首页 ICU常见护理诊断



ICU常见护理诊断ICU常见护理诊断 护理诊断 目标 护理措施 生命体征改变:与病情病人24小时内1、严密监测生命体征,尤其ART,CVP,尿量监测,专人护理,危重有关 生命体征维持稳禁止翻身。 定 2、深静脉置管,保证多路有效静脉通路。 3、快速准确输注各类血制品、胶体液,晶体液,必要时加压 输注,遵医嘱使用止血药和血管活性药,床边备好抢救药物及 器材。 4、注重患者主诉不适,细致观察异常症状及体征。 5、准确称量伤口渗血渗液量,每班统计进出液量。 6、观察治疗效果:生命体征、尿色、尿量、口干、末梢循环 及皮肤温湿度...

ICU常见护理诊断 护理诊断 目标 护理措施 生命体征改变:与病情病人24小时内1、严密监测生命体征,尤其ART,CVP,尿量监测,专人护理,危重有关 生命体征维持稳禁止翻身。 定 2、深静脉置管,保证多路有效静脉通路。 3、快速准确输注各类血制品、胶体液,晶体液,必要时加压 输注,遵医嘱使用止血药和血管活性药,床边备好抢救药物及 器材。 4、注重患者主诉不适,细致观察异常症状及体征。 5、准确称量伤口渗血渗液量,每班统计进出液量。 6、观察治疗效果:生命体征、尿色、尿量、口干、末梢循环 及皮肤温湿度改善情况。 气体交换受损:与炎性患者三天内缺氧1、 加大吸氧流量,给予面罩吸氧。 物质损伤肺组织有关 得到改善 2、 给予糜蛋白酶、爱全乐、地塞米松等药物行雾化吸入治疗。 3、 遵医嘱使用氨茶碱,琥氢,甲龙等解痉平喘药。 4、 监测血气分析,观察病情演变及治疗效果。 5、必要时协助行无创或口插管接呼吸机治疗。 清理呼吸道无效:与气病人住院期间能1、评估病人咳嗽、排痰的量、颜色、粘稠度及排痰的难易程道分泌物多、粘稠、咳够有效排痰,保度。 嗽无力有关 持呼吸道通畅。 2、指导病人有效咳嗽、排痰的方法:深吸一口气,用力将气 管深处的痰液咳出。 3、保证足够水份摄入,多饮水?1000ml/d。 4、加强翻身拍背。 5、行雾化吸入每日2-3次。 6、遵医嘱使用沐舒坦等祛痰药。 6、保持室内空气新鲜,温湿度适宜,温度22-24?,湿度 60%-70%。 7、床边备好吸痰器及气切用物,必要时予经口鼻吸痰或紧急 时行气管切开。 低效型呼吸形态:与病病人3小时内能1、评估病人呼吸的节律、频率及深浅度,监测脉氧值变化。 变累及呼吸肌导致呼够进行有效呼2、观察口唇、甲床紫绀程度,行血气分析,判断缺氧程度。 吸无力有关。 吸,脉氧值维持3、向病人解释采取辅助呼吸的必要性和安全性,解除病人顾 正常。 虑。 4、床边备插管用物及呼吸机,并保持呼吸机处于良好的工作 状态。 6、使用呼吸机辅助呼吸后,指导患者如何有效配合呼吸机呼 吸。 7、及时评价治疗效果。 疼痛:与多发骨折、全1、 评估患者疼痛的程度,鼓励其说出不适感受。 患者24小时内 身多处皮肤软组织挫疼痛缓解 2、 保持肢体功能位、骨折肢体软枕垫高。 伤有关 3、 给予关心和安慰,各项护理操作动作轻柔。 4、 保持环境整洁、选听患者喜欢的音乐。 遵医嘱使用镇痛剂。 焦虑:与病情危重、担病人三天内焦虑1、 加强护患沟通,建立相互信赖的良好关系。 心预后有关 情绪较前减轻,2、 给予开导,帮助病人适应角色的变化。 能积极配合治疗 3、 讲解目前病情,所行治疗,护理目的。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 4、 将病情好转信息及时反馈给患者,增强战胜疾病的信心。 5、提供亲情支持和安慰的途径。 意识障碍:与颅脑损伤病人意识障碍经1、评估病人意识障碍的程度和原因,严密观察病人意识,瞳有关。 治疗七天能恢复孔和生命体征的变化。。 至正常状态。 2、遵医嘱给予脱水、止血、抗炎及营养脑神经治疗。 3、加强安全防护措施,加床档和肢体约束,防止坠床或自伤, 必要时应用镇静剂,加强病情观察,防止镇静剂掩盖病情。 4、及时清除呼吸道分泌物,呕吐物,保持呼吸道通畅。 5、加强皮肤护理,经常更换病人体位,按摩受压的皮肤,保 持床铺平整、干燥,防止发生褥疮。 6、加强病人的生活护理,小便失禁的病人给予保留导尿。 7、需进食的病人,给予鼻饲营养丰富、易消化的流质。 8、各项操作做到呼唤式护理。 睡眠形态紊乱(失眠):病人每天睡眠的1、评估病人睡眠时间、质量,鼓励病人说出失眠的原因。 与下列因素有关: 时间能够保持2、创造良好的睡眠环境:安静、光线弱、盖被适当。 1、环境改变 6-8小时。 3、夜间尽可能减少操作。 2、躯体疼痛不适 4、躯体疼痛者,遵医嘱使用止疼药 5、必要时遵医嘱应用镇静、安眠剂,如安定、水合氯醛等, 但如有呼吸衰竭要谨慎。 有皮肤完整性受损的病人住院期间不1、评估病人皮肤受压情况、局部皮肤的抵抗力及全身营养状危险:与下列因素有发生褥疮 况。 关: 2、选用气垫床,翻身Q2h,极度瘦弱者翻身Q1h。 1、长期卧床 3、保持衣物、床单位平整、干燥、无碎屑。 2、强迫体位 4、骨骼隆突处垫气圈或海绵垫,或予3m膜、安普贴预防性保 护。 3、皮肤抵抗力降低 大小便污物及时清除,保持局部皮肤清洁、干燥。 4、每日檫身2次、保持皮肤清洁。 5、加强营养支持,增强病人的抵抗力。 有便秘的危险:与长期病人住院期间不1、评估病人的排便形态,包括大便次数、形状及排便的难易卧床有关。 发生便秘。 程度。 2、保证足够水份摄入,指导患者多饮水 3、提供富含纤维素的食物:新鲜蔬菜和水果。 4、给予下腹部顺时针按摩,每日3-4次,15分钟/次。 5、病情稳定后,协助床上主动及被动活动。 6、必要时应用导泻剂,或协助人工取便。 有感染的危险与下列病人住院期间无1. 各种操作严格执行无菌技术,避免交叉感染。各项因素有关 感染的症状和体操作及接触病人前后加强洗手。 征 1. 与留置各侵入性2. 观察病人生命体征及有无感染的临床 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现(如发 导管有关 烧、尿液混浊、脓性排泄物等),Q4H监测体温变化、2. 粒细胞减少、血异常及时汇报处理并行血培养检查。监测病人化验结 红蛋白下降、免果。 疫抑制、免疫缺3(指导病人多做深呼吸、咳嗽锻炼,预防肺部感染。 陷或获得性免4(给病人供给足够的营养、水分和维生素。 疫异常等 5(加强各种管道护理,按常规执行动静脉导管、尿管、3. 营养不良; 胸腔引流、伤口引流管护理,严格无菌操作,仔细观enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 4. 药物作用 察各种引流管及敷料的消毒日期,保持管道通畅,观 察引流液的性质。 体温过高:与感染有患者24小时内1、评估发热的程度、伴随症状,生命体征,监测体温变化每4关。 体温下降 小时1次并记录。 3、保持病房适宜的温湿度(温度18-22?,湿度55%-65%)。 4、若体温超过38.5?以上,给予物理降温、头部冷敷、温水 擦浴,并评价记录降温效果 5、指导多饮水,每日饮水量达2000ml以上,必要时静脉补充 液体。 6、及时擦干汗液,更换内衣,保持皮肤清洁,床铺干燥、平 整,预防感冒。 7、口腔护理每日3次,预防口腔感染。 8、给予高热量、高蛋白、高维生素、清淡易消化的流质饮食, 以提高机体抵抗力。 9、遵医嘱应用降温药物及抗生素,并观察病人用药后的效果。 躯体移动障碍:与肢体1、病人在协助下1、向患者解释行牵引或石膏托固定的目的、意义及导致的躯行骨牵引或石膏托固能定时翻身更换体不适。 定有关。 体位。 2、每2小时协助病人翻身1次,翻身动作轻柔,翻身后保持 牵引肢体的舒适体位及石膏托固定肢体的功能位。 2、病人更换体位 后感觉舒适。 3、指导患者行肢体肌肉收缩舒张运动及远端关节主动活动锻 炼。 3、保持局部皮肤 完整无损。 4、做好骨牵引护理,严格无菌操作。 5、石膏托固定肢体避免局部皮肤受压破损。 6、观察肢体末梢颜色、温度、血运情况。 体液不足的可能:与伤患者体液不足能1、 监测生命体征,尤尿量尿色。 口大量渗血渗液有关 得到及时监测与2、 准确称量伤口渗血渗液量。 处理 3、记录24小时进出液量,每班总结出入量情况,异常及时汇 报。 4、监测有无水电酸碱平衡紊乱,遵医嘱补充水和电解质。 有发生废用综合征的患者住院期间不1、翻身后四肢安置功能位,足下置方枕。 危险:与肢体瘫痪有发生足下垂、关2、协助行被动关节松动训练,每日4-6次。 关。 节僵硬。 3、联系康复科予针次理疗。 4、定期观察有无肌肉萎缩、关节僵硬等症状出现。 骨牵引无效的危1、病人能维持1、卧硬板床,平卧或斜坡卧位。 险:与下列因素有有效牵引位2、颅骨牵引者予轴线翻身。 关: 置。 3、保持适当的牵引重量。 1、病人耐受性差。 2、病人不发生4、针眼处每日2次点滴75%酒精。 2、体位不正确。 针眼感染、压5、及时调整牵引位置,保持牵引的有效性。 疮等并发症。 6、保持牵引力线,颅骨牵引者牵引方向与脊柱保持一 直线。 7、观察枕后、足跟皮肤受压情况,加强受压部位的护 理,预防压疮。 有胸腔闭式引流失效病人胸腔闭式引1、妥善固定,Q1h挤捏,避免引流管扭曲、受压、滑脱。 的可能:与引流管扭流期间能维持引2、每班检查置管刻度及水柱波动情况。 曲、受压或血块堵塞致流有效性 3、观察引流液的色、质、量,并准确记录。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 引流不畅有关 4、观察病人呼吸情况,听诊双肺呼吸音。 5、指导病人做深呼吸、咳嗽锻炼,遵医嘱行雾化吸入治疗。 6、每日更换胸引瓶,引流液多时及时更换,严格无菌操作。 有损伤的危险:与意识病人住院期间不1、对躁动病人,使用保护性约束,如加床档或约束四肢,防障碍有关。 发生损伤。 止坠床或抓伤。 2、病人躁动时勿使用暴力按压,防止骨折、脱臼。 3、有专人守护,对有可能伤及自身或他人的物品妥善管理好, 如剪子、木锤、瓶子、暖瓶等。 4、保持病室安静,减少刺激,限制探视等。 营养失调:低于机体需病人住院期间营1、 讲解增强营养对机体康复的重要性。 要量:与创伤后机体代养支持能得到有2、 联系营养师每日计算患者所需摄入的热量,制定肠内、肠谢量增加及伤口大量效保证,血浆蛋外营养 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 渗液有关 白值较前升高 3、 结合个人喜好专门配置饮食,指导少量多餐。 4、 观察进食后有无腹胀,嗳气等不适。 5、 观察记录大便次数、颜色、性状。 语言沟通障碍:与行气病人能正确使用1、评估病人说、听、写、读、理解的能力,以确定病人和医管切开或气管插管有表情、手势、文护、家属之间的交流方式。 关。 字等形式表达自2、向病人解释目前失语的原因及暂时性。 己的情感和需3、教会病人正确使用表情、手势、文字等形式,表达自己的 要。 情感和需要,利用卡片、便笺本和铅笔、手势、图片等方法, 加强与他人的沟通与交流。 4、主动为病人提供交流机会。 5、对病人说话时速度要慢,态度要和蔼,语言通俗易懂,勿 用专业术语,使病人能正确理解语言的含义。 排便模式改变:与行结患者住院期间肠1、向患者讲解行肠造口的必要性及对今后生活的影响,消除肠造口有关 造口粘膜及周围其思想顾虑。 皮肤完好并了解2、观察造口黏膜颜色,血运情况,做好造口周围皮肤护理。 肠造口相关知识 3、观察和记录造口排便色、质、量,造口排泄物予及时清除。 4、讲解肠造相关知识及自我护理方法。 出血倾向:出血与血小病人住院期间不1. 注意观察病人的皮肤粘膜有无损伤,有无内脏或颅内出血板减少、凝血因子缺发生出血或出血的症状和体征,注意出血的部位、出血量和时间;了解化乏、血管壁异常有关 时能被及时发现验结果,如血红蛋白、血小板、出凝血时间、凝血因子情 并得到处理 况,监测心率、血压、意识状态等。 2. 保持床单位平整被褥衣服轻软,避免皮肤摩擦及肢体受 压。勤剪指甲,以免抓伤皮肤。保持皮肤清洁干燥。擦身 时,用刺激性小的肥皂,轻擦不可用力。 3. 尽量避免人为的创伤,如肌内注射,各种穿刺等,严格执 行无菌操作,局部加压时间延长,腹股沟采血处以沙袋压 迫半小时,四肢以弹力绷带加压包扎半小时,并观察有无 渗血情况。注射部位或穿刺部位应交替更换,以防局部血 肿形成。 4. 发现出血时,应定时检查出血部位,瘀斑消长情况。 5. 进食高营养、高蛋白、高维生素的清洁易消化软食或半流 质软食,禁止过硬,粗糙的食物。保持大便通畅,不可用 力过大,避免腹内压增高引起出血。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 6. 遵医嘱输入新鲜全血、血小板、新鲜血浆、凝血酶原复合 物等。 腹泻:与下列因素有关 病人排便次数减1. 卧床休息,以减少体力消耗; 少,不适症状减1. 饮食不当 2. 鼓励病人多饮水,酌情给予低脂、少渣、清淡的流质或半 轻或消失 流质饮食,腹泻严重时暂禁食。 2. 药物作用 3. 消化道功能紊3. 保护肛周,每次便后用软纸轻擦,温水清洗,肛门周围涂 油膏,以保护局部皮肤。 乱 4. 营养障碍或吸4. 观察排便情况,观察粪便的次数和性质,及时记录,需要 时留取标本送验。 收不良综合症 5. 免疫力降低有5. 疑有传染病时,按隔离原则护理,防止交叉感染。 关 6. 遵医嘱给药,如止泻剂、抗感染药物,口服补液盐或静脉 输液以维持体液和电解质平衡。 皮肤完整性受损与下病人住院期间皮1、评估病人皮肤受压情况、局部皮肤的抵抗力及全身营养状列因素有关 肤受损得到及时况。 处理 1. 外伤 2、选用气垫床,翻身Q2h,极度瘦弱者翻身Q1h。 2. 皮肤常受刺激3、保持衣物、床单位平整、干燥、无碎屑。 因素有关 4、骨骼隆突处垫气圈或海绵垫,或予3m膜、安普贴预防性保 护。 大小便污物及时清除,保持局部皮肤清洁、干燥。 4、每日檫身2次、保持皮肤清洁。 5、加强营养支持,增强病人的抵抗力。 口腔粘膜改变与口腔病人口腔溃疡,1. 每日进行口腔护理3次(09:00—14:00—20:00),必要时感染、口腔内手术有关 口腔疾患好转或增加护理次数; 痊愈 2. 根据患者的口腔PH值选用不同的护理溶液; 3. 有溃疡处,予口腔护理后涂擦口腔溃疡糊; 4. 遵医嘱留取痰培养。 尿潴留与下列因素有病人膀胱内无尿1. 排尿环境隐蔽,体位和姿势合适; 关: 潴留,维持正常2. 诱导排尿(1)听流水声;(2)温水缓慢冲洗会阴;(3) 的排尿活动 1、排尿反射的神经传下腹部热敷;(4)按摩膀胱; 导途径发生障碍 3. 必要时行无菌导尿术; 2、神经性疾病或损伤、4. 指导病人养成定时排尿习惯,有计划的训练床上排尿,以膀胱失去张力、逼尿肌避免因排尿姿势不习惯而导致尿潴留。 无力、尿道梗阻 3、情绪 4、疼痛 5、缺乏隐蔽环境有关 引流管有效能降低的保持引流管有效1. Q1H挤压引流管; 可能与血块阻塞、引流性 2. 妥善固定引流管,防止脱出,每班记录引流管置管的刻度; 管扭曲、折叠有关 3. 及时倾倒引流液; 4. 定时更换引流瓶及其引流袋; 5. 观察并记录引流量,如有异常情况及时汇报医生。 体液过多: 患者体液过多能1(密切观察水肿部位:球结膜、四肢、低垂部位。 1、 机体调节机制不得到及时监测和2(球结膜水肿予抬高头部、四肢水肿予垫枕抬高、低垂部位 佳 处理 水肿予定时变换体位。 2、 低蛋白血症 3(遵医嘱予补充白蛋白、血浆等支持疗法。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 3、 液体摄入量过多 4(必要时遵医嘱使用利尿剂。 4、 钠入量过多 进食模式的改变 鼻饲期间保证足1(妥善固定胃管,每班检查胃管刻度。 够的营养 1、意识障碍 2(注食前抬高床头30度,检查胃管位置、胃残留液(大于150 毫升通知医师减量或暂停)防胃内容物返流。 2、口腔手术后不能经 口腔手术口进食 3(灌毕以小量20毫升温开水冲洗胃管,以保持胃管通畅,并 防止细菌生长。注食后30分钟抬高床头30度。 4(每24小时更换鼻饲用物。 5(每日清洁鼻腔,妥善固定胃管,避免局部受压,口腔护理 每日至少BID。 6(每班记录进出量,鼻饲液与其他入量分开,但包括在入量 总量中。 7(监测肠鸣音,观察并记录病人对肠内营养的反应,有无恶 心、呕吐、腹泻等。 颅内感染与耳鼻漏有住院期间无颅内1. 取患者侧卧位,禁止健侧卧位。 关 感染发生 2. 鼻漏:每班用NS棉签(干湿适中)清洗鼻腔,保持鼻腔 通畅,量多者头下垫妙力,及时更换并称重记录。 3. 耳漏:每班用NS棉签(干湿适中)清洗外耳道保持通畅, 再用安耳碘消毒外耳道;量多者耳下垫小块秒力,及时更 换并称重记录。 4. 禁止填塞。 呼吸模式改变:与呼吸呼吸机应用期间1、 注意呼吸机模式。 肌无力、肺通气不足、无相关并发症的2、 注意呼吸参数变化,每小时记录。 肺换气功能障碍有关。 发生。 3、 做好呼吸机管道的护理,定时更换呼吸机管道,每周1~2 次,及时吸痰,防止痰液堵塞管道。 4、 定时翻身排背,防止肺部感染及呼吸机相关性肺炎的发 生。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection ICU常见护理诊断 生命体征改变:与病情危重有关 气体交换受损:与炎性物质损伤肺组织有关 清理呼吸道无效:与气道分泌物多、粘稠、咳嗽无力有关 低效型呼吸形态:与病变累及呼吸肌导致呼吸无力有关。 呼吸模式改变:与呼吸肌无力、肺通气不足、肺换气功能障碍有关。 疼痛:与多发骨折、全身多处皮肤软组织挫伤有关 焦虑:与病情危重、担心预后有关 意识障碍:与颅脑损伤有关。 睡眠形态紊乱(失眠):与下列因素有关:1、环境改变2、躯体疼痛不适 有皮肤完整性受损的危险:与下列因素有关:1、长期卧床2、强迫体位3、皮肤抵抗力降低 有便秘的危险:与长期卧床有关。 有感染的危险:1有关与留置各侵入性导管有关 2 粒细胞减少、血红蛋白下降、免疫抑制、免疫缺陷或 获得性免疫异常等 3营养不良; 体温过高:与感染有关。 躯体移动障碍:与肢体行骨牵引或石膏托固定有关。 体液不足的可能:与伤口大量渗血渗液有关 有发生废用综合征的危险:与肢体瘫痪有关。 有营养失调的可能 有深静脉血栓的可能 骨牵引无效的危险:与下列因素有关:1、病人耐受性差。2、体位不正确。 有胸腔闭式引流失效的可能:与引流管扭曲、受压或血块堵塞致引流不畅有关 有损伤的危险:与意识障碍有关。 营养失调:低于机体需要量:与创伤后机体代谢量增加及伤口大量渗液有关 语言沟通障碍:与行气管切开或气管插管有关。 排便模式改变:与行结肠造口有关 出血倾向:出血与血小板减少、凝血因子缺乏、血管壁异常有关 腹泻:1饮食不当药物作用2消化道功能紊乱3营养障碍或吸收不良综合症4免疫力降低有关 皮肤完整性受损 口腔粘膜改变:与口腔感染、口腔内手术有关 引流管有效能降低的可能:与血块阻塞、引流管扭曲、折叠有关 体液过多:机体调节机制不佳低蛋白血症液体摄入量过多钠入量过多 颅内感染:与耳鼻漏有关 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection
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