首页 【精品文献】丑女贝蒂第一季04英文剧本台词



【精品文献】丑女贝蒂第一季04英文剧本台词【精品文献】丑女贝蒂第一季04英文剧本台词 看Ugly Betty学英语 第一季 4集:Fey's Sleigh Ride-Walter:I made a terrible mistake. terrible: 严重的 mistake: 错误 我犯了一个很严重的错误。 -Betty: Did you realize this before or after Gina dumped you? realize: 了解,意识到 before: 在…前面 after: 在…后面 dumped: dump的过去式丢弃...

【精品文献】丑女贝蒂第一季04英文剧本台词 看Ugly Betty学英语 第一季 4集:Fey's Sleigh Ride-Walter:I made a terrible mistake. terrible: 严重的 mistake: 错误 我犯了一个很严重的错误。 -Betty: Did you realize this before or after Gina dumped you? realize: 了解,意识到 before: 在…前面 after: 在…后面 dumped: dump的过去式丢弃,倾卸 你是在Gina 踹掉你之前还是之后意识到的? -Hilda: It's his H.M.O. They're not gonna cover Dad anymore. gonna: going to 将要 cover: 掩蔽,掩护 not anymore: 不再 爸爸的卫生维护组织不给他药了。 -Daniel: Got a weird call from some woman. weird: 怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 call: 电话 我接到一个女人的奇怪电话。 She said to ask you about ask about: 询问,打听 她问你关于 Bayonne scrap yard? scrap: 废料 yard: 场地 Bayonne废物处理场? -Bradford: I haven't the foggiest. foggy: 模糊的,混乱的 foggiest: foggy的最高级 我一点印象也没有。 -Wilhelmina: As long as there's this wedge between the two of them, as long as: 只要 wedge: 楔形物【隔阂】 between: 在…之间,在…之中 只要他们俩之间有隔阂, the relationship is doomed. relationship: 关系,联系 doomed: doom的过去式注定,判定,厄运,劫数 他们的感情必定完蛋。 Perhaps it's time I drive that wedge a little deeper. perhaps: 也许 drive: 驱使,促使 wedge: 楔形物【隔阂】 a little: 少量,少许 deeper: deep的比较级,更深的 也许是时候到我来加深他们的隔阂了。 can I get, get, get to know, know, know, know you better, better, baby get to know: 了解 -Betty: Wow, this is so cool. 哇,这里真酷~ I've always wanted to come to networking night at the rack. always: 一直 want to: 想要做 network: 网状物【人际关系网】 rack: 烧酒,烤架 我一直很想来社交舞会。 And, oh, look! There's free grilled cheese. free: 免费的 grilled: 烧烤的 cheese: 干酪,奶酪 哦,看哪! 那里有免费的烤乳酪。 -Amanda: Okay, ground rules. ground: 场地【划分】 rule: 规则,规章,规定 好吧,规矩。 Stop with the chatty, stop: 停止 chatty: 饶舌的,爱讲闲话的 不要多说话, Don’t stand so close to me, close: 位置接近地 不要站得离我这么近, and no one eats the grilled cheese. eat: 吃 而且谁也别吃烤乳酪。 -Betty: She's having one. 她就在吃。 -Marc: Well, of course fat Carol is eating one. of course: 当然 fat: 胖的 哦,当然肥妞Carol在吃。 What do you expect? 你还能怎么样? -Betty: Anyway, anyway: 无论如何 不管了, so how does this work? work: (使)运作,运转 我要怎么做? -Amanda: You have to work the room. have to: 不得不,必须 你必须"忙起来"。 -Betty: Work the room? 忙起来? -Marc: Circulate, baby. circulate: (使)流通 交流,宝贝。 Introduce yourself. introduce: 介绍,引见 自我介绍。 We want everyone to meet you. 我们要让每个人都见见你。 -Betty: Okay. Wish me luck. wish: 希望,想要,但愿 好的。祝我好运吧。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 It’s my first time. first time: 第一次 这是我第一次。 -Marc: More classic moments for Betty’s wall of shame. classic: 经典的 moment: 时刻 wall: 墙 shame: 羞愧,羞耻,惭愧 Betty耻辱墙的经典一刻。 -Betty: Hi. Excuse me. 嗨。借过。 We haven't officially met. officially: 正式的 met: meet的过去式遇见,见过 我们还没有正式见过。 Um, I'm Betty Suarez. 我是Betty Suarez。 I work at "mode," too. 我也为"时尚"杂志工作。 -Carol: I always thought I'd be good at your job. be good at: 擅长,胜任 job: 工作 我一直觉得我能胜任你的工作。 How long do you think you'll last? how long: 多久 last: 经受住,到…之后 你觉得你能干多久? -Betty: Well, unless you know something that I don't, a while, I hope. unless: 除非 while: (一段)时间 hope: 希望 除非你知道我所不知道的,我希望能久一点。 -Carol: That’s too bad. bad: 坏的 太糟了。 -Betty: You know, I love that you're having a grilled cheese. 你知道,我喜欢你吃烤乳酪。 Most people at "mode" don't eat. 大多数在"时尚"工作的人都不吃东西。 -Carol: Sometimes they shouldn’t. 有时他们不应该吃。 -Medina: Just a minute. 稍等一下。 Carol Medina. Carlo Medina。 I work with the editor in chief at "Isabella." work with: 从事…工作 editor: 编辑, 编者 chief: 级别最高的;总的 我为"Isabella"杂志的主编工作。 -Betty: Oh, Betty Suarez, assistant to Daniel Meade at "mode." assistant: 助理 Betty Suarez ,"时尚"杂志的 Daniel Meade的助理。 -Medina: Oh, I know who you are. 我知道你是谁。 You're a legend. legend: 传说,传奇故事 你是个传奇人物。 -Woman: Housekeeping swears they haven't seen a red music box. housekeep: 主妇,女管家 swear: 断言,明确地 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示 music: 音乐 box: 盒子 清洁工发誓她们没见过红色音乐盒。 Any luck? luck: 运气 运气怎么样? -Bradford: Does it look like I've had any luck? look like: 看起来像 我的样子像是运气很好吗? -Woman: Daniel and Wilhelmina are still waiting for you to sign off on the holiday spread. still: 仍然 wait for: 等待,等候 sign off: 签字结束书信 holiday: 假期 spread: 报刊上整页的文章 Daniel和Wilhelmina还在等你签发假期中心彩页。 -Bradford: What? Oh. Keep looking. keep: (使)保持,(使)继续 keep doing: 继续做某事 什么?哦。继续找。 -Daniel: Seem to be a lot of layers. seem: 好像,仿佛 a lot of: 许多 layer: 层,层次 好像穿得太多。 I'd like to see more skin. would like to: 愿意 skin: 皮肤 我想看到更多皮肤。 -Wilhelmina: It's a post nuclear scene. post: 在...之后,在后 nuclear: 核的 scene: 场景 这是核变后的场景。 Exposed skin would melt off their bodies. exposed: 暴露的 skin: 皮肤 melt off: 融化 body: 身体 暴露的肌肤会融化的。 -Man: My bad. 是我不对。 -Bradford: I understand you have a holiday spread for me. understand: 知道,了解 holiday: 假期 我知道你们有个假期中心彩页要给我看。 -Daniel: Yeah. Yes, we do. 是的,的确。 We think you're gonna like it. gonna: going to 将要会 be going to do: 将要(会)做某事 我们觉得你会喜欢。 -Wilhelmina: In this world of global warming and political unrest, world: 世界 global: 全球的 warm: (使)变暖,被加热 political: 政治的 unrest: 动乱,骚乱,不安宁 在这个全球变暖和政治动荡的世界里, we give you a post apocalyptic Christmas. post: 在...之后,在后 apocalyptic: 预示世界末日的 Christmas: 圣诞节 我们将给你一个世界末日后的圣诞节。 -Daniel: A "mad max-mass" if you will. mad: 疯狂的 mass: 大规模的,群众的 如果你愿意一个"最为疯狂的圣诞节"。 -Wilhelmina: I discovered this designer out of Vietnam--Anh vu-tran—So hot, no one in the states knows about her. discovered: discover的过去式发现 designer: 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 师 out of: 从…里面 Vietnam: 越南 hot: 最新的,热门的 know about: 知道,了解 我在越南发现了这个设计师 Anh Vu Tran 非常红,但国内没人知道她。 She's doing an exclusive line of flak jackets just for us. exclusive: 专用的,独家的 line: 排,行【系列】 flak: 高射炮 jacket: 夹克 just: 仅仅for: 为了 她特别为我们设计一系列防弹衣。 -Man: We got all the props and equipment on hold for Thursday. prop: 支柱,支柱物 equipment: 设备 on hold: 暂缓,推迟,搁置 我们周四能拿到所有有关的道具和设备。 We just need to pull the trigger. just: 仅仅,只是 need to do: 需要做某事 pull: 拖,拉,拔 trigger: (枪)扳机 万事俱备,只欠东风。 -Daniel: So let's walk you through the mock-ups, show you what we have in mind. walk through: 步行穿过(某处) mock: 阳平 show: 给…看 in mind: 在思想,头脑里 带你去看看样刊。看看我们的想法。 -Bradford: Yeah, sounds good. Uh, I have to get back upstairs. sound: 听起来 get back: 回去 upstairs: 在楼上,往楼上 听上去不错。我得回到楼上去。 -Woman: He was disturbed? disturb: 使焦虑,使烦恼 他有心事? -Wilhelmina: He looked very disturbed. 他看上去心事重重。 -Woman: Mm. He should. 哦,应该的。 He got sloppy. sloppy: 草率的,粗心的 他有了心事。 -Wilhelmina: And we got... a music box. 而我们有了...音乐盒。 -Betty: Sorry I'm late! late: 迟的晚的 对不起,我迟到了! I hope you guys didn't wait for me to eat dinner. wait for: 等候,等待 dinner: 晚饭 我希望你们没有等我吃晚饭。 What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么? -Walter: Tuesday's tamale night. tamale: (墨西哥)玉米粉蒸肉 周二是玉米粉蒸肉之夜。 -Betty: We broke up. break up: 分手 我们分手了。 -Justine: Walter always comes on tamale night. always: 总是 Walter在玉米粉蒸肉之夜总会来。 -Betty: He cheated on me. I'm not sure I'm ready to just jump back in. cheat on: 对…不忠实 sure: 确信 be ready to: 准备好做 他背叛了我。我不确定我准备好回心转意了。 -Hilda: It’s tamale night. 今晚是玉米粉蒸肉之夜。 -Suarez: Betty, I didn't raise you to be rude to guests. raise: 抚养 rude: 粗鲁的,无礼的 guest: 客人 Betty,我可没教你对客人无礼。 Now we saved you some tamale. save: 储蓄,贮存 我们给你留了一点玉米粉蒸肉。 -Betty: Okay. Thank you. I'm starving. starve: 挨饿,饥饿 好吧。谢谢。我饿死了。 I went to this really cool work thing tonight, except it's not professional to eat, go to: 去,参加 tonight: 今晚 except: 除了 professional: 专业的 我今晚参加了很酷的活动。只不过在那里吃东西不是很专业, so I just had a mango margarita. so: 所以 just: 仅仅,只 mango: 芒果 margarita: 玛格丽塔酒 所以我只喝了一杯芒果玛格丽塔酒。 -Suarez: Here you go. 给你。 Hey. 嘿。 -Betty: Dad, you know what the doctor said. doctor: 医生 爸爸,你知道医生怎么说的。 You can't have coffee. coffee: 咖啡 你不能喝咖啡。 Anyway, so I spent the entire evening just networking and giving out my business cards. anyway: 无论如何,总之 spent: spend的过去式花费 entire: 整个的 network: 网状物【拉拢人际网】 give out: 分发,散发 business: 交易,生意 card: 卡,卡片,名片 总之我花了一整晚交际。分发我的名片。 What? 什么? -Walter: What? Nothing. It's just, I find it interesting. interesting: 有趣的 什么? 没事。只是,我觉得很有趣。 You're drinking now. Okay. drinking: drink的现在进行时喝酒 你现在喝酒了,好吧。 You used to get woozy from your astringent. used to: 过去常常 woozy: 糊涂的 astringent: 收敛剂,止血药 以前止血药都能让你头晕。 -Betty: Anyway, it was really fun, and I finally felt like I belonged. fun: 有趣的 finally: 最终地 feel like: 有…的感觉 belonged: belong的过去式属于 总之,真的很好玩,我终于感觉到自己属于那里了。 -Medina: You're a legend. legend: 传说,传奇的故事 你是个传奇人物。 -Betty: Me? 我吗? -Medina: You saved the Fabia layout in your first week. save: 拯救,挽救 layout: 布局,安排,版面设计 你工作的第一个星期就拯救了Fabia 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 -Betty: Oh, no. No, no, no, no. It didn't happen like that. happen: 发生 哦,不不不。并不是这样的。 -Medina: I've slaved away for years, and I'm not even trusted to pick out a belt. What is your secret? slave: 奴隶般地工作,做苦工 even: 甚至 trust: 信任,信赖,相信 pick out: 挑选,分类,辨别出 belt: 腰带 secret: 秘密 我作牛作马好几年,但连选腰带这样的事。他们都不信任我,你的秘诀是什么? -Betty: Um... just, uh, doing my job. 嗯... 只是做好份内的事。 -Medina: And she's modest, too. modest: 谦虚的 她也很谦虚。 What are you drinking? 你喝什么? -Betty: Um...uh, Mango margarita? 嗯...芒果玛格丽塔酒? -Amanda: Oh, you should have seen her. She was so gross. gross: 恶心的 你一概看看她,她太恶心了。 All she did was talk about herself the entire night. talk about:: 谈论 entire: 整个 她一整晚都在谈论自己。 -Daniel: Yeah, that doesn't sound like Betty. sound like: 听起来像 听上去不像是Betty。 -Amanda: Ugh. Well, get a drink in her, and it is the Betty show. show: 显示,展示,秀 她一杯酒下肚,Betty专场演出就开始了。 She would not shut up, bragging about the Fabia layout. shut up: 安静,闭嘴 brag about: 吹嘘,夸耀 layout: 布局,安排,版面设计 她闭不上嘴,一直在说Fabia企划的事。 -Betty: It was all Daniel's vision. It'd be really wrong for me to take any credit for the layout. vision: 想像(力) wrong: 错误的 take credit for: 因……而得到好评 全是Daniel的功劳。把功劳算在我头上。是非常不对的。 -Medina: Wow. An assistant who doesn't trash-talk their boss. assistant: 助理 trash: 捣坏,破坏 trash-talk: 说坏话 boss: 老板,经理 哇。一个不说老板坏话的助理。 -Amanda: I know. 我知道。 Trash-talking is what I do best. trash: 捣坏,破坏 best: 最好的 扯皮是我最拿手的。 Well, second best. 好吧,第二拿手。 -Betty: It's really easy when you have a good boss. 当你有个好老板,这就很容易了。 You know, I'm really, really lucky to work for Daniel. lucky: 幸运的 work for: 为…而工作 我真的非常非常幸运能为Daniel工作。 -Marc: And she was clueless as to how to handle herself. clueless: 没有线索的 how: 如何 handle: 解决,应付 而且她也愚蠢得不知道怎么推销自己。 Shock. shock: 震惊 吓死人了。 You should have seen when she pulled out her business cards. pull out: 拔出,分发 business card: 名片 你应该看看她今天是怎么发她的名片的。 -Betty: I just got 'em today. 我今天刚刚拿到的。 I don't usually carry entire boxes in my purse. usually: 通常 carry: 带 entire: 整个的 purse: 钱包,女用小提包 我通常不会把整盒的放在手袋里。 Well, not since Kleenex came out with the travel size. since: 自从 come out with: 展出,供应,宣布 travel: 旅行 size: 尺码 自从Kleenex纸巾出了随身包,就没这样了。 No, they did. 我说真的。 -Marc: Tragic. They're laughing at you, Betty, not with you. tragic: 悲惨的 laugh at: 嘲笑 可悲。他们是在笑你,Betty,不是在和你一起笑。 Poor cow has no idea we only invited her so people could see she really exists. poor: 可怜的 cow: 母牛 have no idea: 不知道 invited: invite的过去式邀请 really: 真正 的 exist: 存在 笨猪,还不知道我们邀请她的唯一原因,是想让人们看到她真正存在。 She's like the real life Snuffleupagus.... like: 像,如同 real: 真实的 她就像是真人版的Snuffleupagus.... (注: 中人物) Only hairier. hair: 毛发 只不过毛少点。 -Wilhelmina: Marc! What did you find out that's useful to me?! find out: 发现 useful: 有用的 Marc! 你觉得说这些对我有什么用?! No choice gossip? choice: 上等的,精选的 gossip: 流言,闲话 没有有价值的八卦? No dirt to help me destroy any lesser magazine? dirt: 恶言,丑闻 destroy: 毁掉 lesser: 较小的 magazine: 杂志社 help sb do sth: 帮助某 人做某事 没有能助我摧毁几家小杂志的丑闻? -Marc: Uh, I, uh, I'll do better next time. next time: 下次 唔,我,我下次会做得更好。 -Wilhelmina: Do you know how many curly-haired, effete sycophants there are waiting to replace you? curly: 卷曲的 effete: 虚弱无力的 sycophant: 马屁精 wait to do: 等待做 replace: 代替,取代 你知道有多少卷发的老马屁精在等待机会取代你吗? -Marc: I know. You have five of them on speed dial. speed: 快速,迅速 speed: 快速速度 dial: 拨号盘 我知道。你将他们中五个人设置为快速拨号。 -Wilhelmina: Don't make me call. 别让我打电话给他们。 -Betty: Anyway, it was an amazing night. anyway: 无论如何 amazing: 令人惊异的 不管怎么说,这都是一个令人惊异的夜晚。 -Walter: Are you gonna eat that? Oh, right. I forgot. gonna: going to 将要会 forgot: forget的过去式忘记 你到底还要不要吃?哦,对。我忘记了。 You probably need it to soak up the booze. probably: 可能 soak up: 大量而迅速地吸取 soak: 浸透,吸收液体 booze: 酒,烈性酒 你可能需要它来吸收身上的酒气。 -Justine: You know what? 你知道吗? You'd be perfect for my school project. perfect: 完美的 project: 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,课题 你是我学校作业的完美对象。 -Hilda: What school project? 什么作业? -Justine: They gave us an assignment today to write a paper about someone whose job we admire. assignment: 任务 write: 写 paper: 论文 admire: 赞赏,钦佩 今天老师给我们布置了任务。要我们写篇关于从事我们羡慕的职业的人的论文。 We get the whole day off tomorrow to go observe them. whole: 整个的 off: 从…离开 observe: 观察 我们可以利用明天一整天的时间去观察他们。 Can you take me to "mode"? 你能带我去"时尚"杂志社吗? -Betty: Yeah, of course, if it's okay with your mom. 当然可以。如果你妈妈也同意的话。 -Hilda: You know, the fashion world isn't that great. fashion: 时尚 great: 好,棒 你知道嘛,时尚界没有你想象中那么好。 It's a bunch of self-serving, a bunch of: 一堆 self-serve: 自私的 那里只有一群自私自利, shallow tramps who starve themselves and backstab each other for expensive clothes no self-respecting person would be caught dead in. shallow: 肤浅的 tramp: 流浪汉 starve: 挨饿 stab: 刺,扎,刺入,刺伤 backstab: 陷害 each other: 互相 expensive: 昂贵的 self-respecting: 尊敬自己的 person: 人 浅薄的家伙,饿着肚皮,为了昂贵的衣服互相在背后捅刀子,任何一个自尊自重的人都不愿意终生在时尚圈里混。 -Justine: So can I go? 那么我可以去吗? -Hilda: Well, don't say I didn't warn you. warn: 警告 好吧,别说我没警告过你。 -Justine: Oh, my god. You're a celebrity! celebrity: 名人,名流 哦,天啊,你成了个名人了! The Meade security guard knows your name! security: 安全 guard: 警戒,警惕,守卫 Meade出版社的保安都知道你的名字! -Betty: Oh, look, here are some of my friends. 哦,看,这些是我的朋友。 -Amanda: Just because we're sharing an elevator doesn't mean we're friends. share: 共享,共用 elevator: 电梯 mean: 意味着 只是共乘一部电梯。可并不意味着我们就是朋友。 -Betty: Marc, Amanda, this is, uh, Justin. Marc, Amanda,这是Justin。 -Marc: Oh, so that's pregnancy weight. pregnancy: 怀孕 weight: 重量 哦,原来你长这么胖是因为怀孕。 -Betty: No, um, he's my nephew. nephew: 侄子 不是的,他是我侄子。 -Justine: Oh, my god. 哦,我的天啊。 Manolo blahniks, spring 2004! spring: 春天 Manolo Blahniks的鞋子,2004年春季款! -Marc: Wearing two-year-old shoes. wearing: wear的现在进行时穿着 穿了两年的旧鞋。 Even I didn't catch that. even: 甚至,即使 catch: 偶然撞见,突然发觉 连我都没注意到呢。 Definitely not your son. definitely: 一定地,肯定地 son: 儿子 他绝对不是你儿子。 -Man: I got nothin'! I hate this. nothin’: nothing 什么也没有 hate: 讨厌 我什么也没有! 我讨厌这样。 -Daniel: Don't take it out on the furniture. take out on sth: 发泄 furniture: 家具 别拿这些家具撒气。 -Man: It's late October. I got to shoot the holiday spread this week, or we won't make book. shoot: 拍照 holiday: 假期 spread: 报刊上整页的文章 已经是十月下旬了。我这个礼拜得搞定否则无法按时出版。 -Justine: It's the tube! tube: 管,软管 管形通道! -Betty: Shh, Justin! 嘘,Justin! -Justine: Sorry. 抱歉。 -Betty: Go sit at my desk. It's right there. sit: 做 right there: 就在那儿 去坐到我桌子旁边。就在那边。 -Man: I went to go get the tanks--gone! tank: 坦克 gone: 消失的 我去要坦克--没了! I went to book the models--gone! book: 预订 model: 模特 我要预定模特--没了! I went to get the burned out Christmas trees--gone! burn out: 烧坏 Christmas tree: 圣诞树 我要的烧焦的圣诞树--也没了! Isabella took them all out from under us. under: 在…管辖下,在…影响下 Isabella 杂志在我们眼皮子底下,全抢走了。 -Daniel: Calm down. calm down: 冷静 冷静一点。 -Man: How can I calm down when somebody leaked our ideas? leak: 使泄露 idea: 思想,想法 有人泄漏了我们的创意我怎么冷静得下来呢? Isabella magazine literally stole our entire feature spread! magazine: 杂志 literally: 确实地,真正地 stole: steal的过去式偷 entire: 整个的 feature: 特写,专题节目 spread: 报刊上整页的文章 Isabella 杂志偷了我们中心彩页的整个创意! -Amanda: Oh, my god. 哦,我的天啊。 -Marc: C-carlo Medina. Carlo Medina。 -Betty: He bought me a drink. 他请我喝了杯酒。 -Daniel: Isabella magazine is doing a post apocalyptic Christmas. post: 在...之后,在后 Isabella 杂志正在做关于末日后圣诞节的内容。 They copied our entire concept. copied: copy的过去式复制,抄袭 entire: 整个的 concept: 概念,观念,想法 他们抄了我们的整个创意。 -Man: They didn't just copy it. just: 只是 他们不只是照抄。 They took it. 他们偷走了它。 -Daniel: The holiday issue is our biggest source of ad revenue for the year. holiday: 假期 issue: 发行物 biggest: big的最高级最大的 source: 来源 ad: advertisement 广告 revenue: 收入,收益;财政收入 节日这期杂志是我们全年广告收入最重要的来源。 We lose advertisers. lose: 失去 advertiser: 广告商 我们将失去广告商。 Our circulation goes in the toilet. circulation: 发行量 toilet: 厕所 我们的发行量将跌入底谷。 -Wilhelmina: Which is precisely why "mode" does not tolerate leaks. precisely: 就是,精确地 tolerate: 容许 leak: 使泄露 这就是为什么"时尚"绝不容忍泄密的原因。 Now I will give the guilty party one chance to come forward and confess. guilty: 有罪的 party: 一方,当事人 chance: 机会 come forward: 自告奋勇,自愿 confess: 承认,供认 现在我给犯错误的人一个自首的机会。 Did any of you speak to anyone at "Isabella"? speak to: 对…讲 你们之中谁跟 "Isabella" 的人讲过话? Well, then, cowards, we'll do it the hard way. coward: 胆小鬼 hard: 强硬的 那好吧,胆小鬼,我们只能采取强硬一点的方式了。 Everyone is considered guilty and will be treated as such until there's a confession. be considered: 被认为 guilty: 有罪的 treat: 对待,看待 until: 直到…才 confession: 承 认,供认,自首 你们每一个人都将被视为疑犯并将受到疑犯的待遇,直到有人自首为止。 But by noon on Thursday, someone's head will roll. by: 不迟于,在…时候 roll: (使)打滚,(使)转动,滚动 但是截止到周四的中午你们中就得有个人掉脑袋了。 -Bradford: See who entered and exited the building. enter: 进入 exit: 离开,退场 building: 建筑物,楼房 看看有什么人进出这座建筑物。 I left Fey's music box on my desk, and now it's gone. left: leave的过去式,离开,把…留下 leave on: 让…留在原处 gone: 不见了的,消 失的 我将Fey的音乐盒放在我的办公桌上,但现在却找不到了。 Investigate everyone. You have to find out who took it. investigate: 调查,审查 find out: 发现 仔细调查每个人。你得查出是谁拿走了它。 -Detective: Why didn't you burn it with the other things? burn: 烧毁,烧坏,烧伤 你为什么不将它与其他东西一起烧了呢? -Bradford: I couldn’t. That music box is personal. personal: 个人的,私人的 我不能。那个音乐盒有私人感情在里面。 -Detective: But it connects you to Fey. It could provide a motive. connect to: 使与…连接 provide: 提供,供给 motive: 动机 但它将你和Fey联系在了一起。它会提供一个动机。 Who knows about the affair? affair: 发生的事情,大事 还有人知道你与Fey的亲密关系吗? -Bradford: No one. 没了。 No one but my wife. but: 除了,除去 除了我妻子。 -Wilhelmina: We have two days to conceive and execute an entirely new concept. conceive: 想出,构想,设想 execute: 执行,实现,使生效entirely: 全部地,完整 地,完全地 new: 新的 concept: 概念,观念,想法 我们有两天的时间来构思并制作一个全新的创意。 -Daniel: If any of you have any plans, I need you to cancel 'em. plan: 计划 cancel: 取消 need sb to do sth: 需要某人做某事 如果你们有除工作之外的其他计划,我要你们取消。 I want everyone working together to pull this off. work together: 同…在同一处工作 pull off: 努力实现 我希望大家可以团结合作,度过这个难关。 -Wilhelmina: What Daniel’s trying to say is kiss your loved ones good-bye and expect to come home to dead pets. try to: 设法,想 kiss goodbye: 吻别 expect: 期望 expect to do: 期望做某事 dead: 死掉 的 pet: 宠物 Daniel想说的就是跟你们的爱人吻别,宠物就让它们死在家里好了。 -Marc: Schmoopy. Schmoopy (Marc的宠物) -Wilhelmina: Well, what are you waiting for? wait for: 等待,等候 你们还等什么? -Betty: You kicked me with your two-year-old shoes! kick: 踢 你用你那穿了两年的旧鞋子踢我! -Amanda: Have something to be nervous about, Carol? nervous: 紧张的 有什么事令你这么紧张,Carol? -Carol: I ate half a bagel. ate: eat的过去式 half: 一半的,半个的 我吃了半个百吉饼。 -Marc: All three of us talked to Carlo Medina from "Isabella" last night. 昨晚我们三个都和Isabella 的Carlo Medina讲过话。 -Amanda: What exactly did you tell him? exactly: 确切地,精确地【到底】 你到底告诉他什么了? -Betty: Not that much. 没有多少。 -Medina: So tell me, is Daniel Meade complete incompetent or more like a slow-but-cute younger brother? complete: 彻底的,完完全全的 incompetent: 无能力的,不称职的,不胜任的 like: 像 younger: 年轻的 cut: 可爱的 告诉我 Daniel是个完全的无能之辈呢,还是一个慢半拍但却十分聪明的小弟弟? -Betty: Neither. 都不是。 Daniel is a lot smarter than people think he is. a lot: 非常多 smarter: smart的比较级聪明的 Daniel比人们想象的要聪明得多。 -Medina: Really? I just find that so hard to believe. hard: 难懂的 believe: 相信 真的吗? 我发现这个真的挺令人难以相信。 -Betty: Okay, well, like Thursday, we have our feature shoot— feature: 特写,专题节目 shoot: 拍摄,拍照 好吧,比如说星期四,我们要拍摄我们的中心彩页-- a post apocalyptic Christmas. It's really cool. post: 在...之后,在后 apocalyptic: 世界末日的 really: 真的 一个末日后的圣诞节。这个创意真的很棒。 We rented tanks, and it was all Daniel’s idea. Tanks. rent: 租 tank: 坦克 idea: 想法 我们租了坦克,这全都是Daniel的主意。坦克呀。 -Marc: Ooh, Betty. Too bad. It looks like you're the leak. look like: 看起来 leak: 泄露 哦,Betty。真糟糕。看起来你就是那个泄密者。 -Marc: Oh, well. You didn't really fit in here anyway. fit: (使)适合 哦,不管怎样。你真的不太适合这里。 ta. 谢谢。 -Betty: Wait, no! All I mentioned were tanks. mention: 提到,说起 tank: 坦克 等等不! 我就只提过坦克而已。 You guys talked to him, too. talk to: 和…说,谈话 你们俩也跟他说过话。 -Amanda: Yeah, what did you talk to Carlo about? talk about: 谈论 是啊,你和Carlo说什么了? -Marc: Okay, first of all, he talked to me. first of all: 首先 好吧,首先,是他先跟我搭讪的。 -Betty: To assistants. assistant: 助理 敬助理们。 -Medina: What are you doing here all alone? alone: 独自一人的 你干嘛总是一个人呆着? That's not like you. 这一点都不像你。 -Marc: I just don't understand it. understand: 理解 我只是不能理解。 She's like liza at the pride parade. pride: 骄傲的 parade: 展示,炫耀 她怎么会那么受欢迎。 Betty, Betty, Betty! Betty,Betty,Betty! -Medina: Oh, they just want to hear about the post apocalyptic Christmas spread. hear about: 听说 哦,他们只是想听她说关于末日后圣诞节的创意。 -Marc: Is she taking credit for that? take credit for: 占功劳 她在抢功劳吗? Wilhelmina's the one who found the flak jackets. 是Wilhelmina找到了防弹衣。 There's this hot new designer, hot: 热门的,流行的 designer: 设计师 还有最新的热门设计师, Anh vu-tran--gonna be huge! huge: 巨大的,庞大的 Anh Vu-Tran 肯定会大红大紫! -Medina: You featuring anyone else? feature: 以...为特色,以...为号召 还请了什么人? -Marc: Oh, when you've got the best, 哦,当你得到了最好的, you can forget the rest. forget: 忘记 rest: 其它的 就可以忘记其余的了。 -Betty: Okay, so we have tanks and flak jackets. tank: 坦克 jacket: 夹克 好吧,这样我们就泄漏了坦克和防弹衣。 -Marc: I'm guessing the cosmo fountain might have spilled something, too. guess: 猜测,想 fountain: 来源,根源,源泉 spill: 泄露机密 我猜这个大嘴巴也泄漏了一些东西吧。 -Amanda: I had one drink. 我喝了杯酒。 Unlike the two of you, I was actually trying to figure out what was going on at "Isabella." unlike: 不像 actually: 实际上 try to: 设法 figure out: 弄明白 go on: 进行,发生 不像你们两个,我本来是想套出 "Isabella" 在做什么的。 -Amanda: So what are you guys doing for your holiday issue? holiday: 假期 issue: 发表,发布,发行物 你们为节日那期杂志在做什么? -Medina: Oh, the usual--boring. Mm. usual: 寻常的,惯常的 boring: 无趣的,单调的,乏味的 哦,还不就是平常那些玩意-- 烦死了。唔。 I'm much more interested in hearing about you... and your magazine. much more: 更 be interest in: 对…感兴趣 我更感兴趣听你说说你...和你们的杂志。 -Amanda: Well, since you ask, "mode" is using one of my ideas. since: 既然 use: 用 idea: 想法,注意 既然你问了,那我就告诉你吧,时尚用了我的一个主意。 Do you know "planet of the apes"? planet: 星球 apes: 猿 你知道"人猿星球"吗? -Medina: I dressed as Dr. Zaiusone Halloween. dress: 穿着 as: 以…角色,扮演…角色 我万圣节的时候就打扮成Zaiusone博士。 -Amanda: Mm. Well, we're doing the statue of liberty scene, statue: 雕像,塑像 liberty: 自由,自主 scene: 场景 唔。我们在做自由女神像的场景, but with Santa buried half in the sand, Santa: 圣诞老人 bury: 埋葬 sand: 沙子 但是圣诞老人半埋在沙中, holding up a new year's baby. hold up: 举起,抬起,拿起 抱着一个新生的婴儿。 I only know the movie 'cause I dated a geek once. movie: 电影 ‘cause: because 因为 date: 约会 once: 曾经 我只知道这部电影因为我曾经跟一个群众演员约会过一次。 -Medina: Maybe you will again. maybe: 也许 也许你还想再来一次。 Buy you another drink? 再来一杯? -Amanda: Yes. 好的。 -Marc: Carlo's straight? straight: 异性恋的 Carlo不是同志? -Betty: So I guess this means all three of us need to go to Wilhelmina and confess. guess: 想,认为 mean: 意味着 confess: 坦白 我想我们三个都要去Wilhelmina那坦白啊。 -Amanda: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 不,不,不,不要。 Have you been smoking one of your ponchos? smoke: 抽烟 poncho: 斗篷 你嗑药把脑子嗑晕了吧? -Marc: There's nothing to confess. We don't know it was us. confess: 坦白 没什么好坦白的。我们不知道泄密的就是我们啊。 -Betty: How can you say that? 你们怎么能这么说? -Marc: We told three tiny parts of a giant shoot. tiny: 微小的 giant: 巨大的 shoot: 拍摄 我们都只说了冰山一小角。 How'd "Isabella" find out about the burned out Christmas trees or the scrap metal reindeer? find out: 发现 burn out: 烧坏的,烧焦的 scrap: 废弃,丢弃 metal: 金属 rein: 缰,缰 绳 deer: 鹿 Isabella是怎么知道烧焦的圣诞树和废金属驯鹿的呢? That must have been someone else. else: 其它的 一定还有其他人。 -Amanda: We have to keep quiet and hope that the real leaker is found. have to: 不得不 keep: 保持 quiet: 安静的 keep quiet: 安静leaker: 泄密的热 我们什么都别说希望能找出真正的泄密者。 -Betty: No. I can't do that. 不行。我不能这么做。 Look, I won't say anything about you guys, 嘿,我不会提到你们的, but I need to confess what I did. 但是我要去坦白。 -Marc: There were only a few people from "mode" at the rack. a few: 少数 rack: 聚会 聚会上只有少数人是"时尚"的员工。 If you say the leak happened there, leak: 泄密 happened: happen的过去式发生 如果你说是在那里泄密的, it'll draw a line straight to us. draw: 拖,拉 line: 方向,路线 straight: 笔直的 就会直接指向我们。 -Betty: Even if it does, they can't fire all of us. even if: 即使 fire: 解雇 就算这样,他们也不能把我们全炒了。 -Amanda: Can’t they? 不会吗? Photo department, 2003--got axed for mentioning the words "sepia tones" at a party. photo: 照片 department: 部门 axed: 被砍掉 mention: 提及,提到word: 单词 sepia: 棕黑色 tone: 风格,气度 party: 聚会 图片部门 2003年就因为在聚会上提到了 "乌贼墨色" 而全体被炒。 -Betty: Well, look, I just--I don't like lying. lying: lie的现在进行时撒谎 好吧,我只是...不喜欢撒谎。 -Marc: Oh. Oh. Neither do I. neither: (两者)都不的 哦。我也不喜欢。 Okay, that's a lie, but we're just asking you to omit. lie: 谎言 omit: 省略,遗漏,删掉 好吧,这是撒谎,我们只是要你忽略这个。 It's like a secret-- our secret. secret: 秘密 就好像这是个秘密,我们的秘密。 -Amanda: Look, you are one of us now, Betty— 嘿,你现在是我们的一员了,Betty-- the assistants club. Oh. assistant: 助理 club: 俱乐部 助理俱乐部。 We have to protect each other. protect: 保护 each other: 互相,彼此 我们要互相保护。 -Betty: Well, I mean, I guess keeping quiet is better than getting you guys fired. mean: 意思是 guess: 想,认为 quiet: 安静better than: 比…更好 好吧,我是说,我想保持沉默。总比你们被开除好。 -Marc: Then we're agreed? agree: 相同,相符,一致 我们说定了? -Betty: Yeah, okay. 好吧。 -Marc: We’re all in this together. together: 一起 我们在同一条船上了。 -Walter: Maybe she's different now, you know? different: 不同的 也许现在,她不一样了呢? Fancy job and drinking... fancy: 很好的,昂贵的,高档的 很好的工作,喝酒.... -Suarez: You cheated on her. cheat on: 背叛 你背叛了她。 -Walter: I know, I know. God, why did I do that? 我知道,天哪,我干吗要那么做啊? Very, very sorry about that. It's just--I... I love her. 非常,非常抱。我只是...我爱她。 I can fix that. fix: 修 我能修好它。 Oh, wait a minute. You like it in Spanish. Spanish: 西班牙语的 哦,等等。你喜欢西班牙语的。 -Suarez: Oh, you know, many years ago, 哦,你知道的,很多年前, I had a fight with, um, Betty's mother a big one. fight: 争吵 我曾经和Betty的妈妈有过一次很严重的吵架。 She banned me from our bed for a week. ban from: 禁止 她一周都不让我上床。 -Walter: Ouch. 哎哟。 -Suarez: I knew I had to do something good. had to: 必须 我知道我要表现好点。 So I thought of her favorite movie, "pretty woman," and I stole a page from Richard Gere. think of: 想起 favorite: 最喜欢的 movie: 电影 steal: 偷学 page: 事件 所以呢,我想到了她最喜欢的电影Pretty Woman(风月俏佳人)。我从Richard Gere(理查基尔)那学了一招。 -Walter: What do you mean? Like... you paid her? paid: pay的过去式付给,付款 什么意思? 是说... 你付她钱了? -Suarez: No. 不是。 I did the scene from the end of the movie, Walter, scene: 场景 end: 结尾 movie: 电影 Walter,我学了电影的最后一幕, when he climbs up the fire escape and declares his love for her. climb up: 爬上 escape: 逃走,逃脱 declare: 宣称,宣布 他爬上防火梯,宣布他爱她。 -Walter: Wait a minute. That--that's not supposed to happen. be supposed to: 应该,被期望 等等。这...怎么会这样。 -Suarez: Well... It worked like a charm. work: 使产生效果 like: 像 charm: 魔力,魔法 好了...这非常有效。 -Walter: Yeah, I don't know. I don't know If a big, romantic gesture will work on the new Betty. romantic: 浪漫的 gesture: 姿态,表示 work: 产生效果 恩,我不知道。我不知道如果非常浪漫的姿态,对新的Betty有用。 -Suarez: There is no new Betty. 没有什么新的Betty。 Just new surroundings. just: 只是 surrounding: 环境 只是新环境而已。 Betty is the same. Betty还是Betty。 -Walter: Oh. I guess you're right. guess: 想,认为 哦。我想你是对的。 -Suarez: Did you do that? 你做的? -Walter: Uh, no. That's actually the phone. actually: 实际上 phone: 电话 不是。的确是电话铃。 -Suarez: Hello? 喂? -Woman: This is Anne Frazier from Mercer Park regional H.M.O. from: 从…,自… regional: 地区的,区域的 我是Mercer Park地区健康维护组织的Anne Frazier。 I'm just calling to confirm your 2:00 appointment. confirm: 确认 appointment: 约会,约定 我只是来确认一下2:00 你在这有约。 -Suarez: Actually, uh...that's a mistake. actually: 实际上 mistake: 错误 实际上...这是个误会。 Uh, I don't--I don't need to come in. come in: 进来,进入 我...我不需要去。 -Woman: Are you sure? A Betty Suarez called at least 25 times. sure: 确定 at least: 至少 你确定? Betty Suarez至少打了25次电话。 -Suarez: No. It won't be necessary. necessary: 必要的 不。不用了。 -Woman: Well, it sounded like you have some pretty legitimate claim. sound like: 听起来像 pretty: 相当,颇 legitimate: 合情合理的,合法的 claim: 要求 你是有这些合法权益的。 -Suarez: No. Thank you. 不用了。谢谢。 -Walter: Sorry. 对不起。 -Wilhelmina: What are you gonna tell him? gonna: going to 将要会 你要对他说什么? -Daniel: What are you gonna tell? 你要说什么呢? -Wilhelmina: You know, we might be better off not saying anything to Bradford. 对Bradford只字不提,我们也许能好过点。 -Daniel: Mm. You sure that's a good idea? sure: 确定 idea: 主意 你肯定这是个好主意? Dad's approved every holiday spread since 1986. approved: approve的过去式批准,通过 holiday: 假期 spread: 报刊上整页的文章 since: 从…以来,自从…之后 爸爸批准了自1986年以来每期的节日彩页。 -Wilhelmina: Well, as the top two people here, as: 作为 top: 首位,最高位 恩,作为这里的两个头, we need to protect each other. protect: 保护 我们要互相保护。 And even though it wasn't our fault that there was a leak, even though: 尽管 fault: 过失,错误 leak: 泄密者 尽管有泄密者不是我们的错, we'll both be blamed if we admit it before we have a fix. blame: 批评 admit: 承认 fix: 补救 但如果我们在作出补救措施之前就坦白,那我俩都会挨批。 -Daniel: Okay. This will be our secret. secret: 秘密 好吧。这是我们的秘密。 -Wilhelmina: We'll work with each other...to fix it. work with: 和…一起干 each other: 互相,彼此 fix: 修理,补救 我们一起合作...来补救。 I'll start with the leak. start with: 以…开始 leak: 泄密者 我先查泄密者。 -Daniel: I'll tackle the new spread. tackle: 解决,应付 spread: 报刊上整页的文章,彩页 我来解决新的彩页方案。 -Wilhelmina: Perfect. perfect: 完美 很好。 We're in this together. together: 一起的 大家有难同当。 -Daniel: Are you as creeped out as I am? creep: 蹑手蹑足地走,缓慢地行进 as … as …: 和…一样 你是不是和我一样起鸡皮疙瘩? -Wilhelmina: More. more: 更多 比你更多。 -Daniel: Oh, there you are. 哦,你在这。 -Betty: Here I am. 我在这。 -Daniel: I want you to call the agency. agency: 经销处,代理行 给代理商打电话。 Tell them the concept is changing. I want you to get the wardrobe we rejected, and I want to see it again. concept: 概念,观念,想法 change: 改变 wardrobe: 衣柜,衣橱 reject: 拒绝,谢绝,驳回 告诉他们概念改了。你去把那些我们否决了的衣服找回来,我想再看看。 Dig up the back holiday issues of "mode" for the last 50 years, dig up:发掘,找到 issue: 发行物 last: 过去的 找出过去50年里"时尚"做过的节日专题, photocopy the feature spreads, distribute them to the editors. photocopy: 影印本 feature: 特写,专题节目 distribute: 分发 editor: 编辑 复印那些彩页分发给编辑们。 Do you work here? 你在这工作吗? -Justine: Someday. someday: 某一天 我倒想。 -Betty: This is my nephew. nephew: 侄子 这是我侄子。 Um, he's just doing a school project project: 课题 他在做一个学校的课题。 -Daniel: Amanda. Amanda。 -Amanda: Yes? 啊? -Wilhelmina: We need you to get snacks and water. snack: 点心,快餐 我要你去卖点快餐和水。 Flat and sparkling, half cold, half room temp, flat: 纯净水 sparkling: (饮料)发泡,苏打水 temp: 温度 纯水和苏打水,一半冰的,一半温的, and when you get back with those, we'll need to get lunches because no one is leaving this building. get back: 回来 lunch: 午饭 leave: 离开 building: 建筑 你带回这些的时候,我们就要吃午饭了因为任何人都不能离开这里。 -Amanda: But who's gonna answer the phones? gonna: going to 将要会 answer: 接电话 但是谁来接电话呢? -Wilhelmina: Get an intern. intern: 实习生 让实习生接吧。 -Justine: Please, let it be Narciso Rodriguez. let: 让,使 拜托,一定要是Narciso Rodriguez (时装设计师)。 -Betty: Daniel meade's office. Daniel Meade办公室。 -Woman: Daniel Meade, please. 找Daniel Meade,谢谢。 -Betty: It's her. 是她。 -Daniel: I told her I'm not taking her calls till she tells me who she is. till: 直到 我告诉过她,她不说她是谁。我就不会接她电话。 -Betty: I'm sorry, unless I can say who's calling, unless: 除非 对不起,除非我知道是谁打来的电话, I'm gonna have to take a message. message: 信息 否则我只能给他留下信息。 -Woman: Oh, well, then tell Daniel We both know his father's been acting very strangely. then: 于是,然后 strangely: 奇怪的 恩,好的。告诉Daniel,我们都知道他爸爸最近有点怪。 He's a man of many secrets, secret: 秘密 他身上有很多秘密, and one of them is in the music box. 其中一个在音乐盒里面。 -Betty: In the music box? I have no idea what that means. have no idea: 不知道 mean: 表示…的意思 音乐盒? 我不知道这是什么意思。 -Woman: It'll come to you, dear. come to: 苏醒,清醒 你很快就会明白了,亲爱的。 -Wilhelmina: So tell me who you know at "Isabella." 告诉我Isabella里你认识谁? -Betty: You don't have any reindeer? rein: 缰,缰绳 deer: 鹿 你们没有驯鹿了? What about a big goat? what about: 怎么样, goat: 山羊 那大山羊呢? Wait hold on. I have another line. hold on: 等一等,停一停 line: 线路,电话线 等等。又有电话了 Hello? 喂? -Marc: Styles just came out. style: 风格 come out: 出来 风格部的人出来了。 They still have jobs. 她们还能工作。 -Betty: That's good. 太好了。 -Marc: That's horrendous. But features go in at noon. horrendous: 可怕的,恐怖的 feature: 特写,专题节目【特写部】 那太可怕了。但是特写部中午要进去。 -Amanda: Pray. pray: 祈祷,祷告 祈祷吧。 -Betty: Hello? 喂? -Marc: Features went in at 12:00, came out at 12:20. feature: 特写 come out: 出来 特写部的人12点进去,12点20分出来了。 They're still employed. employed: employ的过去式雇用 他们没有被炒掉。 -Amanda: mmm. Hello? 喂? Oh. One second. 哦,等等。 -Betty: Marc? Marc? -Marc: Photo Editors cleared. Accessories cleared. editor: 编辑 clear: 清楚的 accessory: 配饰 图片编辑部安全。配饰部安全。 Art department cleared. department: 部门 美工部安全。 -Betty: Well, how many departments are left? left: leave的过去式剩下 好了,还剩多少部门? -Marc: Beauty and accounting. beauty: 美,漂亮【造型部】 accounting: 会计部 造型和会计。 -Amanda: Well, you know those virgins in accounting didn't do it. virgin: 纯洁的 你知道那些纯洁的会计是不会做的。 -Marc: We'll hope the sluts in beauty did. hope: 希望 slut: 荡妇 希望是造型部的人做的。 Good luck. 好运。 -Christina: I want to strangle that filthy rat that leaked the spread. strangle: 扼死,使窒息 filthy: 肮脏的,污秽的 rat: 卑鄙小人,叛徒 leak: 泄露 spread: 彩页 我想勒死那个泄露彩页的肮脏的老鼠。 -Justine: This dress is fabulous. dress: 裙子 fabulous: 极为美好的 这裙子太棒了。 I bet it was that bitch, skinny Carol. bet: 打赌 bitch: 婊子 skinny: 极瘦的,皮包骨的 我打赌一定是那个婊子,瘦猴子Carol。 -Justine: I think I'd belt it. belt: 腰带 我想要加根腰带。 -Christina: That, young man, is Vintage Valentino. 嘿,年轻人,这可是Vintage Valentino的。 -Justine: I'm just saying. 我只是说说。 -Christina: Really? Do you think? 是吗,你这么想? Go on then. Go on to the accessory closet. accessory: 配饰 closet: 仓库 那去吧,去那边配件仓库。 Get a belt, and we'll see what it looks like. Go on. look like: 看起来 拿个腰带,看看会怎么样。 -Betty: Wait. Hurry back. We gotta go get dinners. hurry: 催促,急忙 gotta: got to不得不,必须 等等。快点回来,我们要去吃晚饭了。 -Christina: Oh, leave him here. He's having fun. He's all right. 哦,让他在这吧。他正玩得开心呢。他没事。 -Betty: Really? 真的? -Christina: Yeah. Besides, I got some elf costumes I need to fit later on, besides: 而且 costume: 服装 fit: 试穿 later on: 以后 对。而且,我等会还有小精灵的衣服要做, and little people sort of make me nervous. sort of: 有点 nervous: 紧张的 这些小人让我有点紧张。 -Betty: Well, thank you. 好的,谢谢。 -Christina: Okay. No. 好的。不行。 -Bradford: Betty. Betty。 -Betty: Me? 我吗? -Bradford: Could I have a moment, please? moment: 瞬间,片刻 占用点你时间可以不? -Betty: Um, did I do something wrong? wrong: 错误的 我做错什么了吗? -Wilhelmina: Daniel's been receiving nuisance phone calls from a strange woman. I assume you listen in? receive: 接到 nuisance: 讨厌的东西[人,行为] assume: 臆断,猜想 listen in: 接听 Daniel曾经接到过一个陌生女人的讨厌的电话。我想,是你听的,对吗? -Betty: Yes, sir. Um... 是的,先生... She wouldn't tell us who she is. 她不说她是谁。 -Bradford: Well, we think she might be a designer we fired a couple of years ago. designer: 设计师 fire: 解雇 a couple of: 几年 我们认为她可能是我们两年前炒掉的一个设计师。 She threatens to sue from time to time. threaten: 恐吓,威胁 sue: 起诉,控告,和…打官司 from time to time: 不时,偶尔 她不时威胁要控告我们。 Has she called recently? recently: 最近 最近她有打电话吗? -Betty: Yes, yes, this morning actually. actually: 实际上 有,就今天早上。 Um...it didn't make much sense. make sense: 是明智的,是合情合理的,讲得通,有意义 不知道说些什么东西。 -Bradford: Still, I'd like to know exactly what she said for certain legal reasons. exactly: 确切的 certain: 某,某些 legal: 法律上的,合法的,法定的 由于些法律上的原因,我还是想要知道她具体说了什么。 -Betty: Uh, well, she said that, uh, 好的,她说, you've been acting very strangely, act: 表演,假装 strangely: 奇怪的 你最近表现有点怪, and you have many secrets, secret: 秘密 你有很多秘密, and one of them is in the music box. 其中一个就在一个音乐盒里。 -Bradford: Music box? 音乐盒? Did she say where this music box might be? 她有说这音乐盒在哪里吗? -Betty: No. I-I asked her. Um...she wouldn't say anything. 没有。我...我问了。她什么都没说。 She's not very forthcoming. forthcoming: 现成的,唾手可得的 她不是很配合。 -Bradford: Well, she's certainly intent on wasting our time. certainly: 无疑地,确定地 intent on: 抱定决心要实行 waste: 浪费,徒劳 看来她就是想要浪费我们时间啊。 -Betty: Excuse me! 对不起! God. 天哪。 Wilhelmina's dinner. dinner: 晚饭 Wilhelmina的晚饭。 -Marc: Beauty cleared. beauty: 造型部 造型部没问题了。 -Betty: What are we supposed to do? be supposed to: 应该,被期望 那我们该怎么办? -Marc: That depends. Did you hit the Powerball last night? depend: 决定于,视…而定 hit: 中 你昨晚中Powerball大奖了吗? -Betty: No. 没有。 -Marc: Then keep quiet. quiet: 安静,沉默 那就保持沉默吧。 -Betty: Hey! Ugh. 嘿~ It's not yours. 这不是给你的。 Here's your dinner. You must be starving. starve: 挨饿的 你的晚餐。你一定饿了。 -Daniel: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Daniel: You know what? You can take off. take off: 走开,离开 你可以走了。 I'm sure your nephew is sick of the closet by now anyway. sure: 确定,肯定 be sick of: 厌倦 closet: 衣柜 我肯定你侄子现在一定厌倦了那衣柜了。 You worked hard today. 你今天工作很努力。 -Betty: Okay. 好的。 You know what, Daniel? I have something to say. 你知道吗Daniel? 我要告诉你些事情。 The night before the leak, I was at the rack, leak: 泄密 rack: 聚会 泄密的前一天晚上,我去了聚会, and I was talking to a guy from "Isabella"— talk to: 和…谈话 我和一个"Isabella"的家伙... -Daniel: You know what, Betty? Betty你知道吗? I don't really have time to hear about this right now. hear about: 得悉,听说 right now: 现在 我现在真的没有时间听这个。 -Betty: You told me not to hide things from you, Daniel. tell sb to do: 告诉某人做某事 hide from: 把…藏起来不让…发现 你告诉过我不要对你隐瞒任何事,Daniel。 -Daniel: Listen to me. I don't have to know about everything. listen to: 听着 听我说。我不需要知道每一件事情的。 Especially if knowing about it means I'd end up losing you. especially: 特别是 know about: 知道,了解 end up: 结束 mean: 本意是,原意为,意味 特别是,如果那意味着我要失去你的话。 So... have a great night. 所以...晚安。 -Wilhelmina: Hmm. 嗯。 -Marc: I got your favorite salad—endive and arugula. favorite: 最喜欢的 salad: 沙拉 我给你要了你最喜欢的沙拉,荷兰莴苣和芝麻菜。 No dressing, but I did get a few extra lemon slices because, well, you've earned them. extra: 额外的 lemon: 柠檬 slice: 片 earn: 赚得,挣钱 没有调味品,但是加了双份柠檬片因为...你就应该吃这样的。 -Wilhelmina: Is that fris? 是菊苣吗? -Marc: No, no. 不是。 -Wilhelmina: They were? 他们是吗? -Marc: You'll notice I ripped your lettuce into bite-sized pieces and decobbed your baby corn. notice: 注意到 rip into: 撕裂 bite-sized: 合口的 bite: 咬 sized: size的过去式大小 piece: 片 corn: 玉蜀黍,玉米 你看,我把莴苣撕成合口的小片,把玉米笋也切块了。 -Wilhelmina: Interesting. interesting: 有趣的 很有趣。 Thank you. 谢谢。 Was Carlo medina from "Isabella" at the rack last night? last: 去年的 rack: 聚会 Isabella的Carlo Medina 昨晚也去聚会了? -Marc: ahh! 嗯... -Justine: There's also a product closet, product: 产品 closet: 橱柜 那边还有产品陈列橱, like, with moisturizer sand hair balms and there's ten different kinds of—c moisturizer: 保湿霜 hair: 头发 balm: 芳香制剂 different: 不同的 kind of: 种类 比如说,保湿霜啊护发素啊,还有10种不同的... -Hilda: Justin, why don't you put all of that stuff in your paper? put in: 把…放进 stuff: 东西 paper: 文章 Justin,你干吗不把这些都写到你的文章里呢? -Justine: Fine. 很好。 -Betty: Is somebody gonna get that? gonna: going to 将要会 有人去开门吗? I guess not. guess: 想,认为 我想没有。 -Marc: Ew. Wilhelmina wants to see us at 10:00 tomorrow. want to: 想要 tomorrow: 明天 恩,Wilhelmina明天10点要见我们。 -Amanda: She knows. 她知道了。 -Marc: Oh, my god. I have that same Jesus night-light. jesus: 上帝 哦,天哪。我也有这样的夜光的上帝。 -Amanda: so this is very... flea market chic. flea: 跳蚤 market: 市场 chic: 漂亮的,时髦的,潇洒的 嗯,很有...跳蚤市场的时髦风格。 -Suarez: Ah, these must be your friends from, uh, "the mode." 嗯,这一定是你...在"时尚"的朋友吧。 -Betty: Just "mode," dad. 是"时尚",爸爸。 Um, this is my father Ignacio and my sister Hilda. 嗯,这是我爸爸Ignacio 和我姐姐Hilda。 -Amanda: Ho-la. 你...好...。 -Suarez: It's, uh, "hola." 嗯,是"你好"。 -Amanda: No. There's an "h" in it. 不。后面有个"h"。 -Justine: Betty? Betty? This lotion is made from crushed diamonds and... lotion: 洗液,洗剂,护肤液 make from: 由…制成 crush: 压碎,压坏 diamond: 钻石 这个乳液是用钻石粉末和... Hey, guys. I didn't know you were here. 嘿,伙计。我不知道你们在这。 -Marc: Nice. You stole the good stuff. steal: 偷盗 stuff: 东西 很好啊。你偷到好东西了。 -Hilda: Justin. Homework. Justin。做功课去。 -Betty: Oh, um... Amanda, those are plastic. plastic: 塑料的 哦,唔... Amanda,那些是塑料的。 -Amanda: Ew. 喔。 -Suarez: Betty, maybe we should offer your friends a snack. offer: 主动提供,主动提出,出价 snack: 小吃,点心 snack: 小吃,零食 Betty,也许我们应该招呼你的朋友们吃点点心。 We have flan flan: 果馅饼 我们有现成的果馅饼。 -Amanda: What's a flan? 那是什么? -Suarez: It's delicious custard. delicious: 美味的,可口的 custard: 蛋奶糊,牛奶沙司 一种美味的水果牛奶蛋糕。 -Amanda: Oh, bring it. bring: 带来 哦,给我拿点。 -Man: How about a "Lawrence of Arabia" Christmas? how about: 怎么样 阿拉伯的劳伦斯圣诞节这个创意如何? -Wilhelmina: I don't even know what that means. mean: 意思是 我甚至搞不清那有什么意义。 -Man: It means that we can use the 21 tons of sand that are already there. mean: 意味着 use: 用 ton: 吨 sand: 沙子 already: 已经 这意味着我们可以使用。已经准备好的21吨沙子。 -Daniel: Okay. All right. 好吧。 Off that, the sand... sand: 沙子 到此为止,那些沙子... is desert sand like Africa, desert: 沙漠 sand: 土地 Africa: 非洲 是非洲那种沙漠砂石, so maybe instead of Christmas, maybe: 可能 instead of: 代替 也许我们可以不用圣诞节, we do other winter holidays. Kwanzaa? 而用其他的冬季节日作为主题。比如说宽札节(美国非洲裔黑人的节日)? -Wilhelmina: Did you just gesture at me when you said kwanzaa? gesture: 做手势 你说宽札节是在指我吗? -Daniel: No. 没。 -Wilhelmina: How about this? 这个怎么样? Fey's sleigh ride— sleigh: 雪橇 ride: 乘坐,搭乘 Fey的雪橇创意-- the biggest-selling holiday issue in the history of "mode." 1986. biggest: big的最高级最大的 holiday: 假期 issue: 发行物 history: 历史 时尚历史上最畅销的一期节日特刊。1986年的。 -Daniel: Yeah, I know it well. 是的,我了解得很清楚。 -Man: Let me see that. 让我看看。 It's traditional. I like it. traditional: 传统的 传统的创意。我喜欢。 Old is the new new. 传统即时尚嘛。 -Wilhelmina: When Fey put herself in the photo, it sent shock waves. put in: 把…放进 photo: 照片send: 发出信息 shock: 激动,震惊 wave: 波浪,波涛 Fey自己亲自出现在照片中的举动,产生了强烈的冲击。 No editor had ever appeared in the center spread. editor: 编辑 ever: 从来 appear: 出现 center: 中心的 spread: 彩页 以前还从没有编辑出现在杂志的中心彩页上。 I think in the year of her death, an empty sleigh would be a nice tribute. death: 死亡 empty: 空的 sleigh: 雪橇 tribute: 称赞,颂词 我想在她逝去的这个圣诞节一只空的雪橇是很不错的致敬。 -Man: what do you think? 你怎么看? -Daniel: Yeah. Let's do it. 好吧。就这么办吧。 -Marc: We're pinning it on fat Carol. pin on: 把(某事)归咎于(某人),把(责任等)强加于(某人) 我们得把错误推到肥Caro身上。 -Betty: What? 什么? -Marc: Well, we have to say something when Wilhelmina calls us in. have to: 不得不 call in: 叫(某人)进来 当Wilhelmina叫我们进去的时候我们总得说点什么。 -Betty: Marc, that's not fair. She didn't do anything. fair: 公平的 Marc,那不公平。她什么也没做。 -Amanda: You know she calls you "fat Betty," right? call: 叫,喊 你知道她叫你"肥Betty",是吧? -Betty: See? This is why I hate secrets because they turn into lies, hate: 讨厌 secret: 秘密 turn into: 变成,导致 lie: 谎言 瞧,这就是我讨厌秘密的原因。因为这会导致谎言, which are much worse. worse: 更糟糕的 而说谎要比知情不报糟得多。 -Marc: Fat carol hates her job. hate: 讨厌 肥Carol不喜欢她的工作。 Would she eat so many grilled cheeses if she cared? grilled: 烧烤的 cheese: 奶酪 if: 如果 care: 关心,在意 如果她在意的话她怎么会吃那么多烤乳酪呢? -Amanda: Betty, we're doing this for you. We could get other jobs, Betty,我们这是为你好。即使被炒掉我们还可以找到其他的工作, but look how long it took you to land this one. how long: 多久 land: (使)登岸,(使)下船【找到工作】 但是看看你花了多少时间才得到这份工作。 -Betty: Well, I just didn't realize that keeping so many secrets was such a big part of my job description. realize: 意识到,了解到 keep secret: 保守秘密 description: 描述,形容 我不曾意识到保守这么多的秘密是我工作中如此重要的一部分。 -Amanda: Betty... Betty... do you have another pan of this stuff? pan: 盘 stuff: 东西 能再给我来一盘这东西吗? -Marc: You’re disgusting. disgusting: 恶心的 你真恶心。 -Suarez: Healthy appetite that girl has. healthy: 健康的 appetite: 胃口 那女孩胃口还真好。 Don't tell her we have ice cream. ice cream: 冰淇淋 别告诉她我们还有冰淇淋。 You know, Betty... sometimes... we have to keep secrets to survive. survive: 生存,活下来 Betty,你知道...有时...我们不得不缄口而求生存。 -Carol: Hold it! hold: 抱,握住 等等! You know, it's too bad about your Wilhelmina meeting. meeting: 会面 你们知道吗与Wilhelmina的会面真是糟糕啊。 We'll miss you around here. miss: 想念 around: 在周围,在附近 这里的同事们会想念你们的。 -Amanda: Shut up, carol. 闭嘴,Carol。 -Carol: I don't know if there's rehab for... whatever this is, rehab: 康复 whatever: 无论什么 我不知道是否你们还有机会复职... 不管怎样, but consider it before starting the job hunt. consider: 考虑 start: 开始 hunt: 搜寻,寻找 但是在找工作之前,考虑一下吧。 And, Betty, I think I might miss you most of all. miss: 想念 还有,Betty我想我会最想你的。 It was nice having someone fatter than me. fatter: fat的比较级更胖的 能有个人比我胖真好啊。 -Marc: Fat Carol. 肥Carol。 -Amanda: Fat carol. 肥Carol。 -Betty: Fat carol. 肥Carol。 -Betty: Good morning, Daniel. Here's your coffee. 早上好,Daniel。这是你的咖啡。 I didn't realize you were gonna come in so early. realize: 意识到 gonna: going to 将要会 early: 早的 我没想到你会来得这么早。 Where'd you get that? Are you okay? 你从哪儿弄来的?你还好吗? Do you need me to get you something? 要我为你做点什么吗? -Daniel: When I was 12, I had the worst Christmas of my life. worst: 最糟糕的 当我12岁的时候,我度过了人生中最糟糕的一个圣诞节。 My, uh... father had just gotten back from Switzerland, 我,唔... 父亲从瑞士回来, brought my mom... a music box. Exactly like this. exactly: 确切的,精确的,就是的 为我母亲带了...一个音乐盒就和这个一模一样。 She loved it. 她非常喜欢。 A few days later, she hide the thing in the attic... set fire to a thousand copies of "mode" magazine. later: 后来 hide: 隐藏 attic: 阁楼 set fire: 点火 thousand of: 数千的 magazine: 杂志 几天以后,她把它丢在了阁楼...烧了数千份"时尚"杂志。 No one would ever tell me why. 没有人告诉我这是为什么。 -Betty: So is this your mother's? 这么说,这个是你母亲的? -Daniel: No. This...appeared here this morning. appear: 出现 不,这个...是今天早上才出现在这里的。 Apparently my father bought two of them—one for his wife and, uh, one... apparently: 显然,明显地 很显然,我父亲当时买了两个音乐盒--一个给了他的妻子。还有,唔,一个... -Betty: For his mistress. mistress: 情妇 给了他的情妇。 -Daniel: That's why Fey put herself in the feature spread. why: …的原因 feature: 主题 spread: 彩页 这就是Fey要亲自出现在中心彩页的原因。 She was flaunting the affair in my mother's face. flaunt: 炫耀,夸耀 affair: 不正当的恋爱事件,外遇 她在向我母亲炫耀与我父亲的亲密关系。 -Betty: I'm sorry, Daniel. 我很抱歉,Daniel。 Was there anything inside? You know, the top lifts out. inside: 里面的 top: 顶层的 lift: 举起,抬起 这里面有什么东西吗?你知道,上面这一层是可以打开的。 This woman is trying to connect your father to Fey Sommers. try to: 设法 connect to: 与…联系起来 这个女人想把你父亲与Fey Sommers 联系在一起。 -Daniel: She's trying to do more than that, Betty. try to: 设法 more than: 超过 她想做的还不止这些,Betty。 She's trying to connect my dad to Fey's death. connect to: 与…联系在一起 她想将我父亲与Fey的死联系在一起。 -Man: I just got back from the studio. studio: 工作室 我刚从工作室回来。 There's still 21 tons of sand sitting there. there is: 有 ton: 吨 21吨沙子还在那儿呢。 Maybe I should just go to the Paramus mall and take pictures of kids with Santa. maybe: 也许 mall: 购物中心,商场 pictures: 照片 kid: 孩子 Santa: 圣诞老人 也许我该去Paramus购物广场。照些孩子们与圣诞老人的照片。 -Daniel: No. I know what we can do with that sand. 不。我知道我们可以怎么用那些沙子了。 Follow me to the art department. Come on. follow: 跟随 department: 部门 跟我一起去艺术部,快点。 -Betty: Wait. Daniel? 等一下。Daniel? You should probably know that I have a meeting with Wilhelmina in five minutes. probably: 也许,应该 你应该知道。五分钟后Wilhelmina要见我。 -Daniel: Really? You? 真的? 你吗? -Betty: Yeah, me and--and Amanda and Marc. 是的,我...还有Amanda和Marc。 -Daniel: You sure you know what you're doing? 你清楚自己在做什么吗? -Betty: Not a clue. clue: 线索,提示 一点都不知道。 -Daniel: Just be careful what you say. be careful: 小心 小心你的言辞。 -Betty: Justin, what are you doing here? Justin,你在这里干嘛? -Justine: I have to do some more research for my paper. have to: 不得不 research: 调查,研究 paper: 论文 我得为我的论文再做些调查。 -Betty: Sit down. Thank you, Marc. 坐吧。谢谢你,Marc。 Daniel Meade’s office. Daniel Meade的办公室。 -Hilda: Justin's school just called. He's not there. Is he with you? Justin的学校刚来了电话。说他不在学校。他在你那里吗? -Betty: Yeah, he's--he's right here. right here: 就在这里 是的,他...他就在这儿。 -Hilda: I'm gonna kill him. I knew this would happen. happen: 发生 我要杀了他。我就知道会这样。 The fashion world is no place for a boy his age. fashion: 时尚 place: 地方 时尚界不是他这个年纪的男孩该待的地方。 -Betty: Well, he said he has to do more work for his paper. 嗯,他说他还得为他的论文再做些调查。 -Hilda: Wake up, Betty. There is no paper. wake up: 清醒 醒醒吧,Betty。根本就没有什么论文。 -Betty: What? 什么? -Hilda: Yeah, he made the whole thing up so he could just ditch school and spend time in your world. make up: 编造 whole: 整个的 ditch: 摆脱,抛弃 spend: 度过 是的,整件事都是他编出来的。这样他就可以逃学。可以去你的时尚圈子见识一 下。 -Betty: Well, I didn't know. 是嘛,我不知道。 -Hilda: I don't even know how to deal with it. even: 甚至 deal with: 处理 我甚至不知道该怎么处理。 I don't--I don't know what I'm gonna do with that boy. 我...我真的不知道该拿这孩子怎么办。 You tell him that he is in big trouble when he gets home. in trouble: 有麻烦 get home: 到家 你告诉他,等他回家他有大麻烦了。 -Betty: So... you're ditching? ditch: 逃学 这么说... 你是逃学来的吗? -Justine: It's not a big deal. I'm missing P.E. And art. We're sketching fruit. big deal:【大事】 miss: 失误,失败 PE: physical education体育课 sketch: 素描 fruit: 水 果 这不算什么大事。我的体育和美术都不及格。老师总让我们画水果的素描。 -Betty: That's not the point. point: 要点,论点,观点 这不是问题所在。 Justin, this place that you think is so glamorous... place: 地方 glamorous: 富有魅力的,迷人的 Justin,你认为极具魅力的这个地方.. it's not all it's cracked up to be. crack up: 夸奖,吹捧 完全不是你想象的样子。 It's people deceiving each other and... hiding things and all kinds of stuff that's not good for a kid to be around. deceive: 欺骗 each other: 彼此,互相 hide: 隐藏,掩盖 stuff: 东西 be good for: 对…有 好处 kid: 小孩 be around: 在某领域(行业)中突出 在这里,人们互相欺骗...隐瞒事情。而所有这些都不适合一个孩子接触。 Someday, maybe you'll end up working in a place like this, someday: 某一天 end up: 最终成为〔变得〕 place: 地方 也许有一天你也会在这样的一个地方工作, but you're not gonna get very far in life by lying. far: 到很远距离,遥远地 gonna: going to 将要会 life: 生活 by: 通过,抓住…,靠 lying: lie的动名词形势,撒谎 但是说谎不会令你在人生的道路上走得很远。 That is not who we are. 我们不是那样的人。 -Amanda: Showtime. 该上场了。 -Betty: Stay here and don't move. stay:继续处于某种状态 move: 移动,搬动 呆在这里别走开。 -Wilhelmina: Shall I ask questions, shall: …好吗?要不要…? 是要我来问呢, or do you want to just tell me what you know? or: 或者 还是你们自己说出你们所知道的情况? -Marc: Well, we were all at the rack on Tuesday night, rack: 聚会 周二晚上我们都参加了聚会, and we just realized that we all saw the same thing someone talking to Carlo medina from "Isabella." realize: 意识到 talk to: 同(某人)谈话 而且我们刚刚意识到我们都看到了同样的事情。有人跟"Isabella"杂志的Carlo Medina谈过话。 Now as much as it hurts us to rat out a friend, as much as: 差不多 hurt: 使受伤,伤害 rat: 卑鄙小人,叛徒 rat out: 丢面子后离开 【出卖】 虽然出卖朋友我们也很痛心, we have to tell you. 但是我们不得不告诉您。 It was fat Carol. 是肥Carol。 -Amanda: I saw her, too. Fat Carol leaked the spread. leak: 使泄露 spread: (使)传播,(使)散布 我也看到了,是肥Carol泄漏了创意。 -Wilhelmina: Betty? Betty? Is that what you saw? 你也看到了吗? -Betty: No. It was me. 不。是我。 I told Carlo everything. 是我告诉Carlo所有的创意。 -Wilhelmina: You can go. 你们可以出去了。 -Amanda: What?! Aren't you gonna fire her? fire: 解雇 什么?! 难道你不炒掉她吗? If I fire her, Amanda, I'd have to fire all of you. fire: 解雇 如果我炒了她,Amanda,那么我就得炒了你们三个。 You're not the only one with informants. informant: 报告者,告密者 你不是唯一的一个泄密者。 I know exactly what happened. exactly: 确切地,精确地 happened: happen的过去式发生 我很清楚发生了什么。 The three of you might have leaked a portion of the spread, leak: 泄露 portion: 部分 spread: 彩页 你们三个大概每人泄漏了一部分创意, but that disgusting fat Carol slept with Carlo and spilled everything. disgust: 恶心的 sleep with: 和…睡觉 spill: 泄露机密 但是那个恶心的肥Carol与Carlo睡了并告诉了他所有的创意。 -Amanda/Marc: He slept with fat carol?! fat: 胖的,肥的 他睡了肥Carol?! -Wilhelmina: He did what he had to do for his magazine. do what he have to/can do: 竭尽所能做某事 他为了他的杂志全力以赴不惜一切。 -Marc: So what happens now? 那现在您会怎么处理我们? -Wilhelmina: Well, I'll consider the last day and a half your punishment. consider: 考虑 punishment: 惩罚 我还要再考虑一下对你们的惩罚。 You were drunk, you were horny and you were... naive. drunk: 喝醉的 horny: 粗糙的,粗心的 na?ve: 天真的 你喝醉了,你太粗心,而你... 太天真。 Fat Carol on the other hand, gave it up intentionally. on the other hand: 另一方面 give up: 泄露,放弃 intentionally: 故意的 另一方面,肥Carol却是故意泄密的。 She gets the axe. axe: 斧头【砍掉】 她应该被炒掉。 Now go before I change my mind. Go! 现在趁我改变主意之前赶快离开。出去! -Justine: It’s Christmas in October. 十月份的圣诞节。 oh, my god! 哦,我的天啊! It's just like "top model, "except no one's crying. just: 就 like: 像 except: 除了 cry: 哭泣 除了没有人哭以外,就像"超模选秀"节目一样。 Justin, go sit in that chair and don't talk to anybody unless they talk to you first. unless: 除非 talk to: 和…说 first: 首先 Justin,坐到那张椅子上去。不要跟任何人说话除非他们先跟你说话。 -Daniel: So Wilhelmina told me what happened. Wilhelmina已经全都告诉我了。 -Betty: Daniel, I'm sorry... for everything. Daniel 我很抱歉...为这一切。 -Daniel: You know, it's okay to hide things sometimes, hide: 隐瞒 你知道吗,有时隐瞒一些事情,也是可以接受的, especially if not hiding them means I might lose you. especially: 尤其 mean: 意味着 lose: 失去 尤其是如果你不隐瞒我就要失去你的时候。 -Betty: Here. 给你。 -Marc: Shoo. Nice vest. vest: 马甲,背心 走开。很不错的背心。 -Justine: Ralph lauren. We got it half-price because there's a small hole, but you can't even see it. half-price: 半价 hole: 小洞 even: 甚至 Ralph lauren的半价买的。因为有个小洞,但你几乎看不见。 -Marc: So... kids at school--they like it? 那么...学校的同学们,他们喜欢吗? -Justine: No. They don't really get me. 不。他们一点都不了解我。 -Marc: Word of advice--be who you are, wear what you want, advice: 建议 wear: 穿 一点建议--做你想做的,穿你想穿的, Just learn how to run real fast. run: 跑 fast: 快的 只是要学学怎样才能真的跑得快。 -Wilhelmina: All right, everyone. Let's go, marc! 好了,大家准备。我们得开始了,Marc! we need to shoot in five. Step it up, people. shoot: 拍摄,照相 step up: (使)增加,(使)加快速度 我们得在五点以前搞定。加快速度,伙计们。 -Bradford: Hold it. This isn't the concept I approved. concept: 创意,概念 approve: 批准 等一下。我没批准这个创意。 I've had final say on every holiday spread for the last 20 years. final: 最终的,最后的 spread: 彩页 last: 过去的 20年来我一直对每一期节日特刊,有最后决定权。 -Daniel: Some things came up last minute that couldn't be avoided. come up: 发生 last minute: 最后一刻 avoid: 阻止 某些无法避免的事情在最后时刻发生了。 -Wilhelmina: Our job is to fix the problem, Bradford, not to burden you with it. fix: 修补,补救 problem: 问题 burden with: 加负担于… 我们的工作就是解决问题,Bradford,而不是把问题推给你。 -Bradford: You two are so full of crap. full: 满的,装满的 be full of: 满的 crap: 废话 你们两个真是废话。 Lucky for you, it looks quite good— lucky: 幸运的 look: 看起来 你们运气不错,看起来还可以- maybe even better than Fey's. maybe: 也许 even: 甚至 better than: 比…好 也许比Fey的创意还要好。 -Wilhelmina: Okay, uh, let's— 好吧,嗯,让我们-- -Daniel: hold on. hold on: 等一下 等一下。 You know, there's one thing missing. miss: 遗漏 你瞧,还漏了一件东西。 -Bradford: where did you find that? 你在哪儿找到的? -Daniel: The attic. I remembered mom had it. attic: 阁楼 remembered: remember的过去式记得 阁楼。我记得妈妈把它放在那儿了。 Looks just like the one fey had, don't you think? look like: 看起来像 看起来就像是Fey的那一个,不是吗? -Bradford: Yes. Almost identical. Good job, son. almost: 几乎 identical: 一样的 是的,几乎一模一样。做得好,儿子。 -Man: Okay. Can we get this thing going? 好了。我们可以开始了? My hair is gray, and I'm driving to the early bird special with my blinkers on. gray: 灰色的 drive to: 驶向 special: 特别的 with: 戴着 blinker: 护目镜 我的头发是灰色的,我正带着我的护目镜朝着在这个特别的日子里早起的人们驶 去。 -Justine: What about the sand? Isn't that from the old shoot? what about: …怎么了, 沙子是怎么回事? 那不是原来的创意里的吗? -Betty: Justin. Justin。 -Wilhelmina: Say "snow." 说 "雪"。 -Justine: Snow. 雪。 -Wilhelmina: Snow is a magical blanket. magical: 魔幻的 blanket: 毯子 雪是魔毯。 It hides what's ugly and makes everything beautiful. hide: 掩盖,掩埋 ugly: 丑陋地 beautiful: 美丽的 它将丑陋的东西掩盖起来,让一切都看起来很美。 -Woman: I'm sorry, but your father's not who he says he is. 我很抱歉,但是你父亲不是他所说的那个人。 -Betty: I don't know what you're talking about. talk about: 谈论 我不明白你在说什么。 -Woman: According to our records, according to: 根据,按照 record: 记录 根据我们的记录, Ignacio Suarez is 117 years old... and dead. dead: 死去的 Ignacio Suarez is 117岁…而且已经去世了。 -Betty: Well, obviously that's a mistake. obviously: 显然的 mistake: 错误 很明显,这是个错误。 -Woman: Not on our end. The social security number your father's been using belongs to somebody else. end: 端 social: 社会的 security: 安全 belong to: 属于 else: 其他的 不是我们这方面的错。你父亲所使用的那个社会保险号码,是属于另外一个人的。 -Woman: Suspicions have been raised. suspicion: 猜疑,疑惑 raise: 产生 猜疑已经被激起。 Father and son are being driven further apart. drive: 驱使 further: 远的 apart: 分开 父亲与儿子越来越疏远了。 -Wilhelmina: We couldn't have planned it any better. Mm. plan: 计划 can’t do sth any better: 【做某事非常成功】 我们的计划非常成功。唔。 -Medina: Wilhelmina Slater. Wilhelmina Slater。 -Wilhelmina: Carlo Medina. Carlo Medina。 -Medina: It is an honor to finally meet the legend in person. honor: 荣幸 finally: 最终的 legend: 传奇的 in person: 单独的 很荣幸能跟时尚界的传奇人物见面。 -Wilhelmina: I see I should add shameless suck-up to the list. add: 添加 shameless: 无耻之徒 suck-up: 拍马屁 list: 名单 我想我又得在名单里再填一个不知羞耻的马屁精了。 -Medina: What list is that? 什么名单? -Wilhelmina: I asked you here to tell you, you are an underhanded bastard, a despicable, slimy weasel. underhand: 暗中或秘密进行的,诡诈的 bastard: 杂种,混蛋 despicable: 可鄙的,卑鄙的 slimy: 谄媚的,虚伪的 weasel: 狡猾的人 我要你来,是想告诉你你是一个见不得光的杂种,一个卑劣,狡猾的告密者。 You have no moral compass, are utterly without scruples and will use anyone in your path to get what you want. moral: 道德的 compass: 界限 utterly: 彻底地,完全地;绝对地 without: 无,没有 scruple: 感到于心不安,有顾忌 use: 利用 path: 道路 get: 得到 你没有道德底限,你会毫不犹豫地利用任何人来到达到你的目的。 How can I entice you to work at "mode"? entice: 诱惑,怂恿 我怎么能诱使你为 "时尚" 工作呢? Or rather spy for "mode"? or: 或者 spy: 当间谍 或者说是为 "时尚" 刺探情报? -Hilda: And I want you home by 4:00 every day. by: 不迟于,在…时候 我要你每天四点钟回家。 And no TV for a week. 一星期不准看电视。 And no "fashion TV" for a month. 一个月不准看 "时尚频道"。 Isn't any of this upsetting you? upset: 使苦恼,使心烦,使不适 这些难道你都不在乎吗? -Justine: It was worth it. worth: 值得 这是值得的。 -Hilda: Oh, "it was worth it." Thank you. 噢 "这是值得的" 。谢谢你。 -Suave: Hey, Mija. How was your day? 嘿 Mija。今天怎么样? -Betty: It was a rough one. rough: 不舒服 不太好。 -Suave: Hmm. 唔。 Maybe a little cheese and jalape will help. It's good. maybe: 也许 cheese: 奶酪 help: 帮忙 也许一点奶酪和小饼会令你心情好一点。很好吃哦。 -Betty: I think I'm just gonna go to sleep. Good night. gonna: going to将要会 sleep: 睡觉 我只想睡觉。晚安。
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