首页 英语语法练习常用短语



英语语法练习常用短语常用短语 1) V+ about: Care about 关心 concern about 关心 挂念 boast about 自夸 bring about 引起 产生 使实现 fumble about 乱摸索 argue about 争论 see about 查考 留意 hear about 听说 Know about 谈到 fuss about 大惊小怪 go about 着手 走动 worry about 担心 忧虑 Speculate about 思考 hang ab...

常用短语 1) V+ about: Care about 关心 concern about 关心 挂念 boast about 自夸 bring about 引起 产生 使实现 fumble about 乱摸索 argue about 争论 see about 查考 留意 hear about 听说 Know about 谈到 fuss about 大惊小怪 go about 着手 走动 worry about 担心 忧虑 Speculate about 思考 hang about 闲逛 待在近旁 complain about 抱怨 come about 发生 inquire about 询问 lie about 散在四处 2) V + across run across 偶然遇见 once across 无意中碰到 被理解 get across 通过 被理解 cut across 超近路 穿过 3) V + after long after 渴望 yearn after 思慕 渴望 hanker after 渴求 hunger after 渴望 thirst after 渴望 look after 照顾 run after 追赶 take after 长得像…… go after 追逐 ask after 问候 keep after 紧紧追赶 make after 追随 4) V+ against go against 违反 sail against 逆风行驶 vote against 投反对票 turn against 反对 argue against 反对 run against 起而反对 stand against 反抗 protest against 对…抗议 defend against 抵抗 protect…against 防卫 hold against 责备 charge against 控告 rebel against 反叛 prepare against 防备 inform against 告发 warn against 谨防 prevent against 预防 lay up against 贮存以备 guard against 防备 provide against 预备 weigh against 权衡 5) V+ apart fall apart 崩溃 come apart 崩溃 tell apart 区分 tear apart 弄乱 take apart 拆开 set apart 区别 突出 6) V + around talk around 说服 show around 带领参观 play around 玩弄 闲逛 kick around 虐待 7) V+ aside set aside 拨出 leave aside 不考虑 throw aside 抛弃 push aside 推开 避免 lay aside 暂放一边 cast aside 抛弃 put aside 搁置 8) V + at marvel at 惊叹 grieve at 悲伤 shudder at 颤栗 laugh at 笑 cry at 哭泣 estimate at 预估 weep at 哭泣 jump at 作出 hesitate at 踌躇 come at 攻击 拜见 wonder at 惊奇 get at 到达 了解 tremble at 发抖 keep at 坚持 rejoice at 欣喜 make at 攻击 blush at 脸红 work at 从事, 致力于 gaze at 凝视 9) V + away throw away 抛弃 wear away 磨损 消逝 cast away 丢弃 clear away 扫除 fade away 声音消失,渐弱 give away 赠送 泄露 die away 渐渐消失 pass away 逝世 时间过去 work away 连续工作 put away 储存 cut away 割掉 10) V+ back take back 撤回 track back 追溯 hold back 忍住 退缩 write back 回信 hang back 犹豫不决 answer back 回嘴 put back 防回 阻碍 cut back 修剪 bring back 使想起 带回 look back 回顾踌躇 talk back 反驳 call back 回电话 stay back 不介入 set back 逆转 keep back 抑制 11) V + by go by 时间过去,根据,遵守 stand by 支持 stick by 出于 drop by 顺访 sit by 袖手旁观 swear by 发誓 abide by 遵守 put by 储蓄 come by 经过 得到 conclude by 结论 12) V + down cut down 削减 run down 耗尽 撞倒 book down 登记 die down 渐熄 burn down 烧毁(建筑物) break down 出故障 calm down 平静下来 settle down 定居 crush down 压碎 copy down 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 let down 失望 放低 call down 责备 hand down 传递 遗传 back down 让步 13) v+for answer for 对…负责 make for 向…移动 crave for 渴望 yearn for 思慕 thirst for 渴望 hunt for 寻找 speak for 为…辩护 ask after 问候 问安 apply for 申请 account for 解释 want for 缺少 go in for 爱好 arrange for 安排hope for 希望 have a taste for 喜好allow for 考虑到 wish for 希望hanker for 渴望long for 渴望search for 搜寻ask for 要求pray for 祈求fall for 迷信 迷住take for 误以为 14) v+ forth set forth 起程 发布 bring forth 产生 引起 pour forth 流出 call forth 唤起, 激起 come forth 出现 15) v + forward put forward 提出 push forward 推进 bring forward 提出 drive forward 坚持下去 16) v+ from arise from 由…产生spring from 源于originate from( in) 起源于 descend from 为…后裔, 出自vary from 不同于quote from 引自date from 起源于 separate from 与…分离 flee from 逃跑 remove from 远离 除去 derive from 源于 emerge from 由…出现 result from 产生于, 由于 issue from 自… 发出, 流出 copy from 抄自 adapt from 改编自 avert from 避开 part from 离开 infer from 推论 estrange from 疏远 keep from 抑制 dismiss from 开除 rise from 起源于 keep away from 远离, 不靠近 refrain from 抑制(自己) prohibit from 阻止 dissuade from 禁止,不准 release from 免除 abstain from 劝阻 resign from 辞职 restrain from 抑制 discourage from 劝阻 shelter from 保护庇护 17)v+in break in 闯入 abound in 盛产 bring in 引入, 收益 cash in 兑现 drop in 访问 give in 投降 hand in 交进 keep in 抑制 result in 导致 set in 季节开始 step in 介入 take in 欺骗 trade in 交易 从事 add in 加进 包括 check in 签到 cut in干涉 插嘴 count in 算在内 fill in 填写 gain in 增加 Involve In 卷入 let in 放入 send in 提交 intervene in 干涉 调停 succeed in 成功 turn in 交出 就寝 weigh in 测量 rejoice in 喜欢 look in 探望 delight in 以…为乐 lie in 在于 I8)v + into get( run) into debt 负债 bump into 不期而遇 fly into a passion 发脾气 come into 继承 introde into 打扰 put into execution 实施 enter into 着手 开始谈 put into effect 实行 inquire into 调查 see into 看透 develop into 发展成为 divide into 划分 get into trouble 陷入困难 fall into 开始 分成 fall into an error 出错 burst into 闯入 run into 碰见, 数目达 come into style( fashion) 流行 fit into 适合 go into business 经商 burst into tears (laugh) 突然大哭(笑) turn into 变成 convert into 转变 talk black into white 指鹿为马 19)v+ of inquire of 询问 approve of 赞成 know of 知道 了解 learn of 闻知 听说 talk of 谈起 require of 要求 hear of 听到过, 风闻 speak of 谈起,说到 warn of 告知 despair of 失望 tell of 讲述 complain of 抱怨 warn sb. Of 警告 convict sb. Of 宣判…有罪 (dis)approve of ( 不) 赞同 brag of 自诩 dream of 梦想 remind sb. Of 提醒 convince sb. Of 使相信 accuse sb. Of 指控 suspect sb. Of 猜疑 repent of 后悔 inform of 通知 admit of 容许 boast of 自夸 treat of 论述 assure sb. of 使确信 inform sb. of 告知 20) V + off come off 发生 实现 脱落 成功 die off 相继死亡 buy off 买通 cut off 切去 lay off 炸毁 发财 shake off 解雇 摆脱 make off 匆匆逃离 show off 炫耀 play off 决赛 hold off 隔离 冷漠call off 取消 give off 散发 放出 break off 中断 停止 carry off 夺去 获奖dash off 急速离开 pay off 付清债务 tell off 责骂 计算 round off 使完全 see off 送行 sign off 节目播完 leave off 中止 21) V +on dwell on 评论 详谈 speak on 讨论 write on 论述 comment on 评论 decide on 决定 insist on 坚持 lecture on 宣讲 enlarge on 详述 touch on 谈及 discourse on 演说 determine on 决定 debate on 辩论 deliberate on 考虑 reflect on 沉思 concentrate on 注意 pride oneself on 以…为自豪 rest on 依靠 walk on tiptoe 踮着脚尖走 stand( keep) on one' s legs 站立着 fall on one' s knees 跪下 depend on 依靠 act on 遵照…行事 bring on 引起 促成 catch on 抓牢 理解 dawn on 开始理解 gain on 侵蚀 超过 hit on 巧遇 忽然想起 grow on 渐强 hang on 坚持 抓紧 improve on 改进 set on 攻击 thrive on 靠…繁荣 meditate on 沉思 keep on 继续 hold on 继续 impose on 强加于 占便宜 play on 利用 影响 take on 雇佣 wait on 服侍 operate on 动手术 live on 靠…生活 feast on 以…设宴 dine on 以…为膳食 weigh on 压迫 infringe on 侵犯 turn on 攻击 intrude on (upon) 打扰 base on 以…为根据 meditate on 沉思默想 muse on 默想 congratulate sb. On 祝贺 lean on ( upon ) 依靠 lie on one’s back 仰卧 fall on one’s face 俯伏 count on(upon) 仰赖 reckon on ( upon ) 依赖 bank on 依赖, 指望 count on 依靠 decide on 决定 enter on 开始着手 figure on 预料 feed on 以…为食 subsist on 以…为生 encroach on(upon) 侵犯 打扰 trample on 蹂躏 践踏 trespass on 侵犯 avenge on 报仇 22)v+ out lay out 计划 put out 熄灭 伸出 keep out 扣留 不准入 bring out 说明 显现 come out 开花 出版 pass out 昏倒 分发 burn out 烧毁 燃尽 cross out 勾销 figure out 算出 理解 hold out 坚持到底 let out 说出 释放 make out 理解 stand out 突出 spell out 详解 拼出 wear out 磨损 think out 想出 watch out 监视 play out 筋疲力尽give out 分配 buy out 使人放弃 beat out 胜过 count out 把…除外 burst out 喊叫 cancel out 取消 feel out 试探 leave out 省略 删去 see out 送至门口 pick out 挑选 rule out 拒绝考虑 turn out 生产 证明 关掉 work out 计划 想出 kick out 解雇 break out 爆发 突然大声…… wash out 洗掉 忘记 clean out 清理(由内部) 23)v+ over glance over 浏览 read over 审阅 do over 重做 粉碎 preside over 主持会议 run over 浏览 车压过 talk over 商议 pick over 精选 take over 接管 look over 检查一遍 laugh over 边笑边谈 cry over 悲伤 get over 复原 度过(难关) hand over 移交 tide over 克服困难 go over 复习 检查 win over 说服 make over 转让 24)v + round glance round 环顾 hand round 分发work round 改变观念come round 恢复知觉或健康 get round 说服 逃避 serve round 分发东西 send round 使流传 25) V+ through go through 经历 细查 get through 完成 通过 put through 接通电话 完成 cut thlough 走近路pull through 度过难关see through 看透 carry through 完成 fall through 失败 26) V + to yield to 屈服于 assent to 同意 conform to 适应 correspond to 相称 add to 增加 amount to 总计, 达到 adapt to 适应 bring to 苏醒 停下来 come to 合计 恢复知觉 fall to 开始 relate to 与…… 有关 see to 确保 succumb to 屈服 take to 喜爱上 专心于turn to 求助于apply to 适合adjust to 适应answer to 符合, 与……一致object to 反对attend to 处理 adhere to 坚持 黏附appeal to 垦求attribute to 归因belong to 属于contribute to 促成 捐助refer to 提及 指 set to 着手succeed to 继承subscribe to 捐款 预定testify to 证实 27)V+ together put together 加起来 装配stick together 粘在一起 throw together 匆匆拼凑 get together 联欢 聚集 28) V+ under keep under 抑制 征服serve under 在手下供职sit under 听讲 get under f制服 29) V + up beat up 毒打 choke up 说不出话end up 结束put up 举起 住宿mix up 弄混 sign up 立约 strike up 开始唱 (奏) cover up 包庇 掩盖 cut up 切碎 call up 打电话 draw up 草拟 hang up 挂断电话 take up 从事 show up 出现 wash up 洗餐具 talk up 称赞 dress up 盛装 play up 强调 bring up 养育 提出 crop up 突然出现 发生 hold up 阻止妨碍 bear up 支撑 鼓足勇气 clear up 清理 澄清 burn up 烧旺 烧毁 break up 结束终止 eat up 吃完 brush up 温习 do up 修饰 收拾 clean up 打扫 获利 30) V + with unite with 与……联合 associate with 联合 merge with 与……合并 confer with 与……商量 disagree with 不同意 concur with 与……一致 comply with 符合 deal with 处理 相处 keep abreast with 与……并 consist with 与……一致 match with 联姻 匹配 gel along with 与……相处 correspond with 与……相符 coincide with 与……一致 go with 与……相配 make friends with 同……交友 come up with 追上 找到 得出do with 忍受cope with 处理 have nothing to do with 和……毫无关系 have something to do with 和……有些关系 have much to do with 和……大有关系 collide with 碰撞 冲突 compete with 与……竞争 part with 分手 放弃 dispense with 废弃 put up with 忍受 interfere with 抵触 find fault with 挑剔 make away with 除掉 meet with 遇到 受到 present … with 赠送 提供furnish ...with 供给trouble…… with 打扰 charge… with 控告 contrast… with 同……对照 increase with随……增长vary with 随……变化 PAGE 4
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