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ACCA_F8_讲义session3 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 1 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 ...

财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 1 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 SESSION 2 THE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT and PROFESSIONAL ETHICs 章章章前前前导导导引引引 在本章中我们要学习到作为审计师,相关的资格以及聘用和解聘的程序。 其中最为重要的就是有关于审计师职业道德方面的准则,有关于这个考点,基本上是每年 考查一次,所以我们在讲义中对于这个问题给了很详细的介绍,学员应当把这一章内容好 好 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ,如果出现,必然属于我们 F8考试中的容易得分的点! THE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT WHO MAY ACT AS AUDITOR? Eligibility as an external auditor  membership of an appropriate professional body  academic and professional qualifications  sufficient period of practical experience  `fit and proper` status HOW ARE AUDITORS APPOINTED AND REMOVED? 1) Appointment By the shareholders:  At the company's annual general meeting (AGM);  Auditor would normally hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM; By the directors:  Appoint the first auditor until the end of the first AGM; 2) Removal The authority for removing auditors lies with the shareholders, not the directors. The shareholders may remove the auditors by ordinary resolution with special notice.  Notice of the resolution must be sent to the auditor  Auditors can make a written statement of the circumstances to the company’s registered office or a statement that there are no such circumstances.  Auditors also have the right to speak at the general meeting  The incoming auditor requires a 75% majority of the shareholders to be appointed. 3) Resignation Auditors must provide the company with written notice of their to resign. On receipt of such a notice the directors must call a general meeting as soon as possible. The resignation takes effect at the general meeting upon the appointment of another auditor. The auditor must give statement of the circumstances connected with the resignation or a statement that there are no such circumstances. Unless there is such a statement the auditor’s resignation is not effective. 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 2 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 PROFESSIONAL ETHICs THE IFAC & ACCA CODES OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT Both the IFAC and ACCA codes have developed a 'principles approach’ rather than a 'rules based' approach to ethical professional behavior. 1. Fundamental principles  Integrity  Objectivity  Professional competence& Due care  Confidentiality  Professional behavior 这五个最基本的职业道德准则,在新大纲变化以来,曾经在第二题的基本概念中出 现过,让你简单的阐述 Fundamental principles,当年很多考生因为没有记忆,所 以这道题的得分率并不高 The formal definitions of the fundamental principles are as follows:  Integrity: Members should be straightforward and honest in professional and business relationships.  Objectivity: Members should not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgements.  Professional competence and due care: Members have a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at a level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques. Members should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing professional services.  Confidentiality: Members should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third parties without proper and specific authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose. Confidential information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships should not be used for the personal advantage of members or third parties.  Professional behaviour: Members should comply with relevant laws and regulations and should avoid any action that discredits the profession. 最基本的道德准则是指的那五个方面,需要去记忆,但是在我们 F8 考试中,最经 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 3 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 常的是考察独立性这个概念的应用 独立性是指实质上的独立和形式上的独立。 (1)实质上的独立是指注册会计师在发表意见时其职业判断不受影响,公正执业, 保持客观和职业怀疑; (2)形式上的独立,是指会计师事务所或鉴证小组避免出现这样重大的情形,使得 拥有充分相关信息的理性第三方推断其公正性、客观性或职业怀疑态度受到损害。 那么下面呢,我们将对威胁独立性的情形做一个详细的介绍 2. The Threats of Maintenance of Objective & Independence This has taken the form of identifying five potential threats to ethical behaviour and the suggestion of a number of safeguards which might be appropriate, including the possibility of ceasing to act for the client The identified threats are:  interest  self-review  advocacy  familiarity  intimidation 威胁独立性的情形 1.经济利益 Interest Threat (1)与鉴证客户存在专业服务收费以外的直接经济利益或重大的间接经济利益; (2)收费主要来源于某一鉴证客户; (3)过分担心失去某项业务; (4)与鉴证客户存在密切的经营关系; (5)对鉴证业务采取或有收费的方式; (6)可能与鉴证客户发生雇佣关系。 2.自我评价 self-review (1)鉴证小组成员曾是鉴证客户的董事、经理、其他关键管理人员或能够对鉴证业务产 生直接重大影响的员工; (2)为鉴证客户提供直接影响鉴证业务对象的其他服务; (3)为鉴证客户编制属于鉴证业务对象的数据或其他记录。 3.倾向威胁 Advocacy threats 即“来自于注册会计师或事务所倾向支持或反对客户的状况或观点的威胁,即注册会计师 容易模糊第三方的角色” 这是 F8 考试中经常考到的,但是考生最容易答错的一点,在你的题目中你会见 到,比如代替顾客去参与某个案子的审判,作为审计师要注意,你一定是一个独立的第三 方,不得有意的去支持或反对客户,请对这一点给予足够的重视哦! 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 4 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 4.关联关系 Familiarity (1)与鉴证小组成员关系密切的家庭成员是鉴证客户的董事、经理、其他关键管理人员 或能够对鉴证业务产生直接重大影响的员工; (2)鉴证客户的董事、经理、其他关键管理人员或能够对鉴证业务产生直接重大影响的 员工是会计师事务所的前高级管理人员; (3)会计师事务所的高级管理人员或签字注册会计师与鉴证客户长期交往; (4)接受鉴证客户或其董事、经理、其他关键管理人员或能够对鉴证业务产生直接重大 影响的员工的贵重礼品或超出社会礼仪的款待。 5.外界压力 Intimidation (1)在重大会计、审计等问题上与鉴证客户存在意见分歧而受到解聘威胁; (2)受到有关单位或个人不恰当的干预; (3)受到鉴证客户降低收费的压力而不恰当地缩小工作范围。 Expandable text Interest Threat Financial or other interests of members or their close family. For example, if the auditor or a member of their family owns shares in a client they will want the client to do well in order for a dividend to be paid and for the share price to increase. Clearly the auditor cannot be objective in this situation. They will be reluctant to raise any issues that could adversely affect the performance of the client as this would result in personal financial loss. - Beneficial interests in shares and other investments in clients should not be held by the auditor or staff involved in the audit. If qualification shares are held the attached voting rights should not be used in connection with audit appointments. - Significant outstanding fees from a client may lead the auditor not to raise issues for fear that the fees will not be paid. This may be a particular problem if the client is suffering going concern problems. - Loans to or from clients should not be accepted or given. Dependence on one client for a significant proportion of the firm's total fee income is a self interest threat. The firm may not raise issues with the client for fear of losing them. - Undue dependence on client. Recurring fees from a client group should not be >15% of practice income (10% for listed or other public interest companies). Review the independence position at 10% and 5% respectively. - 注意到这样一个比例的要求,对于上市公司和一些小公司是不一样的。 - 是两个比例,不能超过 10%和 15%,但是在 5%和 10%的时候事务所就要去 - Review 一下,看独立性是否受到威胁了 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 5 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 - The acceptance of gifts and hospitality is also an example of a self interest threat. The auditor should not accept gifts from the client unless 'modest', otherwise it may be seen as a bribe to keep quiet about issues in the financial statements. In order to determine whether a gift is modest the auditor should refer to their firm's ethical guidance on acceptance of gifts from clients. Some firms have a complete rban regardless of the value of the gift to avoid any doubt. Another consideration is whether the gift is available to a wider group of people e.g. is it a staff discount scheme that the auditors are being offered or is it a benefit that is only being offered to the auditors? If the latter, it is more likely to constitute a bribe. At all times the auditor should consider how it would look to a third party. If it would be seen to jeopardise the objectivity of the auditor it should not be accepted. All judgements made regarding the acceptance of gifts and hospitality should be documented on the audit file to show that due consideration was taken to the potential issues. 经济利益对独立性的威胁及防范措 评价因素 (1)评价经济利益的类型(直接的经济利益还是间接的经济利益); (2)评价经济利益的重要性(直接控制是重要的,间接控制是不重要的); (3)评价拥有经济利益人员的角色(鉴证小组成员或其直系亲属)。 3.防范措施 (1)在该人员成为鉴证小组成员之前将直接的经济利益处置; (2)在该人员成为鉴证小组成员之前将间接的经济利益全部处置,或将其中的足够数 量处置,使剩余利益不再重大; (3)将该鉴证小组成员调离鉴证业务。 贷款和担保可能对独立性的威胁 1.会计师事务所贷款和担保对独立性不会产生威胁 贷款和担保是按照正常的贷款程序、条件和要求进行的,而且贷款对于会计师事务所 和鉴证客户都不够重大,就不会对独立性产生威胁。 2.会计师事务所的贷款和担保对独立性会产生威胁 贷款和担保是按照正常的程序条件和要求进行的,但是贷款对于鉴证客户或会计师事 务所是重大的,则会产生威胁,需要采取防范措施将所产生的经济利益威胁降至可接受水 平。这样的防范措施可能包括请会计师事务所以外的其他注册会计师复核已做的工作。 Self Review Threat A self-review threat occurs when the auditor has to re-evaluate work completed by himself e.g. if the external auditor prepared the financial statements and then audited them, or if the external auditor advised on the implementation of the financial reporting system of the client. Here there is a risk that the auditor does not identify the shortcomings in his own work because he does not review it thoroughly, assuming that it is up to standard because he did the work in the first instance. Alternatively, the auditor may identify 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 6 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 shortcomings in his work but may not highlight them because it will imply that his work was not up to standard. - Provision of other services to clients. This is acceptable in principle but can lead to problems. The auditor should not perform management functions or make management decisions. 注意到这个地方,提供非审计服务给客户是可以的,但是你一定要注意到,有 两个事情作为审计师你是不能够做的,这也是经常在答案中出现的一句话,如果 在题目中出现会计师事务所提供非审计服务,那么你是一定要把上面的这句话给 写上的!不能够: 1.perform management functions 2.make management decisions. 会计师事务所或员工为鉴证客户提供非鉴证业务对独立性的威胁 1.基本原则 (1)会计师事务所向鉴证客户提供非鉴证业务可能对会计师事务所或鉴证小组成员 的独立性产生威胁,尤其是对独立性的潜在威胁; (2)对独立性的威胁还可能出现在会计师事务所提供与非审计鉴证业务的对象有关 的非鉴证业务时。 2.防范措施 (1)提供该服务的人员不参与鉴证业务; (2)请其他注册会计师就这些活动对会计师事务所和鉴证小组独立性的潜在影响提 供建议。 Advocacy Threat This may occur when the auditor is asked to promote the client's position or represent them in some way. In this situation the auditor would have to be biased in favour of the client and therefore cannot be objective. This could happen if the client asked the auditor to promote their shares for a stock exchange listing or if the client asked the auditor to represent them in court. 这个情形也是属于对独立性的威胁,也是我们 F8 考生最容易忘记的一个专用名 词,注意到道德准则一直是 F8 考试的重点,而在其中这个情形也是非常容易考到的, 请考生注意! Familiarity Threat A familiarity threat occurs when the auditor is too sympathetic or trusting of the client because of a close relationship with them. This may be because a close friend or relative of the auditor works in a key financial role for the client. The auditor may trust their friend or relative to not make mistakes and therefore not review their work as thoroughly as they should and as a result allow material errors to go undetected in the financial statements. - Family and other personal relationships. Avoid acting for connected persons(eg. Spouses, is an employee of the company or group, is in partnership with a director). 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 7 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 家庭和个人关系对独立性的威胁 1.基本原则 鉴证小组成员与鉴证客户的董事、经理或某些特定角色的员工之间存在家庭和个人关 系,可能产生经济利益、关联关系或外界压力威胁。 2.评价标准 (1)相应人员在鉴证小组内的职责; (2)相应人员在鉴证小组内的关系密切程度; (3)相应家庭成员或其他人员在鉴证客户中的角色。 3.直系亲属的压力及消除威胁措施 如果鉴证小组成员的直系亲属是鉴证客户的董事、经理或所处职位能够对鉴证业务的 对象产生直接重大影响的员工或曾经在鉴证业务所涉及的期间处于这样的职位,就只有通 过将相应人员调离鉴证小组,才能将对独立性产生的威胁降至可接受水平。 - Intimidation Threat The client may harass or bully the auditor into giving an unqualified opinion when a qualified opinion is appropriate. If the auditor is dependent on fees from a client the client may use this to their advantage and threaten to take their business elsewhere unless the auditor gives in to their demands. The auditor should not give in to such pressure and may choose to resign from such a client. 那么如果你是审计师,出现上面所表示的这么多对于独立性的威胁的情况,你会怎 么办?首先,你会想到从总体上来看,我们会有一些解决问题的办法,也就是总体 的原则。但是具体的情形是不一样的啊,于是就有一些具体的解决问题的办法,所 以你会看到在答这部份题目的时候,你的思路是 General safeguards 和 Specific safeguards 这两个部份 3. Possible safeguards General safeguards  Safeguards created by the profession (these might include education, training and experience requirements for entry into the profession, professional development requirements, corporate governance regulations, professional standards, monitoring, external review of work and reports).  Safeguards in the work environment (such as oversight structures, ethics and conduct programmes, good recruitment procedures, strong internal controls, disciplinary procedures, strong ethical leadership, policies and procedures to promote quality control, culture of strong ethics in the organisation).  Safeguards created by individuals (complying with professional development requirements, keeping records of contentious issues, keeping a broader perspective, using a mentor, keeping in contact with professional bodies). Specific safeguards  Segregation of duties - may be necessary if: - the firm is acting for a number of clients with conflicting interests. Different teams would normally be assigned to individual clients 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 8 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 - the firm is carrying out non-audit services as well as audit services for the same client. Again a different team would be used for, e.g. payroll work - where there are movements of personnel between the audit firm and the client, e.g. if someone from the firm is going to join an audit client, they should be moved off the audit immediately.  Review - the consideration of one person's work by someone else. In particular the use of 'hot reviews' by a second partner before the audit report is signed as a check on the appropriateness of the firm's opinion.  Rotation - changing the staffing arrangements for audit assignments on a periodic basis, especially, as a safeguard against the familiarity threat. In the UK, for listed companies the audit engagement partner must rotate every five years and for private companies it is recommended that they rotate every seven years.  Ceasing to act - if it is impossible to use other safeguards, the firm should resign or not accept the appointment. 会计师事务所的防范措施 1.总体防范措施 (1)会计师事务所的高级管理人员重视独立性,并要求鉴证小组成员保持独立性; (2)制定有关独立性的政策和程序,包括识别威胁独立性的因素、评价威胁的严重程序 以及采取相应的维护措施; (3)建立必要的监督及惩戒机制以促使有关政策和程序得到遵循; (4)及时向所有高级管理人员和员工传达有关政策和程序及其变化; (5)制定能使员工向更高级别人员反映独立性问题的政策和程序。 2.维护独立性的具体防范措施 (1)安排鉴证小组以外的注册会计师进行复核; (2)定期轮换项目负责人及签字注册会计师; (3)与鉴证客户的审计委员会或监事会讨论独立性问题; (4)向鉴证客户的审计委员会或监事会告知服务性质和收费范围; (5)制定确保鉴证小组成员不代替鉴证客户行使管理决策或承担相应责任的政策和程 序; (6)将独立性受到威胁的鉴证小组成员调离鉴证小组。 3.处理原则 (1)如果防范措施不足以消除威胁独立性因素的影响或不能将影响降至可接受水平时, 会计师事务所应当拒绝承接业务或解除业务约定; (2)如果防范措施不足以消除威胁鉴证小组成员的独立性因素的影响或不能将影响降低 至可接受水平时,应将其调离鉴证小组。 除了独立性这个考点考得比较多以外,还有一个非常重要的考点就是保密性,特别是 在新大纲变化之前,有关保密性的考点层出不穷,但是这个地方需要考生自已去总结 一下,你去翻开练习册,你会发现这一个考点有几个题目,但是不同题目的答案略有 差别,所以你去把不同题目的答案综合一下,总结出自已的内容。 那么我们接着来学习保密性这个考点! 4. Confidentiality 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 9 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 General rule: client’s affairs should not be disclosed to third parties without the client’s consent or used by the accountant for his personal benefit. 上面的这句话,你会发现在答保密性的任何题目的时候都是你第一个需要去说的 A public accountant shall treat as confidential any information about a client's business affairs acquired in the course of professional work and will neither use, or appear to use that information for his personal advantage or the advantage of a third party. A Public accountant may disclose or produce such information, documents or records without the consent of his client:  in accordance with the law  upon the lawful order of a competent authority  upon the order of the Board or Inquiry Committee Rules of Professional Conduct: If a member acquires knowledge indicating that a client may have been guilty of some default or unlawful act ,he should normally raise the matter with the management ; if not satisfactory, he should consider reporting the matter to non-executive directors or to the client’s audit committee.; if this is not possible or fails to resolve the matter he may with to consider making a report to a third party. Disclosure to third party: - obligation: terrorist offences or drug trafficker or compulsion by court order, laundering - voluntary, for public interest - disclosure to protect the member’s interest - disclosure authorized by an appropriate body - whistle-blowing: last resort after all other methods 保密 1.基本原则 注册会计师应当对执业过程中获知的客户信息保密,但法规另有规定的除外。 2.可对外披露的情形 (1)取得客户的授权; (2)为法律诉讼准备文件或提供证据,以及向监督机构报告发现的违反法规行为; (3)接受同业复核以及注册会计师协会和监管机构依法进行的质量检查。 5. Conflicts of Interest Between member and client---Don’t accept or continue engagement Between different client --- Disclose to clients --- Implement safeguard 6. Advertising, publicity and obtaining professional work 财华国际教育中心 ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance 10 TEL:65648112 www.chgjedu.com FAX:65648112-604 Firms` adverts should not  Bring the ACCA into disrepute  Discredit other members` services  Be misleading  Amount to harassment of client  Quote fees 对“广告、业务招揽和宣传”的限制 1.不能对其能力进行广告宣传以招揽业务 (1)注册会计师的服务质量及能力无法由广告内容加以评估; (2)广告可能威胁专业服务的精神; (3)广告可能导致同行之间的不正当竞争。 2.在跨国执行业务时对广告宣传的要求 (1)在允许做广告的国家执行业务的注册会计师,不应该在禁止做广告的国家通过各种 媒介广告宣传招揽业务; (2)在禁止做广告的国家执行业务的注册会计师,也不应在允许做广告的国家通过各种 媒介广告宣传招揽业务。 那么呢,在对作为审计师应当注意的道德准则有所了解之后,我们就要开始学习一个 新的知识点了。现在存在着这样一个问题,会计师事务所要去接受客户的审计委托,应当 有一个什么样的程序,比如说你是一个主管审计师,那么什么样的客户能够接受,你有哪 些因素应当考虑呢?这个知识点,也是一个比较重要的考点,针对于 2009 年 12 月份的考 试的时候,各大机构的考前 TIPS 都把这个考点作为热点来进行预测。但是当期考试并未 涉及。 ACCEPTING A NEW AUDIT APPOINTMENT (Client Screening) 注意到 Client Screening 什么意思思 Before accepting a nomination as the external auditor of a new client auditors should:  ensure
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