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持久性有机污染物持久性有机污染物 摘要 持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,简称POPs)是一类对人类健康和环境具有严重危害的天然或人工合成的有机污染物。本文在简要介绍POPs的来源、类型、危害及控制措施,以及对POPs控制的发展历史、主要处理技术特点、国内外现状、存在问题进行综述。 关键词 持久性有机污染物(POPs)类型 危害 控制措施 现状 近年来,持久性有机污染物(PersistentOrganicPollutants,简称POPs)及其对人类健康和生态系统的危害越来越被人们...

持久性有机污染物 摘要 持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,简称POPs)是一类对人类健康和环境具有严重危害的天然或人工合成的有机污染物。本文在简要介绍POPs的来源、类型、危害及控制 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,以及对POPs控制的发展历史、主要处理技术特点、国内外现状、存在问题进行综述。 关键词 持久性有机污染物(POPs)类型 危害 控制措施 现状 近年来,持久性有机污染物(PersistentOrganicPollutants,简称POPs)及其对人类健康和生态系统的危害越来越被人们所认识,已经成为一个新的全球性环境问题。目前所知因人类活动而向环境释放出的污染物中, POPs是对人类生存威胁最大的一类污染物。 1 国际POPs公约的3类12种毒物类型及其来源 第一类:杀虫剂[2]:(1)艾氏剂(aldrin):施于土壤中,用于清除白蚁、蚱蜢、南瓜十二星叶甲和其他昆虫。 (2)氯丹(chlordane):控制白蚁和火蚁,作为广谱杀虫剂用于各种作物和居民区草坪中。 (3)滴滴涕(DDT):曾用作农药杀虫剂,但目前用于防治蚊蝇传播的疾病。 (4)狄氏剂(dieldrin):用来控制白蚁、纺织品害虫,防治热带蚊蝇传播疾病,部分用于农业。 (5)异狄氏剂(endrin):喷洒棉花和谷物等作物叶片杀虫剂,也用于控制啮齿动物。 (6)七氯(heptachor):用来杀灭火蚁、白蚁蚱、蜢、作物病虫害以及传播疾病的蚊蝇等带菌媒介。 (7) (8)毒杀芬(toxaphene):棉花、谷类、灭蚁灵(mirex):用于杀灭火蚁、白蚁以及其他蚂蚁。 水果、坚果和蔬菜杀虫剂。 第二类:工业化学品[3],包括多氯联苯(PCBs)和HCB。(1)PCBs:用于电器设备如变压器、电容器、充液高压电缆和荧光照明整流以及油漆和塑料中,是一种热交流介质。 (2)HCB:化工生产的中间体。 第三类:化工生产中的副产品二英(PCDFs)和呋喃(PCDFs),来源:(1)不完全燃烧与热解,包括城市垃圾、医院废弃物、木材及废家具的焚烧,汽车尾气,有色金属生产、铸造和炼焦、发电、水泥、石灰、砖、陶瓷、玻璃等工业及释放PCBs的事故;(2)含氯化合物的使用,如氯酚、PCBs、氯代苯醚类农药和菌螨酚;(3)氯碱工业;(4)纸浆漂白;(5)食品污染,食物链的生物富集、纸包装材料的迁移和意外事故引起食品污染。 2 POPs的危害 2.1 对生态系统的危害 POPs通过各种途径进入到环境后,就会对生态环境造成严重的影响和破坏。Rychman等研究了POPs对加拿大安大略湖等地区的鸬鹚的影响时发现:1995年鸬鹚蛋壳的平均厚度比DDT污染发生前降低了2.3%;有21%的鸬鹚的嘴发生了畸变。据Sonnenschein报道狄氏leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 剂、多氯联苯、毒杀酚等还具有雌激素的作用,能干扰内分泌系统,甚至会使雄性动物雌性化。研究人员通过测试Florida海岸的宽吻海豚的肝血发现海豚的T细胞淋巴球增殖能力的降低和体内富集的有机氯相关显著。Bouwer等研究也发现海豹食用了被PCB污染的鱼会导致维生素A和甲状腺激素的缺乏,而这两种物质的缺乏使它们更易感染细菌。研究还发现,生物体暴露于POPs还会引起生殖障碍、畸形、器官增大,机体死亡等现象。实验研究发现生活在荷兰西部Wadden海地区的海豹生殖能力下降主要是由于这些海豹措食的鱼受到了PCB的污染,进而影响了它们生殖系统的功能。POPs对鸡的毒性实验[4]表明:PCB可诱发鸡胚的死亡和不同程度的水肿,使种蛋的死亡率明显升高。 2.2 对人体健康的危害 POPs对人体的危害包括致畸、致癌和对生殖系统的影响等。最为典型的是1963年发生在日本的“米糠油事件”,中毒者表现为心悸、眼皮肿胀、手掌出汗、全身有严重的痤疮和肌肉疼痛,严重者引起死亡。Falck等发现患恶性乳腺癌的女性要比患良性乳腺肿瘤的女性的乳腺组织中PCBs和DDE水平高。EPA的研究 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 指出:POPs物质可以限制荷尔蒙的作用功能,或者影响和改变免疫系统、神经系统和内分泌系统的正常调节功能。而女性的乳腺癌和子宫内膜移位、男性的睾丸癌和前列腺病症、性发育异常和免疫系统功能减弱、垂体和甲状腺分泌失常均与内分泌系统受影响有关。Jacobson对200个孩子进行研究,其中有34孩子的母亲在怀孕期间食用了受到有机氯污染的鱼,结果发现这些孩子出生时体重轻、脑袋小,在7个月时认知能力较一般孩子差,4岁时读写和记忆能力较差,在11岁时测得他们IQ值较低,读、写、算和理解能力都较差。POPs还会引起一些其它器官组织的病变。如TCDD暴露可引起慢性阻塞性肺病的发病率升高,也可以引起肝脏纤维化以及肝功能的改变,出现黄疸、精氨酶升高、高血脂,还可引起消化功能障碍[5]。 3 控制措施和技术特点 3.1 高温焚烧技术 高温焚烧技术是一个热氧化过程,在这个过程中,有机污染物分子被裂解成气体和不可燃的固体。气体经气体净化设备处理后回收或排放,固体剩余物采用填埋处理。如处理得当,该技术对POPs的破坏率和去除率达99.99%以上。 3.2 水泥窑技术 水泥窑技术的原理是利用废物在水泥窑中的高温作用下发生热氧化作用,使废物裂解并与氧气反应生成气体和不可燃的无机固体,从而实现对POPs的破坏。该技术在法国和一些其他欧洲国家得到广泛应用。 3.3 安全填埋技术 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 安全填埋技术实际上是一种改进的卫生土地填埋。土地填埋场必须有人造或天然衬里,渗透率小于10-8cm/s;最下层土壤要位于地下水位之上;要采取适当措施控制和引出地表水;要配备浸出液收集、处理和监测系统等。一般来讲,该技术不是处理POPs的最理想方法。 3.4 原位玻璃化技术 原位玻璃化技术主要用于对已污染的土壤、底泥和其他土质物质的处理。该技术采用序批示的操作方法,通过电流产生1500~2500?的高温,使被处理的整块土壤熔融、固化成为一种玻璃质的块状物,同时实现了对污染物的无害化处理。该技术对POPs 3.5 碱催化脱氯技术 在该技术处理过程中,向被污染的介质中加入碱金属或碱土金属的碳酸盐、重碳酸盐或氢氧化物的水溶液或熔融物质,并加入氢离子的受体物质,当混合物被加热到一定程度时,就可将污染物中的氯离子脱掉,从而实现POPs的无害化处理。 3.6 湿式氧化技术 湿式氧化是指在高温、高压下,用氧气、空气或其他氧化剂(臭氧双氧水、Fenton试剂等)氧化水中溶解态或悬浮态的有机物或还原态的无机物的一种高级氧化技术。该技术采用的温度一般为150~320?之间,压力为0.5~20 Mpa。[6] 除进行降解处理之外还要采取减少POPs物质的使用和排放,研究和开发替代品,健全法律法规,开展宣传教育等措施。 4 国内外对POPs控制的发展历史和研究现状 4.1 历史 早在1962年,美国米切尔?卡尔逊女士在《寂静的春天》一书中,描写了由于农药的使用使得鸟类种群大量下降的事实。1966年,斯德哥尔摩大学确认PCB在白尾海雕体内的富集现象,随后,日本荷兰美国意大利比利时、法国、德国相继发生污染事件。1996年,西奥?科尔伯恩在《失去的未来》(Our Stolen Fu-ture)再次提到农药污染对生物激素和人类健康的影响。2001年5月23日,包括中国在内的90个国家的环境部长或高级官员在瑞典斯德哥尔摩代表各自政府签署了《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》,从而正式启动了人类向POPs宣战的进程。 4.2 研究现状 目前针对POPs引起的环境与健康效应中日益突出的基本科学问题的研究,国际社会加大了资金投入,启动了若干重大环境项目,如历经10年的美国二噁英及其类似物的风险再评价 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,联合国环境 规划 污水管网监理规划下载职业规划大学生职业规划个人职业规划职业规划论文 署(UNEP)区域尺度的POPs风险评价研究计划,美国大湖POPs高风险leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 研究计划等[8]。中国在科技部、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国科学院等的支持下,也投入了大量的人力物力,先后启动了“863”、“973”等重大研究项目,取得了显著的阶段性成果,在POPs的基础研究方面做了一批有影响的工作[9-11],为中国履行斯德哥尔摩公约(POPs公约)奠定了坚实的基础。2009年5月,斯德哥尔摩公约第四次缔约方大会又新增了9种POPs,修改公约的禁用名单表明了国际社会已经认识到它们的危害性。国内外学者为此展开的广泛深入的基础研究,为政策的制定、公约的完善起到了关键作用。UNEP指出,在POPs研究领域,人类仍然面临以下挑战:消除POPs在产品中的使用,转向更加安全的替代物,达到消除无意识生产POPs产品的目标;寻找新的对于人类和环境健康有危害的POPs;保证每个国家都有充足的技术和资金来支持他们在公约下应做出的行动;继续保证公约保护的人类和环境健康免受POPs危害的目标。 5 存在问题 持久有机污染物POPs结构稳定具有持久性、生物累积性、三致效应及环境内分泌干扰性,对化学反应、生物效应等各种作用具有很强的抵抗能力,高脂溶性并能通过食物链产生生物富集,对环境产生长久性的污染,因而POPs是一个全球性环境问题,已经引起了全世界的广泛关注。虽然现在许多发达国家已不断减少具有持久性和生物富集性化学品的使用,对其治理也有了一定的成效,但在国内面临着POPs排放源种类和数量众多、监测能力薄弱,底数不清、缺乏跨部门跨行业的协调机制、法律法规不健全、学术研发严重滞后、公众意识淡薄等诸多困难,对POPs污染、危害及其治理的研究起步较晚,基础薄弱,能够从国内获得的基础信息、研究成果极为匮乏.这为我国开展POPs类减排、履行国际公约带来了极大的困难和挑战. 6 发展方向 持久性有机污染物对人体和环境的危害是潜在而巨大的,其污染源广、难以降解、易于积蓄,发展方向主要从以下几个方面进行:彻底禁止生产和使用,寻找替代品;对已经受到污染的土壤、水体等进行及时、有效的多种技术联合治理,寻找更加有效的治理方法;新产品的毒性研究和评价;持久性有机污染物的出现和累积。其中寻找其替代品和采取多种技术联合治理为主要发展方向。 参考文献 [1] [6] 大连机工机械环保研究所 李琳琳 单学敏 高丽 持久性有机污染物的研究进展 科技信息 专题论述 [2]David O.什么是持久性有机物染物? [A].持久性有机污染物控制研讨会论文集[C].北京:国家环保局,2001.9. leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and [3]BrunoC,RaymondB.环境中多氯联苯(PCBs)的管理[A].持久性有机污染物控制研讨会论文 集[C].北京:国家环保局,2001.64. 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Envionmental Science & Technology,2009,43(9):3080-3086. leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and
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