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主谓一致nullnull (3)experience表“经验”时是不可数名词,表“经历”时是可数名词。 (4)常见的单复数意义不同的名词有value(价值),values(价值观);manner(方式),manners(礼貌);custom(风俗),customs(海关);damage(损害),damages(赔偿金);work(工作),works(著作)等,需特别注意。null (5)team,group,committee,crew,family等集体名词强调整体时为单数,强调个体时为复...

nullnull (3)experience 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf “经验”时是不可数名词,表“经历”时是可数名词。 (4)常见的单复数意义不同的名词有value(价值),values(价值观);manner(方式),manners(礼貌);custom(风俗),customs(海关);damage(损害),damages(赔偿金);work(工作),works(著作)等,需特别注意。null (5)team,group,committee,crew,family等集体名词强调整体时为单数,强调个体时为复数。 His group is a big one and all group are very active in the activity. 他那个组是个大组,所有的组员都积极参加活动。  The film attracted a large audience and most audience were moved to tears. 这部影片吸引了大量观众,多数观众都被感动得流下眼泪。null (6)名词作定语时,除man,woman有单复数变化外,其它名词一般用单数。 three women doctors many coffee shops 2.名词的所有格 (1)有生命的名词,其所有格一般在名词后加’s。例如:his mother’s friend。 (2)无生命的名词,借用of表示所属关系。例如:the window of the room。 (3)如果一样东西为两个人共有,则只在后一个名词后加’s,如果不是共有的则两个名词后都要加’s。null That lady in a beautiful dress is Jane and Mary’s mother. 那位穿着漂亮裙子的女士是琼和玛丽的妈妈。(共有,暗示琼和玛丽是姐妹关系) Those two women are Jane’s and Mary’s mothers. 那两位女士分别是琼的妈妈和玛丽的妈妈(不共有,分别指两位妈妈) null Ten years is a long time. 十年是一段很长的时间。null 2. 定冠词最基本的用法是表“特指”。重复出现的名词、形容词最高级、序数词、江河湖海、山脉群岛、海峡海岸、乐器名称、某些建筑物、姓氏前,都需有定冠词。 The film I saw last night is the most moving one that I have ever seen.昨晚的电影是我看过的最感人的一部。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。null The Browns are all fond of playing the violin while the Whites are interested in playing tennis. 布朗一家爱好拉小提琴,而怀特一家则钟情于打网球。 null go to school去上学 go to the school到学校去 in hospital住院 in the hospital在医院里 4.惯用法 英语中有不少名词前带不带冠词、带定冠词或带不定冠词意思完全不同。null out of question不成问题 out of the question根本不可能 take place发生;举行 take the place of代替 in charge of负责管理 in the charge of在……掌管之下null对抽象名词具体化的应用判断失误 —How about Christmas evening party?  —I should say it was success. A.a;a B.the;a C.a;/ D.the;/null 考生很容易误选D项,认为抽象名词success 前应使用零冠词。由题意可知,Christmas evening party为谈话双方都知道的事物,表示 特指的概念,故第一个空处使用the;再由“它是 一次成功的晚会”可知,第二个空处应用不定冠 词a,故选项B为本题的正确答案。null【解题探究】 B。当 success,failure,pleasure,help, surprise,honour等抽象名词用作其本义时,它们通常不能与不定冠词连用,如:with pleasure,in surprise等。但是,当这些抽象名词表示具体的概念时,可以与不定冠词连用,而且此时抽象名词可以有可数名词的一些用法,也可以有复数形式。名词与冠词在一些固定结构中的误用 1. (2008·全国Ⅱ,8)It’s not good idea to drive for four hours without break. A.a;a B.the;a C.the;the D.a;thenull 考生有可能误选B项,认为前一空处表示特 指概念。由于idea是一个可数名词,且在这里表 示泛指概念,故第一个空处填a。break作“休息” 讲时,为可数名词,常用于have/take a break 短语,与have/take a rest含义相近。故A项正 确。null【解题探究】A。本题考查“It is(not) a good idea to do sth.”结构,其中的“it”充当形式主语,动词不定式是其真正的主语。常用的含有it的固定句式有: (1)It is+adj./n.+(for/of sb.)+to do sth. (2)It is+said/reported等+that从句 (3)It is+被强调部分+that/who+其他 (4)It turns out/proves+that从句 (5)It is/has been+时间段+since引导的一般过去 时态的句子 (6)It is not until+从句+that从句 注意 上述几种句型中的is可以根据具体情况变换 时态。null2.Mrs.Taylor has eight-year-old daughter who has gift for painting—she has won two national prizes. A.a;a B.an;the C.an;a D.the;a 考生很容易误选 B 项,认为第二个空处 应表示特指概念。由于eight一词音标的第 一个音素为元音音素,故第一个空处用an; 又由于have a gift for意为“有……天赋”, 故C 项正确。null【解题探究】 C。在英语中有很多含有冠词a的固定短语,例如:play a part/role in,pay a visit to,make a note of,take/have a rest/walk,have a word with sb.(与某人谈话),make a call(打电话),on a diet等。 冠词指代与有无应用时的易错点 (2008·重庆,27) In many places in China, bicycle is still popular means of transportation. A.a;the B./;a C.the;a D.the;thenull 考生很容易误选A项,认为第二个空处表示 特指概念。根据句意及常识可知,自行车只是 一种交通工具,故第二个空处用a ,选项A 和D 被 排除;由于bicycle自行车这种交通方式, 故用定冠词the 故C项正确。null【解题探究】 C。在冠词用法中,有一种表达事物 类别的用法,即“类指”用法。它有如下三种形式: A tiger The tiger can be dangerous.老虎可能是危险的。 Tigers 由此可知,上题中“bicycle”前也可用不定冠词a。 名词的熟词新义 The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it has all over the country. A.Companies B.branches C.Organizations D.businessesnull 本题有可能误选D 项。A 项意为“公司”,B项 意为“树枝”或“分支机构”,C 项意为“组织”,D 项意为“公司”。根据句意可知,B 项正确。【解题探究】 B。在高考英语中,有一种“熟词新义” 题型,即题目中所填的词是考生所熟悉的,但它所考 查的含义却是不常见的。null主谓一致问题易错点 1.(2008·陕西,15)—Did you go to the show last night? —Yeah.Every boy and girl in the area invited. A.were B.have been C.has been D.was 根据语法知识可知,当“every...and(every) ...”结构在句中作主语时谓语动词应用单数形式, 故选项A和B首先被排除;又由于问句中的时态为一 般过去时态,根据时态一致原则,可以将C项也排除。 故本题的正确答案为D项。null【解题探究】 D。在主谓一致问题中,除了“every...and(every)...”结构有这种用法外,“each...and(each)...”,“no...and(no)...”等结构也具有相同的用法。 No teacher and (no) student is going.老师和学生都不去。 Each boy and (each) girl is treated in the same way. 男孩和女孩被用同样的方式对待。null另外,考生还应知道,“many a+可数名词单数”,“more than one+可数名词单数”等结构作主语时,谓语动词也要用单数形式。 More than one person has been concerned in this. 这件事情牵涉到的不止一个人。(该句相当于 More persons than one have been concerned in this.)Many a member has protested against the proposal. 许多成员反对这个建议。(该句相当于A great/good many members have protested against the proposal.)null2. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture,but when and where yet.A.hasn’t been decided B.haven’t decided C.isn’t being decided D.aren’t decided null 分析句子结构可知,when and where 是一个 省略结构,它的完整形式为when and where Professor James will give us...culture, 故谓语动词应用单数形式,选项B和D首先被排除; 由题干中的yet可知,谓语应用完成时态, 故A项为本题的正确答案。null【解题探究】 A。若“when+从句1+and+where+从 句2”作主语,那么,谓语动词应为复数形式。同理, “when and where+to do”结构作主语时,谓语动词 要用单数形式;而“when+to do+and+where+to do” 结构作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。单个的非谓 语动词或主语从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式, 这是常见的考点。null3.With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth each year. A.is washing away B.is being washed away C.are washing away D.are being washed away null 分析句意可知,动词短语wash away与good earth之间为动宾关系,故选项A 和C 首先被排 除。数量词quantity一词很特殊,它所构成的 短语a quantity of 和 quantities of 既可以修 饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰不可数名词。当 quantity 构成的短语结构在句中用作主语时, 其谓语动词的数要由 quantity 的数来决定,故 本题的正确答案为D 项。null【解题探究】 D。其他常用的数量词用法如下: (1)“a number/numbers of+可数名词复数”结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,意为“许多……”;而“the number of+可数名词复数”结构意为“……的数目”,它在句中作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。A number/Numbers of accidents have occurred. 发生了许多事故。 The number of jobless people grows.失业人数在增加。null(2)“an amount of+不可数名词”结构意为“许多……”,作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式;“the amount of+不可数名词”结构意为“……的数目”,它在句中作主语时,谓语动词也要用单数形式。但“amounts of+不可数名词”结构在句中作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 那座桥耗资巨大。 (3)数量词quantity,number和amount都可以由形容词great,large,small,vast等修饰,如a large number of students(大量的学生)。nullnull单项填空辨析型 辨析型单项填空主要考查考生在具体情景中辨别意义相关或相近的词汇,测试名词、动词、形容词、代词、连词、介词及某些常用短语。 1.重点掌握某些近义词的辨析,如:accident,incident,event;affair,business,event,matter,thing;way,method,means;voyage,trip,journey,tour;income,pay,wage,salary;problem,question;effect,influence等。null 2.重点掌握某些单复数同形的名词,如: Chinese,Japanese,Swiss,fish,sheep,deer,means,works等。 3.同一名词可为可数名词也可为不可数名词,但表达不同的意义。 名词 可数 不可数 experience(s) (一次)经历,体验 经验 sand(s) 沙滩 沙子 water(s) 水域 水null辨析词义 词义辨析题在高考中的考查比例逐年上升。它主要考查考生结合句子语境区分同义词或近义词意义、用法的能力。命题的特点主要是利用选项词汇的意义交叉来扰乱考生的思维,从而达到考查的目的。null1.(2009·福建,29)The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April,2009. A.delay B.effort C.schedule D.consideration 解析 without any delay毫不耽搁。effort努力; 成就;schedule目录;日程表;consideration思 考;体谅。Anull2.(2009·福建,27)We are at your service.Don’t to turn to us if you have any further problems. A.beg B.hesitate C.desire D.seek 解析 beg请求,乞求;hesitate犹豫;desire渴 望;seek追求。句意为:我们随时为您服务,如 果你还有问题的话,不要犹豫向我们求助。Bnull3.(2009·福建,28)The Somali robbers’ frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to all nations to take immediate action. A.fight for B.apply for C.call on D.wait on 解析 句意为:索马里海盗在海上的频繁袭击促 使联合国号召所有的国家立刻采取措施。fight for为……而战;apply for申请;call on号召; wait on侍候。Cnull词形辨析 英语中有许多单词的词性相同、词形不同,从而引起了单词词义和用法的变化,主要涉及同根副词、形容词、名词等。典型的单词如:near与nearly,hard与hardly,close与closely等。 1. These two problems are linked,and it makes sense to consider them together. A.closely B.close C.wide D.widelynull2. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his one. A.better-known B.well-known C.best-known D.most-known 解析 考查同根副词的辨析。close和closely都 可用作副词,但其含义不同。close意为“接近, 靠近”,表示具体的时空概念,多用来修饰介词短 语。closely意为“仔细地,密切地”,表示抽象的 概念,多用来修饰动词或过去分词。 答案 Anull解析 well-known的比较级与最高级为better-known与best-known,因提到在他所写的所有的歌曲中,这可能是最著名的,因此此处应用最高级。词序辨析 词序是高考常考的考点。高考主要考查多个形容词、副词的排列顺序、定语后置、副词后置、修饰语的顺序等。考生在学习中要多读、多体会,以培养语感,同时要使用一些记忆技巧来帮助识记。答案 Cnull(2009·上海,28)The Great Wall is tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. A.so a well-known B.a so well-known C.such well-known a D.such a well-known 解析 在“so/such...that”结构中,so可以用于“so+ adj. +a+单数名词”结构,而such则用于“such+a+adj. +单数名词”结构。Dnull短语辨析 英语词汇的搭配能力很强。一个动词与一个介词(副词)连用,就会组成一个意义与这个动词和介词(副词)单独使用时完全不同的动词短语。英语中有丰富的动词短语、介词短语和形容词短语,其中动词短语是高考考查的重点。动词短语年年必考,考查高频动词短语的新意思(即我们通常所说的“熟词新义”)是近几年高考的一大趋势,这值得考生注意。在备考的过程中,考生要注意积累、归纳常用短语的用法,尤其是一些新的用法。对于难以掌握、意义繁多的短语更要重点突破。null(2009·全国Ⅰ,27)I tried phoning her office,but I couldn’t . A.get along B.get on C.get to D.get through 解析 句意为:我试着给她办公室打电话,但打不通。get along进展;get on上车;get to到达,均不合题意。Dnull2.(2009·陕西,15) A notice was in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. A.sent up B.given up C.set up D.put up 解析 A项为“发射”;B项为“放弃”;C项为“建 立,创立”;D项为“张贴”。此处为“张贴通知”。Dnull (2009·济南二模) A lack of of cultural differences to local customs can create problems. A.existence B.revolution C.awareness D.evidence 解析 句意为:缺乏地方习俗之间存在文化差异的 意识(awareness)可能会引发问题。Cnull2. (2009·潍坊二模) Mr.Brown thought it would be a good idea to have from his workers to improve his plan. A.summaries B.enquiries C.comments D.connections 解析 该题考查名词。句意为:布朗先生认为从 他的工人们那里得到评论来改善自己的计划是一 个好主意。comment注释;评论;意见;summary 摘要,概要;enquiry询问;connection连接;关 系。Cnull3.(2009·青岛一模) According to news reports,personal of guns in the USA causes a lot of trouble. A.wealth B.possession C.matter D.problem 解析 该题考查名词的用法。句意为:根据新闻 报道,在美国私人拥有枪支引起了很多麻烦。 wealth财富,财产;possession拥有,占有; matter问题;物质;problem问题。Bnull4.(2009·日照二模)Chinese President Hu Jintao and French President Sarkozy met in London and agreed China and France have common in many fields. A.affairs B.businesses C.Projects D.interests 解析 考查名词辨析。句意为:……中国和法国在 许多领域有着共同的利益。affair事情,公共事 务[常用复数];business企业,公司;商 店;project工程,项目;interest爱好;利益 [常用复数]。Dnull5. (2009·烟台二模)An experienced doctor usually judges a patient’s illness according to the various . A.signs B.symptoms C.signals D.appearances 解析 考查名词的辨析。sign标记,迹象,记 号;symptom症状;signal信号;appearance外 观,外表。显然只有B项符合题意,即医生根据病 人的症状判断病情。Bnull6.(2009·济南三模) must go to Jensen for making sure everything ran smoothly. A.Process B.Impression C.Credit D.Blame 解析 考查名词辨析。credit goes to sb.意思 是“归功于……”。句意为:一切进展顺利应该归 功于Jensen。Cnull7.(2009·烟台模块检测)As is well-known,the brain performs a very important ,which controls the nerve system of the body. A.motion B.action C.function D.fact 解析 考查名词。句意为:众所周知,大脑起着 重要的作用,它控制着人体的神经系统。 function表示“功能,作用”;motion表示“运 动,移动”;action表示“行动,动作”;fact表 示“事实”。所以这里选C。Cnull8.(2009·杭州二次检测)According to a UN report,30 percent of the world’s population have no to clean drinking water and health care. A.means B.approach C.channel D.access 解析 该题考查名词。access意思是“(使用或 见到的)机会,权利”,后面与介词to连用。Dnull 解析 根据句子结构,此处应是一个能够用来修 饰名词walk的合成形容词,合成形容词中间应该 使用连字符,故答案为two-mile。9.(2009·重庆一中月考)—How far is it from your home to the lake?  —It’s about a walk. A.two mile’ B.two miles C.two - mile D.two mile’sCnull10.(2009·石家庄质量检测)The Beijing Olympics are an important historical in Chinese history. A.event B.matter C.affair D.incident  解析 考查名词辨析。语境谈论的是北京奥运 会是中国历史上重要的历史事件,表示对社会 有影响的大事件用event。matter事情,事 态;affair指小事,或用复数形式指“要事”; incident表示“偶发事件”。Anull11.(2009·中卫中学第一次模拟)Before the Beijing Olympics,all the Chinese believed Liu Xiang would be the winner of the 110- metre hurdles in the Beijing Olympics. A.competition B.match C.contest D.race  解析 race通常指短跑比赛;match一般指代表 队之间大型的公开比赛,尤指球类比赛; competition指力量、技术和能力的比赛; contest与competition用法非常接近,有时可互 换,只是contest是一种更正规的比赛,一般要 有评委,并要评出几等奖。Dnull12.(2009·济宁高三质量监测)His parents raise hundreds of ,including four . A.cattle;cows B.cattles;cow C.cattle;cow D.cattles;cows  答案 A 解析 cattle为集体名词,本身为复数形式; cow是可数名词,后加-s构成复数形式。null13.(2009·安庆高三第二次模拟)There are 10 assistants in that shop. A.woman;shoe B.women;shoes C.women;shoe D.woman;shoes 答案 C 解析 woman作定语修饰复数名词时,也需变为复 数形式;shoe shop鞋店,shoe用单数形式。null14. (2009·石家庄质量检测)I have some in my pocket.In other words,I have on me. A.coin;change B.coins;change C.coin;changes D.coins;changes  答案 B  解析 coin硬币,为可数名词;change零钱, 找头,为不可数名词,无复数形式。null15. (2009·济宁高三质量监测)Let’s meet at the gate at 3 o’ clock this afternoon,then our teacher will take us for an outing. A.school’s;head B.school;head C.school’s;head’s D.school;heads  答案 B  解析 本题为名词作定语。school gate表示某 物的类别,head teacher表示人物的身份。null16.(2008·金丽衢十二校联考)Reading is good habit.Stick to it and you’ll make great progress. A.a;/ B.a;a C.the;a D./;a  解析 考查冠词。第一个空选a表示“一种或一 员”;progress是不可数名词,故前面不加冠词, make progress意为“取得进步”。Anull17. (2008·温州市二次适应性测试)I’d love room on the higher floor so that I can have a bird’s-eye view of city. A.the;a B.a;the C./;the D.a;a  答案 B  解析 该题考查冠词。第一空是泛指,泛指一个 房间,因此用不定冠词a;第二空处的city表示 特指,故用定冠词the。null18.(2008·杭州市二次检测)My aunt,as easy-going old lady,did give us surprise when she lost her temper at the family party yesterday. A.the;a B.an;/ C.an;a D./;a  答案 C 解析 该题考查冠词。第一空是泛指,表示“一 位老妇人”,且easygoing开头为元音音素, 所以用不定冠词an;第二空后的surprise是抽象 名词具体化,前面用不定冠词a,表示“一件让 人吃惊的事情”。null19.(2008·安徽名校二次联考)—What do you think of the manager of your company? —Oh,he is manager who’s pleasant to work with.It’s pleasure to work with him.  A.the;a B.a;a C.a;the D./;a 答案 B 解析 答语首句表示“他是一个很好共事的经 理”,第二句表示“与他共事是一件愉快的事 情”,两空均表泛指,用不定冠词。null20.(2008·南通二次调研)Mrs.Hanson,a housewife bent on getting higher education,has been going to college,a few courses at time,for 7 years. A.a;a B./;the C.the;a D./;/  答案 A 解析 考查冠词的用法。第一空表泛指;第二 空at a time是固定词组,表示“每次,依次”。 所以这里选A项。null Ⅰ单项填空 1.(2009·苏锡常镇四市学情调查(二))Local people said Israeli troops were seen before dawn Sunday in town of Beit Lahiya, north of Caza City. A./;/ B.a;the C.the;the D.the;/ 答案 D 解析 考查冠词。因为town后面有of Beit Lahiya限定,因此前面使用定冠词the;north这里 是方位副词,因此前面不用冠词。null2.(2009·南京二次调研) With his wise thoughts about nature and the world, Confucius is a great thinker in history of China.A./;the B.the;the C./;/ D.the;/ 答案 A 解析 考查冠词的用法。nature表示“自然”时,为 不可数名词,前面不用冠词。第二空处的history 后面有修饰成分,特指“中国历史”,所以要使用 定冠词。null3.(2009·沈阳质量检测)—It seems that westerners seldom give their friends financial help. — Maybe.For them friendship is mostly matter of providing emotional support and spending time together. A./;the B.the;a C./;a D.a;the 答案 C 解析 考查冠词的用法。第一空是泛指,表示“友 谊”,前面不用冠词;第二空a matter of表示“一 件……的事情,关于……”,是特定用法。句意为: 对西方人而言,友谊大多是关于提供情感支持和 共度时光的事情。null4.(2009·山东名校优化卷(十))—What about party you attended last night?  —To tell the truth,it was too boring,you know, party like that. A.the;the B.the;a C.a;the D.the;/  答案 B  解析 考查冠词用法。句意为:——昨晚你参加 的那个宴会怎么样啊?——说实话,太无聊了, 你知道的,像那样的一个宴会。第一空特指双方 都知道的昨晚的宴会,第二空泛指像那样的一个 宴会,you know为插入语。null5.(2009·临沂模拟)—Of the two apples,which one do you prefer? — bigger one.It’s most delicious one,I think.  A.The;a B.The;the C.A;/ D.A;the 答案 A 解析 考查冠词。第一个空用the特指两者中较大 的那个,而第二个空用a,most表示“非常”。故答 案选A。null6.(2009·潍坊模拟)—What’s schedule for this weekend? — greeting ceremony for Professor White will be held in the lecture hall. A.the;The B.a;A C.the;A D.a;The  答案 C  解析 句意为:——这个周末的计划是什么?— —为怀特教授安排的一个欢迎仪式将在 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 厅举 行。schedule后有for this weekend,所以表特 指。null7. (2009·山东省实验中学模拟) It’s clear that little money he earns can hardly support family as large as his. A.the;a B.a;the C./;a D./;the 答案 A 解析 little money后有定语从句修饰,表特 指;第二个空泛指任何一个那么大的家庭。null8.(2009·烟台模拟)The education of young has become hot and serious topic in the present society. A.the;/ B.a;the C./;the D.the;a 答案 D 解析 考查冠词的用法。定冠词the加上形容词表 示一类人或物,比如:the old,the poor。句意 为:年轻人的教育问题已成为目前社会中一个热 门而严肃的语题。所以选D。null9.(2009·济南模拟)Cui Jianping,who gave his life to save a girl in America ten years ago,was honor to our school.A memorial is to be held here next year in honor of him. A.an;the B.an;/ C.the;the D./;/  答案 B  解析 an honor to our school我们学校的一个 光荣;in honor of=in memory of是固定词组, 意为“为了纪念……”。null10.(2009·烟台模拟)As gesture of appreciation,she insisted on driving him home, cottage in a little village nearby. A./;a B.the;the C.a;a D.the;a 答案 C  解析 考查冠词。两个空后的名词都是可数名 词单数,非特指,所以前面都加a。故选C。null11.(2009·青岛模拟)—I hear there was a road accident this morning. —Yes. car hit a tree and driver was killed. A.A;a B.The;a C.The;the D.A;the  答案 D  解析 考查冠词。第一空是指一辆车撞到了一 棵树,用不定冠词,driver是特指发生事故的 轿车的驾驶员,所以用定冠词the。null12.(2009·青岛模拟)Mr.Smith,there’s a man at front door who says he has important news for you. A.the;an B.the;/ C./;/ D./;an  答案 B  解析 考查冠词。第一空“前门”是特指的,使用 the,第二空是因为修饰抽象名词news,前面不用 冠词。null13.(2009·威海模拟)—What took you so long? —I got lost.I have no of direction. A.sense B.idea C.feeling D.ability  答案 A  解析 考查名词。根据上句I got lost. 可判断 这里是指“没有方向感(have no sense of direction)”。have no idea of对……不知道; have no feeling of对……没感觉;have no ability of没……的能力,都不能很好地表达句 意。null14.(2009·临沂模拟)Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first . A.intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire  答案 B  解析 考查名词的词义辨析。intention意图, 目的;attempt努力,尝试(常与at,on,to连 用);purpose目的,意图;desire愿望,要求。 根据句意,选B。null15.(2009·长沙模拟)—Did you hear about car ac
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