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骨科常用中药方剂骨科常用中药方剂 骨科常用中药方剂(31首) 1、身痛逐瘀汤 秦艽9g 羌活12g 香附9g 川芎15 桃仁12g 红花9g 当归9g 没药9g 牛膝12g 地龙6g 甘草6g 功用:活血行气,祛瘀通络,通痹止痛 主治:气血痹阻经络所致的肩、臂、腰、腿或周身疼痛,经久不愈。 2、参苓白术散 人参10g 茯苓15g 白术10g 山药12g 陈皮10g 薏苡仁10 莲子8g 砂仁3g 桔梗6 甘草8g 功用:益气健脾,渗湿止泻 主治:脾虚湿盛证引起的慢性胃肠炎、贫血、慢性支气管炎、慢性肾炎以及骨性关节炎、...

骨科常用中药方剂 骨科常用中药方剂(31首) 1、身痛逐瘀汤 秦艽9g 羌活12g 香附9g 川芎15 桃仁12g 红花9g 当归9g 没药9g 牛膝12g 地龙6g 甘草6g 功用:活血行气,祛瘀通络,通痹止痛 主治:气血痹阻经络所致的肩、臂、腰、腿或周身疼痛,经久不愈。 2、参苓白术散 人参10g 茯苓15g 白术10g 山药12g 陈皮10g 薏苡仁10 莲子8g 砂仁3g 桔梗6 甘草8g 功用:益气健脾,渗湿止泻 主治:脾虚湿盛证引起的慢性胃肠炎、贫血、慢性支气管炎、慢性肾炎以及骨性关节炎、腰 椎间盘突出症。 3、左归丸 熟地20g 山药山15g 茱萸12g 枸杞12g 牛膝15g 茯苓12g 鹿角胶12g 龟甲胶12g 兔丝子12g 功用:滋阴补肾。 主治:损伤日久或骨疾病后,肝肾精血亏损,骨折修复期,肾阴虚引起的骨关节炎及腰椎间 盘突出症。 4、右归丸 熟地20g 附子9g 肉桂6g 山药15 山茱萸12g 枸杞12g 杜仲12 兔丝子12g 鹿角胶12g 补骨脂20g 牛膝6g 功用:温补肾阳 主治:骨及软骨损伤后期,肾阳不足、精血亏损而致神疲气怯,筋骨连接延迟或下肢浮肿者。 5、独活寄生汤 独活9g 桑寄生18g 秦艽9g 防风9g 细辛3g 当归12g 芍药9g 川芎6g 地黄15g 杜仲9g 牛膝9g 党参12g 茯苓12g 甘草6g 肉桂6g 功用:益肝肾,补气血,祛风湿,止痹痛。 主治:腰脊损伤后期,肝肾两亏,风湿痛及腿足屈伸不利者。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 6、四妙散 苍术20g 黄柏10g 苡仁30g 牛膝15g 功用:清热利湿 主治:湿热下注所致骨性关节炎或者湿热所致的腰椎间盘突出症。 7、十全大补汤 炙黄芪20g 肉桂9g 人参9g 白术12g 茯苓12g 川芎15g 当归15g 白芍15g 熟地15g 炙甘草6g 功用:气血双补 主治:损伤后期,气血虚弱所致的骨性关节炎。 8、桃红四物汤 桃仁 6g 红花 6g 川芎 12g 当归 15g 生地12g 赤当12g 功用:活血祛瘀 主治:伤后瘀血作痛者。 9、桃核承气汤 桃仁6g 大黄10g 桂枝10g 炙甘草10g 芒硝10g 功用:破血下瘀 主治:跌打损伤,瘀血停聚所致的诸症。 10、血腑逐瘀汤 桃仁6g 红花6g 生地12g 川芎12g 赤芍12g 牛膝10g 桔梗10g 当归15g 柴胡10g 枳壳12g 甘草6g 功用:活血祛瘀,行气止痛。 主治:跌打损伤,气滞血瘀所致的胸痛等诸症。 11、补阳还五汤 黄芪20g 当归15g 赤芍12g 地尤6g 川芎12g 桃仁6g 红花6g 功用:补气活血通络 主治:中风后遗症或气血虚弱,瘀血内滞所致的腰椎间盘突出症。 12、大承气汤 大黄12g 厚朴15g 枳实15g 芒硝12g 功用:峻下热结。 主治:(1)阳明腑实证。(2)热结旁流。(3)里热实证之热厥、痉病或发狂等。 ble, do distinguish betweeneasonaation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be ring energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and sav-resources pollution ne. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant watersunshisiderations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout cong the house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understandinion in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen ilt into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfectgenerating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Bu-as septic tanks, methanetruction of chicken manure treatment facilities such field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the cons2 13、羌活胜湿汤 羌活10g 独活10g 藁苯6g 防风6g 蔓荆子6g 川芎10g 甘草6g 功用:祛风除湿,理气止痛。 主治:治湿气在 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,头痛头重,或腰脊重痛,或一身尽痛,微热昏倦。 14、麻子仁丸 麻子仁15g 大黄15g 杏仁10g 枳实10g 厚朴10g 芍药12g 功用:润肠泄热,行气通便。 主治:伤后肠胃燥热,大便不通者。 15、补中益气汤 黄芪15g 党参12g 白术12g 甘草6g 当归15g 陈皮6g 升麻10g 柴胡10g 功用:补中益气,升阳举陷。 主治:疮疡日久,元气亏损,或损伤之后,气血耗损,中气不足诸症。 16、当归补血汤 黄芪25g 当归10g 功用:补气生血 主治:跌打损伤,金疮,杖疮与久伤后气血损伤,肌热,渴饮,及大出血后。 17、六味地黄丸 熟地30g 山药30g 山萸肉15g 茯苓15g 译泻12g 丹皮12g 功用:滋补肝肾 主治:肝肾阴虚,腰膝酸痛,头晕目眩,骨折后期愈合迟缓诸症。 18、麻黄汤 麻黄9g 桂枝6g 杏仁9g 炙甘草6g 功用:发汗解表,宣肺平喘。 主治:外感风寒。恶寒发热,头痛身疼,无汗而喘,舌苔薄白,脉浮紧。(本方常用于感冒、流行性感冒、急性支气管炎、支气管哮喘等属风寒表实证者。) 19、银翘散 银花12g 连翘12g 桔梗10g 薄荷10g 竹叶10g 荆芥10g 牛蒡子10g 甘草6g 淡豆豉6g 功用:辛凉解表,清热解毒。 主治:温病初起。发热无汗,或有汗不畅,微恶风寒,头痛口渴,咳嗽咽痛,舌尖红,苔薄白或薄黄,脉浮数。 cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive tois facing in accordance free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it -, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollutionr windm populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summeicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away frothe chnment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of ance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good envirothe chhicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold , do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the cgenerating pit-truction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methanefield is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the cons3 20、桑菊饮 桑叶10g 菊花6g 杏仁6g 连翘10g 薄荷6g 桔梗6g 甘草6g 芦根10g 功用:疏风清热,宣肺止咳。 主治:风温初起。但咳,身热不甚,口微咳。 21、桂枝汤 桂枝12g 白芍12g 炙甘草9g 生姜9g 大枣4枚 功用:解肌发表,调和营卫。 主治:外感风寒表虚证。 22、复元活血汤 柴胡10 瓜篓根12g 当归15g 红花6g 甘草6g 大黄6g 穿山甲10g 桃仁6g 功用:活血祛瘀,疏肝通络。 主治:骨折初期治疗及跌打损伤,瘀血停于胁下诸症。 23、续骨活血汤 红花6g 地鳖虫6g 乳香6g 没药6g 赤芍10g 白芍10g 煅自然铜10g 落得打10g 续断 12g 骨碎补12g 当归尾12g 生地黄15g 功用:祛瘀止血,活血接骨。 主治:骨折中期治疗及软组织损伤。 24、壮筋养血汤 白芍12g 当归15g 川芎15g 续断 12g 红花 6g 生地12g 牛膝10g 丹皮10g 杜仲15g 功用:壮筋活血 主治:肝肾不足,跌扑闪挫,筋络损伤,及骨折后期治疗。 25、桂枝葛根汤 桂枝12g 葛根30g 白芍12g 炙甘草9g 生姜12g 大枣5枚 功用:祛风散寒、除湿通络。 主治:风寒湿引起的颈椎病。 ble, do distinguish betweeneasonaation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be ring energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and sav-resources pollution ne. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant watersunshisiderations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout cong the house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understandinion in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen ilt into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfectgenerating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Bu-as septic tanks, methanetruction of chicken manure treatment facilities such field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the cons4 26、温胆汤 制半夏15g 陈皮15g 茯苓12g 炙甘草6g 竹茹12g 枳实12g 生姜2片 大枣2枚 功用:除湿化瘀、温经通络。 主治:痰湿阻络引起的颈椎病。 27、天麻勾藤汤 天麻12g 钩藤15g 石决明24g 山栀子12g 黄芩12g 杜仲12g 川牛膝12g 益母草12g 茯苓15g 桑寄生24g 夜交藤15g 功用:补益肝肾、平肝抑阳。 主治:肝肾不足引起的颈椎病。 28、归脾汤 白术15g 茯神15g 黄芪15g 龙眼肉15g 党参9g 木香9g 当归6g 酸枣仁15g 远志6g 炙甘草9g 功用:补益气血,调补脾胃。 主治:气血亏虚引起的颈椎病。 29、外用三节膏组成 炉甘石250g 制乳香50g 制没药50g 冰片20g 黄蜡50g 小磨芝麻油500g 以上诸药,将小磨麻油加热为八成热后,分别置炉甘石、制乳香、制没药炙制无泡沫后,加黄蜡不断搅拌,并从加热器上取下置冷成膏状,退热待用。将膏药敷于患处,隔日换药一次。 功用:托脓、祛腐、生肌 适用于:各种慢性皮肤溃疡,各种皮肤破溃,褥疮,和皮肤裂伤暂时不能修缝者。 30、外用栀龙膏组成: 栀子3份 地龙1份 泽兰2份 白芷1份 冰片0.5份 以上药物按比例制成粉末状,调制成膏状,适量敷于患处,2—3天更换一次,6—12天为一疗程。 功用:行气活血,止痛消肿。 适用于多种因素引起的各部位软组织挫伤。 cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive tois facing in accordance free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it -, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollutionr windm populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summeicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away frothe chnment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of ance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good envirothe chhicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold , do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the cgenerating pit-truction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methanefield is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the cons5 31、外用热奄包组成 艾叶30g 川草乌 各10g 桂枝30g 防风30g 川椒20g 细辛10g 透骨草30g 伸筋草30g 威灵仙30g 泽兰30g 黄柏30g 木瓜30g 千年健30g 海风藤30g 元胡30g 川芎30g 姜黄30g 红花30g 牛膝30g 海桐皮30g 以上药物置于外用袋内,清水蒸煮外用,药袋敷于患处20分钟左右,每日二次。 ing energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilfree, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and sav-resources pollution ne. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant watersunshisiderations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout cong the house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understandinion in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen ilt into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfectgenerating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Bu-as septic tanks, methanetruction of chicken manure treatment facilities such field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the consble, do distinguish betweeneasonaation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be r6
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