首页 2019届高三英语一轮复习Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHigh课件外研版必修1



2019届高三英语一轮复习Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHigh课件外研版必修1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 固考基·知识梳理 析考点·重难突破 提考能·教材升华 栏目导航 课时提能练 method attitude behaviour teenager move (对应学生用书第3页) [单词 拼写应用] Ⅰ.考纲单词——会拼写 要识记 1.   n.  方法 2. n. 态度 3. n. 行为;举动 4. n. 少年 5. ...

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 固考基·知识梳理 析考点·重难突破 提考能·教材升华 栏目导航 课时提能练 method attitude behaviour teenager move (对应学生用书第3页) [单词 拼写应用] Ⅰ.考纲单词——会拼写 要识记 1.   n.  方法 2. n. 态度 3. n. 行为;举动 4. n. 少年 5. vi. 移动;搬动;搬家 学术的 热心的 (口语)极好的 以前的;从前的 技术 改正;纠正 cover 6. vt. 包含 7.academic adj. 8.enthusiastic adj. 9.brilliant adj. 10.previous adj. 11.technology n. 12.correction n. 流利,流畅 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ;体系;系统 助手;助理 文凭;毕业证书 13.fluency n. 14.system n. 15.assistant n. 16.diploma n. amaze amazing amazed amazement instruct instruction instructive bore bored boring boredom Ⅱ.派生单词——能辨别 1. vt.使惊奇→ adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的→ adj.吃惊的;惊讶的→ n.惊奇;惊诧 2. v.传授,指导→ n.(常作复数) 指示;说明→ adj.有益的 3. vt.使厌烦→ adj.厌烦的;厌倦的→ adj.令人厌烦的→ n.厌倦 embarrass embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment impress impression impressive encourage encouraging encouragement 4. vt.使尴尬;使困窘→ adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的→ adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的→ n.窘迫;愧疚;难堪 5. vt.使印象深刻→ n.印象→ adj.令人印象深刻的 6. v.鼓励→ adj.令人鼓舞的→ n.鼓励;激励 disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment disappear disappearance appear 7. vt.使失望→ adj.失望的→ adj.令人失望的→ n.失望;沮丧;扫兴;使人失望的人(或事物) 8. vi.消失→ n.消失;丢失→ vi.出现(反义词) Bored boring boredom embarrassing embarrassed embarrassment amazement amazed amazing Ⅲ.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1.Bored by the long boring journey,I decided to play games on my mobile phone to kill my boredom.(bore) 2.His embarrassing questions made me embarrassed greatly.I felt my face burning with embarrassment.(embarrass) 3.The amazement on her face showed that she felt amazed at the result of the experiment,which her assistant also thought amazing.(amaze) impression impressive impressed disappointment disappointing disappointment disappointed 4.To leave a good impression in the interview,Bob made up a most impressive story about himself,which made the interviewers really impressed.(impress) 5.To the great disappointment of his parents,Tom performed poorly in his study.Facing the disappointing grades,they couldn't help thinking that Tom was a disappointment and got him out of school,which made him very disappointed.(disappoint) [拓展联想] 否定前缀dis­高频词汇 ①disappear   vi.  消失 ②disagree/disapprove v. 不同意 ③discourage vt. 使泄气 ④disobey v. 不服从 由后缀­ment构成的名词 ①move-movement 运动 ②enjoy-enjoyment 享受 ③govern-government 政府 ④excite-excitement 兴奋 ⑤adjust-adjustment 调节 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示情绪的常考词汇 ①ashamed  adj.  羞愧的,惭愧的 ②depressed adj. 沮丧的;意志消沉的 ③frustrated adj. 失意的;挫败的 ④confused adj. 迷惑的;不解的 far from nothing like be impressed with in other words look forward to [短语 多维应用] Ⅰ.短语回顾——会默写 1.far from  远离;远非 2.nothing like 毫不相似;完全不像 3.be impressed with 对……有印象 4.in other words 换句话说 5.look forward to 期待;盼望 at the start of at the end of go to college be divided into take part in 6.at the start of 在……开始的时候 7.at the end of 在……结束的时候 8.go to college 上大学 9.be divided into 被(划)分成…… 10.take part in 参加 Far from In other words looking forward to are divided into take part in nothing like Ⅱ.语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空) 1.Far from helping improve the situation,they have made it worse. 2.He never hides his real opinions towards others.In other words,he is a person with a straightforward personality. 3.I'm looking forward to seeing the new film as soon as possible. 4.The children are divided into five groups and began to take part in the campaign of planting trees. 5.The scene is nothing like what you described.It is greatly disappointing. [拓展联想] like相关短语汇总 ①anything like  和……相像 ②nothing like 一点也不像 ③something like 大约;有点像 [句式 结构仿写] 教材原句——会背诵 句式仿写——能应用 1.that用作替代词,指代上文提到的名词 We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. 1.这本书比我上周买的那本要贵。 The book is more expensive than that I bought last week. 2.倍数句型:...times+as...as... In other words,there are three times as many girls as boys. 2.认真研究了地图后,我发现这个村庄是那个村庄的三倍大。 I find the village is three times as large as that one after studying the map carefully. 3.so引导倒装句 Rob:I'm fine.I've just been to my first language class. Diane:Oh really?So have I. 3.爱丽丝一回到家就对这个消息兴奋不已,我也是如此。 Upon her return home,Alice was filled with joy at the news.So was I. 4.非限制性定语从句 The school year is divided into two semesters,the first of which is September through December,and the second January through May. 4.植物的生长速度受到很多因素的影响,其中大部分因素是我们无法控制的。 The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,most of which are beyond our control. (对应学生用书第5页) 精讲4个考纲单词 [高考佳句] It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals,corporations,and other social organizations.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)这是一项了不起的成就,如果没有个人、公司和其他社会组织的慷慨支持,我们就不能取得成功。 (1)amaze vt.  使吃惊 (2)amazed adj. 感到惊奇的;吃惊的 be amazed at/by... 对……大为惊奇 be amazed to do sth. 因做某事而感到惊奇 (3)amazement n. 惊讶 to one's amazement 令某人惊讶的是 ①I was amazed(amaze) at her ability to deal with the difficult situation. 她对付困境的能力使我惊讶。 ②Visitors are often amazed to discover(discover)how little the town has changed.(朗文辞典)旅游者经常会惊讶地发现这个小城几乎没有什么变化。 [名师点津] amazing指“令人吃惊的”,强调某人/某事物给他人的感受;而amazed表示本身的感觉,并不强调对他人的影响,多指“(人) 感到吃惊的”。 链接写作 【导学号:44040000】 让我吃惊的是,这位老人捐出所有的钱来资助当地学校。 ①What amazed me was that the old man devoted all his money to supporting the local school.(主语从句) ②It amazed me that the old man devoted all his money to supporting the local school.(形式主语) ③To my amazement,the old man devoted all his money to supporting the local school.(amazement) [高考佳句] I hold a positive attitude towards/to online voting.(2016·江苏高考书面表达)我对网络投票持肯定的态度。 attitude to/towards sb./sth.  对……的态度/看法 have/take a(n)...attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对……持……的态度 ①A positive attitude to/towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits.一种积极的生活态度有助于提升你的精气神。 ②In contrast,people who have/ take a negative attitude towards/to life have buried the ability to see opportunities.相对而言,对生活持否定态度的人已埋没了看到机会的能力。 [教材原句] Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school. 新学校的老师和技术给李康留下了非常深刻的印象。 (1)impress sb.(with sth.)  (某事) 给某人留下印象 impress (sth.) on/upon sb. 使某人铭记某事 be impressed by/with... 为……所感动;对……有印象 (2)impressive adj. 让人印象深刻的;感人的 (3)impression n. 印象 make/leave a(n)...impression on sb. 给某人留下……的印象 ①What impressed me most is that whenever he appears in front of others he often wears a big smile. 给我印象最深的是每当他出现在别人面前的时候,他经常面带微笑。 ②The little boy impressed me with his big,bright eyes the first time I saw him.第一次见到这个小男孩时,他明亮的大眼睛就给我留下了深刻的印象。 ③It is especially important to make a good first impression(impress) at a job interview. 在工作面试中留下美好的第一印象特别重要。 链接写作 普通表达:I was impressed by the beautiful scenery and forgot to go back home in time. 高级表达:Impressed by the beautiful scenery,I forgot to go back home in time.(过去分词短语作状语) [一词多义] 写出下列句中cover的含义 ①Our new school built last year covers an area of about 4,000 square meters.占用 ②-How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing? -Well,the media have covered it in a variety of forms.报道 ③During the summer camp,the children will be instructed by the teacher to cover 30 miles a day.行走(路程) ④As the price is rising,$100 a month can hardly cover the cost of his life in such a big city.足以支付 ⑤The book covers many events that cannot be found in other history books.包含 (1)cover...with...  用……盖住…… be covered by/with 被/由……覆盖 (2)cover an area of... 占地面积为…… ⑥When I woke up,I found the ground covered(cover) with snow. 当我醒来时,我发现地面被雪覆盖了。 链接写作 这座城市占地面积达7 434平方千米,人口大约是10 000 000。 【导学号:44040001】 ①Covering a total area of 7,434 square kilometers,this city has a population of about ten million.(现在分词短语作状语) ②This city has a population of about ten million with an area of 7,434 square kilometers.(介词短语作状语) instruction n.[C](常作复数) 指示;说明[U]讲授;教育;指导 [佳句背诵] With my English teacher's patient instruction and help,I made great progress in my English learning.在我的英语老师耐心的指导和帮助下,我在英语学习上取得了很大进步。 (1)instruct v.  指导;教育;命令 instruct sb.to do sth. 命令某人做某事 (2)instructive adj. 有教育意义的 ①The letter instructed him to report the accident to the general manager at once. 那封信指示他立即向总经理 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 这次事故。 ②Be sure to follow your teacher's instructions(instruct) while doing this chemical experiment. 做化学实验时务必按老师的指示去做。 ③As scheduled,we participated in several instructive (instruct) activities. (2016·天津高考) 我们按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 参加了几项有教育意义的活动。 诠释2个核心短语 [经典例句] They asked him to leave-in other words,he was fired.(牛津词典) 他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。 in a/one word  简言之,总之 keep/break one's word 遵守/违背诺言(word常用单数) have a word with sb. 与某人交谈 have words with sb. 与某人吵架 word comes that... 有消息传来……(word意为消息时, 为不可数名词) ①Could I have a word with you after the meeting?(朗文辞典)会后我们可否谈谈? ②Word came that Ding Ning won the championship in the World Table Tennis Championships in 2017. 消息传来,丁宁赢得2017年世乒赛女单冠军。 [名师点津] in other words在句中作插入语,相当于that is to say。英语中一些常见的插入语:on the contrary (相反);on the other hand (另一方面);generally speaking (一般来说);to make matters worse (更糟糕的是);what's more (此外) 等。 [高考佳句]  I'm looking forward to your reply.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)盼望着你的回信。 动词+介词to构成的常用短语: pay attention to... 注意…… get down to 开始认真做某事 be/get used to 习惯于 devote...to 奉献,献身于…… turn to 求助于 refer to 参考;涉及;指的是 stick to 坚持 object to 反对 add to 增加 lead to 导致 ①The holiday I've been looking forward to has come(come) at last.我一直盼望的假期终于来了。 ②We got down to helping(help) harvest the crops immediately we arrived at the farm. 一到农场,我们立刻开始帮着收获庄稼了。 链接写作 普通表达:Every time the holidays come,the kids want to be taken to the zoo. 高级表达:Every time the holidays come,the kids look forward to being taken to the zoo. take part in参加,参与 [高考佳句] We will go to take part in the summer camp held by your school this July,which makes us very excited.(2015·天津高考)我们将参加你们学校今年七月举办的夏令营,这让我们很兴奋。 (1)take an active part in...  积极参加…… (2)play a part in... 在……中起作用 play the part of... 扮演……的角色 ①A lively and caring girl,Anna,takes an active part in social activities.安娜是一个活泼又有爱心的女孩,她积极参加社会活动。 ②Besides dieting,exercising plays an important part in losing weight. 除了节食之外,锻炼对于减肥也起着重要的作用。 [名师点津] take part in指参与群众性活动、 会议等并在其中起作用;join指加入某个组织并成为其中一员(become a member of);join(sb.) in指参与某项活动, 口语中常与take part in 通用;attend是正式用语, 指参加会议、 婚礼、 典礼,听报告、 讲座等,一般指成为观众或听众。 [选词填空] take part in/ join/ join in/ attend 【导学号:44040002】 ①I hope everybody will attend the meeting on time tomorrow. ②He was eighteen years old when he joined the army in 2017. ③He stared at them without joining in the conversation. ④This is the first time that I have taken part in the great sports meeting,which makes me excited. 突破2个高考句型 换句话说,女生人数是男生人数的三倍。 句中three times as many girls as是倍数表达的一种常用形式,其基本结构:...倍数+as many/much+n.+as...。 常见的倍数句型: (1)...倍数+as+adj./adv.+as... (2)...倍数+形容词比较级/副词比较级+than... (3)...倍数+the size/length/height/depth/width+of... ①Our company has published twice as many books as we did last year.我们公司出版的书是去年的两倍。 ②This street is four times the length(long) of that one.这条街是那条街的四倍长。 ③The population of our village is three times larger(large) than that of theirs. 我们村的人口是他们村人口的三倍。 [名师点津] 表示“两倍”时要用double或twice,三倍或三倍以上用“基数词+times”。有时我们也用分数、百分数、half等代替倍数。 链接写作 【导学号:44040003】 我们的学校已经扩大了,是原来的3倍大。 ①Our school has expanded into a big one,which is three times as big as the previous one.(同级比较) ②Our school has expanded into a big one,which is three times bigger than the previous one.(比较级) ③Our school has expanded into a big one,which is three times the size of the previous one.(the+名词+of) 噢,真的吗?我也是。 本句属于“so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”句式,意为“……也一样”。这个句式表示前面所述的肯定情况也适用于后者。 (1)neither/nor+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语,表示前面所述的否定情况也适用于后者。 (2)so it is with...或it is the same with...,表示前面出现的两种或几种情况也适合于另一个人或事。 (3)“so+主语+be/助动词/情态动词”表示说话人同意对方的观点或对前文内容加以强调或肯定。意为“……的确如此”。 (4)“主语+do+so”用在上下文中用来避免重复,意为“某人/物那样做了”。 ①If Jack doesn't attend the meeting to be held in Shanghai on October,2018,neither/nor will his partner.如果杰克不出席将在2018年10月上海举行的会议,他的合伙人也不去。 ②Jerry works hard at physics but she isn't good at it.And it is the same with me. 珍妮努力学习物理,但是成绩不好,我也是一样。 ③-It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. ——你太粗心了,把你的衣服一整晚都放在外面。 -Oh,my god! So I did.——哦,天啊!我的确太粗心了。 链接写作 普通表达:If you go to the park today,I will go,too. 高级表达:If you go to the park today,so will I. [多角快练]——练单词 练短语 练句型————————————— (对应学生用书第7页) Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.-Do you have enough to cover(cover) all your daily expenses? -Oh yes,enough and to spare. 2.The boy followed out the instructions(instruct) on the packing box and made a fine model plane. 3.It is reported that a new planet has been discovered recently.It's almost twice larger(large) than the earth,and hopefully it can support human life. 4.What is your attitude towards/to senior high students' taking up a part­time job? 5.(2017·泉州质检)Peter made great progress this term.In other words,he did better in the exam this time. 6.-What do you think of the final of Sing! China of 2017? -Wonderful! I was deeply impressed(impress). 7.Disappointed(disappoint) at failing in the math exam,John wouldn't like to talk about it to his parents. 8.To her joy,Della earned first the trust of her students and then that of her colleagues. 9.It is amazing(amaze) that the English test will be reformed greatly in China's College Entrance Examination in 2019. 10.Mr.White expressed his hope that he would look forward to visiting(visit) the town to see the people there once more. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.He wrote many novels,two of that have been translated into English.that→which 2.I'm moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than one in the city.one→that 3.The letter he looked forward to coming last week.coming→came 4.He has been to Beijing in the summer holiday,and neither have I.neither→so 5.This new hospital to be built in 2019 is three times as larger as that one.larger→large (对应学生用书第8页) Ⅰ.课文语法填空 根据P2-3课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 My name is Li Kang.I live in Shijiazhuang,1.the capital city of Hebei Province.It is my first day at senior high school and I'm writing down my 2.thoughts(think) about it. In my school,the teachers are enthusiastic and 3.friendly(friend) and the classrooms are amazing.Our English teacher is a very enthusiastic woman 4.called(call) Ms Shen.Her method of teaching is nothing like 5.that of the teachers at my junior high school.I don't think I will be 6.bored(bore) in her class.She wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting.We do this 7.in a fun way,with spelling games and other activities.I like her attitude very much,and the 8.behaviour(behave) of the other students 9.shows(show) that they like her,too. There are forty­nine girls and sixteen boys in our class.And everyone in our class is hard­working.I'm looking forward to 10.doing(do) the homework tonight. Ⅱ.写作改错双练 根据提示,利用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并改正学生习作。 1.我的新学校很美丽,它完全不同于我初中的学校。(nothing like) 2.新学校的面积大约是原来学校的四倍。(倍数句型; previous) 3.这里的老师都非常热情友好。他们的工作态度非常积极。(enthusiastic;attitude) 4.他们的教学方法给我留下了深刻的印象。(leave...impression on sb.) 5.老师们还经常邀请一些同学参加诸如打篮球、踢足球这样的活动。(take part in) 6.我期待在这里实现我的梦想。(look forward to) 第一步:练写作 用适当的连接词将上述句子连成一篇短文。 第二步:练改错 下面是李明针对本文的习作,其中有5处错误,请你帮他纠正过来。 My new school is very beautiful and it is nothing like my Junior High school.This new school is about four times as larger as my previous school.The teachers here are very enthusiastic and friendly,whom have a very positive attitude towards their work.Their teaching methods leave a good impression with me.After school,some teachers often invite some students to take part in activities such as playing the basketball and football.I am looking forward to realize my dream here. 【答案】 My new school is very beautiful and it is nothing like my Junior High school.This new school is about four times as eq \f(larger,large) as my previous school.The teachers here are very enthusiastic and friendly,eq \f(whom,who) have a very positive attitude towards their work.Their teaching methods leave a good impression eq \f(with,on) me.After school,some teachers often invite some students to take part in activities such as playing eq \o(﹨,the) basketball and football.I am looking forward to eq \f(realize,realizing) my dream here.
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