首页 英语趣味英语_英语游戏_脑筋急转弯__第1篇_谐音及双关类



英语趣味英语_英语游戏_脑筋急转弯__第1篇_谐音及双关类 Part I Homonyms&Puns 第1篇 谐音及双关类 Part I Homonyms&Puns 第1篇 谐音及双关类 Questions: 1.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?   爸爸和妈妈谁和你更亲? 2.Can you go to the Cinema with your watch broken?   你手表坏了,可以去看电影吗? 3.Why is the comet like Mickey Mouse?   为什么说彗星像米老鼠?...

Part I Homonyms&Puns 第1篇 谐音及双关类 Part I Homonyms&Puns 第1篇 谐音及双关类 Questions: 1.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?   爸爸和妈妈谁和你更亲? 2.Can you go to the Cinema with your watch broken?   你手 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 坏了,可以去看电影吗? 3.Why is the comet like Mickey Mouse?   为什么说彗星像米老鼠? Keys: 1.Mom is closer, because dad is farther.   妈妈更亲,因为爸爸更远。 2.Of course not,for I don’t have the time.   当然不行,因为我没有时间。 3.It’s a star with a tail.   因为它是带着一根尾巴的星星。 Notes:   1.father 父亲,音似farther更远   2. I don’t have the time有两种理解:①我没有时   间;②我没戴表或我的表坏了,不知道时间。   3.comet n.彗星   Mickey Mouse 米老鼠   tail /teil/ n.(动物的)尾巴;彗(星)尾 Questions: 1.What’s the largest room in the world?   世界上最大的房间是什么房间? 2.What’s the poorest bank in the world?   最没有钱的银行是什么银行? 3.When is coffee like the surface of the earth?   咖啡什么时候像地球表面? 4.What month do soldiers hate?   当兵的不喜欢几月份? Keys:   1.The room for improvement.   改进的空间。   2.The river bank.   河堤。   3.When it’s ground.   被碾成粉末时。   4.March.   三月。 Notes:   1.room·房间;空间,余地   2.bank n.银行;堤岸   3.ground n.地面,它也是grind/grind/v.磨   碎,碾碎的过去分词形式。   4.march n.行军 Questions: 1.When is a person not a person?   什么时候人不是人? 2.When is a door not a door?   什么时候门不是门? 3.When are boys not boys?   什么时候男孩不是男孩? 4.When is a clock dangerous?   什么时候时钟是危险的? Keys:   1.When he is a little cross.   当他有点恼怒时。   2.When it’s ajar.   当它虚掩时。   3.When they’re bare-footed.   当他们赤脚时。   4.When it runs down the stairs and strikes one.   当它滚下楼梯敲响一点钟时。 Notes:   1.cross adj.烦恼,恼火; n.十字架   2.ajar adj.(门)虚掩着,露了一条缝的   音似a jar(一只壶)。   3.bare-footed赤脚,音似bear-footed,脚和熊一   样。   4.strikes one另一层意思是:击中一个人 Questions: 1.Why is tennis so noisy?   打网球为什么很吵? 2.If a cabbage and a carrot raced, which one would win?   如果卷心菜和胡萝卜赛跑,谁会赢? 3.How many feet are there in a yard?   一码有多少英尺? Keys:   1.Each player raises a racket.   因为每个运动员都拿着球拍。   2.The cabbage,because it’s always ahead.   卷心菜,因为它总是领先在前。   3.It depends on how many people stand in the   yard.   这要看院子里站了多少人。 Notes:   1.racket n.(网球等的)球拍;喧哗,喧闹   raise a racket大吵大闹   2.cabbage n.卷心菜   carrot n.胡萝卜   a head of cabbage一颗卷心菜   3.feet n.英尺;脚(pl.)   yard n.院子;码 Questions: 1.When are people like glasses?   什么时候人像眼镜? 2.What beam is lighter than all the other beams?   什么梁最轻? 3.What animal eats with its tail?   什么动物用尾巴吃东西? Keys:   1.When they make spectacles of themselves.   当他们出洋相的时候。   2.lightbeam.   光线。   3.All animals do. No one takes off its tail while   eating.   所有的动物,没有任何一种动物在吃东西时要取   下尾巴。 Notes:   1.spectacle n.眼镜   make a spectacle of oneself   使自己出丑,出洋相   2.beam n.梁;光线   3.with prep.用…做事;带着,有… Questions: 1.How can you make a slow horse fast?   怎样能使慢马跑得快? 2.What is heavier in summer than in winter?   什么东西夏天比冬天重? 3.What clothing is always sad?   什么衣服总是伤感的? Keys:   1.Don’t give it anything to eat for a while.   暂时别给它吃东西。   2.Traffic to the beach.   去海滩的人流。   3.Blue Jeans.   蓝色牛仔服。 Notes:   1.fast adj.快的; v.绝食   2.heavy adj.重的;交通量大的,繁忙的   3.jeans n.牛仔衣,牛仔裤   blue adj.蓝色的;伤感的 Questions: 1.How many legs do horses have?   马有几条腿? 2.When are people smartest?   什么时候人最聪明? 3.I have a tree in my hand.What kind of tree is it?   我的手上有棵树,是什么树? Keys:   1.six legs---- forelegs in front and two in back.   有六条腿,前面有前腿,后面有两条腿。   2.When it’s sunny,because everything’s brighter   then.   当天气晴朗的时候,因为这时候万物都更明亮。   3.It’s a palm.   是你的手掌。 Notes:   1.forelegs n.前腿,音似four legs(四条   腿)   2.bright adj.办明亮;聪明   smart adj.聪明   3. palm n.棕榈树;手掌 Questions : 1.Can you explain what is free speech?   你能说说什么是言论自由吗? 2.If the green house is on the right side of the road,and the red house is on the left side of the road,where is the white house?   假设绿房子在马路右边,红房子在马路左边,请   问白房子在哪儿? 3.What fruit is never found singly?   什么水果永远不会是单个的? Keys:   1.Your talking on someone else’s phone.   用别人的电话打电话。   2.In Washington,D. C.   在华盛顿。   3.A pear.   是梨。 Notes:   1.free adj.自由的;免费的   2.The White House白宫   3.pear n.梨,音似 pair n.一对 Questions: 1.Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?   新娘新婚为何不开心? 2.What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the paymaster?   逃跑了的饿狼吃掉出纳员是什么时候? 3.What will you break once you say it?   什么东西说出来就碎了? Keys:   1.Because she didn’t marry the best man.   因为她没有嫁给最好的人。   2.8p.m.   下午8点。   3.Silence.   沉默。 Notes:   1.bride/braid/n.新娘   bridegroom/'braidgrum/n.新郎   best man男傧相;最好的男人   bridesmaid/'braidsmeid/ n.女傧相   2.8 P.m.音似ate P.m.,而P.m.是 paymaster的   缩写。   paymaster n.(发放薪饷的)出纳员   3.break the silence打破沉默 Questions: 1.What kind of clothes lasts the longest?   什么衣服穿得最久? 2.Why are farmers cruel?   为什么农夫是残酷的? 3.Why are babies like hinges?   为什么说婴儿像门铰链? Keys:   1.Underwear, because it’s never worn out.   是内衣,因为它永远不会穿在外面。   2.They pull corns by the ears.   因为他们揪着玉米耳朵掰玉米。   3.Because they are things to adore.   因为他们是受宠爱的。 Notes:   1. worn out穿坏,磨损;穿在外面   2.ear耳朵;一穗(玉米)   pull corns by the ears另一种理解是“一穗一穗   地掰玉米”。   3.adore v.喜欢,宠爱,音似 a door。   hinge n.门铰链   things to a door门上的东西 Questions: 1.If a driver drives too fast he’ll get a ticket. What will happen to a Poet if he writes too fast?   司机如果车开得太快就会被罚款,那么诗人如果   诗写得太快,会怎么样呢? 2.Why is an empty purse always the same?   空钱包为什么总是老样子? 3.Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?   巢里的小鸟为什么意见总是一致? Keys:   1.His poetic license will be taken away.   他的写诗执照就会被没收。   2.There’s no change in it.   因为里面没有零钱。   3.Because they would fall out if they didn’t.   因为如果意见不合,它们就会摔出鸟巢。 Notes:   1.poetic license诗的破格(如不遵从语法规则等)   2. change n.零钱;变化   3. fall out摔出去;争吵 Questions: 1.Why is an argument like a pen?   为什么说论据就像一支钢笔? 2.When will the wind improve its image?   风什么时候能改进自己的形象? 3.Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student?   为什么对聪明的学生来说,学英语就像一阵微   风? Keys:   1.No good Without a point.   没有笔尖就没有用处。   2.When it turns over a new leaf.   当它把一片刚落的叶子吹翻过来时。   3.It’s a breeze to them.   因为对他们来说学英语轻而易举。 Notes:   1.argument n.论据,说理   point n.尖,顶端;论点,要点   2.turn over a new leaf真正的涵义是:改过自新   3.breeze/bri:z/ n.微风,和风;轻而易举的事 Questions: 1.What has four wheels and flies?   什么东西有四个轮子还会飞? 2.What’s even harder to catch if you run faster?   什么东西你跑得越快越难追上? 3.What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?   什么时候十条狗追一个人? 4.How can you tell a clock is shy?   你怎么知道时钟害羞呢? Keys:   1.A garbage truck.   垃圾车。   2.Your breath.   你的呼吸。   3.It’s ten after one.   是一点过十分。   4.It has its hands over its face.   因为它用手遮着脸蛋。 Notes:   1.what has four wheels and flies?   另一种理解是:什么东西既有四个轮子又有许多   苍蝇?   2.catch one’s breath恢复正常呼吸(尤指剧烈运   动后) Questions: 1.Why does time fly?   时间为何飞逝。 2.Why does an invisible man tend to go crazy?   隐形人为何容易发疯? 3.Where can a dog get another tail?   狗去哪里可以再弄到一条尾巴? 4.What bow can never be tied?   什么结不能打? Keys:   1.To get away from all those who are trying to   kill it.   为的是甩掉所有要谋杀它的人。   2.Out of sight , out of mind.   看不见就变疯了。   3.At a retail store.   在零售商店。   4.A rainbow.   彩虹。 Notes:   1. kill time消磨时间   2.Out of sight, out of mind眼不见为净   3.前缀 re-表示“再一次”,“又…”。 Questions: 1.Why do carpenters think there’s no such thing as gold in this world?   木匠为什么不相信世上有金子这种东西? 2.Why do you think doctors are mean?   你为什么认为医生很吝啬? 3.What do you think of the Grand Canyon?   你觉得大峡谷如何? Keys:   1.They never saw it.   因为他们从未锯过金子。   2.Every time they treat me they make me pay for   it.   因为他们每次请我吃饭都让我来付帐。   3.Just gorges.   不过是峡谷罢了。 Notes:   1.saw n.锯,也是see(看见)的过去式。英文中讲   seeing is believing.(眼见为实)”   2.treat/tri:t/ v.请客;治疗,处理   mean/mi:n/ adj.小气,吝啬   3.gorges是 gorge(峡谷)的复数形式,音似 gorgeous adj.宜人的,好的,美丽的   Just gorgeous!太棒了!太美了! Questions: 1.How do you punctuate the following sentence? I saw a $ 100 bill on the ground   你看到下面这个句子怎么给它加上标点?   我看见地上有一张巨元美钞 2.How do you know a photographer is always progressive?   你怎么知道摄影师总是在进步? 3.What roof never keeps out the wet?   什么屋顶不挡雨? Keys:   1.Make a dash after it.   后面加个破折号。   2.They are always developing.   他们总是在冲(胶卷)。   3.The roof of the mouth.   上颚。 Notes:   1.make a dash after it另一种理解是:冲上去拿呀   punctuate v. 加标点   2.develop v.发展;冲(胶卷)   3.roof n.屋顶;上颚 Questions: 1.Does any child like going to school?   有没有小孩子喜欢上学? 2.Why is a peacock the best story-teller?   为什么说孔雀最擅长讲 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt ? 3.Why is a crazy person equal to two ordinary people?   为什么说一个疯子抵得上两个正常人? Keys:   1.Every child likes going to school. Most of them   Just hate staying there before going home.   每个孩子都喜欢去学校,大部分的孩子只不过不   喜欢在回家之前呆在那儿罢了。   2.Because it always has a beautiful tale.   因为它总是有一个美丽的故事。   3.Because he is a man beside himself.   因为他在自己的旁边还有一个人。 Notes:   1.go to School有两种理解:   ①在学校读 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,上学;   ②去学校,上学校   2.tale/teil/ n.故事,音似tail(尾巴)。   3. beside oneself真正的意思是:发狂,忘形。 Questions: 1.What coat is always Wet When it’S put on?   什么衣服穿上的时候总是湿乎乎的? 2.Why did the band have a smash hit in the performance?   这支乐队何以演出取得巨大成功? 3.Why is Sunday the strongest day in a week?   为什么说星期日是一周里最强壮的一天? Keys:   1.A coat of paint.   一层油漆。   2.They had the audience glued to their seats.   他们请人把听众粘在椅子上了。   3.The rest of the days are weak days.   因为其余的日子都很弱小。 Notes:   1.coat n.衣服;涂层,一层(漆)   2.smash hit很成功的新剧、电影等   have someone glued to one’s seat真正的意思   是:使某人喜欢得不忍离座,直到看完(表演)为   止。   3.weak adj.弱的,音似week   weekdays指不包括星期日的那些天   但是,目前流行的看法是:weekdays指周一至周   五,而weekends包括周六和周日。 Questions: 1.Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?   为什么养长颈鹿最不花钱? 2.Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?   狗为什么害怕日光浴; 3.Why are mules helpless in dancing?   骡子为什么在跳舞方面一塌糊涂? 4.Why is the pig always eating?   猪为什么没完没了地吃? Keys:   1.They make a little food go a long wag.   因为它们脖子长,一点点食物都要走很长的路才   能咽下去。   2.They don’t want to be hot-dogs.   因为它们不想成为热狗。   3.They have two left legs.   因为它们有两条左腿。   4.He’s making a hog of himself.   它想成为一只肉猪。 Notes:   1.go a long way维持很长一段时间   3.have two left legs(跳舞等)笨手笨脚   4.make a pig of oneself像猪一样吃得很多(贬义)   hog n.肉用肥猪 Questions: 1.What kind of shoes are made of banana skins?   什么鞋是用香蕉皮做的? 2.How do you like your school?   你觉得你们学校怎么样? 3.Why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?   政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了? Keys:   1.Slippers.   拖鞋。   2.Closed.   关闭。   3.The cold war is over.   冷战结束了。 Notes:   1.slipper n.拖鞋   Slip/slip/ v.滑,跌交   2.How do you like your school?有两种理解:   ①你觉得你们学校怎么样?   ②你希望你们学校是什么样子,   3.cold war冷战 Questions: 1.Why are watches fragile?   手表为什么容易坏? 2. What’s put on the table,cut,but never eaten?   什么东西摆在桌上,切好以后却不能食用? 3.Why don’t women get bald as soon as men?   为什么总是男人比女人先秃头? Keys:   1.Because their hours are numbered.   因为它们有数字标明时间。   2.A deck of cards.   一副扑克牌。   3.Because women wear hair longer.   因为女人头发留得长。 Notes:   1.fragile adj.易碎的,易坏的   “Their hours are numbered”源于“One’s days   are numbered”意思是“某人在世之日屈指可数,   寿命不长了”。   2.cut the cards洗牌   3.wear hair longer有两层意思:   ①留着更长的头发;   ②头发留得更长久 Questions: 1.How can you make the door last?   怎样能使门经久耐用? 2.Why shouldn’t you lose your temper?   为什么不该发脾气? 3.What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?   比萨塔为什么是斜的? 4.What book has the most stirring chapters?   什么书中有最动人的篇章? Keys:   1.Make other things first.   先做其他的东西。   2.No one else wants it.   没人愿意要。   3.It never eats.   因为它从不食人间烟火。   4.A cook book.   烹饪书。 Notes:   1.make the door last另一种理解是:最后做门   3.lean v.倾斜;adj.瘦的   4.stirring adj.动人的   Stir v.搅和,搅拌 Questions: 1.What’s the most difficult train to catch?   赶什么火车最不容易? 2.What trees do fortune tellers like to look at?   算命先生喜欢看什么树? 3.How do people feel after taking a ferryboat?   乘渡船之后人们有什么感觉? Keys:   1.The 12:50 train, because it’s ten to one if you   catch it.   是12点50分的火车,因为赶上它只有10比1的概   率。   2.Palms.   棕榈树。   3.They feel vexed, for the ferryboat made them   cross.   他们觉得烦恼,是因为渡船使然。 Notes:   1.ten to one 1点差10分;10比1   2.palm n.棕榈树;手掌   fortune teller算命先生,预言将来的人   palmist n.看手相者   3.cross v.过去,渡过,穿过   adj.暴躁的,易怒的 Questions: 1.What can pierce one’s ears without a hole?   什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔? 2.If you had 5 dollars and gave away one quarter, and another quarter,and then still mother quarter, how much Would you have left?   假设你有5美元,拿走四分之一,再拿走四分之   一,接着又拿走四分之一,你还剩多少钱? 3.What bird lifts heavy things?   什么鸟可以举起重物? Keys:   1.Noise.   噪音。   2.$ 4.25.   还有4美元25美分。   3.A crane.   鹤。 Notes:   1.pierce v.刺穿,刺破   piercing adj.刺耳的   2.quarter n.四分之一;二十五美分   3.crane/krein/n.鹤;起重机 Questions: 1.What’s the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?   北极和南极的区别是什么? 2.What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory?   淘气的男孩子为什么盼望到钟表厂工作? 3.What can I do to avoid falling hair?   怎样防止头发脱落? Keys:   1.The whole world.   整个世界。   2.People make faces there.   因为那儿人们做鬼脸。   3.Get out of the way where the hair’s falling.   别站在头发掉下来的地方就行了。 Notes:   1.A world of difference天壤之别   2.make faces做鬼脸;做钟面   3.avoid falling hair有两种理解:   ①防止头发脱落;   ②避开(从上面)掉下来的头发 Questions: 1.What do girls find the easiest to part with?   女孩子们发现什么东西最舍得放弃? 2.What king of running means walking?   什么样的跑步意味着走路? 3.What do elephants use to communicate with each other?   大象用什么交谈? 4.What makes fish the smartest animal in the world?   鱼为什么是世界上最聪明的动物? Keys:   1.A comb.   梳子。   2.Running out of gas.   汽油用完了。   3.Big Words.   大个的词。   4.No one can pull its leg.   它没有腿给人拉。 Notes:   1.part with放弃(尤指不自愿地);用…分头路或   发缝   2.big words真正的涵义是:比较正式的大词   4.pull one’s leg真正的涵义是:使…上当受骗 Questions: 1.What made the little strawberry worried?   什么事让小草莓忧心忡忡? 2.Something went Wrong with the second hand of my watch.Where can I have it replaced?   我手表上的秒针坏了,请问哪儿有换的? 3.Why are Writers like postmen?   为什么作家与邮递员相似? Keys:   1.It’s afraid to be in a jam.   它害怕被做成果酱。   2.In a second-hand store.   在旧货店里。   3.They are all men of letters.   他们都是文人。 Notes:   1.jam n.果酱;塞车   2.second hand adj. 二手货的,旧的   second hand n.秒针   3.men of letters文人   letter n.字母;信件 Questions: 1.Why are chickens kept away from children?   为什么孩子们不能和鸡呆在一起? 2.Why do people go to bed?   人们为什么睡觉? 3.Why shouldn’t we have tte-鄑te e in the country?   我们为什么不能在乡间密谈? Keys:   1.Chickens use fowl language.   因为鸡用的是禽语。   2.Because the bed won’t come to us.   因为床不会走向我们。   3.Because the corn have ears.   因为玉米有耳。 Notes:   1.fowl language音似foul language(脏话)   2.go to bed另一种理解是:走向床,走到床跟前   3.tte-—-tte n.私下密谈   corns have ears源于 walls have ears隔墙有耳   ear n.耳朵;一穗(玉米) Questions: 1.What’s the best thing to take when you run- down?   身体不适时吃什么最好? 2.What stays hot even if put in a refrigerator?   什么东西就是放在冰箱里也是热的? 3.What is the best year for a kangaroo?   什么是袋鼠的幸运年? Keys:   1.The license number of the car that hit you.   要记下撞你的那辆车的车牌号码。   2.Pepper.   辣椒。   3.Leap year.   是闰年。 Notes:   1.take v.吃(药等);记下来   be run-down身体不适,音似be run down(被…   撞倒)   license n.执照,特许证   2.pepper n.胡椒粉,辣椒   hot adj.热的;辣的   3.kangaroo n.袋鼠   leap 跳跃;leap year闰年 Questions: 1.What surprising things happen everywhere every day?   什么怪事随时随地都发生? 2.What can’t be used unless broken?   什么东西不碎就不能用? 3.Why do People wear watches when they cross the desert?   人们穿越沙漠为什么要戴手表? Keys:   1.Day breaks without falling; night falls without   breaking.   天不摔下来就破晓;夜幕降临却不碎掉。   2.Eggs.   是鸡蛋。   3.Because watches have springs in them.   因为手表里面有弹簧。 Notes:   1.fall v.摔下来,跌下来;降临   break破碎;daybreak n.破晓,拂晓   2.break v.打(鸡蛋);打碎   3. spring n.泉水;弹簧 Questions: 1.How does the sun affect weight?   太阳如何影响重量? 2.What makes opening piano so hard?   为什么钢琴盖不好打开? 3.What’s the best way to prevent infection caused by biting insects?   什么办法预防咬人昆虫引起的感染最好? Keys:   1.It makes the daylight.   它带来白昼。   2.All the keys are inside.   所有的琴键都在里面。   3.Don’t bite any.   别咬昆虫。 Notes:   1.makes the day light使白天变轻   2.key n.琴键;钥匙   3.biting insects咬人的昆虫(biting用来修饰insects);咬昆虫(biting的宾语为 insects)   infection n.感染 Questions: 1.What two words contain thousands of letters?   哪两个单词包含了所有的字母? 2.What’s the easiest way to catch a fish?   最便捷的钓鱼办法是什么? 3.What kind of dog doesn’t bite or bark?   什么狗不咬人也不叫? 4.What do you get if you cross stereo and fridge?   把音响和冰箱混合在一起可以得到什么? Keys:   1.Post Office.   邮局。   2.Have someone throw it to you.   叫别人扔给你。   3.Hot dog.   热狗。   4.Very cool music.   很棒的音乐。 Notes:   1.letter n.信件;字母   4.cool adj.冷的,凉的;棒的,美的 Questions: 1.Is it better to write your homework on a full stomach or on an empty one?   肚子泡的时候写作业好,还是空胜子的时候写作   业好? 2.What goes up every time the rain comes down?   每当雨点落下时什么东西会上去? 3.Which is easier to spell Riddle-de-dee or Riddle-de-dum? Riddle-de-dee和Riddle-de-dum哪一个更好写? Keys:   1.It’s better to write it on your exercise book.   写在练习本上好。   2.An umbrella.   是雨伞。   3.It’s Riddle-de-dee, because it’s spelled with   more e’s.   是Riddle-de-dee,因为它写出来e比较多。 Notes:   1.on a full/empty stomach肚子饱/饿的时候;在   饱饱的/空空的肚子上   2.go up上升;(伞)撑起来   3.e’s音似ease(容易)   with more ease更容易做… Questions: 1.Why is the sweating boy sitting in the sun?   那个男孩子大汗淋漓为什么还坐在太阳下面? 2.Upon leaving the Cafe,one boy paid his bill, while his friend handed the cashier a slip of pa per with the number 1004180 on it.The Cashier smiled and let him pass without paying. Why?   离开咖啡屋的时候,一个男孩付了帐,他的朋友   却递给收银员一张纸条,上面写着一串数字   1004180,收银员笑了笑,让他不付钱通过了。奥   妙何在? Keys:   1.For sundry reasons.   有很多不同的原因。   2.1004180 means“I owe nothing; for I ate nothing.”1004180意思是:“我什么没吃,所以不欠什么。” Notes:   1.Sundry adj.各种各样的,形似sun-   dried晒太阳晒干(身上的汗水)   2.cashier n.收银员   1004180读作“I O nothing four I eight nothing”,   意思是“I owe nothing for I ate nothing”. Questions: 1.Which state in the United States is round at both ends and high in the middle?   美国哪个州两头圆,中间高? 2.My hen laid a five-pound egg,can you beat it?   我家的母鸡生了一个五镑重的鸡蛋,你比得过   吗? 3.What sense do you lose when you are sick?   生病时会失去哪种感觉, Keys:   1.Ohio.   俄亥俄州。   2.Sure, with an egg-beater.   当然,用打蛋器就行了。   3.Your sense of touch,for you don’t feel well.   触觉,因为你感觉不对头。 Notes:   1.Ohio两头是O,中间是hi,音似high。   2.beat v.胜过,比过;打(蛋)   Can you beat it?另一层意思是“你会打这个蛋   吗?”   3.feel well身体好;触觉良好 Questions: 1.What animals are well-educated?   什么动物受的教育好? 2.What’s the smallest room in the World?   世界上什么房间最小? 3.Why are young men unwilling to date the daughter of the Fortunes?   年轻人为什么都不愿和费群家的小姐约会? Keys:   1.Fish, because they go around in schools.   是鱼,因为它们总是成群地游来游去。   2.A mushroom.   是蘑菇。   3.Because she is Miss Fortune.   因为她是费群小姐。 Notes:   1.school n.一群(鱼);学校   2.mushroom n.蘑菇   3.Miss Fortune音似misfortune n.   不幸 Questions: 1.What has nothing but a head and a tail?   什么东西只有脑袋和尾巴? 2.As a large horse is getting on in age,why should he always stay in cold and wet?   当一匹马日渐衰老,为什么总呆在又湿又冷的地   方? 3.If you stand with your back to the north and face south,what would be on your left hand?   假设你站着时前面是南,后面是北,那么左手是   什么方向? Keys:   1.A coin.   是硬币。   2.So that he could catch cold and become a little   hoarse.   这样他就可以着凉,嗓子就可以有些嘶哑。   3.Fingers.   是手指。 Notes:   1.head头;钱币的正面(指有人头像的一面)   tail尾巴;钱币的反面   2.hoarse adj.嘶哑的,音似horse   a little horse一匹小马   3.on one’s left hand可以指左手方向,也可以指在   左手上面 Questions: 1.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?   为了健康应该喝什么水? 2.Why is 10×10=1000.like your left eye?   为什么说10×10=1000就像你的左眼? 3.What do you still keep after giving it to someone else?   什么东西给了别人自己却还留着? Keys:   1.Drink well water.   喝井水。   2.It’s not right.   它不是右眼。   3.Your word.   你的话。 Notes:   1.well n.井; adj.健康的   2.It’s not right另一层意思是:它不对   3. give one’s word允诺,答应   keep one’s word信守诺言   keep one’s word after giving it真正的意思是:   答应别人的事一定要做到 Questions: 1.Are cats bigger in the morning or at night?   猫是早晨大还是夜晚大? 2.What did the big chimney say to the little chimney while working?   工作时大烟囱对小烟囱说些什么? 3.What is a sleeping child?   睡觉的孩子是干什么的? Keys:   1.At night, because they’re let out in night time   and taken in in the day time.   夜晚的猫大,因为它们晚上出动,白天收兵。   2.“You’re too young to smoke.”   “你还年轻,不该抽烟。”   3.A kidnapper.   是个绑匪。 Notes:   1.let out放出去;改长,改宽(尤指改衣服)   take in收回;改短,改小(尤指改衣服)   2.smoke v.抽烟;冒烟   3.kidnapper n.绑匪   kid/kid/ n.小孩   nap v.打瞌睡 Questions: 1.Who is lazier,the tall man or the short man?   高个子和矮个子的人谁更懒惰? 2.When did the driver stop to have lunch?   司机什么时候停下来吃午饭? 3.Take away my first letter,take away my second letter,take away all my letters, and I remain the same. What am I?   拿走我的第一个字母,第二个字母,拿走我所有   的字母,我还是我,请问我是谁? Keys:   1.The tall one, because he’s longer In bed.   高个子懒,因为他在床上的时间更长。   2.When he came to a fork in the road.   当他开到三叉口的时候。   3.A postman.   邮递员。 Notes:   1.longer adv.(时间)更长;(距离,身高等)更长   2.fork n.三叉口;叉子   3. letter n.字母;信 Questions: 1.Will it rain for several days continuously?   会不会连续几天阴雨连绵? 2.Who can raise things without lifting them?   什么人不用举就能把东西抬起来? 3.What did the king cloud say to the rest of the clouds?   云中之王对芸芸众生说什么? 4.Who is married to the First Lady?   第一夫人嫁给了谁? Keys:   1.Never, because there’re nights in between.   永远不会,因为白昼之间有黑夜隔开。   2.Farmers.   农民。   3.“I’m the one who should rain here.”   “我要在这里降雨。”   4.Adam.   是亚当。 Notes:   1.day n.一天;一个白昼   continuously adv.连续不断地   2.raise举起,抬起;饲养,种植   3. rain v.下雨,音似reign/rein/v.统治   4.the First Lady第一夫人,总统夫人   the first lady第一位女士,指夏娃 Questions: 1.What does the man who just had his face shaved resemble?   刚刚修过胡须的男人像什么? 2.Why did the farmer take his chicken to task?   农夫为什么训斥小鸡? 3.How do we know the ocean is friendly?   人们如何知道海洋是友好的呢? Keys:   1.A bear.   像熊。   2.Because they use foul language.   因为它们说脏话。   3.It waves.   它总是招手致意。 Notes:   1.resemble v.与…相像   bear n.熊,音似bare adj.光秃秃的,无遮盖的   bare-faced面孔干干净净,没有胡须的   bear-faced脸和熊一样的   2.foul adj.脏的,音似fowl n.家禽   3.wave v.起波浪;招手致意 Questions: 1.How did the hangman get married?   绞刑吏是怎么结婚的? 2.Why did little Tom put his brother’s guitar in the refrigerator?   小汤姆为什么把他哥哥的吉他放在冰箱里? 3.Why is the inside of everything so mysterious?   为什么说凡事内部都神秘莫测? Keys:   1.He tied a knot.   他打了一个结。   2.Because he enjoyed cool music.   因为他爱听美妙的音乐。   3.Because you can never make them out.   因为你永远也不能弄懂它们。 Notes:   1.hangman n.绞刑吏,刽子手   tie a knot打一个结;缔结良缘   2.refrigerator n.电冰箱(也可写作   fridge或者icebox)   cool adj.凉的,冷的;棒的,超级的,美妙的   3.make them out有两层意思:①把它们变到外面   来;②弄懂它们,看清它们   mysterious adj.难理解的,神秘的 Questions: 1.Why is a coward like a leaky faucet?   为什么说胆小鬼和漏水的笼头一样? 2.Why should we never ask balloons for advice?   为什么我们绝不向汽球征求意见? 3.What band can’t play music?   什么乐队不会演奏音乐? Keys:   1.They both run.   因为它们都会溜走。   2.They are full of hot air.   因为它们里面全是热空气。   3.Rubber band.   橡皮筋。 Notes:   1.coward n.懦夫,胆小鬼   faucet n.水笼头   leaky adj.漏的,有漏洞的   run v.跑,溜走;流动,流(水)   2.hot air热空气;吹牛,胡说   3.band n.乐队,吹奏乐队;带子,绳子   rubber band橡皮筋 Questions: 1.Do audience ever steal anything?   听众会偷东西吗? 2.What will the farmer grow in his garden if he doesn’t mind working hard?   假如一个农夫不在乎劳动有多辛苦,他会在园子   里种什么? Keys:   1.Yes,when they take the floor.   当他们发言时就会这样做。   2.He will grow tired.   他会累的。 Notes:   1.audience n.听众,观众   take the floor有两种理解:①词组真正的含义是   “发言”;②在 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 中可理解为“拿走地板”。   2.grow v.种植;变得… Questions: 1.Can you tell me when was the Iron Age?   能告诉我铁器时代是什么时候吗? 2.Why did the rooster refuse to fight?   公鸡为何不应战? 3.What king belongs to a student?   什么国王属于学生? Keys:   1.Before the drip-dry era.   在滴干成衣时期之前。   2.Because it’s a chicken.   因为它是一只鸡。   3.A ruler.   一把尺。 Notes:   1.iron n.铁器,铁;熨斗   drip/drip/ v.滴水   drip-dry adj.(指衣服)滴干免熨的   2.rooster n.公鸡,也作 cook   chicken n.鸡,包括 hen(母鸡), rooster/cock   (公鸡),Chick(小鸡);胆小鬼,懦夫   3.ruler n.统治者;尺 Questions: 1.Why didn’t the baseball catcher meet Cinderella?   棒球队的接球员为什么没有见到灰姑娘? 2.What would happen if the rock beard a most funny joke?   要是石头听了一个非常好笑的笑话会怎么样? Keys:   1.Because he missed the ball.   因为他没有接住球。   2.He would crack up.   他会笑破肚皮。 Notes:   1.baseball n.棒球赛,棒球队队员   有catcher(接球员), batter(击球员)和pitcher   (投球员)。   Cinderella是童话中的人物,原名叫Ella,因为继   母让她整天呆在厨房里,身上的衣服都是灰(cinder),所以大家叫她灰姑娘(cinderella)。   cinder n.余烬,煤块烧剩下的煤核   ball n.球;舞会   miss the ball另一层意思是:错过了舞会   2. crack up(引起)哄堂大笑,笑痛肚子   crack v.破裂,敲破   The rock would crack up另一层意思是:石头会   裂开的 Questions: 1.Why do you put your head on the piano?   你为何把头放在钢琴上? 2.Why do you put your bed in the fireplace?   你为何把床放在壁炉里?   3.Why does the liar stay in his room all day?   撒谎的人为何成天呆在家里? Keys:   1.I want to play piano by ear.   因为我想用耳朵弹琴。   2.I want sleep like a log.   因为我想像木头一样睡觉。   3.So that nobody can find him out.   这样任何人都不会在外面发现他。 Notes:   1.play(piano) by ear真正的涵义是:不用乐谱演   奏(钢琴曲)   2.sleep like a log真正的涵义是:睡得很沉很香   fire place壁炉   3.find…out真正的涵义是:发现真相,使真相大   白 Questions: 1.How long is a shoe, usually?   一般鞋有多长? 2.What ten-letter word starts with gas?   什么单词是由gas开头的10个字母组成? 3.What is black and white and red all over?   什么东西全身黑、白、红相间? Keys:   1.A little more than a foot long.   一英尺多一点。   2.Automobile.   汽车。   3.Newspaper.   报纸。 Notes:   1.foot n.英尺;脚   “A little more than a foot long”实指“比脚长   点点”。   2.automobile n.汽车   start v.以…开始;发动,启动(尤指汽车)   3.red音似read(read过去分词)   read all over从头读到尾 Questions: 1.What has a tongue but can’t talk?   什么东西有舌头却不能讲话? 2.What has a ear but can’t bear?   什么东西有耳朵却听不见? 3.What has a head but can’t think?   什么东西有头脑却不会思考? 4.What has a foot but can’t walk?   什么东西有脚却不会走路? Keys:   1.An envelope.   一个信封。   2.An ear of corn.   一穗玉米。   3.A nail.   一颗钉子。   4.A bed.   一张床。 Notes:   1.tongue n.舌头;舌状物   3.head n.头;顶端   4.foot n.脚;底部   the foot of a bed床脚处 Questions: 1.Books always claim to be kings,why?   书本都自诩为国王,为什么? 2.Is a hen who seldom lay eggs a good layer?   不常下蛋的鸡是好蛋鸡吗? 3.How do you feel today?   今天你感觉怎么样? 4.Why are schools haunted?   学校为什么闹鬼? Keys:   1.They all have a lot of pages.   因为它们都由很多页组成。   2.Yes, as long as it doesn’t lay bad eggs.   是的,只要它下的蛋不是坏蛋。   3.With my hands,of course.   自然是用双手呀。   4.They have the school spirit.   因为它们都有学校团队精神。 Notes:   1.page n.页;侍从   3.How do you feel today?另一种理解是:今天你   怎样触摸?   4.spirit n.幽灵,鬼魂;精神,活力 Questions: 1.What has four legs but only one face?   什么东西有四条腿,却只有一只脚? 2.What has many tails but no head?   什么东西有许多尾巴,却没有一个脑袋? 3.What has three hands but only one face?   什么东西有三只手,却只有一张脸? 4.What has its heart in its head?   什么东西的心在脑袋里面? Keys:   1.A bed.   是床。   2.A book of stories.   是故事书。   3.A clock.   是时钟。   4.A lettuce.   是生菜。 Notes:   1.the foot/head of a bed   床尾(床脚处)/床头   2.tail音似tale(故事)   3.hand n.手;指针   4.ahead of lettuce一颗生菜 Questions: 1.Which can move faster, heat or cold?   冷和热谁跑得快? 2.What coat has no collars, no sleeves, no pockets and no buttons?   什么衣服没领没袖,没有口袋也没有钮扣? 3.What weather do mice and rats fear?   老鼠害怕什么天气? 4.Who always finds things dull?   谁总觉得什么事都无聊? Keys:   1.Heat, because you can catch cold.   热跑得快,因为你追得上冷。   2. A coat of paint.   一层油漆。   3.When it’s raining cats and dogs.   下滂沱大雨的时候。   4.A knife-sharpener.   磨刀师傅。 Notes:   1. cold n.冷;感冒   catch cold追上冷;患感冒   2.coat n.衣服;一层(油漆,灰尘等)   4.dull adj.无聊,没劲;钝 Questions: 1.What kind of ribbons do politicians use?   政客们用什么样的带子? 2.When does a doctor get angry?   医生什么时候会生气? 3.Who always drives his customer away?   谁总是把顾客撵走? 4. Who makes a million dollars a day?   谁每天挣一百万美元? Keys:   1.Red tape.   红色的带子。   2.When he loses his patients.   当他的病人不来找他看病的时候。   3.A taxi-driver.   出租汽车司机。   4.People who work in a mint.   在造币厂工作的人。 Notes:   1.red tape真正的含义是:繁文缛节,官僚作风   2.patients音似 patience   lose one’s patience不耐烦,发脾气   3. drive… away另一种理解是:用车把…接走   4.mint/mint/ n.造币厂 Questions: 1.Can you tell me how fast light travels?   你能告诉我光速有多快吗? 2.What’s the hardest in the world?   世界上最难的谜语是什么? 3. What’s the smallest bridge in the world?   世界上最小的桥梁是什么? Keys:   1.The same way as slow light travels.   和慢的光线一样传播。   2.Life, because everyone has to give it up.   生命,因为每个人都有生命终止的一天。   3.The bridge of a nose.   鼻梁。 Notes:   1.travel v .传播,运行   “how fast light travel”有两种理解:①光速有多   快;②快的光线如何传播   2.give…up(努力不成之后)放弃;终止   3.bridge n.桥;鼻梁 Questions: 1.Can I try on that dress in the window?   我可以试穿橱窗里那件连衣裙吗? 2.When is a secret like a dress?   什么时候秘密像衣服? 3.What comes before six?   六前面是什么? Keys:   1.You can use the dressing room.   你可以在试衣室里试穿。   2. When it’s let out.   当它泄露以后。   3.The milkman.   送牛奶的人。 Notes:   1.“Can I try on that dress in the window?”   另一种理解是:我能在橱窗里试那件连衣裙吗?   2.let out(秘密)泄露;(衣服)改大   3.“What comes before six?”   另一种理解是:什么在六点钟之前来? Questions: 1.What’s the difference between a woman and an umbrella?   女人和伞的区别是什么? 2.What sport do waiters and waitresses excel in?   服务员最擅长什么运动? 3.What has four legs and flies?   什么东西有四条腿还可以飞? Keys:   1.You can shut up an umbrella.   你可以把伞收起来。   2.Tennis. They really know how to serve.   打网球。因为他们熟谙发球。   3.A dead horse.   一匹死马。 Notes:   1.shut up关起来,收起来;(使)闭嘴,住嘴   you can shut up an umbrella”的含义是:   you can’t shut up a woman(你可没法叫一个女   人住嘴)   2.serve v.发球;服务,侍候   3.flies v.飞(fly单数第三人称形式)   n.苍蝇 Questions: 1.Will liars be honest after they die?   撒谎的人死后会诚实吗? 2.Why are people always tired on April Fool’s Day?   愚人节这天人们为什么总是疲惫不堪? 3.What driver never speed?   什么司机从不超速开车? Keys:   1.No, they won’t. They lie still after they die.   不会,他们死后还是撒谎。   2.Because they’ve just had a long March.   因为他们刚刚结束一次漫长行军。   3. A screwdriver.   螺丝刀。 Notes:   1.lie Still静躺,静卧;仍旧撒谎   2.March 三月;march n.行军,行进   3.screwdriver n.螺丝刀 Questions: 1.Why is the heart of a tree like the end of a dog’s tail?   为什么说树心像狗尾巴梢? 2.Why is the airplane pilot like the escaping prisoner?   为什么说飞机驾驶员与在逃囚犯相似? 3.When is a horse the heaviest?   什么时候马最重? Keys:   1.Because it’s the farthest place from the bark.   因为它离树皮最远。   2.They both want safe flights.   因为他们都希望飞行安全。   3.When it’s led。   当有人牵它的时候。 Notes:   1.bark n.树皮;狗吠   the end of a dog’s tail狗尾巴梢,离狗的嘴最远   2. flight/flait/ n.飞行;逃亡,逃跑   safe flight安全飞行;安全出逃   3.led: lead(牵引)的过去分词,音似 lead/led/n.   铅 Questions: 1.What vegetable do people have if they want privacy?   人们在需要旁人避开时总是选什么蔬菜? 2.What do you do with your shoes after you wear them out?   你的鞋子穿破以后你怎么处理它们? 3.Why do you think 10 points are no less than 100 points?   你为什么说10分和100分差不多? Keys:   1.Lettuce alone.   只要莴苣。   2.Wear them back in.   当然是穿回家。   3. Because the difference between them is just   nothing.   因为它们之间的区别仅仅是零。 Notes:   1.Lettuce alone音似 let us alone(让我们单独呆一   会儿)   privacy n.隐私   2.wear…out把…穿破,穿坏;把…穿着到外面 Questions: 1.Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one?   贫穷的朋友和富贵的朋友,谁会成为你真正的朋   友? 2.Why don’t you buy a vacuum cleaner?   你为什么不买个真空吸尘器? 3.What’s the most contradictory sign in a library?   图书馆里最自相矛盾的标牌是什么? Keys:   1.A poor friend, because a friend in need is a   friend indeed.   贫穷的朋友,因为患难之交是真情。   2. I don’t have any vacuum to clean.   我没有真空要打扫。   3. To speak aloud is not allowed.   大声讲话是不允许的。 Notes:   1.a friend in need患难之交   in need需要帮助,需要资助,穷困的   2. vacuum n.真空   3.contradictory adj.互相抵触的   To speak aloud is not allowed音似 to speak   aloud is not aloud.(大声讲话不是大声) Questions: 1. Is there anything that you can’t get over?   有没有你无法释怀淡忘的事? 2.Why did the hippies remind one Of a coal miner in the old days?   嬉皮士为何使人联想起旧时代的矿工? 3.DO people fish with a permit in this area?   在这个地方钓鱼必须要有特许证吗? Keys:   1.Lots of. The sun, the moon, and lots of buildings.   很多。太阳,月球,还有许多高大建筑。   2.Because they’re fond of saying:“ I dig.”   因为他们喜欢说,“我来挖”。   3.NO, We fish with a bait.   不,我们用鱼饵钓鱼。 Notes:   1.get over淡忘,痊愈(不愉快的经历、感受等);越   过   2.“I dig”真实涵义是:我喜欢   3.with持有;用…做某事   permit n.许可证,执照 Questions: 1. Why is jaywalking tiring?   乱穿马路为什么很累? 2.Why are giraffes considered intelligent?   人们为什么认为长颈鹿是有智慧的? 3.Why are horses considered talented in painting?   人们为什么认为马在绘画方面有天赋? Keys:   1.Because it may make one have a rundown feeling.   因为它有可能让人觉得身体情况不佳。   2.Because it’s the highest form of animal life.   因为它是动物的最高形态。   3. Because they draw a lot of things.   因为它们拖很多很多东西。 Notes:   1.run-down adj.身体不好的,音似 run down(被   车撞倒)   jaywalk v.乱穿马路   2.high adj.高的   the highest form最高级形态   3.draw v.拖,拉;画 Questions: 1.What job will make people look up to you?   干什么工作人们会敬仰你? 2.Why is an empty matchbox the thing to have in the world?   为什么说一个空火柴盒是世界上最好的东西? 3.Why do smart students refuse to write about the king as their subject?   聪明的学生为什么不把国王作为写作的课题? Keys:   1.Window-washing on high-rises.   给高层建筑擦窗户的工作。   2.Because it’s matchless.   因为它没有火柴。   3.Because the king is not a subject.   因为国王不是臣民。 Notes:   1.look-up to向上看,抬头望;敬仰,敬佩   2. matchless adj.无可匹敌的,举世无   双的   -less后缀,意思是:没有…的,所以matchless又   可理解为:没有火柴的   3.subject n.话题,主题;臣民,国民 Questions: 1.Why did the banker keep looking up at the sky   银行家为什么老是抬头看天? 2.When do dogs refuse to follow their owners?   什么时候狗不愿跟随主人? 3.Do astronauts ever get hungry once they are in outer space?   宇航员在太空里会觉得饿吗? Keys:   1.To see if there’s any change in the sky.   看看天上有没有变化。   2.When their owners go to the flea market.   当他们的主人去跳蚤市场时。   3.Never,for they had a big launch.   不会,因为他们经历了火箭发射。 Notes:   1.change n.变化;零钱   2.flea market跳蚤市场,卖旧物或小东西的市场   flea n.跳蚤   3.launch n.发射(尤指火箭),音似lunch n.午餐,也作luncheon。 Questions: 1.Henry was sent by his mother to see how old Mrs.Smith was but was scolded by the old lady,why?   亨利听母亲的话去探望史密斯老太太,却被老太   太训斥,这是为什么呢? 2.Mr.White followed a parking sign but was given a ticket by the policeman.Can you guess what that sign reads?   怀特先生按停车指示牌停车,却被警察开票罚款。你猜得出指示牌上的内容吗? Keys:   1.Old Mrs. Smith thought it was her privacy how old she was.   因为史密斯太太认为年龄属于个人隐私。   2.It reads,“Fine for parking.”   上面写着,“可以停车”。 Notes:   1. how old Mrs. Smith is有两种理解:   ①史密斯老太太身体怎么样;   ②史密斯太太有多大年纪   2.“Fine for parking”另一种理解是:“停车罚款”。   fine adj.好的; n.罚款 Questions: 1.When is a football team like a scrambled egg?   足球队什么时候像炒鸡蛋? 2.What’s the difference between a fly and a mosquito?   苍蝇与蚊子的区别何在? 3.How can you keep your friend’s friendship?   怎样保持朋友对你的友情? Keys:   1.When it’s beaten.   当它输了球时。   2.You can’t sew a zipper on a mosquito.   不可能在蚊子身上缝一根拉链。   3.By not returning it.   不要还给朋友就行了。 Notes:   1.beat v.击败,打输;打(蛋)   scramble v.把蛋白蛋黄搅拌在一起   2.fly n.苍蝇;(裤子)前边的开口   mosquito n.蚊子   3.keep v,保持;保存,留住 Questions: 1.What color is the wind?   风是什么颜色? 2.Why can a bride hide nothing?   新娘为何藏不住东西? 3.What kind of people are most extravagant about their clothes?   什么人穿衣服最奢侈? 4.Why is the library the highest building?   为什么说图书馆是最高的建筑? Keys:   1.Blue.   蓝色。   2.Because some one will give her away.   因为有人会揭发她。   3.Those who wear their clothes out the first day.   那些第一天就穿着新衣服出门的人。   4.It has the most stories.   因为图书馆里故事最多。 Notes:   1.The wind blew风在吹   2.give…away揭发;在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎   3.extravagant adj.奢侈的   wear…out穿到外面;穿破,用坏   4.story n.故事;(楼)层 Questions: 1.When are your eyes not your eyes?   什么时候你的眼睛不再是你的眼睛? 2.Does this road go to the zoo?   这条路是去动物园的路吗? 3.Why do people never feel hungry on a beach?   为什么在沙滩上的人永远不会觉得饿? 4.Why don’t you take the bus home?   你为什么不乘车回家? Keys:   1.When the wind makes them water.   当风沙进去,眼泪汪汪的时候。   2.Well,you’11 have to go there yourself.   不,你得自己去(路是不会去的)。   3. Because of the sand which is there.   因为那儿有沙子。   4.Because my home is not that big.   因为我家不够大。 Notes:   1.water v.流口水,流眼泪   3.the sand which is there音似 the sandwiches   there(那里有三明治)。   4.take the bus home另一种解是:把车带回家。 Questions: 1.What kind of cats are good for mice?   用什么样的猫对付老鼠好? 2.Why is mother so tired?   妈妈为什么这么累? 3.Why did the skeleton refuse to go the ball?   骷髅为什么拒绝参加舞会? 4.Two wrongs don’t make a right, but what do two rights make?   两个错也不算对,那么两个对算什么呢? Keys:   1.Cats who don’t eat mice.   不吃老鼠的猫。   2.She makes beds every day.   因为她每天都要制床。   3.He has no body to dance with.   他没有身体可以跳舞。   4.The first airplane.   第一架飞机。 Notes:   1.be good for mice对老鼠好;用来对付老鼠好   2.make beds真正的意思是:铺床   3.He has nobody to dance with没有人和他跳舞   4.two rights音似 two Wrights(发明第一架飞机的怀特两兄弟) Questions: 1.What do you call a girl who has three boy friends named William?   三个男朋友都叫威廉的女孩叫什么? 2.What is lighter than a feather,but you can’t hold it for even 10 minutes?   什么东西比羽毛还轻,但是拿着它你却坚持不了十分钟? 3.Mary kissed her aunt good-bye but her aunt didn’t kiss her back.Why?   玛莉吻了姑姑再见,可是姑姑却没有吻玛莉,为什么? Keys:   1.A Bill collector.   收帐单的人。   2.Your breath.   你的呼吸。   3.Her aunt kissed her face.   她姑姑亲了她的脸。 Notes:   1.Bill collector另一层意思是:搜集比尔的人(Bill是William昵称)   2.hold one’s breath屏住呼吸   3.kiss her back回吻她;吻她的背 Questions: 1.What is the longest word in the English language?   英语里最长的单词是什么? 2.Why is Willie such a perfect idiot?   威利为什么是个十足的傻瓜? 3.Does your watch tell the time?   你的手表显示时间吗? 4.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun?   这个男孩为什么让他的狗晒太阳? Keys:   1.“Smiles”, because there’s a mile between the beginning and the end of it.   是“微笑”这个单词,因为这个单词从首字母到末尾字母之间是一英里。   2.He practises a lot.   他时常练习。   3.No,you’ll have to look at it.   不,你得自己看。   4.He wanted a hot dog.   他想要个热狗。 Notes:   2.practice makes perfect熟能生巧   3.tell v.显示;告诉,对…讲 Questions: 1.What is the best thing to make in a hurry?   急匆匆的时候做什么最好? 2.What does the falling of the barometer mean?   气压计下降意味着什么? 3.What’s wrong with the dog chasing its tail?   追着自己尾巴跑的狗怎么了? Keys:   1.Make haste.   赶紧。   2.It means whoever nailed the barometer did a poor job.   它说明把气压计钉上去的人没有钉牢它。   3.It’s having some difficulty making ends meet.   它很难使尾巴与脑袋碰到一起。 Notes:   1.make haste抓紧,赶紧   2.the falling of the barometer有两层意思:   ①气压计上的气压下降;   ②气压计本身掉下来了   barometer n.气压计,晴雨表   3.make ends meet真正的意思是:使收入和支出维持平衡,不致于入不敷出
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