首页 简明Python教程(重新排版打印版)



简明Python教程(重新排版打印版) Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 1 ? 3\WKRQ 1. ?? ·········································· 2 1.1 ····················3 1.2 ·······································3 1.2.1 ···········································3 1.2.2 ························...

Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 1 ? 3\WKRQ 1. ?? ·········································· 2 1.1 ····················3 1.2 ·······································3 1.2.1 ···········································3 1.2.2 ····························4 1.3 Python ·························4 1.4 ···········································5 2. ·································· 5 2.1 ····························6 2.2 ······················································6 2.3 ···············································6 2.4 ···················································7 2.5 ····································7 2.6 ···········································8 2.7 ···················································8 2.8 ??????? ································9 2.9 ?? ················································· 11 3. ···················· 11 3.1 ?? ················································· 11 3.2 ??? ············································· 11 3.3 ·································· 13 3.3.1 ·································· 14 3.3.2 ·································· 14 3.4 ············································· 14 4. ···································· 15 4.1 ?? ················································· 15 4.2 if ·············································· 15 4.2.1 ?? if ······························· 15 4.2.2 ······························ 16 4.3 while ········································ 17 4.3.1 ?? while ························· 17 4.3.2 ······························ 18 4.4 for ············································ 18 4.4.1 ?? for ····························· 18 4.4.2 ······························ 19 4.5 break ········································ 19 4.5.1 ?? break ························· 19 4.5.2 ····························· 20 4.6 continue ··································· 20 4.6.1 ?? continue ···················· 20 4.6.2 ····························· 21 5. ······································· 21 5.1 ?? ················································ 21 5.1.1 ································· 21 5.1.2 ····························· 22 5.2 ········································· 22 5.2.1 ·························· 22 5.2.2 ····························· 23 5.3 ········································· 23 5.3.1 ·························· 23 5.3.2 ····························· 23 5.3.3 ?? global ························ 24 5.4 ····································· 24 5.4.1 ······················ 25 5.4.2 ····························· 25 5.5 ········································· 25 5.5.1 ·························· 26 5.5.2 ····························· 26 5.6 return ······································· 26 5.6.1 ·········· 26 5.6.2 ····························· 27 5.7 DocStrings ······································· 27 5.7.1 ?? DocStrings ························ 27 5.7.2 ····························· 28 6. ······································· 28 6.1 ?? ················································ 28 6.1.1 ?? sys ···························· 29 6.2 .pyc ······················· 30 6.3 from..import ····························· 30 6.4 __name__ ····························· 30 6.4.1 __name__ ·············· 30 6.5 ·························· 31 6.5.1 ·················· 31 6.5.2 from..import ····························· 32 6.6 dir() ·········································· 32 6.6.1 ?? dir ····························· 32 Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 2 7. ································ 34 7.1 ?? ················································· 34 7.2 ················································· 34 7.2.1 ··············· 34 7.2.2 ·································· 34 7.3 ················································· 36 7.3.1 ·································· 36 7.3.2 ······················ 37 7.4 ················································· 38 7.4.1 ·································· 38 7.5 ················································· 40 7.5.1 ·································· 40 7.6 ················································· 42 7.6.1 ······························ 42 7.7 ·························· 43 7.7.1 ·························· 43 8. ?? Python ····················· 44 8.1 ? 乬 ················································· 44 8.2 ········································· 45 8.2.1 ····································· 45 8.2.2 ····································· 47 8.2.3 ····································· 49 8.2.4 ····································· 50 8.2.5 ······························ 52 8.3 ·································· 53 9. ···················· 53 9.1 ?? ················································· 53 9.2 self ··················································· 54 9.3 ? ···················································· 54 9.3.1 ······························ 54 9.4 ····································· 55 9.4.1 ······················ 55 9.5 __init__ ···································· 55 9.5.1 ?? __init__ ····················· 55 9.6 ······························ 56 9.6.1 ··············· 57 9.7 ················································· 59 9.7.1 ································· 60 10. / ······························· 62 10.1 ················································ 62 10.1.1 ································· 62 10.2 ············································· 63 10.2.1 ·························· 63 11. ······································· 64 11.1 ?? ················································ 65 11.2 try..except ········································ 65 11.2.1 ································· 65 11.3 ········································· 66 11.3.1 ·························· 66 11.4 try..finally ········································ 68 11.4.1 ?? finally ······························· 68 12. Python ························· 69 12.1 ?? ················································ 69 12.2 sys ············································ 69 12.2.1 ····························· 69 12.2.2 sys ························· 71 12.3 os ············································· 71 13. Python ················· 72 13.1 ····································· 72 13.2 ········································· 72 13.3 ········································· 73 13.3.1 ·························· 73 13.4 ·············· 73 13.5 lambda ····································· 74 13.5.1 ····························· 74 13.6 exec eval ······························· 75 13.7 assert ········································ 75 13.8 repr ·········································· 75 14. ················ 75 14.1 ········································· 76 14.1.1 GUI ·························· 77 1. ? ? Python ā Hello World ā Python Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 3 Python 1.1 ? shell python print 'Hello World' Enter Hello World ? Windows PA TH IDLE IDLE -> ->Python 2.3->IDLE(Python GUI) ? Linux IDLE ? >>> Python ? 1.1 Python KHOORZRUOG !!!Python Python print Hello World Python Linux/BSD shell Ctrl-d Windows Ctrl-z Enter ? 1.2 Hello World ā Hello World ā Hello World ā?? Hello World Simon Cozens[1] ā helloworld.py ? ? 1.2 SULQW+HOOR:RUOG shell ? Linux DOS python helloworld.py ? IDLE Edit->Run Script Ctrl-F5 1.2.1 +HOOR:RUOG Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 4 Python Python ?? print ? Print p P ? 1.2.2 ?? # Python ??? #! Linux/Unix python helloworld.py ??? Python ā Hello World ā? print ?ā Hello World ā 1.3 Python Linux/Unix ?? Windows chmod ?? +HOOR:RUOG chmod ./ helloworld ? ./helloworld ? ??? PA TH PATH PA TH Q Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 5 +HOOR:RUOG echo PATH $ shell /home/swaroop/bin PA TH swaroop ? ? ? ? ? ? ? г ? ? ? ? ? ? PATH ? Ё ü ü ? ? ? ? ? ? PATH=$PATH:/home/swaroop/mydir /home/swaroop/mydir PA TH cd Linux DOS 1.4 ? Python help help(str) str str T Python help() help print PYTHONDOCS Linux/Unix env 3\WKRQ2FW print Python print Fedora Core 3 Linux 2. Hello World Python Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 6 2.1 5 ? 1.23 ? 9.25e-3 'This is a string' ? "It's a string!" 2 2.2 Python 4 z 2 zz 3.23 52.3E-4 E 10 52.3E-4 ?? 52.3 * 10-4 ? z (-5+4j) (2.3-4.6j) 2.3 Python Python z ' ? 'Quote me on this' z " ? "What's your name?" ? z ''' """ ? z ? Н? ' ? What's your name? 'What's your name?' Python? Н? \' 'What\'s your name?' ?"What's your name?" Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 7 ㄝ ?? "This is the first sentence. This is the second sentence." z r R r"Newlines are indicated by \n" ? z Unicode UnicodeUnicode Python Unicode u U ? u"This is a Unicode string." ? Unicode zz Python 'What\'s' 'your name?' "What's your name?" ? U?? 2.4 ? 2.5 z t _ ??? Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 8 z t _ ? 0-9 z myname myName n N ? z i ? __my_name ? name_23 a1b2_c3 ? z 2things ? this is spaced out my-name ? 2.62.7 ??? Python ?? ā ā? 3\WKRQ 3\WKRQ 3\WKRQ 3\WKRQ ,'/( ? 2.1 L L L Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 9 = 5 i ???? i 5 print ? i i 1 i 6 ? s ? &&???? 2.8 ? ?????? ?? ?? Python ?? Python ??? ?? ? ? print 'Hello World' Python ; ???/ L Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 10 L L SULQWLL SULQWL? Python ? 7KLVFRQWLQXHVWKHVWULQJ L Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 11 2.9 ? ?Python ? ? ? 乏 L Python 3.3.1 ?? 2 + 3 3.2 ??? Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 12 2 + 3 Python !!!!!! !!! ? 3.1 ??? [ ? [ ?? \ ? !!_Aa a [ \??????? 7UXH )DOVH )DOVH?? 7UXH? ? 7UXH? ! [ \ ! 7UXH????? )DOVH? [ \ 7UXH? Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 13 ! [ \ 7UXH? [ \ [ 7UXH?[ \ [ 7UXH? 7UXH? QRW [ ? 7UXH?? )DOVH?[ ? )DOVH?? 7UXH? )DOVH? DQG [ ? )DOVH? [ )DOVH?? )DOVH????3\WKRQ ???? \????????? )DOVH??[ )DOVH???? RU [ 7UXH?? 7UXH? 7UXH? 3.3 ? 2 + 3 * 4Python ?? Python Python 2 + (3 * 4) 2 + 3 * 4 2 + (3 + 4) ?? ? 3.2 Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 14 + - 3.3.1 ? (2 + 3) * 4 3.3.2 2 + 3 + 4 (2 + 3) + 4 a = b = c a = (b = c) ? 3.4 ? 3.1 EUHDGWK SULQW$UHDLVDUHD SULQW3HULPHWHULVOHQJWKEUHDGWK 3HULPHWHULV length * breadth area Ё ?? print 2 * (length + breadth) Python 'Area is' area Python ぎ ?? 乬? Python ??? /DPEGD RUDQG QRW[ LQ?QRWLQLV?LVQRW _A Ь ????? a[ [DWWULEXWH [>LQGH[@ [>LQGH[LQGH[@IDUJXPHQWV^NH\GDWXP` Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 15 4.4.1 ?? Python ? Python if ? for while ? 4.2 if if if- ?? ??? else- ?? else 4.2.1 ?? if ? 4.1 ?? if LIJXHVV QXPEHUHOLIJXHVVQXPEHU HOVH SULQW'RQH H[HFXWHG DIWHU WKHLIVWDWHPHQWLV H[HFXWHG (QWHUDQLQWHJHU 'RQH Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 16 (QWHUDQLQWHJHU 'RQH (QWHUDQLQWHJHU &RQJUDWXODWLRQV\RXJXHVVHGLW 'RQH 4.2.2 number ?? 23 raw_input() raw_input raw_input int guess Ё? int ? Python Python if Python elif if else-if else if-elif-else elif else ? if if if ??? elif else if Python if elif else ifprint 'Done' Python Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 17 C/C++ ā ?? ā? ? &&???? 3\WKRQ VZLWFK 4.3 while ? while while while else 4.3.1 ?? while ? 3.2 ?? while HOVH SULQW'RQH (QWHUDQLQWHJHU Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 18 (QWHUDQLQWHJHU(QWHUDQLQWHJHU &RQJUDWXODWLRQV\RXJXHVVHGLW 'RQH 4.3.2 while ??? raw_input if while while running True running True while- running while- else- while False else while else while True False 1 0 1 ? else while while ? &&????ZKLOH HOVH 4.4 for for..in4.4.1 ?? for ? 3.3 ?? for Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 19 HOVH 4.4.2 range range range(1,5) [1, 2, 3, 4] range ???? 1 range range(1,5,2) [1,3] ???? range for for i in range(1,5) ㄝ ?? for i in [1, 2, 3, 4] i i i ??? else else for break ??? for..in range ? 3\WKRQ ? IRU &&? IRU 3\WKRQ ? IRU & Ё? IRUHDFK -DYD Ё? && Ё ??? 3\WKRQ?? IRU L LQ UDQJH?????3\WKRQ ? IRU 4.5 break break ?? False for while ?? else 4.5.1 ?? break ? 3.4 ?? break Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 20 ZKLOH7UXH SULQW'RQH 'RQH 4.5.2 'quit' ??? ?? len ??? break for 4.6 continue continue Python ?? 4.6.1 ?? continue ? 3.5 ?? continue Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 21 ZKLOH7UXH (QWHUVRPHWKLQJD(QWHUVRPHWKLQJ(QWHUVRPHWKLQJDEF ,QSXWLVRIVXIILFLHQWOHQJWK 4.6.2 3 len 3 continue continue for 5.5.1 ?? ?? len range ? def def 5.1.1 ? 5.1 Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 22 +HOOR:RUOG 5.1.2 sayHello 5.2 ? 5.2.1 ? 5.2 SULQW0D[GLUHFWO\JLYHOLWHUDOYDOXHV [ \ Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 23 5.2.2??? printMax a b ? if..else printMax printMax(x, y) x a y b printMax 5.3 ?? ? 5.3.1 ? 5.3 GHIIXQF[ [ IXQF[[LV [LVVWLOO 5.3.2 x ? Python 2 ?? x ? x x x Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 24 print x 5.3.3 ? ? global Python ?? global global ?? global ? 5.4 ?? global GHIIXQF [ IXQF[LV &KDQJHGJOREDO[WR 9DOXHRI[LV global x x Ё ?? x global global x, y, z ? 5.4 ?? = Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 25 5.4.1 ? ? 5.5 GHIVD\PHVVDJHWLPHV VD\+HOOR VD\:RUOG +HOOR :RUOG:RUOG:RUOG:RUOG:RUOG 5.4.2 say times 1 say say 5 ? 5 ?? IXQFD E ??? GHIIXQFD E?? 5.5 ? Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 26 5.5.1 ? ? 5.6 IXQF 5.5.2 func func(3, 7) a 3 b 7 c 10 ? func(25, c=24) a 25 c 24 b 5 ? func(c=50, a=100) a c a c 5.6 return return ? 5.6.1 ? 5.7 GHIPD[LPXP[\ Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 27 5.6.2 maximum if..else return return None ? None Python None return return None print someFunction() ?? someFunction return GHIVRPH)XQFWLRQ pass Python 5.7 DocStrings Python docstrings ? DocStrings ???5.7.1 ?? DocStrings ? 5.8 ?? DocStrings Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 28 SULQW0D[ SULQWSULQW0D[BBGRFBB 5.7.2 DocStrings __doc__ printMax ???? Python ????? Python Ё ??? help() ? DocStings ????? __doc__ help(printMax) ??? q help ? Python pydoc help() DocStrings ? 6.6.1 ?? .py Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 29 Python 6.1.1 ? ? sys ? 6.1 ?? sys SULQW7KHFRPPDQGOLQHDUJXPHQWVDUH 7KHFRPPDQGOLQHDUJXPHQWVDUH XVLQJBV\VS\ ZHDUH DUJXPHQWV import sys Python sys Python Python import sys sys.path sys.py ?? ? ??? ā sys system Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 30 sys argv sys.argv argv sys sys.argv sys.argv ? IDE ??? python using_sys.py we are arguments python using_sys.py Python sys.argv ??? sys.argv 'using_sys.py' sys.argv[0] ? 'we' sys.argv[1] ? 'are' sys.argv[2] 'arguments' sys.argv[3] Python ? 0 1 sys.path sys.path sys.path PYTHONPA TH sys.path 6.2 ???? .pyc Python .pyc Python Python .pyc .pyc 6.3 from..importargv sys. ?? from sys import argv sys from sys import * from..import ??? import 6.4 __name__ ?? __name__ 6.4.1 __name__ ? 6.2 __name__ Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 31 HOVH !!!LPSRUWXVLQJBQDPH ,DPEHLQJLPSRUWHGIURPDQRWKHUPRGXOH !!! ?? Python __name__ '__main__' 6.5 Python .py 6.5.1 ? 6.3 GHIVD\KL YHUVLRQ Python Python sys.path Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 32 P\PRGXOHVD\KL 9HUVLRQ Python Python 6.5.2 from..import from..import IURPP\PRGXOHLPSRUWVD\KLYHUVLRQ mymodule_demo2.py mymodule_demo.py 6.6 dir() dir dir() 6.6.1 ?? dir ? 6.4 ?? dir !!!LPSRUWV\V Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 33 >BBEXLOWLQVBBBBGRFBBBBQDPHBBV\V@ !!! >BBEXLOWLQVBBBBGRFBBBBQDPHBBDV\V@ !!!!!! >BBEXLOWLQVBBBBGRFBBBBQDPHBBV\V@ !!! sys dir dir dir a dir del / dir del / del a a Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 34 7.7.1 ?? ? Python 7.2list Python Python 7.2.1 i 5 int i help(int) Python ? list append mylist.append('an item') mylist/ mylist.field ? 7.2.2 ? 7.1 VKRSOLVW >DSSOHPDQJRFDUURWEDQDQD@ Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 35 IRULWHPLQVKRSOLVW SULQW0\VKRSSLQJOLVWLVQRZVKRSOLVWSULQW6RUWHGVKRSSLQJOLVWLVVKRSOLVWSULQW0\VKRSSLQJOLVWLVQRZVKRSOLVW ,DOVRKDYHWREX\ULFH ,ERXJKWWKHDSSOH shoplist shoplist for..inprint print Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 36 append print sort ? del del del shoplist[0] ???? Python ? 0 ? help(list) 7.3 ? 7.3.1 ? 7.2 ]RR ZROIHOHSKDQWSHQJXLQQHZB]RR PRQNH\GROSKLQ]RR SULQW$OODQLPDOVLQQHZ]RRDUHQHZB]RR $OO DQLPDOV LQ QHZ ]RR DUH Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 37 len new_zoo ??? ? ???? new_zoo[2] new_zoo Ё ???? 乍 ?? new_zoo[2][2] new_zoo 0 1 myempty = ()Python 2 singleton = (2 , ) ? ? 3HUO 3HUO 3\WKRQ?? 7.3.2 ? 7.3 DJH Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 38 print % %s %d %s ? name ? %d ? age ? Python %s name print %s Python print % 7.4 d = {key1 : value1, key2 : value2 } / / dict / 7.4.1 ? 7.4 DE ^6ZDURRSVZDURRSFK#E\WHRIS\WKRQLQIR Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 39 DE>*XLGR@ JXLGR#S\WKRQRUJ LI*XLGRLQDE25DEKDVBNH\*XLGR 6ZDURRSVDGGUHVVLVVZDURRSFK#E\WHRIS\WKRQLQIR &RQWDFW6ZDURRSDWVZDURRSFK#E\WHRIS\WKRQLQIR ab ???????/ Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 40 / Guido del / del items / for..in name address for in / dict ?? has_key help(dict) dict / ?? ? 7.5 VKRSOLVW >DSSOHPDQJRFDUURWEDQDQD@ SULQW,WHPLVVKRSOLVW>@SULQW,WHPLVVKRSOLVW>@SULQW,WHPLVVKRSOLVW>@SULQW,WHPLVVKRSOLVW>@ SULQW,WHPLVVKRSOLVW>@SULQW,WHPLVVKRSOLVW>@ SULQW,WHPWRLVVKRSOLVW>@SULQW,WHPWRHQGLVVKRSOLVW>@SULQW,WHPWRLVVKRSOLVW>@ Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 41 SULQWFKDUDFWHUVWRHQGLVQDPH>@ SULQWFKDUDFWHUVVWDUWWRHQGLVQDPH>@ ,WHPVWDUWWRHQGLV>DSSOHPDQJRFDUURWEDQDQD@ FKDUDFWHUVVWDUWWRHQGLVVZDURRS Python ??? Python ? 0 shoplist[0] shoplist[3] shoplist shoplist[-1] ?? shoplist[-2] Python Python Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 42 ? ??? shoplist[1:3] 1 2 3 shoplist[:] shoplist[:-1] ?? Python 7.6 ? 7.6.1 ? 7.6 SULQW6LPSOH$VVLJQPHQW VKRSOLVW >DSSOHPDQJRFDUURWEDQDQD@ SULQWVKRSOLVWLVVKRSOLVWSULQWVKRSOLVWLVVKRSOLVW Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 43 VKRSOLVWLV>PDQJRFDUURWEDQDQD@ P\OLVWLV>PDQJRFDUURWEDQDQD@ VKRSOLVWLV>PDQJRFDUURWEDQDQD@ P\OLVWLV>FDUURWEDQDQD@ ? ? 3HUO 7.7 str help(str) ? 7.7.1 ? 7.7 Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 44 LIDLQQDPH P\OLVW >%UD]LO5XVVLD,QGLD&KLQD@ DSSOHPDQJRFDUURW@ GHOVKRSOLVWUHPRYHWKHVKRSOLVW SULQWVWRUHGOLVW import..as cPickle pickle ? p ? file dump ? pickle load ? 11. Python Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 65 11.1 ? ? print print Print Python ? ??????? +HOOR:RUOG SyntaxError 11.2 try..except Ctrl-d !!!V UDZBLQSXW(QWHUVRPHWKLQJ! (2)(UURU Python EOFError ???? ?? Ctrl-d ??? 11.2.1 try..except try- except- ? 11.1 WU\ Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 66 SULQW'RQH (QWHUVRPHWKLQJ! 'RQH try except / except / ? try except Python try..catch else else 11.3 raise / Error Exception 11.3.1 ? 11.2 Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 67 WU\HOVH (QWHUVRPHWKLQJ! (QWHUVRPHWKLQJ!DE 1RH[FHSWLRQZDVUDLVHG / ShortInputException length atleast except / except length atleast Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 68 11.4 try..finally finally try except finally 11.4.1 ? ? finally ? 11.3 ?? finally WU\ ILQDOO\ 3URJUDPPLQJLVIXQ :KHQWKHZRUNLVGRQH &OHDQLQJXSFORVHGWKHILOH 7UDFHEDFNPRVWUHFHQWFDOOODVW time.sleep 2 Python Ctrl-c / Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 69 KeyboardInterrupt finally 12. Python 12.1 ?? Python Python Python Python Python 12.2 sys sys sys.argv 12.2.1 ? 12.1 ?? sys.argv GHIUHDGILOHILOHQDPH LIOHQV\VDUJY Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 70 2SWLRQVLQFOXGH HOVH 1RDFWLRQVSHFLILHG 2SWLRQVLQFOXGH 9HUVLRQ 8QNQRZQRSWLRQ 3URJUDPPLQJLVIXQ :KHQWKHZRUNLVGRQH Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 71 Linux/Unix cat Python sys.argv sys.argv[0] ??? Python ? 0 --version --help sys.exit help(sys.exit) cat concatenate / 12.2.2 sys sys.version Python sys.version_info Python !!!LPSRUWV\V!!!V\VYHUVLRQ 2FW +DW !!!V\VYHUVLRQBLQIR sys sys.stdin ? sys.stdout sys.stderr 12.3 os Linux Windows os.sep os z os.name Windows 'nt' Linux/Unix 'posix' ? Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 72 z os.getcwd() Python z os.getenv() os.putenv() z os.listdir() z os.remove() z os.system() shell z os.linesep Windows ?? '\r\n' ? Linux ?? '\n' ? Mac ?? '\r' ? z os.path.split() z os.path.isfile() os.path.isdir() os.path.existe() Python help(sys) ㄝㄝ? 13. Python Python Python Python ? 13.1 __init__ __del__ x[key] __getitem__() Python list ? Python ? 13.1 __init__(self,...) __del__(self)__str__(self) print str() __lt__(self,other) ???? < + ? > ㄝㄝ? __getitem__(self,key) ?? x[key] __len__(self) len() 13.2 100 Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 73 !!!LIIODJSULQW@ OLVWWZR >LIRULLQOLVWRQHLIL!@ >@ if i > 2 2*i ? 13.4 * ** Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 74 !!!SRZHUVXP !!!SRZHUVXP args * args ** / 13.5 lambda lambda ? 13.2 ?? lambda GHIPDNHBUHSHDWHUQ SULQWWZLFHZRUG SULQWWZLFH ZRUGZRUG 13.5.1??? make_repeater lambda lambda print lambda Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 75 13.6 exec eval exec Python Python ??? exec +HOOR:RUOG eval Python !!!HYDO 13.7 assert assert assert assert AssertionError ? !!!P\OLVWSRS 7UDFHEDFNPRVWUHFHQWFDOOODVW $VVHUWLRQ(UURU 13.8 repr repr eval(repr(object)) == object ? !!!L >@ !!!LDSSHQGLWHP !!!UHSUL repr __repr__ repr 14. Python Python Python Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 76 ? / cPickle Python Python 14.1 ?? Python ? GUI Python GUI Python IrfanView ? Kuickshow Python C ? C++ Python ? GUI ? PyQt Qt Python Qt KDE Qt Qt Designer Qt Linux Windows ?????? PyQt Linux/Unix GPL PyQt Python ??? GUI ??? Qt PyGTK GTK+ Python GTK+ GNOME GTK+ GUI Glade GTK+ Linux Windows GTK+ wxPython wxWidgets Python wxPython Linux ? Windows ? Mac wxPython ? IDE GUI SPE ? Santi's Python Editor wxGlade ??? GUI wxPython TkInter GUI IDLE TkInter PythonWare.org ?? TkInter TkInter Linux/Unix Windows TkInter Python Python.org ?? GUI ?? wiki 义? Swaroop, C. H. ??: :shiiuen 77 14.1.1 GUI Python GUI GUI Linux ?? Windows Linux ?? KDE GNOME *8, Z[3\WKRQ E\WHRIS\WKRQ
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