首页 神奇树屋2-迷雾中的骑士



神奇树屋2-迷雾中的骑士神奇树屋-迷雾中的骑士 神奇树屋-迷雾中的骑士 1黑幽幽的树林   杰克睡不着。   他戴上眼镜,看了看钟——5点30分。   起床太早了点。   昨天发生了那么多稀奇古怪的事情。此刻他正试着把它们一一弄清楚。   他打开灯,拿出笔记本。他看了看睡觉前记下的清单:   发现了树林里的树屋   发现了树屋里有好多好多的书   指了指书中的无齿翼龙的画   许了一个愿   去了恐龙的时代   指了指蛙溪树林的画   许了一个愿   回到了蛙溪镇的家   杰克推了推眼镜。谁会相信这一切呢?   老妈不会信,老爸不会信。三...

神奇树屋-迷雾中的骑士 神奇树屋-迷雾中的骑士 1黑幽幽的树林   杰克睡不着。   他戴上眼镜,看了看钟——5点30分。   起床太早了点。   昨天发生了那么多稀奇古怪的事情。此刻他正试着把它们一一弄清楚。   他打开灯,拿出笔记本。他看了看睡觉前记下的清单:   发现了树林里的树屋   发现了树屋里有好多好多的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf   指了指书中的无齿翼龙的画   许了一个愿   去了恐龙的时代   指了指蛙溪树林的画   许了一个愿   回到了蛙溪镇的家   杰克推了推眼镜。谁会相信这一切呢?   老妈不会信,老爸不会信。三年级的老师沃特金斯小姐也不会信。相信的只有七岁的妹妹安妮,她同他一起去的恐龙时代。   “你睡不着吗?”   是安妮,她正站在他的房门口。   “睡不着。”杰克说。   “我也睡不着。”安妮说,“你在干什么呢?”   她走向杰克,看了看他的笔记本。她读了一下清单。   “你为什么没写上金奖章呢?”安妮问。   “你是说金奖牌。”杰克说。   他拿起铅笔,写上:   在恐龙时代发现这个   “你为什么不在奖章上写上字母M呢?”安妮说。   “奖牌。”杰克说,“不是奖章。”   他在上面加上一个字母M:   “你为什么不写上那个有魔法的人呢?”安妮说。   “我们不能确定是否真有那个有魔法的人。”杰克说。   “好啦,有人在树林里建造了树屋。有人在树屋里放了好多好多的书。有人在恐龙时代遗失了金奖章。”   “奖牌!”杰克第三次这样说了,“而我只写事实。我们确实能肯定的东西。”   “让我们立即回树屋去吧。”安妮说,“去查明那个有魔法的人是否真有其人。”   “你疯了吗?”杰克说,“太阳还未升起呢。”   “去吧。”安妮说,“也许我们能趁他们还在睡觉的时候碰见他们。”   “我认为我们不应该去。”杰克说。他有些担心。倘若那个有魔法的人很难惹,该怎么办?倘若那个有魔法的人(他或者她)不希望小孩子知道书屋的事,又该怎么办呢?   “反正,我是要去的。”安妮说。   杰克看了看窗外暗灰色的天空,天快亮了。   他叹了一口气。“好吧,我们穿衣服。我在后门等你,要静悄悄的。”   “耶!”安妮低声说。她像只老鼠似地静悄悄地蹑手蹑脚地离开了。   杰克穿上牛仔裤,套上一件运动衫,脚蹬球鞋。他把笔记本和铅笔扔进背包里。   他蹑手蹑脚地走下楼梯。 安妮正在后门等着他。她用手电筒照了照杰克的脸。“嗒——哒!神奇的魔棒!”她说。 “嘘!别吵醒了老妈和老爸。”杰克低声说道。“把手电筒关了,我们不能让任何人看见我们。”   安妮点了点头,关了手电筒,然后把手电筒别在皮带上。   他们悄悄地溜出门。清晨的空气凉飕飕的,蛐蛐在唧唧地叫,隔壁的狗在汪汪地吠。   “别作声,亨利!”安妮轻声说。   亨利不叫了。动物们似乎总是很听安妮的话。   “我们跑吧!”杰克说。   他们飞速地跑过黑乎乎、湿漉漉的草地,到达树林才停了下来。   “现在我们需要手电筒了。”杰克说。   安妮从皮带上取下手电筒,揿亮了。   她和杰克一步一步地在树木中穿行。杰克屏住气,黑漆漆的树林让人胆战心惊。   “妖怪!”安妮说着,把手电筒照在杰克脸上。   杰克吓得往后一跳,然后皱了皱眉头。   “快拿开!”他说着。   “吓到你了吧。”安妮说。   杰克对她怒目而视。   “别装神弄鬼的!”他低声说,“这可不能开玩笑的。”   “好啦,好啦。”   安妮用手电筒照了照树顶。   “你在干什么?”杰克说。   “找树屋!”   手电光停住不动了。   树屋在那儿。神秘的树屋,在树林最高那棵大树的顶上。   安妮用手电筒照了照树屋,接着照了照高高的绳梯,沿着绳梯一直照到地面上。   “我准备上去了。”她说。她抓着手电筒,开始往上爬。   “等一等!”杰克大声喊道 。   要是树屋里有人,那怎么办呢?   “安妮!快回来!”   但是她已经上去了。灯光也消失了。杰克一个人孤零零地呆在黑暗中。   1  The Dark Woods   Jack couldn’t sleep.   He put his glasses on. He looked at the clock. 5∶30.   Too early to get up. Yesterday so many strange things had happened. Now he was trying to figure them out. He turned on the light. He picked up his notebook. He looked at the list he’d made before going to bed.   found tree house in woods found lots of books in itpointed to Pteranodon picture in book made a wishwent to time of dinosaurs Pointed to picture of Frog Creek woods made a wish Came home to Frog Creek Jack pushed his glasses into place. Who was going to believe any of this?   Not his mom. Or his dad. Or his third-grade teacher, Ms. Watkins. Only his seven-year-old sister, Annie. She’d gone with him to the time of the dinosaurs.   “Can’t you sleep?”   It was Annie, standing in his doorway.   “Nope,” said Jack.   “Me neither,” said Annie. “What are you doing?”   She walked over to Jack and looked at his notebook. She read the list.   “Aren’ t you going to write about the gold medal?” she asked.   “You mean the gold medallion, ” said Jack.   He picked up his pencil and wrote:   found this in dinosaur time   “Aren’t you going to put the letter M on the medal?” said Annie.   “Medallion,” said Jack. “Not medal.”   He added an M:   “Aren’t you going to write about the magic person?” said Annie.   “We don’t know for sure if there is a magic person,” said Jack.   “Well, someone built the tree house in the woods. Someone put the books in it. Someone lost a gold medal in dinosaur time.”   “Medallion!” said Jack for the third time. “And I’m just writing the facts.The stuff we know for sure.”   “Let’ s go back to the tree house right now,” said Annie. “And find out if the magic person is a fact.”   “Are you nuts?” said Jack. “The sun’s not even up yet.”   “Come on,” said Annie. “Maybe we can catch them sleeping.”   “I don’ t think we should,” said Jack. He was worried. What if the “magic person” was mean? What if he or she didn’t want kids to know about the tree house?   “Well, I’m going,” said Annie.   Jack looked out his window at the dark-gray sky. It was almost dawn. He sighed. “Okay. Let’s get dressed. I’ll meet you at the back door. Be quiet.”   “Yay!” whispered Annie. She tiptoed away as quietly as a mouse.   Jack put on jeans, a warm sweatshirt, and sneakers. He tossed his notebook and pencil in his backpack.   He crept downstairs.   Annie was waiting by the back door. She shined a flashlight in Jack’s face. “Ta-da! A magic wand!” she said.   “Shhh! Don’ t wake up Mom and Dad,” whispered Jack. “And turn that flashlight off. We don’t want anyone to see us.”   Annie nodded and turned it off. Then she clipped it onto her belt.   They slipped out the door into the cool early-morning air. Crickets were chirping. The dog next door barked.   “Quiet, Henry!” whispered Annie.   Henry stopped barking. Animals always seemed to do what Annie said.   “Let’s run!” said Jack. They dashed across the dark, wet lawn and didn’t stop until they reached the woods.   “We need the flashlight now,” said Jack.   Annie took it off her belt and switched it on.   Step by step, she and Jack walked between the trees. Jack held his breath. The dark woods were scary.   “Gotcha!” said Annie, shining the flashlight in Jack’s face.   Jack jumped back. Then he frowned.   “Cut it out!” he siad.   “I scared you,” said Annie.   Jack glared at her.   “Stop pretending!” he whispered. “This is serious.”   “Okay, okay.”   Annie shined her flashlight over the tops of the trees.   “Now what are you doing?” said Jack.   “Looking for the tree house!”   The light stopped moving. There it was. The mysterious tree house. At the top of the tallest tree in the woods.   Annie shined her light at the tree house, and then down the tall ladder. All the way to the ground.   “I’m going up,” she said. She gripped the flashlight and began to climb.   “Wait!” Jack called.   What if someone was in the tree house?   “Annie! Come back!”   But she was gone. The light disappeared. Jack was alone in the dark. 2再度出发 “这儿一个人也没有!”安妮朝着地面大声喊道。   杰克想着回家。接着,他又想着树屋里那所有的书。   他开始爬绳梯。当他快到树屋时,他看到远处天空中的亮光。天开始破晓了。   他从树屋地板上的一个洞口爬进树屋,然后放下了他的背包。   树屋里很暗。   安妮用手电筒在散落一地的书上照来照去。   “书还在这儿。”她说。   她把灯光停在那本恐龙书上。正是这本书,把他们带到了恐龙的时代。   “记得霸王龙吗?”安妮问。   杰克哆嗦了一下。他当然记得霸王龙。有谁能忘记见过活生生的霸王龙?   灯光落在关于宾夕法尼亚的书上。红色的丝绸书签从里面露出头来。   “记得蛙溪镇的那幅画吗?”安妮问。   “当然记得。”杰克说。正是那幅画,把他们带回了家。   “还有我最喜欢的。”安妮说。   灯光照在一本关于骑士和城堡的书上。蓝色的皮书签插在里面。安妮翻到插书签的那一页。那幅画上是一个骑士骑在一匹黑马上。他正向一座城堡奔驰。   “安妮,关上那本书。”杰克说,“我知道你想干什么。”   安妮指着骑士。   “别,安妮!”   “我想我们可以见到这个真骑士。”安妮说。   “不,我们不去!”杰克大叫着。   他们听到一种奇特的声响。   “咴咴咴咴!”   这好像是马的嘶鸣声。   他们都向窗口走去。   安妮把手电筒照向地面。   “啊,不。”杰克小声说着。   “一个骑士!”安妮说。   一个身着闪闪盔甲的骑士!一个骑着黑马的骑士!正在穿过蛙溪树林!   接着风开始呻吟,树叶开始颤抖。   事情又一次发生了。   “我们要出发了!”安妮喊叫着,“快趴下!”   风的呻吟声更大了。树叶颤抖得更厉害了。   树屋开始打转,转得越来越快。   杰克紧紧地闭上双眼。   然后一切都平静了。   绝对的平静。   杰克睁开了眼睛。他颤抖不已。空气湿漉漉、凉飕飕的。   马的嘶鸣声从下面传来。   “咴咴咴咴!”   “我想我们到了。”安妮低声说道,手里仍然攥着那本城堡书。   杰克向窗外望去。   一座巨大的城堡在雾中若隐若现。   他看了看四周。树屋落在另一棵橡树上。树屋下面,骑着黑马的骑士正从旁驰过。 “我们不能呆在这儿。”杰克说,“我们得先回去,制定一个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。”他捡起那本关于宾夕法尼亚的书。他翻开插着红色丝绸书签的那一页,指着蛙溪树林的那幅照片。“我希——”   “不!”安妮说。她从他手中夺过那本书。“我们留下来!我要拜访那座城堡!”   “你是大傻帽。我们得仔细研究一下形势。”杰克说,“回家研究。”   “我们就在这儿研究!”安妮说。   “快来。”他伸出手,“把书给我。” 安妮把书还给他。“好吧!你可以回家,我要留下来。”她说。她把手电筒别在皮带上。   “等一等!”杰克说。   “我打算去看看,就看一眼。”她说。她飞快地溜下绳梯。   杰克一声叹息。行,她赢了。他不能单独离开,把她留下。另外,其实他自己也想去亲自看上一眼。   他放下宾夕法尼亚的那本书。   他不声不响地把那本城堡书放进背包里,跨上绳梯,下到地面。那冰凉凉、朦胧胧的雾气迎面扑来。  2 Leaving Again   “No one’s here!” Annie shouted down. Jack thought about going home. Then he thought about all the books in the tree house.   He started up the ladder. When he was nearly to the tree house, he saw light in the distant sky. Dawn was starting to break.   He crawled through a hole in the floor and took off his backpack.   It was dark inside the tree house.   Annie was shining her flashlight on the books scattered about.   “They’re still here,” she said.   She stopped the light on a dinosaur book. It was the book that had taken them to the time of the dinosaurs.   “Remember the Tyrannosaurus?” asked Annie.   Jack shuddered. Of coures he remembered! How could anyone forget seeing a real live Tyrannosaurus rex?  The light fell on a book about Pennsylvania. A red silk bookmark stuck out of it.   “Remember the picture of Frog Creek?” said Annie.   “Of course,” said Jack. That was the picture that had brought them home.   “There’s my favorite,” said Annie.   The light was shining on a book about knights and castles. There was a blue leather bookmark in it.   Annie turned to the page with the bookmark. There was a picture of a knight on a black horse. He was riding toward a castle.“Annie, close that book,” said Jack. “I know what you’re thinking.”   Annie pointed at the knight.   “Don’t, Annie!”   “We wish we could see this guy for real,” Annie said.   “No, we don’t!” shouted Jack.   They heard a strange sound.   “Neeee-hhhh!”   It sounded like a horse neighing.   They both went to the window.   Annie shined the flashlight down on the ground.   “Oh no,” whispered Jack.   “A knight!” said Annie.   Aknight in shining armor! Riding a black horse! Through the Frog Creek woods!   Then the wind began to moan. The leaves began to tremble.   It was happening again.   “We’re leaving!” cried Annie. “Get down!”   The wind moaned louder. The leaves shook harder.   And the tree house started to spin. It spun faster and faster!   Jack squeezed his eyes shut.   Then everything was still.   Absolutely still.   Jack opened his eyes. He shivered. The air was damp and cool.   The sound of a horse’s whinny came again from below.   “Neeee-hhhh!”  “I think we’re here,” whispered Annie. She was still holding the castle book.   Jack peeked out the window.   A huge castle loomed out of the fog.   He looked around. The tree house was in a different oak tree. And down below, the knight on the black horse was riding by.   “We can’t stay here,” said Jack. “We have to go home and make a plan first.” He picked up the book about Pennsylvania. He opened it tothe page with the red silk bookmark. He pointed to the photograph of the Frog Creek woods. “I wish—”   “No!” said Annie. She yanked the book away from him. “Let’s stay!   I want to visit the castle!”   “You’re nuts. We have to examine the situation,” said Jack. “From home.”   “Let’s examine it here!” said Annie.   “Come on.” He held out his hand. “Give it.”   Annie gave Jack the book. “Okay. You can go home. I’m staying,” she said. She clipped the flashlight to her belt.   “Wait!” said Jack. “I’m going to take a peek. A teeny peek,” she said. And she scooted down the ladder.   Jack groaned. Okay, she had won. He couldn’ t leave without her. Besides, he sort of wanted to take a peek himself.   He put down the book about Pennsylvania.   He dropped the castle book into his pack. He stepped onto the ladder.   And headed down into the cool, misty air. 3跨过吊桥 安妮站在树下面,朝着雾蒙蒙的远处看去。   “依我看,骑士这是要往那座吊桥去。”安妮说,“吊桥通向那座城堡。”   “等一等,我看看书。”杰克说,“把手电筒给我!”   他从她手中接过手电筒,从背包里抽出那本城堡书。他翻到插着皮书签的那一页。   他读着骑士画下面的文字:   这是一个骑士赶往城堡参加宴会。骑士们身着全副盔甲,长途跋涉,历经艰险。   盔甲十分笨重。仅头盔就可达40磅。 哇噻。杰克五岁时才重40磅 [注]。这就是说,骑士骑马时就好像头上还坐着一个五岁的孩子。   杰克拿出自己的笔记本。他要做笔记,就像上次到恐龙时代游历那样做。   他写道:   笨重的头   还有什么呢?   他翻动城堡书的书页。他发现一幅画,这幅画展现了整个城堡和周围的建筑物。   “那个骑士正通过吊桥。”安妮说,“他通过了城堡的大门……他已经进去了。”   杰克仔细研究画中的吊桥。   他读道: 吊桥跨越护城河。护城河灌满了水,以帮助城堡防御敌人。有些人相信护城河里养有鳄鱼。   杰克在笔记本里写道:   护城河里有鳄鱼?   “看!”安妮透过雾气看见了什么。“一架风车!就在那边!”   “嗯,这儿也有一架风车。”杰克说,指着书中的画。   “看看真风车,杰克。”安妮说,“不是书中的风车。”   一声尖锐刺耳的叫声划破长空。   “天啊。”安妮说,“这声音好像是从那边小屋里传来的!”她的手指向雾中。   “这儿有一间小屋。”杰克边说边观察着书中的画。他翻了一页读道:鹰屋在城堡的内苑。鹰经过训练,用来捕获其他鸟儿和小动物。   杰克在笔记本上写道:   鹰屋里的鹰   “我们必须进入城堡的内苑。”杰克说。 “听!”安妮低声说,“你听见了吗?鼓声!号角声!它们从城堡里传来。我们去看。”   “等一下。”杰克说。他又翻了几页书。   “我要真真切切地看看城堡里正在做些什么事,杰克,不是书中的叙述。”安妮说。   “但是看看这个!”杰克说。   他指着一幅举行盛大宴会的画面。一些男子正站在大门的旁边,打着鼓吹着号角。   他读道:   迎宾曲奏了起来,随即各色各样的菜肴端了上来。宴会在大厅里举行。   “你就看你的书吧,我要到真正的宴会上去。”安妮说。   “等一下。”杰克说。他研究着画上的场景:画面上一些与他年龄差不多大的男孩儿们端上一盘盘食品。全猪、馅饼、全身羽毛的孔雀。孔雀?   杰克写道:   他们吃孔雀?   他捧着书给安妮看。“看,我想他们吃——”   她上哪儿了?不见了。又一次不见了。   杰克透过浓雾,费力地看着。   他听见了真正的鼓声,真正的号角声。他看见了真切切的鹰屋,真切切的风车,真切切的护城河。   他看见安妮跨过了真正的吊桥。然后她进了城堡的大门,消失了。 3 Across the Bridge   Annie was under the tree, looking across the foggy ground.   “The knight’ s riding toward that bridge, I think,” said Annie.   “The bridge goes to the castle.”   “Wait. I’ll look it up,” said Jack. “Give me the flashlight!”   He took the flashlight from her and pulled the castle book out of his pack. He opened it to the page with the leather bookmark.   He read the words under the picture of the knight:   This is a knight arriving for a castle feast. Knights wore armor when they traveled long and dangerous distances. The armor was very heavy.   A helmet alone could weigh up to forty pounds.   Wow. Jack had weighted forty pounds when he was five years old. So it’   d be like riding a horse with a five-year-old on your head.   Jakc pulled out his notebook. He wanted to take notes, as he’d done on their dinosaur trip.   He wrote:   heavy head   What else?   He turned the pages of the castle book.He found a picture that showed the whole castle and the buildings around it.   “The knight’s crossing the bridge,” said Annie. “He’s going through the gate.... He’s gone.”   Jack studied the bridge in the picture.   He read:   A drawbridge crossed the moat. The moat was filled with water, to help protect the castle from enemies.   Some people believe crocodiles were kept in the moat.   Jack wrote in his notebook:   crocodiles in moat? “Look!” said Annie, peering through the mist. “A windmill! Right over there!” “Yeah, there’ s a windmill in here, too,” said Jack, pointing at the picture.   “Look at the real one, Jack,” said Annie. “Not the one in the book.”   A piercing shriek split the air.   “Yikes,” said Annie. “It sounded like it came from that little house over there!” She pointed through the fog.   “There’ s a little house here,” said Jack, studying the picture.   He turned the page and read:   The hawk house was in the inner ward of the castle. Hawks were trained to hunt other birds and small animals.   Jack wrote in his notebook:   hawks in hawk house   “We must be in the inner ward,” said Jack.   “Listen!” whispered Annie. “You hear that? Drums! Horns! They’re coming from the castle. Let’s go see.”   “Wait,” said Jakc. He turned more pages of the book. “I want to see what’s really going on, Jack. Not what’s in the book,” said Annie.   “But look at this!” said Jack.   He pointed to a picture of a big party. Men were standing by the door, playing drums and horns.   He read:   Fanfares were played to announce different dishes in a feast. Feasts were held in the Great Hall.   “You can look at the book. I’m going to the real feast,” said Annie.   “Wait,” said Jack, studying the picture. It showed boys his age carrying trays of food. Whole pigs. Pies. Peacocks with all their feathers. Peacocks?   Jack wrote:   they eat peacocks?   He held up the book to show Annie. “Look, I think they eat—”   Where was she? Gone. Again.   Jack looked through the fog.   He heard the real drums and the real horns. He saw the real hawk house, the real windmill, the real moat.   He saw Annie dashing across the real drawbridge. Then she vanished through the gate leading to the castle. 4进入城堡 “我想杀了她。”杰克自言自语着。   他把所有的东西都塞进背包里,向吊桥走去。他希望不被任何人发现。   天越来越黑了,这肯定是夜晚。   他来到桥边,开始过桥。桥上的木板在脚下咯吱咯吱作响。   他从桥沿往下看了看。护城河里有鳄鱼吗?他不知真假。   “站住!”有人大声喊道。一个卫兵站在城堡的墙头上,正注视着下面。   杰克飞速跨过桥,穿过城堡的大门,冲进院子里。   从城堡里面传来了音乐声、喊叫声和欢笑声。   杰克急忙躲在一个黑暗的角落里,蹲伏下来。他浑身发抖,扫视四周,寻找安妮。   火把将院子四周的高墙都照亮了。院子里几乎是空空如也。   两个侍童牵着马,走在灰色鹅卵石路上,哒哒作响。   “咴咴咴咴!”   杰克转过身。这是那个骑士的黑马!   “嘘!”   他盯着黑暗处看了看。   安妮在那里。   她正藏在院子中央一口井的后面。她向他挥了挥手。   杰克也挥了挥手。他等呀等,等到侍童和马消失在马厩里,然后冲向井边。   “我打算去找音乐声!”安妮低声说,“你来吗?”   “好吧。”杰克叹息说。   他们一起蹑手蹑脚地走过鹅卵石路,然后溜进城堡的入口。   喧闹声、音乐声从他们前面那个亮堂堂的房间传来。他们站在大门的一旁偷看着。   “宴会在大厅里举行!”杰克低声说。他屏住气,敬畏地注视着。   在喧闹房间的另一端,一座大壁炉里正炉火熊熊。鹿角和壁毯挂在石墙上。鲜花覆盖着地板。身着短服的侍童端着大盘大盘的食品。   狗在桌下为骨头你争我夺。   身穿鲜亮衣服、头戴滑稽帽子的人们在人群中转来转去。有的弹着形状古怪的吉他。有的把球抛向空中。有的用手指顶着宝剑,让它立在空中不倒下来。   披着斗篷、穿着皮衣的先生们和女士们顺着长长的木餐桌而坐,挤挤一堂。   “我纳闷哪一个是那个骑士。”杰克说。   “我也不知道。”安妮低声说。“但是他们正在用他们的手指抓东西吃。”   突然有人在他们的背后大叫起来。   杰克转过身来。   一个侍童端着一盘馅饼正站在几英尺之外。   “你们是谁?”侍童怒气冲冲地问。   “杰克。”杰克细声答道。   “安妮。”安妮细声答道。   然后他们奋力地向光线昏暗的门厅跑去。 4 Into the Castle   “I’m going to kill her,” muttered Jack.   He threw his stuff into his pack and moved toward the drawbridge. He hoped no one would see him.   It was getting darker. It must be night. When he got to the bridge, he started across. The wooden planks creaked under his feet.   He peered over the edge of the bridge. Were there any crocodiles in the moat? He couldn’t tell.   “Halt!” someone shouted. A guard on top of the castle wall was looking down. Jack dashed across the bridge. He ran through the castle gate and into the courtyard.   From inside the castle came the sounds of music, shouting, and laughter.   Jack hurried to a dark corner and crouched down. He shivered as he looked around for Annie.  Torches lit the high wall around the courtyard.The courtyard was nearly empty.   Two boys led horses that clopped over the gray cobblestones.   “Neeee-hhhh!”   Jack turned. It was the knight’s black horse!   “Psssst!”   He peered into the darkness.   There was Annie. She was hiding behind a well in the center of the courtyard. She waved at him.   Jack waved back. He waited till the boys and horses disappeared inside the stable. Then he dashed to the well.   “I’m going to find the music!” whispered Annie. “Are you coming?”   “Okay,” Jack said with a sigh.   They tiptoed together across the cobblestones. Then they slipped into the entrance of the castle.   Noise and music came from a bright room in front of them. They stood on one side of the doorway and peeked in. “The feast in the Great Hall!” whispered Jack. He held his breath as he stared in awe.   A giant fireplace blazed at one end of the noisy room. Antlers and rugs hung on the stone walls. Flowers covered the floor. Boys in short dr   esses carried huge trays of food.   Dogs were fighting over bones under the tables. People in bright clothes and funny hats strolled among the crowd. Some played funny-shaped guitars. Some tossed balls in the air. Some balanced swords on their hands.   Men and women dressed in capes and furs sat at long, crowded wooden tables.   “I wonder which one is the knight,” said Jack.   “I don’ t know,” whispered Annie. “But they’re eating with their fingers.”Suddenly, someone shouted behind them.   Jack whirled around.   A man carrying a tray of pies was standing a few feet away.   “Who art thou?” he asked angrily.   “Jack,” squeaked Jack.   “Annie,” squeaked Annie.   Then they ran as fast as they could down a dimly lit hallway. 5被捕 “快快!”安妮喊着。   杰克紧紧跟在她后面。   有人追过来了吗?   “这儿!快!”安妮朝着门厅的一扇门猛冲过去。她把门推开了。他们俩一下子跌进了一个黑洞洞、冷冰冰的房间。门吱嘎一声关上了。   “给我手电筒。”安妮说。杰克把手电筒递给她,她揿亮手电筒。   天呀!一排骑士就站在他们面前!   安妮按熄手电筒。   万籁俱寂。   “他们不会动。”杰克低声说。   安妮又揿亮手电筒。   “它们只是些空壳。”杰克说。   “没有脑袋。”安妮说。   “把手电筒给我用一下。”杰克说,“我要看看书。” 安妮递给他手电筒。他抽出那本城堡书,飞快地翻动书页,直至找到了他要看的那一页。   他收好书。“这儿叫军械库。”他说,“这是贮藏盔甲和武器的地方。”   他用手电筒把房间四周都照了一遍。   “啊,好家伙。”杰克咕哝着。   亮光照在胸铠、臂铠、腿铠上面,闪闪发光。架子上摆满了头盔和武器。盾牌上搁着矛、剑、弩、棍棒,还有战斧。   大厅里爆发出一片喧闹声。说话的声音!   “我们快藏起来!”安妮说。   “等等。”杰克说,“我得先确认一件事。”   “那就赶快。”安妮说。   “一秒钟就足够了。”杰克说,“把这拿着。”他把手电筒递给安妮。   他试着举起架子上的一顶头盔。头盔太重了。   他拼尽全身力气把头盔套在自己头上。头盔上的脸盔砰的一声关上了。  唉,算了吧!这比头上坐着一个五岁的孩子还要糟糕呢。更像头上坐着一个十岁的孩子。   杰克不仅抬不起头,而且什么也看不见。   “杰克!”安妮的声音好像从很远的地方传来。   “说话声越来越近了!”   “关掉手电筒!”杰克的声音在金属腔里面回响。   他挣扎着想脱掉头盔。   他陡然间失去了平衡,一下子撞到其他的盔甲上。   金属盔片和武器掉到地板上砰砰直响。   杰克躺在黑暗中的地板上。   他企图站起来。但是他的头太重了。   他听见了沉沉的说话声。   有人抓住他的臂膀。接下来他只知道,他的头盔被猛地一下拿掉了。一把熊熊燃烧的火炬直接照在他的眼前。 5 Trapped   “Come on!” cried Annie.   Jack raced behind her.   Were they being followed? “Here! Quick!” Annie dashed toward a door off the hallway. She pushed the door open. The two of them stumbled into a dark, cold room. The door creaked shut behind them.   “Give me the flashlight,” said Annie. Jack handed it to her, and she switched it on.Yikes! A row of knights right in front of them!   Annie flicked off the light.   Silence.   “They aren’t moving,” Jack whispered.   Annie turned the light back on.   “They’re just suits,” Jack said.   “Without heads,” said Annie. “Let me have the flashlight a second,” said Jack. “So I can look in the book.”   Annie handed him the flashlight. He pulled out the castle book. He flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for.   Jack put the book away. “It’s called the armory,” he said. “It’s where armor and weapons are stored.”   He shined the flashlight around the room.   “Oh, man,” whispered Jack.   The light fell on shiny breastplates, leg plates, arm plates. On shelves filled
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