首页 ITIL_Manager考试培训笔记及攻略



ITIL_Manager考试培训笔记及攻略ITIL_Manager考试培训笔记及攻略 ITIL Manager考试培训笔记及攻略 1.0 关于本书 & 1.1 写作背景 写本书的冲动,始发与刚刚完成了ITIL服务经理考试之后那个下午。种种想法,具体总结起来,有以下几个条: 一( 参加了ITIL服务经理的两周的培训,感觉培训商的重点并非完全专注于怎样帮助学生应付未来的考试。虽然培训课程的内容设置没有问题,其也期望通过两周的学习,帮助同学融会贯通ITIL全部流程。但对我们这些,从小接受了应试教育的中国学生而言,总觉得,课程的内容和未来的考试的连接性,还...

ITIL_Manager考试培训笔记及攻略 ITIL Manager考试培训笔记及攻略 1.0 关于本书 & 1.1 写作背景 写本书的冲动,始发与刚刚完成了ITIL服务经理考试之后那个下午。种种想法,具体总结起来,有以下几个条: 一( 参加了ITIL服务经理的两周的培训,感觉培训商的重点并非完全专注于怎样帮助学生应付未来的考试。虽然培训课程的内容设置没有问题,其也期望通过两周的学习,帮助同学融会贯通ITIL全部流程。但对我们这些,从小接受了应试教育的中国学生而言,总觉得,课程的内容和未来的考试的连接性,还是不够紧密。其中有空缺需要填补。就是应付考试的针对性,在ITIL服务经理的培训中还体现不够。 二( 两周的ITIL服务经理的培训,基本上是围绕OGC的Service Support 和 Service Delivery 两本著作展开的。不过,如果我们仔细阅读一下,就会感到这两本著作在书写结构上,不够统一,用词也不 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,知识点的体现也不够集中。明显表现出集体创作,而又缺乏精密协调,规范管理的痕迹。但应付考试,是很需要结构性的内容。哪个概念重要,考题会怎样出,怎样考,都是很结构化的东西。学生只有拥有一个十分结构化的知识库,才能在很短的时间内,准备好需要的知识,面对可能出现的各种问题。而原始教材的非结构化是最大的问题。 我们这一期学生,几乎在完成培训的最后几天,才意识到这个问题。于是大家自行对分散于教材中的知识点再进行整理,规范,分类,以对付考试。事实上,培训公司本应该协助做这个知识再整理的工作。不过,可能考虑由此会影响公司的未来的获利能力,所以,其只是适当地引导学生在培训中,如何组织这些知识,而没有将组织完成的成品直接提供给学生。而这也是本书所要针对的问题。 三(从 国际产业转移的角度看,随着ITIL的普及,IT 服务的规范化,随之而来的便是IT服务的全面外包。而外包的目的地,必然是中国和印度。 一个拥有规范的,按照ITIL流程操作的IT服务企业,一定会在这个产业的转移中脱颖而出。而实现这个目标,需要大量的ITIL专家。其中更需要拥有ITIL服务经理证书的高级管理人才。这也是我选用中文写着本书的原因。 回顾现有的国内的ITIL书籍市场,国内出版的ITIL书籍寥寥无几。而直接针对帮助中国学生,顺利通过 ITIL服务经理考试的书籍更是没有。 ITIL服务经理的培训和考试是笔昂贵的投资。基于考试条例的限制,每个考生必须先参加两周的培训,然后才能参加论文型的笔试。如果没有一个有效的应试 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 和这些考生分享,而只是依赖每个考生各自的悟性来准备考试内容,那也难怪ITIL服务经理的及格分定得如此之低。 而即便这样,初考的成功率也只有50% 。 这本书的目的,就想作为一个过来人,实实在在地帮助那些,必然在全球,,服务界唱主角的中国IT经理人。 .2 本书的对象 考虑的到本书所特有的针对性,所以并不适合所有的读者。本书会对以下特定人群有很大的帮助: 一(那些完成了 ITIL Foundation V2考试,希望一探ITIL经理考试秘密的好奇者。此书将全面介绍,如何准备ITIL经理考试。事实上,我希望你看完本书的第一感觉是,ITIL经理考试并没有想象的那么难。本书是你的捷径,将鼓励你踏上另一个精彩的人生旅程,ITIL服务经理考试。 二(那些已经报名参加ITIL经理考试的两周培训的探险者。此书将是你的随身向导。他将和你两周的培训相配合,帮助你高效掌握重要的知识点,使你尽快进入临战模式,在别人还在混沌中摸索时,构建你决战考场的武器。使你先人一步,从容面对各种试题。 三(那些参加了ITIL经理考试,并且有一门或者两门失利的不幸者。我想说,你的失败不是你的 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 , 而是培训课程的失败。是现有ITIL教材及培训公司的局限性的牺牲者。不过,再多的怨言,也不能抹杀ITIL 服务经理证书本身的价值。所以,痛定思痛,你必须从新开始,不犯同样的错误。而本书,将以拯救者的角色出现,改变你的视角,提高你的技能,帮助你在下次考试中,马到成功。 谈了本书的针对的对象。再谈一下对本书一些“否定”。 一(本书并非是一部全面的ITIL的基本教材。考虑的本书的针对性,很多属于低记忆价值内容都被删除了。 Service Delivery 二书。 如果你所寻找的是一部完整的教材,请参考OGC Service Support 和 二(本书并非指导读者如何进行ITIL的企业实施。实施方面的指导最适合来自有经验的实施顾问。而这类图书在中文市场上还很少见。 三(本书并不能 100% 保证你能通过未来的ITIL服务经理考试。虽然,我们提供了有效的工具。但考场如战场,即便有了最精良的武器,也需要和你的临战经验相结合。而运气则是最后的决定因素。所以本书,我们只能提高你通过考试的可能性。 1.3 本书的特别之处 以下是本书区别与其他ITIL书籍的特别之处: 一(本书不包括任何没有价值,或低记忆价值的ITIL内容。没有“垃圾”或者“噪音”信息。没有无意义的重复,来增加本书的页数。 二(本书所包含的内容将直接有助于各位的考试。写本书的目的只有一个,就是帮助你通过ITIL服务经理考试。 三(本书将直接向你提供已经过考验的应试工具。当然,读者在整个阅读的过程中,一直拥有,按照自己的经验,另外创造一件工具的权利。不过,利用现有的工具将大大节约你的时间和精力。 四(本书可以和现有的两周的ITIL服务经理培训紧密地结合在一起。将本书和培训的教材相结合,能达到意想不到的效果。 五(本书将提供很多应付考试的“秘技”。这些“秘技”往往是培训师们所不愿无偿分享的。因为培训师的价值将因为分享这些“秘技”的分享而降低。 六(本文的基本语言是中文。这样能够帮助大多数熟悉中文的读者,迅速跨越语言的障碍,迅速进入角色。不过,有关ITIL的知识点将用英文表达。因为最终的考试是以英文完成的。准确的在考试中运用英文是制胜的关键。 1.4 本书的基本结构 孙子曰:“知己知彼,百战不怠”。 在第一章,完成本书的介绍后,第二章将先介绍我们所共同面对的,,,,经理考试,以知彼。 然后,本书将着重介绍所提供的应考工具,基因学习法。之后,从第四章到第七章,本书将分四个部分,基于基因学习法,直接列出读者所要记忆的内容。这四个分部为:通用内容,Service Support, Service Delivery,流程关系图。完成这四个章节后,以知己。 知己知彼后,我们将在第八章中,利用本书通过各种渠道收集的模拟考试试题,全面演练基因学习法的效果。在这章中,所有问题,都将有相对应的答题策略。利用这些答题策略,结合基因学习法,将能够帮助你把必要的知识点结合起来。本章也是验证基因学习法有效性的一个很好的手段。另外,由于试题的来源十分广泛,可以假设,考生很有可能在未来的试卷中,遇到极其类似的问题。 通过第八章,熟练掌握基因学习法的运用后,第九章将带你将未来的战场,仔细的打扫一便。本章将基于 EXIN 所采用的两个案例,列出所有可能从Service Support或者 Service Delivery 出题的关键点。第九章,如同提供了一张,具体注明的军用地图。事实上,经过第九章的训练和大量的阅读,你在考试时,已经不需要再花时间查找任何有关案例的内容了。所有的关键点,应该在考试前,了然于胸。你就是案例,你就是地图。 知己知彼,对手里的武器熟练运用,战场的地图铭记于心。这仗是应该要赢了。不过,成败决定于细节。在第十章中,一些有关考试的细节将和你一一分享。有些细节,虽然看起来微不足道,但在短短的三个小时中,他可以为你争取宝贵的5 到 10分钟。而正是这5到10分钟,可以让你再补上一,二个知识点,拿到这关键的一分,二分。成败在于细节,这就是第十章的关键。 以上便是本书的结构。希望已经燃起了你阅读的欲望。那就请你翻开下一页,开启精彩的旅程。 2.0 ITIL 服务经理考试 2.1 考试简介 ITIL 服务经理考试是ITIL V2 体系中的最高等级的考试。和ITIL Foundation 考试所不同的是,参加考试的人员,在笔试之前,必须经过两周时间,由考试机构认可的考前培训。也就是本书中一直提及的ITIL服务经理培训。 通常,在培训前的一两周,培训公司就会让你开始阅读ITIL书籍,做一些练习,为繁重的培训周做准备。在这两周之间,有的培训公司会安排一周的间隔,以便让学生从一个主题转到另一个主题作准备。而在两周后,大约会安排另外一周时间让你自行准备考试。由此而来,整个学习的周期,大约为六周时间。相当紧张和繁重的六周, 简直可以和我当年高考时的紧张程度相比较。 每场考试为三小时。一天一场,共两场。一场针对Service Support 。 一场针对 Service Delivery 。 。每题基本针对一个ITIL 的流程展开。也有可能在大题下的小题每场考试,共5道论述大题。每题20分 中,考到多个流程的内容。考试全部为闭圈,手工,英文笔答。对于非英文母语的学生,允许携带一本非电子的字典。另外,考试提供大约每人20页规范格式的答题纸。如果不够,学生可以另外向监督人员索取其他的答题纸。 这里有个细节很重要。会在第十章谈到。 考题的内容有可能是直接要求根据ITIL 的内容,对特定的用词的定义做解释。不过大多数考题,需要和所付的案例相结合。 到目前为止,EXIN 基本上使用两个案例 – CMJ 和ITC。前者是加拿大的一个制衣公司。后者是欧洲的一个货运公司。考试学生会在培训时就拿到两个公司的案例。所以,对学生而言,应该有足够的时间熟悉这些案例,准备可能出题的地方。而这也是本书的一个重点。在本书中, 已经提供了考试案例的联接。帮助学生更好的准备案例问题。 不过,在考试的一周前,考试组织机构会将真正所要采用的案例通知考生。而最新版本的案例也会发给考生,以便准备。这里有个细节要注意,会在第十章提到。 以过去的经验谈,一般一个案例会同时用于两堂考试。但也会偶尔发生,每场考试用不同的案例的情况。本人不幸中招,Service Support 考的是 CMJ, 而Service Delivery 考的是ITC。所以在案例准备中需要付出双倍的时间。所以也有两方面的经验和你们分享。 总体感觉而言,考生会比较喜欢CMJ, 因为内容够多,IT 管理的问题也明显。比较容易联系考题。相对而言,ITC 篇幅较短,IT管理也较成熟,可操作的范围小。 另外,在考试时,考生会另外得到一份案例的补充内容,以增加考题的变化度。这个问题,会在后面的章节详细阐述。 由于考题全部通过手工书写表达,需要比较多的时间评分。考生大约需要等上一个多月才可以知道结果。 依我理解,中国学生最喜欢选择题,而最怕论述题,何况是英文论述。不过这个问题,也是本书要着重帮你解决的关键。英文论述,是个竞争壁垒,有好有坏。就看你怎样驾驭了。 以上是对于ITIL服务经理考试的一个介绍。写了这么多,如果需要再详细的内容,请自行和培训公司联系了。 2.2 ITIL 服务经理考试的价值 写这节的目的,在于解答一个问题,当ITIL 将自己的体系升级到V3后,参加V2 的服务经理考试还有价值吗,事实上,在我参加培训前,也有同样的问题,不过现在已经有了一个肯定的答案。 就是:绝对有价值。 下面是我组织的一些理由: 一( ITIL V2 是一个成熟的体系。已经发展了几十年,相当完善而相对简单。一共只有11个流程,1个功能。而ITIL V3 还在发展当中,很多课程的设置还不完整,也更加复杂,就流程就超过20个。如果依 将是一个十分复杂的过程。而V2就显得简洁多据V3 的体系,按照学分,从Foundation 到Master , 了。 二( 在本人写这本书时,其ITIL V3最高等级的 Master 考试还没有完成。而现有的V3 Master 持有者,都是在获得V2 的经理考试后,再通过V2 到V3 的桥梁课程获取的。可以说,ITIL V2 的经理考试是获取 V3 Master 的一个捷径。从V2 Foundation 到V3 Master,如果时间安排紧凑的话,三个月,三场考试,六七万可以搞定了。走V3 的话,单是考试就有六到七次。 Brain justifi由此可见,走ITIL V2 服务经理这条路是正确的。不过,英文里讲:Gut makes decision 。es it – 肚子做决定,大脑去证明。所以,最终还是要靠你自己来判别了。 3.0 基因学习法 完成了对ITIL 服务经理考试的介绍后, 我们将进入本书的第一个关键内容 – 基因学习法。 3.1 建立学习法的必要性 在谈基因学习法之前,有必要先谈一下在应付ITIL服务经理考试中,建立相应的学习法的必要性。 其必要性,是由ITIL 服务经理本身考试的特点,教材的缺陷及培训制度的限制所决定的。 ITIL 服务经理考试,按照培训教师的说法,完全按照OGC 的两本“圣经”的教材展开。所有的回答,必须以这两本书籍为版本。在关键内容上,要做到一字不差。因为考试的目的,就是衡量考试对ITIL知识点的掌握能力。能否准确的运用教材上的ITIL术语,熟练的在日常工作中,应付各种IT管理的讨论,是将ITIL 经理级考试的通过者,和Foundation 级别的考生的重要区别。 所以,以培训师的要求,这种一字不差的要求近乎苛刻和无理。但当你听着他们,在培训中,能够熟练的将ITIL 的关键定义,一一准确的背出,却也不得不佩服他们的记忆力。 但这对于我们这些,只投入ITIL经理考试培训不过几周的学生,晚上要忙着做每天的作业,还要检查公司的EMAIL,每天搞到一两点的职业经理人而言,确是不可能的任务。 另外一个重要的原因,就是OGC 两本书籍本身的缺陷。这在前面有所提及。OGC 的 Service Support 和 Service Delivery 是集体创作的结果。但是质量管理很成问题。书本的节构,用词并不统一。 例如:Service Support 中Incident Management 有阐述考试关键内容 Critical Success Factor 和 Key Performance Indicator (KPI). 转到Problem Management 章节,这两个内容就需要自己总结了。 又如,在Problem Management 章节开始 (p95),说明其主要活动是: - Problem control - Error control - The Proactive prevention of Problem - Identifying trends - Obtaining management information from Problem Management data - The completion of major Problem review 不过在后文(p111),又提出了Proactive Problem Management,而将: - Trend analysis - Targeting preventive action - Major problem review 归入其例。 这种不规范性在Service Support 和 Service Delivery 二书中,举不胜举。这也增加了考生准备考试的难度。逼迫学生必须对这两本书籍做必要的整理。 其三,培训公司的问题。两周的培训对培训公司和教员是很好的业务收入。如果培训公司帮助学生,对教材进行全面整理,从而降低了考试的难度,这必然对培训公司的未来业务造成不良的影响。 所以,即便培训公司认识到建立适当学习方法,总结OGC书籍的必要性,也不会在培训开始,直接向学生全盘托出。这就导致,只有少数有所悟性的学生,才会在培训的中期,就着手整理资料,为未来的考试 做准备。而大多数学生,只是在培训快要结束时,才意识到两本书籍的不可靠性,才着手准备自己的资料。从而浪费了很多宝贵时间。 而本书就要解决这个问题。依靠本书的帮助,学生甚至能在参加两周的培训前,就全面掌握所需要的所有关键点。大大领先于其他竞争者。 基于上面的论述,只想说明建立学习法对准备ITIL 服务经理考试的必要性。下面一节,本书将毫无保留的向大家介绍本人特别建立的ITIL 考试学习法 – 基因学习法。 3.2 基因学习法的假设和核心 基因学习法的一个基本假设是,考生不可能在如此短的时间内,一字不少的记住所有ITIL 概念。于是,必须基于其他方法,帮助考生在答题时,写出关键的内容,最大可能地获得分数。 基因学习法的另一个基本假设,就是,ITIL 经理考试的评分者,并非绝对要求考生一字不少的回答所有内容。很多答案,事实上可以基于考生的实际经验,甚至基本常识来获取考分。而只有十分少数的知识点,需要绝对的准确用字。 基于以上两个基本假设,基因学习法的核心便是: 有所区别的对所需的知识点的记忆程度进行分类。尽量减少需要准确记忆的内容。对仅需非准确记忆的内容,通过由准确记忆内容的推理,排列组合而获得。 由此大大减少学生需要记忆的知识量。准确记忆的内容,如同基因一般,按内在逻辑,不断复制,推导出相关的非准确记忆内容。这就是基因学习法。 在阅读后面的章节后,你会发现,基因学习法是如此的有效,以至可以将整整两本教材,六百多页的内容,压缩到十多张A4纸中。于是,在预备考试的最后一周中,你可以彻底抛弃这厚厚的两本书,将精力集中在关键的记忆点上,再通过内在逻辑,延伸到边缘内容,以备考试。 在下一节中,将对基因学习法在ITIL考试中的运用做详细介绍。 3.3 D1/D2/D3 记忆等级 基因学习法的关键在于对所须掌握的知识,按记忆的需求,先进行分级。在本书中,我们将所需掌握的知识分成三个记忆等级:D1,D2,D3。它们的定义如下: D1:该级的内容是必须一字不差的掌握的。这些知识点是ITIL 基础中的基础。其他很多知识点大多可以从这些D1知识点中推导出来。 D2:该级的知识同样很重要。但不需记忆完整的句子。但对其中的关键字,必需完全记忆。 D3:该级是基因学习法中最低。其内容大多可以由D1或D2的内容推导而来。如果需要记忆,也只是大体上的内容。无须逐字逐句。 用到ITIL 服务经理的考试中,属于D1 的内容包括: , Process Goal - 流程目标 , Process Name - 流程名 , Activity Name - 活动名 , Key Term Name -关键术语名 属于D2 的内容包括: , Key Term Content - 关键术语内容 , Key Definitions - 关键定义 属于D3的内容及推导来源包括: D3内容 推导基因来源 Input/Output - 输入/输出 Activity - 活动 KPI - 关键表现指标 Output - 输出 Process Resource - 流程资源 Activity - 活动 Process Role丰富- 流程角色 Activity - 活动 Process Benefits - 流程益处 Activity + Process Goal + Output Problem - 问题 环境模型。将在下一章节详细论述。 CSF - 关键成功因素 Problem的反面 Cost - 成本 PPT模型。将在下一章节详细论述。 Process Relationships - 流程关系 Activity + Input + Output 该表在以后的学习中,有着相当重要的作用。在以后的章节中,将不断有所提及。现做一个简单的例子,帮助理解。 以Input/Output 和 Activity 为例。其要说明的是,通过记忆有关流程的Activity 的内容,就能自然推导出该流程的Input/Output。所以学生在学习中,无须死记硬背Input/Output 的内容。 现在以 Availability Management 中的 Risk Assessment 为例。 如果学生掌握了Risk Assessment 中的 主要活动: , Collect Risk Asset List, , Threat Identification, , Vulnerability Identification. 那么 Input 自然就是Risk Item,Business Inputs of Threat ,Business inputs of vulnerability, 而OUTPUT 就是Risk assessment result, Risk registration database 等等。如果这样回答,那就十有八九可以得到70%的分数。 对于考生而言,基因学习法如同武器,它能将ITIL 的知识有效的组织起来。不过光有武器还不能战斗,作为战士,你还需要现有弹药。而本书将在下面几个章节,直接向你输送弹药。 在下面的章节中,本书将对Service Support 和Service Delivery 的每个流程及功能,逐一过滤,将所有 需要掌握的D1,D2,D3 的内容,一一列出,最终集中在十多页A4纸大小的篇幅中,以直接帮助考生准 备考试。 4.0 通用内容 从这章开始,本书将依据上文的基因学习法,具体介绍学生在ITIL服务经理考试中,所必须掌握的内容。而我们会从通用内容开始。 所谓的通用内容,是指在每个ITIL流程的学习中,都会遇到,并且依据统一的回答方式的内容。掌握了通用内容的回答方法,学生就可以仅仅通过记忆或者理解关键的答题逻辑,来应付类似的问题,而无须死记硬背。 在这个章节,我们将又三个方面介绍若干知识点。这三个方面分别是:流程,实施及文件格式。 4.1 流程 在“流程”这个小节中,将提供以下关键知识点: , 流程的结构 , 流程中的角色和任务 , 流程的益处 , 流程的问题和挑战 , CSF - 关键成功因素 流程的结构 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G001 流程的结构 D3 每个流程都包括以下基本内容: Process Ownership Process Goal Inputs CSF KPI Activities Output Process Resource Process Roles 在ITIL考试中,没有可能会让学生列出流程的结构。但ITIL谈的就是流程。该结构中的所有内容,都会不断作为考题,在考试中出现。所以,虽然是D3级的记忆内容,也做为第一个内容列出。 流程中的角色和任务 在Service Support和Service Delivery二书中,对于流程的角色的定义有所不同。有的流程有Process Manager.有的流程,不但有Process Manager,还有具体的工作人员。具体记忆的方法如下: 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G002 流程中的角色和D3 Standard Responsibility = PPT + Commun 任务 ication Process: Develop + Monitor + Improve People: People Management Tool: System Activity Awareness Campaign 这些知识点,和具体的内容的联系表现如下: Develop & Maintain process – Process: Develop + Monitor , Review efficient & effective of process – Process: Monitor , Product management information - Communication , Monitor effectiveness of process – Process: Monitor , Making recommendation for improvement – Process: Improve , Develop & maintain related systems - System , Awareness campaign - Communication , Audit – Process: Monitor , Manage staff - People 以上为例,只要学生记住了PPT + Communication就可以推出Standard responsibility的相关内容。 而每个流程中的角色和责任可以归纳如下: Process Name Role- Manager Responsibility Role-Staff Responsibility Incident ManageIncident Manager Standard ResponsIncident HandlinActivity ment ibility g Support Staff Problem ManageProblem Manager Standard ResponsProblem Support Activity ment ibility Configuration MaConfiguration MaStandard ResponsLibrarian Activity nagement nager ibility Change ManageChange ManageStandard ResponsNA ment ment ibility + Activity Release ManageRelease Manager Standard ResponsNA ment ibility + Activity Service Desk Service Desk MaStandard ResponsService Desk StaActivity nager ibility ff All Service DeliProcess ManagerStandard ResponsNA ibility (Remove very Processes s People area) + Activity 4.1 流程(2) 流程的益处 在考试中,往往会让你对公司的管理层做一些鼓动的宣传。而每个流程的益处是必须要熟练运用的。对于如何记住这些内容,学生同样有两个选择,一是死记硬背。二是运用基因记忆法,通过D1或D2的基因节点,由此展开。具体记忆方法如下: 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G003 流程的益处– ProD3 Activity + Goal + Output cess benefits 这里所要表达的意思,是学生可以通过意义每个流程的主要活动,流程目标和流程的产出物,来描述流程的益处。这样,也就不需要死记书本的内容。因为Activity,Goal和Output都是D1,D2级的记忆内容。 就以Availability Management为例。 The Goal of Availability Management is: Optimize the capability of IT infrastructure service a nd support organization, to deliver a cost effective and sustained level of Availability that enab les the business to satisfy its business objective. 其主要活动包括:Determine requirements, Determine VBF, Business impact analysis, Define ta rgets, Establish measures/reporting, Monitoring, Review Incidents/Problem, Provide Availability Plan. 主要的OUTPUT包括:Availability Plan, Design, Target, Monitoring, Report 有了这些内容,如果考到要你列出10条Availability Management对公司的好处,就可轻松应付。如: , Availability management process will be able to optimize the capability of IT infrastru cture service and support organization – Goal. , Availability management process will enable IT to provide an cost effective and sustai n level of availability to support business goals – Goal. , Availability management will help business determine vital business functions – Activit y. , Availability management will help determine business impacts if system availability is not there.- Activity. , Availability management will develop availability plan to help IT organization better m anagement system availability – Output 等等,如滔滔江水一般,汹涌而出。 流程的问题和挑战 除了阐述每个流程的益处,作为职业经理人,同样必须了解实施流程时所存在的问题和挑战。具体记忆法则如下: 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G004 流程的问题和挑D3 Environment: Management, Peers, Custom ers, Users, Tool, Other Process, Funding, 战 Candidate, Legacy 这里之所以使用ENVIRONMENT,是一个假设:任何事物不能独立于其周围的环境存在。所以,如果任何周边环境出现问题,都会就该事物本身造成问题。而这也是我们必须面对的挑战。 基于这样的假设,每个流程都会和周围这些因素所联系: MANAGEMENT:管理层的态度是决定一切的。如果没有管理层的支持,流程的实施不可能成功。 CUSTOMER:客户也是至关重要的因素。如果客户不料解该流程的益处,他们是不会愿意为次付钱的。 USER:用户是流程直接接触的对象。用户的支持,对流程的了解程度也很重要。 TOOL:所有的流程都需要工具来支持。ITIL流程涉及大量的数据,如果没有适当的工具,流程的实施不可能成功。 OTHER PROCESS:任何一个流程都会和其他流程有一定的联系。所以其他流程的成熟度,也决定了本流程的实施的难易。 FUNDING:在任何公司,资金永远是短缺的–这是现代经济学的基础。所以资金对于ITIL流程的事实永远是个问题。 CANDIDATE:任何流程都需要一个负责人。而考虑的ITIL流程的复杂性,这种人才都是难以获得的。 LEGACY:在事实ITIL流程前,企业总或多或少有一些老的工具,流程在运行,或者是就的观念。这些旧的东西,对流程的实施有帮助,也可能造成阻碍。所以可能是问题,或者是挑战。 掌握了以上几个方面,即便拿到一道20分的题目,也是随手写来,洋洋撒撒了。 CSF –关键成功因素 CSF指Critical Success Factor –关键成功因素。掌握了Problem后,在看CSF就显得十分简单。因为Problem的反面就是CSF。 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G005 CSF D3 Problem的反面 例如,如果得不到管理层的支持,流程的实施就会有大问题。则他的反面,获得管理层的支持成了CSF。如此简单。 4.2 实施 谈完了流程方面的一些共性的内容,再来谈有关流程实施上所共有的一些特征。 流程的实施 ITIL的流程的实施是有一定的模式的。这个模式可以在所有的流程中使用。具体内容如下: 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G006 流程的实施 D3 Assessment Planning Process to implement Process: High level process model . Detai l descriptions People: Awareness Campaign, ITIL Traini ng, Workshop Tool: Tool requirement, select, install Embedding Access/Review 所有的流程实施总开始于对现有公司情况的评估。所以ACCESS是第一步。有了现有情况,就需要对实施做个计划。第二步是PLANNING。做完计划,就涉及具体的操做了。可以从三个方面入手,也就是后文要提的超级武器PPT。 PROCESS:需要确认大体的流程模型,和具体的流程描述。 , PEOPLE;需要通过AWARENESS CAMPAIGN,培训和WORKSHOP提高员工的认知 程度。 , TOOL:需要定义工具的需求,选择以至最后安装工具。 完成流程具体实施后,下一步是确认流程真正嵌入在公司的运做中– EMBEDDING。最后,总是需要对实施的情况进行评估和审核。 这套流程对所有的流程的实施都适合。如果考到这样的题目,按上面的方法回答,再和具体流程有所结合,20分中拿到15分是应该的。 流程的成本- 超级武器PPT 这里的PPT并非微软那个PPT文件。而是PROCESS,PEOPLE,TOOL。在前面的知识点,已有使用该内容。事实上,PPT的使用十分广泛。很多知识点,都可以以PPT来归类。这里以成本为例。 流程实施的成本就可以通过PPT的方式进行表达: 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G007 流程的成本 D3 Process: implementation cost, project cost People: Training, hiring, transfer cost Tool: system implementation, license fee 从PRCESS的角度看,任何流程的实施都需要资金。如果实施的成本,项目的管理成本,都可归入PROCESS一类。 任何流程都需要人的参与,所以相关的人员成本有:培训费用,流程关键人物的招募及工资,其他部门的转移成本等。 在工具一类,包括工具的购买,版权费等费用。 AWARENESS CAMPAIGN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN的具体流程需要掌握。具体内容如下: 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G008 AWARENESS CD3 Formulate direction of desire change Analyze current communication and culturAMPAIGN e Target group identification Goal per group Strategy per group Media per group Communication plan Realize Measure and adjust 以上的内容,算是挺逻辑的一个过程。从确认目标,评估现有情况,到对沟通的目标分类,然后对于不同的沟通目标设定不同的目的,策略和使用的媒体渠道。将所有内容归入沟通的计划中后,就进行实施,最后再评估和调整。这是一个完整的项目管理的过程。 4.3 文件格式 谈完了流程的实施后,再补充两个有关文件格式的内容,分别是MEMO和HIRING。因为在考试中,考题可能直接要求你写一段MEMO给管理层,或者是起草一份招募书。而在文件格式上,都是有分数的。所以,如果文件格式正确,则这一两分会拿得十分容易。 备忘录– MEMO 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G009 MEMO D3 TO:XXX FROM:XXX SUBJECT:XXX USE A DUMMY NAME 如果考题要求学生写个MEMO,就必须按照考题中所提示的内容,将MEMO写给正确的TO。这可能是一个人,或者是董事会。考生需要看清楚。在FROM处,请使用考题所提示的你的角色,如ITIL顾问,或某个流程的经理。SUBJECT要将所设计的主要内容写清楚。 最后的关键,你不可以以你的真实姓名署名。必须用一个替代的名字。保险的做法是:CONSULTANT A。或者MANAGER A。 招募书- HIRING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 G010 HIRING D3 GOAL + ACTIVITY + BACKGROUND 在写对某个流程的招募书时,以三个内容构成你的文件。 首先使用GOAL来确认招募人员的总体责任。 , 其次,使用每个流程的具体ACTIVITY来确认适当人选在未来工作的具体任务。 , 第三,对于BACKGROUD,就可以随便发挥了,如计算机学士学位,5年工作经验,I TIL FOUNDATION CERTIFICATION,等等。 将这三点组织起来,便是一篇很好的招募书了。 4.4 本章总结 就此,将本章涉及的知识点归结在最后。便于学生复习。 Knowledge Point RemembrancKnowledge Content Gen e Coe Level de G001 Process Structure D3 Process Ownership/Process Goal/Inputs CSF/KPI/Activities/Output/Process Resource/Process Roles G002 Roles and ResponsiD3 PPT + Communication bility Process: Develop + Monitor + Improve People: People Management Tool: System Activity/Awareness Campaign G003 Process benefits D3 Activity + Goal + Output G004 Problem and ChallD3 Environment: Management, Peers, Customers, Users, Tool, engesOther Process, Funding, Candidate, Legacy G005 CSF D3 Reserve side of PROBLEM G006 Process ImplementaD3 Assessment tion Planning Process to implement Process: High level process model . Detail descriptions People: Awareness Campaign, ITIL Training, Workshop Tool: Tool requirement, select, install Embedding Access/Review G007 Cost D3 Process: implementation cost, project cost People: Training, hiring, transfer cost Tool: system implementation, license fee G008 Awareness CampaiD3 Formulate direction of desire change gn Analyze current communication and culture Target group identification Goal per group Strategy per group Media per group Communication plan Realize Measure and adjust G009 Memo D3 TO:XXX FROM:XXX SUBJECT:XXX USE A DUMMY NAME G010 Hiring D3 GOAL + ACTIVITY + BACKGROUND 5.0 SERVICE SUPPORT 在Service Support这个章节中,将对五个流程,一个功能,逐一利用基因学习法,进行阐述。 采用的格式将和第四章相类似。 所涉及的五个流程,分别为: , Change Management , Release Management , Configuration Management , Incident Management , Problem Management 一个功能为:Service Desk. 5.1 CHANGE MANAGEMENT GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM001 GOAL D1 Ensure that standardized methods and pro cedures are used for efficient and promote handling of Changes, in order to minimi ze the impact of Change-related Incidents upon service quality, and consequently to improve the day-to-day operations of the organization. Process Goal是我们所涉及的第一个D1级的知识点。事实上,所有流程的GOAL都是属于D1 级的。对于D1级的内容,希望同学们能够发挥死记硬背的优良作风。幸好,在本书中,D1级 的内容不是很多。相信大家能够应付得来。 为了便于大家记忆,现列出以下关键字:Standard methods; procedures; handling changes; minimize; incidents. Activity 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM002 Activity D2 Filtering Changes, managing Changes and Change process, chairing CAB and CAB/ Emergency Committee, reviewing and clos ing RFC, management reporting. - Planning of implementation of operation al processes - Change logging and filtering - Allocation of priorities - Change categorization - CAB meeting - Impact and resource assessment - Change approval - Change scheduling - Change building, testing and implementa tion - Urgent Changes - Urgent Change building, testing and imp lementation - Change review - Reviewing the Change Management pro cess for efficiency and effectiveness - R&R ACTIVITY是每个流程中很重要的内容,但允许一些用词的偏差,所以归为D2。在这里,ITIL 书籍的不一致性再次表现。同一章节中出现了两组关于ACTIVITY的定义。P167的比较简单, 规整。P181则加入了很多细节。不过,毕竟是出自OGC,建议学生全部掌握。 CAB 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM003 CAB D2 CAB – Change Advisory Board CAB is a body that existed to approve c hange and to assist Change Manager in t he assessment and prioritization of change s. Members of CAB: Change Manager; Cust omer; User manager, User rep. … CAB Approvals: Financial/Technical/Busin ess. 考生需要知道CAB的定义。对于CAB的成员,除了列出的名单,还可以适当加入其他的相关 人。不过需要强调的是,必须有BISINESS的人参加CAB。CAB提供三个批准– FINANCIAL; TECHNICAL;BUSINESS。由此也可推导所需要的参与人。 CAB/EC 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM004 CAB/EC D2 A smaller organization with authority to make emergency decisions. CAB/EC和CAB最大的区别是由于时间上的紧急性,不一定有BUSINESS的代表参加该会议。 5.1 CHANGE MANAGEMENT (2) Change 的分类 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM005 Change CategorizD2 Minor Impact: few build or additional run ation time resource required. Significant impact: significant build or run time resource required. Major impact: very large amount of build or runtime resources required, or impact likely upon other parts of the organizatio n. 值得注意的是,MINOR CHANGE 可以由CHANGE MANAGER 批准。SIGNIFICANT CHAN GE 由 CAB 批准。MAJOR CHANGE 要由董事会级别的组织批准,CAB 在这里只是起建议的作 用。 Change 的定义 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM006 Change DefinitioD2 Change is the process of moving from on n e defined state to another 关键字:process; one defined state to another FSC/PSA 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM007 FSC/PSA D2 Forward Schedule of Changes, Projected Service Availability. FSC - Contains details of all the Changes approved for implementation and their pr oposed implementation dates. PSA - Contains details of Changes to agr eed SLAs and service availability because of the currently planned FSC. FSC/PSA 是 CHANGE MANAGEMENT 流程中两个重要的OUTPUT。 STANDARD CHANGE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM008 STANDARD CHD2 Change to the infrastructure that follows a n established path, relatively common, andANGE is the accepted solution to a specific or set of requirements. - the tasks are well-known and proven - Authority is effectively given in advanc e. - the train of events can usually be initiat ed by Service Desk - budgetary approval will typically be pre ordained or within the control of the Cha nge requester. 记忆关键字:follows an established path;accepted solution;well-known and proven;Authorit y given;initiated by Service Desk;budgetary approval。 BENEFITS 在通用内容中,曾经涉及到BENEFIT。这里再由特定的流程的角度阐述一下。 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM009 BENEFITS D3 - Alignment, IT/business - Visibility of Changes. - Improved risk assessment - Reduce adverse impact - better assessment of cost - Fewer break out - Improve Problem Management and Avai lability Management - User productivity Improve - Ability to adsorb large Changes - Better perception of IT 5.1 CHANGE MANAGEMENT (3) CHANG MANAGEMENT AND CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 这里强调一下在实施中,CHANGE MANAGEMENT 和CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 的 关系。 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM010 Change ManagemD3 Change Management and Configuration M ent and Configuranagement are best planned and implemen ation Managemented concurrently. t INPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM011 INPUT D3 ACTIVITY: RFC, CMDB, FSC. OUTPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM012 OUTPUT D3 ACTIVITY:FSC/PSA, Updated RFC, CA B meeting minutes and actions, Change Management Reports. 流程的INPUT和OUTPUT 是很重要的内容。但之所以定义为D3级的内容是因为INPUT/OUTPUT 可以从ACTIVITY 中推导出来。 PROACTIVE CHANGES 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM013 PROACTIVE CHD3 Reducing cost, Improving Service ANGES PROACTIVE CHANGES 的价值就两点:成本和服务。 SCOPE OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM014 SCOPE OF CHAD3 Hardware; communications equipment and NGE MANAGE software; system software; 'live' applicati ons software, all documents and procedureMENT s associated with the running, support and maintenance of living systems. OUTSOURCING OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CHM015 OUTSOURCINGD3 Owner of change management process OF CHANGE Change control and payment mode MANAGEMENT Change impact to overall cost Integrity of system Security CAB member 以上是将CHANGE MANAGEMENT 外包时需注意的一些关键因素。 5.2 Release Management (1) GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM001 GOAL D1 Takes a holistic view of a Change to an IT service and should ensure that all aspe cts of a Release, both technical and non-t echnical , are considered together 如上节所提,GOAL都是D1级的内容。记忆关键字:holistic;Release;technical and non-technical;considered。 ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM002 ACTIVITY D1 Releasing Planning Design, building and configuring of a Rel easing Release acceptance Rollout planning Communication, preparation and training Distribution and installation 之所以在这节中,将ACTIVTY升为D1,是因为这个流程的ACTIVITY在OGC的书本中定义 的比较清晰,便于记忆。另外,整个ACTIVITY就是一个 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的软件项目管理的流程。 BUILD MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM003 BUILD MANAGD2 Software/hardware components that compri se a new Release of an IT service shouldEMENT be assembled in a controlled manner to ensure a reproducible process 关键字:assembled in a controlled manner;reproducible process。 DELTA RELEASE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM004 DELTA RELEASD2 Only those CI within the Release units th at have actually changed or are new sinceE the last full or delta release. PLUS:Less testing, urgency MINUS: More risk, compatibility errors PLUS指该方式的优点,MINUS指缺点。DELTA/FULL/PACKAGE这三种RELEASE需要结合 起来一起复习。 DHS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM005 DHS D2 Secure storage of definitive hardware spar es. - should be exactly same as life envir onment. DSL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM006 DSL D2 A secure compound in which the definitiv e authorized version of all software CI ar e stored and protected. DHS和DSL是相类似的内容。可以联系起来一起复习。 FULL RELEASE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM007 FULL RELEASE D2 All component of the Release unit are bu ilt, tested, distributed and implemented tog ether. PLUS:Any problem more likely to be de tected / Regression testing. Minus: Time, effort, computing resource. PACKAGING RELEASEING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM008 PACKAGING RD2 Packing software and hardware together to ELEASING form. a new Release. Individual Releases are grouped together t o form. package Release. PLUS:Reduce the risk of old/incompatibl e software. Test the inter working of thos e system suits and system fully. Minus: Time, effort, computing resource. PACKING RELEASEING和FULL RELEASEING有相同的缺点:消耗很多资源。特别是BUSI NESS在TEST中的资源。 5.2 Release Management (2) RELEASE UNIT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM009 RELEASE UNIT D2 IT infrastructure that is normally released together. RELEASE DEFINITION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM010 RELEASE DEFID2 A collection of authorized Change to an I NITION T service.. RELEASE POLICY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM011 RELEASE POLID2 Releasing numbering, frequency, level in t CY he IT infrastructure TYPE OF RELEASE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM012 TYPE OF RLEAD2 Major software release/hardware upgrade SE Minor software release/hardware upgrade Emergency software release/hardware fixes 这里关于RELEASE 的不同类型,可以和CHANGE 的不同类型相对应,一起记忆。 URGENT RELEASE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM013 URGENT RELED2 Depends on business; urgent full, urgent delta; urgent package, between normal/schASE edule releases. URGETN RELEAES 可以和URGENT CHANGE 想联系记忆。关键点是URGENT RELEASE 是BUSINESS 所发起的。其范围可以是FULL/DELTA/PACKAGE。 OUTPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM014 OUTPUT D3 Back-out plan RELEASE MANAGEMENT 还有很多其他的OUTPUT。可以依据ACTIVITY 来推导,如TESTING 就有TEST RESULT, DEFECT LIST。但需要强调的是 BACK-OUP PLAN是RELEASE MANAGEMENT 的一个重要的OUTPUT。 任何RELEASE 都必须计划好如何恢复初始状态。就如同打仗一样,任何进攻都同时准备要撤退的路线。 BENEFITS 这里罗列了OGC 所提到的BENEFITS。 同样,你可以根据通用内容章节中的方法推导出来。 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM015 BENEFITS D3 Greater success rate of releasing consistency minimize impact through packaging releasi ng assurance good quality stable test/live environment better use user resource for testing minimize regression testing releasing schedule publishing error reduction complete recorder of change proper control and safeguarding of hardwa re and software absorb high rates of changes build and control remotely saving support cost reduce illegal copies detection of wrong version reduce risk reduce time fewer releases smoother transition to production PROBLEM 同样可以采用通用内容中所提及的推导方式。这里将OGC 提到的内容列出。 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 RLM016 PROBLEM D3 Initial resistance from IT Time constrain bypass process control build in testing distributed system expensive R&R resource understanding testing environment 其中,DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM 是个关键点。这和后面提到的CAPACITY MANAGEMENT 有 所联系。在分布式的工作环境中,对系统RELEASE 有特别的系统容量的要求。具体内容,参考 O GC 教材。 5.3 Configuration Management (1) GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM001 GOAL D1 Provide a logical model of infrastructure or a service by identifying, controlling, m aintaining and verifying the versions of C onfiguration Items (CIs) in existence. Account for all the IT assets and configur ation within the organization and its servi ce. Provide accurate information on configurat ions and their documentation to support al l the other Service Management Process Provide a sound basis for Incident Manag ement, Problem Management, Change Ma nagement and Releasing Management Verify the configuration records against th e infrastructure and correct any exception s. 以其他流程为参考,一般一个流程只有一段简单明了的GOAL的定义。不过在CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT一章中,居然提供了两段GOAL。于是,我们不得不将其全部列出。务必全部记住。 另外,如何可以简单记住Identifying, Controlling, Maintaining, Verifying ? 这里有个诀窍:ICMV – I SEE MUSIC VEDIO。喜欢音乐电视吗,那就记住了。 CI Relationships 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM002 CI Relationships D1 Physical relationship: Part, Connect, Use Logical relationship: copy; relate; used by CI的关系是很容易考到的内容。不但要记,还要会举例。其中以PHYSCIAL RELATIONSHIP由为重要。 ACTIVITIES 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM003 ACTIVITIES D1 Planning; Identification; Control; Status ac counting; Verification and auditing CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT的ACTIVITY清晰,归为D1级的内容。这里也有个诀窍可以帮助记忆:People, I Can See the VAn –老乡们,我看见货车了。P – Planning, I – Identification, C- Control, S – Status accounting, VA – Verification and auditing.另外,这类的Status Accounting要和财务管理中的IT Accounting相区别。 CI Lifecycle 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM004 CI Lifecycle D2 Registered; Accepted; Installed; Withdrawn CMDB 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM005 CMDB D2 Logical model contains all CI of infrastru cture Configuration Baseline 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM006 Configuration BaD2 A configuration baseline is a snapshot of a group of CIs taken at a specific point iseline n time. 记忆关键字:snapshot; a group of CIs Definitive Software Library/DSL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM007 Definitive SoftwaD2 DSL - The library in which the definitive authorized version of all software CI arere Library stored and protected. DSL在前节已有提及。这里再次强调。关键字:definitive authorized version CI Identification 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM008 CI Identification D2 - Configuration structure and selection of CI - CI Types and life-cycle - CI relationship (part, connect to, use) - identification of software and document libraries - identification of configuration baseline - Naming conversion - Labeling CIs. Attributes 在OGC的书本中,并没有将ATTRIBUTE作为IDENTIFICATION中的一个阶段。但在其他ITIL书籍中,是包括确认CI的ATTRIBUTES。所以也将它收在这里。另外,需要掌握ATTRIBUTE的定义。 5.3 Configuration Management (2) Major Activities of Every CON Activities 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM009 Major Activities D2 Identification-See CON008 of Every CON AControl – See later sections. ctivities Status Accounting - CI status; baseline an d release; latest software version; owner f or status change; change history; open pro blem/RFC; Configuration verification and audit -; bef ore SW releasing; before/after changes; aft er recovery; after implementation of C M; Random check; unauthorized CI Identification的内容在前面已经提过。Control的内容将在后节讲到。STATUS ACCOUNT的内 容,也可进一步简化到:CI/BASELINE/SOFTWARE/OWNER/CHANGE。以帮助记忆。 Verification and Audit可以从记住BEFORE,BEFORE/AFTER,AFTER的内容开始,再加RA NDOM CHECK和Unauthorized CI。 On Going Control Process 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM010 On Going ControD2 Register new CI; Update CI; Update RFC with CI; Update and archive CI; Protectl Process integrity; Update CMDB Software and Document Libraries 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM011 Software and DoD2 A controlled library is a collection of soft cument Libraries ware or documents CI of known type and status. 关键字:controlled library;software or documents;known type and status.注意和DSL相区别。 Variants 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM012 Variants D2 Different CI with slightly different version number. But those different CI might ne ed change together. Variants是很容易考的内容。一定要能够举例证明,以说明某个CI和某个CI属于Variants. Asset Management vs Configuration Management 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM013 Asset ManagemeD3 Asset Management: Accounting process fo nt vs Configuratir monitoring depreciation on assets. It can be a basis for configuration managementon Management system. Configuration Management: go beyond ass et management. Relationship of CI. Status, CI regarding RFC.. 考生要会阐述Asset Management和Configuration Management的关系和区别。关键在于,Asset Management是Configuration Management的基础。但Configuration Management的范围更广。 在进行Configuration Management的流程实施时,是否有良好的Asset Management可以作为一 个前提优势。这种题目,在案例分析中特别适合。 BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM014 BENEFITS D3 - Providing accurate information on CI an d their documentation. - Controlling valuable CI. - Facilitating adherence to legal obligation s - Helping with financial and expenditure planning - Making software change visible - Contributing to contingency planning - Supporting and improving Releasing Ma nagement - Improving security by controlling the ve rsion of CI in use. - Enabling the organization to reduce the use of unauthorized software - Allowing the organization to perform. i mpact analysis and schedule Change safel y, efficiently and effectively - Providing problem management with dat a and trends. D3级的内容。不要求强记。同样可以通过通用内容中的方法推导出来。 Configuration Management Plan 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM015 Configuration MaD3 - Purpose, Scope and Objectives of COM nagement Plan - Related policies, standards and processes specific to support group - CM R&R - CI Naming conversion - schedule and process for performing C M activities - interface with 3rd party; internal and ext ernal - CM design - License, archiving - Planned configuration baseline, major Re lease, milestones, workload and resource p lan for each stage. 之所以归到D3是因为有很多ACTIVITY的内容在里面。并且考到的可能性不大。 PROBLEMS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 COM016 PROBLEMS D3 Wrong CI level; Lack of analysis/design; over ambitious; lacking commitment; Bure aucratic perception; Routine circumvented; Process are inefficient; unrealistic expecta tion to tool; tool is inflexible; isolation i mplementation; unrealistic expectation to COM; poor control. 其中有不少CONFIGURAITON MANAGEMENT特有的问题,如CI LEVEL,需要注意。 5.4 Incident Management (1) GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM001 GOAL D1 Restore normal service operation as quickl y as possible, minimize the adverse impac t on business operation, ensure that the best possible level of serv ice quality and availability are maintained. 记忆关键字: Restore normal service operation; minimize; adverse impact; quality and availabilit y。 另外,这里强调 ASAP。 这和PROBLEM MANAGEMETN 是有所区别的。 RELEATIONS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM002 RELATIONS D1 Error - incidents - problem - know error - RFC 这里将INCIDENT MANAGEMENT, PROBLEM MANAGEMENT 和 CHANGE MANAGEME NT 中的几个关键内容串了起来。 ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM003 ACTIVITY D2 Incident detection and recording Classification and initial support Investigation and diagnosis Resolution and recovery Incident closure Incident ownership, monitoring, tracking a nd communication 事实上,这个流程,和后面章节的PROBLEM CONTROL 有一定的类似。可以相联系进行记忆。 ESCALATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM004 ESCALATION D2 Mechanism that assists timely resolution o f Incident. INCIDENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM005 INCIDENT D2 Any event which is not part of standard operation of service (normal service opera tion) and which cause, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the qual ity of service. 记忆关键字: not part of standard operation of service; may; interruption; reduction; quality。 INCIDENT CLASSFICATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM006 INCIDENT CALD2 Impact: business criticality of an Incident/ SSFICATIONProblem Urgency: Necessary speed of solving an I ncident/Problem Priority: Expected effort. 这类指的是对INCIDENT 的三种分类方式: IMPACT/URGENCY/PRIORITY,已及他们的意义。 KNOW ERROR 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM007 KNOW ERROR D2 A Problem that is successfully diagnose a nd for which a Work around is known 记忆关键字:problem; diagnose; work around MAJOR INCIDENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM008 MAJOR INCIDED2 Degree of impact on the User communica NT tion is extreme. Highest impact to business NORMAL SERVICE OPERATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM009 NORMAL SERVD2 Service operation within SLA limits ICE OPERATIO N 记忆关键字:within SLA limits 5.4 INCIDEMTN MANAGEMENT (2) PROBLEM 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM010 PROBLEM D2 The unknown underlie cause of one or m ore incidents 这里的的PROBLEM并非流程的问题。而是PROBLEM MANAGEMENT中的PROBLEM。记 忆关键字:unknown underlie cause RFC 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM011 RFC D2 A Request For Change to any component of an IT infrastructure or to any aspect of IT service. 记忆关键字:IT infrastructure; IT service WORK AROUND 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM012 WORK AROUND2 The technique or method, which is a tem porary fix/solution, enable user is not relaD ying on fault CI. BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM013 BENEFITS D3 Business: reduce impact; effectiveness; pro active;SLA IT:SLA; quality; efficiency; incorrect Incid ent/service request; accurate CMDB; satisf action 书本中将BENEFITS由BUSINESS和IT分类表达。这也是可能被考到的一种方式。 CSF 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM014 CSF D3 CMDB; knowledge; system; SLM INCIDENT CATEGORY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM015 INCIDENT CATD3 application, hardware, service request EGORY 值得注意的是,基于OGC书本,SERVICE REQUEST也属于INCIDENT的范围,这可能和一 般企业的定义不同。 INPUTS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM016 INPUTS D3 Incidents Configuration details form. CMDB - Not CMDB Matching with Problem/Know Errors resolution Response on RFC KPI 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM017 KPI D3 # of incidents; elapsed time; % vsSLA; cost; % first line close; per workstation; remote solve. 这里用了简码,便于记忆。#代表熟练。%代表百分比。 OUTPUT FROM INITIAL SUPPORT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM018 OUTPUT FROMD3 RFC, Updated Incidents, Work-around INITIAL SUPP ORT 注意WORK AROUD是INITIAL SUPPORT的一个结果。 OUTPUT FROM INVESTIGATION AND DIAGNOSIS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM019 OUTPUT FROMD3 Escalation INVESTIGATIO N AND DIAGN OSIS 值得一提的是只有在INVESTIGATION和DIAGNOSIS后才ESCALATION。 5.4 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT (3) OUTPUTS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM020 OUTPUTS D3 RFC for Incidents Incidents (resolved/closed) Communication Reports 这里的OUTPUT是整个流程的OUTPUT。和上面谈到的两个有所不同。 PROCESS PROBLEM 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM021 PROCESS PROBD3 visibility; business needs; no review; obje ctives; knowledge; training; integration; toLEM ol; change 这里是指流程实施中可能碰到的问题。 ROLES 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM022 ROLES D3 first/second/third line, incident mgr, servic e desk mgr. TYPE OF ESCALATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 INM023 TYPE OF ESCAD3 Functional - lack of knowledge LATION Hierarchical -SLA 这里所指的是,如果是因为知识不够的原因,向下层ESCALATE,属于FUNCATIONAL ESCALATE。如果是由于支持的表现和SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT(SLA)不符,需要管理层介入,属于Hierarchical Escalation. 5.5 PROBLEM MANAGEMENT GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM001 GOAL D1 Minimize the adverse impact of Incidents and Problems on the business that are ca used by errors within the IT infrastructur e, and to prevent recurrence of Incidents related to these errors. 记忆关键字: minimize; adverse impact; errors; recurrence of incidents. ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM002 ACTIVITY D1 Problem control Error control Proactive Problem Management ( identifyi ng trends; obtaining management informati on form. Problem Management Data; the completion of major Problem review ) 几个比较的概念,定义为D1 内容。 CLASSIFICATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM003 CLASSIFICATIOD1 Category; impact; urgency; priority N 这个概念前面已经提过。现在归为D1。 ERROR CONTROL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM004 ERROR CONTRD2 Definition/Goal: Monitoring and rectifying known errors until they are successfully OL resolved, where possible and appropriate. Error Control covers the processes involve d in successful correction of Know Error. Objective is to change IT component to r emove Know Errors affecting the IT infra structure and thus to prevent any recurren ce of Incidents. Activities: Error identification and reorderi ng; Error assessment; Error resolution rec ording; Error closure; problem/error resolu tion monitoring. 很多内容。不过很重要。 PROACTIVE PROBLEM MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM005 PROACTIVE PRD2 Trend analysis, targeting prevenive action; OBLEM MANA Major problem reviews GEMENT PRIORITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM006 PRIORITY D2 relative order in which a series of item 5.5 PROBLEM MANAGEMENT (2) PROBLEM CONTROL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM007 PROBOEM COND2 Definition/Goal: Identifying problems and TROL investigating their causes. Activity: Problem identification and record ing; Problem classification; Problem invest igation and diagnosis; URGENCY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM008 URGENCY D2 extent to which resolution of a Problem/er ror can bear delay BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM009 BENEFITS D3 quality; incidents reduce; permanent soluti on; learning; first time fix; 这里提供了一些BENEFITS的提要。考生要能够自我扩展。 CSF 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM010 CSF D3 tool; classification; objectives; cooperation with incidents; INCIDENT VS PROBLEM MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM011 INCIDENT VS PD3 Goal (quick vs underlying cause ) Major ROBLEM MANoutput (workaround vs permanent) AGEMENT Time ( quick vs no limits ) INPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM012 INPUT D3 Incidents details from Incidents Manageme nt Configuration details from CMDB Any defined Work-around ( from Incident Management) OUTPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM013 OUTPUT D3 Known Error; RFC; updated Problem reco rd; resolved/closed Problem; response to I ncidents for match; reports. PROCESS PROBLEM 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 PRM014 PROCESS PROBD3 incidents; management; SD; knowledge; cl LEM assification 5.6 Service Desk GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD001 GOAL D1 To provide single point of contact for Cu stomer To facilitate the restoration of normal ope rational service with minimal business im pact on Customer within agreed service le vels and business priorities. 记忆关键点:single point of contact; restoration of normal operational service; agreed service l evels. SERVICE DESK STRUCTURE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD002 SERVICE DESKD1 Local service desk; Central Service Desk; STRUCTURE Virtual Service Desk 考生需要了解各种SERVICE DESK的优缺点。并且要能够结合案例为管理层提供合适的结构建 议。 CALL CENTRE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD003 CALL CENTRE D2 Professionally handling large call volumes of telephone-based transactions for comm odity telesales service. 记忆关键点:Professionally;telephone-based;commodity telesales。 CENTRAL SERVICE DESK 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD004 CENTRAL SERD2 Benefits: Single point of contact; reduce c ost; consolidated overview and control; usVICE DESK age of resource. CENTRAL SERVICE的记忆可以和后面的LOCAL和VIRTUAL SERVICE DESK一起记忆。 HELP DESK 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD005 HELP DESK D2 Manage, coordinate and resolve Incidents as quickly as possible and to ensure that no request is lost, forgotten or ignored. LOCAL SERVICE DESK 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD006 LOCAL SERVICD2 Disadvantage: Duplicating skill and resour E DESK ce. Operation standards. Consideration: common process/procedure; localized skill known; compatibility of I T infrastructure; same escalation process; t op-level classification; common reporting; shared DB; automatically passing/escalatio n SERVICE DESK PRE-RELEAES REQUIREMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD007 SERVICE DESKD2 Service Catalogue - SLM PRE-RELEASE Process/Procedures/Document - General REQUIREMENT Training - self readiness Customer communication - self readiness SLA/OLA - SLM Escalation process - SLA/OLA - SLM Customer contact points - SLM second line check list - INM, Know Error - PRM - CMDB - COM PSA - CHM staff skill list 3rd party support - SLA/UC - SLM detail of Know Errors - CHM 由上可见,SERVICE DESK需要其他流程提供数据。这里:SLM指SERVICE LEVEL MANA GEMENT,SLA/OLA/UC在SLM流程中会提到。INM指INCIDENT MANAGEMENT,CHM 指CHANGE MANAGEMENT,COM指CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT。 5.6 SERVICE DESK (2) SERVICE DESK 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD008 SERVICE DESK D2 Extends the range of services and offers a more global-focused approach, allowing business processes to be integrated into S ervice Management Infrastructure. 记忆关键点:global-focused approach;Service Management Infrastructure。 SERVICE DESK FUNCTION/ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD009 SERVICE DESKD2 Receiving calls FUNCTION/ ARecording and tracking Incidents CTIVITY Keeping customer informed Making initial assessment Monitoring and escalation Managing request life-cycle Communicated planed and short-term chan ges Coordinating 2nd level and 3rd level Provide information for Improvement Identify Problem Customer training/education needs: Close Incidents and confirmation with the Customer Contributing to Problem Identification SUPER USER 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD010 SUPER USER D2 Expert Customers who can deal with first -line support Problems and queries. VIRTUAL SERVICE DESK 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD011 VIRTUAL SERVD2 Benefits: same as central. ICE DESK Restriction: physical presence. Consideration: common process; common language; SPC engagement; physical prese nce; Network capacity; support tool; consi stent ownership/automated transfer Incident s. BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD012 BENEFITS D3 Identify and lower the cost of ownership Supports Change reduce cost Optimization of investment long term Customer retention and satisfact ion identify business opportunity COMMON CHARACTERS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD013 COMMON CHAD3 Represent the service provider to the Cust RACTERS omer and User Operate on the principle that customer sat isfaction and perception is critical Depend on blending people, processes and technology to deliver a business service. 记忆关键字:Represent the service provider;satisfaction and perception is critical;blending pe ople, processes and technology。 CSF 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD014 CSF D3 Management commitment; willingness to r elinquish control; business metrics; support process are maintained; ease of use and quality; communication quick win; start simple; involve Customer; 3rd parity… understand business needs; training; servic e objective/SLA; realized value. OUTSOURCING CONSIDERATIONS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SVD015 OUT SOURCIND3 Your SD tool; G CONSIDERATOwner of management information ION skillet Details of support staff Continue mentoring Check supplier dependencies Contract terms Seek assistance 以上是SERVICE SUPPORT 所需要掌握的全部知识点。建议考生用手写的方式将每个章节的内容各抄在一张A4纸上。再次提醒,一定要用手写的,仔细抄一便。因为考试是手写论述题。 然后每天一读,过了一两个星期就对答如流了。 6.0 SERVICE DELIVER SERVICE DELIVERY的内容和SERVICE SUPPORT的内容相比较,比较结构化。知识的整理 上也相对简单。在SERVICE DELIVERY这一章节,将涉及以下内容: , Availability Management , Capacity Management , Financial Management for IT service , Service Level Management , IT Service Continuity Management , Security Management 其中SECURITY MANAGEMENT在OGC的书本中,没有独立的章节存在。知识点的内容则依 据OGC出版的SECURITY MANAGEMENT的BOOK SUMMARY来整理。 本章节的内容呈现形式将和第四章相同。 6.1 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM001 GOAL D1 Optimize the capability of IT infrastructur e, service and supporting organizations, to deliver a cost effective and sustained lev el of Availability that enables the busines s to satisfy its business objective. 记忆关键字:Optimize; infrastructure, service and supporting organizations; cost effective; sustai ned level of Availability; business objective。 D1 的内容。 只有死记, 别无他法。 AVAILABILITY IMPROVEMENT METHODS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM002 AVAILABILITYD1 CFIA, Fault Tree Analysis, CRAMM, Sys IMPROVEMENtem Outage Analysis, Expanded incident li fecycle, Continues Improvement, TechnicalT Observation Post METHODS 这些提高 AVAILABILITY 的手段都是很重要的内容。对于这些手段的名称,归为D1 级的范围。 EXPANDED INCIDENT LIFECYCLE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM003 EXPANDED IND1 Incident Start, Incident Detection, Incident CIDENT LIFEC Diagnosis, Component Repair, Componen t Recovery, Service Restoration and verifiYCLE cation. 如果有个记忆的技巧。如果仔细观察的话,会发现其关键字是:START,DETECTION,DIAGNOSIS, REPAIR,RECOVERY,RESTORATION。所以归为SDR。S 一个,D 两个,R 三个。 INCIDENT BASED REPORTING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM004 INCIDENT BASD1 MTBF ( Mean Time Between Failures) - ED REPORTING Uptime, MTTR(Mean Time to Repair) - Downtim e, MTBI ( Mean time between Incident ) - Up Time + Down Time. 这里需要支出,MTBF 就是我们俗称的UPTIME,MTTR 就是俗称的DOWNTIME,而MTBI就是UPTIME 和DOWNTIME 的总和。 AVAILABILITY DEFINITION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM005 AVAILABILITYD2 Ability of IT Service/Component to perfor m. its required functions - stated instance/ DEFINITION period of time.. 记忆关键字:Service/Component;required functions。 AVAILABILITY BUILDING BLOCKS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM006 AVAILABILITYD2 Base product and component, BUILDING BLService Management Process (Process), OCKS System Management (auto retro recovery t ool), High Availability Design(SPF/Planned dow ntime), Full Redundancy. 这里讲的是提高AVAILABILITY 的一些手段。从最低成本的产品部件的选择,到完全的容余设计。 6.1 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT (2) AVAILABILITY TYPE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM007 AVAILABILITYD2 High availability (IT component), TYPE Continuous Operation (Planned Downtim e), Continuous Availability ( All failures and planned downtime). 这里HIGH AVAILABILTY 是最低等级的。 其只是从部件的水平提高服务的AVAILABILITY。CONTINUOUS OPERATION 是提供除了PLANNED DOWTIME 以外的持续的服务。而CONTINUOUS AVAILABILITY 是最高水平。其将部件及PLANNED DOWNTIME 都避免掉了。 AVAIABILITY ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM008 AVAILABILITYD2 Determine requirements, ACTIVITY Determine VBF(IT SCM), Business Impact Analysis, Define Targets, Establish measures/reporting, Monitoring, Review Incident/Problem. Provide Availability Plan. 在DETERMINE VBF 处 之所以提到IT SCM,是因为 IT SERVICE CONTINUITY MANAGE MENT (IT SCM)将能够帮助AVM 决定VBF。这在后面将有所提及。 AVM GUIDING PRINCIPLE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM009 AVM GUIDINGD2 P1: Availability is at the core of business PRINCIPLE and User satisfaction. P2: Recognize that when things go wron g, it is still possible to achieve business and User satisfaction. P3: Improve Availability can only being a fter understanding how the IT Service sup port the business. 这是很实用的三点原则。考题可能直接要求书写三个准则并举例。 BUSINESS/USER MEASUREMENTS AND REPORTING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM010 BUSINESS/USERD2 Benefit: common measure; IT add value; MEASUREMENeasy identify degrading levels; supplier m TS AND REPORanagement. TING Metrics: - CIFA: + easy to use - accuracy - Instrumentation/Design: + immediate rep orting -: cost - Estimation/Trend: + relative simple/easy; -: need up to date data. - End-user assessment: + low cost, effecti ve - business commitment - end-use simulation tool: + real-time; -: cost - customer complaints: + low cost and tru e sense -: accuracy - Compensation claims and penalty payme nt: + good indicator; -: not all customers use it. 这个表中包含了很多内容。在BENEFIT 一段,讲述了使用BUSINESS/USE MEASEUREMENT 的好处。考生同样可以由此延伸,如果不使用该类指标或 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 的PROBLEM 和 CONSTRAINS。 下段的METRICS 则具体提出了不同类型的报告。其中“+” 代表该类报告的优点。“—” 则代表缺点。 如: CFIA – 利用Component Failure Impact Analysis 为依据来提供AVAILABILITY REPORT 的优点是便于使用。缺点是准确性不够。考试当然需要掌握一点事例来证明自己的论点。如在这里, 我会用OGC 的例子,午餐时间,系统出问题,但对用户影响不大,来证明其准确性的问题。 这里要求考生对每个报告手段都能熟练举例证明。 KEY TERM IN AVAILABILITY DESIGN 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM011 KEY TERM IN D2 Single Point of Failure (SPOF) - Use CFI AVAILABILITYA to determine. DESIGN CRAMM for Risk Analysis and Managem ent. MAINTAINABILITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM012 MAINTAINABILD2 IT infrastructure component restored to an ITY operational state. 7 Stage: anticipate/ detection/ diagnosing/ resolving/ recovery/ restoration/ preventive maintenance. RELIABILITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM013 RELIABILITY D2 IT Service freedom from operational failur e. Dependency: component reliability. Resilie nce design.. 6.1 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT (3) SECURITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM014 SECURITY D2 Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) of the data associated with a servic e. CIA是记忆SECURITY的一个好方法。 SERVICE MAINTENANCE OBJECTIVE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM015 SERVICE MAIND2 Given planned maintenance activity, total TANCE OBJECTtime required for IT component to be una IVE vailable = time for prepare + time for complete t he implementation + time for reinstate. SERVICE OUTAGE ANALYSIS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM016 SERVICE OUTAD2 Structured approach, end-to-end Availabilit GE ANALYSIS y Improvement opportunities. SERVICEABILITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM017 SERVICE-ABILID2 Contractual arrangement with 3rd parity to assure A, R. M. of IT service/componenTY t. - No separate measurements. 这里A指AVAILABILITY,R指RELIABILITY,M指MAINTAINABILITY。SERVICEABILITY是和供应商相联系的。从概念上讲,可以和SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT中的UNDE RPINNING CONTRACT(UC)相联系。 TECHNICAL OBSERVATION POST 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM018 TECHNICAL OBD2 Gathering of specialist technical support st SERVATION POaff, from within IT, focus on specific asp ST ects of Availability. - Real time TOP的一个特色是REAL TIME。另外,TOP不邀请BUSINESS参与,是纯粹的IT行为。 VBF 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM019 VBF D2 Critical elements of business process supp orted by IT service. AVAILABILITY PLAN 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM020 VBF D3 Actual vsSLA, Actions, Change AV requi rements, New requirements, SOA schedule and review, Technology. 这里列出了AVAILABILITY PLAN中的主要内容。考生要能够由这些关键字,自行展开。 AVM KEY INPUTS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM021 AVM KEY INPD3 Business Availability Requirement (SLR), Business Impact Analysis (Activity), A.R.UTS M. requirements (IT requirements.), Incide nt/Problem (S.S process, Historical Data) , Configuration (As-Is) and Monitoring Dat a (Reports) , S.L. Achievement (SLAand Actual Performance/Reports) Summary: Current (I/P,Config,SLA, Monit or), New (Biz, Tech), Analysis 这里将INPUT浓缩再浓缩。最后归结为两类:CURRENT,NEW。 在CURRENT一类中,反映的当前AVAILABILITY的一些情况,如I/P – INCIDENT/PROBLEM数据。CONFIG –指当前的CONFIGURATION。SLA特指SERVICE LEVEL ACHIEVEMENT。还有MONITOR的结果。 而NEW指新的内容:NEW BUSINESS REQUIREMENT,TECHNICAL REQUIRMENT,和B USINESS IMPACT ANALYSIS。 6.1 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT (4) AVM KEY OUTPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM022 AVM KEY OUTD3 Design criteria (Availability & recovery), Resilience techniques (Kind of design), TaPUT rgets of A,R,M, Reports, Monitoring, Ava ilability Plan - Summary: Availability Plan, Design, Tar get, Monitoring, Report 浓缩再浓缩的结果为:AVAILABILTIY PLAN, DESIGN,TARGET, MONITORING 和 REP ORT。 BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM023 BENEFITS D3 Single ownership, design, cost justified, su pport SLA, I/P, Business/User perspective, failure reduced, proactive, IT add value. 算是比较标准的BENEFIT。 BUSINESS REQUIREMENT FOR IT AVAILABILITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM024 BUSINESS REQD3 VBF, Downtime, Business Impact loss ser UIREMENT FOvice, Quantitative AV Requirements, servi R IT AVAILABIce hours, Importance of different working LITY period, security requirements.. COST 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM025 COST D3 PPT + Accommodation cost. PPT 在前几章提过,指的是PROCESS,PEOPLE,TOOL。 PROBLEM OF IMPLEMENTATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM025 PROBLEM OF ID3 Ownership, Value vs S.S, Needs, Process MPLEMENATIOOriented, Empowerment. N Other problem: People, Tool, Process (Oth er process as inputs) 这里 VALUE VS SS 指在企业实施了SERVICE SUPPOT 的基础上,如何让企业认识到继续事 实SERVICE DELIVERY 流程的价值。这是 SERVICE DELIVERY 流程所面对的普遍问题。 RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER PROCESS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM026 RELATIONSHIPD3 ->SLM (Targets), ->AVM(SLA) WITH OTHER PROCESS ->IT SCM(Design /CFIA), -> AVM(Busin ess Impact Analysis/VBF) ->FM( Cost of Non-Availability, justificati on), -> AVM(Cost estimation of AV Pla n) ->CAM(CFIA + Resilience Needs), -> A VM (Capacity for Resilience Needs) ->CHM(Planned Maintenance Regime), -> AVM (Service Availability impact due to planned change) * Should be same as releasing manageme nt schedule for preventative maintenance. 这里先将一些流程和AVM的联系简单的介绍以下。以SLM 为例。“->SLM” 指从AVM 输入 SLM。“->AVM”指从SLM 输入到AVM。 后文将有章节将所有流程的输入输出的联系,一一列出,供大家复习使用。 SECURITY MANAGEMENT VS AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM028 SECURITY MAD3 IT security policy owned and maintained NAGEMENT VSby Security Management - Accountable. I AVAILABILITn execution of security policy, Availabilit Y MANAGEMEy Management Plays an important role - Responsible within overall Availability DeNT sign. WHY AVM 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 AVM029 WHY AVM D3 IT stops, business stops. AVM -> Customer satisfaction / Market Reputation AVM 是知识点相当多的一节。所以列在SERVICE DELIVERY 的开头。 6.2 CAPACITY MANAGEMENT GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM001 GOAL D1 To ensure that cost justifiable IT Capacity always exists and that is matched to the current and future identified needs of bu siness. 记忆关键点:cost; exists; matched; current; future; needs of business ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM002 ACTIVITY D1 DIAMonD - Demand Management (Influe nce -> FM/Charging) /Modeling (Predict) /Application Sizing/CDB/Capacity Plan AMIT - Monitoring (Baseline/Profile/Thres holds/Alarms) -> Analysis-> Tuning -> I mplementation (Change Management) 记住这个知识点有些技巧。记忆的关键是DIAMOND@MIT。DIMOND就是钻石了。MIT就是麻省理工学院。想象一下,作为毕业于麻省理工的钻石王老五,感觉有多好~ 现在将其和ACTIVITY联系一下。从DIAMOND开始 , D – DEMAND MANAGEMENT , I – ITERATION ACTIVITY。就是后面的@MIT。 , A – APPLICATION SIZING , M – MODELING , D – CAPACITY DATABASE 再看@MIT , @ - Analysis , M – Monitoring , I – Implementation , T – Turning 总结起来,好象还少了CAPACITY PLAN,就再加个PLAN。这样DIAMOND@MIT + PLAN就将所有的ACTIVTY搞定了。 这种东西,OGC书本上是没有的,培训教材也不肯能写得出,只有本书很你分享了。 CAMSUB-PROCESS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM003 CAMSUB-PROCD1 Business Capacity Management/ Service C apacity Management / Resource Capacity ESS Management CAPACITY MANAGEMENT是OGC中,唯一有SUB PROCESS的流程。 APPLICATION SIZING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM004 APPLICATION D2 Estimate the resource requirement to supp ort a proposed application – change or neSIZING w application. DEMAND MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM005 DEMAND MAND2 Influence the demand for computing resou AGEMENT rce and use of the resource. DEMAND MANAGEMENT和FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF IT SERVICE中的CHARGING POLICY有很紧密的联系。IT可以通过设定一定的收费法则来影响用户对IT资源的使用。 MODELLING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM006 MODELLING D2 Predict the behavior. of IT Service under a given volume and variety of work. Trend analysis: future resource, less effect ive at response time estimation. Low cost Analytical Modeling: using mathematical t echniques, less time and effort than simul ation and less accuracy. Simulation: takes time and effort to prepa re. Baseline: High cost. depends on accurate baseline. 在此处给出了MODELLING的四个手段:TREND ANALYSIS,ANALYTICAL MODELING, SIMULATION,BASELINE。他们预测的精度由低到高排列。相对的缺点的限制也在知识点内 容中表达了。 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM007 PERFORMANCED2 Measuring, monitoring and turning the per MANAGEMENformance of IT infrastructure. T 6.2 CAPACITY MANAGEMENT (2) RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM008 RESOURCE MAD2 The method used in allocating, monitoring and controlling financial, technical and hNAGEMENT uman resource. WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM009 WORKLOAD MD2 Monitoring and measuring workload chang ANAGEMENT es as part of Capacity Management BENEFIT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM010 BENEFIT D3 Cost saving, Deferred expenditure, Econo mic provision, Planned Buying, Reduce ri sk, forecast quality, application lifecycle. CAPACITY PLAN 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM011 CAPACITY PLAD3 Introduction (Scope, Method), Assumption s, Management Summary, Business ScenarN ios, Service Summary (Current, forecast), Resource Summary (Current, forecast), Op tions for improvement, Cost, Recommenda tion. CDB 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM012 CDB D3 CDB – CAPACITY DATA BASE The database contain business, service, tec hnology, financial and utilization data, wh ich will be used by all the sub-process of Capacity Management. 值得注意的是CDB 并非属于 CMDB。 CSF 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM013 CSF D3 business forecast, IT strategy plan, technol ogy, cost effective, linkage with other S M, plan and implement 6.2 CAPACITY MANAGEMENT (3) INPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM014 INPUT D3 Business: Business/IT plan and strategy, F inancial Plan/Budget, Business Requiremen t & Volumes Service: SLA/SLR/Service Catalogue, Serv ice Review, SLA Breach. SLA Breach. Inci dents/Problems (SLM). Operational Schedu le/Forward schedule of change (Schedule s). Deployment and development plans an d programs (On-Going Projects). Resource: Technology 在此, 将INPUT分三类归类:BUSINESS/SERVICE/RESOUCE 三个SUB-PROCESS。 KPI 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM015 KPI D3 forecast, technology, cost, capacity match OUTPUT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM016 OUTPUT D3 CAM: Capacity Plan, CDB, Reports/Audit, Review Service - SLA/SLR; Cost and Charging. Proactive changes; Revised operational sch edule Resource: Baselines and Profiles, Threshol ds and alarms; PROBLEM 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM017 PROBLEM D3 Over expectation, vendor influence, lack o f information, distributed environment, lev el of monitoring PROCESS LINKAGE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 CAM018 PROCESS LINKD3 CAM-> Incident: Support. INM-> CAM: I AGE ncident data -> PRM: Support -> CHM: CAB, RFC -> CAM: RFC - >RLM: distribution strategy -> CMDB: CDB. -> SLM: Support. SIP -> FM: Charging Policy ->CAM: Cost -> SCM: Min Capacity -> CAM: SC need s. -> AVM: Common goal. Resilience capaci ty. -> CAM: Resilience demand. 6.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR IT SERVICE GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM001 GOAL D1 Provide cost-effective stewardship of IT a sset and resources used in providing IT s ervices. 记忆关键字: cost-effective stewardship; asset and resources; services. Stewardship 是个悔涩的用 词. CENTRES 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM002 CENTRE D1 Accounting centre, Recovery Centre, Profit Centre. SUB-PROCESS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM003 SUB-PROCESS D1 Budgeting, IT Accounting, Charging. 虽然在CAM 中提及, 只有CAM 有 SUB-PROCESS。不过,在FM 中,将这三条也归为SUB-PR OCESS。 在我看来, 这更象ACTIVITY。 不过还是按照OCG 的定义整理资料。 BILLING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM004 BILLING D2 Charging information is passed to Custom ers to make them aware of the cost of th e resources used by their business. BUDGETING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM005 BUDGETING D2 Predict the money required to run IT Ser vices for given period. Ensure the actual spend can be compared with predicted spend at any point. Reduce the risk of overspending. Ensure that revenues are available to cove r predicted spend 记忆关键字:predict; actual; risk of overspending; revenue. CHARGING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM006 CHARGING D2 Recover the cost of IT service from custo mers of service. Operate the IT organization as a business unit if required Influence User and Customer behavior 记忆关键字: Recover; business unit; influence. COST MODE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM007 COST MODE D2 A framework in which all known costs c an be recorded and allocated to specific Customers, activities or other category. COST TYPE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM008 COST TYPE D2 Hardware, Software, People Cost, Accom modation Cost, External Service Cost, Tra nsfer Cost. – T-SHAPE 这里提供T-SHAPE 来帮助记忆。T- Transfer Cost, S – Software, H- Hardware, A- Accommodation, P – People, E – External。 考生要能够对每种成本类型举例。特别是TRANSFER COST。 COST UNIT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM009 COST UNIT D2 Basic items of resource for which custom er are held accountable IT ACCOUNTING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM010 IT ACCOUNTIND2 Account for the money spent in providing G IT service. Calculate the cost of providing IT service to both internal and external Customers. Perform. cost-benefit and ROI analysis Identify the cost of charges 这里提供一个记忆的方法:ACCA。 ACCA 是在财务届流行的证书名称。用在IT ACCOUNTIN G 算是合适的。A – ACCOUNT, C – CALCULATE, C – CHARGE, A – ANALYSIS。 6.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR IT SERVICE (2) PRICING METHOD 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM011 PRICING METHD2 cost, cost plus, going rate (internal), mark OD et price(external), fixed price. 这里提出了五种不同的部门见收费的定价模式。 TCO 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM012 TCO D2 Total cost of ownership - lifecycle cost o f an item, rather than just the visible capi tal expenditure. TIED/UNTIED 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM013 TIED/UNTIED D2 Tied Customer – Customer don’t have ch oice, Untied Customer – Customer have choice. 这里指客户是否有能力选自外部的IT服务商,还是必须使用内部的服务部门。 BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM014 BENEFITS D3 Budgeting: sufficient funds, meet service l evel, early warning of over spend IT Account: decision support; business de cision, justify IT expense, plan/budget con fidence, demonstrate under/over spend, RO I, opportunity cost Charging, formal evaluation of IT service, recover cost, influence. . COST ELEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM015 COST ELEMEND3 Real example under cost type. T COST UNIT STRUCTURE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM016 COST UNIT STD3 TSHAP ->Direct/Indirect absorbed / unabs RUCTURE orbed indirect -> service. 这里谈到了COST的不同类型的分类的方法,从按TSHAPE来分,到按直接,间接,可吸收, 不可吸收,知道按服务来分。 DEPRECIATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM017 DEPRECIATION D3 Measure of reduction of useful economic life of a fixed asset. - Straight line, Reducing balance, by usag e. DIRECT/IN-DIRECT COSTS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM018 DIRECT/IN-DIRD3 Direct - clearly attributable to single custo ECT COSTmer. Indirect/Overheads - shared. Unabsorbed Overheads - indirect cost, can not be apportioned to a set of customer s. PROBLEMS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM019 PROBLEMS D3 Input: information dependency, staff, IS st rategy, capacity plan, senior support, tools output: response to behavior. change, Process: over complex and high cost. RELATIONSHIP 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 FM020 PROBLEMS D3 SLA->FM: Expectation/Obligations FM-SLA: Charging policy, cost FM-CAM: Cost COM->FM: asset/cost info. 6.4 SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM001 GOAL D1 Maintain and improve IT service quality, through a constant cycle of agreeing, mon itoring and reporting upon IT Service achi evements and instigation of actions to era dicate poor service - in line with business or cost justification. Planning, co-coordinating, drafting, agreein g, monitoring and reporting onSLAand the on-going review of service achievements to ensure that the required and cost-justif iable service quality is maintained and gra dually improved. OGC书中提供了两个GOAL。本书全部收集在这里。对于AGREEING,MONITORING和REP ORTING,可以通过MAR –三月来记。 ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM002 ACTIVITY D1 Establish function:Planning; Implementati on Implement SLAs: Catalogue services, Dra ft, Negotiate, Review UC/OLA, Agree SL A Manage and ongoing process:Monitor, R eport, Review Periodic review:ReviewSLA, UC, OLA, Review SLM process. SCOPE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM003 SCOPE D1 SLA, Underpinning Contract, Operational Level Agreement 这里谈的是SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT中的三个重要的文档。 OLA 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM004 OLA D2 An internal agreement covering the delive ry of service, which supports the IT direc torate in their delivery of service. SERVICE CATALOG 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM005 SERVICE CATAD2 List of service being provided, a summar y of their characteristics, and details of CLOG ustomer and maintainers of each. Input to BIA for ITSCM and Workload management forCAM SLA 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM006 SLA D2 Service Level Agreement: A written agreement between IT Service Provider and the IT Customers, defining t he key service targets and responsibilities of both parties. 记忆关键字:written agreement;service targets;responsibilities。 UC 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM007 D2 A contract with an external supplier coverUC of service that support the IT directorate in the delivery of service. 和OLA一样,算是很拗口的英文。 BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM008 BENEFITS D3 Improvements in service quality, Reduction in service disruption, Financial savings, Less time and effort from IT, Business with adverse impacts. Design to meetSLA, Relationships, Clear R&R, Specific targets, Focus, Constant expectation, Identify weak area through monitoring, Training opportunity, Manage vendor, Charging basing. 6.4 SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT (2) SIP 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM009 SIP D3 SIP:Service Improvement Program Underlie difficulty identified; work with problem and availability process to restore and improve service quality. Need to cover that budget in the contract to avoid additional cost. Follow continue improvement process in Availability Management process. Link with problem management and availability to restore service quality. SIP和AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT中的CONTINUE IMPROVEMENT有联系。流程可以相借鉴。 KPI 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM010 KPI D3 Coverage %; UC %; Monitor and regular reports; Review meetings; Issue follow-up/SIP; Current of SLA/OLA/UC; Target meets %; Breaches; SL Achievement improve; Customer perception; Cost reduction. 注意,这里还有一个SLA,是SERVICE LEVEL ACHIEVEMENT。 PROBLEMS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM011 PROBLEM D3 Rre-SLA, Target (achievable, verify, desires ), Mana gement support, Empowerment, Linkage with UC and OLA, R&R, IT based, SLAquality, Wrong perception ( overhead, value) SLASTRUCTURE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM012 SLASTRUCTURD3 Availability: Availability / Reliability / Se Ervice hour; Technical:Support / Throughput / Transact ion response time / Batch turnaround tim e; Finance:Charging Change Management; ITSCM; Review -> Incentive/ Penalties SLATYPE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM013 SLATYPE D3 Service Based- one service for all custome rs; Customer Based- A agreement with an i ndividual customer, cover all servers, Multi-levelSLA- manageable size, avoid d uplications, reduce updates. SERVICE LEVEL MANAGER 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SLM014 SERVICE LEVED3 Job description of Service Level Manager: L MANAGER Role: Implementation + Maintain Responsibility: Activities Kill: Relationship / ITIL / Business/ Com munication / Negotiate / Knowledge of co ntract / Presentation / Listen… SERVICE LEVEL MANAGER更象超人。 6.5 IT SERVICE CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM001 GOAL D1 Support overall Business Continuity Mana gement process by ensuring that required IT technical and services facilities (Includi ng computer systems, networks, applicatio ns, telecommunications, technical support and Service Desk ) can be recovered with in required, and agreed, business timescal e. 记忆关键字:business continuity management; technical and services; recovered; required and a greed; timescale. BUSINESS CONTINUITY LIFECYCLE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM002 BUSINESS COND1 1) Initiation - Initiate BCM TINUITY LIFEC YCLE 2) Requirement and Strategy - Business I mpact Analysis (BIA) /Risk Assessment/B usiness Continuity Strategy BIA+ Risk= Strategy 3) Implementation - Organization and Imp lementation Planning, Implement Stand-by Arrangement, Implement Risk Reduction Measure, Develop Recovery Plan, Develop Procedures, Initial Testing 4) Education and Awareness, Training, As surance. Review and Audit, Testing, Chan ge Management, BIA 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM003 BIA D2 BIA: Business Impact Analysis The identification of critical business proc ess, and potential damage or los that may be caused to the organization resulting fr o a disruption of those processes. CONTIGENT PLAN 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM004 CONTIGENT PLD2 Planning to address unwanted occurrences AN that may happen at a later time CRISIS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM005 CRISIS D2 Unplanned situation in which one or more IT service will not be available. CRISIS MANAGEMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM006 CRISIS MANAGD2 The process used by organization to mana EMENT ge the wide impact of a disaster. INITIATION 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM007 INITIATION D2 Policy, Reference and scope, Resource, Org and control structure, Agree, Quality plan RECOVERY OPTIONS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM008 RECOVERY OPD2 Do Nothing; TIONS Manual Work-Around, Reciprocal Arrangement, Gradual Recovery (empty room and equip ment, 72 hr), Intermediate Recovery (commercial site, 2 4-72hr), Immediate Recovery (recovery site, mirror, <24hr) 考生要能够对不同的恢复方式,按照实例,举例证明。例如,对于案例中所建议的车载GPS系统,依据不同的恢复方式,解释各个措施的实例。 RISK ASSESSMENT 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM009 RISK ASSESSMD2 Identify Risk, ENT Assess Threat and vulnerability level, Assess the level of risk BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM010 BENEFITS D3 Potential low insurance premiums; Regulatory requirements; Business relationship; Positive marketing and contingency capabi lities; Organizational credibility; Competitive advantage. 其中,Potential low insurance premiums; Regulatory requirements是比较实在和重要的说服管理层的理由。 6.5 IT SERVICE CONTIUITY MANAGEMENT (2) IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM011 IMPLEMENTATD3 Emergency Response Plan, OIN PLANNING Damage Assessment Plan, Salvage Plan, Vital Record Plan, Crisis Management and PR plan. INVOCATION ISSUES 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM012 INVOCATOIN ID3 -Crisis management team decide 3rd party SSUES recovery. -Plan is available both in office and hom e -Key information to team member: locatio n of plan; key actions and decision point s; contact details of crisis management tea m -Lead time of setup recovery site - need quick decision -Considering of invocate: damage; length of unavailability; potential of business imp act with timing; special requirements. -Communication, contact information -Activities: retrieval backup, retrieval esse ntial documents: people move; contact ven dor - Logs and breaks are required. 其中关键点是,CIO或者IT管理层没有权利启动INVOCATION PLAN。只有CRISIS MANAG MENET TEAM,或者具体说,BUSINESS的决策者才可以决定。 INVOCATION涉及大量的财力和人力,是重要的公司决策,需要BUSINSS来决定。 IT SCM PLAN 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM013 IT SCM PLAN D3 Document control ( change management), Support Information: recovery strategy, inv ocation decision makers, guidance, depend encies, recovery team, recovery check list Recovery procedure PROCESS LINAKGE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM014 PROCESS LINKD3 SLM->SCM: Obligations AGE AVM->SCM: Risk reduction measures COM->SCM: Core Infrastructure CAM->SCM: Capability needs CHM->SCM: Ensure regular review of ITSCM through Change Management SD/IM -> Historical data RESPONSIBILITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM015 RESPONSIBILITD3 Normal: Y - Board: initiate bcm, resources, policy, direct/authorize - SM: ITSCM, Accept deliverables, communication/Awareness, Integration - M: Analysis; Define deliverables; Contac t Vendor; Manage Test, review and assurance - PM Job - L: develop deliverables; Vendor negotiat ion; test, review, assurance, procedures. Crisis - Board: Crisis Management, Corp decisions, External Affairs - SM: Co-ordination; direction and arbitration; resource authorization ( in crisis, some rights from to SM) - M: Invocation; leadership; site managem ent; liaison and reporting - T: Task execution, team member, site liaison. 这里归纳了IT SCM团队在平时和危机时的各自责任。 RISK REDUCTION MEASURES 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SCM016 RISK REDUCTID3 Backup, ON MEASURES SPF, Outsourcing, Resilient, Security control, Suppression systems, Process improvement. 6.6 SECURITY MANAGEMENT 如前所述,SECURITY MANAGEMENT在OGC的书本中,没有独立的章节存在。知识点的内 容则依据OGC出版的SECURITY MANAGEMENT的BOOK SUMMARY来整理。 GOAL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM001 GOAL D1 Meet external security requirements. Meet internal security requirements. Organizing the collection, storage, handlin g, processing and management of data an d service in such way that the integrity, confidentiality and availability business co nditions are satisfied. OGC提供了两个GOAL。看起来,第二个比较正规。 CIA 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM002 CIA D1 Confidentiality; Integrity; Availability 前面在AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT中提过。 ACTIVITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM003 ACTIVITY D1 Control; Plan (SLA, UC, OLA) Implement;(maintaining awareness, security incident handling, security incident registr ation) Evaluate (internal audits, external audits, s elf-assessment) Maintenance (security measures); Reporting ANONYMITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM004 ANONYMITY D2 Confidentiality's of user's identity AVAILABILITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM005 AVAILABILITY D2 Ensuring that information and vital IT ser vice are availability when required. 记忆关键字:information; vital IT service. CONFIDENTIALITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM006 CONFIDENTIALD2 Protecting sensitive information from unau thorized disclosure or intelligible interceptiITY on 记忆关键字:protecting; unauthorized disclosure; intelligible interception。其中,intelligible interception在广域网中大防范尤其重要。案例分析中,任何涉及WAN的内容,都可以套用这一条。 INFORMATION SECURITY MODEL 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM007 INFORMATION D2 IS Policy; SECURITY MORisk Analysis; DEL Planning; Operation Measures; Evaluation and Audit all above INTEGRITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM008 INTEGRITY D2 Safeguarding the accuracy and completene ss of information and software 记忆关键字:accuracy and completeness。 PRIVACY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM009 PRIVACY D2 Confidentiality and integrity of informatio n traceable to one person 6.6 SECURITY MANAGEMENT (2) SECURITY INCIDENTS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM010 SECURITY INCID2 Those events can cause damage to confid entiality, integrity or availability of informDENTS ation of information processing. THREAT TO RECOVERY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM011 THREAT TO RED2 Threats; risk; security incident; preventive; reductive; detection; repressive; correctivCOVERY e; evaluation VERIFIABILITY 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM012 VERIFIABILITY D2 Possibility of verifying that information is being used properly and demonstrating th at the security measures is working prope rly. BENEFITS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM013 BENEFITS D3 Measures are implemented and maintained to address changing circumstance like re quirements, IT architecture elements, threa ts, etc. Security incidents are dealt with Audit results how the adequacy of measur e taken; Reports are produced to show the status of information security Management EXTERNAL IMPORTANCE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM014 EXNTERNAL ID3 An organization processes supply products and services, which are made available iMPORTANCE n the market or community, in order to a chieve set objectives. INTERNAL IMPORTANCE 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM015 INTERNAL IMPD3 An organization can only operate properly if has access to confidential, accurate anORTANCE d complete information in good time. LINKS 基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容 SEM016 LINKS D3 SEM->SLM: Security content SEM->COM: Security classification INM/PRM->SEM: Security incidents SEM->COM: Security impact on RFC SEM->REM: CI update of security conten t SEM->AVM: AM for implementation SEM->CAM: modeling of security scenari os. Access new resource/ component from security point of view; SCM -> SEM: availability goal FM->SEM: Cost 第五章和第六章将SERVICE SUPPORT和SERVICE DELIVERY的精华内容全部列出,并且就基因学习法,进行了分类。在下一章,将就各流程的输入输出的关系,再做一总结。 7.0 流程关系 ITIL各流程间有着紧密的联系。而各流程间,也存在输入输出的相依存的关系。输入和输出是ITIL服务经理考试中经常要考到的内容。 在前面两个章节,我们已经或多或少涉及了流程间输入输出的内容。在这里,再对这些关系做一总结。 输入输出的关系将由表格的形式出现。其中左边竖项的内容为输入方,表格上部横项的内容为输入的接受方。 考虑到SERVICE DESK是一个功能,而非流程。该部内容不包含在流程关系中。另外,SECURITY MANAGEMENT的内容不包括在OGC的两本书籍中,该内容也没有列入流程关系表中。有关SECURITY MANAGEMENT和其他流程的关系,可参考前章的内容。 INM PRM COM CHM RLM High impactIncident reRFC(for INM pIncidents forINM X incidents,corders rocess docume releasing. incident rntation / pro ecorders ( cess guide & Historical solution for Data) an incident ) Work-arounProblem recRFC ( for PRMProblem relatPRM X d, known erorders process docued to releas rors mentation/ Pre. ocess Guide & solution for a problem) CI informatCI informatCI informatioCI informatioCOM X ion and relion and reln and relation and relatio ationship ationship nship nship ImplementedImplementedUpdated CI FSC, work ordCHM X solution, solution, information er. FSC, PSA FSC Release NotRelease NotRelease NotRFC, Work ordRLM X ification ification, ification ers status, r know error eleased changKnow error,e Work aroun d Cost analysiFM s, RFC Service levRFC ( for SLMSLM el targets process docu mentation/ Pr ocess guide & change to an IT service ) Solution foRoot cause RFC, impact aAVM r Availabilanalysis & nalysis, Planity relatedPropose solned maintenan incidents ution ce regime. Solution foRoot cause RFC, ImpactanCapacity infoCAM CDB r capacity analysis & alysis, CAB rmation ( S/W related incPropose sol distribution idents ution using LAN ); Distribution strategy InformationIT SCM PlanRFC, Impact aSCM about invo stored in nalysis to IT cation CMDB SCM plan 7.0 流程关系(2) SLM FM AVM CAM SCM INM Incident recordIncidents recorIncident recordIncident recordIncidents for c ers harging. ders ers ers PRM Problem recorProblem for cProblem inforProblem inforHistorical data ders harging. mation mation COM CI InformationCI informationCI InformationCI InformationCI Information & relationshi & Relationshi & Relationshi & Relationshi & Relationshi p. Asset/Cost ip, Core infrastp p p nfo. ructure. CHM RFC ( tobe aRFC ( cost anRFC ( to be RFC (to be aRef ( to be a nalyzed for imanalyzed for inalyzed for imnalyzed for imalysis) pact analysis tmpact analysispact to existinpact analysis f o existingSL to existing ag capacity plaor existing IT vailability desiA) n ) SCM plan. ) gn) Service availa bility impact d ue to planned change. RLM Release NotifiCost informatiPackage releasRelease plan Release for ris on – resourcee, release plak reduction itecation usage. n. ms. SLM X IT service reqIT service reqIT Service reqIT Service req uirement (SLuirements (SLuirement (SLuirements, Obl A, service straA, service speA, service speigations. (SL tifications ) EA, service specifications) cifications ) xpectation/ Obcifications) ligations FM Cost analysis X Cost analysis, Cost analysis Cost analysis ( cost associatCost estimatio ed with providn of AV plan. ing an IT serv ice ). Chargin g Policy AVM Availability DAvailability DX Availability DAvailability D esign, Availabiesign Criteria esign Criteria esign Criteria lity Reports. Tand requiremeand Requiremeand Requireme nt, Cost of nont, CIFA, Resint. Risk reductargets. n-availability, jion measures. lience Needs ustifications CIFA CAM Capacity Plan,Capacity RequCapacity Plan X Capacity requi Capacity Perfirements. Charfor Resilience.rements. Min ormance Leveging Policy Needs. capacity. l. Support, SI P SCM IT SCM Plan Continuity reqBIA, VBF Capacity requiX uirements rements ITIL 服务经理考试指南一书的网上发表, 由于资料准备速度跟不上发表速度, 暂告一段落. 希望现有的七章内容, 已对大家有所帮助. 8.0 答题策略 经过了前四章的论述,考生如果能够反复的阅读和熟记所提供的重要内容, 则顺利通过考试的把握已经很大了。在这一章,我们将依据各种渠道收集的考试试题,提供联系已有的基因知识点,提供简要的答题策略,以帮助考生熟悉可能的考题。 在进入考题的分析之前,有必要对本题的试题来源做一说明。ITIL 服务经理考试的考题,原则上是受版权保护的,并且不能在公共场所做任何披露的。所以,从逻辑上讲,以下的所谓的ITIL 服务经理考试考题,都并非出自原本的ITIL 考试中。 本书也没有任何意图侵犯ITIL 服务经理考试组织者的知识产权。 但为了帮助广大后来者顺利通过考试,总有一些无私的先驱者,会依据自己点滴记忆,加入自己对ITIL 内容的理解,在互联网上提供一些,有助于未来考生通过考试的类似考题。本人则有幸加以收集,整理,并结合本书的基因学习法加以联系。如果这些考题,不幸和真实的题目相一致,则只能是巧合。 另外, 所收集的试题,并非能做到覆盖每个流程。所以,对于若干流程,若没有考题提供,则需要考生在两周的培训中,多加利用培训公司的资料。 8.1 答题策略 - CHM(1) Question1: Outline the benefits (8 marks), costs (4 marks) and problems (8 marks) of implementing an effective Change Management function. Answer Strategy: Benefit + Cost + Problem Question 2: Changes often arise from the Problem Management function. Where else can changes occur from? Give examples to illustrate your answer. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Question is actual asking which IT service process will issue a RFC. Please use process linkage chart. Question 3: a) You are preparing to audit the Change Management function. What items should you inspect and why? (15 marks) b) To whom should the audit report be distributed and why? (5 marks) Answer Strategy: a) Audit key deliverables/out come. b) R&R Question 4: To ensure the on-going success of Change Management: a) Whose commitment is required and what form. should it take? (10 marks) b) What regular activities should be undertaken, by whom and why?(10 marks) Answer Strategy: R&R of CHM. On going process/activities of CHM. Change process + process improvement. Question 4: a) Define the key reports you would expect to produce as an ITIL-conformant Change Manager. Describe the frequency and intended audience as well as content. (8 marks) b) What might be the particular issues a Change Manager would face in a highly dynamic distributed IT environment. (12 marks) Answer Strategy: Report of CHM. Using Change management process to analysis the second question. Question 5: a) Describe in detail the procedures for „Urgent „ changes, using a diagram where this helps illustrate your answer (12 marks) b) Discuss the risks and benefits of using the above procedures (8 marks) Answer Strategy: easy question. Urgent is determined at Determine Priority stage. Question 6: a) Describe the responsibilities of the CAB/EC(4 marks) b) Produce a list in priority order of who should attend the full CAB and describe what t heir contribution should be. (10 marks) c) Describe the factors that would influence the frequency with which CAB meetings should be held in any particular organisation. (6 marks) Answer Strategy: easy question. Question 7: a) What steps can be taken to prevent a Change Management function becoming an obstacle or bottleneck to change? (10 marks) b) What metrics would you use to judge the performance of a Change Management function? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Marketing activities. Based on activity to determine performance tracking. KPI. 8.1 答题策略 - CHM(2) Question 8: a) Implementation of Change Management. Awareness Campaign. Training. Dependency/Linkage with other processes. b) You are a newly appointed Change Manager, and you find that your system development staff often carry out changes to live systems without involving IT Services staff, and indeed continue to support the resulting systems informally rather than “handing them over” to Service Management. You have arranged to meet with the Systems Development Manager and the IT Services Manager. How would you present the issues to them and what do you propose was done? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Change Management Implementation. Assessment. Benefits. Implementation Process. Value . Change Management Process. Question 9: The cost of service failure can be a powerful inducement to improving the quality of infrastructure management. Describe the various metrics that can be collected by Change Management and explain how each could be turned into a financial argument to support a Service Management Improvement Programme.(20 marks) Answer Strategy: Indicators will be used by Change Management. And linkage with Finance. Question 10: a) The Change Manager cannot personally know every aspect and component of a company?s IT. How can the full potential impact of the proposed change be evaluated? (10 marks) b) What are the responsibilities of the Change Manager in relation to a RFC, after it has been approved by the CAB? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Whole change management process. Question 11: You have just reviewed an organisation?s Change Management function and have discovered that every change is taking several weeks from the point of initiation to its implementation. There is also a trend to suggest that this elapsed time is increasing, resulting in a significant backlog of changes and a rapidly increasing level of dissatisfaction from the customers/staff who are requesting changes. a) What could be the impact of such a backlog of changes? (7 marks) b) What should be done to remove/reduce the backlog of changes? (7 marks) c) How would you ensure the situation does not re-occur? (6 marks) Q8 - Paper 1 - Apr 1996 Answer Strategy: PPT for question a. PPT and standard change, and minor change Reporting and tracking. Question 12: Your organisation has several change logging systems in place, some manual and some electronically supported, each of which records changes to a specific part of the overall IT systems and infrastructure. a) Describe the obstacles that must be overcome to integrate these separate change loggin g systems into a single centralised Change Management system. (14 marks) b) Explain the benefits of reviewing all changes after a pre-defined period following their implementation.(6 marks) Answer Strategy: Change Management implementation. PPT. Benefits – from GOAL. 8.2 答题策略 - COM(1) Question 1: Which groups of people within a company will need update access to the CMDB? Explain w hy this degree of access will be needed, and any limitations that may be needed. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: IN/OUT between Configuration and rest of processes. Question 2: Define the following Configuration Management terms: 1. Baseline 2. Variant 3. Relationship 4. Attribute 5. Status (4 marks each) Answer Strategy: Please check previous chapters. Question 3: Configuration Management is fundamental to the service support activities. a) What use of the CMDB might each of the service support processes make? (14 m arks) b) List the regular activities that should take place to ensure the CMDB?s integrity. (6 m arks) Answer Strategy: A – How Configuration Management support rest of process. B – Configurati on management process – P I C S V A Question 4: You are about to establish a formal ITIL based Configuration Management function within your organisation. There are currently two opposed opinions as to the level of detail required in Configuration Management. One opinion suggests every item of the infrastructure, down to the minutest detail, should be recorded. The other opinion is that the minimum amount of information should be recorded. What is your opinion? Discuss. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: I don’t agree with both. Provide criteria to determine the level and impact to the Configuration management. – User configuration activity to support the argument. Question 5: You are a consultant working for an organisation that specialises in Service Management consultancy based around the ITIL guidance. You have been asked by one of your customers, who is interested in setting up Configuration Management to explain to the Board of Directors and the IS Managers the • costs • benefits • problems associated with Configuration Management as stated in the Infrastructure Library. Produce a report describing the above and the main stages of an implementation plan to establish the function. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Please check previous chapters. Question 6: a) What are the primary responsibilities of the Configuration Management function? (8 marks) b) What specific activities must take place to ensure that the CMDB is updated to reflect the actual state of the IT infrastructure, and what would trigger these activities? (12 marks) Answer Strategy: A – definition of goal and four items. B – Activities and linkages. 8.2 答题策略 - COM (2) Question 7: a) Describe in detail the main duties of a Configuration Manager in an organisation which already has an ITIL-conformant Configuration Management function. (10 marks) b) How can a CMDB be used to support Contingency Planning? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Start from Configuration activities: Control, Status Account, Verification and Audit. Improve. List activities of contingency planning process and build the linkage. Question 8: a) Your company has a widely distributed (UK) client/server architecture delivering corporate and other IT services. What Configuration management data do you think is required and why? (14 marks) b) Who will require access to this information and why? (6 marks) Answer Strategy: PPT for questions A. Question 9: Why is configuration management so important? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Goal. Activities. Benefits. Linkages with other process. What happen without it. Question 10: Define the following terms, giving examples to clarify your answer. a) Configuration item b) Baseline c) Relationship d) Attribute e) Variant (4 marks for each) Answer Strategy: Please check previous chapters. Question 11: a) Describe the documented procedures that will be required throughout the entire organi sation to help ensure that the Configuration Management Database is kept up to date. (12 marks) b) Explain where automation might be used to assist in this process. (8 marks) Q3 - Paper 1 - Jul 1996 Answer Strategy: Integrity issue of CMDB. CMDB control activities. Question 12: Your IT director has just made the following statement: “Configuration Management Databases are always out of date and hence a costly overhead giving very little benefit to the organisation and consequently we are not going to bother wit h one”. In an effort to change your IT Director?s opinion detail the arguments/examples you would put forward to convince him/her that: a) CMDBs can be kept up to date (6 marks) b) CMDBs can be cost justified (6 marks) c) CMDBs are beneficial to the organisation (8 marks) Answer Strategy: A – processes for control. B. Benefits and impact. Question 13: Discuss the following two statements: a) All five service support functions require the CMDB to be fully effective. (10 marks) b) The CMDB requires Change Management (10 marks) Answer: Check previous chapters. Question 14: a) Configuration Management is becoming more important in today?s IT Industry. Explain why this is so. (10 marks) b) What measures can an organisation introduce to help ensure that a Configuration Ma nagement Database (CMDB) is kept up to date? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: GOAL, ACTIVITIES, LINKAGES, BENEFITS. Integrity and status accountin g. 8.3 答题策略 - RLM(1) Question 1: Describe in detail the following release types: Delta release Urgent release Package release Full release (4 x 5 marks) Answer Strategy: Please check the RELEASE MANAGEMENT chapter. Question 2: What are the: a) costs (4 marks) b) benefits (8 marks) c) possible problems (8 marks) of implementing and running a Release Management function based upon ITIL? Answer Strategy: PPT, Benefits, Problems. Question 3: Describe in detail the following release types Delta release Full release Package release Urgent release as part of the description, explain under what circumstances each might be the most appropriate. (4 x 5 marks) Answer Strategy: please check Release Management chapter. Question 4: a) List and briefly describe the items you would include in an audit of the Release Management function of an IT department for compliance to ITIL. (14 marks) b) Write an outline Job Description for a Release Manager (6 marks) Answer Strategy: Output of release management. Standard job description of ITIL role in General Concept chapter. Question 5: a) Describe a set of objectives Release Manager (10 marks) b) Describe how Release Management functions can provide a valuable contribution to application development projects. (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Goal for question a. Activities for question b. Question 6: a) Describe the steps which must be taken to build and implement a new software release to a widely distributed group of customers. Use diagram(s) to help illustrate your answer, where appropriate. (14 marks) b) What problems might you, typically, encounter? (6 marks) Answer Strategy: user your experience for question a + Release Management activities. Problem for question b. 8.3 答题策略 - RLM(2) Question 7: 1. Define a Mission Statement for a Release Management Function (4 marks) 2. Discuss the benefits and problems that follow from a) An on-demand software release policy b) a “three monthly” software release policy (9 marks) 3. How would you measure the effectiveness and efficiency of Release Management function (7 marks) Answer Strategy: Goal; pros/cons analysis of on-demand vs release policy. Based on activity and output to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency. Question 8: a) Produce an job description for Release Manager, working in an organisation where this element of ITIL has not previously been implemented. (8 marks) b) What skills would the post holder need? (5 marks) c) Produce a detailed set of objectives for the Release Manager ongoing activities (7 marks) Answer Strategy: check General Concept for job description + activities. Question 9: a) Describe the main elements of the Release Management (6 marks) b) What benefits can be derived as a result of adopting formal Release Management process (7 marks) c) What are the likely costs and problems in an organisation that does not have formal Release Management (7 marks) Answer Strategy: Activity; Benefits; use benefit to develop the cost. Question 10: a) Outline the various software release strategies suggested within the ITIL guidance. Under what circumstances would each be appropriate. (12 marks) b) How would a Release Manager formally ascertain the effectiveness and efficiency of his/her function? (8 marks) Answer Strategy: different types of release strategy and pros/cons; activities/KPI. 8.4 答题策略 - SERVICE DESK (1) Question 1: You are the Service Desk manager. It is half past seven on a Monday morning and half of your eight person Service Desk staff have telephoned in sick. Describe the actions that you would take during the day to maintain a Service Desk service. (12 marks) What are the limitations and problems that you might experience? (8 marks) Answer Strategy: Responsibility of service desk manager + operation activities. Limitation of problems – PPT. Question 2: Your IT Director has set you the 18 month task of converting your current Service Desk from a “call logging only” function to a skilled desk resolving 70% or more of all calls themselves. a) How would you approach this task? (16 marks) b) What metrics would you establish to measure your success? (4 marks) Answer Strategy: Process Implementation. PPT. Based activity to measure the success + KPI. Question 3: Your organisation has been gradually migrating from mainframe. processing to a distributed environment, and the mainframe. is being phased out in the next three months. (a) What changes, if any, do you consider would need to be made to the Service Desk function? Give full reasons for your answer. (8 marks) (b) Describe the impact on the other service support functions. (12 marks) Answer Strategy: Service Desk role in this RFC. Use RFC cycle to answer the questions. Linkage between Service Desk with other process. Question 4: You are aware that your organisation, because of historically well-established support routes, has created numerous Service Desk (some formal, some informal). Write a report to senior business and IT management detailing what could be done to improve the service currently offered by these Service Desk. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Centralize the service desk. Benefits. Question 5: A Service Desk has been established in an organisation. There are two newly recruited staff without Service Desk experience, one telephone and a desk. There are no automated tools and all calls are recorded on plain paper and handed to the closest person available. What would be the priority actions that you would take to set up and run an effective Service Desk with these resources? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: PPT + Implementation Plan. Question 6: a) There are times when your Service Desk cannot cope with the volumes of input. What cost effective measures could be taken to alleviate this? (12 marks) b) Do you believe it is necessary for all information received by the Service Desk to be recorded in the incident database? Explain your views (8 marks) Answer Strategy: Indicators used by Service Desk. Activities owned by Service Desk. Question 7: a) Describe each of the events that must be recorded during the lifecycle of each incident, so that useful management information can be obtained. You should assume that categorisation of incidents takes place. (14 marks) b) How might you persuade customers to make use of the Service Desk? (6 marks) Answer Strategy: Incidents lifecycle + Service desk activities. Benefits. 8.4 答题策略-SERVICE DESK(2) Question 8: You are manager of an established Service Desk who has received a memo from a business group identifying that: 1. Phones are not always answered 2. Incidents are not resolved quickly enough 3. Problems remain outstanding for a long time a) What metrics will you supply to counter these claims? (10 marks) b) What would you do if the evidence supported these claims? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Indicators follow the issue one by one. Action plan to improve the service level. PPT. + implementation. Question 9: a) Why should an organisation have a Service Desk? (10 marks) b) Provide detailed examples and explain the purpose of the coding systems used by Incident & Problem management (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Benefits. System used by incident/problem management. – Incident records. P roblem recorders. Question 10: a) What would a Service Desk need to do to change from a call-logging desk to a more skilled desk with a target call resolution of 80% at the desk? (8 marks) b) What issues might make this difficult to achieve? What could be done about them? (12 marks) Answer Strategy: Implementation processes + PPT. Problems. Question 11: You are in an organisation, distributed across several large offices throughout Europe introducing a new Service Desk: a) Describe the stages you would expect to see in the project. (8 marks) b) What key deliverables would you identify before progressing to the next stage? (12 marks) Answer Strategy: Implementation. – PPT + implementation process. Question 12 a) “Every telephone call to the Service Desk should be recorded and dealt with as an incident”. To what extent do you agree with this statement. Give the reasons to support your views. (8 marks) b) If your Service Desk is overrun with calls at peak times, what steps might you take to deal with this situation cost effectively? (12 marks) Answer Strategy: Activities of SD. PPT – Demand management, charging… priority… Question 13 a) Produce a job description for the manager of an ITIL-conformant Service Desk. (10 marks) b) What particular issues arise in turning a Service Desk from an incident handling centre into a fully pro-active interface between the user community and the IT Services Organisation? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Job description. Check PPT readiness for question b. 8.5 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT (1) Question 1: To express service availability in percentage terms alone is now generally regarded as less than adequate. a) How might target availability be better expressed? (8 marks) b) What are the difficulties of predicting and monitoring availability expressed in these terms? (12 marks) Answer Strategy: a) By user experience: downtime, performance issue. Based on business experience: VBF, transaction volume, revenue… b) Data availability, linkage between system data and business impact, ownership of those data and issue; total picture, integration between those data with IT component data. .. Question 2: Availability Management includes some responsibility for the contracts underpinning service levels a) List the typical contracts that might be involved (6 marks) b) Describe in detail the difficulties that might be faced by someone in an organisation planning to adopt ITIL based Availability Management practices. (14 marks) Answer Strategy: A) WAN, Web Hosting, Print Service.. List and Describe B) Problems/Difficulties: use environment concept.PPT. Question 3: a) Define the key reports that you would be expected to produce as an ITIL-conformant availability manager. Describe frequency, intended audience and content. (12 marks) b) What issues would an availability manager face in a constantly changing environment? (8 marks) Answer Strategy: a) Availability Service Level Report / Incident Report / Problem Report / User Experience Downtime Report b )Constant Changing environment: Use availability activity to handle it Requirement collection issue: BIA and risk assessment issue; Design Issue ( high cost); Reporting and auditing issue; releasing availability plan issue…. Question 4: Availability Management is concerned with the availability of the whole of the IT Infrastructure. Describe how this activity might be applied to people and documentation and what metrics might be used to monitor those configuration items. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: User Availability Activity to start the thinking process: Requirement -> BIA and VBF -> Define targets -> Availability Measures and report -> Monitoring -> Problem/Incidents -> Develop availability plan Apply to People and Document. Metrics -> just imagine. Question 5: Over the last month, the availability of a business critical application has fallen to an unacceptable level. This was due to a series of failures of a fileserver, which has now been traced to a faulty hardware component, which has now been replaced. a) What steps can you take to ensure that a similar problem is unlikely to happen again, and who will you need to involve. (12 marks) b) Draft a letter of apology to the Business Manager who owns the application, outlining your proposals. (8 marks) Answering Strategy – Measures of Availability – CFIA/ CRAMM/SOA/TOP/Continue Improve ment/FTA/Extended Incident Lifecycle Question 6: a) Describe “downtime” from a customer?s perspective. (6 marks) b) How and why might this differ from the perspective of an IT department (6 marks) c) Why is it essential that a clear definition of downtime exists which both the customer and the IT department can agree upon. (8 marks) Answer Strategy: a/b) difference of different downtime. c). guiding principle of availability, service level. Performance tracking… 8.5 答题策略 - AVM(2) Question 7: “Availability Management is arguably the most important of the Service Management disciplines”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Outline your reasons for the views you hold. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Guiding principle – NO1. NO2. NO3. Add in more personal experience. Question 8: a) Describe the techniques that might be used to improve availability levels across the whole of an IT infrastructure, paying particular attention to the network and desk-top elements. (14 marks) b) How can Problem Management techniques be used to assist in the improvement of availability levels. (6 marks) Answer Strategy : Techniques: CIFA/CRAMM/SOA/CI/TOP/FTA/EI Question 9 : a) Discuss the main issues associated with justifying and implementing availability management. (12 marks) b) Describe the issues you could take as an IT Services Manager to overcome any difficulty in progressing this implementation. (8 marks) Answer Strategy: PPT, value of AVM, benefits. Question 10: a) What steps can an availability manager take to improve service availability without replicating infrastructure components. (10 marks) b) Show, via detailed examples, how replication of infrastructure components can improve overall levels of end-user availability. (10 marks) Answer Strategy: How to improve the availability – base component, SM process, System tool, High Availability Design – Full replication. Question 11: List and describe in detail the key factors that influence the overall availability of an IT infrastructure. Answer Strategy: CFS. PPT. Question 12: There is a suspicion that your organisation?s IT availability levels are being adversely impact ed by a number of your external suppliers. a) What steps will you take to investigate these suspicions to establish firm facts? (8 marks) b) If proof is found, how would you attempt to progress the matter to achieve higher availability figures for the future? (6 marks) c) What measures can you introduce for new suppliers to ensure that appropriate availability targets will be met? (6 marks) Answer Strategy: a) Measures – CFIA/CRAMM/EIncidents/SOA/TOP. B) CI, TOP, SOA. C) M onitoring. Regular review, Design, MT.. Design for availability/Recoverability. Question 13: a) Define the main reports you would expect to produce as an ITIL-conformant Availability Manager, concentrating on the frequency and intended audience, as well as technical content. (10 marks) b) What particular issues arise for Availability Management with the expanding use of distributed, networked, desktop devices? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: a) based on the activity to develop the reports. b) use your experience. Question 14: a) The availability of systems that provide IT services is influenced by many things. Explain the six most important ones. (10 marks) b) Availability Management is an important component of overall IT security. Describe the security considerations that the Availability Manager must address. (10 marks) Answer Strategy – Availability Activities. CIA. Question 15: a) What are the objectives of Availability Management? (13 marks) b) What problems may be encountered when implementing an ITIL-conformant Availability Management function? (7 marks) Answer Strategy: Goal, Problem/PPT. 8.6 答题策略 - CAM(1) Question 1: Describe the process of building an Annual Capacity Plan. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Based on Capacity Management process and plan content. Question 2: a) What outputs would you expect from Capacity Management, and at what frequenc y? (7 marks) b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of modelling that c an be done? (13 marks) Answer Strategy: Based on capacity management sub process to answer A2) Modeling details: trend analysis (cheap-no response time), analytical (relative easy and fast, les s accuracy ) , simulation (more accuracy) , baseline ( high cost), Question 3: Why should an organisation have a Capacity Management function? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: benefits Question 4: Describe what is meant by the following elements of Capacity Management. 1. Performance Management 2. Capacity Management Database 3. Workload Management 4. Application Sizing 5. Resource Management 6. Demand Management 7. Modelling 8. The Capacity Plan (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Check previous chapters. Question 5: Several years ago, your organisation?s IT department was largely mainframe. based. You suc cessfully moved your organisation away from “buying a bigger box when it becomes full” into formal capacity planning and management. However, you are now aware that your organisational policy towards the distributed environment of PCs and UNIX boxes has reverted to this approach. a) What are the benefits of this approach? (6 marks) b) What are the problems associated with this approach? (6 marks) c) How might you justify a capacity management function for the distributed environment? (8 marks) Answer Strategy : Benefit/problem/experience – distribution issues. Question 6: Describe the: i) Benefits (9 marks) ii) Costs (6 marks) iii) Possible problems (5 marks) which are associated with introducing and running Capacity Management. Answer Strategy: Check previous chapters. 8.6 答题策略 - CAM(1) Question 1: Describe the process of building an Annual Capacity Plan. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Based on Capacity Management process and plan content. Question 2: a) What outputs would you expect from Capacity Management, and at what frequency? (7 marks) b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of modelling that can be done? (13 marks) Answer Strategy: Based on capacity management sub process to answer A2) Modeling details: trend analysis (cheap-no response time), analytical (relative easy and fast, les s accuracy ) , simulation (more accuracy) , baseline ( high cost), Question 3: Why should an organisation have a Capacity Management function? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: benefits Question 4: Describe what is meant by the following elements of Capacity Management. 1. Performance Management 2. Capacity Management Database 3. Workload Management 4. Application Sizing 5. Resource Management 6. Demand Management 7. Modelling 8. The Capacity Plan (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Check previous chapters. Question 5: Several years ago, your organisation?s IT department was largely mainframe. based. You suc cessfully moved your organisation away from “buying a bigger box when it becomes full” in to formal capacity planning and management. However, you are now aware that your organi sational policy towards the distributed environment of PCs and UNIX boxes has reverted to this approach. a) What are the benefits of this approach? (6 marks) b) What are the problems associated with this approach? (6 marks) c) How might you justify a capacity management function for the distributed environmen t? (8 marks) Answer Strategy : Benefit/problem/experience – distribution issues. Question 6: Describe the: i) Benefits (9 marks) ii) Costs (6 marks) iii) Possible problems (5 marks) which are associated with introducing and running Capacity Management. Answer Strategy: Check previous chapters. 8.7 答题策略 - FM(1) Question 1: a) Your organisation is providing a desktop computing service. How will you calculate t he overall costs of providing this service for the coming year? (14 marks) b) On what basis might you recover these costs from your customers? (6 marks) Answer Strategy: a) Budgeting/IT accounting and Charging. b) Pricing strategy; cost, cost plus, market prices, going rate and fix. Question 2: Your organisation has a well established cost management system. a) What problems do you envisage in establishing a charging system? (8 marks) b) Upon which other service management functions will you depend in setting up the ch arging system and why? (12 marks) Answer Strategy: Problem of Financial Management for IT. And linkage with other process. Question 3: a) You have built a comprehensive cost model in preparation for introducing charging. What are the likely elements of the cost model? (10 marks) b) Describe the charging options that are available if you wish to recover your costs. (10 marks) Answer Strategy: a) Definition of cost model – TSHARP. b) Charging options: Cost, Cost Plus, Market Price, Going Rate, Fix. Question 4: a) Costs are simplified if grouped together into appropriate classifications. Describe the I TIL cost unit structure. (10 marks) b) Describe the benefits, costs & problems of introducing a cost management culture int o an IT environment. (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Definition of cost unit – direct/indirect, optional capital, fix variable… Problem/benefit/cost Question 5: What are the costs, benefits and possible problems associated with: a) Costing (10 marks) b) Charging (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Cost/Benefits/Problem. Question 6: What are the costs, benefits and problems associated with: a) costing IT Services (10 marks) b) charging for IT Services (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Difference between different centers. 8.7 答题策略 - FM(2) Question 7: a) Your organisation has decided to introduce Cost Management for the first time. Outline the steps that will be required to plan and implement this function. (11 marks) b) What skills will the new Cost Manager require to be successful in this role? (5 marks) Answer Strategy: Process implementation + activities. Activities to come out the job description. Question 8: a) Describe the support tools that might be required to support a Cost Management function. Outline the purpose and functionality of each. (14 marks) b) How would you justify the expenditure involved in purchasing such tools? (6 marks) Answer Strategy: Activities link with Tool. Benefit for every major activities. Question 9: a) Produce a mission statement for a Cost Management function (4 marks) b) Describe the benefits that will arise from a well run Cost Management function. (8 marks) c) Describe the training that will be required for a new member of staff who is entering this Cost Management function. (8 marks) Answer Strategy: Goal, benefits from activities, activities leads to training. Question 10: a) Under what circumstances would charging for IT services be an appropriate strategy for an IT services department? (10 marks) b) Discuss the difficulties a Cost Manager might encounter when moving from a situation of costing services to one of charging for IT services. (10 marks) Answer Strategy: Activities, budgeting and IT accounting before charging. Problems and difficulties. Question 11 a) Produce an outline specification for a toolset to support ITIL-conformant costing and charging practices. (14 marks) b) What criteria would you use when evaluating potential suppliers of a support tool? (6 marks) Answer Strategy: From activities to tool requirements. Question 12 List and briefly describe the items you would include in an audit of the cost management function for compliance to ITIL guidelines. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Outcome from FMIT and linkage with other process. Question 13: the operation of a cost management system covers many different activities. Produce a checklist of the ongoing activities differentiating between 1) Daily/Weekly 2) Monthly 3) Quarterly 4) Annually (20 marks) Answer Strategy: From Activities to allocation to different category. 8.8 答题策略 - SCM(1) Question 1: Compare and contrast the Contingency Planning issues for: i. A small insurance brokers with one office, 6PCs (used locally and connected to several large insurance companies). ii. A large international bank based in the UK (20 marks) Answer Strategy : Based on ITSCM activities to find the same and difference. Question 2: You have been asked to audit your company?s ITIL conformant Contingency Plan to ensure its effectiveness in a disaster that would invoke the use of a standby facility. Describe the reports and other documents that you would expect to see and their content. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Output from ITSCM - …. Question 3: You are the IT Contingency Planning Manager within you organisation?s Business Continuit y Team. You have just received a telephone call to say that the building has been destroyed by fire. You have a plan which provides for both hot and cold standby support contracts. Describe your actions over the next 24 hours. (20 Marks) Answer Strategy: Process to invocate process – start from the ITSCM plan… The Key, business make a decision. And also include the Crisis management structure… Question 4: How would you ensure that your Contingency Plan reflected business requirements? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: ITSCM process. Initial, Requirement and Strategy… Question 5: Describe what is meant by each of the terms below, and explain the important role each plays as part of the contingency planning function within the Business environment. a) Business Impact Analysis (8 marks) b) Risk assessment (8 marks) c) Contingency Plan (4 marks) Answer Strategy: please check previous chapters. Question 6: a) Many organisations are moving away from just having just IT contingency functions/plans to full Business Continuity Management functions/plans. Why is this the case? (6 marks) b) Why is IT contingency planning still valid within the business Continuity function? (7 marks) c) What problems would you expect to face when trying to establish full Business Continuity plans? (7 marks) Answer Strategy: A- Goal. Process. B) Goal, BIA, Risk, Strategy. C) Problem Question 7: You are an IT Service Manager wishing to persuade business colleagues to formulate a Business Continuity Plan. What evidence can you gather in support of your case and from where would it come? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Benefits: Insurance, Legal… Base case. Competition… 8.8 答题策略 - SCM(1) Question 1: Compare and contrast the Contingency Planning issues for: i. A small insurance brokers with one office, 6PCs (used locally and connected to several large insurance companies). ii. A large international bank based in the UK (20 marks) Answer Strategy : Based on ITSCM activities to find the same and difference. Question 2: You have been asked to audit your company?s ITIL conformant Contingency Plan to ensure its effectiveness in a disaster that would invoke the use of a standby facility. Describe the reports and other documents that you would expect to see and their content. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Output from ITSCM - …. Question 3: You are the IT Contingency Planning Manager within you organisation?s Business Continuit y Team. You have just received a telephone call to say that the building has been destroyed by fire. You have a plan which provides for both hot and cold standby support contracts. Describe your actions over the next 24 hours. (20 Marks) Answer Strategy: Process to invocate process – start from the ITSCM plan… The Key, busine ss make a decision. And also include the Crisis management structure… Question 4: How would you ensure that your Contingency Plan reflected business requirements? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: ITSCM process. Initial, Requirement and Strategy… Question 5: Describe what is meant by each of the terms below, and explain the important role each plays as part of the contingency planning function within the Business environment. a) Business Impact Analysis (8 marks) b) Risk assessment (8 marks) c) Contingency Plan (4 marks) Answer Strategy: please check previous chapters. Question 6: a) Many organisations are moving away from just having just IT contingency functions/plans to full Business Continuity Management functions/plans. Why is this the case? (6 marks) b) Why is IT contingency planning still valid within the business Continuity function? (7 marks) c) What problems would you expect to face when trying to establish full Business Continuity plans? (7 marks) Answer Strategy: A- Goal. Process. B) Goal, BIA, Risk, Strategy. C) Problem Question 7: You are an IT Service Manager wishing to persuade business colleagues to formulate a Business Continuity Plan. What evidence can you gather in support of your case and from where would it come? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Benefits: Insurance, Legal… Base case. Competition… 8.8 答题策略 - SCM(2) Question 8: Your organisation has decided for the first time to implement a full Business Continuity Plan, and you have been made responsible for the new IT Contingency Plan that will form. part of this. What will you do? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Whole process. Question 9: a) Why should you test contingency plans? (7 marks) b) When should you test contingency plans? (8 marks) c) How should the Contingency plan be tested, and who will be involved? (8 marks) Answer Strategy: Whole process – and team structure of ITSCM. Seniro, manager, team Question 10: Your main computer room (located away from company HQ), houses a mainframe. which runs several key business applications and several network servers which drive your company?s office applications. The computer room has burnt down in the middle ofd the night. You are IT Contingency Planning Manager and you have recently arranged a hot start external contract with a third party based 200 miles away. Describe the actions you will take, and the actions required by others to recover services at the hot site, and discuss any issues which you might encounter. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Process to invocate. Question 11: a) Produce a mission statement for a Contingency Planning function. (4 marks) b) Describe the process a new Contingency Planning Manager would need to go through in an organisation which has no contingency plans, in order to establish what elements of the IT service require contingency plans, if any. (16 marks) Answer Strategy: Implementation process and goal Question 12: For each of the contingency Planning options suggested by ITIL, provide a detailed example of why that might be the most appropriate option to choose. (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Different options. Question 13: You are Contingency Planning Manager preparing to interview a number of key business customers as part of a Business Impact Analysis. You wish to issue a covering memo and list of potential questions to each of the customers prior to the interviews so that they may give the matter some advanced thought and, where necessary, investigation. a) Produce a draft memo which should be informative and prepare the way for your visit. (6 marks) b) Produce a draft list of questions you are likely to discuss with them during the interviews. (14 marks) Answer Strategy: Requirement and Risk and strategy Question 14: a) Explain in detail the differences between the “hot-site (external)” and “cold-start (internal)” disaster recovery options. (8 marks) b) Under what circumstances would an organisation choose to use either of these two opt ions within an IS contingency plan? (6 marks) c) How would you test a contingency plan based on a “hot-site (external)” strategy?(6 marks) Answer Strategy: check the definition in previous chapters. And plus students’ experience. Question 15: You wish to establish a Contingency Planning function within your organisation. Write a rep ort to your senior business managers detailing the: a) Costs (7 marks) b) Benefits (7 marks) c) Problems (6 marks) associated with establishing the function. Answer Strategy: please check previous chapters. 8.9 答题策略 - SLM(1) Question 1: Many Service level agreements are not actively used. a) Explain why this might be the case (10 marks) b) What needs to be done to avoid this happening? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: FromSLAactivities perspective to answer this question. Idenfity/Define/Drafting /Negeotiate/UL-OLA/SLA Agreed/Monitor/Report and Review Question 2: What are the major activities involved in introducing and running an effective and efficient Service Level Management function? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Plan/Implementation + Process implementation content and SLM activities. Question 3: a) Provide a mission statement for an ITIL-conformant Service Level Management function. (4 marks) b) What steps would a new Service Level Manager take to introduce such a function? (8 marks) c) What initial objectives could he/she set for the first year? (8 marks) Answer Strategy: Goal/Activities and short term goal Question 4: You are implementing Service Level Management. a) When constructing Service Level agreements what options are there for mapping services to customers? (7 marks) b) List and briefly describe the main headings you would include in yourSLA. (13 marks) Answer Strategy: SLA by service /SLAby customer/ Mix. Structure ofSLA. Available goals, transactions, ITSCM, security, charging policy, etc. Question 5: The Service Level Management function in your organisation is well established. However, the function has not yet been audited and the task has been delegated to you. List and describe the items you would wish to examine whilst carrying out the audit, indicating why you are examining such items. (14 marks) How often and/or under what circumstances would you wish to perform. subsequent audits. (6 marks) Answer Strategy: Output from SLM and linkage with other process. Depends. List deliverables and suitable audit frequency. Question 6: You wish to establish SLAs with your customers. “Services” you provide are supported by bo th internal support/suppliers/maintainers and external (3rd party organisations) support/suppliers/maintainers. Describe in detail what type of arrangements/agreements would you wish to establish with both of the above to ensure that targets within your SLAs can be achieved, explain the purpose of such arrangements/agreements. Answer Strategy: OLA/Underpinning contract. Explain and describe. Question 7: ITIL emphasises the need to establish a Service Improvement Programme. a) What is a Service Improvement Programme? (4 marks) b) Give a detailed explanation of how a Service Improvement Programme should be planned and implemented. (16 marks) Answer Strategy: Give a concept and implementation process of SIP. Link with problem management and availability . 8.9 答题策略 - SLM(1) Question 1: Many Service level agreements are not actively used. a) Explain why this might be the case (10 marks) b) What needs to be done to avoid this happening? (10 marks) Answer Strategy: FromSLAactivities perspective to answer this question. Idenfity/Define/Drafting/Negeotiate/UL-OLA/SLA Agreed/Monitor/Report and Review Question 2: What are the major activities involved in introducing and running an effective and efficient Service Level Management function? (20 marks) Answer Strategy: Plan/Implementation + Process implementation content and SLM activities. Question 3: a) Provide a mission statement for an ITIL-conformant Service Level Management function. (4 marks) b) What steps would a new Service Level Manager take to introduce such a function? (8 marks) c) What initial objectives could he/she set for the first year? (8 marks) Answer Strategy: Goal/Activities and short term goal Question 4: You are implementing Service Level Management. a) When constructing Service Level agreements what options are there for mapping services to customers? (7 marks) b) List and briefly describe the main headings you would include in yourSLA. (13 marks) Answer Strategy: SLA by service /SLAby customer/ Mix. Structure ofSLA. Available goals, transactions, ITSCM, security, charging policy, etc. Question 5: The Service Level Management function in your organisation is well established. However, the function has not yet been audited and the task has been delegated to you. List and describe the items you would wish to examine whilst carrying out the audit, indicating why you are examining such items. (14 marks) How often and/or under what circumstances would you wish to perform. subsequent audits. (6 marks) Answer Strategy: Output from SLM and linkage with other process. Depends. List deliverables and suitable audit frequency. Question 6: You wish to establish SLAs with your customers. “Services” you provide are supported by bo th internal support/suppliers/maintainers and external (3rd party organisations) support/suppliers/maintainers. Describe in detail what type of arrangements/agreements would you wish to establish with both of the above to ensure that targets within your SLAs can be achieved, explain the purpose of such arrangements/agreements. Answer Strategy: OLA/Underpinning contract. Explain and describe. Question 7: ITIL emphasises the need to establish a Service Improvement Programme. a) What is a Service Improvement Programme? (4 marks) b) Give a detailed explanation of how a Service Improvement Programme should be planned and implemented. (16 marks) Answer Strategy: Give a concept and implementation process of SIP. Link with problem management and availability . 考试指南的第九章已发表完毕。其中有不少流程遗漏,只能通过未来的收集工作加以补充了。 9.0案例地图 ITIL服务经理考试是基本围绕案例展开的。以本人考试的经验,大约80%的考题和案例有关。各位在学习答题策略一章,也可以感觉到,很多问题都是很现实的,并且很容易和案例结合在一起,来考查诸位考生对知识在现实环境中的运用能力。 本章的内容和前几章有着紧密的联系。基因学习法的若干章节,可以比做上考场前的弹药准备。答题策略则更像单兵演练。而本章的目的,是带着考生,到真实的战场上去走一便。所以本章所提供的内容,更象一张军用地图。其不但包含了标准的考试案例内容,而且还另外标注上了本人对各个案例内容点,可能联系到的ITIL知识点。就如同告诉各位考生,在某个地段,所要小心的火力点,暗堡,免得被打冷枪。这也是本章取名案例地图的原因。 由于本人参加的是EXIN组织的考试,所以所分析的案例,以EXIN常用的两个案例为核心。他们分别是CMJ和ITC。 如前文所述,EXIN在考试前两周,会通知考生将选用哪个案例。而大多情况下,两常考试会使用同一个案例。不过也有例外,本人不幸,每场考试所用的案例不同,所以需要双倍的时间准备。 由于案例通常是由培训公司通过EMAIL通知考生,所以很多情况下,培训公司以以往考试的经验,一定积累了历次考试所用的案例样本。所以,会在培训一开始,就会让考生熟悉这些案例。而最后EXIN所发出的最新案例,其内容上,95%会和培训公司所提供的两个案例相同。但考生也要注意其中5%的不同。很多情况下,不同的原因是培训公司使用了比较旧的版本给学生。这点希望注意。 另外,考生到达考场,接到考题后,会发现还有一页有关案例的内容。这是考试组织方对每次考题所提供的特别内容。由此增加了案例的多样性,也防止考生过于死记硬背。所谓的特别的内容,所涉及的范围很广,以CMJ为例,可以是公司决定收购一家新公司,于是很多考题由收购兼并展开,而或者是管理层决定大规模IT外包,等等。由此进一步考察考生对知识的运用能力。 虽然每次考试的特别案例的内容会不同,但基本数据是在考试前已经提供的。而很多特别案例内容,已在基本案例中,透出一些线索。所以,熟悉基本案例显得更加重要了。事实上,在三小时的考试中,考生是没有时间再回去基本案例,去寻找适合的内容的。考生对案例应该熟记与心,考生就是案例,考生就是地图,做到人图合一。 考虑到EXIN的案例在互联网上可以容易的找到,在下面的几节中,本人将不会大规模的复制EXIN的案例内容。只是在那些有较大的可能性,联系到ITIL知识点的段落,加以提示,标注。而希望各位考生,能事后,自行手工,将所提示的内容,标注在案例中,以加强记忆。 9.1 CMJ -案例概况 CMJ是一家加拿大的制衣公司。成立于1960年,有较悠久的运作历史。其总部在奎北克省的蒙特利尔市。在墨西哥,孟买,上海和蒙特利尔有制衣厂。其中上海和孟买的规模较大。另外,其在欧美主要城市有不少专卖店。 CMJ的传统产品是低端服装。不过最近几年,其也开始设计制造高端的服饰。其低端的产品直接销售给中间批发商。高端的服饰则通过自己的零售店销售。 CMJ本是一家家族型企业。不过在1996年上市。即便这样,公司的管理文化还是很家族式的。做事的风格上,轻流程,重结果。虽然今年来,管理文化上已有所改变,看重结果的文化在零售部门仍很盛行。 CMJ的零售部门是整个案例的重点和关键。而很多故事都从中展开。零售部门是在1997年成立的。其主要目的是负责建立自己的零售渠道,销售CMJ的高端产品。考虑到CMJ在1996年上市,可见成立专门的零售部门,是CMJ的一个重要的决策。但依据案例提供的线索,该零售部门的运作并不理想,运作成本偏高。所以,减低该部门的成本成了公司一个重要的管理目标。 CMJ的IT部门自公司成立至今,经历了不少变化。根据线索,起初,IT部门是属于财务部的。其主要使用MAINFRAME来提供财务管理工作。很多传统企业中,都是采用类似的做法– IT属于财务部。但自从零售部门成立后,零售部门内部也成立的相对独立的IT部门,采用分布式的系统,对各个远程的零售店提供支持,如收款,库存管理等等。于是,故事的主角出场了。 零售部门的VP,开始兼任公司的CIO,并将两个独立的IT部门,在名义上进行了合并。成立了名义上的独立的IT部,向他直接汇报。但案例中,到处可以看到,这个部门中,来自零售的IT团队,和其余IT有着很深的隔阂。可以说,这个CIO的工作是失职的。 现有的IT部门由四个团队组成:POS支持部;网络支持部;服务器/客户端及其他产品支持部;主机运用程序部及主机支持部。POS成立于零售部。有关零售部门的事,都找这个部门。属于整天救火的部门。其他几个部门,相对稳定,基本是围绕主机业务展开。不过小问题总不少,如网络通讯问题,备份机问题,项目滞后等等。 在案例中,也列举了公司在近期做要采取的一些重要的行动,如在美国和欧洲建立两个新的工厂;全面升级现有零售店的系统;在美国和东欧再建立20个新的零售店;展开一轮新的市场活动;重新设计公司的网页;加大和供应商的联系。这些都会对IT部门的服务产生影响。 在案例最后,主角CIO给IT部门发了一份邮件,对现有的IT服务表示了很大的不满。并提出,希望通过实施ITIL流程来改善服务水平。可笑的是,从其信件中,从未认识到,作为以为IT部门的领导,对于现在的状况,应该承担的责任。 9.2 CMJ - ITIL 流程联系 本节将提供案例内容和ITIL 及考试相关内容的联系。将采用以下形式向各位提供信息。如在CMJ 案例, 第2页, BACKGROUD 一节的内容是这样的: Background: CMJ Apparels was founded in the early 1960’s as a family owned and operated clothing manufacturer specializing in clothing for construction and manufacturing workers. Thanks to some shrewd investments involving mergers and acquisitions, and some careful, but aggressive, growth plans in the 1970’s and 1980’s, CMJ Apparels branched out into the retail world in 1 997. Their low-end lines of clothing are still sold wholesale to major retailers, while their newer lines of high-end sporting apparel are sold in their own outlets all over the world. 于是,本文采用以下格式: Page No. 2 / Section: Background Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “Retail world in 199Cost Issue. IT move from finance to retail. – Business 7” Goal. 5 “wholesale” B2B/Just In Time business needs. – Business Capacity Plan. 6 “retail outlets” New outlet in US, E. Europe – Business Capacity Plan. 建议考生在获得了实际的考试案例后,一定要一一自行标注在案例中,增强记忆。另外,由于本人在考SERVICE SUPPORT 中,使用CMJ 案例。下面的联系将以SERVICE SUPPOT 为主。 Page No. 2 / Section: Business situation: Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 8 “control its cost” Service Support benefit to cost saving: packaging releasi ng; configuration management for license saving; central ize service desk; effective incident management; proble m management, effective change management. 9 “Just-In-Time” New capacity requirements 13 “reduce cost” Cost benefit from ITIL. 19 “industry best practicGood environment to adopt ITIL es approach” 24 “the end justifies theProblem of ITIL implementation. Not process oriented. means” 26 “ISO 900x” Process oriented culture 28 “Store Operations DeBusiness culture issue. partment of Retail Di vision” Page No. 3 / Section: Organizational Structure Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “Manufacturing” B2B wholesale. Business capacity. 1 “Retail” B2C capacity. 2 “Head Office is locatLocation of centralized service desk. ed in Montréal” Page No. 3 / Section: The Retail Division Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “not as structured orCulture issue. disciplined as the ot hers ” Page No. 4 / Section: IT Department Organization Chart Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content NA NA Issues: 1. No service desk in whole organization. Every f unction just support their own customer. 2. POS support team do everything by themselves. No close linkage with rest of team. 9.2 CMJ - ITIL 流程联系(2) Page No. 5 / Section: Staffing Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content NA NA Some facts from the table: 1. Montréal has both manufacturing and office. To tal employee number is 244, which is about 2 4% of total employees. 2. Total PC number is 184, which is 78% of total PC number. 3. Comments:Montrealis a good place for centraliz ed service desk. 4. Change manager should be located inMontrealdu e to major customer and decision makers are th ere. Page No. 5 / Section: Department Information Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “external resource” Outsourcing issue. UC. Page No. 6 / Section: Sales Department: 15 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “major retail” B2B Page No. 6 / Section: Human Resources: 4 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 0 “Human Resource” Security incident handling. Page No. 6 / Section: Procurement Department: 20 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 6 Incident management, problem management, service des“telephone and web c onferencing” k support. 7 “technical support” Incident management, problem management, service des k support. Page No. 6 / Section: Production Department: 426 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “MontrealandShanghaClosure ofMontrealfactory and moving toShanghai. Servi ce support impact. Service delivery mode from local toi” central. Incident management, problem management, co nfiguration management, problem management, change management. Page No. 6 / Section: Design Department: 35 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “deployed these themConfiguration management issues. Release management. selves” Page No. 7 / Section: General Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 9 “complete inventory” Starting point of configuration management 11 “applications and softAdditional effort of configuration management. ware were installed” Page No. 8 / Section: Head Office Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “test mainframe” Release management 7 “failures on the robotService desk; incident management; problem managemen ic arm on one of thet; error control; RFC; change management. m” Page No. 8 / Section: Retail Locations Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “polled nightly” Service desk. Page No. 9 / Section: Wide Area Network Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 2 “instances of loss” Service desk; incident management; problem managemen t; RFC Page No. 9 / Section: Web Sites Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “owners of each pagConfiguration management ownership, security managem e” ent. Page No. 9 / Section: Production Inventory Management System - PIMS Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “critical part of the Incident categorization; problem categorization; manufacturing proces s” 3 “The system fails anService desk; incident management; problem managemen d requires support” t; urgent change 9.2 CMJ - ITIL 流程联系(3) Page No. 9 / Section: Point of Sales in Stores System - POSISS Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “business critical IT Incident categorization; problem categorization; urgent c service” hange; urgent release, high impact; Page No. 9 / Section: Distribution and Transport - DATMS Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “business critical servIncident categorization; problem categorization; urgent c ice” hange; urgent release, high impact; Page No. 9 / Section: Store Inventory Management System - SIMS Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “The SIMS system frService desk; incident management; problem managemen equently fails and ret, high impact. quires a lots of supp ort” Page No. 10/ Section: Human Resources Management System - HRMS Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “human resource” Security incident. Page No. 10/ Section: Additional Desktop Applications Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “The variety and divConfiguration management; incident management; proble ersity of these system management. Service Desk. ms has caused suppo rt issues in the past” Page No. 10/ Section: The IT Organization Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 12 “duplication of efforLocal vs central service desk. t” 13 “dedicated to answeriCall center vs service desk/help desk. ng calls” 14 “Second level on-calService desk escalation l” 15 “perform. testing” Release management, change management. Page No. 11/ Section: The IT Organization Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “addressed first by thService desk. Incident management and problem manage e POS group” ment. 7 “second level hardwaEscalation process. re support” Page No. 11/ Section: Network Support: 6 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “A second level on-cService desk. all” Page No. 11/ Section: Server, Desktop and Peripheral Support: 12 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 2 “A shift rotation” Service desk. Page No. 11/ Section: Mainframe. Application Development: 6 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 2 “The requests are recService desk. Change management. eived directly” 3 “Requests are implemRelease management. Change management ented whenever requi red” 5 “potential conflicts beCAB approval needed. Package releasing. Regression tes tween various requestting. s” 6 “do when they need Release schedule. to” 9.2 CMJ - ITIL 流程联系(4) Page No. 11/ Section: Mainframe. Support: 20 employees Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “acting as first line nService desk. Incident management etwork support” 4 “no conflicts betweenRegression testing. Full release. Package release. other various mainfr ame. applications” 7 “have became complaLots of problem in mainframe. team. cent” Page No. 12/ Section: Summary of present issues Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “Just In Time” Service desk, incident management 13 “joint venture” Service process impact analysis. 20 “on-line shopping exPackage release, minimize the impact to users, PSA/FS perience” C, Change management. Page No. 12/ Section: Corporate Objectives Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “Just in Time” Better service support process to support JIT. Service d esk structure. Incident management. Problem managemen t to support JIT vision. Business capacity management. 6 “Replace all” Releasing strategy. Package releasing. Full releasing. Page No. 13/ Section: Corporate Objectives Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “Redesign and upgraChang management. Releasing management. de the company’s we bsite.” Page No. 14/ Section: Memo Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 31 “blame game.” Service desk. Incident management. Follow-up. Page No. 15/ Section: Memo Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “delays in bringing nRelease management. ew application.” 6 “cost overrun in the Release management. Finance management. deployment of new h ardware ” 8 “left unanswered” Service desk. KPI. 9 “wrong support teaService desk. Escalation process. SPOC. m” 10 “Support teams blamService desk. SPOC e each other in front of end-users” 12 “mainframe. upgradeChange management. Release management. CAB. PSA/F s”SC Page No. 16/ Section: Memo Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 5 “right skills and knoSkill/knowledge for process owner. wledge.” 另外,CMJ案例存在以下变化的可能: , 外包服务。现有部分或全部IT服务的外包对现有流程的影响。 , 对新企业的收购。如果收购现有在美国或东欧的工厂,对IT服务的影响。 , 和其他类似企业的兼并及IT系统及服务的整合。 , 客户的在线购买及信息安全的考虑。 , 本地工厂向中国及印度的转移对IT系统的影响。 以上内容,都有可能作为附加内容在考试时提供,请考生有所准备。 9.3 ITC –案例介绍 ITC是一家欧洲的货运公司。其是由原本三家欧洲的货运公司合并而成。他们各自的市场为荷兰,德国和法国。由此,其公司的组织结构还是保持原有的独立性。只是在战略管理上,有所协调。 ITC的IT部门也分为三个较为独立的单元来运做。但三个部门的经理,会定期召开会议,来协调三个独立IT部门见的工作。 从总体上将,ITC的公司管理水平教CMJ高。系统使用和支持都比较完善。表现出来的直接的问题也比较少。所以作为ITIL考试的案例,难度也相对较高,因为能够随即发挥的机会少了。 公司近期所要达到的目标包括: , 定单的全天候,实时的传递。 , 建立公司总部和司机见的联系。 , 提供客户在线下定单和查询的能力。 , 各总部能够更加独立的运作。并对起自己的财务情况负责。 , 使用更多的外部资源来帮助IT部门的运行。 , 将ITC转换成一个E-COMPANY 同样,由于本人在SERVICE DELIVERY考试中,遇到该案例,所以提供的资料以SERVICE DELIVE RY为主。 9.4 ITC – ITIL流程联系 Page No. 2/ Section: The International Transportation Company Ltd Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 6 “2200 of whom are Remote connection, SLM/UC, AVM, ITSCM,CAM, Sec drivers.” urity Management. 17 “point freight businesITSCM opportunity. s in each other’s dire ction” Page No. 2/ Section: Organization Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “almost identical waAMV/ITSCM, resilience design. y.” Page No. 3/ Section: Passengers Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “therefore maintains lSLM/AVM/CAM/ITSCM/Security. inks with travel agen ts.” Page No. 4/ Section: Administration Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 2 “paying regular emplSecurity. oyee.” Page No. 4/ Section: Human Resource Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 2 “provide medical andSecurity. psychological care.” Page No. 4/ Section: General Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “almost identical” AVM resilience design/ backup Page No. 6/ Section: Office Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 6 “fully transparent to Challenge to implement SLM. Existing perception mana users” gement. Page No. 6/ Section: Hardware Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “their configuration” AVM. Resilience Design. Backup. Page No. 7/ Section:Orange Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “an obsolete model” ITSCM/AVM/CAM issue. Page No. 7/ Section: Wide Area Network Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 1 “an outside telecoms SLM/UC supplier” 3 “the system does notSLM/SLA/AVM/CAM seem to receive and process them” Page No. 7/ Section: Organization of IT Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “outsourced to variouSLM/UC, Security Consideration. s suppliers under mai ntenance contracts” Page No. 8/ Section: Organization of IT Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 4 “one employee” AVM/CAM for one employee support mode. Page No. 8/ Section: Policy Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 2 “emphasis on timelinCAM/ Biz capacity demand.. ess” 10 “the disappearance ofCAM, Biz capacity. internal boarders of Europe” 9.4 ITC – ITIL 流程联系 (2) Page No. 8/ Section: Policy Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 2 “emphasis on timelinCAM/ Biz capacity demand.. ess” 10 “the disappearance ofCAM, Biz capacity. internal boarders of Europe” Page No. 9/ Section: Policy Line No. Key Words ITIL/Exam Content 3 “24 hours a day” CAM/AVM/ITSCM/SLA 4 “setup a system” CAM, 11 “own (financial ) resImpact to finance system. ults” 14 “third party” SLM/UC 16 “e-company” CAM/AVM/SLM/ITSCM/Security/Finance management f or IT service. 另外,ITC案例存在以下变化的可能: , 外包服务。现有部分或全部IT服务的外包对现有流程的影响。 , 继续向欧洲以外的地区扩展业务。 , 和欧洲以外的货运公司进行合作,或者进而收购兼并。 , GPS系统在所有货车上的运用。 , EPR系统的实施。 本人的考试中,着重考了GPS的运用,极其相对应的ITSCM的不同的策略。 以上为案例地图一章。希望各位随着对每个知识点在案例中的亲手标注,已经对这两个案例有了一定程度的了解。而在下面,最后一章中,责关心一些准备考试的细节问题。 10.0 成功的细节 细节是重要的。中国人说:差之毫厘,失之千里。西方人说:God Is In The Detail –神,存于细节。 在这最后的章节,我们将关注于这些关系到各位成败的细节问题,为大家巩固那珍贵的一分,两分。考虑到ITIL服务经理考试的平均通过成绩也就是50分,就由显得这一,亮分的重要了。 前几天,刚收到EXIN发布的ITIL服务经理的证书。证书的背景是两个登上高峰的年轻人,一览众山小的情景。于是,多了这一两分,便是登顶了,而少之,则要重新集聚力量,推倒重来,无异与入地狱般的痛苦。 让我们一起关注这些细节。 手劲 讨论手劲问题之前,请各位自问,上次你亲手写完整版A4纸是什么时候,一个月前,一年前,那么我还是要恭喜你。我的答案是12年前。当时工作不久,WORD还不流行。我也曾收写过一些内容。应该有一页A4纸吧。再之前,就是读书时,在考试中,整段整段的书写。都是很遥远的事了。 如果你的情况和我接近,那从准备ITIL考试的第一天开始,你就必须准备锻炼你的手劲。因为你要经历的是三小时,不间断的连续书写。你所要准备的书写数量,不是一页,两页A4纸。而是10页,20页A4纸。我在考试时,每场考试都要写30页。这一切需要很好的手劲。 这里有两个基本问题需要面对。1 –各位的手能否连续书写三小时。2-所书写的内容是否可以被识别。以我过去的经验,开始几页的内容还是比较工整,容易识别,后面就开始潦草,最后自己都不知道在写什么。 如果是这样,则意味着后面两题的失分率要大大高于前面的三题。而如果不可识别,则即便评分者要帮你,也是无能为力了。书写问题是普遍存在的问题。其归节与个人电脑的大量使用。中国人如此,外国人也如此。在我培训时,同时参加培训的几个澳大利亚人的书写问题也很大。相对而言,亚洲人的英文书写会比较容易看懂,因为较少连写。 谈了这么多,手劲很重要。而提高的唯一的方法便是练习。具体的做法便是利用回答模拟试题的机会,要保证每题在25分钟内完成。并在保证速度的同时,要保证书写质量,做到内容的可识别。一开始可以训练25分钟。接着50分钟。而在随后,要尝试一次完成5道题,125分钟。另外,连续书写一定会使手十分酸痛。考生必须在书写中加入适当的休息时间,可以是几秒钟的停顿,然后再继续。这种适当的停顿和继续需要经常练习,以使自己在考试中运用得当。 事实上,我参加完ITIL考试的第一个收获,便是发现自己的书写提高的很多。并且开始使用NOTEPAD记录内容,而不必为了使用NOTEBOOK,而耗费漫长的系统重新启动的时间。 最后的一周 最后一周,就是培训结束后,考试前的一周准备时间。有写考生觉得一周时间太短,希望能够推迟考试。而我的观点是,应该利用培训中产生的惯性,尽快完成考试,一周的间隔是合适的。太久反而容易产生惰性。 这一周的时间是很短的,因为考生要在一周内记住所有考试的内容。事实上,ITIL经理考试是很需要高超的记忆力。而所有的记忆行为大多在这一周中完成。所以,如有可能,请尽量请假一周,找个安静的地方,做最后的冲刺。 一周的准备是需要一个计划的。三周前的内容开始遗忘,一周前的内容还有些印象,考试需要有个计划,不断的刷新自己需要记忆的内容。以下是我的一个大概的复习计划: , 周六–周日:SERVICE DELIVERY , 周一–周四:SERVICE SUPPORT , 周五–周六(上午):SERVICE DELIVERY , 周六(下午)-周日:SERVICE SUPPORT , 周一:上午考试SERVICE SUPPORT。下午:SERVICE DELIVERY , 周二:上午考试SERVICE DELIVERY 而每天的复习内容大体是:重复基因内容,重复流程的关联,做若干20分的试题,复读案例。归结起来就是,覆盖,再覆盖,就向冲锋前的火力准备。 模拟考试和时间管理 考生需要在考试前,经历一遍完整的五道题的模拟考试。目的在于真实感受一下连续作战三小时所能够出现的任何状况。考题的来源可以从前面的几个章节中,若干抽取。关键在于体验过程,而非答题的结果。 所需要注意的问题,包括:握笔姿势,书写工具的可靠度,手劲的支持度,对水的需求,对纸张的熟悉。 在做模拟试题时,要建立自己的时间管理体系。一场考试180分钟。考生受到考题后,会需要5到10分钟阅读增加的案例内容。然后每道考题需要大约5分钟读题题,分析,计划答题策略,所以只有25分钟分配给每道题目。如果遇到某些需要花比较多时间的题目,则会占用最后20分钟的缓冲和回顾的时间。 我在模拟考试时,会用一张纸,记录自己每次完成一题的时间。如果超过25分钟,则说明下一题要抓紧了。用少了,则给后面留下了较多的空间。 由于ITIL考试的平均成绩也就50多分,很多考生都是勉强过关。所以,对大多数人而言,如果因为时间不够,放弃任何一题不答,都意味着失败。而良好的时间管理,可以使得考生在需要时,放弃若干答题的质量,而保证所有的题目都有答案展现在答题纸上。因为,在25分钟内,结束现有一题的回答,可能会损失一两分。但如果能回答最后一题,至少可以有10几分的收入。严禁的时间管理是极其必要的。 英语的表达 英语往往是国人参加ITIL服务经理考试的障碍,因为我们需要用英语回答所有的问题。虽然,对于非英语国家的考生,可以允许携带字典。但三小时的考试中,考生很少有时间查几个单词。所以平时的积累是很重要的。 不过,面对这些障碍,考生也无须担心过多。毕竟ITIL考的是对知识的掌握能力,而非语言本身。用清晰,简单的词汇表达,比华丽的词藻更重要。 对于中国学生,在答题时,应该尽量用简单的语法进行词汇的连接。但如果这些词汇是ITIL必须掌握的,则要保证100%的准确。在基因学习法的章节中,曾多次谈及这些,英国式的,晦涩的用词。需要死记硬背。 当然,掌握英语的关键,还是多练习。 答题格式 这里,我推荐我的培训教师给的书写建议。其核心有两条: , 每写一行,留一行空白。 , 每回答一题即另起一行。 这两个原则很简单,但很实用。因为,如果你在考试结束时,还有时间做检查,和补充时,则这些预留的空间会使的整体的答卷仍然看起来很舒服。当然,这样的写作方法会消耗很多纸张。不够GREEN。 试题纸 由于采用了前面的答题方式,导致我考试中要比其他考生使用更多的答题纸。考方一般向考生提供20页答题纸,而我用了30页。而每张答题纸都要写上个人信息,考试代码,等等。在考试中写三十页类似的内容,至少需要10分钟。 于是,为了大家能够节约这宝贵的十分钟,建议大家提早到达考场。在考试前,当考官将空白的答题纸交给考生后,就疯狂的写上自己的信息。在这里省的每一秒钟,都是为未来的三小时节约一秒钟。千万不要抱着在考试中,一张一张用,一张一张填的态度。这种浪费时间的态度,无疑是自杀性的。 分数的判别 分数的判别是指,根据每题,或者每小题分数的多少,来分配所要回答的内容的量。这种技能在ITIL考试中很重要。 一道20分的论述题和一道4分的论述题在书写的量上是差别很大的。假设考题对每一个知识点给一分,则对20分的考题,建议考生需要写上23-24分的内容,以备有些内容不合格,或重复,而阅卷人还有机会帮你加一两分。而4分的考题,写到6,7个知识点也就够了。所以在看到考题后,还要看一下该提的分数,由此推策应该涉及的知识点的熟练。便于控制时间。
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