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英汉互译 第一单元Unit 1 Introduction: Translation & Translation Techniques Unit 1 Introduction: Translation & Translation Techniques ⅠTeaching Objectives On the completion of this chapter, students should be able to: 1.​ know what is “to translate” and nature of translation; 2...

英汉互译 第一单元
Unit 1 Introduction: Translation & Translation Techniques Unit 1 Introduction: Translation & Translation Techniques ⅠTeaching Objectives On the completion of this chapter, students should be able to: 1.​ know what is “to translate” and nature of translation; 2.​ be well informed with basic rules concerning translation from E-C and C-E. Ⅱ Highlights of the Unit 1.​ Important Role of Translation 2.​ Nature and Scope of Translation 3.​ Principles or Criteria of Translation 4.​ Literal Translation and Free Translation Ⅲ Teaching Procedures and Contents 1.​ Greetings Talking about the summer holidays 2.​ Warm-up Brainstorming: say something about translation 3.​ Body What is “to translate”? The Oxford English Dictionary: “to turn from one language into another” “翻译是从一种语言转换成另一种语言” Taken literally, it can be given four meanings, according to concrete contexts: 1.translating: → the process (to translate; the activity rather than the tangible object) 2.a translation:→the product (the translated text) of the process of translating (i.e. the translated text) 3.translation: → the abstract concept which encompasses both the process of translating and the product of that process; 4.translator or interpreter: → the person who does the work of translating or interpreting. The definition of translation 1.Translation is a kind of cross-linguistic, cross- cultural and cross-social communication. 2.Translation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another. To say it plainly, translation is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original… 3.“Translation…serves as a means of communication, a transmitter of culture, a technique of language learning, and a source of personal pleasure.” “It has the special purpose of demonstrating the learner’s knowledge of foreign language.” (“A Textbook of Translation” by Peter Newmark ( 2001)) 4.“The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).” 用一种语言(译语)的等值的文本 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 去替换另一种语言(原语)的文本材料。 (Catford J C. Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics〔M〕.London: Oxford University Press, 1965. 20) 5.“Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” (Nida EA, Taber C R. The Theory and Practice of Translation [M].Leiden:E.J.Brill.1969.12.) 6.张今:翻译是两个语言社会(language-community)之间的交际过程和交际工具,它的目的是促进本语言社会的政治、经济和(或)文化进步,它的任务是要把原作中包含的现实世界的逻辑影响映像或艺术映像完好无损地从一种语言移注到另一种语言中去。 7.孙致礼:翻译是把一种语言 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想感情、传播文化知、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。 Summarization We may venture to define translation as follows: Translation is a communicative act between different languages and cultures achieved through selecting the nearest equivalent in the target language for message units in the source language. Examples: 1.阴阳: the doctrine of Yin and Yang (transliteration) The term refers to the two opposite principles in nature, the former feminine and negative, the latter masculine and positive used in Chinese philosophy, medicine, etc. (paraphrasing or giving a note) 2. 客上天然居, 居然天上客(pun, palindrome) He who visits Tian Ran Ju (the hotel or restaurant) is really a visitor in Heaven. 3. She sells seashells on the seashore; the shells she sells are sea-shells. (tongue twister) 她在海边卖海贝壳, 她卖的贝壳是海贝壳。 注意:Translation has its own complete system of basic theories, specific principles, and concrete techniques and skills. Our translation course attempts to outline briefly the knowledge and skills which underlie the practical abilities of the would-be translator or teacher. E.g. It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned. 译1:当他站住并转身时,目光落在一个老年妇女的身上,她身材高,而且模样好,虽然时光使她变得干枯了。 译2:他站住了,转过身来,定睛一看,是个年迈的妇女,她身材高而且匀称;虽然受了时间的折磨而有点憔悴。 译3:他停住脚步,转过身来,目光落在一个年迈妇女身上。她身材高挑,虽受岁月的磨难而憔悴,但风韵仍不减当年。 The Development of Chinese & Western Translation Studies The development in China Both in China and west, the development of translation theories is closely related to that of translation practices, because the climaxes of both usually coincide. In China, there are mainly 4 stages of development in translation studies, namely, (1) Sutra translation theory in late Han, Sui and Tang Dynasty; 早期(东汉——西晋):早期佛经翻译主要标志为“外国人主译”,主要的佛经翻译家有安世高、支谦、支谶等。“天下博知,不出三之”、“去文存质” 中期(东晋——隋代):该时期佛经翻译主要标志为“中外人共译”,主要的佛经翻译家有鸠摩罗什(“改梵为秦,失其藻蔚,虽得大意,殊隔文体,有似嚼饭与人,非徒失味,乃令呕哕也。”、“以信为本”)、道安、慧远等。 道安“五失本”,“三不易”取自于道安的《摩诃钵罗若波罗蜜经钞序》,其中“胡语尽倒而使从秦”为一失本(谓句法倒装);“胡经尚质,秦人好文,传可众心,非文不可”为二失本(谓好用文言);三、四、五失本讲的是章法的删繁就简。“圣必因时,时俗有易,而删雅古,以适今时,一不易也(谓既需求真,又需务实)”;“愚智天隔,圣或叵阶,乃欲以千岁之上微言,传使合百王之下未俗,二不易也(谓佛智悬隔,契合实难)”以及“释氏弟子尚且慎重造经,现由凡人传译更难”的三不易(谓去古久远,无从询证)。道安的意思是,翻译佛经在五种情况下会失去本来面目,有三件事决定了译事是很不容易的,因此必须慎之又慎。 “一失本”——直译与意译的矛盾统一。 “二失本”——质直与文丽的矛盾和统一。 “三、四、五失本”——“质”与“量”的矛盾和统一。 “一不易”,“圣必因时,时俗有易,而删雅古,以适今时”,指的是古今时俗的差距。“愚智天隔, 圣或叵阶,乃欲以千岁之上微言,传使合百王之下未俗,二不易也”,以及“释氏弟子尚且慎重选经,现由凡人传译更难”的“三不易”,大意都是作者与译者因人不同而有智力、环境的差异,这种认识在当时也是难能可贵的。 后期(唐初——唐中叶):佛经翻译的全盛时期。该时期佛经翻译主要标志为“本国人主译”。玄奘为最主要的翻译大师。 玄奘的翻译思想:既需求真又需务实,主张直译和意译完美的结合。梁启超:“若玄奘者,则意译直译,圆满调和,斯道至极轨也。” 玄奘的“五不翻”(transliteration in the five cases): ①秘密故:佛经中有大量的“秘密”,如“咒语”等。 ②多义故:佛教经典中有些词语含义丰富,而汉语中又不可能找到这样一个能与之完全匹配的对应词,即使有个别近似词语,如果勉强对应,也势必会使佛经原文大打折扣,造成众多信息的缺失。 ③此无故:一国语言中所表述的概念在另一国语言中没有对应物,这时也必须采用音译的方式。 ④顺古故:顾名思义,顺古故就是沿袭前人的译法,不另辟蹊径。 ⑤生善故:说的是梵语原文的某个词所表达的意义在汉语中也能找到意思大致接近的词,但又不是严格意义上的对等词,有许多内涵上的不同。 (2) Scientific and technological translation theory in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty; “科学译祖”徐光启(1562-1633);“中华之士”李之藻。 洋务时期的翻译: ① 兴办新式学堂,官派留学生,培养大批学者型翻译家。 ② 设译 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 局、翻译西籍,传播西方科学,沟通中西文化。 ③ 中外合作译书,发挥各自优势,造就一流科技翻译家:李善兰、华蘅芳、徐寿、傅兰雅。 (3) Modern translation theory during May 4th period; ①关于“直译与意译” ②关于“信顺”:梁实秋1929年9月10日发表的《论鲁迅先生的硬译》文中提出“与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信”的主张;赵景深1931年3月的《论翻译》中提出了“宁错而务顺,毋拗而仅信”的翻译主张;鲁迅后来发表了《论‘硬译’与文学的阶级性》、《几条‘顺’的翻译》、《风牛马》等措词辛辣的文章进行了强有力的反驳,便开始了20世纪20年代末至30年代初在翻译界出现了一场长达8年的“翻译 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ”论战。论战的主将:“信”派的代表人物是鲁迅和瞿秋白;“顺”派代表人物是梁实秋和赵景深。双方针锋相对,集中讨论了:信与顺的问题;直译与意译的问题;“欧化”与“归化”的问题;重译问题。 ③关于“形似”与“神似” 鲁迅,中国译论的奠基人,其主要理论贡献:“易解、丰姿”双标准论与“移情、益智”双功能;“以直译为主,以意译为辅”与“以信为主、以顺为辅”的思想;关于“重译”和“复译”的思想;翻译批评:“剜烂苹果”思想;“翻译应与创作并重”思想。 郭沫若的“创作论”:“翻译界不是鹦鹉名士”;“好的翻译等于创作”;“风韵译”;“共鸣说”;“生活体验轮”;“译文同样应该是一件艺术品” 中国传统翻译思想的发展时期:40年代 林语堂(1895-1976):“两脚踏东西文化,一心评宇宙文章”。林语堂的翻译美学——翻译是一种艺术:翻译审美主体论(Benedetto Groce: not reproduction, but production);翻译审美(评判)标准和审美客体论(忠实、通顺、美:达意传神);翻译审美心理(程序)论。 中国传统翻译思想的鼎盛时期:新中国翻译事业的大发展(“四论”) 矛盾的“艺术创作性翻译论”(“意境论”) 傅雷的“重神似不重形似论” 钱钟书的“化境论” 焦菊隐的“整体(全局)论” (4) The contemporary translation theory since 1980s. 中国现代翻译思想:新译论、新思想 走出文本,走向读者(王佐良) 译者个性论 竞争说(许渊冲) “精品”说(叶君健) 和谐说(郑海凌) 多元互补说(辜正坤) 中国翻译学科建设时期 倡导建立中国翻译学的第一人:董秋斯(翻译是一门科学) 传 中国翻译理论“自成体系”说:罗新璋(案本——求信——神似——化境) 统 没有“放之四海而皆准”的翻译理论体系——“中国特色的翻译学”:刘宓庆(香港中文大学和香港大学) 派 “重视译论的中国特色,并不意味着放弃对普遍性的追求”——张柏然(南大) 科学是不分国界,不分民族的——谭载喜(深圳大学、香港浸会大学、湖南师大) 西 学 以建立世界翻译学作为中国译界的努力方向——张南峰(香港冷南大学)(共性派) 派 中外翻译理论的共通性——谢天振(上海外国语大学)(共性派) The development in the west 1) Classical phase: before 1950s, word for word or sense for sense translation; literal or free translation; style or meaning; bring the author to the reader or bring the reader to the author; 2) Linguistic phase: the book written by Saussure----Course in General Linguistics(1916) symbolized a new paradigm in linguistic research. Nida’s adaptation of transformational grammar model and his formal and dynamic equivalence; Peter Newmark’s semantic and communicative translation; later translation of ST to TT; Catford, Van Leuven-Zwart’s comparative-descriptive model of translation shifts; in 1970s, 1980s, German functionalist and communicative approach to the analysis of translation, Reiss stresses equivalent at textual level, linking language functions to text types and translation strategy; Holz-Manttari’s theory of translation action; Vermeer’s skopos theory; In 1990s, discourse analysis came to prominence in translation studies: House’s assessment of translation quality; Baker’s discourse and pragmatic analysis for practicing translators. Nature of Translation Translation is a science, an art, a skill, a craft, an operation or a kind of communication. (Among them the first two may be the most influential and controversial, which evolve into two never-compromising schools in the field of translation.) ★ If “translation” refers to a subject, namely, the study of translation theory and skills, it is no doubt a science with its own rules, laws and principles for the translators to abide by; ★ If it refers to some specific pieces of translation, then it is more like an art, with each piece manifesting its own charms and style in the creative hands of the translator; ★ If it refers to a process, then we may regard it as a craft or skill. For unlike any branch of natural science, the process of translation has its peculiarity, and none of its rules and principles is universally applicable. Examples: 1. The world hates changes, yet it is the only thing that has brought the progress. 译1:这个世界恨变化, 然而它却是惟一带来进步的东西。 译2:世界不喜欢变化, 然而只有变化才能有进步。 2.美中不足. 译1:America/ USA and China are both insufficient.(×) 译2:It is far from being perfect. 译3:It leaves something to be desired. 译4:Much is still left to be desired. Scope of Translation 1) intra-lingual translation (语内翻译); inter-lingual translation (语际翻译); 2) oral interpretation, written translation and machine translation. 3) translation of scientific materials, literary works, political essays and practical writings. 4) full-text translation, abridged translation or adapted translation. The Criteria of Translation Criteria at home (1) “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance” “信,达,雅” (严复) 黄龙:“信”指准确传达原文的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,即信于作者和读者;“达”指译文使用标准汉语;“雅”指译文的美学价值,它体现在修辞、文体、韵律、诗意和心理等5个方面。 (2) “信、达、切” (刘重德) “信”指信于原文内容;“达”指具备原文一样的表现力;“切”指尽可能切近原文风格。 (3)spiritual conformity (神似) (傅雷) (4)sublimed adaptation (化境) (钱钟书) (5)“keep the full flavor of the original work.” “宁信而不顺” (鲁迅) Criteria abroad 泰特勒(Alexander F. Tytler) → 翻译“三原则”: A. 译文应完全复写出原文的思想; (A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.) B. 译文的风格和笔调应与原文的一致; (The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original.) C. 译文应和原文同样流畅。 (A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.) 注意: 翻译“以原文功能、内容与风格的尽可能完整传达为目标”,因此,翻译要使原文的功能、内容与风格在译文中尽可能不走样地再现出来。(信faithfulness) “功能相似,意义相符”标准。语言的7大功能:信息、表情、人际、呼唤、美感、认知、及解释语言的功能。 Sum-up To sum up, we take faithfulness and smoothness/ expressiveness as our basic translation criteria. But sometimes there are contradictions between the two. And therefore, the translator should try hard to arrive at the unity of the contradictions. “Translations are like women. If they are faithful they are not beautiful, and if they are beautiful they are not faithful.”(Of course there are women who are both beautiful and faithful, but the number is not large. And so are translations.) If you are a gentleman, take pains to find a woman who is both beautiful and faithful. If you are a lady, try your best to make yourself both beautiful and faithful. That is your goal. In translation our goal is to be both faithful and beautiful. Prerequisites for a Translator 1. The Translator’s Bilingual Competence As translation is a bilingual art, we have to know both languages, if we are going to do translation work with competence. In the case with the student in the English Department both Chinese and English must be mastered. 译者应具备深厚的语言功底(汉语功底要好,英语语言能力要强) ★ Good English Proficiency 扎实的英语基础,特别是要具有很强的阅读理解和鉴赏能力。 ① 要掌握足够的英语词汇量。 ② 要掌握系统的英语语法知识。 ③ 应该大量阅读英语原著,不断丰富自己的语言知识,提高自己的语感:语法意识(sense of grammar)、惯用法知识(sense of idiomaticness)和连贯意识(sense of coherence)。 例:They are entertaining women. 译1:他们在款待女宾。 译2:他们是女招待。 ★Good Chinese Proficiency 那地方是块肥肉。 译1:That place is a fat piece of meat which every one wants to eat. 译2:That place is an attractive piece of meat coveted by all. 你要有所收获,则必须在学习中不断深入。 译:If you want to gain anything, you must constantly deepen your studies. 2. The broadening of the range and scope of our general knowledge Besides a good knowledge of the two languages, acquaintance with the subject matter covered in the book or article is also an indispensable factor in doing translation work well. Suppose you are going to translate a textbook on physics, you have to know something more about the science than the book deals with; otherwise you will run the risk of making mistakes in the subject matter imperceptibly. Just imagine how much harm your work will do the readers, who usually take for granted that the book is one hundred percent correct! (广博的文化知识) 例1:The Security Council has been seized of the question since then. 译:安理会自那时以来一直受理这个问题。 3. Political Consciousness 例1:The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent. 译:敌人杀害了我们一位同志,我们宰了一个敌特。 例2:The peasants and workers were hand in glove with one another in the struggle against the landlords and capitalists who worked hand in glove with each other. 译:在反对狼狈为奸的地主和资本家的斗争中,工人和农民团结一致(或亲如手足)。 4. Highly-developed sense of responsibility 一是严谨、端正的工作态度。【翻译是坐冷板凳。(朱生豪、方平)】 二是敬业、乐业的主人公意识。 5. Translation techniques ★ 一个译者可以不去过问翻译理论,但他决不会没有自己的翻译策略。 Sum-up About a half century ago, the late respected and beloved premier Zhou Enlai, in an interview with students of Beijing Foreign Languages Institute (now Beijing Foreign Studies University), strengthened the “basic training” in the three essential aspects: the enhancement of our political consciousness, the betterment of our command of the relevant languages, and the broadening of the range and scope of our general knowledge. 6. Practice (1) Hold on a moment. Let me put you in the picture first. 译1:先别急,我带你去看一下图片/ 我替你拍了一张照片。 译2:别急,先听我给你解释一下/ 我先把情况给你说一说。 (√) (2) I found that it is possible to walk your way to a better health, a trimmer body and a longer life ----no matter what your age. 译:我发现,不论你年龄多大,散步有可能使你祛病强身、矫形正体、延年益寿。 (3) In Peking, my wife bought an off-the-rack pair of pants of acrylic fiber (acrilan晴纶),handsomely cut and well made. 译1:在北京我妻子买了一条漂亮地剪裁和做得很合适的晴纶裤子。 译2:在北京,我妻子买了一条现成的(丙稀)晴纶裤子,剪裁漂亮,做工讲究。 (4) 普陀山挨着东海,地形狭长,全岛面积12、5平方公里,与五台、峨嵋、九华并称我国佛教四大名山。 China Pictorial 6/82期,译为: Rising on a long, narrow 12.5 square-kilometer island off the East China Sea, Putuo Mountain, along with Wutai, Emei, and Jiuhua are(→is) considered China’s four leading Buddhist mountains. 英国人Sara Grimes在一本中国导游书中写: Putuo Island with Jiuhua, Emei and Wutai mountains is regarded as one of the four holiest Buddhist Mountains in China. (5) 入世后,我国经济要与国际市场接轨。 译1:After China’s accession to the WTO our economy will become/is integrated into the world/ global market. 译2:China’s WTO membership will bring its economy in line with the world market. 译3:China’s entry into the WTO will integrate its economy into the world market/ bring its economy in convergence with the global market. 更多“接轨”,“与国际接轨” √join tracks with the rest of the world √connect our track to the international track √accord with international norms( 惯例) √be geared to international conventions √be compatible with international practices The Process of Translation 1. Peter Newmark: 1) the SL text level 2) the referential level Four levels 3) the cohesive level 4) the level of naturalness 2. Eugene Nida 1) analysis, 2) transfer, 3) restructuring Generally speaking, the process of translation consists of three steps: 1. Accurate comprehension → the prerequisite of translation 2. Smooth expression → a key factor in translation 3. Careful check-up → correcting blunders & improving the translated version ★ The task of a translator is first to get at the true message. What he appreciates should be closest to the original thought. And then he reproduces in the target language what he has in his mind of the original message. The result is a reproduced text. Comprehension / Analysis 所谓理解就是对原文进行认真的分析,弄懂原文的意思。至少阅读三遍: 第一遍粗读原文,掌握全文大意,对一些疑难词句做上记号; 第二遍细读原文,逐词逐句逐段仔细研究、解决疑难问题; 第三遍通读原文,以便“见树见林”,将全文精神“融会于心”。 【重点】:Analysis grammatical relationships and meanings of words and combinations of words Examples: It seems to me what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 译1:我(觉得煮雌)鹅用什么酱油,煮公鹅也要用什么酱油。 译2:我认为应该一视同仁。 原文:People all sympathized with her as she was married to a rich man and she loved a laborer on the farm. 译文:人们都同情她,因为她嫁了个有钱人,可是她爱的是农场的一个工人。辨析:从原译看,这个女人不值得同情,自己明明爱着一个工人,却去嫁给了一个有钱人,不是见钱眼开吗?译文之所以错,是因为原译者忽略了一个不显眼、但很重要的地方,即she was married to...。 我们知道,英语中marry既可以表示“嫁”,也可以表示“娶”,可以说He married her.也可以说She married him.(当然也可以说They got married,但一般不说They married each other.)。原句表示的是被动概念,所以,是她家里人(也许是父亲或哥哥,也许是族长)违背她本人的意愿,把她嫁给了那个富人,这才让人同情。所以正确的译法是:人们都很同情她,因为她被迫嫁了个有钱人,而她爱着一个农场工人。Marry的宾语也可以不直接是人:She married a fortune.也表示“她嫁了个有钱人”,颇有点“傍大款”的意思。   She married into purple.是“她嫁到了一个显赫之家”的意思。下面,我们再来看这句话:   He married more than a hundred women but remained single all his life.   这是怎么回事儿呢?怎么能同一百多个女人结婚而仍然单身呢?这里的marry并不是“同......结婚”的意思,而是“主持结婚仪式”或“证婚”,he显然是个牧师或神甫。所以,此句的正确译文是:“他一生为一百多名女子主持过婚礼,自己却一直是单身。” 原句:举手之劳,何足挂齿。 误译:Lifting a finger is not worth mentioning. 正译:It was just a slight effort, and not worth mentioning. 解释:“举手之劳”比喻“做轻而易举的事相助”。英语的to lift / raise a finger / hand,表示“举起一个指头或一只手”的字面意义。这句译文的意思显然不妥。to lift / raise a finger / hand to help,表示to make any effort to help when necessary,才有“尽举手之劳相助”的意思,常用于否定句。例如:这个男孩连尽举手之劳帮助做家务活的事都从来不做。The boy never lifts a finger to help around the house. “举手”和“抬手”可以译为 to raise one's hand(s) , to lift one's hand(s) , to put up one's hand(s) 。例如:他抬手轻柔地敲门。He lifted his hand and rapped gently on the door. “举手”的第一个功能是引起别人注意。例如:我很快地举手,但是老师叫了另外的人。I quickly raised my hand, but the teacher called someone else. 第二个功能是表示致敬。例如:他把右手举到右眉,将手持平,行了举手礼。He raised his right hand to the right eyebrow and held it flat, offering a hand salute. 第三个功能是示意提问。例如:他举手提问了他的那个迫切的问题。He raised his hand and asked the burning question he had. 第四个功能是用于表决。例如:委员会全体委员参加了举手表决。All the members on the committee participated in the hand vote. 第五个功能是表示投降。例如:这个敌兵举手投降。The enemy soldier put his hands up and surrendered. 在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。 译:Across Panama runs a world-famous “water bridge”, and that is the Panama Canal. Expression / Restructuring 在正确理解的前提下,一篇译文质量的好坏,就全看表达如何了。表达是指将原文(即SL的信息),用TL重新说一遍,要求不失原意,符合译语的表达习惯,而且还要保持原作的风格特色(即原文流畅的译文也要流畅,原文优美动人的译文也要优美动人,原文是艺术品译文也应该是艺术品)。 ★表达是关键 Examples: 1. Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anyone else, these pages must show. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born on a Friday, at twelve o’clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously. 译1:据说钟开始敲,我也开始哭,两者同时。 译2:据说那会儿,当当的钟声,和呱呱的啼声,恰好同时并作/开始。 译3:钟声当当一响,不早不晚,我就呱呱坠地了。 【评论】:译文1:译字面,意义不错,顺译,省去连词(意合) 译文2:顺译,保留英语句式,字面有变化,增词,形合。 译文3:译意+译味,意合,调整词序,有增有减,地道。 2.……but not many movies are made in Hollywood today……. 译1:但如今没有好多影片是在好莱坞摄制的。 译2:但如今好莱坞摄制的影片已经不多了。 ★要正确处理内容与形式的关系 Star If you are A love compassionate You will walk with us this year We face a glacial distance, who are here Huddld At your feet 译: 星啊 你那爱中 如果含有怜悯 来年就和我们同行。 这里我们面对冰河距离 擁擠 在你脚底 Revision / Check 把译文与原文进行比较。至少两遍:第一遍,对照原文校对,检查有无疏漏、误译的地方;第二遍,脱离原文审校,检查有无生硬、拗口的地方。 The cold weather frosted up the track last night. 译1:昨晚寒冷的天气使跑道上结了霜。 译2:昨晚天气寒冷,跑道上结了霜。 It’s a lot easier to get in the hole than to get out again. 译1:进洞容易出洞难 译2:负债很容易,要把债还清却困难得多。 【注释】:in the hole是美国的一种习惯说法,指“负债”,而不是“在洞里”。 Translation Methods: Literal Translation and Free Translation 1. Literal translation Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation is employed. Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and retains as much as possible the figures of speech. 所谓直译就是指在转达原文意思时,使译文的表达形式和句法结构尽量同原文一致起来,能完全对等的就完全对等,不能完全对等的也要大致对等。其理想目标是做到“神”、“形”兼备。即不但表达原文内容,而且保持原文形式上的特点,如比喻、形象、民族特色等。 Examples of literal translation: 1. I read this letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise because he is still around, excitement because he didn’
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