首页 2014年catti二级口译实务-体育(Sptorts)专题训练



2014年catti二级口译实务-体育(Sptorts)专题训练 catti二级口译实务-体育(Sptorts)专题训练 一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题4小题.每题25.0分,共100.0分。Translate the following passage(s) into Chinese ) 第1题  Ellen Wille, the Norwegian association's delegate at the 45th FIFA (Fédéation Internationale de Football Association) ...

catti二级口译实务-体育(Sptorts)专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 训练 一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题4小题.每题25.0分,共100.0分。Translate the following passage(s) into Chinese ) 第1题  Ellen Wille, the Norwegian association's delegate at the 45th FIFA (Fédéation Internationale de Football Association) Congress in Mexico City in 1986, impressed upon FIFA that more should be done to further women' football and to unfold the latent potential in this sector of the game. Little did Wille know her spark would light the way for the women's football movement.// Presiding over the debates at the Congress, former FIFA President Joāo Havelange not only agreed entirely with the Norwegian female representative but also assured her that he personally would back the women's football movement, setting up an ad hoc committee as the first step. // Have lange and then-Secretary General Joseph Blatter were serious about supporting the women's sector. As a long-serving member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Havelange had seen for himself how women had been given the opportunity to compete as equals in a variety of Olympic disciplines to the sheer delight of the crowds. It was only a question of time before women would be beating the drum for their own world football tournament. If football genuinely intended to achieve universal appeal, it could not turn its back on the female half of the world's population. // Following the FIFA President's consent, the women's football scene in pioneering countries such as Norway, Sweden, Germany, Italy and the USA—where 40 percent of all the players enrolled in clubs are girls and women—was given a shot in the arm. The prospects of a world championship afforded women's football an arena that would highlight the attractiveness and style of this type of football. In any case, it was high time to snuff out any remaining prejudice. which, although unfounded, would still be difficult to eradicate. // Sure enough, in 1988 a tournament was staged in the province of Guangdong in southern China as a testing ground for a world championship. The high standards of play coupled with the scramble for tickets convinced the world governing body and its special committee that they were steering in the right direction. // The auspicious start motivated the World Cup's official sponsors to cultivate an interest in women's football. Barely three years later, twelve national teams from all over the world gathered in southern China where the women footballers enraptured the football world in Guangzhou and four other towns in Guangdong province. // Spurred on by spirited crowds, they demolished the wall of prejudice that had once thwarted their progress with displays of technique, imagination and dynamism at their first world championship in PRC. // The positive impression was perpetuated when the FIFA Referees' Committee appointed women to officiate as referees and to serve on the touchline for one of the matches. The high point came when, for the first time in the history of a FIFA competition, Claudia de Vasconcelos from Brazil competently refereed the playoff for third place as though it was second nature. // China 1991 was a solid foundation on which to build. Responding to a suggestion from women players and officials that there was still a great deal of groundwork to be done, FIFA invited interested parties to a seminar in Zurich in autumn 1992. // The outcome was a somewhat sobering experience in spite of encouraging signs of growth in the USA and some leading European footballing countries. Elsewhere, however, social conventions stood in the way of a breakthrough for women's football. Even today in countries in which women's football is widely played there still exists a disconcerting lack of resources to establish a professional league at the top of the scale. // The infrastructure for men's football took decades to develop before it acquired the predominance it enjoys today. Women's football ventured its first hesitant steps at the end of the last century but, in spite of widespread popularity over the past twenty years, it is still very much in its infancy. This is where the associations come in. It is now up to them to nurture women's football actively (it is, after all, the most popular women's team sport in the world) by incorporating it, for example, in their general television and marketing contracts. // 【正确答案】: 艾伦·威尔是1986年在墨西哥城召开的国际足联第45次代表大会上挪威足协的一位代表,她向国际足联积极建议应该为发展女子足球采取更多的举措,让足球运动的另一半人口也能够展示出自己的潜力。威尔恐怕没有想到,她灵感的火花会在随后照亮女足运动发展的道路。//作为大会辩论的主持,前国际足联主席阿维兰热不仅完全同意这位挪威女代表的意见,而且还向她保证,自己本人一定会支持女足运动的发展,并成立了一个特别委员会作为行动的第一步。// 阿维兰热和当时的秘书长约瑟夫·布拉特在支持女足运动的问题上是非常严肃认真的。作为在国际奥委会(IOC)任职多年的成员之一,阿维兰热本人已经亲眼看到,女性在很多奥运会项目上都已获得平等比赛的权利,观众对此也是十分高兴。女性为自己的世界足球锦标赛摇旗呐喊只是个时间问题而已。如果足球真想吸引全世界的注目,它就不可能向占世界一半人口的女性说不。// 随着国际足联主席的首肯,一些女足运动的先驱国家开始大张旗鼓地行动起来,其中包括挪威、瑞典、德国、意大利还有美国——那里已加入俱乐部的球员有40%是女性。这项有望成为世界锦标赛的运动,将为独具魅力的女子足球提供一个展示自己的舞台。无论如何,现在是消除一切成见的时候了,尽管这些成见毫无根据,但它们的确不容易被根除。// 果然,作为世界锦标赛的试验场地,1988年在中国南部的广东省举行了一场赛事。高水平的比赛和球迷抢购球票的盛况使国际足联及其执行机构确信他们正沿着正确的方向前进。//初战告捷也令世界杯的官方赞助商们对女子足球渐渐有了兴趣。仅三年时间,12支来自世界各地的国家队齐聚中国南部,她们在广州以及广东省的其他四座城市展开对决,这些女足姑娘们的表现令整个足球世界陶醉了。// 在中国举办的首届世界女足锦标赛上,在狂热球迷的鼓舞下,她们充分展示了自己的技术、想象力和朝气蓬勃的活力,将所有阻碍女足前进的偏见都推翻了。//当国际足联裁判委员会在其中一场比赛中指定女性担任裁判和巡边员时,本次赛事的积极意义得到了进一步的提升。这种积极意义的顶峰出现在争夺第三名的比赛上。来自巴西的克劳迪亚·德·瓦斯康塞洛斯出色地完成了裁判任务,仿佛那是她与生俱来的天性一样,这在国际足联赛事的历史上无疑是第一次。// 1991年中国女足世界锦标赛为该事业的发展提供了一个坚实的基础。女球员和官员们都认为仍然有很多的基础工作需要完成,作为对此的回应,1992年秋天,国际足联邀请有关各方在苏黎世召开了一次研讨会。//会上大家对女足的发展有了比较清醒的认识:尽管在美国和一些先进的欧洲足球国家,女足的发展令人鼓舞,而在其他地方,社会习俗仍然挡在女足运动的发展道路上。就算今天在那些女足运动广泛开展的国家,该项运动依然受到资源匮乏的困扰,因而无法成立高水平的女足职业联盟。// 男子足球经过了数十年的基础建设才有了今天这样的发展优势。而女子足球在上个世纪末才冒险迈出了自己踌躇的第一步。尽管在过去20年间这项运动受到了广泛的欢迎,但它仍然处在自己的幼年期。这也正是各地足协所要着力发展的项目。现在他们的首要任务是积极扶持女足项目,比如可通过大众电视转播以及营销 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 来实现(毕竟,女子足球是世界上最受欢迎的女子集体运动项目)。// 第2题 The 1995 Women's World Cup in Sweden was anticipated as the consecration of the success which the women's game enjoyed at the inaugural championship in China in 199. After 52 teams participated in qualifying play, players from the best dozen teams in the world came together in the quest for two prizes: the World Cup itself, but also qualification for the first women's Olympic Football Tournament the following year in the United States. // The predominant impression from Sweden was that women's football was very alive, very well, and growing fast. All the positive features of the China tournament were in evidence again, notably the spirit of fair play, the will to attack, and the uninhibited enjoyment of the game. // But there were other new positive aspects, too. Not only did more teams in Sweden appear to have a greater number of first-choice players than in China, but also the gap in skill and talent between the top teams and the less successful had clearly closed over the past half decade. What's more, significant progress in the refereeing sector had taken place, with women officials taking charge of several matches, including the final. // Europe still dominated the game in 1995, with the USA a proven strength, and the Far East another hotbed. But it was now for a few particular areas of the world, notably South America and also Africa, to recognize the ineluctable evolution and rise to the challenge of the future. // The best example of this new change was evident in Brazil which, after a disappointing performance in Sweden, enthusiastically set about building up a new national team and saw its efforts crowned with a richly deserved fourth place in the 1996 Olympic Football Tournaments. // In addition to the fact that the standard of football was high throughout the event, Atlanta'96 will be remembered for being the first time ever that there was a women's football tournament at the Olympics. Nearly 1.4 million people watched the matches—averaging over 40,000 per game. // With its incredible setting and fantastic atmosphere, the Women's World Cup USA 1999 final was a milestone in the history of women's sports of any kind. This World Cup will go down in sports history as a turning point; it has set the standard against which events today and in the future are measured, and will forever be remembered as the breakthrough that spurred on and encouraged every confederation, every national association and every club to continue to try to do everything possible for the women's game. // No fewer than 90,000 women, men, girls and boys were there, including former President Bill Clinton of the United States of America, filled the stadium on a baking hot day at the final of the Women's World Cup in Los Angeles on 9 July 1999. Media interest reached new heights. The American team finally made the nation's dream come true, but only after scoring with a fifth and final penalty kick. Pictures of the team's celebrations were rushed round the world and will be remembered for a long time. // Teams from 104 nations participated in qualifying competition for the FIFA Women's World Cup USA 2003, nearly 25 more teams than in 1999. It is recognized that there is a need to raise the skill level of players, from the local level all the way through the top teams, so that the next Women's World Cup final round also captivates spectators in terms of quality—technical and tactical — and underscores that women's football has definitely established itself. // The way to the top begins at an early age. It is, therefore, vital for every club to support the ambitions of the national association by engaging qualified staff for coaching at the youngest levels. On the international scene, this will lead to the base of the pyramid widening and a significant pay-off in terms of quality at the top later on. // Over 80 teams participated in qualifying for the first FIFA U-19 Championship, held in Canada in 2002. Although it will take time for the effect to be felt, for new nations to start to challenge today's best, more competition can only be for the good of the game overall. // 【正确答案】: 1991年在中国举行的首届女足世界杯锦标赛取得了成功,1995年瑞典女足世界杯则被视作是这一成功的进一步体现。在52支球队进行了资格赛之后,来自世界各地最好的12支球队的球员们聚集在一起,共同追逐两大目标:首先是争夺世界杯,再一个就是取得进军首届奥运会女足比赛的资格,该项赛事将于次年在美国举行。// 瑞典世界杯给人最深刻的印象是:女足运动具有旺盛的生命力,正在健康、快速地发展起来。在这次比赛中,所有曾在中国赛场上表现出来的积极方面都再次得到了印证,尤其是公平竞赛的精神、进攻的意志以及对比赛无拘无束的享受。//除此之外,还有更多令人欣喜的方面。与1991年的中国赛场相比,更多的球队拥有了大量可供选择的一线球员,而且在过去的几年里,弱势球队与顶级球队之间在技术和能力上的差距明显缩小。另外,在裁判方面也取得了重大进步,女性裁判执法了好几场比赛,其中包括最后的决赛。// 尽管美国队被证明非常强大,远东球队也表现不俗,但1995年世界杯仍然是欧洲球队的天下。不过现在,随着世界上几个重点地区的加入——尤其是南美洲和非洲的加入,其发展和进步是不可忽视的,也给未来带来了挑战。//巴西队正是这种新变化的最好例证,在瑞典经历了令人失望的表现之后,她们全力投入建立一支新的国家队,并在随后看到了这种努力带来的收获。在1996年奥运会女足比赛中,该队当之无愧地获得第四名的成绩。//除了整个比赛期间高水准的足球赛事之外,1996年亚特兰大奥运会值得铭记的是,女足比赛第一次进入奥运会赛场。有近140万名观众现场观看了比赛,平均每场观众人数超过了4万人。// 由于其了不起的环境和无与伦比的气氛,1999年美国女足世界杯决赛堪称是所有女子运动项目的一个里程碑。本届世界杯将作为一个转折点记载于体育运动的历史中,它为今天甚至未来的大型赛事建立了一个 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。人们将永远铭记本次世界杯,还因为它推动和鼓舞了每一个联盟、每一个国家级足协和每一家俱乐部,继续去尽一切努力来发展女足运动。// 1999年7月9日的洛杉矶,天气十分炎热。不下9万观众——包括美国前总统比尔·克林顿——将球场塞了个水泄不通,他们正在观看女足世界杯的决赛。媒体的关注达到了一个新的顶峰。最终主队实现了所有关国人的梦想,不过她们也只是依靠第五个也是最后一个点球,才艰难取胜。球队庆祝胜利的照片在全世界范围内迅速传播,并将在很长一段时间内留在人们的脑海中。// 来自104个国家的球队参加了2003年美国女足世界杯资格赛的争夺,这比1999年的世界杯多了25支球队。但无论是地方球队还是顶级的球队,大家一致认为球员们在技术上还需进一步提高。所以下一届世界杯的决赛仍然要在质量上,——技术和战术上——吸引观众的目光,这也表明女足运动已完全步入正轨。// 千里之行,始于足下。因此对任何俱乐部来说,雇佣高水平的教练来执教青少年队,以此支持国家级足协的雄心都是至关重要的。就国际赛场而言,这样做能够拓宽和加强女足金字塔的基础,不久的将来,位于塔尖球队的质量会有显著的提高。//首届国际足联19岁以下青年女子足球锦标赛于2002年在加拿大举行,超过80支球队参加了该项赛事的资格赛。尽管还需要一段时间才能显现出效果,但对于那些开始挑战当今霸主的新生力量来说,更多的比赛对于这项运动无疑是有好处的。// 第3题 I am thrilled to be here in Beijing with you tonight and am truly honored that there is such recognition for my achievements in this country. As an international athlete you get the opportunity to travel the world and to pursue your dreams of being the best at what you set out to be representing your country. In my experience "the spirit of friendship" which we are all enjoying tonight is embodied in these international competitions. // I was 10 years old when it was announced that Sydney won the bid back in 1993. Seven years later I was competing in the greatest sporting event the world has ever seen against the best in the world. The Olympic spirit is all about being in one place at one time as one people. Where your race, color or creed is irrelevant and you compete as equals—no other avenue in the world allows this level of friendship. // We showcase the best the world has to offer in sport and every athlete representing their country helps unite the world as one. The Olympic spirit is not something preserved for athletes. For me particularly—it is the hope and inspiration that it generates for young people in the world. // To have an Olympics in your own home city is an experience which is almost impossible to put into words. It is about your pride for your country, welcoming the world as hosts and bringing so many foreign nations together in peaceful competition. It is truly a celebration of humanity. // I can look back now on the many friendships that I have been able to make through sport and it is wonderful that we now live in an age where countries can compete together in friendly competition and all of us are enriched and better off for this experience—win, lose or draw. // I am amazed at the exciting changes that are happening in China at present and have little doubt that Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will be an outstanding event. And regardless of whether I am still swimming or not—I intend to be here. The thing as an athlete you remember above anything else when you fly to a foreign country to compete is the "people." At the Sydney Olympics it was the efforts of the volunteers and the public whose smiling faces gleamed with pride during the games that made the Olympic experience my fondest living memory. // The culture and the history of a foreign place also make a striking impression. China, with its 5000 years of continuous history and richness of cultural heritage will be an unforgettable experience for the athletes of the world when they visit here in the lead up to and during 2008. During my short stay in China I have had the great pleasure to visit your most significant sites including the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. I am truly humbled by these monuments that have stood the test of time. The scale, craftsmanship and beauty of the Forbidden City has left me awestruck particularly when you consider the challenges that must have existed when it was built. // The Olympics themselves have a heritage, which goes back over thousands of years and of course were revived by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in modern times in Athens, 1896. I also wish to commend Beijing on its desire to stage a "Green Games"—something Sydney also considered a high priority. For all athletes, the quality of the environment in which they compete is important. Air quality and water quality can affect performances, and can assist an athlete to achieve his or her personal best. // At the Sydney 2000 Games, I greatly appreciated the efforts of the organizers to achieve high environmental standards. And I am pleased to advise that the Organizing Committee in Beijing is working to achieve even higher environmental standards. The many innovations and environmental programs that are being implemented in preparations for the Beijing 2008 Games will leave one of the most significant and lasting legacies for the country into its future. // (Excerpts from "The Australia-China Oration Series 2002"—Olympic Gold Medalist Ian Thorpe's speech) 【正确答案】: 今晚有机会与诸位相聚在北京我感到非常激动,我所取得的成绩能在中国得到如此广泛的认可,尤其令我感到荣幸。作为一名国际运动员,你有机会走遍世界,实现你代表祖国争当第一的梦想。我认为今晚我们正在享有的“友谊精神”在国际竞赛中得到了充分的体现。// 1993年当悉尼获得奥运会举办权时我只有10岁。7年后,我在那场最伟大的体育盛事中与世界上最优秀的选手同台竞技奥林匹克的精神就在于:全世界人民在同一时间同一地点合而为一。不分种族,肤色和信仰,大家在一起平等竞赛,世界上没有其他途径能建立如此水平的友谊。// 我们展示世界体育运动的最佳风采。所有代表自己国家的运动员将世界凝聚在一起。奥林匹克精神并非只属于运动员。在我看来奥运精神为青年人带来了希望和激励。// 在自己的祖国召开这一盛会,这种体验是无法用语言来形容的。你为自己的祖国感到骄傲,以东道主的身份欢迎五湖四海的宾朋,让世界各国汇聚到和平的竞赛中。这无疑是全人类的庆典。// 回首往事,我发现自己已通过体育结交了许许多多的朋友。让人高兴的是我们生活在一个能够友好竞争的时代。无论赢得比赛,还是输掉比赛,或是打成平手,我们通过参与而丰富和提高了自己。// 我为中国正在发生的令人振奋的变化感到震撼。2008年北京奥运会无疑将是一个杰出的盛会。无论我那时是否还在游泳,我都打算到北京来。作为一名运动员,当你来到另外一个国家参赛时,最难忘的就是这个国家的人民。在悉尼奥运会期间,志愿者和广大群众付出的努力和他们自豪的微笑是我奥运经历中最美好的记忆。// 另一个国家不同的文化和历史同样可以给人留下难以忘怀的印象。从现在起直至2008年奥运会期间,中国5000年源远流长的历史和丰富的文化遗产必将给来华访问的世界各国的运动员留下难忘的印象。// 我在这次短暂的访问中有幸游览了你们国家最著名的两个地方——长城和故宫在这些历经时间考验的人类奇迹面前我感到自己是那样的渺小。故宫无论从规模还是从建造工艺上都令人叹为观止,尤其是当你想到建造这些宫殿时所面临的种种挑战。// 奥林匹克运动由来已久,其历史可追溯到几千年前。而1896年在雅典奥运会上易爵·皮埃尔·顾拜旦又使其得以振兴。我尤其要赞扬北京力争举办一届“绿色奥运”的决心。这也正是悉尼奥运套首要考虑的问题。对运动员来讲,环境的质量对竞赛非常重要。空气和水的质量可以对运动员的表现产生影响,好的环境质量有助于运动员创造最好成绩。// 我非常感激悉尼2000年奥运会的组织者为使参赛者获得良好的环境而付出的努力。我很高兴地告诉大家北京奥组委正在努力创造更好的环境。北京在2008年奥运会的准备过程中实行的重大创新和环保措施一定会使中国长期受益。// (节选自奥运会冠军“飞鱼”伊恩·索普在2002年澳中演讲系列中的演讲) 第4题  One of the great legacies will be the impact of the Games on the country's young people. The Games inspire a new generation to believe in true values of fair play, the pursuit of excellence in what you do. to work as a team and above all in harmony—the Spirit of Friendship. // I have been fortunate to set records and win medals. But I realize when I stand on the blocks. the competition is really with me more than with others in the race. 1 cannot affect what my competitors will do, I can only commit myself that moment to do my best, to realize my own capabilities. In the end that is the key to having the best chance of winning. // But in the end that is the real human value for the sport for every athlete. The value lies in the effort and the striving even more than in the outcome. Every athlete who does that, and is true to themselves and their sport, deserves to be honored whether or not they come away from the race with a medal or a record. And so it is I think in everybody's daily life. What more can we do in our work, our professions, our personal lives, than to just try to realize our own individual potential? // Being a young person who has had the privilege and fortune to achieve success I feel a great sense of responsibility to help those less fortunate. In 2000 Ian Thorpe's Foundation for youth was established with the aim of assisting charity organizations that support the needs of children who are faced with challenges and difficulties in their lives due to illness. I believe that all children should be given the opportunity in their own lives to reach full potential. // I am very pleased to be helping raise money tonight for the Beijing Zhiguang Special Education and Training School which I visited yesterday and saw for myself the wonderful work they are doing. I met with the children and it reminded me again about how much we take for granted in our lives. // I can only hope that through the Foundation for youth and your support, together we can make a difference in the lives of many children and give them the opportunity to look forward to a bright future. So if you have not yet made a bid on our auction items tonight, or a donation at the table—I urge you to do so. // (Excerpts from "The Australia-China Oration Series 2002"—Olympic Gold Medalist Ian Thorpe's speech) 【正确答案】: 奥运留下的一个伟大遗产就是对青年人产生影响。奥运精神激励年轻一代坚信公平竞争、追求完美、团结合作以及和谐相处的真正价值,这正是友谊精神的精髓所在。// 我非常有幸能够创造记录并获得奖牌。但同时我也意识到:当我站在跳台的那一刻,真正的比赛与其说是与他人竞争,不如说是战胜自我。我无法对竞争伙伴产生影响,在那一瞬间我只是尽自己的努力要做到最好,要充分发挥自己的能力。最终这种信念往往是获胜的关键。// 这种信念最终将成为运动员真正的人生价值。与比赛结果相比,这种价值更多地体现在运动员努力奋斗的过程中。每一位做到了这一点的运动员,无论对自己还是对体育都问心无愧。不管他们是否获得了奖牌或创造了记录,都同样值得赞扬。除此之外,我认为所有这一切还体现在每个人的日常生活中。在工作、事业和个人生活上的最高境界就是努力实现自身的潜能。// 作为一个有幸获得了成功的年轻人,我感到自己有责任帮助那些不太幸运的人。2000年建立了伊恩·索普青少年基金会,旨在帮助慈善机构给因为疾病而面临困难和挑战的儿童提供支持。我相信所有儿童都应获得充分实现其潜能的机会。// 我很高兴今晚有机会为北京智光特殊教育和 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 学校筹集资金。昨天我参观了这所学校,亲眼看到了他们所做的了不起的工作。看到那些孩子时,又让我感到生活中我们认为理所当然的事太多了。// 我只是希望通过青少年基金会和诸位的支持,我们一起能为改变许许多多孩子的生活做些事情,使他们拥有一个光明的未来。如果你们还没有加入到拍卖或捐款活动中来,我真诚地希望你们能够参与进来。// (节选自奥运会冠军“飞鱼”伊恩·索普在2002年澳中演讲系列中的演讲) 二、Chinese-English Translation(本大题4小题.每题25.0分,共100.0分。Translate the following passage(s) into English . ) 第1题 奥运会主中心区将设在奥林匹克公园内。北京奥林匹克公园位于北京城市中轴线的北端,占地1215公顷,其中有760公顷的森林公园,与北京市著名的中关村大学区、历史风景名胜区和大型住宅区相邻。奥运村、记者村、主新闻中心、国际广播电视中心及14座比赛场馆,中国体育博物馆、中国国际展览中心、国家奥林匹克体育中心位于公园内。// 奥运村将被建成体现城市可持续发展的优美的生态区,成为北京、中国和世界的样板。“绿色奥运”的理念在此将得到充分体现。村内运动员住宅将不超过六层,每两人一间,配有先进的设备。// 村内将使用节能装置和环保材料,并广泛运用先进的网络技术。体现热情友好精神的娱乐场所,将使每一位村民感受家庭的温暖。这里提供的安全、舒适、方便的住宿条件将有助于运动员取得最好成绩。// 除部分比赛项目在城市中心举行外,其他项目的比赛集中在大学区、北部风景旅游区和西部社区。这些场馆和训练场馆的分布将方便运动员的使用,同时有利于赛后利用。赛后这些场馆将成为市民享受高品味文化氛围,进行运动、健身、休闲和文化活动的场所。// 奥运会将建设22个比赛场馆(3个在京外),将为中国人民留下宝贵的财富。奥运会 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 使用37个比赛场馆、59个训练场馆。除帆船比赛在青岛举行,足球预赛在天津、上海、沈阳和秦皇岛举行外,其他比赛均在北京举行。// 北京2008年奥运会依照国际奥委会建议在8月举行。此时正值北京夏季,是旅游的旺季和学生的假期,并处于世界范围的传统体育比赛日期之间。这将有利于在众多的大学生和其他人群中招募志愿者为奥运会服务,有利于让更多的国内外人士目睹奥运会的风采,也有利于传播。// 【正确答案】: The Olympic Green will be situated inside the Olympic Park, which lies at the north end of the axis of the eity of Beijing. Occupying an area of 1215 hectares, 760 hectares of which is a forest park, the Olympic Park is close to the Zhongguancun University Area, the North Scenic Area and the Western Community Area. In the Olympic Park you will find the Olympic Village, the Media Village, the Main Press Center, the International Broadcasting Center, venues for 14 of the sports, China Sports Museum, the China International Exhibition Center and the National Olympic Sports Center. // The development of the Olympic Village will become a model for Beijing, China and the rest of the world in environmentally sustainable urban development and will advance the concept of the Green Olympics. The residential buildings, no higher than six floors and with each room shared by two persons, are equipped with sophisticated communication facilities. // Energy saving equipment and environmentally friendly materials will be used; advanced network technology will be extensively adopted; and a spirit of warmth and hospitality will characterize the recreational facilities, creating a feeling of home. It will provide safe and comfortable accommodation to assist all athletes in achieving their peak performance. // Some events will be held in the central area of the city; others concentrated in the University Area, the North Scenic Area and the Western Community Area respectively. This distribution of competition and training venues will be convenient for athletes during the Games while offering viable post-Games use for the future benefit of people of Beijing and China, who will be given the widest possible opportunities to enjoy them for sporting, physical fitness, leisure and cultural activities. // Twenty-two new sports venues will be built for the Games (3 of them outside Beijing) and these will be an important legacy for the people of China. During the Olympic Games, it is envisaged that 37 venues will be used as competition sites and 59 as training sites. All events will take place in Beijing, except for sailing in Qingdao, and football preliminaries in Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang and Qinhuangdao. // In line with the IOC's proposal, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games are planned to be held in August. This summer period falls during student vacation, at the height of the tourist season, and between traditional dates of sports competitions around the world. This will make it optimal for the recruitment of students and other volunteers, and attraction of domestic and international spectators, and the world television audience. // 第2题 《北京2008》和大家见面了!在对这份精美的杂志表示衷心祝贺的同时,希望它更好地反映2008年北京奥运会的筹备情况,展示北京东方文明故都的城市风貌、厚重的历史、灿烂的文化和充满生机的现代气息,使这份刊物成为增强我们同国际奥林匹克大家庭之间联系的桥梁和纽带。// 上个月,我出席了国际奥委会第118次全会,亲历了都灵冬奥会,又一次感受到奥林匹克运动的巨大魅力。百年奥运,中华圆梦。北京以至全中国人民都热切盼望着在自己的家园举办一届奥运会。我们为能够亲身参与奥运会的筹备而感到自豪。//“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的奥运会主题口号,表达了我们为世界的和平、发展、合作做出贡献的强烈愿望。北京奥运会吉祥物“福娃”,向全世界传递了中国人民的祝福和“北京欢迎你”的心声。我们将全力以赴,把2008年北京奥运会办成一届有特色、高水平的奥运会。// 今年是北京奥运会筹办工作的关键之年,筹备工作已经从前期准备阶段转入到赛事运行阶段。我们深感时间更加紧迫,任务更加繁重,责任更加巨大。我们正在以只争朝夕的工作状态,精心组织,扎实推进实施“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”的各项工作。// 我相信,在国际奥委会的指导和帮助下,在中国政府和全国人民包括港澳台同胞、海外侨胞的大力支持下,一定能够高质量、高水平地做好各项筹备工作。希望《北京2008》杂志在筹办北京奥运会的进程中,广泛传播奥运理念,普及奥运知识,弘扬奥运精神,使更多的中外朋友,了解北京,了解中国,为展示北京及中华民族风貌做出新的贡献。// (北京奥组委主席刘淇于2006年3月为《北京2008》杂志致贺辞) 【正确答案】: As Beijing 2008 makes its debut, let me extend my congratulations to the successful launch of such an excellent publication. It's my hope that Beijing 2008 will report comprehensively on the preparations leading up to the Beijing Olympic Games, while showing that the ancient city of Beijing offers both a rich Eastern culture and dynamic modem life. I also hope that Beijing 2008 will serve as a bridge and ties between us and the rest of the Olympic Family around the world. // Last month, while attending the 118th Plenary Session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), I took time to experience the Turin Winter Olympics. I was once again overwhelmed by the tremendous influence of the Olympic Movement. For the Chinese people, the Beijing Olympics is a century-old dream that has come true. People of Beijing and the rest of China are looking forward to holding the Olympic Games in their land. We are proud to be involved in the preparations for the Beijing Olympics. // We have made "One World One Dream" the slogan of the Beijing Olympic Games to express our strong desire for the contribution to peace, development and cooperation around the world. We have named our Olympic mascots "The Fuwa" to convey Chinese people's best wishes to the international community and to send a warm invitation to the people all over the world to visit Beijing. We will do our best to make the Beijing 2008 Olympics a high-level Games with distinguished features. // The year of 2006 will be an important and arduous one in the preparatory work for the Beijing Olympics, with our focus shifting to competition operations. Being pressed for time, we have a greater sense of responsibility and urgency for the task. By seizing every second and with careful planning, we are working towards a Green Olympics. High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics. // I am confident that with the guidance and help of IOC and strong support from the Chinese government and people including compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas, all preparations will be accomplished with high quality and standards. As we carry out this work, I will look to Beijing 2008 to promulgate Olympic ideals, popularize Olympic knowledge and promote Olympism, so as to help more friends at home and abroad learn more about Beijing and China. // (Congratulatory Message from Mr. Liu Qi, President of the Beijing Organizing Committee, for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in March 2006) 第3题 北京奥运会不仅将展示新的激动人心的中国文化,也将体现北京独特的个性与技巧。北京也认为,应从奥林匹克运动中通过广泛咨询,得到技术上的建议。在准备这份报告时,我们咨询了来自悉尼、亚特兰大、巴塞罗那的专家。协商和对话是我们工作的原则。// 再次申办以来,我们不断地对举办北京奥运会的特殊意义,北京举办奥运会的条件和能力,进行反复的、多方向、多角度的研究和论证。这些研究和论证的结果,一次又一次地增强了我们的信心。我们承诺:// 北京奥运会将使运动员们满意。运动员是奥运会的核心,北京将保证他们在一个伟大的城市和清洁的环境中享有最理想的生活、训练和比赛条件,他们的体育才能将在公平竞赛的环境里得到充分发挥,并且激励中国和全世界的青年。// 北京奥运会将使国际奥委会、各国际单项体育组织和中国奥委会满意。他们的期望和要求将得到充分的满足。北京奥运会将充分发扬奥林匹克精神,并且展示出奥林匹克价值观对中国、亚洲和整个世界所产生的推动作用。// 北京奥运会将使媒体满意。各国和地区的记者将得到一流的工作和生活条件,赛场内外的每一条新闻都将迅速地传向世界的各个角落。// 北京奥运会将使国际奥委会市场开发计划的合作伙伴和赞助商们满意。他们的权益将得到切实可行的保障,他们的投资将得到最大的回报。// 北京奥运会将使所有来宾和观光者满意。他们将享有最优质的服务和最热情的接待。北京所企盼的,正是你们所追求的。2008,属于北京!// 【正确答案】: Just as Beijing will give a new and exciting Chinese cultural dimension to holding the Games, so will it bring its individual qualities and skills to preparing and organizing the Games. But Beijing also recognizes the need to consult widely and obtain technical advice from within the Olympic Movement, as has already been done with experts from Sydney, Atlanta and Barcelona in the preparation of this File. Consultation and dialogue will guide our work. // Since the day we submitted our second bid, we have given careful consideration to the feasibility and to the very significance of hosting the Olympic Games in Beijing. The results of our research and analyses have time and again increased our confidence in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. Our starting point and commitments are as follows: // We will work diligently to recognize the central importance of the athletes of the world. We will guarantee them the best possible living, training and competition conditions in a great city and a clean environment. They will have every opportunity to perform at their best and inspire a new generation of young people in China and around the world. // We will work diligently to meet the expectations and high standard of the International Olympic Committee of China, the International Sports Federations, and the National Olympic Committee. We will deliver an Olympic Games. which will promote Olympic spirit and give full expression to Olympic values for the benefit of China, the region and the world. // We will work diligently to ensure that the Media have easy access to advanced communication technologies and first-class working conditions so that each and every newsworthy event of the Games can be quickly and easily communicated to the rest of the world. // We will work diligently to give the opportunity to our TOP Program partners and other sponsors to obtain maximum commercial benefit from their involvement in the Olympic Games and to protect their rights and interests.// We will work diligently to give the large numbers of Olympic spectators and visitors to Beijing an unforgettable sporting and cultural experience. It is our sincere belief that the time is right for Beijing to celebrate the Olympic Games. // 第4题 作为一名运动员、教练员和体育管理者,尤其是作为奥运会的技术官员,我最大的体会是:在奥运会中,没有什么比运动员的利益更重要了。我们整个奥运计划的制定是以运动员需要为中心的。//在做任何决定时,我们都要问一问自己,什么对奥运会和残奥会运动员最有利。在国际单项体育组织的建议和指导下,并在我们运动员的参与下,我现在可以自豪而谦逊地说我们已经有效地回答了这个问题。// 我们为2008年奥运会28个体育项目提供的所有场馆均符合国际单项体育组织所批准的构思。北京的32个比赛场馆均位于交通干线附近,分为四个主要的赛区,奥林匹克公园、西部社区、大学区和北部风景区。53%的场馆到奥运村的行车时间在10分钟之内,所有32个场馆均可在30分钟内到达,以保证给运动员以最大的方便。// 京外的5个场馆,帆船比赛和足球预赛场地与北京的航空和公路交通也十分方便,从这些比赛场地到其所属奥运分村的车程在5分钟之内。所有的这些设施的建设均将按照国际单项体育联合会最新技术和意见进行,在2006年前完成供测试赛之用。在那时,北京将拥有具有时代特征、技术先进的体育设施网络。// 我们计划的点睛之笔是占地1,215公顷,临近市中心的北京奥林匹克公园。奥林匹克公园将成为2008年奥运会世人瞩目的焦点。它体现了奥林匹克运动的三大方面:体育、文化和环境。56%的运动员将在奥林匹克公园内参加比赛。// 奥运村将由永久性的低层公寓构成,运动员的人均居住面积为22平方米,这个数字比以往任何奥运会所提供的都要大。每两个运动员共用一个洗手间。每一个单元都配有空调、电视、电话和电脑联网,因此所有的运动员都可以在房间和远在家乡的亲人分享他们的经历。奥运村还将作为残奥村使用//。 奥运村还将提供多元文化设施,以满足所有奥运会和残奥会运动员的不同文化、宗教和饮食需求。奥运会和残奥会的所有代表团,无论其规模大小都将享受一致的关怀、服务和支持——讲他们本国语言的联络员还将随时为他们服务。// 在过去十年,中国举办了50余次世界、洲际锦标赛和综合比赛,包括第十一届亚运会、第一届东亚运动会,以及第六届远东及南太平洋残疾人运动会。下个月,北京将举办第二十一届世界大学生运动会。通过主办这些赛事,我们在计划和组织大型赛事的各方面获得了宝贵的经验。我们欢迎历届奥运会的专家共同工作,以学习他们的成功经验。// 在未来七年,我们将真挚地寻求在座各位的指导,与国际奥委会、国际单项体育组织、各个国家奥委会和国际残奥委会建立紧密的伙伴关系,以确保在2008年的新北京举办伟大的奥运会。// (节选自中国代表团成员楼大鹏2001年7月13日在国际奥委会上的申奥陈述) 【正确答案】: Having been an athlete, coach and a sport administrator—and in particular having served as a technical delegate at the Olympics—I have learned that nothing in the Olympic Games is more important than the interest of the athlete. Our entire plan has been developed with the athlete's needs at the center. // All decisions were driven by the question: what is best for the athletes, both the Olympians and the Paralympians. With the advice and guidance of the International Sports Federations, and the input from our athletes, I am pleased to be able to say with modesty that we have answered this question effectively. // For the 2008 Games, the competition sites we shall provide for 28 sports are all ISF approved in concept. The 32 venues in Beijing are conveniently located along the main transportation routes within the city in tour primary clusters: The Olympic Green, the Western Community Area, the University Area and the North Scenic Area. Fifty-three percent of the venues are less than 10 minutes travel time from the Olympic Village and all 32 venues less than 30 minutes. This guarantees the greatest possible convenience for the athletes. // The five venues outside Beijing, those for sailing and football preliminaries are well connected to Beijing by air and road and their sub-Villages are all within five minutes from the venues. By the end of 2006, all the venues will be ready for test events. They shall incorporate the latest technology and input from the International Sports Federations. By then, Beijing will have one of the finest networks of state-of-the-art sport facilities found anywhere. // The jewel in the crown of our plan is Beijing's remarkable Olympic Green, 1,215 hectares of prime land close to the city center. The Olympic Green will serve as the vibrant center point of the 2008 Games, encompassing the three dimensions of Olympism: sport, culture and environment. Fifty-six percent of the athletes in Beijing will compete in the Olympic Green. // The Olympic Village will consist of permanent low-rise apartments that provide the athletes with an average of 22 square meters each, more living space than at any previous Games. Every two athletes will share a bathroom. Each unit is equipped with air conditioning, television, phone and computer connections so from their rooms all athletes can share their experience with their loved ones far at home. The Village will also serve as the Paralympic Village. // The Village will offer a great multi-cultural setting that respects and embraces the cultural and religious diversity and dietary requirements of all Olympians and Paralympians. Every delegation, both for the Olympics and Paralympics, from the largest to the smallest, will enjoy the same attention, service and support—volunteers who speak their languages will be at their service at all time. // Over the past decade, China has hosted over 50 world and continental championship events and multi-games, including the 11th Asian Games, the 1st East Asian Games, as well as the 6th Far East and South Pacific Games for the Disabled. Next month, Beijing will host the 21st Universiade. Through hosting these events, we have gained valuable experience in planning and organizing every aspect of major sports. We welcome experts from previous Games to work with us so as to build on past experience and success. // In the coming seven years, we earnestly look forward to your guidance and a close partnership with the IOC, International Sports Federations, National Olympic Committees, and IPC, to ensure Great Olympics in New Beijing in 2008. // (Excerpts from the speech by Lou Dapeng, member of the Chinese delegation, on July 13, 2001 to win Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games) 跟多试卷请访问《做题室》www.zuotishi.com
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