首页 中国黑色素瘤患者对大剂量干扰素辅助治疗的耐受性观察



中国黑色素瘤患者对大剂量干扰素辅助治疗的耐受性观察 2010Ꭰじ37ࢣじ5᱋ Ё೑咥㡆㋴⯸ᙷ㗙ᇍ໻ࠖ䞣ᑆᡄ㋴䕙ࡽ⊏⭫ⱘ 㗤ফᗻ㾖ᆳ� ਼ ᔎ ϕ ࿙ ᴢ᯹➩ ᕁ⨲⏙ ᓴ ᯳ ໣ 䴦 ᓴᰧᅲ ᦄ㺭 Ⱊ⮰喝㻮ᄋ͙఩Ϧᄥ4ঔ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ IFNű-2b喋⩄ͼ㘩喌᫥ᵴ䒱ߕ⇧⫃ᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐⮰㔼ःᕓȠ᫥∁喝ఊ䶪ᕓܲ᲼ 2007Ꭰ9ᰴ㜟2009Ꭰ5ᰴ౔᱘䮎䃶⇧⮰29ҷ倄࢝ᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐喋AJCCܲ᱋ͦēb嗡Ĕc᱋喌ᗏ㔱喏䛳⩔๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ IFNű-2b 4 ঔ⇧⫃᫥ᵴ喏⃻๕ݮ䛻 喋ͦ2 200嗡3 375Uࢁѹ喌喏⃻ঔ䔊㐙䲅㘵䒿∔5๕喏нᖛ2๕喏ڝ⩔4ঔ喏㻮ᄋ̹㞛ࣹᏀБࣶᬕ...

2010Ꭰじ37ࢣじ5᱋ Ё೑咥㡆㋴⯸ᙷ㗙ᇍ໻ࠖ䞣ᑆᡄ㋴䕙ࡽ⊏⭫ⱘ 㗤ফᗻ㾖ᆳ� ਼ ᔎ ϕ ࿙ ᴢ᯹➩ ᕁ⨲⏙ ᓴ ᯳ ໣ 䴦 ᓴᰧᅲ ᦄ㺭 Ⱊ⮰喝㻮ᄋ͙఩Ϧᄥ4ঔ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ IFNű-2b喋⩄ͼ㘩喌᫥ᵴ䒱ߕ⇧⫃ᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐⮰㔼ःᕓȠ᫥∁喝ఊ䶪ᕓܲ᲼ 2007Ꭰ9ᰴ㜟2009Ꭰ5ᰴ౔᱘䮎䃶⇧⮰29ҷ倄࢝ᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐喋AJCCܲ᱋ͦēb嗡Ĕc᱋喌ᗏ㔱喏䛳⩔๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ IFNű-2b 4 ঔ⇧⫃᫥ᵴ喏⃻๕ݮ䛻 喋ͦ2 200嗡3 375Uࢁѹ喌喏⃻ঔ䔊㐙䲅㘵䒿∔5๕喏нᖛ2๕喏ڝ⩔4ঔ喏㻮ᄋ̹㞛ࣹᏀБࣶᬕ᱋䔇ᆁᗱۡȠ ̹㞛ࣹᏀ䃰჆䛳⩔㒺఩఩ტ⭸⫳ⵀ⾢ᝬ፤⩔⃾ᕓ䃰჆ᴳ۲NCI 2.0❴᱘Ƞ㏿᳈喝ڔ䘔29ҷᗏ㔱ᣑः๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌⇧⫃喏ᗏ㔱᎟౳ ᣑः᎞វ㉌⮰⇧⫃ᑦᏒͦ17.63Uࢁѹ/喋m2kd喌Ƞڔ䘔ᗏ㔱౳ᣑः⃾ᕓࣹᏀ䃰У喏2ҷᗏ㔱᱖Ⴘ᜼4ঔ᎞វ㉌⇧⫃喏ڢ͙1ҷఌᱛऺ ѐएᘴऴ̹㞛ϱ䔇㵸β1ঔ⇧⫃喏㔸ऒ1ҷఌ䛹Ꮢ⫞ߟᬌ∁Ⴘ᜼じ4ঔ⇧⫃喞ڢ҅27ҷᗏ㔱౳Ⴘ᜼4ঔ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌⇧⫃Ƞ̹㞛 ࣹᏀͧ㺭Б̬䓳ᕓ俔俿ួݢͦͧ喏69%喋20/29喌ᰪ㏻ܦ⣜3嗡4Ꮢ͙ᕓㆾ㏲㘊̷䭹㔱喏፤㻰ะ⤲ऺ䓱䕋ᖎู喏ऒᰵ62%喋18/29喌ᗏ㔱 ܦ⣜1嗡2Ꮢ㗉䒘⅔䚢ࡳ倄喏ᬌ㗉⃾ᕓⰤڟᕓ₧ύȠ26ҷᗏ㔱ᣑः䮻䃫䊱䓳3͖ᰴ喏5ҷ౔᎞វ㉌⇧⫃ᐬ໷3͖ᰴڱ䔇ᆁ㔱喏ܲ ݗ ͦᅬ䘔ูࣽ1ҷ喏ࡦഋ⋷ጠ㏿䒘⼧2ҷ喏ᗏ㗎⯚̷䓳䌛䒘⼧1ҷ喏䔈ะ䒘⼧1ҷȠ㏿䃦喝͙ ఩Ϧ㘩㔼ः๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ IFNű-2b䒱ߕ ⇧⫃喏Ѳ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌Ѩͺ̹㘩ᰵᩴួݢφ͠Ꮆ⫱▢Ƞ ڟ䩚䃹 ᎞វ㉌ ᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐ ݮ䛻ᑦᏒ ⃾ᕓࣹᏀ doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-8179.2010.05.009 5IF 5PMFSBCJMJUZ PG $IJOFTF .FMBOPNB 1BUJFOUT UP )JHI�EPTF *OUFSGFSPO "EKVWBOU 5IFSBQZ ZHOU Qiang喏DING Ya喏LI Chunyan喏PENG Ruiqing喏ZHANG Xing喏XIA Qing喏ZHANG Xiaoshi Corresponding author: ZHANG Xiaoshi, E-mail: zxs617@hotmai.com State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Biotherapy Research Center喏Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou 510060喏China Grant support: Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (05001693) "CTUSBDU 0CKFDUJWF� To observe the tolerability of Chinese melanoma patients to four-week high-dose interferon alfa-2b (INTRON Ag, Schering-Plough) therapy. .FUIPET� A total of 29 patients with high risk melanoma [American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging (AJCC) IIB-IIIC] who received adjuvant interferon therapy in our hospital between September 2007 and May 2009 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients received 4 hours of intravenous infusion of interferon alfa-2b [dose range, 22.00 million international unit (MIU) to 33.75 MIU] IV 5 days/week for 4 weeks. The adverse events were evaluated with National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI 2.0 version). 3FTVMUT� The average daily dose was 17.63 MIU/(m2kd). The therapy was ended in two patients because of poor wound healing or intolerability to severe fatigue. The most common adverse events were myelosuppression. Grade 3/4 neutropenia was observed in 69% (20/29) patients and was rapidly reversed after conventional support interventions. Grade 1/2 abnormal hepatic function occurred in 18 cases (62% ). Twenty-six patients were followed up for 3 to 22 months. Five patients developed early progression: one with local recurrence, two with regional lymph node metastasis, one with in-transit metastasis in the affected limb, and one with distant metastasis. $PODMVTJPO� High-dose interferon alfa-2b regimen can be well tolerated by Chinese patients but cannot effectively inhibit subclinical lesions. ,FZXPSET Interferon; Malignant melanoma; Dose intensity; Toxicity ҈㔱ࢁѹ喝ࡺࢃ㗫⭐႒఩ტ䛹◥჊侸ა喏͙ ᆝ๓႒㗫⭐䭞⇧͙ᓯ⩋➕⇧⫃ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ喋Ꭻጊጮ 510060喌 ७᱘᪳䄪䷄ःᎫ͈Ⱝ㜖♢⻽႒ദ䛽䉰ߕ喋㑂ण喝9151008901000149喌 䕆䃛҈㔱喝ᑌ᭿჊ zxs617@hotmail.com ᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐喋.BMJHOBOU NFMBOPNB喏..喌᭛̬⻹ 䊣⎼κ叽㞞㉌㏲㘊⮰ᖢᕓ㗫⭐喏ڢᖢᕓ⼷Ꮢ倄ȟᬿ䒘 ⼧ȟ䶰ऺጚȠڔ⤯⃻Ꭰ㏒ᰵ��̳᫜ࣽᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐ ⫱ҷ喏̀ ࣽ⫱⢳Ϲ౔̹᫙්ߌȠᅩネ͙఩Ϧ叽㞞㉌ ⭐ࣽ⫱⢳ᬺ᭪Ѻκ㺫᫥఩ტ喋����� ���喌喏ࢠ᭛Ⱊݹ ᖢᕓ㗫⭐͙ࣽ⫱⢳්䪫ᰬᔗ⮰̬⻹喏Ꭰ්䪫⢳㏒ ��嗡��喋఩ڱࡃϘ�͖೺ࡦ⮰㐋䃍᪜ᢚͦ��喌Ƞ 㜟϶ͦ₎喏᎞វ㉌�£᭛ਜ਼̬㷗䃭჊㘩๋ᐢ䪫⩋ ႄ⢳喋04喌⮰㢛➕喾�嗀Ƞ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ႄ౔䒯๓⃾ޛࣹ Ꮐ喏͙ ఩Ϧ㘩॒㔼ः๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ᅆᬌ៑䕿Ƞ᱘ⵀ ˖ڍᐸც˙ࣽ 271 ˖ڍᐸც˙ࣽ 2010Ꭰじ37ࢣじ5᱋ ⾢䛳⩔๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌喋IJHI EPTF JOUFSGFSPO喏)%*喌䒱ߕ ⇧⫃倄࢝ᖢᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐ᗏ㔱��ҷ喏㔼ःᕓ䒯ຩ喏⣜៑ ॶຮ̷Ƞ � ᴤ᭭Ϣᮍ⊩ ��� ͠Ꮆ䉰᫅ ڝᩢ䯲᱘䮎����Ꭰ�ᰴ㜟����Ꭰ�ᰴᖢᕓ叽㞞 ㉌⭐ᱛऺᗏ㔱��ҷ喋"+$$ܲ᱋ͦēC嗡ĔD᱋喌喏ڔ䘔 ⫱ҷ౳㏻⫱⤲⶚䃶Ƞڢ͙⩣ ��ҷ喏ຟ ��ҷ喞Ꭰ咰 ��嗡��ᆭ喏͙ ѹᎠ咰��ᆭ喞⫱ऄ䘔ѹ喝䏛᎞⯚㗐叽㞞 ㉌⭐�ҷ喏㗎〛⯚㗐叽㞞㉌⭐��ҷ喏䲊⯚㗐Ბ⎼叽㞞 ㉌⭐�ҷ喏࣋ࣽ▢̹ᬺ㔱�ҷ喞݉ ⇧��ҷ喏ู ⇧�ҷȠ ��� ⇧⫃᫥∁ ݮ䛻␠჆ᠳᄨ̷⮰๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌�ঔ᫥ᵴͦ *'/£��C喋⩄ͼ㘩喏ٴ□㥲䯱ݢ㢛ژत喌⃻ঔ�๕喏н ᖛ�๕喏ڝ⩔�ঔȠఌ㑦ͻ͙఩Ϧ㔼ः๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ ⮰ⵀ⾢៑ॶ喏᱘㏰๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌㔼ःᕓⵀ⾢͖ܲ͐ 䭢⃡䔇㵸Ƞじ̬䭢 喋⃡����Ꭰ�ᰴ㜟����Ꭰ�ᰴ喌ᄥ� ҷᗏ㔱䔇㵸βݮ䛻ᣎ㉎喏じ�ঔБ���嗡� ���嗡� ���6 ࢁѹݮ䛻❘಍喏ᰬ ๓ࢁ⁍⇧⫃ݮ䛻䓪� ���6ࢁѹ喏㏿ ᳈�ҷᗏ㔱౳㔼ः㞛ຩȠじθ䭢 喋⃡����Ꭰ �ᰴ㜟 ����Ꭰ�ᰴ喌ᄲݮ䛻䄯᪠̶ͦ䔜ݮ䛻␠჆ᠳᄨ̷⮰๓ ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌�ঔ᫥ᵴȠڣѿ䃍ܾͦ喝じ�ঔ喝じ�ȟ�๕ � ���6ࢁѹߌڑ⩋⤲⯼Ⅰ���N-喏䲅㘵␠∔�I喞じ�ȟ �๕喏*'/£��C � ���6ࢁѹ喞じ�๕� ���6ࢁѹ喞じ �嗡�ঔ౳ͦ� ���6ࢁѹ�๕Ƞ㠑ѿ㶔䲎⼛����N�喏݅ ᰬ๓ݮ䛻䛳⩔� ���6ࢁѹ�喋N�kE喌Ƞ⃻๕⇧⫃ݹऺ፤ 㻰δ㺫ͼ㥲喋ඊᲑᭀጯ喏䒵⦊ݢ㢛ᰵ䭼ژत喌ए᰹喏 ���NH喏#JE喏ऒδ≇䊇ٷ័㗯ะ⤲Ƞ⃻ঔ�๕⇧⫃ऺ κじ�๕ูᴑ㵬፤㻰ࣶ⩋ࡂ፤㻰喏㠑⮩㏲㘊ᝂ͙ᕓㆾ ㏲㘊ܦ⣜ĒᏒ̷䭹喏࢟ᐬ໷ҫ⩔⩋⮩䦴ݮ喋䛹㏰Ϧㆾ ㏲㘊䯲㥩ݦ⓬ఌၼ喌δБะ⤲喏㠑̷̬ঔ仂⁍⇧⫃ᬑ ⌱ᮔูᴑ㵬፤㻰ᖎู㜟₏፤喏݅ Б࣋ݮ䛻㐓㐙ន㵸喞 ऒ㠑䅣ͅ䒘⅔䚢�䅣㡵䒘⅔䚢喋"-5�"45喌ࡳ倄喏݅ ⿷ ࢟Б䭹䚢㢛ࣶ័㗉❳ะ⤲喏㠑̷̬ঔ仂⁍⇧⫃ᬑ⌱ ᮔูᴑ䒘⅔䚢ᄻκ₏፤ը̶䭼���Թ喏छδБ࣋ݮ䛻 ន㵸喏̀ ౔�ঔ⇧⫃䓳⼷͙㠑䒘⅔䚢᱖䭹㜟₏፤㠯 ఠ喏౳፤㻰⃻๕ए᰹䭹䚢㢛Ƞ㠑䒘⅔䚢倄κ₏፤ը� Թ喏ֈ₎᎞វ㉌⇧⫃Ƞᬺ᭪⫞ߟȟ㏟ጚᗏ㔱ҫ⩔䲅㘵 㶑⋞ᩛᠭ喏ᓱ㺭ᬢߌ⩔⩞౜ႁ䚚❳Ƞ ��� 㻮ᄋᠳᴳࣶ⃾ޛࣹᏀ䃰У ᗏ㔱κ⇧⫃ݹࣶ⇧⫃ऺ⃻ঔ㵸㵬፤㻰ȟ⩋ࡂ፤ 㻰ᷬᴑȠ⃾ޛࣹᏀ䃰჆䛳⩔㒺఩఩ტ⭸⫳ⵀ⾢ᝬ፤ ⩔⃾ᕓ䃰჆ᴳ۲/$* ���❴᱘Ƞ ��� ⫃ᩴᠳᴳ 㜖ᐬ໷᎞វ㉌⇧⫃じ�͖ᰴ䔇㵸ᒝ׻႒ᷬᴑ喏ᬕ ᱋䔇ᆁ჆͵ͦ㜖ᐬ໷᎞វ㉌⇧⫃�͖ᰴڱܦ⣜᫜⫱ ▢Ƞ � 㒧ᵰ ��� ݮ䛻ᑦᏒ ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌ڝ⇧⫃倄࢝叽㞞㉌⭐ᗏ㔱��ҷ喏 ��ҷႸ᜼�ঔ⇧⫃䃍ܾȠじ̬䭢⃡�ҷ喏᎟౳ঔݮ 䛻喝�� ���6ࢁѹ�ঔ喏じθ䭢⃡��ҷ喏᎟౳ঔݮ䛻喝 �� ������6ࢁѹ�ঔȠ ��� ⃾ޛࣹᏀ ᱛऺ̬㝘κ�ঔڱᐬ໷᎞វ㉌⇧⫃喏ᱛऺᐬ໷⇧ ⫃ᬢ䬠ͦ�嗡��๕喏͙ ѹᬢ䬠ͦ��๕Ƞڔ㏰��ҷᗏ 㔱౳छ䃰У⃾ޛࣹᏀȠᬌ⇧⫃Ⱔڟᕓ₧ύ喏�ҷఌᱛ ऺѐएᘴऴ̹㞛ϱ䔇㵸᎞វ㉌⇧⫃�ঔ喏ऒ�ҷܦ⣜ 䛹Ꮢ⫞ͻ喏䭹Ѻ᎞វ㉌ݮ䛻ऺϹ̹㘩㐿㼏喏᱖㘩䔇㵸 じ�ঔ⮰ᰬऺ�๕⇧⫃Ƞ⃾ޛࣹᏀͧ㺭Б俔俿ួݢ ࣶ䒘⅔䚢ࡳ倄ͦ 喋ͧ㶔�喌Ƞ俔俿ួݢͧ㺭㶔⣜ͦ⮩ ㏲㘊̷䭹喏➥ݗ᭛͙ᕓㆾ㏲㘊̷䭹喏���喋�����喌ᗏ㔱 ᰪ㏻ܦ⣜�嗡�Ꮢ͙ᕓㆾ㏲㘊̷䭹喏ҫ⩔䛹㏰Ϧㆾ㏲ 㘊䯲㥩ݦ⓬ఌၼऺ䓱䕋ᖎู喏̹ ᒝ৹⇧⫃䔇ᏒȠ��� 喋�����喌ᗏ㔱ܦ⣜䒘⅔䚢ࡳ倄喏౳ͦ�嗡�Ꮢᐮ፤Ƞ 㸼� ໻ࠖ䞣ᑆᡄ㋴↦ࡃডᑨ ҷ喋�喌 5BCMF � "EWFSTF FWFOUT DBVTFE CZ IJHI�EPTF JOUFSGFSPO£��C ��� ᬕ᱋䔇ᆁ ౔��ҷᗏ㔱͙��ҷ䮻䃫ᬢ䬠䊱䓳�͖ᰴ喋䮻䃫 ᬢ䬠�嗡��͖ᰴ喌Ƞ౔�͖ᰴڱ�ҷܦ⣜㗫⭐䔇ᆁ喏ڢ ͙ᅬ䘔ูࣽ�ҷ喏ࡦഋ⋷ጠ㏿䒘⼧�ҷ喏䓳䌛䒘⼧� ҷ喏䔈ะ䒘⼧�ҷȠ � 䅼䆎 ᎞វ㉌ݮ䛻ᑦᏒ᭛ݢ㏒⫃ᩴ⮰ͧ㺭ఌ㉌Ƞ㜟϶ ͦ₎喏ϱ�䶥͠Ꮆ䄁侸喋&45����স&$0(����喌䃭჊ ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌䒱ߕ⇧⫃㘩ᩥર叽㞞㉌⭐ᗏ㔱⮰ᕧ⩋ ႄ喾�喏�嗀Ƞ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌Ѡ䮻䒯๓⃾ᕓ喏̶ 䔜�䶥͠Ꮆ 䄁侸͙ܲݗᰵ���嗡���⮰ᗏ㔱ఌ̹㞛ࣹᏀ䰬㺭䄯 ᪠ݮ䛻喾�嗀喏ڢ͙&45����䄁侸͙⃻ᬑ᎞វ㉌჊䭱ݮ䛻 ⃾ޛࣹᏀ 㵬⋞႒⃾ᕓ ⮩㏲㘊̷䭹 ͙ᕓㆾ㏲㘊̷䭹 㵬ᄻᲫ̷䭹 䉗㵬 䲊㵬⋞႒⃾ᕓ ᖢᓯ ⫞ߟ "-5 "45 ࣽ☙ ࣽ⩋⢳ �㏓ ��喋����喌 �喋���喌 �喋����喌 �喋���喌 ��喋����喌 ��喋����喌 ��喋����喌 ��喋����喌 ��喋����喌 �㏓ �喋����喌 �喋����喌 �喋���喌 � �喋����喌 �喋����喌 �喋����喌 �喋����喌 �喋����喌 �㏓ �喋����喌 ��喋����喌 � � � �喋���喌 � � �喋���喌 �㏓ � �喋����喌 � � � � � � � 272 2010Ꭰじ37ࢣじ5᱋ ᑦᏒͦ� ���6ࢁѹ�喋N�kE喌Ƞᅩネ䭹Ѻݮ䛻ᑦᏒ㘩ᩥ રᗏ㔱⮰㔼ःᕓ喏Ѳๆ䶥䭹Ѻ᎞វ㉌ݮ䛻ᑦᏒ⮰͠ Ꮆ䄁侸౳᱖㘩䃭჊䭹Ѻ᎞វ㉌ݮ䛻ᑦᏒऺϹ㘩ᩥર 䶰ऺ喾���嗀Ƞ⩄ͼ㘩⃻ᩛॗ*'/£��C � ���6ࢁѹ喋ڢ͙ ᴳ∔ݮ䛻� ���6ࢁѹ喏ऒ䭰䔭���̳ࢁѹ喌喏㠑ᠵѿ㶔 䲎⼛䃍ッ᎞វ㉌ݮ䛻喏̹ ᫥ӫ᧹҈Ƞ⩝ₐ喏᱘ⵀ⾢䛳 ⩔ద჆ݮ䛻∁喏ガࢁ喏ᬿ㵸喏㠑ᠵ͙఩Ϧ᎟౳ѿ㶔䲎 ⼛ͦ����N�䃍ッ喏ڢݮ䛻ᑦᏒ䓪�����6ࢁѹ�喋N�kE喌喏 ̺&45����স&$0( ����⮰ݮ䛻ᑦᏒⰤᑿ喋㶔�喌Ƞ 㸼� �̚�㑻↦ࡃডᑨϢ݊Ҫ䆩偠ⱘ↨䕗 5BCMF � $PNQBSJTPO PG HSBEF ��� BEWFSTF FWFOUT JO PVS TUVEZ XJUI UIPTF PG PUIFS USJBMT ̺᱘ⵀ⾢ڣᰵछ℀ᕓ⮰͠Ꮆ䄁侸ܲݗͦ&45� ���ȟ&$0(� ���喾��嗀ȟ&$0(� ���স)F$0(喾��嗀喋㶔�喌Ƞ ᱘ⵀ⾢㻮ᄋݜ�����喋���喌ᗏ㔱ᰪ㏻ܦ⣜(SBEF���⮰ ㆾ㏲㘊̷䭹喏㵬⋞႒⃾ᕓѨͺ倄κ㺫᫥Ϧ喏㔸㗉⃾ᕓ ͧ㺭㶔⣜ͦ㗉䒘⅔䚢ࡳ倄喏̀ ๆͦ�嗡�㏓喏ڢ͙"-5 ࡳ倄㔱�����喋���喌喏"45ࡳ倄㔱�����喋�����喌喏᱖ܦ ⣜(SBEF�嗡�⮰⃾ᕓ喏㗉⃾ᕓ䒯㺫᫥Ϧ䒧喏ᬌ㗉⃾ᕓ Ⱔڟ₧ύȠ䮐�ҷܦ⣜䛹Ꮢ⫞ͻโ喏ڢ҅ᗏ㔱ϱܦ⣜ �嗡�㏓⫞ͻ喏䔅छ㘩̺᱘᪳⇧⫃ᬢ䬠ⴙᰵڟȠ ᱘㏰��ҷᗏ㔱�ҷ౔�͖ᰴڱܦ⣜䔇ᆁ喏ڢ͙ᅬ 䘔ูࣽ�ҷ喏ࡦഋ⋷ጠ㏿䒘⼧�ҷ喏ᗏ㗎⯚̷䓳䌛䒘 ⼧�ҷ喏䔈ะ䒘⼧�ҷȠ�ҷࡦഋ⋷ጠ㏿䒘⼧ᗏ㔱⮰ ᱛݹ䊱ผ∎ᝂ$5౳᣼⹦ႄ౔ᄻ⋷ጠ㏿喏ఌ᱖㵸⋷ጠ ㏿≧ᷬ㔸䖃␻Ƞᱛݹ䊱ผᷬᴑ݅᱖㘩ࣽ⣜䓳䌛䒘 ⼧Ƞ̶䔜㏻侸᣼⹦喏⋷ጠ᭪׻সݹਔ⋷ጠ㏿≧ᷬ౔ 叽㞞㉌⭐⇧⫃͙᭛䲊፤䛹㺭⮰喏ᰵߕκࣶᬢࣽ⣜ᓚ ᄻ䒘⼧▢Ƞ ᎞វ㉌⇧⫃䒘⼧ᕓ叽㞞㉌⭐⮰ᰵᩴ⢳ͦ���嗡 ���Ƞ.PTDIPTふ喾��嗀ᰪ៑䕿�ঔ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌⇧⫃㘩 ᰵᩴួݢࡦഋ⋷ጠ㏿䒘⼧喏౔��ҷᗏ㔱͙�ҷ$3喏�� ҷ13喏ऒᰵ�ҷ㣣ᓃ⫱⤲㐿㼏Ƞ᱘㏰�ҷࡦഋ⋷ጠ㏿ 䒘⼧ᗏ㔱౔ᱛݹ౳㻮ᄋݜᄻ⋷ጠ㏿喏⇍ᰵ䃭ᢚ㶔ᬺ� ঔ๓ݮ䛻᎞វ㉌㘩ួݢڢࣽᆁȠ খ㗗᭛⤂ 1 Hauschild A. 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