首页 英语语言结构的对称现象安庆怀宁



英语语言结构的对称现象安庆怀宁英语语言结构的对称现象(安庆怀宁) 英语语言结构的对称现象(安庆怀宁) 3月20日 英语语言在表达某些特定意义的时候,常呈现出结构的对称现象。这种结构使读者感受到英语语言的对称美,从而增强语言的感染力,达到一种强化内容意义的修辞效果。熟悉这种结构能帮助学习者提高对英语语言的欣赏能力与运用能力。下面的这些结构都表现出这种对称现象。 一、表达爱好、选择、判断方面的对称结构 1.prefer…to…与perfer…rather than…结构 1)Do you prefer(the new one) to (t...

英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 语言结构的对称现象(安庆怀宁) 英语语言结构的对称现象(安庆怀宁) 3月20日 英语语言在表达某些特定意义的时候,常呈现出结构的对称现象。这种结构使读者感受到英语语言的对称美,从而增强语言的感染力,达到一种强化 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 意义的修辞效果。熟悉这种结构能帮助学习者提高对英语语言的欣赏能力与运用能力。下面的这些结构都表现出这种对称现象。 一、表达爱好、选择、判断方面的对称结构 1.prefer…to…与perfer…rather than…结构 1)Do you prefer(the new one) to (the old one?)(代词对称) 2)At this time of day,Iprefer (tea) to (coffee) .(名词对称) 3)I prefer (walking) to (cycling).(动名词对称) 4)I perfer (to work) rather than (remain idle).(不定式对称) 2.would rather/had rather…than…结构 5)She would rather have (the small one) than the (large one).(代词对称) 6)I would rather read (a novel) than (a poem).(名词对称) 7)I would rather (play) tennis than (swim).(动词对称) 8)Jim would rather go to class (tomorrow) than (today).(副词对称) 3.rather than结构 9)Evans is (a historian) rather than (a writer).(名词对称) 10)It ought to be (you) rather than (me) than signs the lettr.(代词对称) 11)These shoes are (comfortable) rather than (pretty).(形容词对称) 12)He was engaged in (writing a letter) rather than (reading the newspaper).(动名词短语对称) 13)We are doing this (for our brother villages) rather than (for ourselves).(介词结构结称) 14)He (ran) rather than (walked).(动词对称) 15)It was (what he meant) rather than (what he meant) rather than (what he said).() 16)I decided to (write) rather than (telephone).(不定式对称) 17)It is important (to increase) wages.(不定式对称) 4.instead of结构 18)Shall we (fish) instead of (meat) today?(名词对称) 19)Things would be (better) instead of (worse).(形容词对称) 20)We'll have tea (in the garden) instead of (in the house).(介词结构对称) 如果instead of后面接表示动作意味的词,一般要用动名词。如: I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. She went shopping instead of having lunch. 但为了对称可以用其它有关相应的动词形式。如: He proposes to do some work instead of to watch television.(不定式作宾语对称) 5.either…or…与neither…nor…结构 21)You must improve either (your work) or (your appearance).(名词对称) 22)Neither (you) nor (l) could do it.(人称代词对称) 23)It's neither (pleasant) to tea nor (good) for you.(形容词对称) 24)You neither (love) him or (hate) him.(动词对称) 25)He neither (knows) nor (cares) what happened.(动词对称) 26)Either (you must improve your work) or (l shall dismiss you).(句子对称) 6.not…but…结构 27)He is not (my son),but (my nephew).(名词对称) 28)He excels not (in English),but (in mathematics).(介词对称) 29)The important thing in the Olympic Games is not (to win) but (to take part).(不定式对称) 二、表达比较方面的对称结构 1.more/less…than…与the more…the more…结构 1)(Today) is hotter than (yesterday).(名词对称) 2)(John's car) runs better than Mary's.(所有格对称) 3)The Yangtse River is even wider and deeper (at Nanjing) than (at Wuhan).(介词对称) 4)(He speaks English) much more rapidly than (he does Spanish).(句子对称) 5)(The more you study,the smarter you will become).(句子对称) 2.as…as…与notas/so…as…结构 7)(John)sings sa well sa (his sister).(名词结构) 8)(His drawings) are as perfect as (his instructor's).(所有格对称) 9)(Classes in the university) are as difficult as (those in the college).(介词结构对称) 3.the same…as…与be different from/than/to结构 10)(My house) isthe same height as (his).(所有格对称) 11)(These trees) are the same as (those)[trees].(名词对称) 12)He speaks the same language as (she).(代词对称) 13)(He tried to do) the same as (his comrade did).(句子对称) 14)(You must show my wife) the same respect as (you show me).(句子对称) 15)(Mary) is different from/than/to (Jane).(名词对称) 16)(Our climate) is different form Canada's.(所有格对称) 17)(Life today)is different from (life fifty years ago).(名词短语对称) 三、表达并列关系的对称结构 1.both…and…结构 1)Both (Li Hung) and (Li Chun) have joined the Party.(名词对称作主语) 2)She spoke with both (kindness) and (understanding).(名词对称作宾语) 3)He both (speads) and (reads) French.(动词对称作谓语) 4)Robert is both (talended) and (handsome).(形容词对称作表语) 5)She is well dnown both (for her dindness) and (for her kindness) and (for her understanding).(介词结构作状语) 2.not only…brt(also)…结构 6)Beth plays not only (the guitar) but also (the violin).(名词对称作宾语) 7)The ceremony was mot only (colurful) but also (noisy).(形容词对称作表语) 8)He writes not only (correctly) but also (neatly).(副词对称作状语) 9)He is famous not only (in Italy) but also (in Switzerland).(介词结构对称作状语) 10)Clark not only (practises) law but also (teaches) it.(动词对称作谓语) 11)He is not (a writer) but also (a revolutionary).(名词对称作表语) 12)Not only (was everything that he had taden away from him), but also (his German citizenship[was taken away from him].(句子对称) 3.as well as结构 13)He gave me (money) as well sa (advice).(名词对称作宾语) 14)You as well as (l)are right.(代词对称作主语) 15)He was (kind) as well sa (sensible).(形容词对称作表语) 16)He writes (correctly)as well as (neatly).(副词对称作状语) 17)We shall travel (by night) as well as (byday).(介词结构对称作状语) 18)Paul (plays) the piano as well as (composes) music.(动词对称作谓语) 四、表达原因、理由方面的对称结构 1.not because(of)…but because(of)…gn not than…but than…的结构 1)The ship was delaed not (because of the war),but (because) (she has a talent for music). (介词结构对称) 2)I recommend her not because (she is beautiful) but because (she has a talent for music). (句子对称) 3)Not (that l loved Caesar less),but (that l loved Rome more).(句子对称) 4)It is not (that l am unwilling) but (that l have no time).(句子对称) 2.what with…and(what with)…结构 5)(What with teaching) and (what with writing),my time is wholly taken away.(介词结构对称) 6)(What with lfficial business) and (what with private business),l have no leisure. (介词结构对称) 五、表述态度、评论、赞成、询问等方面的对称结构 这些结构除少数例外一般为情态动词、助动词、be动词、have动词及do相应形式的对称。 1)You (are) young and so am l. 2)You (have) pride and so (have) l. 3)Louise (can) dance beautifully,and so (can) her sister. 4)I (was) tired,and so (were) the others. 5)—'It (was) cold yesterday.'—'So it was.' 6)—'It (is) rainning.'—'So it is.' 7)He (will) not help yor,neither/nor (will) l. 8)The unions (do not want) a strike,and neither/nor (does) the management. 六、动词或不定式作主语与表语的对称结构 在同一个句子里,如果主语与表语同时是表示动作意义的词,那么一般要要讲究对称,即主语是动名词时,表语一般也用动名词;主语是不定式时,表语一般也用不定式。 (Seeing) is (believing). ( [1][2]下一页 Saving) is (having). (To see)is (to believe). (To doubt) is slmost (to insult). (To be a friend in need) is (to be a friend indeed). 七、因修辞需要运用的对称结构 1)The owner (took d look),(gave a low whistle),the (made a dive)for the rejected clothing. (动词+名词结构对称) 2)(Large and small),(new and old),(wide and narrow),(fast and slow),they moved down to the shore.(多组互为反义的形容词对称) 八、谚语中的对称结构 许多谚语除了结构的对称,还注意了音节的对称,韵律的对称。这样的语言结构简洁、流畅、鲜明、生动,富于表现力,上口易记。 No pains,no gains. Out of sight,out lf mind. Grasp all,lose all. Hope for he best,prepare for the worst. Nothing venture,nothing have. Man proposes,God disposes. (载20XX年第5期《中小学英语教学与研究》) 上一页[1][2] 第1页 共1页
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