代 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的词语以达到生动、幽默、无礼或其它效果 14. Catch Phrase: A phrase in wide or popular use, especially one serving as a slogan for a group or movement.警句,妙句,吸引人的词句广泛使用的或流行的用语,尤指用作集团或 运动的口号的用语。 15. Jargon: The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group. 行 话, 一个行业、职业或类似的团体中使用的专业的或技术的语言. terminology 16. Platitude: A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original or significant. 陈腔滥调, 陈腐的或平庸的评论或陈述,尤指某人表述它时好象它是 新颖的或有意义的 17. Hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton. 夸张法,一种比喻,使用夸张来强调或 产生某种效果,比如在我能睡一年或这书有一吨重 18. onomatopoeia: The formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. 象声词, 词的构成或用法,例 如 buzz或 nurmur模仿事物或行动的声音. 19. hypotaxis: 从属关系 20. parataxis: 并列结构,指 短语或分句间不用连词, 如:I came, I saw, I conquered. 21. Transcendentalism: A literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition. 超验主义, 一种文 学和哲学运动,与拉尔夫•沃尔多•爱默生和玛格丽特•富勒有关,宣称存在一种理想的精神 实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握 22. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the Scarlet Letter. 美国 23. Morphology: The study of the structure and form of words in language or a language, including inflection, derivation, and the formation of compounds.词法,词态学,形态音位 学, 语言或某一语言中对于单词的结构和形式的研究,包括词尾变化、派生和合成词的构成 24. affricate: A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant辅音 followed by a fricative摩擦; for example, the initial sounds of child and joy. 塞擦音由闭塞音伴随着摩擦 音而形成的复杂的语音;例如child和 joy的第一个音Also called: affricative. 25. Vanity Fair 名利场 was written William Makepeace Thackray 26. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins 尼尔(阿姆斯特朗、埃德温(奥尔德林、迈克尔(柯林斯 27. The title of the national anthem 国歌 of Canada is O Canada. 此种类型题同学们可自己 多找几个国家。 28. Henry David Thoreau?s work, Walden, has always been regarded as a masterpiece of New England Transcendentalism. 29. etymology: the history of a word. 词源学 30. The dominant accent in the United States is General American. 除纽约市、南方、新英格 兰 31. John Lennon is a member of the band of Beatles 披头士或甲壳虫乐队in the 1960s. 32. In Gulliver?s Travels格列佛游记, Jonathan Swift describes the island of the Houyhnhnms as the world?s most perfect society. 有理智和人性的马 Houyhnhnms are horses in fact. 33. Ceoffrey Chaucer wrote Canterbury Tales in fourteenth century. 34. morpheme: A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as -ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. 词 素, 一种含有一个单词的有意义的语言单位,如 -ed在单词 walked中,不能被划分为更小的 有意义单位 35. The name of the famous stadium露天体育场 in the north of London is Wembley. 36. Wimbledon温布尔登[英国英格兰东南部城市](位于伦敦附近, 是著名的国际网球比赛地) 37. Toad in the hole is a Traditional English recipe食谱, originating from Yorkshire, a county in the north of England. 烤面拖牛肉,,面拖烤香肠 38. Boycott: To act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion(强制). 联合抵制, 联合起来拒绝 使用、购买或经销以示抗议、不满或作为强制的手段 39. Segregation: The policy and practice of imposing the social separation of races, as in schools, housing, and industry, especially so as to practice discrimination against people of color in a predominantly white society. 种族隔离, 强制实行种族的社会分离政策及实践,如 在学校、居住和工业中,尤指在白人居多的社会中实行有色人种歧视的政策 40. Apartheid: An official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites. 种族隔离 制, 南非共和国实行的一种官方的种族隔离政策,包括在政治、法律和经济诸方面对非白色 人种的歧视. 41. Integration: The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation. 种族或宗教融合, 在社 会或组织中,使不同的种族或宗教派别的人处于无限制的平等的关系中;取消种族隔离 42. The majority of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec. 43. Sir Thomas More coined the word “Utopia”, it means nowhere land in Greek. 44. The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their indestructible spirit. 45. Phoneme: any one of the set of smallest distinctive speech sounds in a language that distinguish one word from another 音位,音素, 语言中最小的语音单位,如英语里 mat中 的 m和 bat中的 b 46. polysemy: 一词多义 47. patron saint:保护圣徒, 守护神 48. Parentese: 父母语 49. back formation: 逆构词 脱落一词的词缀以构成新词 typewriter ? typewrite 50. allomorph: Any of the variant forms of a morpheme. For example, the phonetic s of cats, z of dogs, and z of horses and the en of oxen are allomorphs of the English plural morpheme. 语素变体, 语素的一种变体形式,如语音学的中之 s在 cats中,z在 dogs中,和 iz 音乐考题一直都是重点,第一部分一般都问你喜欢吗,同学们一定要说喜欢,因为考官觉 得如果一个人不喜欢音乐,就等于这个人没有灵魂。还有问应不应该开设音乐课等等,要 取得高分,同学们要准备好些自己最喜欢的歌曲,作家等与考官分享。如果你对黑人说你 喜欢乡村音乐,他会晕过去。对老人家说你喜欢ROCK,更加不可以。说什么呢,看下面 的参考答案,加以练习。 Music: l Do you like music? Definitely, music is my cup of tea. You know, I?m always busy in studying, so I need to do something to relax, music is the best way I think. I believe music is a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we often go to a Café or a concert to listen to music together. How happy and comfortable it is! l Do you think music is important? Absolutely yes, I think so. Different kinds of music have different impacts on people. Light music can make people relax and comfortable; country music purifies people?s soul; rock & roll inspirits people, pop music is a good choice in karaoke or in a party and so on so forth. I believe the life without music will be dark and monotonous. l What music do you like? Why? Not like many young people, I like listening and singing classical music, because the melody is so elegant and the lyric is always romantic. I?ll be really relax and comfortable when I listen to classical music. My favorite song is l What music do Chinese people like? Well, it?s hard to say. Different people will have different tastes. I guess young people will prefer pop music and hip-hop while old people like classical music and light music. Also there are some people enjoy listening to tradition operas like Beijing operas. l How long do you listen to music every day? Well, it?s hard to say. Every time when I feel tired or annoyed, I will stop to listen to music for a while, until I can concentrate on my studies again. Also, I will listen to my MP3 when I?m walking, sitting on a bus or in subway, trying to get asleep and so on. So I guess the total hours for each day may be three or four. l From when on do schools begin to have music lessons? I remember we had music lessons from grade one in elementary school, yes it?s quite early but reasonable. As I just said, music can purify people?s soul. I believe childhood is the most important period to shape one?s character, so teachers use music as a tool to better educate students and make them grow up to the right direction. l Should there be music lessons at school? Definitely yes, I think so. As I just said, music can purify people?s soul. I believe the age of adolescents is the most important period to shape one?s character, so teachers use music as a tool to better educate students and make them grow up to the right direction. 今天下午在成都刚结束的7月11日的口语考试中考题普遍有难度,成都的考题与华北地区 是非常相近,几乎一样(天津,北京,东北,济南,河北等地方),对于其他地区也有很 大的参考价值。通过我的两位在成都考试的考生回想和蹲点,在这谢谢我的新航道学员 Maggy 和Chen,考题全在我12号预测的范围内出现。第一部分:name , cook, cloth ,internet. 第二部分:a teenager, a place where you can listen to music, a place where has a lot of water, animal.明天,后天考试的同学除了看我的12号预测,也可能重点看以下的考题。 Part one: 2.clothes(what style do you like , how often do you wear, what clothes are popular in China) 7Cook( do you like cooking,Who does the housework? What kind of housework do you often do?) 13Internet or telephone(how often do you use telephone/ internet, which communication way people in your country prefer(telephone or letter) Part two: 4A place where you can listen to music Can you play any musical instrument? Do you think it is good to teach children music? can mucis release your mood? Have you been to any concert? 9Shop: The pros and cons of E-shopping and ordinary shopping? Why are males not likely to go shopping? How often do you go shopping? What is your opinion of bargaining? Is it good for children to go shopping? 11Chinese traditional culture What is your most cherished culture? How can Chinese people consider the traditional culture? Should the old building be replaced by modern one? 12Magazine: What is your favorite magazine or newspaper? The difference between magazine and newspaper? What are the influence on people from the gossip of mass media 14Teenager What are the influences of teenager on society? How do teenagers treat the old people? Compare the teenager now and in the past? 16A place with a lot of water What are the importance and usage of water? Why we use more water now than the past? What hazards of the inequality of water resources? What can be done by the government to improve the situation? Why do people like live near by the water? What can they do there? Why children like swimming? 21Animal What is your favorite animal? What can you learn from animals? Are you the vegetarian? Should we put the animal in the zoo or in nature? Part one: 1.Study or work(where, why choose) 2.clothes(what style do you like , how often do you wear, what clothes are popular in China) 3.Sports (how often, your favorite, why) 4.Reading(how often, what kind) 5school ( where, what do you like most ,your favorite teacher and subject, why?) 6Hometown(changes and specialty) 7Cook( do you like cooking,Who does the housework? What kind of housework do you often do?) 8Shopping( the comparison between the past and present) 9Name( the meaning) 10TV program (what , why , compare the past and present, how to access to English program) 11Traffic: (which transportation do you prefer ?) 12Weather ( what is it like) 13Internet or telephone(how often do you use telephone/ internet, which communication way people in your country prefer(telephone or letter) Part two: Describe the following topics 1Restaurant Part three:(Your idea on fast food or the food cooked at home) 2Website: The pros and cons of Internet? What are the differences for various kinds of people in using internet? How old people learn to use it? 3Project Do you think team spirit is important, how to achieve it? 4City: do you think traveling can be educational? What are the pollutions mainly in China, how to solve it? 5Advice: Do you usually get advice from your family or your friends? Do you always give the advice to the young people? Do you think what kind of personality the people given advice should have? 6Friends: What is your standard for choosing friends? What makes a good friendship? How can you maintain friendship? 7A person who u are similar to Does money really can break up friendship? What are the pressures facing people nowadays? 8A foreign language (besides English): What are the advantages of learning foreign language? What are the difficulties? 9Shop: The pros and cons of E-shopping and ordinary shopping? Why are males not likely to go shopping? How often do you go shopping? What is your opinion of bargaining? Is it good for children to go shopping? 10Family events (birthday, or a family dinner) who is your favorite member in the family, why? Tell me the influence your grandpa had on you? The influence of your grandpa?s advice now and in the past? Who is the leader in your family, why? 11Chinese traditional culture What is your most cherished culture? How can Chinese people consider the traditional culture? Should the old building be replaced by modern one? 12Magazine: What is your favorite magazine or newspaper? The difference between magazine and newspaper? What are the influence on people from the gossip of mass media 13Wedding Compare modern wedding with tradition one in your culture Why it's important, Will it change? What are the differences between the family party now and in the past? 14Teenager What are the influences of teenager on society? How do teenagers treat the old people? Compare the teenager now and in the past? 15Visitor How do you like to treat your guest or friends at your home? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living at friend?s home? What you do prefer to live in , hotel or home ,why? In what way should the service be improved at hotels? 16A place with a lot of water What are the importance and usage of water? Why we use more water now than the past? What hazards of the inequality of water resources? What can be done by the government to improve the situation? Why do people like live near by the water? What can they do there? Why children like swimming? 17 An equipment (besides computer) (the pros and cons of using computer? Are the children allowed to play game or log on the net by parents? 18 Physical activities Do we need sports? Why government advertises people should do more sports? The differences between the sports nowadays and the past? Why modern people are not willing to do sports? 19 a person who work well in his job The relationships between the age and career? Should we forbid the retired age? 20 laws Do you think it is important to set up the law? Do you think laws are all fair? Do people like engaging in this kind or job? Are Chinese people abide by the law? Should we need an international law?12 a place where you can listen to music Can music help release the mood? Do you think we should teacher children to play musical instrument? 21Animal What is your favorite animal? What can you learn from animals? Are you the vegetarian? Should we put the animal in the zoo or in nature? 22Recent changes in your life What kind of job you like to do in the future? Do you like trying new things ? Do you want to work in a big pool or small poor? 23Films Are all films are educational? The difference between Chinese film and western one? What kind of film is popular in china? Is the advisement important to films? 24 Happy events What do you think make family happy? What do you think make older happy Why people happy whenever they are under difficulty 25A place you have ever studied or worked before Is there any place you would most likely to go? What kind of equipment can help study more comfortable? What are the moods of yours while studying? Do you think we should spend more time on work and study? 下面的考题是我给全国考生做的预测,基本上会在里面出,同学们务必全部背完以及通过 对照镜子训练,现在1,3,5的发音标准让许多考生落马。所以大家最好把自己所说的一 切录下来,再纠正自已的发音,力求字正腔圆,记住,说的时候一定要有感情,有动作, 有面部表情等等。祝大家成功。 Name: What is your name? What is the meaning of your name? Is there any special celebration for naming the kid? Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not? Do Chinese people like changing names? Work/study: Are you studying or working? Tell me about your job or major? Do you like it? Why do you want to go abroad? What are the expectations for it? What are the difficulties in learning a foreign language? Do you think your present study is relevant to society? What kind of company are you working in? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your job? What do you want to learn in the future, why, who is going to teach you and the way of teaching? Do you want to work in a big pool or small pool? Do you think there should be an age-limit on job? Is it easy for college student to get jobs? What are the difficulties in getting jobs? Why some eldly people get back to school for education? Teacher Who is your favorite teacher? What do the qualities should a teacher have? Is teacher popular in China? Do you want to be a teacher, why? Internet How often do you use internet? What do you use it for? Does the use of internet prevail in China? The pros and cons of internet? Clothing: What kind of dress do you like? Do you think brand is important? Why role does brand play in society? What is the differences between formal cloth and casual one? Hometown: Where is your hometown? Describe your hometown in details Where are you living now? Do you like your living environment? Is it good or bad for children? Is there anything for improvement? What is the local food in your hometown? What is the season like in your hometown? What is your favorite season? House: What does your house/apartment look like? what can you see from the window at your house? What kind of house do you want to own in the future? Food: What is your favorite food , why? What taste do Chinese people like ? Do you prefer the food at home or at restaurant? The pros and cons of fast food? Teenager What are the differences between the people nowadays and the past? What are the attitudes of youngsters to the eldly? Do people go to the gym, what are the advantages of going there? What sorts of equipments are available? Are people aware of the importance of health? Music What music do you like? Why? What musical instrument can you play? Are there any friends around you playing some instruments, like piano or guitar? What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why? Do you often go to the concert? Shopping Do you like shopping? Who does the shopping in your family? What do you usually shop for? Where do you like to shop? Whom do you like to shop with? Reading Do you love reading? What kind of books you prefer to read, why? What role does reading play in your life? What is your reading habit, extensively or selectively? Sport What sports are popular among Chinese people? Should we teach sports to children? Why? What is the role of sports? Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood? Film Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home? What kind of films do you like? How often do you go to the cinema? What?s the difference between American films and Chinese films? Photography Do you like taking photos? On what kind of situations do you take photos? Why some people hate being taken photo of? Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos? Relax What do you do in your leisure time? What do people do for relaxation in your country? Why do people need relaxation? How can people have more extra-time to relax? Park Is there any park at your house? What role does the park play in people?s life? What kinds of things are planted at the park, trees or flowers? Newspaper Do you love reading newspaper? When did you begin to read newspaper? What?s the difference between Chinese newspapers? Can you compare newspaper, internet or TV? Age Did you have a happy child? What is the most important age in China? Can you compare the stress on people nowadays and in the past? What is the happiest age for you? Art Do you think the art is important to life? When did you begin to learn art? What kind of art are you good at? What kind of art do Chinese people like? Weekend What do people do on weekend? Do you think people should be asked to work on weekends? How do people spend on vacation, do you think it is necessary? Should people work on weekends or overtime be paid two-fold, why? Flowers What flower do you love most? Do Chinese people like to send flowers as gift? What are the meanings of flowers in China? On what occasions do Chinese send flowers to each other? Family Tell me something about your family? How much time can you spend with the members of your family? What do you usually do together? Is there any generation gap in your family? 第二部分 1. A photo 2 A good law in China 3 A gift you gave 4 A person you helped 5 An organization 6 Something you would like to learn 7 Someone you would like to spend time with 8 An old person you respect 9 A place with a lot of Pollution 10. A place with a lot of water 11. Family event (birthday party or wedding) 12. Handicraft you made 13. A recent change in your life 14. A sport (physical activity) you played 15. a person who is good at his/her job 16. Advice 17. Being late 18. Project 19. Shopping centre 20. A person you want to be in the future 21. A place with a lot of water 22. visitor 23 A pet 24 A equipment ( not computer) 25 A magazine 26 A city you have visited 27 Garden 28 Happy event 21号的雅思考试马上要来了,刚结束的14,15,16的考试都在压题的范围中,特别是给大家压的PART TWO的37个考题中,在全国范围内考了18个。无论同学们在北语考还是考试中心还是外地,北方的考题与北京的几乎一样(包括太原,济南,东北,天津等等地方)都一定要把课堂上我讲过的三部分答题 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 :Part one: I+F=开心。Part two的四大模式people, object ,place and experience用TSE方法把下面的全部试一遍,Part three的三大模式:1) Do you prefer A or B? 2) compare A with B 3) the pros and cons of A 等等 北京地区的考生最重点考题:必背 Part one:姓名的来源,重要性,意义,小时候喜不喜欢看外文节目,什么类型,这样的节目有没有教育意义,假期重不重要,在假期或者24小时工作的人应不应该得到双倍工资,应不应该加班,人们是如何过周末或假期的,手机和电脑的重要性,你平时用它们主要做什么, PART TWO:一个有水的地方,一位年青人,一部你喜欢的电影,一位来访者,一个可以听音乐的地方,一份杂志,一个你喜欢的宠物。 下面的考题全国考生参考: 1(A newspaper/magazine you like 为什么喜欢 人们为什么买 杂志和报纸各有什么特点 报纸受欢迎还是杂志受欢迎 为什么老人爱买报纸年轻人爱买杂志 你最喜欢的电视节目小时候常看的电视节目,为什么喜欢 人们都相信报纸的信息是真实的吗,为什么有的人不相信, 2.Teenager part 1: full name English name where is your hometown, the best thing in your hometown, changes in your hometown recently part 2: a teenager you know who is he or she how did you know he or she how is the person part 3 differences between children and young people how do young people think about older people in china Difference between old andl young people 成年和青少年,青少年和小孩的区别 现在小孩和过去小孩生活的不同, 年轻人对老人有什看法 3.你有没有去博物馆或者画廊,在你受到的教育中art是以哪种形式出现啊,你认为在2008北京奥运举行前,北京市民会有些什么准备让那些游客feel comfortable, 4. Law 这个法律好吗, 为什么好, 你认为法律的价值是什么 如果所有国家都用同一法系你认为好不 5. a place with a lot of water 为什么人们愿意在水边呆着, 在水边会有什么样的活动, 是否应节约水源以及其重要性l 过去人们跟现在人们在用水上有什么区别,l 有水的地方人们都会做什么, 为什么让每个人能够接触到水是那么重要 6. Describe a place (study or work) 学校有那些设施需改善, 图书馆有什么设施, 大学生参加什么课外活动, 你认为环境对学习重要吗, 7. Describe a Movie: Part1介绍家乡,然后还有关于shopping的问题 Part2 Film Part3中国人喜欢什么电影啦~~~ 中国人更喜欢国产电影还是外国电影呢, 8.Pollution of city(怎么解决污染) 你去过的旅游景点和景点的污染问题 9. Describe an organization(讲学校,公司都可以) 10. Describe a family:(可以讲这个家庭里的人全是老师,他们对你的影响) family(but not yours)住哪里都有什么人,怎么认识的, 第三部分old generation 带小孩好还是parents亲自带好,对小孩有什么影响,老人现在在家里说话还管不管事, 11.Describe a person who is good at work(同样讲老师) 12.Describe a happy event(老师在你生日送给你一个电脑,把话题联系到老师的人品以及他送给电脑所产生的意义) 13. Describe a physical exercise(如果对方考官是男的,同学们说篮球(团队精神,竞争等),女的话就讲瑜珈),这就是我在课堂讲过的投其所好) 14. A visitor:描述一个visiting。什么人来了,为什么来,这个visiting的意义是什么 描述一下中国传统文化中对来访的概念、态度和做法 为什么对来访者提供吃的喝的东西 有些人不喜欢别人来访,人们要怎么做才能表示对来访者的欢迎 现在的人比起以前是不是更多到访别人 15. EQUIPMENT: PART1: READING的习惯,你小时候花多少时间READING,READ什么书 PART2,描述一个EQUIPMENT,有什么用,什么时候会用,对你有什么影 响(可以讲手机和电视等) PART3,现在的发明是不是越来越SIMPLE,对SKILL的看法,设计 EQUIPMENT的改变 16(迟到的经历 重点: full name live in flat or house what can u see from the window do the people in ur country celebrate birthday do u think it is important for people to celebrate them what will the people do in birthday what about ur last birthday Your hometown subject teacher part2: a photo 中国的家庭都有花园吗, 一般在花园种花还是蔬菜, 在中国警察局是不是很常见, 为什么大部分的人喜欢去当律师而不是警察, 目前警察需要提高什么素质 劳动法 杂志 水资源 电影 描写一个青少年 描写FAMILY WATER 然后拓展到水上运动 INTERESTING ANIMALS 描写一个FAMILY BUT NOT YOUR OWN 媒体 一个你工作或者学习过的地方 一个有水的地方 请别人到你家的场景 你带别人游玩的一次经历 teenager music hometown pollution of city 有一个跟这个差不多的是问怎么解决污染 job 想去的PLACE 喜欢的SPORTS 喜欢NESPAPER还是MAGAZINE 为什么喜欢人们为什么买 respect people 杂志和报纸的比较 描述一个有山有谁的地方 幼儿园的经历 什么样的人喜欢逛街 朋友的重要性 动物园的一次经历 新闻工作者造假 一个让你高兴的地方 意见高兴的事 名人 学习过的地方 乐器 媒体的好处 描述一个pet 旅游过的一个地方 找工作需要年龄限制吗, Describe something you made by yourself. You should say: 1) What it is 2) What procedure it takes to make it 3) How long it takes to make it And explain what it is like. Art makes my life beautiful , and I„d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper cut is a kind of arts. It is very popular in china especially in my hometown. It?s main usage varies a great deal. Some people like it just for personal hobbies, and some are for decorating the house, like me, in some Festivals like Spring Festival and Marriage ceremony. According to Chinese traditions, people like paste the paper-cut with the character “xi” pasted on the door, which means the upcoming happiness. Generally, it won?t take long time to make it. Well. You should prepare the , colorful paper, like red paper and use pen to draw the basic shape of “XI” in Chinese on the paper and the next step is to use scissors to cut the unwanted part. 重点考题变形以及互换 1. A book you have read recently (performance, magazine, TV program, a news website, a film) 3. A photo (a good experience in your life) 4. A good law in China 7. A tourist attraction (a place with a lot of water, a place that is polluted, a city you have visited, a journey you have taken) 8. An old person (a person who is good at his/her job, school friend, teacher, teenager) 9. A place you have worked or studied before(An organization, A recent change in your life ) 11. Something you would like to learn(the foreign language you would like to learn besides English ) 最近一直在全国各地讲课,没有时间更新博客,12月6/7/8日的考试基本上和 29号一样,12月6日肯定会出现新题,3月一轮,法律重点复习,在课堂里我 与大家详细讲过,杂志这也是重点题,媒体题最重要的是对你和社会有什么样 的影响,最近的考试中出现了数次这个题目,同学们要好好准备啊,新航道学 员看公共邮箱的资料复习。 12月6/7/8日全国雅思口语重点考题-----Magazine I have been so fortunate that I am able to read. In my spare time I like reading magazines to get information instead of surfing the net, and my favorite one must always be the “Fortune Life”. You know I am very fascinated by people?s story, namely the biography. And this magazine “Fortune life” covers a lot of stories of celebrities, sport stars , singers, critics, and teachers, etc, who was from humble to noble by struggling and striving in society. It's published bilingually by the Chinese government authorities, Chinese and English. It owns millions of readers around the country. The magazine presents in-depth reports and objective articles.The photography of the celebrity is breathtaking, and the stories are very inspiring, which drive me to study and work harder to become one of those people one day, make my front-page. When I began to read this magazine, I never miss a single issue, for it really enlarges broadens my horizon and gives me inspiration to lead a better life from the stories in it. You will never know how comfortable and relaxed it is with the feeling of touching this magazine, for it brings me serenity in mind. 11月15/16/17日雅思考试口语压题----北京新航道吴慧冬 Part 1:题库(11月第一部分的重点考题和答案请看公共邮箱,有详细的答题思路) Major (favorite subject /teacher in high school/university) /work Hometown Computers Music Newspaper Photos Festivals Animals Weather /season Meals (food and cooking) Spare time/shopping/movies/ Swimming Communication /cell phone/emails/letters Accommodation/house/home Reading Museums/arts/drawing 最重点考题Part2: an old person Clothing for special occasion A special thing you would like to buy in the future/ Something that helps you learn English Advice(an important stage in your life) An interesting story/news An sport event/A recent event that makes you happy An animal A place with water An art Some one you admire the most:(非常重点) Someone you Admire(范文) Today I am going to talk about a great leader in sports; Michael Jordan. He is so famous that he is known by almost every young person in China. I first heard his name when 1 was in high-school. At that time, he led his team and took the throne of the NBA national championship for the fifth time. I admire him not only because he is a great player but also because I've learned a lot from him. First; he is a great team leader, a team person. I've learned from him that to be truly successful in my life, I need to build a strong team, draw on its strength, and lead the whole to a greater height. I can?t be a lone-ranger, and second; Jordan has shown his great charisma as a leader. People, even his opponents, respect him, admire him, That teaches me that I must become a person that people follow me not because of what I do or have done, but because of who I am. 次重点考题,下面的考题按照五个原则来变化,详细参考博客里的TSE用法和如何变形 Part 2: People 1. A school friend/teenager 2. An old person you admire 3. A person who visited your home 4. A famous person/celebrity Object 1. A gift 2. An important letter you wrote/received 3. A dish you often eat Place 1. The place you have worked or studied before 2. Tourist attraction 3. An ideal home or apartment 4.A place where has a lot of water 5.A place where has a lot of pollution 6.A place where you can listen to music Experience 1. An Organization 2. Something you succeeded in doing Media: 1. A film 2. A Good Law 3. A Performance 4. A photo 5. A TV program 6. A Book Today I am going to talk about a great leader in sports; Michael Jordan. He is so famous that he is known by almost every young person in China. I first heard his name when 1 was in high-school. At that time, he led his team and took the throne of the NBA national championship for the fifth time. I admire him not only because he is a great player but also because I've learned a lot from him. First; he is a great team leader, a team person. I've learned from him that to be truly successful in my life, I need to build a strong team, draw on its strength, and lead the whole to a greater height. I can?t be a lone-ranger, and second; Jordan has shown his great charisma as a leader. People, even his opponents, respect him, admire him, That teaches me that I must become a person that people follow me not because of what I do or have done, but because of who I am. 0月25/26/27日北京地区雅思口语必考考题 第一部分必考考题: 喜欢哪类电影节目? 没有什么机会看到英语节目? 你觉得英语节目怎样? 中国电影的发展,科技对电影的影响,教育类的电影有什么作用,广告在电影中的影响? 你喜欢艺术吗?怎样看待它?去过博物馆吗? 学到什么? 家乡的现状,发展的问题,有什么变化? 你喜欢购物吗? 喜欢什么衣服?为什么? 你写过信吗?平信和电邮有什么区别,你更喜欢哪个? 第二部分重点必考考题: 人物: Teenager Visitor 物品: An interesting animal 地点: A place where has a lot of water A place where has a lot of pollution 事件: A sport a letter you wrote or received before 媒体: TV program Magazine Film
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