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四级热点范文1. 大学语文课被越来愈多的学校列为必修科目 2. 这样做的原因 3. 在我看来 On Compulsory Chinese Course in Universities In recent years, Chinese has been designed as a compulsory course by more and more universities and colleges, which is welcomed by students. The reasons behind this phenomeno...

1. 大学语文课被越来愈多的学校列为必修科目 2. 这样做的原因 3. 在我看来 On Compulsory Chinese Course in Universities In recent years, Chinese has been designed as a compulsory course by more and more universities and colleges, which is welcomed by students. The reasons behind this phenomenon can be illustrated as follows. For one thing, since many college students don’t learn Chinese course any more, it becomes difficult for them a write a well-designed article without wrongly written and misspelled characters. It is an alarming phenomenon since Chinese is our mother tongue and our primary tool of communication. Without good use of it, it would be hard for us to learn other languages and professional knowledge well. For another, the society is in great demand for all-round people. If one has a good command of Chinese, he will have an advantage over other students when hunting for a job. As for me, I think it is necessary for us to take Chinese as a compulsory course in colleges. I am sure it can benefit us for a life time. 1. 现在火车票贩子倒卖车票猖獗 2. 这种现象有何影响 3. 我的观点 My View on Train Ticket Scalper For many college students, going back home for the Spring Festival proves to be an ordeal. Despite the efforts of queuing up for several hous or even days, some can not get the tickets. As the last resort, they would turn to the train ticket scalpers. According to numerous media reports, illegal ticket deal has become a flourishing and well-organized business. Though illegal train-ticket dealing does help some homebound people, often ticket scalpers sell fake tickets. Consequently, those with fake tickets will be punished by train ticket inspectors. Furthermore, suspicion of scalpers being hand in glove with railway employees has already resulted in the public anxiety and anger, which will pose potential threat to the social stability. While the railway infrastructure can not be improved right away, the only solution to the illegal ticket dealing depends on the efficiency of railway system management. If the ticket distribution system is reliable, the scalpers will eventually find their flourishing business doomed. 1. 网络语言越来越流行 2. 不同的人有不同的看法 3. 我的观点 My View on Cyber Language “囧、MM、lol…”Are these words and symbols familiar to you? If not, I am afraid you are out! Nowadays, the Internet is flooded with such cyber language, which has aroused great public concern. Cyber language is especially popular among students. They think it is fashionable and convenient to use cyber language to communicate. However, the popularity of cyber language has aroused widespread concern among experts and teachers. They worry that cyber language would bring negative impact on the use of Chinese. Besides, some parents also complain that it is difficult for them to understand their children when they use cyber language in real life. My use of cyber language is limited to the cyberspace. I don’t think it can affect my use of Chinese. I think we should take an open mind to cyber language. But it should be noted that such mind is based on the respect for language. 1. 近年来出现了很多网络明星 2. 分析出现这一现象的原因 3. 在我看来 On Cyberspace Superstar Cyberspace is an amazing place where superstars can be made overnight. Just think of Sister Lotus, Brother Sharp, and other famous cyberspace superstars who are known to millions of netizens. In my opinion, three factors might contribute to the phenomenon. To begin with, with the rapid development of modern technology, Internet is accessible to more and more people. For those who want to gain overnight fame, they can turn to the Net to make their dreams come true. Secondly, the cyber space is an open place where everyone can upload their pictures, videos and personal comments. Some people’s photos and videos are put by other people and thus gain great popularity. Besides, some Internet promoters may play an important role in the popularity of these stars. They make sensational news to attract high click rates and gain profits. Thirdly, it is undeniable that such cyberspace superstars are different and interesting. Being a follower of them brings a lot of fun. Frankly speaking, I am not very interested in these so-called cyberspace superstars. I would rather pay more attention to people around me. 1. 目前,人们的就业压力越来越大 2. 有人主张先就业再择业,有人主张先择业在就业 3. 在我看来 A Job First or a Satisfactory Job First? As millions of graduates swarm into the job market every year, it becomes more and more difficult for them to find a good job nowadays. Under such circumstance, some people hold that graduates should find a job first, regardless of a salary and profession. They claim after years of accumulation of experience, one can hunt for a satisfactory job then. While other people believe that a graduate should find a job which is related to his major and can offer a proper salary after graduation. They hold that the first job is of great importance to a student because it can determine his future career. If the first step is wrong, it would be difficult to turn the tables. As for me, I am in the opinion of securing a job first. Gold always glitters no matter where it is, as the saying goes. If we can keep our feet on the ground and work hard, we will surely succeed one day. 1. 一些大学生选择毕业后去社区工作 2. 这样做的好处 3. 在我看来 College Graduates Working as Community Workers Nowadays, some college graduates choose to work in grassroots communities after graduation. I think it is a good practice which can not only benefit themselves but also the whole society. On the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the community. As we all know, the staff numbers in the communities are mainly made up of retired workers before, most of whom are not well educated. If college students can work in the communities, they can introduce some new concepts and methods to the community. On the other hand, graduates can also gain a lot from working as community workers. Community is the smallest unit in the society. Students can give full play to their abilities because they have to deal with various people and solve many thorny issues. Besides, one can also improve his practical skills, such as interpersonal skills and organizing ability. In my opinion, learning practical skills is of great importance for a graduate. Therefore, it is a wise choice for college graduates to have an experience as community workers. Is It Good for College Graduates to Work as Village Officials? When asked about whether it is good for college graduates to work as village officials, different people hold different attitudes. Some people take it for granted that it’s an unseen waste of talent and resources, while others hold that selecting the graduates to undertake the responsibility of the village officials is a multi-win practice. As far as I’m concerned, I agree to the latter. To start with, college graduates are well-educated and their talent and creativity may help to boost the development of the rural areas, which narrows the gap between the city and country. Besides, if some of the graduates choose to go to the villages, the employment pressure of the social will be greatly relieved. Last but not least, most graduates are inexperienced and too idealistic, so working as village officials will benefit them in their future life and careers. In one word, working as village officials does good to graduates themselves as well as the development of the whole society. 1. 现在人们倡导低碳生活方式 2. 低碳生活有很多好处 3. 作为大学生,我们应该…… Live a Low-carbon Life Nowadays, low-carbon life is gaining increasing popularity among people around the world. Whenever you turn on the TV or log onto the website, you can always hear and see something related to “low-carbon”. Living a low carbon life can benefit us in many ways. First and most important, living a low carbon life can curb global warming—a severe problem we are facing now. Secondly, living a low-carbon life can minimize the damage on our environment, and thus we can live in harmony with our Mother Nature. Thirdly, living a low-carbon life can benefit us as individuals. Energy can be conserved in low-carbon society and we can also save money and cultivate good habits. As a student, we also can do a lot to contribute to the low-carbon society. We can choose public transportation, save gas, water and electricity as much as we can, to name just a few. To sum up, we should work together to build a low-carbon society, not only for ourselves, but also for our future generations. 1. 很多大学生在业余时间开网店赚钱 2. 有人支持,有人反对 3. 你的看法 On Students Running an Online Shop Recently, it is frequently reported that a student can earn 60,000 a month by running an online shop. His business idea has inspired many students to set up their own online shops. Some people hold that in doing so students can gain not only some money to reduce financial burden for their family but also the precious experience of setting up a business. Most important of all, the competition in the job market is very fierce currently. If students can not find a satisfactory job after graduation, an online ship can help them earn their living. While others hold that the duty of a student is to study. Running an online shop will definitely distract students from their primary tasks. It equals to putting the cart before the horse. From my perspective, I am in favor of the former opinion. I agree that in college acquiring knowledge is of critical importance. However, acquiring practical skills and the ability to survive is even more important. In a word, as long as a student can balance the two sides well, running a business in his school years should not be discouraged. 1. 一项调查表明,我们发送的祝福短信中, 多数为二手短信 2. 分析二手短信兴起的原因及人们为何不喜欢这类短信的原因 3. 面对二手短信,我们应该怎样做 Second-hand Mobile Phone Messages It is reported by Chongqing Evening News that during the New Year’s holiday each interview of 426 received 58 best-wishes messages on average, of which 78.4% were second-hand messages. And among the messages sent out, the original messages only took up 21.8%. With the popularity of mobile phone, it’s common for people to send messages to express their best-wishes. Consequently, some carefully composed messages which indeed sound rhymed and beautiful are springing up like bamboo shoots after spring rain. However, wishes should be originated from sincerity, yet second-hand message seems a duty-fulfillment. It’s no doubt, according to the survey, that the majority of the interviewees choose to delete this kind of messages. So when you intend to convey best-wishes, place choose simple words from heart, which may sound not only so beautiful but would gain more popularity. 1. 阐明此谚语的含义 2. 说明此现象的原因 3. 谚语给予的启示 Children Are What the Mothers Are Some people say “Children are what the mothers are.” Literally it means the mothers have great influence on their children. Actually, here the mothers refer to not only mothers and fathers, but all the people surrounding us, who play very important roles in the education of the kids. According to some researchers, daily life affects kids enormously. Parents are the best teachers of their children, whose daily behavior and mind have a great effect on their kids. So it is unsurprising that children often reflect their parents like a mirror, and sometimes people even can tell who their parents are without knowing them before. It is true of teachers, friends, and the people the kids contact in daily life. So it is important for parents to make sure that people around the kids are the ones of good qualities, such as honesty, responsibility, patience and outstanding abilities. The Importance of Family on Personal Development Nowadays, people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of family environment. And it is generally held that family environment has a great influence on personal development. I wholly stand for this idea and my reasons can be listed as follows. For one thing, parents usually foster their children to be who they wished to be. Most parents are inclined to make their children study in the field which they desired but failed to apply, thus imposing great influence on the kids’ future. For another, the youth in the family are prone to work in the same field with their parents. Most athletes having at least an athlete parent can best illustrate this idea. Last but not least, the family atmosphere will determine the personality of the kids to a great extent. For instance, optimistic family environment will produce active children and the vice versa. On the whole, we can say that the family environment really has a great influence on personal development. We must be alert that the very detail of parents’ behavior will bring great influence on the development of the young. 1. 很多大学生在校外租房住 2. 学生校外租房的主要原因 3. 校外租房的利弊 My View on Off-campus Room Renting Nowadays, an increasing number of college students choose to rent rooms or apartments off campus instead of living in dormitories on campus. There are probably three reasons for the popularity of room renting. Firstly, it seems the best solution for students who can not adjust to dormitory life and show incompetence in roommate relations. Secondly, may a senior lives outside to make better preparations for the thesis or examinations. Finally, room renting means freedom to some students, who hate to be regulated by the school rules. It’s obvious that living off campus provide some convenience, more favorable conditions, for example. However, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages in this case. Room renting is money consuming for students. And escape is never the correct way out of maladjustment. Besides, too much freedom may result in indulgence and idleness. Therefore, we must think twice when considering living off campus. 1. 大学校园里的讲座丰富多彩 2. 听讲座的好处 3. 你对在大学校园里听讲座的评论 My Opinion on Campus Lectures In recent years, more and more lectures are being given on campus. They are organized either by the department or by the students’ union with an aim to improve the students’ quality both mentally and academically. These lectures are usually in series and on different topics, such as arts, life, economy, psychology, world issues, etc. Generally speaking, the advantages of good lectures are various. First, they broaden the students’ horizon and cultivate interests in different fields. Second, they make the life of the students colorful and enjoyable. With these merits, lectures are just complementary and subordinate to our school work. If students spend too much time attending lectures, their regular study will be affected and disturbed. So, in my opinion, the students should, on the one hand, do their class work and homework well first, on the other hand, make good use of their spare time to attend instructive lectures so as to enrich their knowledge. The Effectiveness of Private Schools A recent survey shows that an increasing number of parents would like to send their children to private schools instead of public schools. They hold that private schools perform better in cultivating children’s activity. I can’t agree with them more. The benefits of private schools lie in the following aspects. To start with, in most cases, teachers of private schools are more qualified. They are more patient and have more creative ideas to stimulate students’ interest in studies. Secondly, private schools have high-level teaching facilities. With the first-class equipement such as advanced teahching system and libraries, students have more access to extracurricular knowledge. Thirdly, classes in private schools are smaller than those in public schools. Therefore, children have more opportunities to be given equal attention and care, which will help them grow up confidently and healthily. In conclusion, private schools provide more opportunities for students. Therefore, I suggest that parents should send their children to private schools if the conditions permit. On Security Cameras In recent years, more and more security cameras are installed in public places. Some people are in favor of the installation while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, there are both benefits and problems brought by these cameras. On the one hand, cameras installed in public places contribute to public order. Firstly, the public places are the hotbeds of various crimes, especially of stealing and robbery. Whith the surveillance cameras, the criminals restrain themselves from vices more or less because in case they commit the crimes, the public security organs can obtain on-spot clues from the video data. Secondly, security cameras in public help establish a good image of the city. With the aid of these cameras, the urban management officers can finally end the cat-and-mouse game with the street vendors who set up stands here and there and project an orderly new image of the city. On the other hand, the individual privacy may be invaded if people’s behaviors are monitored. After all, there are no strict rules in our country as to who takes charge of surveillance cameras and how to deal with the data. Therefore, it is quite clear that installing security cameras in public has merits as well as demerits. Taking both of them into account, I suggest that strict measures should be taken by the supervision department to ensure that security cameras will not be misused or abused. Should University Lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities? It is not rare that some universities have lowered their admission requirements for celebrity students, such as pop singers, film stars or Olympic medal winners. Some people do not approve of the tendency. However, others maintain that it is a wise move on the part of universities. Persoanlly, I agree with the latter. Firstly, if celebrities have made contributions to our society or country, it is understandable that the universities reward them with opportunities of receriving higher education. Secondly, celebrity students can be positive role models for their fellow students. There is no denying that successful people are often toughmails with strong personalities. Finally, universities can also enhance their reputation by enrolling celebrity students. To sum up, bending the rules for the talented candidates benefits the favored individial, the student body and the university. Therefore, I agree that universities should lower admission requirements for celebrities. Should Much Attention Be Paid to the Personal Lives of Public Figures and Celebrities? Nowadays, it’s nothing new that public figures’ personal lives are exposed by the media. Some people have great interest in and pay much attention to tidbits about celebrities. In their opinion, it is natural for the public figures to be exposed, since they enjoy the fame endowed by the public, they should have nothing to conceal. But I don’t agree with them and I insist that everyone should have their privacy for the following reasons. First of all, it is against the law to pry others’ privacy. Secondly, some media agents or persons try to make illegal profits by reporting others’ personal affairs. What’s more, it is inhuman to dug the celebrities privacy out, which is a neglect of the fact that they are human beings too. Thus we should repect others’ pricacy regardless of the fact that they are common or the famous. Only in this way can everyone enjoy the equal right to be respected. Is It the Responsibility of the Wealthy to Contribute to Charity Business? Nowadays, more and more wealth holders allocate an ever-greater portion of their financial resources to charity. Some people, including me, think that the rich just do what they should do and contribution to charity is their incumbent responsibility. I have two reasons to support my view. On the one hand, the rich have a big share of social wealth, so they should assume a big share of responsibility in the charity business accordingly. On the other hand, contribution to the charity cause is the best way for the rich to reward the society where their wealth derives from. Carnegie once said,
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