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代工企业的弯道挑战(OEM corner challenge)


代工企业的弯道挑战(OEM corner challenge)代工企业的弯道挑战(OEM corner challenge) 代工企业的弯道挑战(OEM corner challenge) OEM corner challenge Before deciding how to join the brand, how should the foundry enterprise make a strategic decision to "decide the fate"? What psychological and material preparation should...

代工企业的弯道挑战(OEM corner challenge)
代工企业的弯道挑战(OEM corner challenge) 代工企业的弯道挑战(OEM corner challenge) OEM corner challenge Before deciding how to join the brand, how should the foundry enterprise make a strategic decision to "decide the fate"? What psychological and material preparation should we make after making up our minds? How to choose your own path? Continue to OEM? Or turn to brand? In the hearts of many small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who rely on subcontracting, this has often become a dilemma. When business owners are more ambitious, career ambitions are more diverse, or enterprises encountered bottlenecks in development, encountered customer prices down pressure, how to choose more often become a torture. But there are many challenges for the OEM enterprises which want to choose the transformation and make the brand. How exactly is decision making right? What can I do to make a decision? Think about it first...... In the view of consultants CEO United wisdom for at least three points, need to do preparatory work. The agency has conducted in-depth research into many transition companies over the past many years. First of all, we must have a very clear awareness of the fundamental needs of the transformation." Where Mu said, "many people may want to make lots of money do not want to answer, it is just a lot of slavishly dependent, but not for business reasons. Branding is always about strategic intentions. For example: want to make the brand more durable, and consumers closer, and even their own business model has undergone some changes." Because the enterprise is for profit, the brand is only one of the means, tools and guarantee of profit. In reality, many enterprises do OEM or ODM very smoothly, but because of envy brand enterprise high profits and brand, the result of most of the failure ended. Because you do not know what you want to know, all the market experience will be a surprise accident. Not only that, for themselves to enter the industry, but also need to have a comprehensive understanding and understanding of judgment. Most of the OEM bosses, despite the answers, but in fact, the general trend of the industry is still hazy. "Perhaps commissioned manufacturers to lower prices, because the entire industry itself is sunset industries, strong brands have to withdraw."." He said. Upstream manufacturers performance is likely to reflect the market trend, but it has become a stimulus OEM enterprises jumped into the industry reasons, which often lead to the loss of foundry enterprises transformation. Even if you can't move, at least take advantage of it. To understand the competitive situation in the industry, what are their comparative advantages and core competencies?. In addition, a fundamental change in mindset and concept is also critical. Foundry enterprises are often characterized by product quality and price advantage. But when the transformation of the brand, only two points to measure, is far from enough, not good, it will cause drag. For example: an enterprise in Zhejiang, when it finds itself experiencing a bottleneck in development, in fact, the entire product line is gone, but the boss must adhere to the brand in this industry. Because he has more than 100 machines, nowhere to use them." He said. Brand enterprises have to face consumers, which is completely different from the game rules during the OEM period. To understand, do brands have a lot of money to spend, can not see the return. The input-output ratio and the time difference between input and output are also different from before. Without understanding this, it is easy to hold back until a good fund flows back. And do oem, Relatively speaking, the business link is simple after all; once the brand is made, the links are greatly increased: to face their own marketing team, facing the media and the public, agents. It is difficult to persist without good will power. From the marketing level, the transformation of the foundry is from the "three noes" process began to change: no brand, no distribution network, no marketing team. Former customers basically went to zero; former teams were even different because of the difference in ideas. But these are precisely the three most important brands to do the sword. Please get ready, boss! To do business, largely in life. The success of the transformation of foundry enterprises is closely related to the boss himself. First, be ambitious. If you just want to make money faster, brand is not a good choice. In the initial stage of the transition, the boss must personally participate in the operation of key links, otherwise, he will never understand the key to do the brand, and professional managers and good communication and cooperation. Two, the integration of resources is very important. What the foundry enterprise boss lacks most is to the market understanding and the understanding. The rational choice is to integrate the things he lacks with the fastest speed. It can be done with the wisdom and experience of other people, and there is no need to grope for it all. Can find professional companies, professional managers, consult a special brand operators, so that you can save large , amount of time, less detours. To do business, sometimes not in the first worry, all shortcomings are filled, but in your advantage to the longest. To have the ability to integrate and mobilize resources, so that the external resources to supplement themselves. Three, pay attention to system construction. Many foundry enterprises in transition, often only know to throw money on advertising, but in fact, to understand the principle of cask: advertising is not unimportant, but only this is not enough. Industry determination before transformation What kind of foundry enterprise is suitable for the strategic transformation of brand management, and closely related to the characteristics of the industry. The brand profitability and brand concentration of enterprises in the industry can provide a reference for the strategic direction of enterprise transformation to a great extent. Based on these two key indicators, Wang Fei, a senior consultant of Kotler Consulting Group, summarizes four types, which represent different strategic directions: Type I: OEM innovation Industry brand profit margins are very low, industry brand concentration is very high. The former indicates that there is little attraction to the brand enterprise in the industry, and the latter represents a high brand barrier in the industry. The most representative is the soft drinks industry, Coca-Cola is not because of its brand and sell expensive, but other small brands is still very difficult to survive, so in this industry in the OEM enterprises should focus on the improvement of enterprise management, reduce operating costs, expand the scale effect, OEM innovative business strategy, blindly the change of brand management is not wise. Type II: focus on OEM innovation, and brand Industry brand profit margin is very high, it is very attractive for OEM enterprises to carry out brand management strategy change, but the concentration of industry brand is very high, and it faces higher barriers. Representative, such as: mobile phone industry. In such an industry, the more appropriate strategic choice for OEM enterprises is to focus on innovation and conduct brand management in the case of adequate preparation. III: focus on brand, while doing OEM innovation Industry brand profit margins are not high, and the attractiveness of enterprise brand operation is limited, but because the industry brand concentration is not high, barriers to entry are not high. Such as: personal care industry. If in this industry, make the brand the odds are clearly much bigger, but also do not have to give up the OEM, because the brand will bring high profit margins, and the need to invest, and OEM can provide the enterprise to have money for a long time. Type IV: focus on brand Industry brand concentration is not high, industry brand profit margins are very high. This neither barrier, but also bring high returns of the industry, the most suitable for brand transformation. Such as: clothing industry. If you have the honor to be in such an industry, OEM enterprises should be confident of brand management strategy change, and gradually abandon the production of OEM. Of course, when enterprises carry out cross-border and cross sector operation, according to the different countries in different industries may be integrated, for example: some companies mainly do the brand management in the domestic and abroad, but exists in the OEM production mode of operation. This is because apart from the possibility of choice of strategic direction, the transformation process of OEM enterprises to brand management in the enterprise, with the strategy change, will face the key factors of capital, technology, channels, personnel and other aspects of the needs and characteristics of the industry to make a good match. The road code for transforming brands So, if the enterprise has already made all sorts of preparation, how should proceed to realize the transformation? Shen Kun of Guangdong general manager of Beijing University of management consulting believes that we should do the following aspects: Dare to break through the existing brands in order to find the breakthrough point; the establishment of specialized brand planning team; a clear brand positioning, and the effective communication to the target population; consider the input and output, don't worship advertising; pay attention to product quality; focus on the integration of brand communication. "We must find sufficient conditions for our strategic actions, or have the opportunity in the industry, or have unique abilities in one respect, and break through the market situation of the existing brand control."." Shen Kun says. And with a long history of brand enterprise competition, must have enough planning ability and ability to improvise, an experienced marketing team is essential. Before you decide your brand positioning, you must answer three questions smoothly: 1. who are the target groups? 2. what are the benefits that can be provided for these target groups? 3., in all the brands that offer the same benefits, what do customers choose from us? If you can answer, then this position is absolutely right; if you can't answer, then think again! Brands rely on systematic, scientific brand management, as well as firm brand strategy. Many times, more attention is paid to enterprise endurance and concentration. Product quality is the lifeblood of the brand, and the integration of communication can be extra points for the brand. That is to say, whether you are terminal promotions or high-altitude advertising, and even information on corporate websites, Should spread the same brand information to the outside world. And this brand information, must be refined out of the core value of the brand. Only focus can tell the target crowd exactly what our brand is different from our competitors. More third roads In fact, in addition to firmly follow the old road and transformation of brands, foundry enterprises in fact still have a rich and varied choice. For example: you can follow the order to the enterprise, to dig a road ahead." He said. Many brand enterprises operate the market nationwide, but there are large agents in every province. And these big dealers are also facing confusion: big brands no profits, small brands do not sell. Their efforts to move upstream are also intense. It might be possible to ally with dealers and help them produce some dealer brands. As long as there is less business, there will be more profits. At the very least, you can get a higher premium space than the original OEM. Similarly, you can continue to dig forward, such as: Carrefour, lotus, and other large chain channels, now do their own brand products, OEM retailers directly become big retailers, you can also greatly reduce business links. There is also a choice, is to enrich their product line, do a variety of OEM, and it is best related diversification. For example: before doing ball point pen, now horizontal expansion can be done as a neutral pen, the original resources can be shared, but also to expand the source of profits. There seems to be one of the most challenging, but excellent business models. That is, to find some of their own related OEM manufacturers do alliances, joint set up shop, shaping the unified brand of the firm, but to retain their respective product brands. For example: OEM manufacturers can do ballpoint pens to do rubber, do stationery box, we jointly set up shop, focused on everyone's strength." He said. In fact, in Beijing and Shanghai city have a lot of hanging "foreign trade clothing brand shop, specifically to sell to the domestic exports of products, everything is very complex, dress pants socks have, this is actually OEM manufacturers to do a combination of the product to a shop to heap sell. "This is the operation of the unconscious." He said, "once you do it consciously, this is a good way, and now some companies are trying."."
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