首页 桑叶的功效与作用



桑叶的功效与作用桑叶的功效与作用 性味与归经: 甘、苦,寒。归肺、肝经。 霜桑叶又称冬霜叶,在冬季落霜后采集加工。初霜后,桑叶老化干硬、呈黄绿色时,即可采集。采回的桑叶用水洗干净后,放在晒席上晾晒干;再取干净的霜桑叶搓碎,筛去粗叶脉和叶柄,按1公斤干叶加0.2公斤优质蜂蜜的比例,再加适量开水拌匀,放锅内用文火炒至不粘手为宜,取出冷却后即可。 一般的要到中药店购买。 桑叶有一个特殊的功效,可能不被人熟悉,那就是止汗。《神农本草经》说:桑叶“气味苦甘寒,有小毒,主寒热出汗”。《本草纲目》云:“经霜桑叶,除寒热盗汗,末服。”《得...

桑叶的功效与作用 性味与归经: 甘、苦,寒。归肺、肝经。 霜桑叶又称冬霜叶,在冬季落霜后采集加工。初霜后,桑叶老化干硬、呈黄绿色时,即可采集。采回的桑叶用水洗干净后,放在晒席上晾晒干;再取干净的霜桑叶搓碎,筛去粗叶脉和叶柄,按1公斤干叶加0.2公斤优质蜂蜜的比例,再加适量开水拌匀,放锅内用文火炒至不粘手为宜,取出冷却后即可。 一般的要到中药店购买。 桑叶有一个特殊的功效,可能不被人熟悉,那就是止汗。《神农本草经》说:桑叶“气味苦甘寒,有小毒,主寒热出汗”。《本草纲目》云:“经霜桑叶,除寒热盗汗,末服。”《得配本草》:载,桑叶“甘,寒。入手足阳明经。清西方之燥,泻东方之实。去风热,利关节,疏肝,止汗。”可见,单用桑叶研末服用,可治出汗。《本草备要》不但有相类的记载,而且还记录有生动的病案:桑叶“末服止盗汗,严州有僧,每就枕,汗出遍身,不但衣被皆透,二十年不能疗。监寺教采带露桑叶,焙干为末,空心米饮下二钱,数日而愈。” 历代医家也有不少经验之谈。金元四大家之一的名医朱丹溪常用桑叶治盗汗。他在《丹溪心法》一 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 中记载:“经霜桑叶研末,米饮服,止盗汗。”明末清初的名医傅青主,很擅长用桑叶止汗,还创制了不少以桑叶为主药的方剂,如止汗神丹、遏汗丸、止汗定神丹。”著名中医路志正在治疗盗汗、自汗时也常单用桑叶,多用9,15g水煎服或6,9g研末服。秦伯未先生亦喜 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 用桑叶治头面出汗。可见桑叶止汗,确有渊源。 桑叶也是很好的保健品。据现代药理研究:桑叶中有黄酮类、多糖类、生物碱类、植物甾醇类、挥发油、氨基酸、维生素及微量元素等多种化学成分,具有降血糖、降血脂、降血压、抗菌和抗病毒、抗衰老等多种药理活性,广泛用于预防保健,有时单用即可获效,真可谓简、便、验、廉。 功能与主治: 疏散风热,清肺润燥,清肝明目。用于风热感冒,肺热燥咳,头晕头痛,目赤昏花。 桑叶的功效 1(降血糖 桑叶具有抑制血糖上升的作用,其作用机理与桑叶中 丰富的氨基酸、纤维素、维生素、矿物质及多种生理活性物质(生物碱和多糖)有关,其中主要功能物质是桑叶中的DNA能抑制α,葡萄糖苷酶活性,从而抑制及延缓淀粉,食物分解为葡萄糖、果糖,明显抑制食后血糖上升。 2(抗菌 体外试验 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,鲜桑叶对金黄色葡萄球菌、乙型溶血性球菌、白喉杆菌、炭疽杆菌均有较强抑制作用。桑叶中的植物防御素有抗微生物的作用。 3(降血压 降血压的主要功效成分是γ,氨基丁酸。 4(降血脂 主要的功效成分是植物甾醇。 5(抗氧化、抗衰老 这两种作用的主要功效成分是异黄酮化合物。据浙江大学临床药理研究所通过4年实验,证实桑叶具有类似人参的补益和抗衰老作用。人参属于热补,而桑叶属于清补,老幼均可使用,四季皆宜。 hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectivnsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution2 6(缓解更年期综合征 桑叶具有稳定植物神经系统功能的作用,可缓解老年人更年期情绪激动,性情乖戾。 7(美容 (1)治黄褐斑 脸部褐色斑常使不少女性为之苦恼,可用桑叶治疗:取冬桑叶500g,隔水蒸煮消毒,去除杂物,干燥处理后备用。每日取15g,沸水浸泡当茶饮。1个月为一疗程,一般服用20天后即有明显疗效,斑块消退或色素变浅。治疗期间应多吃些豆制品,如豆腐、豆芽等。 (2)护肤 用桑叶浴护肤,能使皮肤光洁。取经霜的干桑叶50,100g,放入锅中,加水煮10,15分钟后,倒入浴盆内晾凉后洗浴,护肤而不脱脂,是很好的健美浴方,皮肤粗糙的人可使皮肤尽快变得细嫩起来。若取冬桑叶适量,水煎15分钟后去渣取汁,再加热浓缩,藏入冰箱内备用。每天清晨洗脸时,于洗脸水中加入30ml冬桑叶煎液,可治疗面部雀斑、黧黑斑,使肌肤美白增色、光洁如玉。 (3)治痤疮 痤疮是常见于青年人的一种炎症性皮肤病。进入青春发育期后,体内性激素分泌旺盛,促使皮脂腺分泌增多,导致皮脂淤积,堵塞毛囊口,容易形成痤疮。用桑叶煎剂治疗痤疮,每日取鲜桑叶50g,煎水分3次服,一般 15天可见效。若取鲜桑叶适量,捣烂后敷于痤疮处,每日30分钟,也有满意的效果。 (4)美发 使头发乌黑、光泽、柔软。桑叶含有较丰富的铜,有防治毛发和皮肤白化的作用。取霜桑叶或鲜桑叶500g,除去梗叶,研末;另取黑芝麻250g,炒熟研末;二者加白糖调匀或制成大蜜丸,每日早晚各服20g,白开水送服。长期坚持可使白发转黑,面容红润,并能预防少白头发生。 ook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitiot and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection3 (5)减肥 坚持长期饮用桑叶茶,可明显减肥。桑叶的利水作用,不光可以促进排尿,还可使积在细胞中的多余水分排走,所以桑叶能够消肿。桑叶还可以将血液中过剩的中性脂肪和胆固醇排清,即清血功能。肥胖是腹部、脊背的脂肪细胞中贮存了过多的脂肪。当血液里的中性脂肪减少时,贮存的脂肪就会被释放出来,以热量的形式被消耗掉。这样反复下去,身体里的脂肪就会减少。因此减肥和改善高脂血病是相互关联的。另外,高脂血病人的血液粘度高,在毛细血管中的流动特别不畅通。毛细血管只有我们头发的1/100那么粗,所以当然容易堵塞。心肌梗塞和脑溢血都是毛细血管堵塞的结果。桑叶中含有强化毛细血管,降低血液粘度的黄酮类成分,所以在减肥、改善高脂血症的同时,又有预防心肌梗塞和脑溢血的作用。 8(通便、消肿 在桑叶的作用下未被小肠吸收而输送到大肠内的糖质由肠内菌群作用,生成二氧化碳、氢气、丁酸、丙酸、醋酸、乳酸等有机酸,使肠内外环境酸性,抑制了有害细菌增殖,起到整肠效果,改善便秘,改善腹胀。桑叶还能去除体内多余水而改善水肿。 桑叶食疗法 1.桑叶薄菊枇杷茶 桑叶500g,黄菊花250g,枇杷叶250g,薄荷250g。上述诸药共制成粗末,用洁净的纱布袋分装,每袋10,15g。每取 1袋,放入茶杯中,沸水冲泡,盖焖10分钟即成。代茶频饮。功用疏风清热,解表清肺。适用於风热感冒初起。 hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectivnsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution 4 2.桑叶菊藤布麻茶 桑叶、菊花、钩藤、罗布麻各6g,茶叶3g。上述诸药共制成粗末,入锅中水煎10分钟即成。代茶频饮。功用平肝降 压。适用於高血压、头痛头晕头胀等症。 3.桑叶浮小麦茶 桑叶 (以霜桑叶为好) 10g,浮小麦30g。將桑叶搓碎,入大茶杯中,备用。取锅1只,加入浮小麦,水煎去渣取汁, 用浮小麦汁冲泡桑叶,盖焖10分钟即成。代茶频饮。功用清热止汗之功。适用於肺结核低热盗汗等症。 4.桑叶茅藕仙鹤茶 桑叶15g,白茅根15g,仙鹤草15g,藕节9g。將上药共入锅中,水煎去渣取汁即成。代茶饮用,每日1剂。功用清热 凉血止血。适用於咯血、吐血、衄血、齿龈出血等多种出血症。 5.桑叶银芩车前茶 桑叶、银花、车前叶、黄芩各6g。將上述诸药共制成粗末,放入茶壶中,沸水冲泡盖焖10分钟即成。每日1剂,代 茶饮用。功用清热解毒,利尿,明目。适用於急性结膜炎。 6.桑叶杏参贝梨汤 桑叶10g,杏仁5g,沙参5g,川贝母3g,梨皮15g,冰糖10g。將上述诸品共入锅中,水煎去渣取汁即成。每日1剂, 代茶饮用。功用润肺止咳生津。适用於急性支气管炎及病后余热未清、干咳无痰等症。 7.桑叶双花饮 桑叶50g,金银花50g,黄菊花50g,蜂蜜500g,食用香精2ml。將桑叶、银花、菊花择净,用水泡洗后一起放入锅中,加清水3Kg,用文火煎熬半小时,泌出药汁。將蜂蜜倒入干净的锅中,用文火加热保持微沸,熬至 t and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitio5 粘手成丝时,缓缓倒入药汁中,搅拌均 匀。待蜂蜜溶化后,用纱布过滤即成。频频饮服。功用清热解毒、疏风散邪。适用於流行性腮腺炎,轻重均可。 8.桑菊蝉衣饮 桑叶10g,菊花10g,蝉衣6g,白糖适量。將桑叶、菊花择净,蝉衣去头足,共入锅中,加水适量,武火烧沸,文火煎15 分钟,滤渣取汁。再加白糖搅匀即成。常饮服。功用疏风散热,镇惊。适用於小儿惊风,症见发热,头痛,咳嗽,流涕等。 桑叶美容: 1、脸部痤疮,褐色斑者:每日取桑叶茶70克,泡茶分三次喝,一般15天见效。取泡茶用桑叶适量,搅烂,敷痤疮处每日30分钟,方可见效。用桑叶茶500克,每日15克,沸水浸泡后作茶饮用,连服30天为一疗程,治疗期间应多吃豆制品。 2、沐浴疗法 取经霜的干桑叶50--100克,放入锅中加水煮10--15分钟后,倒入浴盆内晾凉后洗浴,护肤而不脱脂,是很好的健美浴方,皮肤粗糙的人可使皮肤尽快变得细嫩些。 3、脸部雀斑、黑斑 若取冬桑叶适量,水煎15分钟后去渣取汁,再加热浓度,藏入冰箱内备用,每天清晨洗脸时,于洗脸水加入30毫升冬桑叶煎叶,可治疗面部雀斑,黑斑,使肌肤变得洁白光滑。 -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectivnsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area 6 眼下日本、韩国桑叶茶、桑叶食品甚是流行,用户大多是高血糖、高血脂、肥胖和便秘的患者,2004年全日本以100家药物和食品为消费对象的店铺调查中,“桑叶茶”等保健茶一举荣登销售榜榜首。2006年我公司开始试生产“桑叶茶”2007年进入中试,2008年11月上旬我公司的“桑叶茶”已销的无货可供~我公司生产的“桑叶茶”外观色泽深绿,闻之馥郁清香,冲泡后汤色明亮清香袅袅、沁人心脾,冲泡后的叶片在杯中能较长时间保持鲜嫩翠绿,饮后回味甘醇、口感清沥。“桑叶茶”如此良好的保鲜功能表明:“桑叶茶”的抗氧化性能的确功效卓著、不同凡响。 桑叶茶的功效 桑叶在我国与蚕丝“结缘”历史悠久,又是一味常用中药。除能散风除热、清肝明目外,古医书还说它有“驻容颜,乌鬚发”的功效。近年研究证实,桑叶确是物美价廉的天然美容护肤佳品,尤其对脸部的痤疮、褐色斑有较好的疗效。 现代 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 表明,桑叶含有较丰富的铜,有防治毛发和皮肤白化的作用。取桑叶粉15克另取黑芝麻粉20克,二者加白糖调匀,用白开水送服,长期坚持可使白发转黑,面容红润,并能预防少白头发生。 痤疮是常见于青年人的一种炎症性皮肤病。进入青春发育期后,体内性激素分泌旺盛,促使皮脂腺分泌增多,导致皮脂淤积,堵塞毛囊口,容易形成痤疮。用桑叶煎剂治疗痤疮,每日取桑叶粉50克,煎水分3次服,一般 15天可见效。也可用桑叶粉调成糊状直接敷脸30分钟后洗净,也有意想不到的收获。 脸部褐色斑常使不少女性为之苦恼,可用桑叶治疗:取桑叶茶1包,沸水 he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitiot and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-7 浸泡当茶饮。1个月为一疗程,一般服用20天后即有明显疗效,斑块消退或色素变浅。治疗期间应多吃些豆制品,如豆腐、豆芽等。 桑叶洗浴对美容也大有裨益。取桑叶粉50克用开水泡开,倒入浴盆内晾凉后洗浴,护肤而不脱脂,是很好的健美浴方,皮肤粗糙的人可使皮肤尽快变得细嫩起。若取冬桑叶粉适量,水煎15分钟后,再加热浓缩,藏入冰箱内备用。每天清晨洗脸时,置放于洗脸水可治疗面部雀斑、黧黑斑,使肌肤美白增色、光洁如玉。 桑叶味道可口,无副作用,我国古代养生家曾用桑叶代替茶叶作饮料,借以长葆青春。日前,日本中央蚕业研究所已开发出有保健功能的桑茶,茶色碧绿,富含优质蛋白质、必需脂肪酸、粗纤维、糖类及钙、磷、铁、锌、锰等营养成分,饮用方便,营养成分吸收快,具有促进新陈代谢、血液循环,消除疲劳等功用。除桑叶茶外,日本还推出了风靡市场的桑叶面、桑叶小甜饼、桑叶乔麦面等系列食品。桑叶提取物又可用作糕点的安全色素,真可谓用处多多,好处多多,令人刮目相看。 2世纪完成的世界最早的药书《神农本草经》中,已记载了桑叶的药用价值。现在,在中医治疗中,桑叶作为改善糖尿病及其他各种疑难杂症的药物而使用。中医将桑树叶称为"桑叶",认为其药效极为广泛。有止咳、去热,治疗头晕眼花、消除眼部疲劳,消肿、清血,治疗痢疾、浮肿,补肝、美肤等功效。 桑叶茶可以减肥,就是与桑叶"消肿、"清血"的作用有关。 桑叶茶之所以能够消肿,是因为桑叶有利水的作用。利水作用与利尿作用不同,不光可以促进排尿,还可以使积在细胞中的多余水分排走。 hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectivnsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution 8 所以桑叶茶能够改善所谓的水肿现象。 清血是指将血液中过剩的中性脂肪和胆固醇排清。血液中的中性脂肪或胆固醇增加过多就是高脂血症。所以胖人多为高脂血症患者。桑叶有改善这种高血脂的作用。 另外,高脂血症病人的血液粘度高,在毛细血管中的流动特别不畅通。毛细血管只有我们头发的1/100那么粗,所以容易堵塞。心肌梗塞和脑溢血都是毛细血管堵塞的结果。桑叶中含有强化毛细血管、降低血液粘度的黄酮类成分,所以在减肥、改善高脂血症的同时,又有预防心肌梗塞和脑溢血的作用。 有益的功效: 1.桑叶味甘性寒、归肺、肝经。肝以益血,肝寒结合,故下气而益阴,是以能治盗汗、祛头痛、除脚气水肿、利大小肠、清肺润燥、清肝明目、凉血、长发、消热、止咳、化痰、抗糖尿„„ 2.桑叶能抑制肠道吸收胆固醇并减少其在血管内壁的沉积、抑制肠内有害细菌繁殖和过氧化物的生存,整肠,清肠排毒。 3.桑叶除含有极其丰富的矿物质和维生素外,还含有许多对人体有特殊功效的物质成分;具有降脂作用的淄醇,能抑制脂质氧化作用和动脉硬化作用的黄铜类物质:含有具有降压作用的降压物质r-氨基西酸,特别是含有一种名叫I-脱氧野尻霉素的生物碱,动植物中唯独桑叶含有。所以现代、市场高挡保健品和不少中成药都离不开桑叶。 4.专家还针对桑芽降糖是通过糖苷酶抑制血糖上升、抑制血栓形成的不同作用原理,本牌桑芽茶又加强了糖尿病人病变胰岛细胞与结构的恢复功能,增加了糖尿病人外周组织的胰岛素受体并提高受体敏感性的功能,既不影响 clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitiot and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directl9 健康人的血糖水平,有对健康人起到全方位的预防和保健功效。 桑叶的采收和功 桑叶(《本经》) 【异名】铁扇子(《百草镜》)。 【来源】为桑科植物桑的叶。 【植物形态】桑(《诗经》),又名:家桑(《日华子本草》),荆桑(王祯《农书》),桑椹树(《救荒本草》),黄桑。落叶乔木,高3,7米或更高,通常灌木状,植物体含乳液。树皮黄褐色,枝灰白色或灰黄色,细长疏生,嫩时稍有柔毛。叶互生;卵形或椭圆形,长5,10厘米,最长可达20厘米,宽5,11厘米,先端锐尖,基部心脏形或不对称,边缘有不整齐的粗锯齿或圆齿;叶柄长1.5,4厘米;托叶披针形,早落。花单性,雌雄异株;花黄绿色,与叶同时开放;雄花成柔荑花序;雌花成穗状花序;萼片4裂;雄花有雄蕊4;雌花无花柱,柱头2裂,向外卷。聚合果腋生,肉质,有柄,椭圆形,长1,2.5厘米,深紫色或黑色,少有白色的。花期4,5月。果期6,7月。全国各地有栽培。以江苏、浙江一带为多。 本植物的根(桑根)、根皮(桑白皮)、嫩枝(桑枝)、树皮中的白色液汁(桑皮汁)、叶中的白色液汁(桑叶汁)、果穗(桑椹)亦供药用,各详专条。下列同属植物.在少数地区亦同等入药。鸡桑,具细长2裂的花柱(参见"小叶桑"条);蒙桑,叶缘锯齿常具刺毛;华桑,叶缘具钝圆锯齿,幼叶两面密生细毛。 【采集】10,11月间霜后采收,除去杂质,晒干。 【药材】干燥叶片多卷缩破碎,完整者呈卵形或宽卵形,长8,13厘米,宽7,11厘米。先端尖,边缘有锯齿,有时作不规则分裂,基部截形、圆形或心脏 hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectivnsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution 10 形。上面黄绿色,略有光泽,沿叶脉处有细小毛茸;下面色稍浅,叶脉突起,小脉交织成网状,密生细毛。质脆易碎。气微,味淡,微苦涩。以叶片完整、大而厚、色黄绿、质脆、无杂质者为佳。习惯应用桑叶以经霜者为好,称"霜桑叶"或"冬桑叶"。全国大部分地区均产,以南部育蚕区产量较大。 【化学成分】叶含芸香甙、槲皮素、异槲皮甙、槲皮素-3-三葡糖甙、微量的β-谷甾醇,和菜油甾醇、β-谷甾醇、β-D-葡糖甙、蛇麻脂醇、内消旋肌醇、昆虫变态激素牛膝甾酮和蜕皮甾酮、溶血素、绿原酸。挥发油成分中有乙酸、丙酸、丁酸、异丁酸、戊酸、异戊酸、己酸、异己酸、水杨酸甲酯、愈创木酚、酚、邻苯甲酚、间苯甲酚、丁香油酚等,又含草酸、延胡索酸、酒石酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸、棕榈酸、棕榈酸乙酯、三十一烷、羟基香豆精、蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖、天门冬氨基酸和谷氨酸等氨基酸。并含维生素C-200,300毫克%,谷胱甘肽140,400毫克%,叶酸105微克%,5-甲酰四氢叶酸22微克%,维生素B1-460微克%,维生素B2-300,800微克%,腺嘌呤、胆碱、胡芦巴碱,以及铜10p.p.m.、锌16p.p.m.、硼35p.p.m.、锰270p.p.m.。 【药理作用】以四氧嘧啶性糖尿病大鼠的空腹血糖、肾上腺素高血糖的测定作指标,桑叶有抗糖尿病作用。国内在用桑叶注射液治疗下肢象皮肿时测定了它对小鼠的急性毒性很小;在亚急性试验中,用10%桑叶注射液人用量的60倍,连续给小鼠腹腔注射21天,对内脏器官无损害,如超过人用量的250倍以上,则对肝、肾、肺等有一定损害(变性、出血);桑叶注射液无刺激性,不引起溶血及过敏反应。桑叶水煎剂高浓度(31毫克/毫升)在体外有抗钩端螺旋体作用。 芸香甙和槲皮素的药理参见"槐花"条,丁香油酚的药理参见"丁香"条。 t and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitio11 【炮制】桑叶:拣去杂质,搓碎,簸去梗,筛去泥屑。蜜桑叶:取净桑叶,加炼熟的蜂蜜和开水少许,拌匀,稍闷,置锅内用文火炒至不粘手为度,取出,放凉。(每桑叶100斤,用炼熟蜂蜜20,25斤) 【性味】苦甘,寒。 ?《日华子本草》:"暖,无毒。" ?《纲目》:"味苦甘,寒,有小毒。" ?《医林纂要》:"甘酸辛,寒。" 【归经】入肺、肝经。 ?《纲目》:"手足阳明经。" ?《本草经解》:"入足太阳膀胱经、手少阴心经、足太阴脾经。" ?《本草再新》:"入肝、肺二经。" 【功用主治】祛风清热,凉血明目。治风温发热,头痛,目赤,口渴,肺热咳嗽,风痹,瘾疹,下肢象皮肿。 ?《本经》:"除寒热,出汗。" ?《唐本草》:"水煎取浓汁,除脚气、水肿,利大小肠。" ?孟诜:"炙煎饮之,止渴,一如茶法。" ?《本草拾遗》:"主霍乱腹痛吐下,冬月用干者浓煮服之。细锉,大釜中煎取如赤糖,去老风及宿血。" ?《日华子本草》:"利五脏,通关节,下气,煎服;除风痛出汗,并扑损瘀血,并蒸后罯;蛇虫蜈蚣咬,盐挼敷上。" ?《本草图经》:"煮汤淋渫手足,去风痹。" ?《丹溪心法》:"焙干为末,空心米饮凋服,止盗汗。" of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectivnsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-12 ?《本草蒙筌》:"煮汤,洗眼去风泪,消水肿脚浮,下气,利关节。" ?《纲目》:"治劳热咳嗽,明目,长发。" ?《本草从新》:"滋燥,凉血,止血。" ?《百草镜》:"治肠风。" ?《本草求真》:"清肺泻胃,凉血燥湿。" ?《本草求原》:"止吐血、金疮出血。" ?《山东中药》:"治喉痛,牙龈肿痛,头面浮肿。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1.5,3钱;或入丸、散。外用:煎水洗或捣敷。 【选方】?治太阴风温,但咳,身不甚热,微渴者:杏仁二钱,连翘一钱五分,薄荷八分,桑叶二钱五分,菊花一钱,苦梗二钱,甘草八分(生),苇根二钱。水二杯,煮取一杯,日二服。(《温病条辨》桑菊饮) ?治风眼下泪:腊月不落桑叶,煎汤日日温洗,或入芒硝。(《濒湖集简方》) ?洗天行时眼,风热肿痛,目涩眩赤:铁扇子二张,以滚水冲半盏,盖好,候汤温,其色黄绿如浓茶样为出味,然后洗眼,拭干;隔一、二时,再以药汁碗隔水炖热,再洗,每日洗三、五次。(《养素园传信方》) ?治肝阴不足,眼目昏花,咳久不愈,肌肤甲错,麻痹不仁:嫩桑叶(去蒂,洗净,晒干,为末)一斤,黑胡麻子(淘净)四两,将胡麻擂碎,熬浓汁,和白蜜一斤,炼至滴水成珠,入桑叶末为丸,如梧桐子大。每服三钱,空腹时盐汤、临卧时温酒送下。(《医级》桑麻丸) ?治吐血:晚桑叶,微焙,不计多少,捣罗为细散。每服三钱匕,冷腊茶调如膏,入麝香少许,夜卧含化咽津。只一服止,后用补肺药。(《圣济总录》独圣散) on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitiot and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-13 ?治霍乱已吐利后,烦渴不止:桑叶一握,切,以水一大盏,煎至五分,去滓,不计时候温服。(《圣惠方》) ?治小儿渴:桑叶不拘多少,用生蜜逐叶上敷过,将线系叶蒂上绷,阴干,细切,用水煎汁服之。(《胜金方》) ?治大肠脱肛:黄皮桑树叶三升,水煎过,带温罨纳之。(《仁斋直指方》) ?治穿掌毒肿:新桑叶研烂盫之。(《通玄论》) ?治痈口不敛:经霜黄桑叶,为末敷之。(《仁斋直指方》) ?治火烧及汤泡疮:经霜桑叶,焙干,烧存性,为细末,香油调敷或干敷。(《医学正传》) ?治咽喉红肿,牙痛:桑叶三至五钱,煎服。(《上海常用中草药》) ?治头目眩晕:桑叶三钱,菊花三钱,枸杞子三钱,决明子二钱。水煎代茶饮。(《山东中草药手册》) ?治摇头风(舌伸出,流清水,连续摇头):桑叶一至二钱,水煎服。(江西《草药手册》) 【临床应用】治疗下肢象皮肿 采用10%桑叶注射液肌肉注射,每次5毫升,每日1,2次;或25,50%溶液4毫升,每日1次。15,21天为一疗程,必要时间隔10天后再给以第二或第三疗程。在注射三天后同时开始绑扎患肢。临床观察各期象皮肿病人共512例计352条腿,经一疗程后基本治愈(腿围缩小恢复正常或接近正常,皮肤变薄,皮下组织极度松软,自觉症状消失,劳动力完全恢复)者计38条腿,占10.2%;显著进步(腿围显著缩小,皮肤、皮下组织大部松软,自觉症状显著改善,劳动力有所提高)者计166条腿,占47.2%;进步(腿围稍有缩小,皮肤、皮下组 Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectivnsulat14 织略感松软,自觉症状稍减,劳动力稍微增进)者计149条腿,占42.3%;无效者仅1条腿,占0.3%。凡一、二期象皮肿患者,治疗后多数腿围能接近正常或明显缩小,三期以上病人则多难恢复到健肢水平。亦有单用桑叶注射液观察20例,结果证明对丝虫病的淋巴管炎有肯定疗效,对象皮肿有一定的软化及消肿作用。经验认为,"绑扎"是治疗中的重要一环,可昼绑夜松,绑扎得好的腿围缩小较快,如绑扎不紧、走路过多或不能长期坚持者,则疗效不佳。如能同时绑扎踝部及足背,易于取得确实效果。疗程结束后仍需长期坚持绑扎。副作用:注射局部疼痛,部分患者有发冷、发热、头晕等反应(可能与制剂不纯有关),一般较轻微,不影响治疗;个别病人注药后发生全身不适,腰、背及下肢疼痛、不能活动,需卧床1,2日,可逐渐减轻。 【名家论述】?《本草经疏》:"桑叶,甘所以益血,寒所以凉血,甘寒相合,故下气而益阴,是以能主阴虚寒热及因内热出汗。其性兼燥,故又能除脚气水肿,利大小肠,除风。经霜则兼清肃,故又能明目而止渴。发者血之余也,益血故又能长发,凉血故又止吐血。合痈口,罨穿掌,疗汤火,皆清凉补血之功也。" ?《重庆堂随笔》:"桑叶,虽治盗汗,而风温暑热服之,肺气清肃,即能汗解。息内风而除头痛,止风行肠胃之泄泻,已肝热妄行之崩漏,胎前诸病,由于肝热者尤为要药。" ?《本草撮要》:"桑叶,得麦冬治劳热;得生地、阿胶、石膏、枇杷叶,治肺燥咳血;得黑芝麻炼蜜为丸,除湿祛风明目。以之代茶,取经霜者,常服治盗汗,洗眼去风泪。" he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitiot and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-15 ?张寿颐:"桑叶,以老而经霜者为佳,欲其气之全、力之厚也,故入药用冬桑叶,亦曰霜桑叶。" 桑叶茶的功效 桑叶在我国与蚕丝“结缘”历史悠久,又是一味常用中药。除能散风除热、清肝明目外,古医书还说它有“驻容颜,乌鬚发”的功效。近年研究证实,桑叶确是物美价廉的天然美容护肤佳品,尤其对脸部的痤疮、褐色斑有较好的疗效。 现代分析表明,桑叶含有较丰富的铜,有防治毛发和皮肤白化的作用。取桑叶粉15克另取黑芝麻粉20克,二者加白糖调匀,用白开水送服,长期坚持可使白发转黑,面容红润,并能预防少白头发生。 痤疮是常见于青年人的一种炎症性皮肤病。进入青春发育期后,体内性激素分泌旺盛,促使皮脂腺分泌增多,导致皮脂淤积,堵塞毛囊口,容易形成痤疮。用桑叶煎剂治疗痤疮,每日取桑叶粉50克,煎水分3次服,一般 15天可见效。也可用桑叶粉调成糊状直接敷脸30分钟后洗净,也有意想不到的收获。 nsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectiv16 脸部褐色斑常使不少女性为之苦恼,可用桑叶治疗:取桑叶茶1包,沸水浸泡当茶饮。1个月为一疗程,一般服用20天后即有明显疗效,斑块消退或色素变浅。治疗期间应多吃些豆制品,如豆腐、豆芽等。 桑叶洗浴对美容也大有裨益。取桑叶粉50克用开水泡开,倒入浴盆内晾凉后洗浴,护肤而不脱脂,是很好的健美浴方,皮肤粗糙的人可使皮肤尽快变得细嫩起。若取冬桑叶粉适量,水煎15分钟后,再加热浓缩,藏入冰箱内备用。每天清晨洗脸时,置放于洗脸水可治疗面部雀斑、黧黑斑,使肌肤美白增色、光洁如玉。 桑叶味道可口,无副作用,我国古代养生家曾用桑叶代替茶叶作饮料,借以长葆青春。日前,日本中央蚕业研究所已开发出有保健功能的桑茶,茶色碧绿,富含优质蛋白质、必需脂肪酸、粗纤维、糖类及钙、磷、铁、锌、锰等营养成分,饮用方便,营养成分吸收快,具有促进新陈代谢、血液循环,消除疲劳等功用。除桑叶茶外,日本还推出了风靡市场的桑叶面、桑叶小甜饼、桑叶乔麦面等系列食品。桑叶提取物又可用作糕点的安全色素,真可谓用处多多,好处多多,令人刮目相看。 2世纪完成的世界最早的药书《神农本草经》中,已记载了桑叶的药用价值。现在,在中医治疗中,桑叶作为改善糖尿病及其他各种疑难杂症的药物而使用。中医将桑树叶称为"桑叶",认为其药效极为广泛。有止咳、去热,治疗头晕眼花、消除眼部疲劳,消肿、清血,治疗痢疾、浮肿,补肝、美肤等功效。 桑叶茶可以减肥,就是与桑叶"消肿、"清血"的作用有关。 n of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitiot and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on t17 桑叶茶之所以能够消肿,是因为桑叶有利水的作用。利水作用与利尿作用不同,不光可以促进排尿,还可以使积在细胞中的多余水分排走。 所以桑叶茶能够改善所谓的水肿现象。 清血是指将血液中过剩的中性脂肪和胆固醇排清。血液中的中性脂肪或胆固醇增加过多就是高脂血症。所以胖人多为高脂血症患者。桑叶有改善这种高血脂的作用。 另外,高脂血症病人的血液粘度高,在毛细血管中的流动特别不畅通。毛细血管只有我们头发的1/100那么粗,所以容易堵塞。心肌梗塞和脑溢血都是毛细血管堵塞的结果。桑叶中含有强化毛细血管、降低血液粘度的黄酮类成分,所以在减肥、改善高脂血症的同时,又有预防心肌梗塞和脑溢血的作用。 有益的功效: 1.桑叶味甘性寒、归肺、肝经。肝以益血,肝寒结合,故下气而益阴,是以能治盗汗、祛头痛、除脚气水肿、利大小肠、清肺润燥、清肝明目、凉血、长发、消热、止咳、化痰、抗糖尿„„ 2.桑叶能抑制肠道吸收胆固醇并减少其在血管内壁的沉积、抑制肠内有害细菌繁殖和过氧化物的生存,整肠,清肠排毒。 3.桑叶除含有极其丰富的矿物质和维生素外,还含有许多对人体有特殊功效的物质成分;具有降脂作用的淄醇,能抑制脂质氧化作用和动脉硬化作用的黄铜类物质:含有具有降压作用的降压物质r-氨基西酸,特别是含有一种名叫I-脱氧野尻霉素的生物碱,动植物中唯独桑叶含有。所以现代、市场 nsulatDesign requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other iure pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; diameter vertical pipe for high temperat-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –nts >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ s, joive panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jointor outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protectitransfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. F enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice,k nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionhook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hoo-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati-of secondary pollution of largeprone heater, channel area -strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution hat each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel issure te panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, enion; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protectiv18 高挡保健品和不少中成药都离不开桑叶。 4.专家还针对桑芽降糖是通过糖苷酶抑制血糖上升、抑制血栓形成的不同作用原理,本牌桑芽茶又加强了糖尿病人病变胰岛细胞与结构的恢复功能,增加了糖尿病人外周组织的胰岛素受体并提高受体敏感性的功能,既不影响健康人的血糖水平,有对健康人起到全方位的预防和保健功效。 1、清除体内自由基、消热凉血、清肠排毒、平肝明目、保幼长发、利尿通便、降糖、降压、降脂、抗肿瘤、下浊气。 2、改善腹部满胀、食欲不振、腿脚无力、肺热感冒、咽喉不适、多痰咳嗽、肠胃不好、便秘、失眠、脚气、水肿、排便气血不畅等“亚健康”状态体质。早中晚各一袋沏泡饭后浓饮,能有意想不到的收获。 -prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-he outer shield. In order to prevent the pollutiony on tn of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directlclean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transitiot and y of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tighon, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technologf expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulatidiameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment o-construction joints tight; And large 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for –MM~ ent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10o prevectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, te, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to noticgement process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart manah-on construction, ondiameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulati19
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