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科技英语翻译课后题第三单元 第三单元 A. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a man...

第三单元 第三单元 A. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.三种感情,单纯而极为强烈,支配了我的一生:对爱情的渴望,对知识的探索,以及对人类苦难忍无可忍的同情。这些激情,犹如飓风,吹得我忽东忽西,飘忽不定,越过茫茫的苦海,坠落绝望的边缘。 I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy—ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness—that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what—at last—I have found.我追求爱,原因有三。首先,是因为它使我心醉神迷—爱的魔力是如此的诱人,以至于我常常宁愿牺牲一切来换取哪怕片刻的愉悦。其次,是因为可以排遣寂寞—那种可怕的孤寂使身历其中的人胆战心惊,目及世界的尽头,直至冷酷萧杀的地狱深渊。最后,是因为在爱的结合中,我看到了古今圣贤以及诗人们所梦想的天堂的神秘缩影。这正是我想所追寻的,虽然它对人类生活来说也许过于美好,但最终我还是找到它了。 With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.我曾怀着同样的激情去追求知识。我渴望了解人们的内心世界,渴望知道星星为什么发光。我还试图领悟毕达哥拉斯的学说的力量,凭借它,数字能掌控潮起潮落。我有所收获,但还不是很多。 Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.爱和知识引领我到天堂,但是对人类苦难的同情又常常把我拉回人世。人类痛苦的呼唤在我的心灵深处回响。嗷嗷待哺的儿童,惨遭蹂躏的受难者,儿女嫌弃的无助老人,以及满世界的孤独、贫困和痛苦,所有这些都是对人类理想生活的嘲讽。我希望能减缓人们的苦难,但却有心无力,我也因此受苦。 This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.这就是我的生活,我觉得不枉此生。倘若上帝赐我机会,我将欣然再活一次。 B. 苏州地处长江下游,气候温和,土地肥沃,再加上湖泊密布、水道纵横,自唐代以来就有“鱼米之乡”的美称。历史记载 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,早在两千多年前的春秋战国时期,这一代的渔业和农业已相当发达。苏州还是一个多水多桥,引人入胜的风光城市。居民住房前有街、后门临桥,水道、街坊相交处都建有桥梁。现在的宋代石刻“平江图”上注明的就有三百零四座桥。Situated in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and blessed with a mild climate, fertile soil and numerous lakes and waterways across the region, Suzhou has enjoyed the reputation of ”an area of fish and rice” ever since the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D—907 A.D) . Historical records show that early in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C—474 B.C) and the Warring States Period (475 B.C—221 B.C) the region was fairly advanced in fishery and farming. As a city of tourist attraction, Suzhou is dotted with bridges and waterways. Local residents’ houses always face the streets in the front and their backdoors are often built at water’s edge. Wherever waterways and streets cross, bridges are built to serve the purpose. The Map of Pingjiang District, a well-preserved city map carved on a stone plate in the Song Dynasty (960—1297), indicated that there were 304 bridges in those days. 第二单元 A. The China boom is by now a well-documented phenomenon. Who hasn’t heard of the Middle Kingdom’s astounding economic growth (8 percent annually), its mesmerizing consumer market (1.2 billion people), the investment ardor of foreign suitors ($40 billion in foreign direct investment last year alone)? China is an economic juggernaut. According to Nicholas Lardy of the Brookings Institution, a Washington D.C.-based think tank, “No country has expanded its foreign trade as fast as China over the last 20 years. Japan doubled its foreign trade over a 20-year period; China’s foreign trade as quintupled. They`ve become the pre-eminent producer of labor-intensive manufacturing goods in the world.”如今,中国的经济繁荣已经成为一种得到充分证实的现象了。谁没有听说过这个泱泱大国令人眩目的经济发展速度(年增长率高达8%)、颇具魅力的消费市场(拥有12亿消费者)和外国投资者的投资热情(仅去年一年外国直接投资就高达400亿美元)?中国的经济力量已经势不可挡。华盛顿一家智囊机构—布鲁金斯学的尼古拉斯.拉迪说:“在过去的20年中,世界上没有哪个国家的外贸发展速度有中国那么快。日本用了20多年的时间才将其外貌总额翻了一番,而中国却翻了5倍。他们已经成为世界上劳动密集型产品的主要生产商。” But there’s been something missing from the dazzling China growth story—namely, the Chinese multinational. No major Chinese companies have yet established themselves, or their brands, on the global stage. But as Haier shows, that is starting to change. After 100 years of poverty and chaos, of being overshadowed by foreign countries and multinationals, Chinese industrial companies are starting to make a mark on the world.不过,在这个令人眩目的中国发展故事中似乎缺少了一种什么东西,即中国跨国公司所扮演的角色中国还没有一家大型公司在全球舞台上确立了自己的地位或品牌。但是,正如海尔公司所显示的那样,这种情况正在开始发生变化。经受了长达100年的贫穷、动乱以及长期笼罩在外国及其跨国公司的阴影下之后,中国的产业公司开始对世界产生影响了。 B. 从19世纪中叶到20世纪中叶的100年间,中国人民的一切奋斗,都是为了实现祖国的独立和民族的解放,彻底结束民族屈辱的历史。这个历史伟业,我们已经完成了。从20世纪中叶到21世纪中叶的100年间,中国人民的一切奋斗,则是为了实现祖国的富强、人民的富裕和民族的伟大复兴。这个历史伟业,我们党领导全国人民已经奋斗了50年,取得了巨大的进展,再经过50年的奋斗,也必将胜利完成。Every struggle that the Chinese people fought during the 100 years from the mid19th to the mid-20th century was for the sake of achieving independence of our country and liberation of our nation and putting an end to the history of national humiliation once and for all. This great historic cause has already been accomplished. All endeavors by the Chinese people for the100 years from the mid-20th to the mid-21st century are for the purpose of making our motherland strong, the people prosperous and the nation immensely rejuvenated. Our Party has led the entire Chinese people in carrying forward this historic cause for 50 years and made tremendous progress, and it will successfully attain the objective through hard work in the coming 50 years. 第五单元 A. Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.硅谷犹如一块磁铁,把许许多多天资聪颖的工程师、科学家、企业家从世界各地聚集到这里,一起追求成名致富,并投身于技术革命的大潮,其影响及于人类,必将远远超过昔日划时代的欧洲文学复兴和产业革命。 With the rapid spread of the Internet and the relentless technological innovations generated through it, the information ear is truly upon us, profoundly influencing and changing not only our lifestyle, but also the way we work, do business, think and communicate with others.随着互联网的速度普及,以及通过它所带来的无情的技术创新,信息时代真正来临了。它不但深刻地影响着我们的生活方式,而且正在改变我们的工作、贸易、思维以及彼此沟通的方式。 It is noteworthy that close to 50% of its skilled manpower, including engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs, comes from Asia. Prominent among them are Indians and Chinese, and not a few Singaporeans.值得注意的是,硅谷地区的专业人力资源,包括工程师、科学家和企业家,有将近一半来自亚洲。其中的精英是印度人和中国人,也有为数不少的人来自新加坡。 Intellectual challenges aside, it is a common practice for start-ups to offer generous share options to employees in order to attract the right talent into their folds. This is a powerful incentive to motivate the staff to do their utmost and to share in the company’s prosperity if it reaches its goal. Many regard this as the foundation of a successful enterprise.除了知识上的挑战之外,新创新企业为了延揽人才,还往往慷慨地给予员工们股票选购权。这一措施有力地激励了员工们为公司尽心竭力,如果公司达到预期目标,员工们将与公司共享繁荣。许多人认为这是企业成功的基础。 B. 苏州的园林建筑历史悠久。自六朝起,苏州便开始建私家花园。到了清末,有记载可查的园林大大小小有二百余个。这些园林充分反映了我国古代劳动人民的智慧和创造才能,是我国文化和古建筑的宝贵遗产。苏州不仅是我国丝绸生产的重要基地,还是一个手 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 品的传统产地。品种繁多的丝绸畅销世界上一百多个国家和地区。工艺品更是举不胜举,中外驰名的有苏绣、红木雕刻、玉器、檀香扇、木刻年画等。Suzhou boasts a long history of garden construction. Private gardens made their appearances in the period of the Six Dynasties (around 1000 A.D.) Towards the end of the Qing Dynasty (1636—1911), gardens of different dimensions being put on record numbered over 200. They fully demonstrate the ingenuity and creativity of the ancient Chinese craftsmen and are an invaluable heritage of the Chinese culture and classical architecture. Apart from being an important base of silk production, Suzhou is also a great producer of traditional handicrafts. Silk products of every description sell well in over 100 countries and regions and the varieties of locally produced handicrafts are too numerous to mention. Among those famous at home and abroad are Suzhou embroideries, mahogany carvings, jade-ware, sandalwood fans and woodcut prints of traditional Chinese New Year pictures, to name just a few. 第六单元 A. About 150 years ago, a village church vicar in Yorkshire, England, had three lovely, intelligent daughters but his hopes hinged entirely on the sole male heir, Branwell, a youth with remarkable talent in both art and literature.约150多年前,在英国的约克郡,有一个乡村教区的牧师,他有三位聪颖可爱的女儿,但是他却把希望完全寄托在唯一的继承人—儿子布兰韦尔身上。这个年轻人在艺术和文学上都有出众的天资。 Barnwell’s father and sisters hoarded their pennies to pack him off to London’s Royal Academy of Arts, but if art was his calling, he dialed a wrong number. Within weeks he hightailed it home, a penniless failure.布兰韦尔的父亲和姐妹们都省吃俭用,帮他凑足盘缠,打点行装,送他上了敦煌家艺术学院。但是要指望他在艺术上有所成就,那他可就走错了门。不到几个星期,他就弄得身无分文,灰溜溜地回了家。 Hopes still high, the family landed Branwell a job as a private tutor, hopping this would free him to develop his literary skills and achieve the success and fame that he deserved. Failure again.然而家人并不就此罢休,他们又想方设法帮布兰韦尔弄到一份私人教师的活计,希望这份差事能够使他自由施展自己的文学才华,获取应有的功名。可这一次又失败了。 For years the selfless sisters squelched their own goals, farming themselves out as teachers and governesses in support of their increasingly indebted brother, convinced the world must eventually recognize his genius. As failure multiplied, Branwell turned to alcohol, then opium, and eventually died as he had lived: a failure. So died hope in the one male—but what of the three anonymous sisters? 几年来,无私的姐妹们压抑着自己的志向,应邀去学校任教或当家庭教师,以负担那日益债台高筑的弟弟。她们深信,总有一天,弟弟的才华会得到社会的承认。然而,接踵而来的失败使布兰韦尔一蹶不振。他染上了酗酒、吸毒的恶习,最后临死时扔与生前一样:一事无成。于是寄托在全家唯一男性身上的希望也随之破灭。而那三位默默无闻的姐妹,其命运又如何呢? During Branwell’s last years, the girls published a book of poetry at their own expense (under a pseudonym, for fear of reviewers’ bias against females). Even Branwell might have snickered: they sold only two copies.在布兰韦尔生前最后几年,姐妹们自己集资出版了一本诗集(因为担心编辑们对女性存有偏见,她们用了假名),但只卖出了两本。也许连布兰韦尔都在窃笑。 Undaunted, they continued in their spare time, late at night by candlelight, to pour out their pent-up emotion, writing of what they knew best, of women in conflict with their natural desires and social condition—in reality, less fiction than autobiography! And 19th century literature was transformed by Anne’s Agnes Grey, Emily’s Wuthering Heights, and Charlotte’s Jane Eyre.然而姐妹们并不气馁,她们利用空余诗集继续笔耕。夜深人静时,她们秉烛而书,倾吐她们的情怀,书写自己最熟悉的一切。她们描写了女性天性的追求与社会现实之间的冲突。实际上,她们所写的与其说是小说,倒不如说是自传!于是,19世纪的文坛因为有了安妮《艾格尼斯.格雷》,埃米莉的《呼啸山庄》和夏洛蒂的《简.爱》而大大改观了。 But years of sacrifice for Branwell had taken their toll. Emily took ill at her brother’s funeral and died within 3 months, aged 29; Anne died 5 months later, aged 30; Charlotte lived only to age 39. If only they had been nurtured instead of sacrificed.然而,多年来为布兰韦尔所做出的牺牲终于为三姐妹付出了代价。艾米莉在她弟弟葬礼的那一天患病,3个月后便离开人世,年方29岁;5个月后安妮也以30芳龄与世长逝;夏洛蒂则只活到39岁。假若她们能早日得到培养而不是做出无谓的牺牲,那该有多好啊! B. 我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽的,穿着蓝布大褂和小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。那时候,小孩子打扮成那个样子,够不错了。在我的童年中,也就只有过这么一次。在火车上,因为小,没坐过火车,也很少见过家里以外的人,觉得挺新鲜。也许人在幼年时代终归想要些温暖吧!那时舅舅抱着我,哄着我,我觉得很温暖。一路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一会儿觉,就到了北京。根据这个情况,现在估计起来,我可能是从天津来的。我现在对我原来的父母还有个模糊不清的印象,父亲、母亲的形象还能回忆起一点儿,但很模糊。究竟家里姓什么?哪里人?不知道。I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed-in a blue cloth gown with a short sleeveless jacket over it and a skullcap on the head. In those days it was good enough for small kids to be dressed like that. However, it was my only experience outside my family before, I felt everything on the train was new to me. Probably in childhood, one always needs some comfort. Sitting in my uncle’s lap, being humored all the way, I was very happy. We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing. With the hints mentioned above I assume I might have come from Tianjin. Even today I can recollect what my own parents looked like but, of course, my impression is blurry. As for what my family name was and where my parents came from, I really don’t know. 第七单元 A. The solar system originally had two watery worlds. Directly next door to the warm, wet, loamy Earth was the warm, wet, loamy Mars, both planets covered with oceans and running with rivers—and both possibly teeming with life. Billions of years ago, however, the low-gravity Mars had both its air and water leak away, causing the planet to become the dead, freeze-dried place it is today.太阳系里原本有两个多水的世界。与温暖、潮湿和遍布土壤的地球毗邻的火星,也曾经是一个温暖、潮湿和遍布土壤的星球,两个行星都覆盖着海洋,奔淌着河流,而且都可能充满了生命。然而数十亿年前,火星由于引力小,它的空气和水分都散失掉了,致使这个星球变成今天这样一个死寂、干冷的地方。 That is what the prevailing thinking has been. Now, it appears that thinking may be wrong. Recently, NASA released new images from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft that suggest water may be flowing up and streaming onto the planet is biologically alive. “If these4 results prove true,” says Ed Weiler, associate administrator of NASA’s Office of Space Science, “they’ll have profound implications for the possibility of life.”这是一直流行的看法。但今天看来这个观点可能是错误的。最近,美国国家航空航天局发布了从“火星全球探测者号”宇宙飞船上传回来的新图片,从这些图片可以看出水可能正从火星地表涌出,四处流淌—这极大地增加了这样一种可能性:至少这个星球的部分表面存在有生命。美国国家航空和航天局太空科学办公室副主任埃德.韦勒说:“如果这些结论被证明是真实的,它们将对论证存在生命的可能性有着深远的意义。” Finding liquid water on Mars’ surface has never been easy—because it simply can’t exist there. The modern-day Martian atmosphere has barely 1 percent the density of Earth’s, and its average temperature hovers around—67 degrees Fahrenheit (-19 degrees Centigrade).在火星表面找到液态的水从来不是件容易的事—因为水根本不可能在那里存在。今天的火星,其大气的浓度仅为地球的1%,而它的平均气温一般是在华氏零下67度(摄氏零下19度)。 B. 我们中国是世界上最大国家之一,它的领土和整个欧洲的面积差不多相等。在这个广大的领土之上,有光大的肥田沃地,给我们以衣食之源;有纵横全国的大小山脉,给我们生长了广大的森林,贮藏了丰富的矿产;有很多的江河胡泽,给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利;有很长的海岸线,给我们交通海外各民族的方便。从很早的古代起,我们中华民族的祖先就劳动、生息、繁殖在这块广大的土地之上。China is one of the largest countries in the world, her territory being about the size of the whole of Europe. In the vast country of ours there are large areas of fertile land which provide us with food and clothing; mountain ranges across its length and breadth with extensive forests and rich mineral deposits; many rivers and lakes which provide us with water transport and irrigation, and a long coastline which facilitates communication with nations beyond the seas. From ancient times our forefathers have labored, lived, lived and multiplied on this vast territory. 第八单元 A. Few tasks are more daunting than standing in the path of a charging theoretical physicist who is hell-bent on getting funding for the next particle accelerator. As practitioners of the hardest of the hard sciences, physicists do little to discourage their aura of intellectual supremacy, particularly when suggesting to Congress that a grand synthesis of all the forces of nature is at hand if the Government will only cough up a few billion dollars more. But what if this confidence is misplaced? What if the barriers to knowledge are higher than many physicists like to admit? 要是一位理论物理学家拼命为下一个粒子加速器寻找经费,那么再没什么事情比阻挡他奋不顾身的冲锋势头更令人生畏的了。由于物理学家们所从事的是自然科学中的难中之难,他们很少对自己至高无上的知识分子味儿感到灰心丧气。他们向国会暗示,只要政府能再掏出区区几十个亿,他们就可以聚集到自然界的所有力量。不过,这种十足的自信要是放错了位置那又怎么办?如果知识的障碍超出了许多物理学家愿意承认的攀越高度又该怎么办? For much of last century, scientists have known that the comfortable solidity of things begins to break down at the subatomic level. Like the Hindu veil of Maya, the palette from which nature paints atoms proves illusory when approached. From afar, this world appears neatly separated into waves and particles, but close scrutiny reveals indescribable objects that have characteristics of both. 在上世纪的大部分时间里,科学家们已经知道,人们普遍认同的物质的可靠性在亚原子层上开始出现崩溃。如同印度教玛耶女神的面纱一样,大自然用以描绘原子的调色板在人们近观细看时会发现纯属虚幻的东西。从远处看,世界似乎是很整齐地被分成波和粒子,但是严密的仔细观察看便会发现展现出的却是具有波和粒子双重特性的难以形容的物体。 Physicists have prospered in this quirky realm, but neither physics nor the rest of science has fully digested its implications. Inside the atom is a world of perpetual uncertainty in which particle behavior can be expressed only as a set of probabilities, and reality exists only in the eyes of the observer. 物理学家们在这一离奇的领域里大获成功,但物理学和科学的其他分支却从未完全领会物理世界的含义。原子内部是一个永远不确定的世界在这个世界中,粒子的行为只能被描述为一组或然性,而现实只存在于观察者的视线中。 B. 对于大自然的爱好,我是多方面的,我爱山,但更爱海。自从来到厦门,我几乎天天都要到海滨去散步,踏在那细软的沙子上,有一种说不出来的舒适。当海风卷起雪狼来袭击海岸时,在美丽的浪花里,会拾到很多小巧玲珑的贝壳、五色斑斓的石子;还有那细如发丝的碧绿海草。我更爱躺在结晶轻柔的细沙上,静听海潮的倾诉;当微风轻轻地从我的身边掠过,那种又清凉又轻松的感觉,真是舒服极了,甜美极了。I love diverse aspects of Mother Nature, but I love the sea more than the mountain. Ever since I came to Xiamen, I’ve been in the habit of going for a walk along the seashore almost every day. It gives me an indescribable pleasant sensation to step on the spongy fine sand. When the sea wind dashes the snow-white billows against the beach, I can pick up from among the brilliant spray many pretty shells and colorful pebbles, as well as some lovely green seaweed as delicate as human hair. I’m even more inclined to lie on the clean and soft sandy beach and listen quietly to the sea unbosoming itself. How comfortable and refreshed I will be to feel the cool gentle sea breeze brushing past me: 第九单元 A. In fact, the probable losses from any greenhouse warming are modest: 1 to 2 percent of our economy's output by the year 2050. The loss seems even smaller compared with the expected growth of the economy (a doubling) over the same period.事实上,任何温室效应可能造成的损失都不大:到2050年只占我们经济产出的1%到2%。与预期的同期经济增长(翻一番)相比,这一损失微不足道。 No environmental problem the “planet” or rates with the danger of a nuclear war. No oil spill ever caused suffering on a par with today’s civil war in Yugoslavia, which is minor episode in human misery. World War II left more than 35 million dead. Cambodia’s civil war resulted in 1million to 3 million deaths. The great scourges of humanity remain what they have always been: war, natural disaster, oppressive government, crushing poverty and hate. On any scale of tragedy, environmental distress is a featherweight.没有任何环境问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 会像核战争那样对我们星球造成威胁,没有任何危险比核战争的危害更大。任何溢油事故所造成的危害也无法同今日南斯拉夫内战相比。而南斯拉夫的内战也只是人类灾难史上的一个小插曲。第二次世界大战导致3500多万人死亡,柬埔寨内战造成100万至300万人死亡。人类的巨大祸患一如既往:战争、自然灾害、暴虐政府、极度的贫困以及仇恨。无论用什么来作为衡量悲剧的尺度,环境问题所造成的痛苦都轻如鸿毛。 This is not an argument for indifference or inaction. It is an argument for perspective and balance. You can believe (as I do) that the possibility of greenhouse warning enhances an already strong case for an energy tax. A tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports, cut the budget deficit and promote energy-efficient investments that make economic sense.我这样说并不是为漠不关心或无动于衷的态度进行辩解,而是在为世界的前途和平衡发展而辩论。你可以像我一样相信,温室效应的可能性加强了已颇具说服力的征收能源税的理由。税收会抑制通常的空气污染,限制石油进口,减少预算赤字,促进具有经济意义的能效投入。 But it does not follow that anyone who disagrees with me is evil or even wrong. On the greenhouse effect, for instance, there’s ample scientific doubt over whether warming will occur and, if so, how much. Moreover, the warming would occur over decades. People and businesses could adjust. To take one example: farmers could shift to more heat-resistant seeds.但这并非意味着同我观点相悖的人就是居心叵测,或甚至是错误的。例如,关于温室效应,是否就会造成气候变暖?如果是,变化程度有多大?等等这些问题都还存在着大量的科学疑问。此外气候变暖将会是一个几十年的过程。人们可以进行产品结构调整。譬如说,农民可改变更为耐热的种子。 B. 俗话说,不怕不识货,只怕货比货。但在高科技领域,却往往是优者未必胜,劣者未必败,关键得看竞争者手段的高低。例如苹果公司输给微软,就是很典型的例子。其实,视窗是苹果10年前就已用在麦金托什机器上的技术,如今这反成了微软的王牌。As the saying goes, it is the superior quality of the products that help them get the upper hand. But in the hi-tech world this may not be the case. The good products may not always score, while the inferior goods do not necessarily lose out. It all depends on competition tactics. A classic example is Apple-Macintosh losing out to Microsoft. The Windows system has been applied to Macintosh a decade ago but now Windows has become the ace in Microsoft’s hole. 半导体技术处于当代高科技的顶端,可以说是集各种最新科技之大成者。现在,我们已经能在拇指大小的硅片上用超精密技术集成相当于全世界人口数目的晶体管。但是,为了实现这一“奇迹”,半导体技术也到了无所不用其极的地步,世上最剧毒的物质如砷化氢、氟化氢等都派上了用场。The semiconductor industry is at the top of modem high technology. It is the amalgamation of the latest advancements in the various technological fields. Today, we can put as many transistors as the total number of people
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