首页 【精品】医治与释放87



【精品】医治与释放87【精品】医治与释放87 醫 治 與 釋 放 一、醫治釋放禱告文 1. 接受耶穌為生命唯一的主和救主 2. 向耶穌認罪 3. 饒恕自己 4. 饒恕得罪我的人 5. 拒絕迷信行為 6. 感謝父母的恩惠 7. 解開從父母和祖先來的不良連繫 8. 解開由婚姻而來的束縛 9. 處理重大傷害 二、醫治—病 傷 痛 1. 身心靈得醫治 2. 內在醫治 3. 信服神的話 順服神的旨意 4. 捨己走十架道路 三、釋放—習性 罪過 不饒恕 偶像 邪靈 1. 家族祖宗的影響 2. 偶像崇拜的捆綁 ...

【精品】医治与释放87 醫 治 與 釋 放 一、醫治釋放禱告文 1. 接受耶穌為生命唯一的主和救主 2. 向耶穌認罪 3. 饒恕自己 4. 饒恕得罪我的人 5. 拒絕迷信行為 6. 感謝父母的恩惠 7. 解開從父母和祖先來的不良連繫 8. 解開由婚姻而來的束縛 9. 處理重大傷害 二、醫治—病 傷 痛 1. 身心靈得醫治 2. 內在醫治 3. 信服神的話 順服神的旨意 4. 捨己走十架道路 三、釋放—習性 罪過 不饒恕 偶像 邪靈 1. 家族祖宗的影響 2. 偶像崇拜的捆綁 3. 情緒性格的束縛 4. 習慣罪行的轄制 5. 人際關係的僵局 四、得醫治得釋放的法則 1. 信靠耶穌為主 2. 受洗歸入基督的死與主同復活 3. 做個重生的基督徒 4. 學習做主門徒 5. 向人傳揚福音 五、如何服事別人 1. 代禱與祝福 2. 醫治的禱告 3. 釋放的宣告 ______________________________ 參考: 台北靈糧堂醫治釋放禱告文 1 醫 治 禱 告 內 容 參 考 1. 接受耶穌為生命唯一的主和救主 神啊,我需要你,我願意打開心門接受耶穌做我的救主和生命的主。感謝耶穌為我的罪受鞭打、受羞辱,且被釘在十字架上。謝謝耶穌赦免我的罪,請你管理我的一生,成為你所喜悅的人。 2. 向耶穌認罪 耶穌,你是我生命中唯一的救主。我來到你面前,承認過去所犯的一切罪,無論它們是從前犯的或是最近犯的,是故意犯的或軟弱時犯的,是屢次犯的或偶爾犯的,現在我在你面前一一承認,請以你十字架的大愛來赦免我(請靜默片時,把心中願意向耶穌承認的罪向他訴說, )。耶穌,請用你的寶血遮蓋我、洗淨我,讓我從罪的捆綁中得著釋放、心靈恢復自求他赦免 由、與你重新和好。耶穌,我感謝你的赦免之愛。 3. 饒恕自己 耶穌,你既然已經無條件地赦免了我,現在我要在你赦免之愛中來饒恕自己、接納自己。耶穌,我明白我是一個有缺點、有軟弱、犯了許多罪的人。但是耶穌,我相信你所愛的就是這個真正的我。耶穌,請真理的聖靈來充滿我,幫助我用一個正確的態度來面對自己,也在你的愛中除去我加給自己的許多束縛。現在我因你的名和權柄,拒絕我過去一切對自己消極的態度和行為,也拒絕因這些態度和行為給我帶來精神上、心理上、和生理上的捆綁。耶穌,請你釋放我,使我得到自由而歸向你。 4. 饒恕得罪我的人 耶穌,你無條件地赦免了我、接納了我,請幫助我也饒恕那些曾經得罪我的人。現在我把一切得罪過我的人、和他們所做傷害我的事一一交在你的手裏,請幫助我饒恕他們(請靜默片 )。我把我內心對他們的仇恨、抱怨、憤怒、害怕都釋放出來,交在你時,按自己的需要禱告 手中,請你清除乾淨,並請你不要讓我再被這些消極負面的情緒所壓傷。耶穌,現在我因你的名和權柄切斷我和這些傷害我的人之間一切精神上、心理上、和生理上的不良連繫。請你打破因他們每一個人和我的關係所帶給我精神上、心理上、和生理上的捆綁,使我得到自由而歸向你。耶穌,我感謝你、我讚美你。 5. 拒絕迷信行為 耶穌,我既已相信並接受你是我唯一的救主,請你除去我生命中一切與你不相合的勢力。過去因為我的無知、好奇、或其它理由,參與了一些迷信的行為,如:算命、看相、抽籤、卜卦、看風水、數星座、拜牌位、拜偶像、行法術. . . . .等等。耶穌,現在我知道錯了,願意在你面前為我所做過的迷信行為向你一一認罪,請你原諒我、赦免我(請靜默片時,為自己所做 )。耶穌,請你用你的寶血來遮蓋我、潔淨我。耶穌,我因你的名過一切迷信行為向耶穌承認 和權柄,棄絕我過去所做的一切迷信行為,也棄絕別人為我所做的一切迷信行為。耶穌,請你破除一切與我有關的迷信行為,及其中的黑暗勢力帶給我精神上、心理上、和生理上的捆綁。耶穌,請你釋放我,使我得到自由而歸向你。耶穌,我感謝你,我讚美你。 2 6. 感謝父母的恩惠 耶穌,我感謝你藉著父母賜給我生命,也藉著他們對我的關心和愛護使我成長。我感激我的父母為我所付出的各種辛勞和愛心,也欣賞他們獨特的性格與生命特質。耶穌,但父母也不是完美的人,在性格上也有缺陷,在愛子女的態度上或多或少帶給我一些不好的影響。耶穌,我把這一切都交託給你,請你按你的慈愛幫助我、改變我。我願意靠你的名常祝福他們,也按你的應許孝順他們。耶穌,我感謝你,我讚美你。 7. 解開從父母和祖先來的不良連繫 耶穌,我把我的父母和祖先完全交託在你手中。凡是我得罪父母和祖先的地方,我向你認罪,求你赦免我。凡是我的父母和祖先因著他們的過犯、迷信、和咒詛,所帶給我的一切傷害和不好的影響,我因你的名饒恕他們。現在請你按你的慈愛赦免他們、祝福他們、報答他們為我所付出的各種關懷和愛心。耶穌,我靠著你的名和權柄除去父母和祖先口中所說一切否定的話和咒詛,在我身上所造成精神上、心理上、和生理上的捆綁。我也因你的名和權柄解開父母和祖先一切過犯和迷信以及其中黑暗勢力,在我身上所造成的精神上、心理上、和生理上的捆綁。耶穌,請你解開這一切的捆綁,使我得釋放、內心獲得自由而歸向你。耶穌,我感謝你,我讚美你。 8. 解開由婚姻而來的束縛 耶穌,請你進入我的婚姻關係中,做我和我配偶的主和救主。凡是我的配偶得罪我、傷害我的地方,請你幫助我因你的名而饒恕他(或她)。凡是我得罪我配偶的地方,我向你認罪求你赦免我,也求你讓他(或她)完全饒恕我,使我們兩人在你的愛中和解。 耶穌,現在我因你的名和權柄切斷我和配偶之間在婚姻關係中一切不好的精神、心理、和生理的連繫。耶穌,請你解開我這婚姻關係給我帶來的一切精神、心理、和生理的捆綁,請你釋放我們兩個人,並賜聖靈進入我倆心中,教導我們當怎樣彼此相愛,使這婚姻更加美滿、幸福、榮耀你的名。耶穌,我感謝你,我讚美你。 9. 處理重大傷害 A.與人有不正常的性關係,必須把這些關係及對象一個一個地交給耶穌,向他認罪、求他赦免。然後,切斷這些關係給自己帶來的精神上、心理上、和生理上的捆綁,請耶穌用寶血釋放。 B.把曾經嚴重傷害過自己的人一一交在耶穌手中,奉耶穌基督的名饒恕他們。奉耶穌基督的 名切斷與這些人一切不好的精神上、心理上、和生理上的連繫,請耶穌以寶血釋放。 C.把個人生命中嚴重受傷的事件交給耶穌,例如:受到性騷擾、被強姦、亂倫、墮胎、親人 亡故、遭遇天災人禍等等。要因耶穌的名赦免傷害者,再因耶穌的名切斷每一件事所帶來 精神上、心理上、和生理上的捆綁,請耶穌以寶血釋放。 D.若有墮胎,請為此認罪,並棄絕此事對自己的影響,請耶穌把自己從痛苦憂傷自責中釋放 出來。 E.若有習慣性的犯罪或消極態度,求主顯明其根由再帶到耶穌面前,奉主耶穌的名禱告棄絕, 求主用寶血釋放使得自由。 3 A Reference for Prayers of Healing 1. Accept Jesus as the only Lord and Savior of life God! I need you, I am willing to open the door of my heart and accept Jesus as my Savior and the Lord of my life. I thank Jesus for suffering whipping and ridiculing and being put on the cross on behalf of my sins. I thank Jesus for forgiving my sins. Please take control of my life and make me a person that pleases you. 2. Confess my sins to Jesus Jesus, you are the only Lord of my life. I come to you and confess all the sins I have committed, either long ago or recently, either on purpose or when I was weak, either frequently or occasionally. Now I come to you and confess each and every one of them. Please forgive me with your love (be silent for a while, tell Jesus those sins that you especially want Him to know and ask for His forgiveness). Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood and make me clean. Release me from the bondage of sins so my heart and soul can be free. Let me reconcile with you. Jesus, I praise you and thank you for your forgiving love. 3. Forgive myself Jesus, since you have unconditionally forgiven me, now I will forgive myself and accept myself in your great love of forgiveness. Jesus, I know that I am a person who falls short, with weaknesses and has committed many sins. However, Jesus, I believe in whom you love, which is the real me. Jesus, please fill me with the Holy Spirit of truth, help me face myself with the right attitude, and in your love denounce the many bondages I have put on myself. Now in your name and power, I forsake all the negative attitude and behavior I used to hold towards myself, and I forsake the bondages these attitude and behavior put on my spirit, mind and body. Jesus, please release me, give me freedom so I can turn back to you. Jesus I praise you and thank you. 4. Forgive those who have hurt me Jesus, you have unconditionally forgiven me and accepted me, please help me forgive those who have hurt me in the past. Now I put into your hands all those who have hurt me and all the damaging things they have done to me, please help me forgive each and everyone of them in your name (keep silent, pray according to one’s needs). I release all the hatred, complaints, anger and fear I hold towards them in my heart, and put them in your hands. Please cleanse them and deliver me from being overwhelmed by these negative emotions. Jesus, now in your name and power I also cut off any bad spiritual, psychological and physical connection I have with these people who have hurt me. Please break any spiritual, psychological and physical bondage that my relation with each and every one of them has brought me, free me and let me turn to you. Jesus I praise you and thank you. 5. Forsake any superstitious practice 4 Jesus, now that I have believed and accepted you as the only Lord and Savior in my life, please get rid of any power in my life that is incompatible with you. In the past because of my ignorance, curiosity or some other reason, I had superstitious behaviors (for example, face reading, fortune telling, feng-shui, idol worship… etc). Jesus, now I know I was wrong and I would like to confess to you all the superstitious practice I have done in the past, please forgive me (keep quiet for a while, in your heart confess to Jesus all the superstitious practice you have done) Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood and cleanse me. Jesus, now in your name I forsake all the superstitious practice I had in the past, and denounce all the superstitious practice others have done on my behalf. Jesus, in your name and power I forsake all these superstitious practice related to me. Jesus, please break all the superstitious practice related to me and break all the spiritual, psychological and physical bondage that those dark powers put on me. Jesus, please free me, give me freedom and turn to you. Jesus, I praise you and thank you! 6. Thank Jesus for the blessings He gives through parents Jesus, I thank you for the life you have given me through my parents and for keeping me grow through their care and love. I thank them for all their hard work and love for me. Jesus, however parents are not perfect people: they have imperfections in their characters, unavoidable selfishness and mistakes in their attitudes toward their children, and perhaps incorrect ways in their style of communication. Since they affect my life most profoundly, they have brought me some negative influences due to their shortcomings to various degrees. Jesus, I give all these to you, and please help me and change me with your love. I will bless them and respect them in the name of Jesus. Jesus I praise you and thank you. 7. Denounce any bad ties with parents and ancestors Jesus, I put my parents and ancestors in your hands completely. Jesus, I confess the sins I have committed in offending my parents and my ancestors and ask you to forgive me. I also forgive my parents and ancestors for any hurt and bad influences they brought to me in their mistakes, superstition and curses. And I ask you to forgive them, bless them, and reward them for all the care and love they shared with me. Jesus, now in your power I denounce any spiritual, psychological, and physical bondage my parents and ancestors’ curses put on me. In your name I also denounce any spiritual, psychological, and physical bondage my parents and ancestors’ mistakes, superstition, and the dark force put on me. Jesus, please break all these bondages, release me, grant me freedom again, and make me turn to you. Jesus, I worship you and praise you. 8. Denounce any bondage through marriage Jesus, now please come into my marriage; be the Lord and Savior of both of us. If my spouse offended me and hurt me, please help me forgive him/her in your name. If I have offended him/her, I confess to you and ask you to forgive me and help him/her to completely forgive me, so the two of us can reconcile in your love. (Be silent for a while and pray according to one’s need) Jesus, now in your name and power I denounce any bad spiritual, psychological, and physical ties that have formed in my 5 marriage relationship with my spouse. Jesus, please break any spiritual, psychological, and physical bondages my marriage has brought me. Please free both of us, and let the Holy Spirit come into our hearts to teach us how to love each other and make this marriage a better and more joyful one, and more glorifying to your name. Jesus, I praise you and thank you. 9. Denounce any other broken personal relationships A. If one has un-Godly sexual relationship(s), they need to put the relationship(s) and the other people involved in Jesus’ hands one by one. Then, they need to denounce any spiritual, psychological, and physical bondage this kind of relationship has brought them, and ask for Jesus’ precious blood to free them. B. One can put each and every person that has brought them serious hurt into Jesus’ hands, forgive them in Jesus’ name, and denounce any bad spiritual, psychological, and physical ties with this person in Jesus’ name, and ask for Jesus’ precious blood to heal them. C. If a person encountered some serious hurt in his or her life, for example if a woman was sexually harassed or even raped (the younger her age then, the deeper the wound), or if a person experienced the death of a family member at a young age, or one’s mother experienced abortion before or after giving birth to him or her… etc, they also need to forgive the person who hurt them in Jesus’ name, and denounce the spiritual, psychological, and physical bondage each event brought to them, and ask for Jesus’ precious blood to free them. D. If a woman ever had an abortion, besides confessing her sin, she also needs to denounce any influence this event has brought her and ask Jesus to free her. E. If one has habitual sin or negative attitude, he or she first needs to find out its source, understand where it came from, and then bring it in front of Jesus, and make a denouncing pray in Jesus’ name, and ask for Jesus’ precious blood for freedom. 6 7
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