首页 管道防腐保温施工方案



管道防腐保温施工方案管道防腐保温施工方案 重庆百事可乐项目机电安装工程 编 制: 审 核: 批 准: 中国南海工程有限公司 二??八年十一月四日 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are...

管道防腐保温施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 重庆百事可乐项目机电安装工程 编 制: 审 核: 批 准: 中国南海工程有限公司 二??八年十一月四日 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 目 录 1. 适用范围 2. 编制依据 3. 施工程序 4. 主要施工机具 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 5. 施工人员计划 6. 施工进度计划表 7. 施工技术 8. 施工质量控制 9. 施工质量检验 10. 安全技术措施 institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused olevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -s, highalentking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading tattend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thin ies toknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-ant position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellimporting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most nds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promotransformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kiupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise t2and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support high, ills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and qualityn "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" sk 重庆百事可乐项目机电安装工程 设备、管道防腐保温 施工方案 围墙砌筑施工方案免费下载道路清表施工方案下载双排脚手架施工方案脚手架专项施工方案专项施工方案脚手架 管道防腐保温施工方案 1. 适用范围: 本方案适用于各种碳钢管道、设备及其支架的防腐和绝热施工。 2. 编制依据: 业主提供的施工图及有关技术资料, 《工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范》GBJ126-89 《防腐蚀工程施工及验收技术规范》HGJ229-91 3. 施工程序: 防腐施工程序: 表面处理 涂刷底漆 涂表漆 检查、交工验收 保温施工程序: 外壳预制和内模预制 管线表面处理 涂刷绝热漆 自检 安装绝热层 安装内模骨架,根据实际要求, 安装保护层 自检 交工、验收 4. 主要施工机具计划:,见施工组织设计, 5. 施工人员计划:,见施工组织设计, 6. 施工进度计划表:,见施工组织设计, 见施工组织设计。 7. 施工技术: 为保证产品长寿命运行~减少热、冷损耗~满足工艺要求~并使产品美观、整洁~ 防腐绝热施工人员要严格按照有关 规程 煤矿测量规程下载煤矿测量规程下载配电网检修规程下载地籍调查规程pdf稳定性研究规程下载 、规范进行施工~遵守本方案的施工要求。 防腐蚀施工: 设备、管道除锈用手工或机械除锈。除锈要求彻底~达到露出光滑金属表面的程度~除锈等级达到St2级。施工时不得使金属表面受损或变形~除锈完后用擦布将表面浮灰 3quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportand with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, lly focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to oldinstitutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especialevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -eading talents, highical lstrategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technologiversities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and un-sit the welle most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to viin th key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisersrs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is ransformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneuupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise t 中国南海工程有限公司 清理干净, 设备、管道除锈后~要及时刷好防腐底漆~底漆的型号按设计规定。底漆的配制要稍粘稠,保证拉开刷子即可,~底漆要求涂刷均匀~第二遍底漆要在第一遍底漆干后进行。两遍底漆刷完后应看不到金属面, 刷面漆宜在压力试验合格后进行。面漆的型号颜色按设计要求。施工环境温度宜为15,30?~相对湿度不大于80%。不同厂家、不同品牌的涂料在未经试验前不能掺合使用, 涂料配制要合理~粘度适当并搅拌均匀~如有结皮或其他杂物~必须清除后施工~施工前要进行试涂。刷涂时层内要纵横交错~每层宜反复进行~涂均为止。刷涂时要均匀~不得漏涂。涂层数目符合设计规定~面层应顺着介质流向涂刷。每涂层间隔时间按涂层使用说明~涂层表面要求平滑无痕~颜色一致~无针孔、气泡、流坠、粉化及破损现象。 设备、管道绝热: 保温 a. 保温要在防腐完成后~对于需作压力试验的设备、管道要在压力试验合格后进 行。保温材料、保温厚度要根据设计文件规定, b. 施工前必须对所采用的保温材料进行质量检查。保温材料必须要产品质量证明 书或出厂合格证~其规格、性能等技术指标要符合设计要求, c. 保温施工方法采用捆扎法。保温拼缝宽度不应大于5mm~同层应错缝~上下层 压缝~各段的搭接长度不宜小于50mm。水平管的纵向接缝~不宜布臵在管道 垂直中心线45?范围~接缝用铝胶带粘实, 保冷 a. 根据本工程的特点~以及同类工程的实际施工经验~为了提高保冷效果、施工 质量及缩短工期~在经得甲方与设计单位同意的情况下~建议采用PEF进行管 道的保冷工作。否则保冷材料仍按设计要求, b. 碳钢管道保冷要在管道防腐完成后~需要试压设备、管道应在试压合格后进行, c. 管道PEF保冷施工方法: (a) PEF保冷厚度与温度对照表如下 and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support high, ills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and qualityn "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skinstitutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused olevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -s, highalentking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading tattend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thin ies toknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-ant position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellimporting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most nds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promotransformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kiupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise t4 重庆百事可乐项目机电安装工程 设备、管道防腐保温施工方案 保冷工程用PEF厚度对照表 管子标称 A 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90 101215200 2530平 0 5 0 0 0 管内温度? B 1/2 3/4 1 11/11/2 21/3 31/4 5 6 8 10 12 板 4 2 2 2 20.0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15.0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10.0 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5.0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0.0 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 -5.0 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 40 -10.0 25 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 -15.0 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 45 50 -20.0 30 35 35 35 40 10 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 55 -25.0 35 35 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 55 60 -30.0 35 40 40 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 55 55 55 55 60 65 -35.0 40 40 45 45 45 50 50 50 55 55 55 60 60 60 60 70 -40.0 40 45 45 50 50 50 55 55 55 60 60 60 65 65 65 75 (b) 施工前要对保冷材料进行质量检查~材料要有产品格证或质量证明书、规格、 型号符合设计要求, (c) 保冷施工采用粘贴法。首先将选定的保冷材料沿着型材自身搭接缝割开~割开 的断面宜成45?~将需要保冷的管道用展开的PEF包好~在断面上涂抹好粘 结剂。粘结剂要求抹均匀~涂抹厚度为2.5, 3mm~将粘结截面压紧、粘牢~ 粘贴时挤出缝外的 粘结剂要及时刮去。管道在粘结保冷层时要采用层铺法~ 同层要错缝、上下压缩。 d. 当采用聚胺脂材料进行保冷时~保冷厚度按设计要求进行~根据现场实际情况 5quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportical land with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, lly focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to oldinstitutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especialevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -eading talents, highstrategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technologiversities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and un-sit the welle most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to viin th key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisersrs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is ransformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneuupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise t 中国南海工程有限公司 采用现场喷涂或预制管段的施工方法。 (a) 施工前要按正式喷涂工艺及条件进行试涂~当有发泡不良、脱落、发酥、 发脆、发软、开裂孔过大等缺陷时~必须查清原因~并合理调整配料比例~ 再次喷涂直至合格, (b) 当采用现场发泡方法保冷施工时~要划出标志控制喷涂层厚度~喷涂自上 而下~分层、分段、分片进行~接茬处必须结合良好~涂层要均匀~室外 喷涂时~风力大于三级、酷暑、雾天及雨天均不宜进行施工, (c) 当采用现场预制方法保冷时~要根据设备、管子的型号及保冷厚度~先预 制好模具~用喷射机将原液喷入模具内~预制好保冷管~然后再将其包需 保冷的管道上。 绝热保护层 保护层的材料按设计要求, 直管保护壳的外周长下料应比绝热层外周长加长30,50mm~护壳环向搭接一端应压出凸筋,较大直径管道的护壳纵向搭接也应压出凸筋,环向搭接尺寸不得少于50 mm~管道弯头部位金属护壳环向与纵向接缝的下料应根据接缝型式确定, 弯头与直管段的保护壳搭接的具体要求如下: 高温管道应为75 , 150mm,中低温管道应为50 ,70mm,保冷管道为30 , 50mm~搭接部位不得固定。 水平管道保护壳的环向接缝沿管道坡向搭向低处~其纵向接缝宜布臵在水平中心线下方15 , 45?处~缝口朝下,垂直管道保护层的敷设应由下而上进行~搭缝应上搭下, 管道保护层除环向活动缝外~应用抽蕊铆钉固定。保温管道可采用自攻螺丝固定~固定间距宜为200 mm~但每道缝不少于4个, 露天或潮湿环境中保温管道或保冷管道搭接缝处要涂抹密封胶。 管道上的观察点、检测处、维修处必须做成可拆卸式结构~可拆式结构的绝热层宜为二剖分的组合型式。靠近法兰连接处的绝热层应在管道一侧留有螺栓长度加25mm的空隙。 8. 施工质量检验: 防腐蚀工程按照《工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范》HGJ229-91进行质量检验~手工除锈要求达到St2级。涂料施工过程中~应随时检查涂层层数及涂刷质量, 6and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support high, ills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and qualityn "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skinstitutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused olevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -s, highalentking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading tattend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thin ies toknown enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universit-ant position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellimporting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most nds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promotransformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kiupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise t 重庆百事可乐项目机电安装工程 设备、管道防腐保温施工方案 完工后进行外观检查~涂层应光滑平整~颜色一致~无气泡、剥落、漏刷、反锈、透底和起皱等缺陷~用5 , 10倍放大镜检查~无微孔者为合格。使用磁性测厚仪测定涂层厚度~其偏差不得小于设计规定的5%为合格。 绝热工程按照《工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范》GBJ126-89进行质量检验~设备每50m2~管道每50m抽查三处~工程量不是50m2或50m的~应抽查三处~其中一处不合格加倍取点复查~仍有1/2不合格的就为不合格。 保护层的平整度用1米长靠尺进行检查~允许偏差?4mm。保护不得有松脱、翻边、割口、翘缝和明显凹坑~环向接缝应与管道保持垂直~纵向应于管道保持平行。 9. 安全技术措施: 按本项目部制定的“环境、职业健康安全管理方案”执行。 7quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful supportical land with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, lly focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to oldinstitutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especialevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -eading talents, highstrategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technologiversities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and un-sit the welle most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to viin th key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisersrs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is ransformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneuupgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise t 中国南海工程有限公司
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