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实习医生格蕾S7E1-16独白S7E1 With you I’m born again Every cell in human body regenerates, on average, every 7 years  Like snakes, in our own way, we shed our skin  Biologically, we’re brand-new people  We may look the same. We probably do.  The change isn’t visible  At least not in ...

S7E1 With you I’m born again Every cell in human body regenerates, on average, every 7 years  Like snakes, in our own way, we shed our skin  Biologically, we’re brand-new people  We may look the same. We probably do.  The change isn’t visible  At least not in most of us  But we’re all changed  Completely,forever  人体的每一个细胞,平均每七年重生一次  和蛇类一样,我们用自己的方式蜕皮  从生物学角度来看,我们都是新生儿  我们也许看上去毫无变化,一如往常  但变化却匿于无形之中  至少我们中的大多数是这样  但我们都已经变了  彻底变了,永远地变了  When we say things like “people don’t change”,  It drives scientists crazy  Because change is literally  The only constant in all of science  Energy, Matter,  It’s always changing  Morphing,Merging, Growing, Dying  It’s the way people try not to change that’s unnatural  The way we cling to what things were,instead of letting them be what they are  The way we cling to old memories,instead of forming new ones  The way we insist on believing  Despite every scientific indication,that anything in this lifetime is permanent  Change is constant  How we experience change,that’s up to us  It can feel like death, or it can feel like a second chance at life  If we open our fingers, loosen our grips,go with it  It can feel like pure ********, like at any moment  We can have another chance at life,like any moment  We can be born all over again  当我们说,人是不会变的  这样的话总会让科学家们很恼火  因为改变实际上是所有学科中  唯一不变的真理  能量,物质  一直都在发生变化  转变,融合,成长,消亡  这就是人们尽量试着不去改变现状  我们执着于事物原本的样子,而不是让他们顺着自己的性子改变  我们执着于从前的记忆,而不是构筑新的记忆  我们始终坚信  尽管每一种学术的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 象说明,我们有生以来的所有事物都是不变的  改变却是一直存在的  我们如何经历改变,这取决于我们自己  它可以是绝望,也可以是重生  如果我们张开双手,松开拳头,顺其自然  感觉也好像肾上腺素爆发,在任何时刻  我们都可以有重生的机会,在任何时刻  我们都可以再次获得新生 S7E2 Shock to the system They say lighting never strikes twice But that’s a myth It doesn’t happen often Lightning usually gets it right the first time When you’re hit with 30000 amps of electricity,you feel it. It can make you forget who you are It can burn you, blind you, stop your heart and cause massive internal injurie But for something that happens in only a millisecond It can change your life forever 传说闪电不会再同一个地方击中两次 但那只是传说而已 这种情况并不常见 闪电通常一击即中 当你被三万安培的电流击中时,你就会明白的 它会让你忘记原来的自己 它会让你灼伤,失明,心脏停跳,还会导致严重的内伤 但是那些瞬间发生的事情 却可能永远改变你的人生 Even if it feels like the shock is coming over and over again Eventually, the pain will go away,the shock will wear off And you start to heal yourself To recover from something you never saw coming But sometimes, the odds are in you favor If you’re in just the right place, at just the right time You can take a hell of a hit  And still have a shot at surviving 尽管你觉得昨日的创伤不断重现 终有一天,痛苦会消失,创伤会愈合 你开始自我疗伤 从出人意料的创伤中复原 但有时形势对你有利 如果你占据地利和天时 即使经历重大打击 你仍有一线生机 S7E3 Superfreak Most surgeons grew up being freaks While other kids played outside, we holed up in our rooms Memorizing the periodic table Huddling for hours over our junior microscopes Dissecting our first frog Imagine how surprised and relieved we were when we grew up and found out there were others out there, just as freaky as we were. Same microscopes, same dead frogs, same inexplicable urge to take human beings apart 大多数外科医生从小就是怪胎 当别的小孩在外面玩的时候,我们却在屋子里 背元素周期表 在低级显微镜前蹲上几小时 第一次解剖青蛙 想象一下当我们长大以后发现,还有不少人和我们一样怪胎时,我们有多么惊讶多么释然 一样的显微镜,一样的死青蛙,一样的想解剖人的莫名冲动 Nobody chooses to be a freak Most people don’t even realize they’re a freak until it’s way too late to change it But no matter how much of a freak you end up being Chances are, there’s still someone out there for you Unless, of course, they’ve already moved on Because when it comes to love, even freaks can’t wait forever 没有人想成为怪胎 大部分人都没有意识到自己是怪胎,等意识到的时候已经来不及了 不管你最后变成怎样的怪胎 总会有真命天子在等待你 当然,除非他们开始了新的生活 因为即使是怪胎,也不可能无休止的等待真爱 S7E7 That’s me trying Question, when was the last time a complete stranger took off her clothes in front of you, Pointed to a big purple splotch on her back, and ask, “What the hell is this thing?” If you’re normal person, the answer is hopefully,never. If you’re a doctor, the answer is probably about five minutes ago. People expect doctors to have all of the answers The truth is, we love to think that we have all of the answers,too. Basically, doctors are know-it-alls. Until something comes along that reminds us we’re not 请问,上一次,一个陌生人在你面前宽衣解带 指着她背上一块紫斑问 “这是怎么回事”是什么时候 如果你是普通人,答案很可能是,没遇到过 如果你是医生,答案可能是,五分钟以前吧 人们希望医生无所不知 事实上,我们也愿意把自己想象成无所不能 基本来说,医生无所不能 直到出了问题,让我们明白事实并非如此 We’re all looking for answers In medicine, in life, in everything Sometimes the answers we’re looking for have been hiding just below the surface Other times, we find answers when we didn’t even realize, we were asking the question. Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for We’re still left with a whole hell of a lot of questions. 我们都在寻找答案 不论是在医学上,在生命中,还是在所有的一切中 有时我们苦苦寻觅的答案就藏在表象之下 有时,我们甚至没有意识到自己在提出问题,再按就自动浮出了水面 有时,答案来的猝不及防 有时,即使我们找到了寻觅已久的答案, 我们仍然还要面对各种各样的问题。 S7E9 Slow night, so long We doctors take pride in the fact that we can basically sleep standing up. Anytime, anywhere. But it’s a false pride, because the truth is  After about 20 hours without sleep, you might as well just come to work drunk,doctor or not So it’s no wonder that fatal medical errors increase at night. When we doctors are proudly sleeping on our feet. Recently, our communal pride has been shattered And our egos have been wounded by new laws That require that we sleep all day before we work all night We’re not happy about it But as someone who may one day need medical care, you really should be 作为医生,我们引以为豪的一件事是我们基本可以站着睡觉 无论何时何地 但这只是金玉其外罢了,因为实际上 连续二十个小时不睡觉,还不如喝的酩酊大醉再去上班,不管你是不是医生 所以重大医疗事故的发生率会在夜间突增 那会儿我们这些医生正在骄傲地站着打盹儿呢 最近,我们的行业自豪感成了泡影 新的规定让我们爆棚的自尊心瞬间萎靡 新规定要求,如果白天不睡觉,晚上就不能值夜班 新规定让我们很不高兴 但是作为一个有朝一日也可能会生病的人,其实我们应该暗自庆幸 Under the cover of darkness, people do things they’d never do under the harsh glare of day Decisions feel wiser, people feel bolder But when the sun rises, we have to take responsibility for what you did in the dark And face yourself under the cold, harsh light of day 在夜幕的掩盖下,人们会做出白天永远不会做的事 更明智的决定,更大胆的医生 但当太阳照常升起时,我们必须为黑夜里自己的行为承担责任 去迎接冷冽刺眼的清晨曙光 S7E10 Adrift and at peace The first 24h after surgery are critical Every breath you take, every fluid you make is meticulously recorded and analyzed Celebrated, or mourned But what about the next 24 hours? What happens when that first day turns to two and weeks turn in months? What happens when the immediate danger has passed, when the machines are disconnected and the teams of doctors and nurses are gone? Surgery is when you get saved. But post-op, after surgery, is when you heal But what if you don’t? 术后二十四小时至关重要 你的每一次呼吸,每一次补液 都被一丝不苟地 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 分析 或生或死,悬此一线 但在此之后的二十四小时呢? 而当日子一天天过去,年月消逝,又是怎样的情形呢? 当捱过最初的危险期,重症监护器全部撤掉,医护人员均已离去,又将如何? 手术救你于危命,但术后,离开手术台,便是痊愈的过程 但若无法痊愈呢? The goal of any surgery is total recovery To come out better than you were before Some patients heal quickly and feel immediate relief For others the healing happens gradually And it’s not until months or even years later, that you realize, you don’t hurt anymore. So the challenge after any surgery is to be patient But if you can make it through the first weeks and months If you believe that healing is possible Then you can get your life back But that’s a big if. 手术的目标是完全康复 比你之前的样子要好 一些病人很快就能治好并缓解痛苦 其他的一些病人治疗过程比较缓慢 并且直到数月甚至几年之后,你才意识到,伤痛消失了 所以所有手术之后的挑战就是要有耐心等待 但如果你能撑过第一个星期和第一个月 如果你坚信你能治好 那你就能恢复从前的生活 但这是一个很大的假设 S7E11 To a degree, medicine is a science But I would argue that it’s also an art The doctors who see medicine as science only? You don’t want them by your side when your bleeding won’t stop Or when your child is screaming in pain The clinicians go by the book The artists follow their guts The artists feel your pain, and they go to extremes to make it stop Extreme measures…that’s where science ends and art begins 应该说,医学是一门科学 但我认为,医学也是一门艺术 那些把医学仅仅当作科学的医生 你流血不止时,或者孩子痛得尖叫时 不会希望他们来医治的 临床医生墨守成规,而艺术家追随灵感 艺术家感觉得到你的伤痛,倾其所有相救 倾其所有,这就是科学和艺术的分界点 Surgery is extreme We cut into your body, take out pieces, and put what’s left back together Good thing life doesn’t come with a scalpel Because if it did…when things started to hurt We would just cut and cut and cut The thing is, what we take away with a scalpel We can’t ever get back So like I said…good thing 手术相当极端 切开病患身体,取出病变部分,再把剩下的缝合 好的是,生活中没有手术刀 否则事情变糟时,我们就只会抽刀切掉 被手术刀切掉的,我们永远找不回来 正如我所言,没有手术刀是件好事 S7E12 People are really romantic about the beginning of the things Fresh start, clean slate, and world of possibilities But no matter what adventure you embark on You are still you You bring you into every new beginning in you life  So how different can it possibly be? 对于万事之始,人类总是心存浪漫 重新开始 从头再来 一切皆有可能 但不管你将踏上什么样的新旅程 你还是你 同一个你 站在不同的起点 所以又能有多少改变呢 It’s all anybody wants, right Clean slate… A new beginning? Like that’s gonna be any easier Ask the guy pushing the boulder up the hill Nothing’s easy about starting over Nothing at all 每个人都希望有机会尽释前嫌,重新开始,不是吗 好像这机会唾手可得似的 去问问西西弗为什么覆水难收 重新开始一点也不容易,一点也不容易 S7E13 Doctors practice deception all the time,we give vague answers to hard questions. We don’t talk about post-op pain,we say “you’ll experience some discomfort.”if you ddn’t die, we tell you, “the surgery went well”, but the placebo has to be the doctor’s greatest deception. Half of our patients, we tell the truth.the other half, we pray that the placebo effect’s real. And we tell ourselves that they’ll feel better anyhow,believing help’s on the way,when in fact, we leaving them to die. But the worst deception we practice is on ourselves,whichis why sometimes, it takes us a while to realize that the truth has been in front of us the whole time. 医生每天都在施展骗术,我们暧昧的回答难解问题 我们对术后疼痛绝口不提,我们只说“你会感到某些不适” 若你挺过这关,我们说手术很成功。 而医生最拿手的骗术莫过于安慰剂。 对半数病人,我们说真话;另一半,我们祈祷安慰剂能治好他们。 然后告诉自己 他们总都会感觉好些的,我们相信病人自有天象 然而事实上,我们却已将他们交付死神。 但我们施展最大的骗术还是迷惑了我们自己, 这就是为什么有时候 需要花费一段时间才能让我们意识到 其实真相一直都摆在我们眼前。 S07E14.P.Y.T.(Pretty.Young.Thing) One of the hardest lessons as a doctor is learning to prioritize. We're trained to do all we can to save life and limb. But if cutting off a limb means saving a life, we learn to do it without hesitation. It's not an easy lesson to learn, and it always comes down to one question... What are the stakes? What do we stand to gain or lose? At the end of the day, we're just gamblers trying not to bet the farm. 医生最难把握的事情之一是如何分清主次。 前辈们教导我们要竭尽全力挽救生命,保全肢体。 但如果切掉一条腿可以拯救生命,我们会毫不犹豫地执行。 分清主次不是件容易的事情。 而且搞不好会产生另一个问题。 风险问题。 我们能承受住怎样的得与失 当一天结束之时,我们都只是一群勉强没把家底输光的赌棍 Surgery is a high-stakes game. And no matter how high the stakes, sooner or later you are just gonna have to go with your gut. And maybe, just maybe, that will take you right where you were meant to be in the first place. 手术是一场高风险的比赛 无论代价多大,你迟早会跟着心灵走 说不定,仅仅是可能它就带着你走向你该去的地方 S07E15.Golden.Hour How much can you actually accomplish in an hour? Run an errand maybe? Sit in traffic? Get an oil change? When you think about it, an hour isn't very long. 60 minutes. 3,600 seconds. That's it. In medicine, though an hour is often everything. We call it the golden hour. That magical window of time that can determine whether a patient lives... or dies. 一小时里到底能做多少事 或许能跑趟腿 苦等塞车 换一次机油 想起来, 一小时时间没有很长 60分钟 3600秒 仅此而已 然而, 对医生来说, 一个小时可以改变一切 我们称之为"黄金一小时" 这扇神奇的时间之窗 决定着病人的生 与死 An hour... One hour… can change everything...forever. An hour can save your life. An hour can change your mind. Sometimes an hour is just a gift we give ourselves. For some, an hour can mean almost nothing. For others... an hour makes all the difference in the world. But in the end... it's still just an hour... One of many... Many more to come. 60 minutes...  3,600 seconds... That's it. And then it starts all over again. And who knows what the next hour might hold? 一小时 一个小时就足以永远地改变一切 一小时足以救你一命 一小时足以让你转变心意 有时一小时只是我们给自己的一点奖励 对有些人来说   一小时可能毫无意义 而对其他人, 一小时就足以扭转乾坤 然而, 到头来 也只是一个小时而已 平凡无奇 来日良多 60分钟 3600秒 仅此而已 过后又是   新的征程 谁又能知道下面这一个小时会带来什么 S07E16.Not.Responsible Everyone figures doctors are the most responsible people they know. They hold lives in their hands. They're not flakes.  They don't lose track of important details or make stunningly bad judgment calls. 'Cause that would be bad, right? 每个人都觉得医生是所有人中最负责任的 他们掌控生死   绝非马虎之人 他们不会漏掉重要的细节 也不会做出太离谱的判断 因为那样一来就糟了   不是吗 We are responsible... with our patients. The problem is... we blow it all out at work. In our own lives, we can't think things through. We don't make the sound choice. We did that all day at the hospital. When it comes to ourselves, we've got nothing left. And is it worth it, being responsible? 'cause if you take your vitamins... Of course. and pay your taxes and never cut the line, the universe still gives you people to love, and then lets the***ip through your fingers like water. And then what have you got? Vitamins... and nothing. 我们对病人 都很负责 但问题是 这仅限于工作时 在我们的一生中   我们无法面面俱到 无法作出万无一失的选择 我们每天在医院都是这样 当事情发生在自己身上时   我们就什么都不是了 这么负责 值得吗 因为如果你服下了维生素 没问题 缴纳了税款 从不违规犯法 这个世界还是有让你去爱的人的 然后让他们溜走   就像水流过你的指缝 之后你还剩下什么 除了维生素   你一无所有
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