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外研版八年级英语上册_完成句子练习初中八年级英语上册(Module 1--6) 句子练习 1.许多学生询问关于提高英语的建议。 Many students _______ _________ _________about ________their English. 2.你在课堂上应该一直说英语。但尽量不要去逐字翻译。 You should _______ _______ English. But try not ________ _______every word. 3.萨利曾邀请我有一天去英国和他们住一阵子。 Sally _________ _...

初中八年级英语 上册 三年级上册必备古诗语文八年级上册教案下载人教社三年级上册数学 pdf四年级上册口算下载三年级数学教材上册pdf (Module 1--6) 句子练习 1.许多学生询问关于提高英语的建议。 Many students _______ _________ _________about ________their English. 2.你在课堂上应该一直说英语。但尽量不要去逐字翻译。 You should _______ _______ English. But try not ________ _______every word. 3.萨利曾邀请我有一天去英国和他们住一阵子。 Sally _________ ___________me________ ________with her in England one day. 4.你曾经参加过比赛吗? _______you ever ________a ___________? 5.通过看英语电影学英语是个很棒的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 It is a great way _________ _________ English by ________ English films. 6.每天检查你的词汇本是一个好主意。 It is a good idea _________ _________your vocabulary notebook every day. 7.很难想象宇宙有多大?It is hard ________ _______how large the universe is. 8.迄今为止,我们还没有在太空中发现生命。 So far, we haven’t _________ _________ _________space yet. 9.从北京首都机场起飞,然后在伦敦着陆。 ________ _______from Beijing Capital Airport and _________in London. 10.你曾经有过奇妙的经历吗? Have you ever _______ a __________ ____________? 11.我喜欢纽约因为那里有许多可以看的(风景)和做的(事情)。 I like New York because there is _________ _______ _______ see and do there. 12.刘德华在全国都开过音乐会而且票总是销售一空。 Liu Dehua has ________ ________all over China and the _______ have always_______out. 13.飞船用了好几个月才到达那里。 It has _________the spacecraft several months to _______ _______. 14.太阳和它的行星被叫做太阳系。 The Sun and its planets ________ ________the _________ ________. 15.他们正在为希望工程筹集资金。 They are ________ ________ for Project  Hope. 16.事实上,自1989年以来希望工程已在全国建了许多学校。 ________ _______,since 1989 Project Hope ________ _______schools ________ _______China. 17.他的父母想让他退学。 His parents want him _________ __________ __________ __________school.. 18.在希望工程的帮助下,他们现在可以上学了。 Now they can go to school _________ __________ __________ __________ Project Hope. 19.多数人听说过希望工程并且捐过钱。 Most people have ________ _______ Project Hope and have __________ __________. 20.儿子甚至比老子更成功更受欢迎。 The son was _________ __________ __________and __________than his father. 21.维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的中心。 Vienna is ________ __________  ______European _______ ________ 22.他的华尔兹是他举世闻名。 His waltzes __________ ________ __________ 23.对他来说幸运的是,吉他只有六根弦。 ________ ______ him, a guitar has only six ________! 24.录音室的经理决定为他录制唱片。 The manager of the __________ __________decided to __________ ____________ ___________him. 25.人们认为他是20世纪流行文化最重要的人物之一。 People think he is _______ _______ _______ most________ _______of the 20th_______popular culture. 26.她看了她姐姐的书一两次/ 她看了几眼姐姐的书 ________ ______ ________she looked ________ his sister’s book. 27.我常常梦想能在天空中飞翔。 I often _______ _______ flying in the sky. 28.没有插图、没有对话的书有什么用?” ________ is a book________without pictures _______ conversations? 29你和你的新老师相处得怎样? How are you _______ _________ _______your new teacher? 30让我们深呼吸。  Let’s _______ a deep _________. 31比尔的梦想实现了,他当了一名宇航员。 Bill’s dream ________ ______ and he became an __________. 32你来中国多少次了? ______ _______ _______have you _______ to China? 33他经常帮助我学英语。 He often _______ _______ _____ my English. 34他向我要了20元钱。 He asked________ ________20 yuan. 初二英语期末专题复习卷(完成句子) 1. 我们一直在努力。We are working hard                                    2. 他成了一名医生,他的梦想实现了。He has become a doctor, it is his dream                                      3. 我梦想成为一名教师。I                                                      becoming a teacher. 4. 见面时我们彼此都很激动。We were excited to see                                                       . 5. 昨晚在你的聚会我们过得很愉快。 We                                                         at your party last night. 6. 飞机五分钟前就起飞了。                            The plane                                                        five minutes ago. 7. 世界杯的门票一售而空。      The tickets for the World Cup                                                       8. 请带我到处去转转。Please                                             . 9. 在你潜水之前,你应该深吸一口气。 You should                               before you dive into the water. 10. 请把单词写在纸上。Please                                          on pieces of paper. 11. Alice 经常帮妈妈做家务。Alice often                          her mother                            housework.. 12. 许多学生希望得到提高英语的建议。 Many students                           advice about improving their English.                                13. 他们正谈论什么呢?What are you                                  . 14. Lily擅长唱歌。Lily                                               singing. 15. 警察正寻找那个失踪小孩。 The police are                                        the missing child. 16. Mary来和我带声招呼。Mary came to                              me. 17. 他将在上海举办演唱会。He is going to                                              in Shanghai. 18. 我们学校有一千多学生。 There are                         one thousand students in our school. 19. 杰克去香港出差了。Jack has gone to Hong Kong                                            . 20. 到目前为止,我们学了11个模块。                               ,we have learnt 11 modules. 21. 从现在开始,你必须守口如瓶。From now on, you must                                          22. 我想你和你同桌相处得很好。I think you can                                     your partner. 23. 我很久以前就听人说过此事。I                                  it a long time ago. 24. 在他的帮助下,我们完成了这项工作。                                                            ,we finished the task. 25. 谁参加了这次活动?Who                                   the activity 26. 是谁支付你的学费?Who                           your education? 27. 他因家庭贫困而不得不退学。He has to                                                   because of his poor family. 28. 别担心!我能照顾好我自己。Don’t worry! I can                                         myself. 29. 因有了希望工程,成千上万的孩子能过上更好的生活。                                   Project Hope,                                       Children have better lives. 30. 他为非洲贫困儿童筹款。He                         the poor children in Africa. 31. 这些生词我一个也记不住。 I can remember                             these new words. 32. 突然,屋里的灯都熄灭了。 Suddenly, the lights in the house                            . 33. 不仅你知道 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,他也知道。__        you                           he knows the answer. 34. 你到底在干什么?What                             are you doing? 35. 他从口袋里掏出钱。He                           the money                            he pocket. 36. 他五岁就能弹钢琴。He can play the piano                    five. 37. 他是歌手,也是演员。He is a singer,  and an actress                                           . 38. 今天气温15到25度。The temperature today is                          degrees. 39. 很高兴收到哥哥的来信。I was glad to                                . 40. 我觉得有点冷。I feel                                              cold. 41. 他紧挨着一个女孩坐下。He sat down                          a girl. 42. 我们在街的拐角处见面。Let’s meet                                                the street. 43. 学校左边有一家银行。The bank is                    ______                   the school. 44. 你可以在下一站下车。You can                _______    the bus at the next stop. 45. 英国人首次见面经常握手。 British people usually                                            the first time they meet. 46. 向右转,学校就在你的左边。                                    ,the school is                                                47. 你想试一下吗?Do you want to                           ? 48. 他爸爸为他儿子感到自豪。The father                                                  his son.. 49. 他还在生你的气呢。He is still                                     you. 50. 鲸是濒危动物之一。The whale is one of the animals                                           . 51. 我不要那东西,请把它们带走。 I don’t like these things, please                                                . 52. 我们必须查明事情真相。We must                              the truth of the matter. 53. 绵羊以草为食。Sheep                                             grass. 54. 由于种种原因,他没来。                              ,he didn’t come. 55. 他的歌曲越来越不流行了。His song is becoming                                     popular. 56. 鹰是美国的象征。An eagle is                                 the USA. 57. 狮子用来做勇气的象征。The lion is often used as                                    courage. 58. 我喜欢运动,比如说篮球,足球,还有排球。 I like sports,                                                basketball, football and volleyball. 59. 例如,噪音是一种污染。 Noise,                                         , is a kind of pollution. 60. 他以作家而闻名,以其科幻小说闻名于世。 He                                 a writer, and is                              his science fictions. 61. 2008奥运会将在北京举行。 The 2008 Olympic Games will                                                  in Beijing. 62. 人们把他视为英雄。People                                    a hero. 63. 学生们热烈欢迎领导的到来。Students                                             to the leaders. 64. 最终他们赢得比赛。They won the game                                                            65. 明天他们要去上海。They                                             Shanghai tomorrow. 66. 我们现在没事可干。We have nothing to do                                                             . 67. 我们时常会去看望祖父母。We go to see our grandparents                                      68. 与其他学生相比,他的确很出色。                                      other students, he is indeed very excellent. 69. 最好的是,你可以回家休息。                            , you can go home to have a rest. 70. 确定你睡前关好灯。                                     that you have turned off the lights. 71. 你可以把剩余的蛋糕吃完。You can have                                                the cake. 72. 那孩子玩得正欢。The kids are                                          . 73. 孩子不能太多地依赖父母。            Children cannot                                     their parents too much. 74. 瓶子里装满水。The bottle                                        water. 75. 他爱上了那女孩。He                                              the girl. 76. 他来和他的朋友们告别了。He came here to                                       his friends 77. A和B相同。A is                                                            B. 78. A和C不同。A is                                                             B. 79. 除了法语外,他还得学日语。                                             French, he has to study Japanese. 80. 你一定不要在大年初一做扫除。 You mustn’t                                                 on the first day of the Chinese New Year. 81. John和Mary 两年前结婚。 John and Mary                                                             two years ago.
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