首页 什么是油性皮肤



什么是油性皮肤什么是油性皮肤 什么是油性皮肤, 洗完脸后什么都不涂,15分钟后脸部一点绷紧感觉也没有,1小时后用吸油纸就可以吸到面油,这就是油性皮肤的典型特征。上粉后容易脱妆、毛孔明显,容易出粉刺黑头的,当然也属油性皮肤。 多油偏干且脱皮的油性皮肤者油脂分泌特别旺盛,皮肤较粗糙,容易生暗疮和粉刺。进入冬天后,低气温和低湿度反而会令油脂分泌回复正常,但油分多不等于水分够,因为皮脂与水分失调,皮肤入冬即使仍然油光满面,也可能会有脱皮现象。 油性皮肤的人对油分大多恨之入骨,于是入夏时用威力极强的各式护肤品对付油脂分泌。不过踏入...

什么是油性皮肤 什么是油性皮肤, 洗完脸后什么都不涂,15分钟后脸部一点绷紧感觉也没有,1小时后用吸油纸就可以吸到面油,这就是油性皮肤的典型特征。上粉后容易脱妆、毛孔明显,容易出粉刺黑头的,当然也属油性皮肤。 多油偏干且脱皮的油性皮肤者油脂分泌特别旺盛,皮肤较粗糙,容易生暗疮和粉刺。进入冬天后,低气温和低湿度反而会令油脂分泌回复正常,但油分多不等于水分够,因为皮脂与水分失调,皮肤入冬即使仍然油光满面,也可能会有脱皮现象。 油性皮肤的人对油分大多恨之入骨,于是入夏时用威力极强的各式护肤品对付油脂分泌。不过踏入秋冬了,你的控油战略就可能要略加修改咯~ 战略1:放弃碱性多泡沫的洁面膏,改用洁面乳 为了对付油脂,夏天油性皮肤者往往爱用洁力强的洗面皂或洗面膏洗脸去污。但其实过强的泡沫洁面液会带走脸上的水分及皮脂,所以最好选用不含泡沫、性质较温和的洗面乳洗脸。水温最好在20?左右,过热会令皮脂水分流失,过冷又无法清洁。 战略2:用保湿爽肤水代替收缩水 含酒精成分的收缩水无疑可以控制油脂分泌及收缩毛孔,但冬天用可能会让皮肤更为干燥。若油分分泌正常,可以用有清凉感觉的爽肤水,或者用冰冻的蒸溜水代替也可以。 战略3:夏天晚霜当冬天日霜用 夏天用的护肤品未必真的需要全部扔掉,例如夏天用的晚霜通常会比日霜滋润,此时便可转作冬天的日霜用~ 战略4:补充皮肤水分、勿用油质面霜 好多人以为油性皮肤的人就不须滋润了,但其实脸上如果不涂一层保护膜,毛孔粗的皮肤更易沾灰尘,冬天还会令皮肤容易缺水,所以油性皮肤应选择水乳状或啫喱状的润肤露,只补充水分已足够,霜状的护肤品多含油质,如果涂脸后觉得“黏乎乎”的,就不要再继续使用了。 图片说明:左手:油质霜 右手:乳液状 method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 战略5:深层洁肤面膜与水分面膜交替用 深层清洁面膜,如手撕式或矿物泥面膜,都有去污及控油作用,但冬天不能只控油,所以最好隔天敷一敷纯水分面膜补充水分。 其实自制面膜也有洁肤及保湿作用,这里就介绍一款自制麦片面膜给大家: 材料:麦片1/2碗、蛋白一只、柠檬汁1汤匙、苹果1/2个(捣碎) 做法:将所有材料混合成平滑膏状,然后敷在脸上约15分钟后冲水洗净。蛋白本身有去死皮作用,柠檬可美白,而麦片则提供滋润,绝对是多重功效的面膜~ 战略6:外出必备吸油面纸和保湿化妆水 夏天外出带吸油面纸是油性皮肤每日的例行公事,但踏入冬天还必须带含有保湿成分的化妆水上街,每次吸完油都要记得补充水分~ :选择水质的防晒液 战略7 夏天固然要防晒,冬天也要~不过油性皮肤宜选用水质强、油质少的防晒液。在涂防晒液后,最好用吸油面纸轻印面庞,以减少油质感。 油性皮肤护肤避忌 1.不要选用在按摩时用的含油质按摩霜按摩脸部,会对油性皮肤增加负担,最好避免按摩。 2.洁肤时间及清洗时间要长且细致,洁面过程对油性皮肤来说十分重要,不能马虎,应在面部各位置打圈清洁10下,清洗时重要着眼于T字部位等毛孔粗大的地方。 一、油性皮肤的主要特点: 油性皮肤的显著特征是:皮脂分泌旺盛,多数人肤色偏深,毛孔粗大、皮肤油腻光亮,甚至可以出现桔皮样外观,其PH值在5.6-6.6之间,很容易粘附灰尘和污物,引起皮肤的感染与痤疮等。常见于青春发育期的年轻人。可分为普通油性和超油性两种。 这类皮肤对物理性、化学性及光线等因素刺激的耐受性强,不容易产生过敏反应。只要注意科学护养,将会给人以一副健康、强壮和自然的面容。 二、油性皮肤的护理方法: method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 油性皮肤保养的关键是保持皮肤的清洁。所以,油性皮肤的人、终日洗脸至少2次。同时,需要使用香皂或洗面乳,以彻底地清洁油污。 洗脸后,可拍以收敛性化妆水,以抑制油脂的分泌,尽量不用油性化妆品。 晚上洁面后,也可适当地按摩,以改善皮肤的血液循环,调整皮肤的生理功能。 每周可做一次薰面、按摩、倒膜,以达到沏底清洁皮肤毛孔的目的。 这里介绍几个油性皮肤的小贴士: 道具:薰衣草精油或佛手柑精油 不锈钢盆 一条大毛巾 洗面前,利用热水蒸发让精油挥发出来,促使毛孔畅通,毛孔内的油脂较容易排解出来;精油籍由呼吸进入人体,特别是感冒或呼吸器官方面的疾病,具有很好的疗效。 使用方法: 1.将热水放入脸盆中,再滴入3-5滴精油 2.将脸靠近脸盆上方约30公分处,以大毛巾覆盖在头上,将蒸气包围在毛巾内, 此时可做深呼吸,并闭上眼睛,避免精油香味及水蒸气刺激眼睛。 3.最后再以冷水洗脸,有收敛毛孔的效用。 油性肌肤使用的爽肤水: 薰衣草可以平衡油脂,消炎杀菌的功效,尤加利有改善阻塞皮肤,还有集中注意力、增加活力、冷静头脑的作用。 材料:海洋深层矿泉水100ml 薰衣草精油6滴(或橙花精油7滴) 尤加利精油4滴(或薄荷精油3滴) 做法:将海洋深层矿泉水倒入干净的玻璃瓶内,加入以上两种精油,盖上瓶盖,上下摇匀即可。 使用方法:清洁肌肤(或敷面膜)后,将脸上水分擦干,再将化妆水摇均,均匀到在化妆棉上,再轻拍脸部肌肤,让肌肤完全吸收爽肤水即可。 method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 你所使用的洗面乳如果没有抑制油脂分泌的成分,可以在洗面乳里加入薰衣草精油或尤加利精油1滴,以打圈的方式做面部的深层清洁,都能起到平衡油脂分泌的功效。 面部出现感染、痤疮等疾患,应及早治疗、以免病情加重,损害扩大,愈后留下疤痕及色素沉着。 油性皮肤的人在秋冬干燥季节也可适当地选用乳液及营养霜。 入睡放最好不用护肤品,以保持皮肤的正常排泄通畅。 饮食上要注意少食含脂肪、糖类高的食物,忌过食烟酒及辛辣食物、应多食水果蔬菜,保持大便通畅,以改善皮肤的油腻粗糙感。 三、油性皮肤的夏季护理 夏季油性皮肤的保养是极为主要的。 首先增加清洁皮肤的次数,每天为2—3次。每周使用一次磨砂膏以进行更深层的清洁,以免过多的皮脂,汗液堵住毛孔。另外,外出时要在面部、手臂涂抹防晒霜、防晒油等,以减轻紫外线照射,防止 皮肤被晒黑。应戴遮阳帽、遮阳伞、墨镜,以免紫外线刺伤皮肤和眼睛。 若面部涂了油分大的护肤品,不可外出曝晒太阳,这样会使皮肤急剧紧绷而受损。化妆也不宜过浓,以免“妆粉”在阳光曝晒下渗入皮肤,会留下斑痕,在饮食方面也要注意,应以清淡为宜,多吃蔬菜、水果、多喝水,少吃油腻食物和刺激性食品,不喝浓咖啡或过量的酒,以减轻皮肤油脂分泌旺盛。最后还要注意调节室内的温度,避免过多出汗。多使用含油少、水质的化妆品。让自己的皮肤安然度过一个炎热的盛夏。 油性皮肤的护理、清洁与平衡最重要,它不同于中或干性皮肤,所以选择护肤品的时候,要注意不能混用。为了能使油性肌肤在夏天同样得到清爽感觉,一定要注意以下几点: 1、洗面奶:选择能够撮出泡沫的洗面奶,如欧莱雅清新泡沫洁面啫哩(右图),清洁能力强,可以洗净皮肤油脂、化妆品残余和灰尘,确保最佳卸油光效果,并且性质温和清爽,富含多种维他命和矿物质,温和地滋润肌肤。使用的时候沾水撮出丰富的泡沫,先清洁额头和鼻翼,然后是下巴和两颊,按照从下向上,由外向里的顺序,就能彻底清洁皮肤。 2、收缩水:使用含微量酒精的收缩水,不仅可以补充水分,调节皮肤酸碱平衡,而且可以收缩毛孔,抑制油脂分泌。如果皮肤比较敏感,则最好不要使用含有酒精的化妆水,现在市场上出售一种欧莱雅清润水分啫哩(右图),超无油配方,富含维他命C、E、B5和钙、镁等矿物质,令肌肤感受前所未有的滋润与清爽,不妨试用一下。 method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 3、滋润:使用清爽型的保湿乳或保湿露,可以及时补充水分。另外还可以用果酸护肤品。神奇的果酸能够平衡皮肤油脂的分泌,还可以减少皱纹和粉刺,是高科技产品。 4、化妆:使用不含油质的亚光粉底,并且密粉顶妆,如果皮肤油性很大,可以用吸油纸,并且要注意及时补妆。 5、护理:去死皮,可以使护肤品的滋润效果更有效,还可以减少粉刺的产生,选择性质温和的去死皮膏或磨砂膏;面膜最好使用可以撕下的那种(皮肤过薄及极度敏感者慎用),可以清除掉毛孔内的污垢;容易长粉刺的T字区可以使用针对T区调理的护肤品来完成清爽效果。 method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of
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