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看the Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季 13集


看the Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季 13集看the Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季 13集   -Howard:Mody tells about the new Star Trek film. mody:电影表名 Star Trek:星舰迷航 trek:艰苦跋涉,徒步旅行 这儿有关于新一部星舰迷航电影的消息。 There's going to be a scene depicting Spock's birth. scene:电影中的一个镜头 depict:描述 将会有一幕拍摄Spock出生的情景。(“星舰迷航”主人公之一是Vu...

看the Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季 13集
看the Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季 13集   -Howard:Mody tells about the new Star Trek film. mody:电影 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 名 Star Trek:星舰迷航 trek:艰苦跋涉,徒步旅行 这儿有关于新一部星舰迷航电影的消息。 There's going to be a scene depicting Spock's birth. scene:电影中的一个镜头 depict:描述 将会有一幕拍摄Spock出生的情景。(“星舰迷航”主人公之一是Vulcan族) -Raj:I'd be more interested in a scene depicting Spock's conception. conception:怀孕 我对Spock受精时的情景更感兴趣。 -Sheldon:Oh, please.  得了吧。 For Vulcans, mating—or if you will, Pon Fahr-- mating:(鸟兽等的)交配 对于瓦肯人来说,交配-- 或者你想说 Pon Fahr-- (瓦肯人是 "星舰"系列中的瓦肯星人形生物 Pon farr 瓦肯人七年一次的发情期) It's an extremely private matter. extremely :极端,极其 private:秘密的 这都是极端隐私的。 -Leonard:Still, I'd like to know the details. details:细节 不过我还是想知道细节。 His mother was human. His father was Vulcan. 她妈妈是人类他爸爸是瓦肯人。 They couldn't just conceive. conceive:怀孕 他们两个不可能就简简单单的受孕了。 -Howard:Maybe they had to go to a clinic. clinic:诊所 也许他们只好去诊所, Can you imagine Spock's dad in a little room with a copy of Pointy Ears and Shapely Rears. pointy:尖的 Shapely:匀称的 Rears:臀部 你能想象Spock的爸爸一对尖尖的耳朵和匀称的臀部,在一个小房间里... -Raj:How comes on Star Trek everybody's private parts are the same? how comes:为什么,怎么会… 为什么"星舰迷航"里每个人的私处都大同小异呢? No alien lady ever told Captain Kirk, Hey, get your thing out of my nose. alien:外星人 Captain:船长  从没一个外星女士对Kirk舰长说过,嘿,把你那玩意儿从我鼻子里抽出来。 -Penny:Hi. Can you help me? I was writing an e-mail and the "A" key got stuck. key:键盘   stuck:不能动 嗨,能帮帮我吗?我正在写电邮,结果"A"键弹不起来了。 Now it's just going "Aaa..." 现在屏幕一直在叫"啊..."。 -Leonard:What'd you spill on it? spill:泼,溢 你往上面倒什么了? -Penny:Nothing. 没什么。 Diet Coke. 健怡可乐, And yogurt. yogurt:酸奶 还有酸奶, And a little nail polish. nail polish:指甲油 还有一点点指甲油。 -Leonard:I'll take a look at it. 我帮你看看吧。 -Howard:Gentlemen, switching to local nerd news— switch to:切换到   local:本地的 nerd:书呆子 先生们,切换到本地书呆子新闻— Fishman, Chen, Chaudury and McNair aren't fielding a team in the university Physics Bowl this year. field:组合(上场) Physics Bowl:物理杯 Fishman、Chen、Chaudury和McNair四人今年不组队参加大学物理竞赛了。 -Leonard:You're kidding. Why not? 你开玩笑呢,为什么不参加了? -Howard:They formed a barber shop quartet and got a gig playing Knott's Berry Farm. barber:(伤感歌曲)男生重唱的 quartet:四重唱 gig:演唱会  Knott's Berry Farm:纳式草莓乐园 他们组了一个男声四重唱,还在纳式草莓乐园里进行了一场演出 (一座西部拓荒时期风格的儿童乐园)。 -Penny:Wow, so in your world, you're like the cool guys. 哇哦,这么说来在你们的世界里你们是很有型的了。 -Howard:Recognize. 认出来了 (模仿喜剧角色Ali G)。 -Leonard:This is our year. 这将是我们大出风头的一年。 With those guys out, the entire Physics Bowl will kneel before Zod. kneel:跪 那些家伙们不参加的话,整个物理竞赛都将拜倒在Zod脚下 (Zod是 "超人前传"中的大反派)。 -Penny:Zod? Zod? -Howard:Kryptonian villain. Long story. Kryptonian:氪星 villain:恶棍 氪星的大恶棍,说来话长。 -Raj:Good story. 好故事。 -Sheldon:Well, count me out. count out:不把…考虑在内 我不参加。 -Leonard:What? Why? 什么? 为什么? -Sheldon:You want me to use my intelligence in a tawdry competition? intelligence:智力,智慧 tawdry:华而不实的 competition:比赛 你想让我把才智浪费在这种华而不实的比赛上吗? Would you ask Picasso to play Pictionary? Picasso:毕加索 pictionary:看图猜词游戏 你会让毕加索去玩画图猜词游戏吗? Would you ask Noah Webster to play Boggle? Noah Webster:诺亚.韦伯斯特,美国词典编纂之父 Boggle:填字游戏 你会让Noah Webster玩填字游戏吗? Would you ask Jacques Cousteau to play Go Fish? Go Fish:"钓鱼"游戏 会让Jacques Cousteau玩"钓鱼"游戏吗 (法国海军将领海洋生物学家)? -Leonard:Come on, you need a four-person team. We're four people. 别这样啊,必须四人组队,我们刚好四个人。 -Sheldon:By that reasoning we should also play Bridge, hold up a chuppah Bridge:桥牌 chuppah:(犹太教举行婚礼上用的)彩棚 这么说的话,我们也应该玩桥牌再支个彩棚 (犹太教婚礼上用的有四个支柱), And enter the Olympic bobsled competition. enter:参加 bobsled:长撬  参加奥林匹克雪橇比赛。 -Penny:Tickets to that, please. ticket:票 啊,那个我想看。 -Leonard:Sheldon, what, do I need to quote Spock's dying words to you? quote:引用  dying words:遗言 Sheldon你是怎么了,需要我引述Spock的遗言给你听吗 (美国儿科专家教育家和作家)? -Sheldon:No, don't. 不,不要。 -Leonard:The need of the many… 大多数人的利益... -Howard:Outweigh the need of the few 重于少数人的利益, -Sheldon:Or the one. Damn it, I'll do it. 或个人的利益" 见鬼,我参加。 -Raj:Okay, first order of Physics Bowl business: order:程序   物理竞赛的第一道程序, We need a truly kick-ass team name. kick-ass:强大的 我们需要一个拉风的队名。 Suggestions? 有什么建议? -Howard:How about the Perpetual Motion Squad? Perpetual Motion:永恒运动 Perpetual:永久的 Squad:小队 永动队怎么样? It's beyond the laws of physics, plus a little heads-up for the ladies. beyond:超出 plus:另有 heads-up:警告  超出了物理学定律另外也是对女性朋友的小提醒。 -Leonard:The ladies? 女性? -Howard:"Perpetual Motion Squad—we can go all night." 永动队--我们可以一夜不停。 -Raj:I like it. 我喜欢。 -Sheldon:I don't. 我不喜欢。 Teams are traditionally named after fierce creatures, traditionally:传统上 named after:以…的名字起名 fierce:凶猛的 creatures:动物 队名通常来源于猛兽, Thus intimidating one's opponent. intimidating:恐吓,威胁 opponent:对手 以此威慑对手。 -Raj:Then we could be the Bengal tigers. Bengal:孟加拉 那我们可以叫"孟加拉虎队"。 -Sheldon:Poor choice. 真没劲。 Gram for gram, no animal exceeds the relative fighting strength of the army ant exceed:超过 relative:相对的 fighting:战斗的 strength:强度 army:军队 ant:蚂蚁 就事论事,没有什么动物的相对攻击能力比行军蚁强了。 -Raj:Maybe so, but you can't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass. incinerate:把…烧成灰烬 magnifying glass:放大镜 也许是这样,但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。 -Leonard:Let's put it to a vote. All those in favor... vote:投票,选票 in favor:赞同 我们来投票吧,赞成...的... -Sheldon:Point of order. I move that any vote on team names must be unanimous. point of order:议事程序的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题    unanimous:一致同意的 议事程序的问题,对队名的投票表决必须是大家一致通过的, No man should be forced to emblaze on his chest emblaze:点燃,颂扬 chest:胸部 不应该有人被迫在胸前别上 With a Bengal tiger when common sense dictates common sense :常识   dictate:指令,指示 孟加拉虎的图章,尽管用常识来判断都知道 It should be an army ant. 应该用一只行军蚁。 -Leonard:Will the gentleman from the great State of Denial yield for a question? denial:否认,拒绝 yield:屈服 反对大国来的这位先生会对什么问题妥协吗? -Sheldon:I will yield. 我会妥协的。 -Leonard:After we go through the exercise of an annoying series of votes, go through:经历 annoying:恼人的,讨厌的 series:系列  当我们经历过一系列烦人的投票后, All of which the gentleman will lose, does he then intend to threaten to quit intend:打算 threaten:威胁 quit:离去,停止 到最后这位先生输了,他会不会威胁要退出呢? If he does not get his way?  如果他得不到想要的结果, -Sheldon:He does.  他会威胁退出。 -Leonard:I move wear the Army Ants. All those in favor? 我换投票给行军蚁,大家都同意么? -Penny:Good afternoon, and welcome to today's Physics Bowl practice round. practice:练习 round:轮,局 下午好,欢迎参加今天的物理竞赛热身赛。 I'm Penny, and I'll be your host. host:主持人 我是Penny 你们的主持人。 Because apparently I didn't have anything else to do on a Saturday afternoon, 因为显然我星期六下午没什么事干, And isn't that just a little sad? 难道不是有点可悲? Gentlemen, are you ready? 先生们,准备好了没? -Leonard:Yes. 是的。 -Sheldon:Of course.  当然了。 -Howard:Fire away. 鸣枪吧。 -Penny:You know, it's none of my business, but isn't a guy who can't speak 虽然这不关我的事,不过如果一位男士 In front of women going to hold you back a little? hold back:阻碍 在女士面前无法开口的话,会不会有点儿拖你们后腿? -Leonard:Oh, he'll be okay once the women are mixed into the crowd. mix into:把…混入 crowd:人群 他会没事的,只要那女人混在人群里。 He only has a problem when they're one-on-one and smell nice. one-on-one:一对一,独处 他只在他们独处并且她很好闻时才说不出话。 -Penny:Ah, thanks, Raj. It's vanilla oil. vanilla:香草  啊,谢谢Raj,我用的是香草精油。 -Leonard:I was actually the one who noticed. Okay, let's just start. notice:注意 实际上注意到那味道的人是我,好了,我们快开始吧。 -Penny:Okay, the first question is on the topic of optics. topic:话题 optics:光学 好的,第一个问题是光学方面的。 "What is the shortest light pulse ever produced?" light pulse:光脉冲  最短的光脉冲是多少? Dr. Cooper. Cooper博士。 -Sheldon:And of course the answer is130 attoseconds. attosecond:渺秒(1渺秒是百亿亿分之一秒) 当然答案是130渺秒 (1渺秒是百亿亿分之一秒)。 -Penny:That is correct. 正确。 -Leonard:I knew that, too. 我也知道。 -Penny:Good for you, sweetie. 很好宝贝儿。 Okay, next question: 下一个问题。 "What is the quantum mechanical effect used to encode data on hard-disk drives?" quantum mechanical effect:量子力学效应 encode:编码 data:数据 hard-disk:硬盘 drive:驱动 "用来给硬盘驱动编码的量子力学效应是什么?" Howard? Howard? -Sheldon:And of course the answer is giant magnetoresistance. giant:巨大的 magnetoresistance:磁致电阻 答案当然是巨磁阻效应。 -Penny:Right. 回答正确。 -Howard:Hey, I buzzed in. buzz in: 迅速地进来 嘿,我按的钮。  -Sheldon:And I answered. It's called teamwork. teamwork:团队合作 我答了题,这叫团队合作。 -Howard:Don't you think I should answer the engineering questions? engineering:工程学 你不觉得应该由我来回答工程学问题吗? I am an engineer. engineer:工程师 我是工程师。 -Sheldon:By that logic I should answer all the anthropology questions, logic:逻辑 anthropology:人类学 照这种逻辑,我应该回答所有人类学问题, Because I'm a mammal. mammal:哺乳动物 因为我是个哺乳动物。 -Leonard:Just ask another one. 继续问吧。 -Penny:Okay. 好的。 "What artificial satellite has seen glimpses of Einstein's predicted framed ragging?" artificial satellite:人造卫星 glimpse:一瞥 Einstein:爱因斯坦  predict:预言 framed:框架 ragging:拖曳 哪一颗人造卫星见证了爱因斯坦预言的引力框架拖曳理论? (致密天体例如黑洞与中子星它们的自转能吸引附近的空间与时间围绕它们一同转) -Sheldon:And of course, it's Gravity Probe B. gravity:重力 probe:探针 当然是"重力探针B" (2004年发射升空任务是探测地球附近的时空曲率)。 -Leonard:Sheldon, you have to let somebody else answer. Sheldon你也得让别人回答吧。 -Sheldon:Why? 为什么? -Penny:Because it's polite. polite:有礼貌的 因为这是礼貌。 -Sheldon:What do manners have to do with it? This is war. manners:礼貌  这跟礼貌有什么关系? 这是战争。 Were the Romans polite when they salted the ground of Carthage Romans:罗马人 salted:撒盐 Carthage:迦太基(被罗马帝国所灭) 罗马人为了确保迦太基的土地上不再有任何作物生产, To make sure nothing would ever grow again? 而给田野里撒盐的时候礼貌吗? -Penny:Leonard, you said I only had to ask questions. Leonard你说过,我只用问问题就行了。 -Sheldon:The objective of the competition is to give correct answers. objective:目的 competition:比赛 correct:正确的 竞赛的目的是回答出正确的答案。 If I know them, why shouldn't I give them? 如果我知道正确答案,为什么不说呢? -Howard:Some of us might have the correct answers, too. 我们可能也知道正确答案啊。 -Sheldon:Oh, please. You don't even have a PhD. 得了吧,你连博士学位都没有。 -Howard:All right, that's it! 好了,我受够了! -Leonard:Howard, sit down. Howard坐下。 -Howard:Okay.  好吧。 -Leonard:Maybe we should take a little break. break:间歇  我们还是休息一会儿吧。  -Sheldon:Good idea. I need my wrist brace. wrist:腕关节 brace:托架,支架 好主意,我要找找我的手腕矫具, All this button-pushing is aggravating my old Nintendo injury. button:按钮 pushing:按  aggravate:使恶化 Nintendo:任天堂 injury:伤害 按钮按得我的Nintendo旧伤都恶化了 (指代日本任天堂游戏公司出品的游戏)。 -Howard:I agree. 我同意。 -Penny:What did he say? 他说什么? -Howard:He compared Sheldon to a disposable feminine clean sing product compared to:把…比作…   disposable:一次性的 feminine:女性的  他把Sheldon比喻成一个一次性的女性清洁用具。 One might use on a summer's eve. 可能在"夏天晚上"要用到的 (summer's eve "夏天晚上" 是著名女性洗护品牌)。 -Penny:Yeah, and the bag it came in. 对,还有装它的袋子。 -Sheldon:Leonard, excellent. I want to show you something. excellent:太好了 Leonard太好了,我想让你看点东西。 -Leonard:Can it wait? I need to talk to you. 能等一会吗,我们得谈谈。 -Sheldon:Just look. I've designed the perfect uniforms for our team. design:设计 uniforms:制服  你看,我为我们队设计了完美的制服。 The colors are based on Star Trek: The Original Series. are based on:建立在…基础上 Star Trek:星舰迷航  Original:原始的 颜色是根据"星舰"原始系列设计的。 The three of you will wear Support Red, support:支撑,支援 你们三个穿支援红色, And I will wear Command Gold. command:指挥 我的是指挥官金色。 -Leonard:Why do they say"AA"? 上面为什么写着"AA"? -Sheldon:Army Ants. 行军蚁啊。 -Leonard:Isn't that confusing? "AA" might mean something else to certain people. confusing:含糊不清的 certain:某些 会不会有歧义啊? "AA"也许对其他人来说有别的意思呢?(AA制) -Sheldon:Why would a Physics Bowl team be called Anodized Aluminum? Anodized:做阳极化处理的 aluminum:铝 物理竞赛小组为什么会叫阳极化处理的铝(英文缩写也是"AA")? -Leonard:No, I meant... 不,我是指... Never mind. 别管它了。 Hey, check it out, I got you a Batman cookie jar. cookie:饼干 jar:罐子 嘿,看看,我给你买了个蝙蝠侠的饼干罐。 -Sheldon:Oh, neat! What's the occasion? neat:整洁的 occasion:特殊场合,庆典 喔,真精巧! 今天是什么大日子么? -Leonard:Well, you're a friend, and you like Batman 这个... 你是我的朋友,你喜欢蝙蝠侠, And cookies, and you're off the team. 还有饼干,而且你被移出小队了。 -Sheldon:What? 什么? -Leonard:Howard, Raj and I just had a team meeting. Howard、Raj和我刚刚开了给小组会议。 -Sheldon:No, you didn't. 不,你没有。  -Leonard:Yes, we did. I just came from there. 我们开了,我刚从那回来。 -Sheldon:Okay, I don't know where you just came from, 好吧,我不知道你刚刚从哪来, But it could not have been a team meeting 但那不可能是个小组会议。 Because I'm on the team and I wasn't there. 因为我是小组成员,可我不在场 Ergo, the team did not meet. ergo:因此 因此小组没有开会。 -Leonard:Okay, let me try it this way: 好吧,我这样说吧。 I was at a coffee klatch with a couple of friends, coffee klatch:咖啡聚会 klatch:谈话会  我和几个朋友一起搞了个茶话会, And one thing led to another, and it turns out you're off the team. turns out:结果是  从一件事谈到另一件,最后的结果是你被移出小队了。 -Sheldon:Why? 为什么? -Leonard:Because you're taking all the fun out of it. fun:乐趣 因为你把所有乐趣都给毁了。 -Sheldon:I'm sorry, is the winner of the Physics Bowl the team that has the most fun? winner:获胜者  不好意思,难道赢得物理竞赛不是小组最大的乐趣吗? -Leonard:Okay, let me try it this way: 好吧,那我再说明白点。 You're annoying and no one wants to play with you any more. annoying:烦人的,讨厌的  你很烦人,没人愿意和你一起玩了。 -Sheldon:I see. 明白了。 Well, at this point I should inform you that I intend to form my own team inform:通知 intend:打算 form:组成 好的,那么我应该通知你,我要组建自己的队伍, And destroy the molecular bonds that bind your very matter together, destroy:毁灭 molecular bonds:分子键 bind:捆绑  打断你们所有的分子键, And reduce the resulting particulate chaos to tears. reduce:将…还原 particulate:微粒 chaos:混乱 让产生的微粒混沌也难过得流眼泪。 -Leonard:Thanks for the heads-up. heads-up:警告 谢谢你的提醒。 -Sheldon:You're welcome. 不客气。 One more thing. 还有一件事。 -Leonard:Yes?  什么? -Sheldon:It's on, bitch. 开战了,三八。 -Howard:So who'd he get to be on his team? 他会找谁组队? -Leonard:He won't say. 他不会告诉我们的。 He just smiles and eats macaroons out of his bat jar. macaroons:蛋白杏仁饼干 他只是笑着从蝙蝠侠的饼干罐里拿蛋白杏仁饼干吃。 -Raj:He's using psychological warfare. psychological:心理的 warfare:战争 那是心理战术, We must reply in kind. reply:回复  我们得好好地回应他。 I say we wait until he looks at us, 就等他朝我们这边看时, Then laugh like, "Yes, you are a smart and strong competitor, competitor:竞争者,对手 就大笑,表现出你的确是个聪明的强劲的对手, But we are also smart and strong, 但我们也不比你差, And we have a reasonable chance of defeating you. reasonable:合理的 chance:机会 defeating:击败 而且我们很有机会赢你,怎么样? -Leonard:How exactly would that laugh go? 那是怎么个笑法? -Howard:That sounds more like, "We are a tall, thin woman who wants to make a coat out of your Dalmatians." thin:瘦的 coat:外套   Dalmatians:达尔马提亚狗(俗称“斑点狗”) 感觉更像是"我们是又高又瘦的"想用你的斑点狗做衣服的女人... ("101忠狗"中的邪恶女老板) -Leonard:Guys, let's remember that Sheldon is still our friend and my roommate. roommate:室友 伙计们Sheldon仍然是我们的朋友和我的舍友啊。 -Howard:So? 所以呢? -Leonard:So nothing. Let's destroy him. 没什么,我们毁灭他吧。 -Sheldon:Gentlemen. 先生们。 -Howard:Okay, we're going to need a strong fourth for our team. 我们需要一名强大的队友。 -Raj:You know who is apparently very smart is the girl who played TV's Blossom. apparently:显然的  我觉得演Blossom的那个女孩很聪明 (1991-1995年NBC电视台的喜剧)。 She got a PhD. in neuroscience or something. PhD:博士学位 neuroscience:神经系统科学 她在神经科学还是什么方面拿到了博士学位。 -Leonard:Raj, we're not getting TV's Blossom to join our Physics Bowl team. Raj我们不会让电视里的Blossom来参加物理竞赛小组的。 -Raj:How about the girl from The Wonder Years? The Wonder Years: "纯真年代" 演"纯真年代"的那个女孩怎么样? -Howard:Gentlemen, I believe I've found the solution to all our problems. solution:解决 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 兄弟们,我想我找到解决方法了。 -Leonard:We can't ask Leslie Winkle. 不能叫Leslie Winkle来参加。 -Raj:Why? Because you slept together, and when she was done with you? 为什么? 因为上床了,完事后 She discarded you like last night's chutney? discard:抛弃 chutney:酸辣酱 她把你像隔夜的咖喱酱一样抛弃了? -Leonard:Yes. 没错。 -Howard:Sometimes you've got to take one for the team. 有时候为了队伍必须要忍受。 -Raj:Yeah, sack up, dude. 对,痛快点,老兄。 -Leonard:Fine. 好吧。 Here I go, taking one for the team... in the sack. sack:麻袋 我就为了队伍忍一忍吧... 在麻袋里... Hey, Leslie. 嘿Leslie。 -Leslie:Hi, guys. 嗨伙计们。 -Leonard:So, Leslie, I have a question for you, and it might be a little awkward, awkward:尴尬的 Leslie我有件事想问你,可能有点尴尬, You know, given that I... 你知道,鉴于...  -Howard:Hit that thing. 说正事。 -Leslie:Leonard, there's no reason to feel uncomfortable uncomfortable:不安的,不自在的 Leonard没什么好尴尬的, Just because we've seen each other's faces 我们只不过看着对方的脸和裸体, And naked bodies contorted in the sweet agony of coitus. naked:赤裸的 contort:扭曲 agony:痛苦 coitus:性交 在性交的甜蜜和痛苦中扭曲而已。 -Leonard:There's not? 不尴尬吗? Gee, 'cause it sure sounds like there should be. 天哪,可是听起来真的应该是很尴尬啊。 -Leslie:Rest assured that any aspects of our sexual relationship rest assured:确信无疑,放心 aspects:方面  我们的规定保证了我们性关系的各个方面, Regarding your preferences, your idiosyncrasies, regarding:关于 preferences:偏好 idiosyncrasies:习性 performance:表现 包括你的偏好、特性和你的表现, Your performance are still protected by the inherent confidentiality of the bedroom. protect:保护 inherent:固有的,内在的 confidentiality:机密性 仍然受到卧室内部保密 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的保护。 -Leonard:That's all very comforting, but if it's okay, 这些都很令人鼓舞,如果可以的话 I'd like to get on to my question now. 现在我想继续问我的问题。 -Leslie:Proceed. 说吧。 -Leonard:We are entering the Physics Bowl, and we need a fourth for our team. 我们要参加物理竞赛,队伍还需要一个人。 -Leslie:No, thanks. I'm really busy with my like-sign dilepton supersymmetry search. dilepton :双粒子 supersymmetry:超对称性 不了,谢谢,最近我在搞双粒子纠缠态超对称性的研究,真的很忙。 -Howard:Dilepton, shmylepton. We need you. 双粒子,什么粒子,我们需要你! -Leslie:Sorry. 不好意思。 -Howard:Well, we tried. 好吧,我们尽力了。 We'll just have to face Sheldon mano y mano y mano y mano a mano. 我们不得不面对Sheldon,面对面,竞争,竞赛,交手... -Leslie:Wait, you're going up against Sheldon Cooper? go up against:面临 等等,你们的对手是Sheldon Cooper? -Howard:Yes. 是啊。 -Leslie:That arrogant, misogynistic, East Texas doorknob with high-energy particles for laundry and childbearing? arrogant:傲慢的 misogynistic:厌恶女人的人 Texas:德克萨斯州 doorknob:门把手 high-energy:高能 particles:粒子 laundry:洗衣房 childbearing:分娩 那个傲慢自大、厌恶女人、东德克萨斯州来的蠢驴,让我放弃我的高能粒子研究,去洗衣服做饭带孩子的混蛋? -Leonard:She's in. 她答应了。 -Penny:So, how do you feel? Nice and loose? Come to play? Got your game face on? 感觉怎么样? 舒坦和放松? 只是玩玩? 还是认真对待? Are you ready? 准备好了? -Leonard:Yeah. You know, you don't have to stay for the whole thing. whole:全部的 啊,其实你不用一直待在这儿的。 -Penny:Oh, no, no. I want to. Sounds really interesting. sounds:听起来 没事的,我想留下听起来真的相当有趣。 -Sheldon:Gentlemen. 先生们。 -Leonard:Sheldon Sheldon -Howard: Sheldon Sheldon -Penny:Sheldon I'm just gonna sit down. gonna= going to Sheldon我还是先坐下吧。 -Leonard:So, is that your team? 那就是你们队的成员? -Sheldon:Actually, I don't need a team. 我根本不需要一个队。 I could easily defeat you single-handedly, defeat:击败   single-handedly:独立地 我用一只手就轻而易举地打败你。 But the rules require four. require:要求 但是规则要求四个人参加。 So, may I introduce the third-floor janitor? janitor:看门人 那么由我来介绍一下三楼看门的大爷, The lady from the lunch room and my Spanish is not good-- Spanish:西班牙语 午餐室的女士,还有,我西班牙语不太好— Either her son or her butcher. butcher:屠夫 那不是她儿子就她厨房的屠夫。 And what about your team? 你们队怎么样呢? What rat have you recruited to the S.S. Sinking Ship? rat:大老鼠 recruit:招募 Sinking:沉没的 你们那艘要沉的船上又招募了什么老鼠啊? -Leslie:Hello, Sheldon. 你好啊Sheldon。 -Sheldon:Leslie Winkle. Leslie Winkle。 -Leslie:Yeah, Leslie Winkle. The answer to the question, 对,Leslie Winkle就是这个问题的答案, "Who made Sheldon Cooper cry like a little girl?" "谁让Sheldon Cooper 哭得像个小女孩一样啊?" -Sheldon:Yes, well, I'm polymerized tree sap, and you're an inorganic adhesive. polymerize:聚合的 sap:树液 inorganic:无机的 adhesive:黏合剂 好吧,我是松香甘油树脂(一种有机粘合剂) 你是无机粘合剂, So whatever verbal projectile verbal:语言的 projectile:子弹  不管你朝我的方向发射什么语言子弹, You launch in my direction is reflected off of me, launch:发射 direction:方向 reflect:反射 都会反射以后弹回去, Returns on its original trajectory trajectory:弹道,轨道 回到它原有的轨道上, And adheres to you. adheres to:依附 附着在你身上。 -Leslie:Oh, ouch! 哦,哎哟! -Judge:Okay, if everyone could please take your seats. 请各位就座。 -Leonard:Here's your T-shirt. 这是你的队服。 -Leslie:PMS? PMS? (月经前期综合症) It's a couple days early... 早了几天吧... -Leonard:No. It stands for Perpetual Motion Squad. 不,这是"永动队"的意思。 -Leslie:Oh, right, of course. What was I thinking? 哦,对,那当然了,我在想什么呢? -Judge:Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to this year's Physics Bowl! 各位下午好,欢迎参加今年的物理学竞赛! Today's preliminary match features two great teams. preliminary:预备的 match:比赛  今天的预赛有两支优秀的队伍参加。 AA versus... versus:对 AA 对战... PMS. PMS。 -Howard:All night long, y'all! 一整夜啊,大家! -Judge:Okay, well, let's jump right in. First question for ten points: point:分数 好了,让我们进入正题,第一个问题,十分题。 "What is the iso-spin singlet partner of the pi-zero meson?" iso-spin:同位旋 singlet:独态 meson:介子 "π-0介子的自旋反平行独态的配偶体是什么?" PMS? PMS队的答案是? -Leonard:The eta meson. eta:η(希腊字母表第七个字母) meson:介子 是η介子。 -Judge:Correct. 正确。 -Sheldon:Formal protest. formal:正式的 protest:抗议 正式抗议。 -Judge:On what grounds? ground:理由 什么理由? -Sheldon:The Velcro on my wrist brace caught on my shirt. Velcro:维可牢尼龙搭扣(商标名称) wrist brace:护腕  我护腕上的尼龙褡裢粘着我的衣服了。 -Judge:Denied. 驳回。 All right, for ten points, 接下来,十分题。 "What is the lightest element on Earth, with no stable isotope?" element:元素 stable isotope:稳定同位素 地球上没有稳定同位素的最轻的物质是什么?" AA? AA队的答案是? -Sheldon:And of course, the answer is technetium. technetium:锝 当然答案是锝 (一种银灰色放射性金属)。 -Judge:Terrific. 漂亮。 Next question: "What is the force between two uncharged plates due to quantum vacuum fluctuation?" force :作用力 uncharged:不带电的 plates:平板 due to:由于 quantum:量子 vacuum:真空 fluctuation:起伏 下一个问题,在电磁真空涨落作用下两块不带电的平板间的作用力是什么?" PMS? PMS队的答案是? -Raj:Sheldon can suck on... the Casimir effect. Casimir:卡西米尔 effect:效应 Sheldon听着点... 卡西米尔效应 (平行板电容器在辐射场真空态中存在吸引力的现象)。 -Judge:Correct. 正确。 How does a quantum computer factor large numbers? factor:把…作为因素计入 量子计算机是怎么计算大量数据的? PMS? PMS队的答案是? -Leslie:Shorts algorithm. algorithm:运算法则 简化算法。 -Judge:Correct! 正确。 -Sheldon:4.1855 times ten to the seventh ergs per calorie. times:乘以 ergs:尔格,功之单位 calorie:卡路里,热量单位 每卡路里4.1855乘以10的7次方尔格 (erg 功之单位)。 -Leonard:Prevost's theory of exchanges. Prevost:普雷沃斯(姓氏) theory:原理,理论 普雷沃斯交换原理 (当物体与其周围物体处于平衡 它以相等速率辐射和吸收辐射能 因而它的温度保持不变 )。 -Sheldon:Lambda equals on over pi r squared n. Lambda:λ(希腊字母的第十一个字母) equals:等于 pi::圆周率π squared:平方的 λ等于πr的n次方。 -Howard:760 degrees Celsius... degrees Celsius:摄氏温度 760 摄氏度... The approximate temperature of the young lady in the front row. approximate:近似的 temperature:温度 in the front row:在头排 接近第一排的年轻女士的温度。 -Judge:Mr. Wolowitz, this is your second warning. warning:警告 Wolowitz先生,这是你的第二次警告了。 -Sheldon:A sigma particle. sigma:∑,希腊字母 particle:粒子 ∑粒子(核能术语 sigma粒子)。 -Leslie:Yes, assuming the hypothetical planet has a mass greater than the Earth. assuming:如果 hypothetical:假设的 planet:行星 mass:质量  是的,如这个假设的星球质量比地球大的话。 -Judge:Correct. 正确。 Ladies and gentlemen, I hold in my hand the final question. final:最后的 女士们先生们,我手里拿着最后一道问题。 The score now stands: AA1, 150, PMS1,175. score:得分 现在的比分是 AA 1150分,PMS 1175分 So, for100 points and the match, 下面,为了这一百分和这场比赛 Please turn your attention to the formula on the screens. attention:注意力 formula:公式,方程式 screens:屏幕 请将你们的注意力集中在屏幕上的公式上, Solve the equation. equation:方程式,等式 解出这个方程。 -Raj:Holy crap. holy: 圣洁的 crap: 鬼话 见鬼。 -Leonard:What the hell is that? 那是什么东西啊? -Howard:Looks like something they found on the ship at Roswell. 看起来像是在罗斯威尔号上找到的东西 ("天煞地球反击战"中的外星太空船)。 -Leonard:Come on. Think. Leslie? 行了,快动动脑子Leslie? -Leslie:Leonard, it's not going to work if you rush me. rush:催促 Leonard你逼我是没用的。 You have to let me get there. 你必须让我慢慢到达那。 -Leonard:You are never going to let that go, are you? 你永远忘不了(说那句话) 是吧? -Judge:Ten seconds. 10秒。 PMS? PMS队的答案是? -Leonard:Sorry, I panicked. panicked:慌张 对不起,我紧张了。 -Howard:Then guess. 那就猜。 -Leonard:Um...eight. 呃...8。 point 4? 4? -Judge:I'm sorry, that's incorrect. incorrect:不正确 对不起,回答错误。 AA, AA队, If you can answer correctly, the match is yours. 如果你能回答正确,你就赢了。 -Howard:He doesn't have it. 他不知道。 He's got squat. squat:蹲坐 看他那个蹲马桶的表情。 -Judge:AA, I need your answer. AA,我需要你的答案。 -Man:The answer is minus eight pi alpha. minus:负号 pi:圆周率π alpha:α,希腊字母 答案是-8πα。 -Sheldon:Hang on. Hang on a second. That's not our answer. Hang on:等等 等等,等一等,那不是我们的答案。 What are you doing? 你在干什么?  -Man:Answering question. 回答问题。 Winning Physics Bowl. Physics Bowl:物理杯竞赛 赢得物理竞赛。 -Sheldon:How do you know anything about physics? 你怎么会懂物理? -Man:Here I am janitor. In former Soviet Union, I am physicist. janitor:看门人 former Soviet Union:前苏联 我在这儿是个看门的,在前苏联我是个物理学家。 Leningrad Politechnika. Go Polar Bears. Leningrad:列宁格勒(前苏联港市)Politechnika:工业大学 Polar Bears:北极熊 列宁格勒工业大学,红色北极熊! -Sheldon:Well, that's a delightful little story, but our arrangement was that you sit here delightful:令人高兴的 arrangement:安排  故事讲得不错,但我们说好的是你只需要坐在那儿, And not say anything—I answer the questions. 什么都别说-- 我来回答问题。 -Man:You didn't answer question. 你没有回答出来。 -Sheldon:Hey, look, now, maybe you have democracy now in your beloved Russia, democracy:民主 beloved:敬爱的 Russia:俄国 嘿,听我说! 也许现在你热爱的俄国实行民主政治, But on this Physics Bowl team, I rule with an iron fist. rule:用…方式统治(管理) iron:铁   fist:拳 但是在这个物理竞赛小组我实行铁拳统治。 Ow! 嗷! -Judge:AA, I need your official answer. official:正式的 AA队,我需要你们的正式答案。 -Sheldon:Look, it's not what he said. 不是他说的那样。 -Judge:Then What is it? 那是什么? -Sheldon:I want a different question. 我想换题。 -Judge:You can't have a different question. 不能换题。 -Sheldon:Formal protest. 正式抗议。 -Judge:Denied. 拒绝。 -Sheldon:Informal protest. 非正式抗议。 -Judge:Denied. I need your official answer. 拒绝,我需要你的正式答案。 -Sheldon:No. I decline to provide one. decline:谢绝 provide:提供 不,我拒绝回答。 -Judge:Well, that's too bad because the answer your teammate gave was correct. teammate:队友  这样啊,那太糟糕了,因为你的队友给出的答案是正确的。 -Sheldon:That's your opinion. opinion:看法 那是你的想法。 -Judge:All right, the winner of the match is... 好了,这次比赛的冠军是... -Leonard:Hang on. 等等。 Sheldon, is proving that you are single-handedly smarter prove:证明 single-handedly:单独的 Sheldon证明你自己比别人都聪明, Than everyone else so important that you would rather lose by yourself would rather:宁可 lose by:因…而失去 就那么重要吗?甚至愿意因为你一个人而输掉, Than win as part of a team? 都不愿作为整队的一分子赢得比赛? -Sheldon:I don't understand the question. 我不明白你的问题。 -Leonard:Go ahead. 继续吧。 -Judge:The winner is PMS. 冠军是PMS队。 -Leonard:Sorry, somebody's sitting there. 对不起,这儿有人。 -Sheldon:Who? 谁? -Leonard:My Physics Bowl trophy. trophy:奖杯 我的物理学竞赛奖杯。 -Sheldon:That trophy is meaningless. I forfeited, therefore you did not win. meaningless:毫无意义 forfeit:丧失  那个奖杯毫无意义,我弃权了,所以你也没有赢。 -Leonard:I know someone who would disagree. disagree:不同意 我知道有人不同意你的说法。 -Sheldon:Who?  谁? -Leonard:My Physics Bowl trophy. trophy:奖品 我的物理竞赛奖杯! Leonard is so smart. Leonard 真聪明, Sheldon Who? Sheldon是哪根葱? -Sheldon:All right, that is very immature. immature:不成熟的 够了,这是很幼稚的行为。 -Leonard:You're right. I'm sorry. I'm not! 你说得对,我很抱歉,我不觉得! -Penny:Okay, new contest. contest:比赛 好了,新比赛。 -Leonard:What are you doing? 这是干什么? -Penny:I am settling once and for all who is the smartest around here, okay? settle:解决 once and for all:一次了结  我要一次解决谁是这里最聪明的人,行不行? Are you ready? 准备好了吗? -Sheldon: Absolutely. 没问题。 -Leonard:Bring it on. 开始吧。 -Penny:Okay. 好了。 "Marsha, Jan and Cindy were the three daughters in what TV family?" Marsha 、Jan和Cindy 是哪个电视剧家庭中的三个女儿?" The Brady Bunch bunch:群,伙 脱线家族 Okay. 下一题 "Sammy Hagar replaced David Lee Roth as the lead singer in what group?" replace:取代 lead singer:主唱 Sammy Hagar在哪个组合中代替 David Lee Roth成为了主唱?" -Sheldon:The Brady Bunch? 脱线家族? -Penny:Van Halen Van Halen。 All right. "Madonna was married to this Ridgemont High alum." Madonna:麦当娜 下一题 "麦当娜曾经与哪一位派拉蒙的艺人结婚?" Oh, my God! Sean Penn! 哦,我的天哪! 肖恩潘! -Leonard:How do you know these things? 你是怎么知道这些事的? -Penny:I go outside, and I talk to people. 我出门,我和别人聊天。 Okay, here. 好,再一题。 What actor holds the record holds the record:保持记录 哪一位男演员保持着 For being named People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive?" 人物杂志"仍活着的最性感男人的称号?" -Sheldon:William Shatner. William Shatner ("星舰迷航"1966-1969中Kirk舰长的扮演者) -Leonard:Wait. 等等。 I don't think it's Shatner. 我觉得不是Shatner。 -Sheldon:Then it's gotto be Patrick Stewart. 那一定是 Patrick Stewart ("星舰迷航之下一代" 中 Picard舰长的扮演者) -Penny:No. 不对。 -Sheldon:Formal protest. 正式抗议。 -Penny:All right. "Singer who sang, Oops, I Did It Again'"? 下一题"哪一位歌星唱了 'Oops, I Did It Again'"? Okay. 没关系。 Tweetie Bird tought he taw a what?" tweetie:叽叽喳喳的鸟叫  翠笛鸟认为它看到了什么? ("空中大灌篮"中大舌头的鸟) -Sheldon:Romulan. 罗慕伦人 ("星舰"中与瓦肯人类似的外星人)。 -Penny:Yes. He tought he taw a Romulan. 是的,它"认为"它"看"到了罗慕伦人... (其实答案是迈克尔·乔丹)   End
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