首页 浅谈水溶肥和水溶肥优势以及水溶肥的使用方法



浅谈水溶肥和水溶肥优势以及水溶肥的使用方法浅谈水溶肥和水溶肥优势以及水溶肥的使用方法 德国新陆水溶肥--能够完全溶解于水的多元素复合型肥料 水溶肥优势: 与传统的过磷酸钙、造粒复合肥等品种相比,水溶性肥料具有明显的优势。它是一种速效性肥料,水溶性好、无残渣,可以完全溶解于水中,能被作物的根系和叶面直接吸收利用。采用水肥同施,以水带肥,实现了水肥一体化,它的有效吸收率高出普通化肥一倍多,达到80%-90%;而且肥效快,可解决高产作物快速生长期的营养需求。配合滴灌系统需水量仅为普通化肥的30%,而施肥作业几乎可以不用人工,大大节约了人力成本。已经有越来越多...

浅谈水溶肥和水溶肥优势以及水溶肥的使用方法 德国新陆水溶肥--能够完全溶解于水的多元素复合型肥料 水溶肥优势: 与传统的过磷酸钙、造粒复合肥等品种相比,水溶性肥料具有明显的优势。它是一种速效性肥料,水溶性好、无残渣,可以完全溶解于水中,能被作物的根系和叶面直接吸收利用。采用水肥同施,以水带肥,实现了水肥一体化,它的有效吸收率高出普通化肥一倍多,达到80%-90%;而且肥效快,可解决高产作物快速生长期的营养需求。配合滴灌系统需水量仅为普通化肥的30%,而施肥作业几乎可以不用人工,大大节约了人力成本。已经有越来越多的土肥专家、农业技术推广专家、农资经销商和农民认识到水溶性肥料的重要性。 方法技巧: 如今,水溶肥料作为一种新型肥料,与传统肥料相比,不但配方多样,施用方法也非常灵活,可以土壤浇灌,让植物根部全面接触到肥料,尽情地呼吸各种营养元素;可以叶面喷施,通过叶面气孔进入植物内部,提高肥料吸收利用率;也可以滴灌和无土栽培,节约灌溉水并提高劳动生产效率。施肥过程中,为达到最佳效果,要结合水溶性肥料的特点,掌握一定的施肥技巧。 1(避免直接冲施水溶肥,要采取二次稀释法。由于水溶性肥料有别于一般的复合肥料,所以农民就不能够按常规施肥方法,造成施肥不均匀,出现烧苗伤根,苗小苗弱等现象,二次稀释保证冲肥均匀,提高肥料利用率。 2(严格控制水溶肥施肥量。水溶肥比一般复合肥养分含量高,用量相对较少。由于其速效性强,难以在土壤中长期存留,所以要严格控制施肥量,避免肥料流失即降低施肥的经济效益,达不到高产优质高效的目的。 3(尽量单用或与非碱性的农药混用。比如在蔬菜出现缺素症或根系生长不良时,不少农民多采用喷施水溶肥的方法加以缓解。在此提醒农民朋友,水溶肥要尽量单独施用或与非碱性的农药混用,以免金属离子起反应产生沉淀,造成叶片肥害或药害。 使用范围 水溶肥料作为一种速效肥料,它的营养元素比较全面,且根据不同作物的需肥特点相应的肥料有不同的配方,市场上销售的有蔬菜、果树、花卉、粮食、棉、油类等各类作物的专用水溶肥料。由于水溶肥料的价位较高,因此并未被大面积普及,一般消费区域主要集中在大棚蔬菜生产基地、果树生产基地以及一些花卉等种植区,比如我国的辽宁、河北、山东、新疆、四川、广西、云南和海南等地区是水溶肥料的重点消费区域。由于蔬菜生长周期短,经济效益高,消费者对蔬菜的质量要求高,进而菜农对肥料的要求也较高,水溶肥料则成了菜农们的首选肥料,种植出来的优质蔬菜能卖出好价钱,带来高利润,所以蔬菜成为水溶性肥料的消费主体。对于大田作物,由于其成本较高,所以百姓一般不愿意投入,还是只接受传统的肥料。 国内现状 is completed in time for said items taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the balance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall immediately report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth section outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the buret is added to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then according to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being measured, this kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known concentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standard solution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction points. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally included in the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: indicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring point isreservations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, because it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum absolute error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the, it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou second bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation in the, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digital bit number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relative error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0.0112 is three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analysis of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method number of digits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standard. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, refer to 98~100?; 2. hot water means 70~80?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 4. refer to 10~30? at room temperature; 5. cold water is 2~10?; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature. 水溶肥料虽然在国内刚起步,但业内人士对其前景普遍看好,水溶肥料产品与施用技术符合“低碳节能、高效环保”的要求,因此发展前景十分广阔,前途一片光明。 我国是全球淡水资源贫乏的国家之一,农业的季节性及产业分布不均、区域性缺水等问题突出。水溶肥料作为新型环保肥料使用方便可喷施、冲施并可和喷滴灌结合使用在提高肥料利用率、节约农业用水、减少生态环境污染、改善作物品质以及减少劳动力等方面有明显优势。 随着中国农业的集约化、规模化发展,水资源的进一步匮乏,以及大型农场不断涌现,滴灌、喷灌节水设施农业面积迅速扩大,在业内,已经有越来越多的政府部门、专家学者、技术推广、农业从业者认识到水溶肥料和水溶肥料产业的重要性。水溶肥料,是符合更加环保、更加可持续发展的新一代肥料,也是中国肥料工业和产业未来的重点发展课题与项目。 发展优势 1.传统的复合肥易造成肥料流失、水体富营养化、严重破坏土壤结构、养分失调等。而水溶肥料作为新型环保型肥料避免了传统复合肥的缺点,且水溶肥料使用方便,可喷施、冲施,并可和喷滴灌结合使用,提高肥料利用率、节约农业用水、减少劳动力,适应了社会发展的现状。 2.随着生产技术的不断创新,从作物营养需求来说,靠大量施用三元复合肥造粒化肥增产的时代已经过去,由于水溶肥料含有作物生长需要的全部营养元素,能够满足农民增产增收的目的。推广基础性专业水溶肥料,改变农民的传统施肥习惯,推进水肥一体化发展,也是时代发展的需要。 3.水溶肥料还有传统复合肥所不具备的优点,即可以提高作物品质、减少作物的生理病害,因此水溶肥料的推广十分有必要。 4.行业在快速发展,目前国内涌现了一大批水溶肥料厂家,而且许多公司一开始就朝着健康的方向发展,正是这些正规公司的推进,使得行业得到快速发展。 5.我国水溶肥料市场前景广阔,越来越多的具有全水溶、全吸收性水溶肥正逐渐被经销商和农民所接受,这也大大激励了国内企业积极投身于水溶肥行业的研发和推广。 6.水溶肥料被经销商热捧。当前传统复合肥市场竞争激烈,而且利润逐年走低,而新型肥料水溶肥料比传统复合肥的利润要高,为了追求高利润,经销商乐于接受和经营新型肥料。由于有了经销商的大力参与,必将对水溶性肥料的宣传和推广起到助推器的作用。 如今,水溶肥料行业已经有了相当的规模,其使用范围也逐渐由经济作物向大田作物迈进,随着土地集约化扩大,固体肥施用会减少,因为施用液体肥会降低肥料生产和施用成本。而且液体肥料的原料来源很广泛,很多物质都可以用做液体肥料的原料,因此水溶肥料会成为我国农业生产线上不可或缺的风景。 is completed in time for said items taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the balance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall immediately report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth section outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the buret is added to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then according to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being measured, this kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known concentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standard solution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction points. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally included in the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: indicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring point isreservations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, because it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum absolute error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the, it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou second bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation in the, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digital bit number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relative error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0.0112 is three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analysis of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method number of digits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standard. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, refer to 98~100?; 2. hot water means 70~80?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 4. refer to 10~30? at room temperature; 5. cold water is 2~10?; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature. 注意事项 1.不要在雨天和雾天喷施,若喷施4小时内遇雨,应减量再补喷一次; 2.对开封后未用完的肥料,要扎紧口存放,防止受潮; 3.请密封于常温、阴凉、干燥处存放,水溶肥若有结块不影响肥效。 4.每亩用量、兑水浓度、施用次数,应根据季节和作物生长情况适当增减。 5.本品存放阴凉干燥处,如有结块不影响肥效。
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