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List_30-V3.2_Franklin Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 《新 GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命 3000) 主编:陈琦 副主编:周书林 编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真,杨珺,陶睿,王东东 第 1版 2011年 6月 关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发...

Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 《新 GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命 3000) 主编:陈琦 副主编:周 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 林 编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真,杨珺,陶睿,王东东 第 1版 2011年 6月 关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发到以下信箱:gre3000words@gmail.com 高端申请咨询:premium.apply@gmail.com 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 使用说明: 新 GRE更加关注单词在语境中的考查,取消了以前的类比反义,增加了填空 6选 2,填空 3空 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。《再要你命 3000》 在原书上的改动如下: 1. 将原书的类比部分取消,以 Thesaurus里的同义词进行替换。编者根据单词在以往 GRE考试中出现的频率进行 同义词筛选。 2. 将只能在类反中考查的单词删除;补充在填空,阅读中容易涉及到的同义重复、反义重复词条。 3. 丰富单词的例句,更好地帮助考生在语境下把握单词的内涵。 4. 借助 Collegiate和 Thesaurus拓展单词考法的含义,与新 GRE Official Guide中考查单词的丰富含义,尤其 是引申义保持一致。 整书单词依然强调单词的考法,即把握单词的深度。在新 GRE考试中,记忆单词的深度远比拥有大量单词的广度针 对考试有价值的多。本书是各位考生在冲刺阶段必备的复习资料。 电子版更新每周更新 2个 list。更新请关注我们的微博通告:http://weibo.com/jasonandfranklin 或者琦叔的校内公 共主页:http://page.renren.com/600098688 单词示例: abstract [] 【考法 1】 vt. 做总结,概括: to make an abstract of,summarize 【例】 abstracted the 135-page report in three short paragraphs 将一份 135页的报告概括为三段话 【近】 digest, recapitulate, synopsize, sum up, boil down 【反】 elaborate 详细描述 【考法 2】 vt. 使分心: to draw away the attention of 【例】 personal problems abstracted him 私人问题让他分心 【近】 detract, divert, call off, throw off 【派】 abstraction n. 心不在焉 【反】 attention 关注 ___________________________ 【考法 1】——中文和英文解释 【例】——英文例句及中文解释 【近】——近义词 【反】——反义词及中文解释 【派】——派生词及中文解释 “summarize”、”attention”——英文解释中以粗体并下划线标示出的单词短语为该词汇的考法特征 Made By Jason & Franklin. 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List 30* Unit 1 ACCLAIM ACCOMPLISH ACCORD ACKNOWLEDGE ACQUIRE ADVERSITY AFFECTATIPM AFFIRM AGILITY AGREEABLE acclaim [] 【考法 1】 n. 称赞: public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievement 【例】 Many people were involved in the search, but the person who actually found the missing girl got all the acclaim. 许许多多的人都参与了搜救行动,但是只有真正找到那个迷失的小女孩的人才受到称赞。 【近】 accolade, applause, credit, distinction, homage, honor, kudos, laud, laurels 【考法 2】 vt. 赞扬,赞颂: to declare enthusiastic approval of 【例】 He was acclaimed as the country's greatest modern painter. 他被盛赞为国内最优秀的现代画家。 【近】 accredit, applaud, cheer, commend, endorse, exalt, hail, praise, salute, tout 【反】 castigate, excoriate, lambaste, pan, slam 猛烈抨击 accomplish [] 【考法 1】 vt. 完成,实现: to carry through (as a process) to completion 【例】 I don’t think we can accomplish our goal unless we cooperate. 我认为只有合作才能实现我们的目标。 【近】 achieve, commit, execute, fulfill, make, perpetrate, prosecute, carry out 【反】 fail 失败 【派】 accomplishment n. 成就;accomplished adj. 有造诣的 accord [] 【考法 1】 n. 一致: a state of consistency 【例】 This map doesn't seem to be in accord with the current layout of the streets. 这幅地图似乎与当前的街 道情况不尽一致。 【近】 accordance, agreement, conformity, congruence, congruity, consonance, harmony, tune 【反】 conflict, disagreement, incongruence, incongruity, incongruousness 不一致 【考法 2】 vi. 相符合,相一致: to be consistent or in harmony 【例】 a theory that accords with the known facts 与已知事实相一致的理论‖He claims that the newspaper’s quote does not accord with what he actually said. 他声称报纸引用的他的话与原文并不相符。 【近】 agree, chord, cohere, coincide, conform, correspond, fit, harmonize, jibe, sort, square, tally 【反】 differ, disagree 不相同,不一致 【考法 3】 vt. 授予,给予: to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned 【例】 Women were finally accorded the right to vote in 1920. 女性最终在 1920年获得了投票权。 【近】 accord, award, grant, vest, vouchsafe 【反】 withhold 保留,不给予;recant, retract, withdraw 撤回,收回 【派】 accordance n. 一致,和谐 acknowledge [] 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【考法 1】 vt. 承认: to admit the existence, reality, or truth of 【例】 He refused to acknowledge the fact that her daughter has gone. 他拒绝承认女儿已经死去的事实。 【近】 admit, agree, allow, concede, confess, grant, own 【反】 deny 否认 【派】 acknowledgement n. 承认 acquire [] 【考法 1】 vt. 获取,获得: to get as one’s own 【例】 bacteria that acquire tolerance to antibiotics 产生了抗药性的细菌‖I have never acquired a taste for wine. 我从来就不具备对葡萄酒酒的品味能力。 【近】 attain, capture, draw, gain, garner, get, make, obtain, procure, realize, reap, secure, win, bring in 【反】 forfeit, lose 丧失 adversity [] 【考法 1】 n. 厄运,逆境: a state, condition, or instance of serious or continued difficulty or adverse fortune 【例】 The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man.(Martha Graham) 烈火试真金,逆境炼勇士。——玛 莎·葛兰姆‖finally overcame all the adversities of the Great Depression and rebuilt their fortunes 终于度过了大萧 条的困境,开始重新创造他们的财富 【近】 ill, hardship, misadventure, mischance, mishap, tragedy 【反】 fortune, luck, serendipity 好运气 affectation [] 【考法 1】 n. 虚伪,做作: the act of taking on or displaying an attitude or mode of behavior not natural to oneself or not genuinely felt 【例】 the rolling of the ship made the young sailor squeamish 摇晃的船只让年轻的水手感到恶心 【近】 façade, guise, mannerism, pose, pretense, show 【反】 artlessness, genuineness, innocence, naivety 天真,淳朴 affirm [] 【考法 1】 vt. 声称为真,肯定属实: to assert (as a judgment or decree) as valid or confirmed 【例】 He was unwilling to affirm without further study that the painting is an original Rembrandt. 在缺乏进一 步研究的情况下,他不愿意声称这幅画作是出自伦布兰特的正品。 【近】 allege, assert, aver, avouch, avow, contend, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, purport, warrant 【反】 deny, gainsay 否定,反对 【派】 affirmation n. 肯定,确认 agility [] 【考法 1】 n. (身手)敏捷: ease and grace in physical activity 【例】 His agility on the parallel bars has won him several medals. 他在双杠上的矫捷身姿助他赢得了数枚奖牌。 【近】 deftness, dexterity, nimbleness, sleight, spryness 【反】 awkwardness, clumsiness, gaucheness, gawkiness, gracelessness, ungainliness (行动)笨拙 agreeable [] 【考法 1】 adj. 令人愉悦的: pleasing to the mind or senses especially as according well with one's tastes or needs 【例】 Would you mind putting on some agreeable music for dinner ? 你介意为晚饭放一些令人愉快的音乐 吗?‖the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the transitoriness of natural beauty 因为感慨自然之 美稍纵即逝而产生的令人愉悦的忧伤 Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【近】 congenial, delectable, delicious, delightful, dulcet, enjoyable, felicitous, gratifying, heavenly, palatable, pleasing, satisfying, savory 【反】 abhorrent, abominable, disagreeable, disgusting, loathsome, nauseating, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting 令人厌恶的 【考法 2】 adj. 随和的: having an easygoing and pleasing manner especially in social situations 【例】 I have an agreeable art teacher who lets me do pretty much whatever I want. 我的艺术老师性格非常好, 总是允许我去做我想做的事情。 【近】 affable, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, mellow, nice, pleasant, sweet, well-disposed 【反】 choleric, dyspeptic, fussy, grouchy, irascible, irritable, peevish, touchy 脾气不好的,易怒的 【考法 3】 adj. 相一致的: being in harmony 【例】 These new security measures are not agreeable with our core concepts of personal freedom. 这 些 新 的安保措施和我们所信仰的人身自由彼此抵触。 【近】 amicable, compatible, congenial, consistent, consonant, frictionless, kindred, unanimous, united 【反】 disagreeable, discordant, disunited, incompatible, inharmonious 不一致的 Unit 2 ALLOY AMBIVALENT ANALOGOUS ANNOTATE ANTIPATHY ANTIQUATED ANTITHETICAL APPARITION APPLICABLE APPREHENSIVE alloy [] 【考法 1】 n. 合金,混合物: a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things 【例】 Brass is an alloy, consisting of copper and zinc. 黄铜是一种由铜和锌组成的合金。‖Television news has always been an alloy of journalism and show business. 电视新闻一直以来都是新闻界和演艺圈的混合体。 【近】 admixture, amalgam, cocktail, composite, compound, fusion, intermixture, mix, mixture, synthesis 【反】 element (构成整体的)单个元素 【考法 2】 vt. 掺杂,降低纯度: to debase by the addition of an inferior element 【例】 idealism that was alloyed with political skill 因为掺入了政治技能而被削弱理想主义 【近】 adulterate, contaminate, dilute, extend, lace, pollute, sophisticate, thin 【反】 purify 纯化 【派】 unalloyed adj. 纯粹的,未掺杂的 ambivalent [] 【考法 1】 adj. (尤指感情、态度)矛盾的: having a mixture of opposing feelings 【例】 He maintained an ambivalent attitude to religion throughout his life. 他一生都对宗教抱有矛盾的心态。 【近】 conflicting, contradictory, mixed 【反】 certain, decided, definite, positive, resolute, sure, unquestioning 明确的,毫无疑问的 【派】 ambivalence n. 矛盾心理 analogous [] 【考法 1】 adj. 相似的,可比较的: having qualities in common 【例】 Bad-mouthing your sister is analogous to slapping her in the face - it's just as bad. 说你姐姐的坏话和当 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 面扇她耳光是类似的——它们都是不好的行为。 【近】 akin, cognate, comparable, connate, corresponding, matching, parallel, resembling, similar, suchlike 【反】 different, disparate, dissimilar, diverse, unlike 不同的,不相似的 annotate [] 【考法 1】 vt. 做注解: to furnish (a literary work) with critical commentary or explanatory notes 【例】 The advent of e-books enables user to freely annotate what they are reading without worrying about being fined by libraries. 电子书的出现使得用户可以在不用担心被图书馆处以罚金的情况下自由地在读物上作注。 【近】 commentate, footnote, gloss 【派】 annotation n. 注解,注释 antipathy [] 【考法 1】 n. 厌恶,反感: settled aversion or dislike 【例】 I feel no antipathy towards any of my opponents in the tournament. 我对锦标赛中碰到的任何对手都不 存在反感。 【近】 animosity, animus, antagonism, bitterness, enmity, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice, rancor 【反】 amity 友好,和睦;liking, partiality, predilection, prepossession 偏爱,喜爱 【考法 2】 n. 令人反感的事物: an object of aversion 【例】 Cruelty to animals is one of my most deeply felt antipathies. 虐待动物是最让我反感的行为之一。 【近】 abhorrence, abomination, anathema, aversion, detestation, execration 【反】 beloved, darling, dear, love 令人喜爱的人或事物 antiquated [] 【考法 1】 adj. 古老的,过时的: outmoded or discredited by reason of age: being out of style or fashion 【例】 We saw an antiquated hand-cranked rope-making machine at the textiles museum. 我们在纺织博物 馆里看到了一台手摇式古董制绳机。‖antiquated methods of farming 已经过时的耕种技术 【近】 antique, archaic, dated, fossilized, moribund, moth-eaten, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, outworn, prehistoric, rusty 【反】 contemporary, current, modern, recent 当前的,现代的 antithetical [] 【考法 1】 adj. 完全对立的,相反的: being in direct and unequivocal opposition 【例】 Spiritual ideals seem antithetical to the materialism embraced by modern society. 精神上的理想境界往 往同当代社会所推崇的唯物主义相抵触。 【近】 antipodal, antipodean, contradictory, contrary, diametric, opposite, polar 【反】 equivalent, identical, same 完全一致的,相等的 apparition [] 【考法 1】 n. 鬼魂,幽灵: a ghostly figure 【例】 An eccentric claimed to have photographed an apparition in her very own house. 一个行为怪异的人声 称在她的住所里拍到了一张幽灵的照片。 【近】 ghost, phantasm, phantom, shade, shadow, specter, spirit, spook, sprite, vision, visitant, wraith 【反】 entity, substance 实体 applicable [] 【考法 1】 adj. 可用的,可行的: capable of being put to use or account 【例】 Is that Act applicable in this case where suspect is a foreigner? 那条法规适用于这个嫌犯不是本国公民 的案件么? 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This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【近】 actionable, applicative, applied, functional, practicable, serviceable, useful, workable 【反】 impractical, inapplicable, unusable, unworkable, useless 不可用的,不可行的 【考法 2】 adj. 相关的,有关的: having to do with the matter at hand 【例】 He rarely makes comment that is applicable to our discussion. 他的评论很少和我们讨论的题目搭边。 【近】 apposite, apropos, germane, material, pointed, relative, relevant 【反】 extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapposite, irrelevant, pointless 无关的 【考法 3】 adj. 合适的,恰当的: meeting the requirements of a purpose or situation 【例】 He has been busy in selecting the most applicable word for his PhD thesis. 他一致忙于为自己的博士 论文选择最为恰当词汇。 【近】 appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, felicitous, fitting, meet, pretty, proper, right, suitable 【反】 improper, inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, malapropos, misbecoming, unbecoming, unfitting, unmeet, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong 不恰当的 apprehensive [] 【考法 1】 adj. 知晓的,理解的: having specified facts or feelings actively impressed on the mind 【例】 I am fully apprehensive of the options, I assure you. 我向你保证这些观点我都理解了。 【近】 alive, aware, cognizant, mindful, sensible, sentient, ware, witting 【反】 ignorant, insensible, oblivious, unaware, unconscious, unmindful, unwitting 不知晓的,无知觉的 【考法 2】 adj. 恐惧的,害怕的: anxious or fearful about the future 【例】 People apparently haven’t recovered from the devastating terrorist attack and are still terribly apprehensive about the future. 人们显然没有从那场严重的恐怖袭击中恢复过来,对于未来仍然充满了恐惧。 【近】 afraid, aghast, fearful, frightened, horrified, hysterical, scared, shocked, terrified 【反】 dauntless, fearless, intrepid, unafraid 无所畏惧的;confident 充满自信的 【派】 apprehension n. 理解;忧虑,恐惧 Unit 3 A R C A N E A R G U M E N T A R R AY A S S A I L AT T E S T AT T U N E A U S P I C I O U S A U S T E R E B A S H B A S K arcane [] 【考法 1】 adj. (语言)晦涩的,隐晦的: having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning 【例】 The rebate form uses arcane language, the only purpose of which seems to be to disqualify buyers from actually getting a rebate. 折扣单上的条文晦涩难懂,这样做的唯一目的也许就是让消费者不能真正地享受到折扣。 【近】 ambiguous, dark, elliptical, equivocal, murky, mysterious, mystic, nebulous, occult, opaque 【反】 accessible, clear, obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal 清晰明了的,明确的 【考法 2】 adj. 深奥的,难以理解的: difficult for one of ordinary knowledge or intelligence to understand 【例】 Grammatical rules seem extremely arcane to generations of students who were never taught grammar in the first place. 对那些从未学习过语法的几代学生来说,语法规则犹如天书。 【近】 abstruse, cryptic, deep, enigmatic, esoteric, hermetic, impenetrable, inscrutable, recondite, uncanny 【反】 easy, facile, shallow, simple, superficial 浅显易懂的 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 argument [] 【考法 1】 n. 争吵,争论: an often noisy or angry expression of differing opinions 【例】 The couple’s arguments were often loud enough to be heard all over the neighborhood. 这对夫妻吵 架的声音往往大到能被邻居听见。 【近】 altercation, controversy, disagreement, dispute, hassle, imbroglio, quarrel, squabble, tiff, wrangle 【考法 2】 n. (逻辑上的)论证: a coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion 【例】 In his argument the author committed several logical fallacies which undermined its soundness. 在 作 者 的论述中出现了若干逻辑谬误,从而降低了它论证的力度。 【近】 account, accounting, argumentation, case, explanation, rationale, reasoning 【考法 3】 n. 观点,论点: an idea or opinion that is put forth in a discussion or debate 【例】 It is and will always be my argument that we have too many problems here on earth to concern ourselves with manned trips to Mars. 我现在和以后的观点都将会是:在我们解决地球上的问题之前,不应该花太多的心思考 虑载人火星 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的事情。 【近】 assertion, point, position, stand, thesis array [] 【考法 1】 n. 排列,阵列: a regular and imposing grouping or arrangement 【例】 a marching band’s carefully choreographed array 前进中的乐队所摆出的经过复杂编排的方针 【近】 arrangement, disposal, disposition, distribution, ordering, sequence, setup 【反】 disorder, disorganization 混乱,无序 【考法 2】 vt. 排列,摆放: to arrange or display in or as if in an array 【例】 data arrayed in descending order 按照降序排列的数据‖arrayed his baseball cards in order of their rarity and consequent monetary value 把他的棒球卡按照稀有程度——也即价值排列 【近】 arrange, classify, codify, dispose, marshal, organize, range, systematize, draw up, lay out 【反】 derange, disarrange, disarray, disorder, mess, rumple, upset 弄乱,打乱 【考法 3】 vt. 装饰,装修: to dress or decorate especially in splendid or impressive attire 【例】 He had already arrayed himself in his best clothes. 他已经穿上了他最好的服装。‖a door arrayed for the holidays with a beautiful evergreen wreath 被美丽的常青花环妆点的节日大门 【近】 adorn, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, embellish, emblaze, emboss, enrich, garnish, ornament, trim 【反】 blemish, deface, disfigure, mar, scar, spoil 破坏,损毁 assail [] 【考法 1】 vt. 抨击,严厉批评: to criticize harshly and usually publicly 【例】 The union organizers assailed the chemical company for failing to provide a safe working environment. 工会主席因为这家化工企业不能为员工提供安全的生产环境而对其进行了严厉的抨击。 【近】 abuse, bash, belabor, blast, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate 【反】 acclaim, commend, compliment, hail, laud, praise 表扬,称赞 【考法 2】 vt. 攻击,猛攻: to take sudden, violent action against 【例】 He was assailed by a young man with a knife. 他被一个持刀的年轻人揍了一顿。 【近】 assault, attack, beset, charge, raid, rush, storm, strike, set on 【反】 defend, guard, protect, shield 防御,守卫 【派】 assailable adj. 易受攻击的 attest [] 【考法 1】 vt. 证实,为…作证: to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factualness of 【例】 Her fine work attests her ability. 她的优秀作品能够证明她的能力。‖I can attest that she was at the party. 我可以为她当时在聚会上作证。 【近】 argue, authenticate, certify, corroborate, substantiate, support, testify, validate, verify, vindicate Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【反】 contradict, disprove, gainsay, rebut, refute 反驳,否定 attune [] 【考法 1】 vt. 使协调,使和谐: to bring into harmony 【例】 After years spent in academia, he found it difficult to attune himself to the corporate culture. 在学术圈摸 爬滚打多年之后,他发现自己很难融入 企业文化 企业文化与人力资源环保科技有限公司介绍企业调查企业文化企业文化体系构建框架高职企业文化管理 之中。 【近】 accommodate, conciliate, conform, coordinate, key, reconcile 【反】 disharmonize 使不和谐;disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt 弄乱,打乱 【派】 attunement n. 调音,协调 auspicious [] 【考法 1】 adj. 好兆头的: pointing toward a happy outcome 【例】 began the season with an auspicious win against their strongest football rival 在赛季之初就战胜了最强 的对手,为整个赛季赢得了好兆头 【近】 bright, encouraging, golden, heartening, hopeful, promising, propitious 【反】 baleful, dark, direful, doomy, foreboding, gloomy, menacing, minatory, ominous, portentous, sinister, threatening 不详的,凶兆的 austere [] 【考法 1】 adj. 朴素的,朴实无华: markedly simple or unadorned 【例】 For the private office of the CEO of the large corporation, the room is unexpectedly austere. 出人意料的 是,大公司总裁的私人办公室居然十分朴素。 【近】 plain, spartan, stark, unadorned 【反】 deluxe, lavish, luxurious, plush, sumptuous 奢华的;elaborate, fancy 花哨的 【考法 2】 adj. 严肃的,令人生畏的: stern and cold in appearance or manner 【例】 an austere fortress at the top of some formidable cliffs 建立在悬崖峭壁之上的一座令人畏惧的堡垒‖In his memory his deceased grandfather is an austere, distant, cold person. 在他的记忆之中,已过世的祖父是一个严 肃、冷漠而难以接近的人。 【近】 dour, fierce, flinty, forbidding, formidable, gruff, intimidating, lowering, rough, rugged, severe, steely 【反】 benign, benignant, gentle, mild, tender 和蔼的,温柔的 bash [] 【考法 1】 n. 猛击: a forceful blow 【例】 He has not been the same ever since he received that bash on his head. 自从他脑袋被别人打了之后,他 就变得大不一样。 【近】 bang, bat, beat, crack, hit, knock, lash, poke, pound, punch, slam, slap, smash, spank, stroke, swat 【考法 2】 vt. 攻击,用力击打: to strike violently and often repeatedly 【例】 The angry child kept bashing her toy with a hammer until it broke. 愤怒的小孩用锤子不断地敲击她的 玩具,直到它彻底被破坏。 【近】 baste, batter, buffet, hammer, lace, maul, nail, smash, strike 【考法 3】 vt. 抨击,严厉批评: to criticize harshly and usually publicly 【例】 In all of talk radio no other host seems to enjoy bashing liberals as much as he does. 在电台节目再没 有像他一样热衷于抨击自由主义者的主持人了。 【近】 abuse, assail, belabor, blast, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate 【反】 acclaim, commend, compliment, hail, laud, praise 表扬,称赞 bask [] 【考法 1】 vi. 休息,悠然自得: to lie or relax in a pleasant warmth or atmosphere 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【例】 We blissfully basked at the seashore over the long holiday. 我们在海滩上躺着晒太阳,享受着漫长的假期。 【近】 loll, lounge, relax, repose 【反】 drudge, grind, hustle, labor, moil, plod, slave, sweat, toil, travail, work (辛苦地)干活,工作 Unit 4 B E L L I G E R E N T B E S E T B L A C K M A I L B L U F F B R I M CALAMITY
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