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一周口语2009.12.21-25 大家网口语论坛 http://club.topsage.com/forum-110-1.html 一周口语精选 2009.12.21-25 To eat one's heart out伤心欲绝 .................................................................................................1 Bigmouth 多嘴 ..................................................

大家网口语论坛 http://club.topsage.com/forum-110-1.html 一周口语精选 2009.12.21-25 To eat one's heart out伤心欲绝 .................................................................................................1 Bigmouth 多嘴 ...........................................................................................................................1 Goose bumps鸡皮疙瘩 .............................................................................................................2 Screw up搞砸了 ........................................................................................................................2 I don't buy that. 我不接受 ..........................................................................................................3 Gee...啊?是吗? .....................................................................................................................3 On edge烦躁不安 .....................................................................................................................4 To eat one's heart out 伤心欲绝 大家都知道, heart 就是人的 "心 "。To eat one's heart out 难道是吃人的心吗?具体来说, to eat one's heart out 不是这个意思。但是,从某种意义上来说也确实包含着这种含义。 To eat one's heart out 的真正意思是:非常沉痛而又绝望的悲痛。下面的例子是一个朋友在告诉他的朋友 关于家里发生的不幸的事: To eat one's heart out伤心欲绝 例句 : Ever since grandmother died, grandfather has been eating his heart out - he's lost all interest in life and won't even get out of bed to eat. 自从祖母去世后,祖父非常伤心,他对生活失去了一切兴趣,都不愿意起床吃饭。 To eat one's heart out还可以用在另一种场合,也就是半开玩笑地让别人对你产生妒忌。你听 了下面这个例子就会明白它的意思了。这是一个大学生在对他的要好朋友说话: 例句 : Hey, Pete, you know that girl in the physics class you like so much, the one who won't pay any attention to you? Well, eat your heart out, buddy - I'm taking her out for dinner and a movie Saturday night. 喂,彼得, 你知道那个和我们一起上物理课的女孩吗?那个你非常喜欢, 但是她从来也没注 意过你的女孩?这下好了,你去伤心去吧,我星期六请她出去吃晚饭、看电影! 听了这种话,再好的朋友恐怕也会生气的。所以,除非你当真把它作为开玩笑,而且肯定对 方也把它当做玩笑,否则还是不要叫别人去 eat his heart out。 Bigmouth 多嘴 L: Michael, 是不是每年都有这么多人来中央公园滑冰? M: Yes, it's free. My friend Josh said he would be coming to ice-skate with his girlfriend Emily today. Oh, By the way, Li Hua, did you tell Simon that Josh and Emily are getting married soon? I just need... Bigmouth 多嘴 L: 是,那天我不小心告诉了 Simon 。我知道 Josh和 Emily 现在还不想公开他们准备结婚的计 划,不过我真不是故意的。 M: Geez, Li Hua, you have such a bigmouth! L: 你生气了?肯定是骂我。说我是 bigmouth,大嘴巴!你是说我吃很多东西吗? M: No, I'm saying you talk a lot about other people's business! L: 噢,你不是说我嘴巴大,而是说我多嘴,爱嚼舌头,谈论别人。 M: That makes you a bigmouth. 大家网英语口语论坛资料汇总 口语最新最全资料下载汇总( 11.4 更新) 朱方庆:图解美国街头俚语下载 浙江大学出版社 -大学校园英语口语下载 徐兆菊:校园英语口语下载 四川大学出版社 -卢晋:英语谚语 2000(英汉对照)下载 David Burke- 美国人每天说的话 -日常俚语下载 新东方邱政政 -美国情景喜剧俚语百分百下载 徐栋良:当代实用英语习语下载 David Burke- 美国人每天说的话 -电视及新鲜新人类俚语下载 杨明星:英语口语一笑通下载 杨明星:英语语法一笑通下载 郑敏丽:校园英语下载 基础口语 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt 下载 高级听说 --口语 PPT下载 【下载】白领英语疯狂口语流行 900 句 ( 2008 升级版) (第二版) 脱口说英语 --《旅游口语大全》 PDF下载 [ 外研社 ]平洪:英语习语与英美文化下载 朱森容《新编日常美语》下载 初级英语 --《校园英语即学即用》下载 ( 11.2 更新) 舒强 --《大学生校园英语口语》下载 (10.16 更新) 《英语,非学好不可》下载 《一口气学英语》下载 《轻松学习英语 _初级 (16Kbit 音质 )》下载 《躺着就能学语法》 PDF清晰版下载 《正音美语发音基本功》下载 【下载】 380FLASH 动画英语 .rar 【下载】英语口语视听说系列:今日我导游 .rar 【下载】动感英语笔记( 1-365).rar 【下载】 444 句常用实用英语口语 .doc 【音标】初学者必看 影视口语精彩集锦 【趣味学英语】音标、语法、词汇下载资料汇总 影视英语学习汇总 英语发音天天练资料汇总 美剧推荐知识大汇总 大家网口语论坛 http://club.topsage.com/forum-110-1.html L: 我们女孩子都喜欢谈论别人。不过, Michael, 我从来没在书上看到过这个词,是不是一般 在口语里用? M: Yes, it is usually used in informal speech. L: Michael, 我真不应该那么多嘴,把 Josh和 Emily 准备结婚的事告诉别人。 M: Well, don't worry about it. Goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩 每当我们看到一些令人感到难受或害怕的东西, 或者在我们情绪激动的时候, 我们的皮肤上 往往会起鸡皮疙瘩。这种现象可能每个人都曾经经历过。但是在英语里鸡皮疙瘩叫: goose bumps。Goose 就是鹅, bumps 就是疙瘩。为什么中国人说鸡皮疙瘩,而美国人却说鹅皮疙 瘩,那就不得而知了。不过,它们的意思是一样的。 Goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩 例如: I know that most snakes are harmless, but I can't help it - every time I see a snake, even in a zoo, I get goose bumps all over! 我知道大多数的蛇是不咬人的, 但是每当我看到蛇, 我全身就会起鸡皮疙瘩, 那怕在动物园 里看到蛇也是如此,真是没办法。 当某些事物使我们突然感到热情洋溢, 或产生敬仰的心情的时候, 我们也会起鸡皮疙瘩。 下 面说话的人在告诉他的朋友他是多么喜欢女歌星 Madonna。Madonna 不但令许多美国人陶 醉,她还演过几部电影。但是,她的歌喉和演技并不是吸引广大观众的主要因素,她之所以 在一些美国人心目中特别红主要还靠她的姿色和大胆卖弄风情的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演。 下面讲话的这个人就 是在讲 Madonna,他说: Do you know, I have seen every movie with Madonna in it at least five times. Just seeing her picture in a magazine gives me goose bumps - she's such a beautiful woman! 你知道吗, 麦当娜演的电影每部我都至少看五遍。 即便在杂志里看到她的照片都会让我起鸡 皮疙瘩。她真是太漂亮了。 Screw up 搞砸了 今天是星期六, Michael 和李华一起到纽约的 Meadowlands 去看冰球。可是主场球队打得不 好, Michael 很生气。 M :I can't believe how poorly they are playing. L:你说他们打得不好呀?说实话,我根本看不懂。我只知道当地的球队输了三分,这就输 了很多啦! Screw up 搞砸了 M :Yeah, they have really managed to screw up this game. L: "Screw up"? 我不懂,这是什么意思? M :"Screw up" means not to play well. The home team is certainly messing up. L :噢, "Screw up" 就是打得不好。 M :"Screw up," it means to mess up. L :是不是只能说打球时,或参加运动比赛时犯了错误? M :No, it can be used to describe a lot of things. For example, I screw up on tests all the time. L :噢,你考试老考砸也能用 screw up 来表示呀!这么说, "screw up" 可以用的范围很广。 大家网口语论坛 http://club.topsage.com/forum-110-1.html 要是说一个人工作没有做好呢? M :He screwed up at work. L:你老是和别人的关系搞不好,也能说是 screw up 吧? M :Yes, that's why I don't date anymore. Because I screw up all the time. L:原来是因为老跟别人搞不好关系,所以你就不交女朋友了。 Michael, 你也别跟自己太过 不去了。 M :I do screw up a lot; I make mistakes all the time. L:我们都犯错误的,谁能不犯错误啊!我来给你介绍个女朋友吧! M :Look, they are playing like that! What is wrong with these players. L:嗨,这些球员真的很糟糕,你看,他们已经输了四分啦! M :I hate this! They can't manage not to screw up tonight. I don't buy that. 我不接受 今天 Larry 和 Li Hua 一起听了有关环境保护的讲座,但对一些理论, Larry 并不接受。 (college hallway noise) LH: 哎, Larry, 听了这个讲座,我觉得 "全球变暖问题 "真挺让人担心的。 I don't buy that. 我不接受 LL: I don't know, Li Hua... I just don't buy the theory that global warming is caused by humans. There is a lot we just don't know. LH: 你说你不买什么?哎,没人想卖你东西啊? LL: I said that I don't buy that theory. That mean's I don't accept it as completely true. LH: 噢,原来 I don't buy the theory 就是 " 我不接受这种说法 "。哎,那不就是我们中文里说的 " 我不买这一套 " 吗?得了得了,我没时间跟你争论。哎,你听说了吗,我们今年的学费要涨 百分之 10 呢!学校说他们计划要翻修图书馆。 LL: What? That's ridiculous. I don't buy that excuse. They raised tuition last year by 5% to expand the stadium. LH: 就是嘛, 去年学校为了扩建体育馆已经把学费增加了百分之 5 了。Larry, 那你是不是能够 再用 I don't buy it 给我举一个和学校没有关系的例子呢? LL: OK. You know my friend Angela? She's often late for class, and she always has different excuses. So finally one day, Professor Johnson said to her, "I don't buy your excuses. I think you are just not self-disciplined enough!" LH: 对,你那个朋友 Angela,她老是迟到,而且总有借口。可是我不知道 Johnson 教授这么厉 害,居然还公开说不相信她的话,还批评她是自己要求不严格。哎哟,那多不好意思呀。 Gee... 啊?是吗? Michael 和李华正在教室里等着上课。 L: Michael, 你听说了没有, Professor Johnson的车坏了,这节课取消了。 M: His car broke down? (sarcastically) Gee... that's too bad! I was really looking forward to Professor Johnson's class! L: 你不是最讨厌上 Professor Johnson的课吗?你说 geeeee,这是什么意思啊? Gee...啊?是吗? M: (sighs) Come on, Li Hua! Don't you know what sarcasm is? Of course I don't like that class! 大家网口语论坛 http://club.topsage.com/forum-110-1.html L: 噢,你是在说反话!哎哟,你们美国学生老是说那些讽刺挖苦的话,有时候我都听不懂。 哎, gee到底是什么意思吗? M: Well, "Gee..."is an interjection that shows surprise, wonder, or uncertainty. Sometimes when people say"Gee..." (in a long, drawn out fashion) they are just pretending that they are surprised. L: 你是说 gee 放在 句子 关于阅读的唯美句子关于古风的唯美句子执行力的经典句子鼓励人努力奋斗的句子用沉默代替一切的句子 里,可以表示惊奇或是怀疑。可要是拖长了调,说 geeeeee,这说话的 人啊就是假装他感到惊奇。 等等, 那要是我问你, 纽约今年的冬天会冷吗?这个问题当然是 很傻啦,因为纽约的冬天总是冷的,那,你会怎么样带着讽刺的口气来回答呢? M: I would say, "Gee..., I don't know... Winter here has been cold every year for the last ten thousand years, but maybe this year will be different." L: 几千年来纽约的冬天都是冷的,今年可能会不同,哎, Michael, 你也真是能说反话哎! M: Now, Li Hua, why don't you give me an example using "Gee" without sarcasm to show that you are surprised. L: 举个不带讽刺意思的例子啊 ...哎,要是你告诉我你得到一大笔让你到中国去学习的奖学 金,我就会说: Gee, that's great!。哎, Michael, 教室都空了,你走不走啊? M: (Sarcastically, in English) "Gee, I don't know. Sometimes I just like to sit in an empty classroom and do nothing..." L: 得,你愿意坐在空教室里,那我走了! On edge 烦躁不安 李华和 Larry 今天到购物中心去采购圣诞礼物。 LH: 我真搞不懂耶!还有几个星期就要过圣诞节了,可是有些人看起来好像不是很开心,好 像很紧张,很烦躁呢! LL: Oh, well, when people are busy doing their Christmas shopping, they can sometimes be a little on edge. LH: 你说他们怎么啦? Edge 不是指在某个东西的边缘吗? On edge。那是什么意思呢? On edge 烦躁不安 LL: No, no, I said, everyone is on edge that means everyone is a little nervous or in a bad mood. LH: 原来, on edge 就是紧张不安的意思。 可是我以为大家都喜欢过圣诞节, 不是都要高高兴 兴的吗?为什么不开心呢? (grumbles) 哎呀!那个小姐挤到我前面了。这里好挤噢! LL: People do love Christmas, and Americans are always try to be kinder and friendlier this time of year. But people are under pressure to buy Christmas gifts for all of their friends and family members, which is why a lot of them are on edge right now. LH: 嗯,忙着采购给每个家人朋友的礼物,是挺有压力的。我其实也有不少压力,学期快结 束了,我得交报告,还得买礼物,还要批改学生的考卷。 Hey! (yells in English) Watch where you're going! LL: Calm down Li Hua! I know that you're on edge right now, but try not start any arguments, OK? LH: 我才没有要和人吵架呢!我只是要那个人小心一点! LL: Look, everyone's on edge around here, and so are you. It's really easy to start an argument in this kind of situation. Just calm down. LH: 好嘛!对不起嘛!我想我真的需要冷静一下。 Larry 我们能不能找个地方坐下,喝点东 西?咦!这儿有张桌子,我们坐这儿吧! LL: Why don't we come back some other time when it's not so crowded. When you're on edge like 大家网口语论坛 http://club.topsage.com/forum-110-1.html this, it's better to stay away from other people. LH: 那怎么行!我们已经费了这么大功夫到这儿来。没买到礼物就回去呢?你怎么啦? LL: Sorry, Li Hua, I guess I'm a little on edge myself. I still have a lot school work to do for next week, and I want to finish my shopping early so I can relax during Christmas break. LH: 好,那我们就尽快把礼物买好,赶快回家罗!
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