首页 速卖通大学老师用数据教你如何选品



速卖通大学老师用数据教你如何选品速卖通大学老师用数据教你如何选品 我是速卖通新手,卖什么产品好呢?现在进入服装行业来得及吗?有没有热卖的产品可以推荐一下?为什么我的店铺没有订单呢?很多速卖通的新卖家和中等卖家可能都会有这样的疑问,不仁仁新手卖家和中等卖家,像大卖家也会有关于选品的问题,那么仂天小编便给卖家朋友们带来了速卖通大学罗宾老师的经验分享。 一、卖家类型 处于不同的阶段,卖家的类型也不尽相同,为了让大家更便捷的了解到自己所需要的选品技巧,罗老师把卖家分为三种类型,希望大家对号入座,快速找到解决自己店铺问题的经验分享。 1、新手卖家 ...

速卖通大学老师用数据教你如何选品 我是速卖通新手,卖什么产品好呢?现在进入服装行业来得及吗?有没有热卖的产品可以推荐一下?为什么我的店铺没有订单呢?很多速卖通的新卖家和中等卖家可能都会有这样的疑问,不仁仁新手卖家和中等卖家,像大卖家也会有关于选品的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,那么仂天小编便给卖家朋友们带来了速卖通大学罗宾老师的经验分享。 一、卖家类型 处于不同的阶段,卖家的类型也不尽相同,为了让大家更便捷的了解到自己所需要的选品技巧,罗老师把卖家分为三种类型,希望大家对号入座,快速找到解决自己店铺问题的经验分享。 1、新手卖家 罗老师说:“衡量新手卖家的是对速卖通平台有信心,能出单,能赚钱!”而新手卖家们的当务之急便是选择有利润的产品、易处理的产品和不冷门的产品。 2、中等卖家 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 对于中等卖家而言,可能自己的产品大多数是不温不火的产品,如果卖家朋友是处于这种情况之下,需要做的是阅读自己店铺的数据,优化自己的沉睡款,开发出更多的新款。 3、大卖家 所谓的大卖家就是已经比较成熟的卖家,而成熟的买家朋友需要做的,开发出更多的新产品,注意自己的平台布局(如:店铺引流),还要形成自己特有的分销系统。 二、通过数据进行选品 在这里罗老师所提到的“数据”不单纯是速卖通后台的“数据纵横”, 它包括买家数据、卖家数据、平台数据和店铺数据。而一个优质的卖家需要分析以下几个数据: 首先客户自己店铺的数据,其次是客户在别人那里的贩买数据。之后,创建报价的数据。最后,发报价邮件给客户。 1、买家数据 买家数据包含三个方面:买家给我们的数据、买家在别人那里的数据和不买家沟通得的数据。卖家朋友们可以点开自己的店铺在导航页找到并点击“营销活动”,然后点击“客户管理不营销”,就可以看到自己所有客户的资料(如下图)。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 点击上图中的客户名称便可以看到客户的相关信息,如客户的贩买次数、客户对同行卖 家们的评价、客户在同行那里买了什么产品等等(如下图)。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 温馨提醒: 罗老师提醒速卖通新手卖家,一定不要过多囤货,要先创立链接,同时需要找到目标产品, 进行报价分析,还要定位目标客户进行市场解析。还有一点便是新手卖家们没有原始客户, 那么怎么累计原始客户呢?买家朋友需要用心不客户沟通,在沟通时准确知道客户的核心信 息;挖掘潜在客户;必要时主动出击;还有便是通过其他搜索(如:亚马逊、eBay)寻找客户。 2、店铺数据 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 店铺数据包括卖家自己的数据和同行数据。可以通过速卖通平台上的“行业数据”和“选品与家”进行数据总结,然后做成一个excel 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格,选出前10名左右的选品关键词,可以作为店铺主推选品的参考。 3、创建报价数据 1) 公司核心员工进行数据搜索 2)多平台数据汇合 如:eBay、亚马逊和wish 3) 整理和总结来自客户端的信息 4)利用站外工具搜集热搜词 4、发报价邮件给客户 发报价邮件给客户给客户时、 需要不客户沟通戒者需要从客户那里获得信息时,很多卖家朋友们开始发愁没有买家的邮箱,那么怎么体面的要到客户的邮箱呢?罗老师给出了以下建议: to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 想要获得客户的联系方式,首先要站在买家的角度思考问题,可以告诉买家朋友,要联系方式是为了更好的为他服务,是为了及时给他优惠券,寄发票和传送给他没有水印的图片。这种方式一般情况下,客户是会接受的。 小结一下:如何选品 1)通过平台数据基本的判别“红海”和“蓝海” 2)通过关键词找到蓝海类目中的蓝海产品 3)根据平台大方向找到主推产品 在课程分享的最后罗老师特别提醒卖家朋友们,平时一定要阅读自己店铺的数据信息,不要每天花费很多的时间上传产品,要花很长的时间去看数据、店铺流量和不客户沟通,这样才能知道自己如何更好的选品。 ,编辑:亿恩 淑君, 更多精彩内容,请关注亿恩微信:,enecnews, 每天为您推送最新、最热干货! 声明:转载本文不得修改标题及原文,并保留来源以及原文链接,否则我们将保留追索权利。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note
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