首页 乳块消口服液销售方案



乳块消口服液销售方案乳块消口服液销售方案 渡过慢周期 涉入深水区 贵州三仁堂药业有限公司 市场部二〇一三年 乳块消口服液营销规划案 (2013年01月28日) implementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. ...

乳块消口服液销售方案 渡过慢周期 涉入深水区 贵州三仁堂药业有限公司 市场部二〇一三年 乳块消口服液营销规划案 (2013年01月28日) implementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital-wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare future 目 录 前 言:2013年规划 第一章:年度营销目标 第二章:组织机构、岗位设置及人员编制 第三章:产品策略 第四章:价格策略 第五章:市场发展战略 第六章:市场推广策略 第七章:销售政策 第八章:贮运体系 o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach2 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** 渡过慢周期~涉入深水区 -----三仁堂药业市场部2013年乳块消口服液营销规划案 前言:2013年规划 2013年是三仁堂药业进入OTC营销领域新的一年,我们将运用科学的现代营销模式和手法运作我们合作的产品,同时在营销队伍建设、渠道建设、终端建设、品类管理、流向管理、进销存管理等方面必须实现一体化,明确目标、清晰流程、统一思路、快速行动,进行数字化、系统化管理,在系统运作公司产品的基础上,打造一支能高效运作和推广OTC产品的专业化营销团队,建立能够适合公司长远发展的客户网络体系及相应的管理系统。 现以公司合作主打品种“联盛牌”乳块消口服液为案例进行阐述。乳块消口服液是一个在全国销售十余年、知名度不是很高的妇科产品,为非医保品种,非基药(贵州新增基药),非中药保护品种。2013年乳块消口服液项目被公司列为重点运作项目,通过OTC团队专业系统的运作,帮助其迅速渡过慢周期,涉入深水区。但做为国内消散乳块独家剂型妇科良药,乳块消口服液在OTC市场目前还面临着大多非品牌产品通存问题,即品牌知名度低、渠道通路单一、终端广度及深度都不够(体现在终端铺货率及单店上量)、无系统运作手段、其它剂型产品不断涌现(乳块消制剂共有10个厂家生产,8种生产剂型,剂型分别为片剂6家、浓缩丸1家、颗粒剂2家、贴膏1家、糖浆1家、口服液1家、硬胶囊和软胶囊各1家)等,致使市场局面一直没有打开,客户深度分销缓慢,尤其是消费者对产品品牌认知度不够。 通过对整个妇科药行业市场、妇科消散乳块内服市场、乳块消品类用药市场等三个主要细分市场的分析,乳腺增生病约占全部乳腺疾病的75%,育龄妇女中发病率可达47%,我国人口按13亿计,成年妇女占35%,20~40岁的女性比例按70%就有3.185亿,按47%的发病率就有约1.5亿患者,而且由于社会工作、生活方式的改变,此病的发病趋势近年不断上升。因此,我们在2013年必须进一步加强品牌形象塑造、理顺价格体系、梳理渠道关系、加强终端跟踪、服务和分销广度深度,力争在迅速掌控市场局面的前提下,利用OTC团队专业系统的运作,逐步建立“联盛牌”乳块消口服液的知名度和美誉度;并通过重点市场建设,总结经验,推广创新效果,创造经销商赢利模式,将“联盛牌”乳块消口服液打造成中国妇科消散乳块用药第一品牌。 我们在2013年的营销模式将是: “雷雨风暴”战略:点线带面撒网(布局)、地面迅速推进(渠道)、实施重点打击(终端) 营销管理思想是:精战略、细目标 营销方针是:以产品为核心,以客户为导向 营销发展战略是:单品突破,方阵推广~ 采取城市辐射农村、连锁渗透单店,层层推进、逐渐深入的准品牌推广策略,并实现品牌认知度、知名度的 ider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuree conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu onwide medical information management system -n project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitaln management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioizatioformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancoadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualonitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brect mintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management eacheded of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans3 第 3 页 共 18 页 基础打造。三年内完成“联盛牌”乳块消口服液认知度、知名度、美誉度、忠诚度的全面打造~ 第一章:年度营销目标 (一)、市场目标: 1、以省为单位在各区域市场建立3~5家一级经销商网络;围绕一级经销商布控5~10家地级市场纯销型二级分销商,选择精英客户为战略合作伙伴,彰显渠道及网络优势,牢固树立终端品牌形象; 2、地级市以上城市终端铺货率要达到60,以上,其余城乡市场终端铺货率不能低于30,; 3、迅速做好终端地销工作,有条件建立合理的自营促销点。 (二)、2013年,2015年预计销售目标:(单位:万元) 分单数量 回款 年份 产品名称 规格 装箱 采购价 销售价 类 位 (件) (万元) 乳块消口服液 10ml*10支 件 2013 60 A 6.50 10.00 6000 234 乳块消口服液 10ml*10支 件 2014 60 A 6.50 10.00 10000 390 乳块消口服液 10ml*10支 件 2015 60 A 6.50 10.00 13000 507 产品合计 1131 29000 (三)、2013年度销售回款总目标(含税):(单位:元) 1、按月份分解采购指标如下:(按采购价计算) 月份 采购量(件) 采购额(元) 所占比例% 季度汇总(元) 所占比例% 1月份 780003.33%200 2月份 780003.33%273000 11.67% 200 3月份 1170005.00%300 4月份 1560006.67%400 5月份 1950008.33%546000 23.33% 500 6月份 1950008.33%500 7月份 1950008.33%500 8月份 23400010.00%663000 28.33% 600 9月份 23400010.00%600 10月份 27300011.67%700 11月份 27300011.67%858000 36.67% 700 12月份 31200013.33%800 合计 6000 2340000 100.00% 2340000 100% 2、按区域分解回款指标如下:(按销售价计算) 序号 区域 回款指标(万元) 比例构成 粤东 1 18 5.00% 粤中 2 25 6.94% 广西 3 12 3.33% 贵州 4 25 6.94% 云南 5 18 5.00% o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach4 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** 川渝 6 22 6.11% 湖北 7 18 5.00% 湖南 8 18 5.00% 安徽 9 16 4.44% 江西 10 12 3.33% 河北 11 16 4.44% 河南 12 20 5.56% 江浙沪 13 25 6.94% 京津 14 12 3.33% 山东 15 25 6.94% 山西 16 16 4.44% 陕西 17 16 4.44% 西北 18 12 3.33% 辽吉 19 18 5.00% 黑龙江 20 16 4.44% 合计 360 100% 注:各省区特殊区域划分规定: 1、粤东办事处包括深圳、惠州、梅州、河源、汕头、汕尾、潮州、揭阳8个地区及福建省。 2、粤中办事处包括广州等广东其它13个地区及海南省。 3、川渝办事处包括四川省及重庆市。 4、江浙沪办事处包括江苏省、浙江省及上海市。 5、京津办事处包括北京市及天津市。 6、西北办事处包括甘肃省、青海省、宁夏省及新疆自治区。 7、辽吉办事处包括辽宁省、吉林省及内蒙通辽、赤峰地区。 8、内蒙呼盟(海拉尔)地区划归黑龙江办事处。 9、内蒙呼和浩特、包头、集宁、临河等地区划归山西办事处。 说明:OTC部总经理可根据实际情况对省区具体指标进行季度内微调,数据以OTC部总经理微调后报北京总公 司批准后为准。 n project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuren management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioe conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu onwide medical information management system -izatiooadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualonitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brect mintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management eacheded of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans5 第 5 页 共 18 页 第二章:组织机构、岗位设置及人员编制 一、OTC部组织构架、岗位设置及人员编制: 1、总部管理人员3人:OTC部总经理、OTC部副总经理、OTC部助理各1人。 2、组织机构图: 营销总公司 OTC总经理 OTC副总 省级经理 OTC部助理 区域经理 城市OTC经理 会计文员 OTC代表 3、岗位设置、人员编制: 序号 岗位设置 人员编制 所属部门 备 注 OTC部总经理 1 1 OTC副总经理 管理人员合计3人 2 1 OTC部助理 3 1 省级经理 4 20 城市OTC经理及OTC区域经理 5 48 市场销售人代表的具体编制根据城市OTC经理 员 6 办事处的现状及发展合计72人 OTC代表 7 来确定。 办事处会计文员 8 4 合 计 72 4、省区人员编制: 2013年联盛药业人员定岗汇总表 2013年任序人员区域经理 省区 负责区域 务(万元) 号 编制 姓名 1 东莞、清远、韶关 省级经理兼 2 广州、佛山、云浮、肇庆 粤中 3 1+3 25 中山、珠海、江门 湛江、茂名、阳江 4 海南 海南 5 粤东 1+3 18 深圳、惠州、梅州、河源 省级经理兼 o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach6 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** 6 汕头、揭阳、潮州、汕尾 7 福州、莆田、南平、宁德 福建 8 厦门、漳州、龙岩、三明、泉州 9 南宁、百色、崇左、钦州、防城港、北海、河池 省级经理兼 广西 1+1 12 10 桂林、柳州、贺州、来宾、玉林、贵港、梧州、桂平 11 成都、眉山、乐山、雅安、凉山 12 成都、宜宾、自贡、泸州、内江、资阳 四川 德阳、遂宁、绵阳、广元、广安、达州、南充、巴州、13 1+5 22 阿坝 14 重庆市辖区、万州垫江、石柱以北 重庆 潼南、铜梁、大足、荣昌、綦江、 武隆、丰都、彭15 水、酉阳、秀山 16 昆明、楚雄、昭通、曲靖 省级经理兼 17 云南 1+2 18 文山、红河、玉溪、西双版纳、思茅、临沧 18 保山、德宏、大理、怒江、迪庆、丽江 19 贵阳、都匀、六盘水、安顺、兴义 省级经理兼 贵州 1+1 25 20 遵义、毕节、凯里、铜仁 21 上海 上海市 省级经理兼 22 常州、南通、苏州、无锡 23 江苏 南京、镇江、扬州、泰州 1+5 25 24 徐州、淮安、宿迁、连云港、盐城 25 杭州、宁波、舟山、湖州、嘉兴 浙江 26 温州、台州、金华、绍兴、衢州、丽水 27 西安、渭南 省级经理兼 28 陕西 1+2 16 汉中、铜川、安康、商洛 29 咸阳、宝鸡、榆林、延安、铜川 甘肃 甘肃 青海 青海 30 1 12 省级经理兼 宁夏 宁夏 新疆 新疆 33 合肥、六安、安庆 省级经理兼 34 安徽 1+2 16 阜阳、毫州、淮南、蚌埠、宿州、淮北、滁州 35 芜湖、黄山、马鞍山、巢湖、沧州、宣城 36 南昌、九江、上饶、抚州、景德镇、鹰潭 省级经理兼 江西 1+1 12 37 宜春、新余、萍乡、吉安、赣州 38 长沙、株洲、湘潭 39 衡阳、永州、郴州 湖南 1+4 18 40 邵阳、娄底、怀化、吉首、张家界 41 常德、益阳、岳阳 42 武汉、黄冈、鄂州 省级经理兼 43 孝感、天门、黄石、咸宁、潜江、仙桃 湖北 1+3 18 44 襄阳、十堰、随州、神龙架、荆门 45 荆州、宜昌、恩施 ider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuree conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu on wide medical information management system -n project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitaln management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioizatiooadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualonitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brect mintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projeachedmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management ed of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans7 第 7 页 共 18 页 46 郑州、新乡、鹤壁、安阳、濮阳、焦作 省级经理兼 47 河南 1+2 20 洛阳、三门峡、平顶山、许昌、南阳、济源 48 开封、驻马店、信阳、周口、漯河、商丘 49 石家庄、保定、 省级经理兼 50 河北 1+2 16 沧州、衡水、邢台、邯郸、廊坊、 51 张家口、承德、秦皇岛、唐山 52 北京、天津 京津 1+1 12 53 天津 54 太原、晋中、吕梁 省级经理兼 55 山西 1+2 16 临汾、运城、长治、晋城、 56 大同、朔州、忻州、呼和浩特、包头、集宁、临河 57 济南、聊城、德州 省级经理兼 58 潍坊、淄博、滨州、东营 59 山东 1+4 25 济宁、菏泽、枣庄、 60 日照、泰安、临沂、莱芜 61 青岛、烟台、威海 62 沈阳、朝阳、阜新、葫芦岛、锦州、铁岭、赤峰、 省级经理兼 辽宁 63 大连、辽阳、鞍山、营口、盘锦、抚顺、本溪、丹东 1+3 18 64 长春、白城、松原、四平 吉林 65 吉林、辽原、通化、白山、延边 66 哈尔滨、牡丹江 省级经理兼 67 黑龙江 1+2 16 大兴安岭、黑河、齐齐哈尔、大庆、绥化 68 伊春、鹤岗、佳木斯、双鸭山、鸡西、七台河 注:在现有人员编制的基础上,省区每连续三个月销售超额4万元/月(即省区年指标增加50万左右),省级 经理可根据发展需要在现编制基础上增加区域经理1名,由省级经理提名OTC部总经理审批营销总公司 备案后任命。 第三章:产品策略 (一)、产品分析(SWOT) 1、优势: (1)中药制剂,临床疗效确切,无抗药性及耐受性,安全有效 (2)对乳腺增生标本兼治 2、劣势 (1)非医保品种、非基药、非农合 (2)上市较晚,市场占有率极低 (3)厂家为非知名品牌 (4)中标省份少 (5)疗程不详,费用偏高 o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach8 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** 3、机会: (1)可尝试OTC销售模式 (2)包装稳固,便于运输 (3)包装设计基本符合患者心理需求 4、威胁: (1)产品资质较差,产品力弱,无法形成规模销售; (2)竞争品种较多。 (二)销售策略 1、“三仁堂”乳块消口服液(OTC):10ml*10支/盒(建议增加10ml*6支/盒); 2、乳块消口服液(处方线):10ml*12支/盒。 3、我们的产品战略是:利用10ml*10支剂型产品运作连锁逐渐渗透到单店,利用处方药产品10ml*12支 进行产品功效宣传和推广,结合两个品规进行整合营销。鉴于处方药产品在终端药店的上柜局限性特 点,在地级市以上药店尤其是连锁重点推广乳块消口服液10ml*10支,其余城乡重点推广乳块消口服 液小剂型(建议10ml*6)支,可以重点在诊所、个体医院、社康中心、城乡卫生所等点进行营销推广。 4、公司将不断推出新的OTC品种,形成产品链,实现高科技模式产供销一体化。 第四章:价格策略 (一)、实行全国统一零售价政策; (二)、实行全国统一经销商供货价政策; (三)、实行全国统一经销商现款购销结算价政策; (四)、实行全国统二经销商供货价政策; (五)、实行全国统一终端供货价政策; (六)、产品价格定位如下:(单位:元) 包装一级经销商二级经销商三级代理价终端供价建议零售价品名 规格 规格 (元) (元) (元) 供价(元) 供价(元) “三仁堂”乳块10ml*1060 10.00 10.50 11.50 15.92 39.80 消口服液 支/盒 注:高价中标区域零售价以省区为单位根据中标情况制定,如:广州军区47.77元;云南43.49元;广西 39.3元;河南39.00元;北京38.90元;北京军区40.00;黑龙江38.41。 (七)、补充说明: 1、高于一级经销商供价的实际差价扣除税金(17%)后作为挂金等促销费用于市场推广;差价挂金不计入 onitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuree conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu onwide medical information management system -n project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitaln management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioizatioect moadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management eacheded of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans9 第 9 页 共 18 页 预算销售费用,公司按除去差价挂金后的价格与OTC部结算; 2、产品供货价及零售价尽量保持一致,严格按照OTC部规定的价格体系销售,特殊区域因地方限价,产品 供货价或零售价方面制订也应与OTC部总经理沟通后审批备案方可执行; 第五章:市场发展战略 一、精心经营地级市场,拓展打造万县计划; 将全国划分成七大区域,地级市以上市场做深做细,原有已开发市场理顺渠道关系、加强对价值终端的筛选和投入,提升合作深度,提高单点销量;同时,在三、四级市场进一步拓展终端和渠道,开展万县计划,寻求新的销量增长点。为新品上市打下基础~ 二、全面启动连锁卖场,建设第三终端网络: 第一季度完成与全国20强连锁合作,第二季度完成50强合作,全年完成与连锁100强的紧密合作;选 择最佳的方式建立联合推广关系。组建第三终端团队,重点开发诊所、个体医院、社康中心、城乡卫生所等 第三终端市场,挖掘新的销量增长点,提升产品整体品牌效应。 1、目标连锁产品费用由省级经理在差价挂金及促销费用中统筹安排。 1 注:?、连锁新产品进场费及流向费由省级经理在产品签定 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 后向公司借支,以10个月为计算单位每 月从该办事处促销费用中列支逐月扣还,以上市场开发费所产生的实际费用必须凭连锁正规发票 核销。 2 ?、OTC代表使用的客情礼品、宣传礼品、促销礼品等尽量由OTC部统一制作后按市场需求下发。 3 ?、海王、老百姓、益丰、大参林、一心堂、南京医药属全国性跨省连锁,由总部所在地省统一销售, 产品零售价必须保持一致,严格按照规定的零售价销售; 4 ?、特殊区域因地方限价,连锁在产品零售价方面制订也应与OTC部总经理沟通后方可执行; 2、连锁市场推广费用预算 项目 费用(元) 备注 每个城市OTC经理至少确保4家连锁增加3个新品连锁进场铺货费 1500/产品 上架销售 连锁店长店员培训会 2000元/场 每个城市OTC经理每季度召开一次培训会 药店包装的备案工作于2013年1月31日前结束,终端形象药店包装 1500/家 药店包装行动与3月15日正式开始,4月底结束 市场部每季度统一制作小礼物(签字笔、纸巾、小促销品牌提示物 100000/次 风扇、鼠标垫等)对客户进行品牌宣传 合 计 特别说明:以上费用实行预算审批使用 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,具体按照各项费用的审批使用流程进行。 3、全国KA连锁目录: o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach10 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** 省全国省区管辖的连锁名称 连锁门店数 连锁总部所在城市 区 序号 序号 1 1 广州大参林连锁 645 广州 2 2 广州康之选医药连锁 25 广州 3 3 广州金康连锁 110 广州 4 4 惠州百姓缘药店连锁 31 惠州 5 5 惠州百姓药房连锁 27 惠州 6 6 惠州宝芝林药店连锁 130 惠州 7 7 惠州济和堂连锁 110 惠州 8 8 东莞国药连锁 600 东莞 9 9 东莞汇仁堂医药连锁 21 东莞 粤10 10 东莞大川药店连锁 205 东莞 中 11 11 中山中智连锁 89 中山 12 12 中山福仁堂连锁 38 中山 13 13 中山中山堂连锁 35 中山 14 14 佛山南海中天连锁 120 佛山 15 15 开平日兴连锁 47 江门 16 16 珠海济生医药连锁 124 珠海 17 17 珠海嘉宝华医药连锁 65 珠海 18 18 珠海金杏堂医药连锁 59 珠海 19 19 珠海嘉伦药业集团光彩大药房连锁 121 珠海 20 1 深圳海王星辰连锁 2600 深圳 21 2 深圳中联药业连锁 186 深圳 22 3 深圳一致药业连锁 242 深圳 23 4 深圳万泽药业连锁 204 深圳 24 5 深圳友和药业连锁 27 深圳 25 6 深圳永安堂药业连锁 29 深圳 26 7 深圳健华药业连锁 120 深圳 27 8 深圳二天堂药业连锁 40 深圳 粤28 9 惠州百姓缘药店连锁 31 惠州 东 29 10 惠州百姓药房连锁 27 惠州 30 11 惠州宝芝林药店连锁 130 惠州 31 12 惠州济和堂连锁 110 惠州 32 13 汕头凯德连锁 46 汕头 33 14 汕头康泽连锁 34 汕头 34 15 潮州千禧医药连锁 28 潮州 35 16 福建省福州市惠好药业有限公司 65 福州 36 17 福州回春连锁医药连锁有限公司 28 福州 37 18 厦门市鹭燕大药房连锁有限公司 44 厦门 38 1 柳州桂中大药房连锁有限责任公司 46 柳州 39 2 广西一致药店连锁有限公司 39 柳州 广 西 40 3 贺州桂东大药房连锁有限公司 32 贺州 41 4 广西一心医药有限责任公司 65 南宁 -ider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuren project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitale conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu onwide medical information management system n management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioizatiooadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualonitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brect mintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management eacheded of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans11 第 11 页 共 18 页 42 5 广西鸿翔一心堂药业有限责任公司 80 南宁 43 6 桂林保民大药房连锁有限公司 32 桂林 44 7 桂林杏霖春药业连锁有限公司 60 桂林 45 1 贵州华氏延安连锁 80 贵阳 贵46 2 贵州一树连锁 30 贵阳 州 47 3 贵州芝林连锁 40 贵阳 48 1 四川杏林医药连锁 23 成都 49 2 四川省华安堂药业零售连锁有限公司 110 成都 50 3 四川德仁堂药业连锁有限公司 60 成都 51 4 四川地奥医药连锁 40 成都 川52 5 四川齐力堂医药连锁 80 成都 渝 53 6 重庆和平药房连锁医药保健品分公司 130 重庆 54 7 重庆桐君阁大药房连锁有限责任公司 130 重庆 55 8 重庆市吉和药品有限公司 80 重庆 56 9 重庆全兴医药连锁 110 重庆 57 10 重庆万和医药连锁 60 重庆 58 1 云南鸿翔一心堂连锁 1260 昆明 59 2 云南健之家连锁 574 昆明 云60 3 云南白药连锁 40 昆明 贵 61 4 云南东骏连锁 120 昆明 62 5 云南禄丰双鹤连锁 40 昆明 63 1 湖南老百姓连锁 382 长沙 64 2 湖南双舟连锁 35 长沙 65 3 湖南芝林连锁 230 长沙 66 4 湖南九芝堂连锁 40 长沙 67 5 湖南金沙连锁 120 长沙 68 6 常德益丰连锁 210 常德 湖69 7 娄底康一馨连锁 24 娄底 南 70 8 株洲百姓连锁 23 株洲 71 9 湘潭福寿堂连锁 40 湘潭 72 10 湖南民生堂连锁 83 衡阳 73 11 永州恒康连锁 103 永州 74 12 桂阳福康大药房连锁 43 桂阳 75 13 邵阳宝庆连锁 42 邵阳 76 14 怀化怀仁连锁 120 怀化 77 1 湖北中联大药房连锁有限公司 130 武汉 湖78 2 武汉马应龙大药房连锁有限公司 86 武汉 北 79 3 湖北隆泰医药有限责任公司 28 武汉 80 4 湖北九州通大药房连锁有限公司 90 武汉 81 1 江苏先声医药连锁 60 南京 江82 2 南京百信连锁 70 南京 浙83 3 南通国盛连锁 26 南京 沪 84 4 江苏嘉伦光彩连锁 215 南京 o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach12 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** 85 5 苏州礼安连锁 50 苏州 86 6 苏州雷允上连锁 48 苏州 87 7 苏州心连心连锁 80 苏州 88 8 张家港百合连锁 24 苏州 89 9 吴江医药连锁 66 苏州 90 10 扬州大德参连锁 60 扬州 91 11 溧阳人民连锁 32 常州 92 12 常州市恒泰连锁 75 常州 93 13 徐州广济连锁 55 徐州 94 14 徐州统一恩华连锁 35 徐州 95 15 淮安天颐连锁 30 淮安 96 16 无锡汇华连锁 80 无锡 97 17 无锡健康连锁 41 无锡 98 18 无锡天健连锁 82 无锡 99 19 江阴大众连锁 65 无锡 100 20 南通健桥连锁 56 南通 101 21 南通仁寿连锁 40 南通 102 22 华氏康乐连锁 32 南通 103 23 浙江天天好大药房连锁有限公司 40 杭州 104 24 浙江九州连锁 60 杭州 105 25 浙江武林连锁 60 杭州 106 26 宁波四明连锁 60 宁波 107 27 上海复星药业有限公司 383 上海 108 28 上海华氏大药房配送中心有限公司 224 上海 109 29 国药控股国大药房有限公司 121 上海 110 30 上海第一医药股份有限公司 50 上海 111 31 上海雷允上药业有限公司 290 上海 112 32 上海汇丰医药药材有限责任公司 45 上海 113 1 山西益源大药房连锁有限责任公司 43 太原 山114 2 山西万民药房连锁有限公司 22 太原 西 115 3 山西长城大药房连锁有限公司 36 太原 116 1 济南漱玉连锁 40 济南 117 2 聊城利民连锁 42 聊城 118 3 菏泽牡丹连锁 20 菏泽 119 4 莱芜益寿堂连锁 80 莱芜 120 5 东营胜利连锁 40 东营 山 东 121 6 济宁鲁抗连锁 50 济宁 122 7 潍坊远东连锁 30 潍坊 123 8 青岛利群连锁 80 青岛 124 9 青岛国风连锁 60 青岛 125 10 胶南春天连锁 40 青岛 江126 1 江西开心人医药物流有限公司 70 南昌 西 127 2 江西黄庆仁栈华氏大药房有限公司 600 南昌 -ider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuren project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitale conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu onwide medical information management system n management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioizatiooadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualonitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brect mintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management eacheded of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans13 第 13 页 共 18 页 128 1 南京医药合肥大药房连锁有限公司 34 合肥 129 2 安徽百姓缘大药房连锁有限公司 21 合肥 安130 3 淮南新诚大药房连锁 32 淮南 徽 131 4 安徽丰原大药房连锁 110 蚌埠 132 5 蚌埠绿十字医药连锁 26 蚌埠 133 1 平顶山普生药业有限公司 89 平顶山 河134 2 河南张仲景大药房股份有限公司 153 郑州市 南 135 3 郑州幸福人大药房有限公司 35 荥阳 河136 1 河北神威大药房连锁有限公司 44 石家庄 北 137 2 石家庄市乐仁堂医药连锁有限责任公司 25 石家庄 138 1 北京金象医药连锁有限公司 166 北京 139 2 北京嘉事堂医药连锁有限公司 225 北京 京140 3 北京同仁堂医药连锁有限公司 60 北京 津 141 4 天津市顺康药业连锁有限公司 34 天津 142 5 天津瑞澄大药房连锁有限公司 23 天津 143 6 天津敬一堂医药销售有限公司 101 天津 144 1 陕西怡康医药连锁有限责任公司 138 西安 陕 西 145 2 陕西健康医药连锁有限责任公司 80 西安 146 1 甘肃德生堂医药有限公司 75 兰州 147 2 甘肃众友医药集团有限公司 110 兰州 148 3 兰州大信天水泰和医药连锁有限公司 90 兰州 149 4 兰州惠仁堂医药连锁有限公司 40 兰州 150 5 兰州强盛医药连锁有限公司 30 兰州 西151 6 兰州万民医药连锁有限公司 20 兰州 北 152 7 新疆济康连锁有限责任公司 43 乌鲁木齐 153 8 新疆普济堂连锁公司 71 乌鲁木齐 154 9 新疆万盛堂连锁零售公司 101 乌鲁木齐 155 10 新疆百草堂连锁公司 83 乌鲁木齐 156 11 新疆华世万康连锁公司 33 乌鲁木齐 157 12 新疆满江红连锁公司 30 乌鲁木齐 158 1 海城市福缘堂药业有限公司 130 鞍山 159 2 辽宁成大方圆医药连锁有限公司 557 沈阳 160 3 辽宁天士力医药有限公司 156 沈阳 161 4 东北制药集团供销公司 134 沈阳 辽 吉 162 5 通辽东方利群药品有限公司 22 通辽 163 6 通辽泽强医药有限公司 33 通辽 164 7 吉林大药房 86 长春 165 8 益和大药房 136 长春 166 1 哈尔滨人民同泰医药连锁店 258 哈尔滨 167 2 黑龙江省金天集团哈尔滨慈济医药 250 哈尔滨 黑 龙168 3 哈尔滨建国医药连锁 60 哈尔滨 江 169 4 哈尔滨健康医药连锁 60 哈尔滨 170 5 绥化泰华医药连锁有限公司 68 绥化 o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach14 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** 1 注:?、各省区于3月1日前上报连锁开发进度表至OTC部总经理邮箱(需调整的KA连锁可以注明); 2 ?、三个月未开发的KA连锁必须 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面向OTC部总经理汇报原因和进度,OTC部总经理酌情可重 新安排人员跟进和全权负责。 三、关注终端大包会、PTO(自愿连锁组织)等采购联盟,建立紧密合作关系。 第六章:市场推广策略 (一)、广告策略:(略:厂家负责) 建议打疗效牌:如原料采用云贵高原野生纯天然植物药材,疗效保证;或苗药等概念。 (二)、促销策略: 1、在适当的时候,A类VIP店派驻推广员或锁定VIP店员,进行系列产品的促销,同时要建立定期培训制 度,提高推广人员的综合素质和专业技能。 2、B类店增加终端跟踪和活动促销,有条件的培养有潜力的B类点,在上述基础上发展为自营促销点。 3、C类店采取兼职推广或对店员奖励。 、可在一定区域内进行流动促销的支持。 4 5、根据季节,节气适当调整促销政策,在终端进行卖赠活动。 6、目标终端及有效连锁必须严格按照市场的二八定律进行锁定,有针对性的投入宣传。 (三)、终端包装策略: 1、终端包装采取立牌、海报、展示盒、灯箱、吊旗、店面喷绘、室内写真,周边市场可增加横幅、展板等, 要求包装强势,出位。 2、产品陈列显眼,单品陈列不少于两个陈列面,高度在1.6米,1.8米之间。 3、终端常备宣传单张,折页。在A类店放置系列产品宣传手册。 4、有偿终端包装和免费终端包装(不包括制作费)必须责任到人、责任到点、责任到月,务必每人都管理 好自己身上的“猴子”。 (四)、产品铺货策略: 1、终端铺货目标: 产品地级市以上城市终端铺货率要达到60,以上,其余城乡市场终端铺货率不能低于30,。 2、终端铺货方法: 1 ?商业配送铺货 a.借助一二级商或连锁的终端资源,通过流向分析,针对目标终端对未销售的产品进行有偿的终端配送,并签订《药店铺货合同》,前期仅限空白区域空白产品。 ider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuree conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu onwide medical information management system -eachedn project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitaln management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioizatiooadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualonitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brect mintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management ed of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans15 第 15 页 共 18 页 b.配送同时展开买赠等促销,要求零售价必须按照规定价销售,否则取消买赠资格。 c.购买套餐活动门店,赠品由商业或连锁随货配送,单店进货不可累计;赠品核销以商业或连锁销售流向 为准。 d.活动配送产品非质量问题不给予退货,活动最终解释权归贵州联盛药业制药有限公司所有。 e.总部核销原则:凭指定区域及时间内,指定的一二级流向按有偿铺货标准核销,如同时开展买赠活动, 则费用控制在OTC部总销售费用预算内即可。 2 ?、分销或推广会铺货。 3 ?、“三员”促销铺货。 (五)、客户服务策略: 1、客户管理:完善重点终端客户管理规范,以提升服务质量,提高“客户满意度”;实施方案见《重点终端 管理规范手册》; 2、咨询服务:以客户需求为导向,为店主提供店铺经营和日常管理知识和行业咨讯,对店员提供专业技能 培训,协助店主作好营销管理。(专家讲座、专业报刊、咨讯汇编); 3、专家支持:提供专家配合药店的培训和活动需求; 4、宣传教育:与终端共同承担起妇科消散乳块知识的宣传及推广工作,提升合作层级,树立品牌形象。 第七章:销售策略及政策 (一)、经营管理模式: 1、严格执行销售目标管理制; 2、严格执行经销商供货制; 3、严格执行目标终端管理制; 4、实行主要通路终端由经销商覆盖、特殊渠道直接供货补充的经营方式,以达到最大的市场占有率; 5、市场业务人员(地区经理、高级OTC代表)以协助分销、理货、供货、结款、终端推广和维护操作为主; 6、加强营销管理,落实过程控制,维护市场秩序,为客户做好贴身卫士; 7、加强营销队伍建设,不断强化教育训练,提升营销人员素质,竖立服务创新意识。 (二)、销售费用投入策略: 结合产品代理价核算成本,OTC团队以点带面,在重点目标终端投入销售费用占终端分销额10,左右(终端分销额为从一、二级商直接拉单至辖区连锁及终端的销量×一级商进货价,销量凭商业流向确认)。具体费用投入比例根据产品设定,由OTC部总经理根据市场销售情况,可以灵活批准加大或减少对某个品种费用比例的投入,但总体投入控制在政策规定额度范围内。 o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach16 贵州三仁堂药业市场部2013年营销规划案 绝密 ***** (三)、渠道和经销商策略: 1、特约经销商模式:在下述市场分区的前提下,根据经销商网络覆盖情况,以省为单位按地缘形势各地设3~5 家经销商。 2、独家经销商模式:在连锁药店少的特殊地区设立独家经销商,要求经销商须覆盖当地80%以上的网络。 、对经销商的激励政策可以采取不同方式的“奖励”的形式:年终奖励总量原则上不超过经销商年度总回款3 的5%;合同常规年度奖励点不超过2%,常规季度奖励点不超过1%;对不经销竞争品种的经销商,可以 增加1%的年度奖励; 对月结经销商每月货款在当月20日前交付者,增加1%的当月奖励。对二级经销商可 以三方 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的方式确立分销关系,并给于完成任务额的3%的年终奖励。 4、对特殊渠道(不对外供货、专业连锁、有专业推广部门)可以采取特殊供价政策进行合作。 5、渠道构架图: 省管一级 协议二级 协议二级 地市一级 自然调拨 自然流量 县终端 乡终端 镇终端 小商批 (四)、商业渠道重点管理环节: 1、流向管理: 省区必须督促代理商、一、二级商及连锁商总部在每月的8日前提供上月的电子版流向(不准时提 供流向,商务经理等无法及时提成)至OTC部,并确保流向真实性,如发现有虚假流向,或不按时提 供流向者,视情节降低返利比例,并取消所有促销活动参与资格(具体见流向 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 )。 2、进销存管理: 省区必须督促代理商、一、二级商总部及目标连锁商每月8日前提供上月电子版进销存,并确保进 销存的真实性,如发现有虚假,或不按时提供,视情节降低返利比率,并取消所有促销活动参与资格。 ider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare futuree conse of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, whil(HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu onwide medical information management system -n project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitaln management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity constructioizatioformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advancoadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualonitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public brect mintegration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction projmedical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management eacheded of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. rimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times trans17 第 17 页 共 18 页 3、渠道价格管理: 经销商必须按照我公司规定的价格出货,如有违反,取消年度返利,直至取消经销商资格。 (无)、市场的区域保护策略: 1、窜货的定义: 凡以低于公司结算价(不扣除年度返利的点值)的方式向公司界定的市场经营区域以外的经销商或零售商销售货物50盒(单品)以上(含50盒)者,或不管以任何形式易货壹件(运输最小包装)以上(含壹件)者,则视为窜货。 2、界定窜货的依据: (1)、被窜货地区购买到窜货货物,数量符合上述条件; (2)、找到被窜货物进货途径或窜货来源经销商; (3)、被窜货地区找到并拥有经销商进货价格或窜货经销商出货价格的准确凭据。 有以上一项证据者即界定为窜货。 3、区域保护政策: (1)、如被窜货在20盒以下,而无其它证据证明为窜货,给予窜货经销商所在地区的片区经理警告处分,并督 促其改进; (2)、如发现被窜货区域的被窜货量在20~50盒之间,第一次,给予窜货经销商所在地区的营销分部经理警告处 分,并扣除当月提成;第二次,按1:1的结算价扣除窜货经销商所在地区的营销分部经理的工资及奖金; 两次以上者,将给予开除或换岗。 (3)、如存在上述“窜货定义”下的窜货现象,被窜货区域在找到证据的同时,立即购买被窜货物,封存证据。 公司将对窜货区域进行1:10的处罚,即窜货一盒,将对窜货区域处罚十盒的价格,此处罚将在窜货区域 中当月的业绩中扣除,不计提佣金和奖金,并将此处罚量计入被窜货区域的业绩中。窜货区域的经销商将 按合同给予处罚。 (4)、公司对每批货物采用区域码或流水号进行登记和发货,严格记录和跟踪每批货物的流向,保证区域销售的 正常运作。 第八章:贮运体系 1,所有一级经销商均由公司总部统一安排发货; 2,所有进、销、存由OTC总部直接管理和跟踪,建立销售管理数据库。 (以下无正文) 撰写人:邵双喜 2013.1.28 o domestic hospital adapted healthcare futurebusiness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider tYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital ect ofgement system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction projystems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization manating sing and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcas. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitorrational integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management intege of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medicieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stablimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach18
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