首页 艾德纺织软件应用说明书



艾德纺织软件应用说明书艾德纺织软件应用说明书 系统运行的环境: 一、服务器运行环境 C P U :奔腾四1.7G以上 内 存:256M(建议使用512M)以上 硬 盘:至少1G的可用空间 显 示 器:VGR显示分辨率在1024*768以上 操作系统:为windows2000 server以上 数 据 库:Oracle 8.0. 二、客户端运行环境 C P U:奔腾三800MHZ以上 内 存:128M(建议256M)以上 硬 盘:至少500M硬盘可用空间 显 示 器:VGR显示分辨率在1024*768以上 操作系...

艾德纺织软件应用说明 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 系统运行的环境: 一、服务器运行环境 C P U :奔腾四1.7G以上 内 存:256M(建议使用512M)以上 硬 盘:至少1G的可用空间 显 示 器:VGR显示分辨率在1024*768以上 操作系统:为windows2000 server以上 数 据 库:Oracle 8.0. 二、客户端运行环境 C P U:奔腾三800MHZ以上 内 存:128M(建议256M)以上 硬 盘:至少500M硬盘可用空间 显 示 器:VGR显示分辨率在1024*768以上 操作系统:中文版windows98./windows2000/windowsXP road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 目录 第一章 系统基础数据的设置 ——————————————— 1 一、物料类设置 ————————————————————————— 3 二、其他类信息设置 ——————————————————————— 8 三、财务基础数据的设置 —————————————————————10 第二章 仓库管理 —————————————一—————— 17 一、数据的录入 ———————————————————————— 17二、数据的处理 ———————————————————————— 22三、统计报表 ————————————————————————— 24 第三章 采购管理 ——————————————————————— 25一、数据的录入 ————————————————————————— 25二、数据的查询 ————————————————————————— 29第四章 销售管理 ——————————————————————— 30一、数据录入—————————————————————————— 30二、数据处理—————————————————————————— 35三、统计报表查询———————————————————————— 38第五章 财务管理————————————————————39一、应收管理 —————————————————————————— 39二、应付管理 —————————————————————————— 43三、出纳管理——————————————————————————— 44 第六章 委外管理————————————————————46一、数据录入—————————————————————————— 46二、数据处理—————————————————————————— 52三、统计报表——————————————————————————— 52第七章 通知管理————————————————————52一、发货通知—————————————————————————52 二、付款通知———————————————————————————54第八章 成本管理———————————————————— 55 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 2 - 艾德软件 第一章、 系统基础数据的设置 基础资料是指使用本系统所需要的最基本的信息库,包括物料,供应商,客户,职员,仓库,部门,地区,会计科目,常用摘要等内容,在系统使用之初,这些基础数据的输入是必须完成的工作。 接下来,我们就来介绍以上基本信息的输入步骤: 一、 物料类设置: 1、物料(产品)的输入 (1) 双击桌面快捷方式,输入密码,进入系统 (2) 在桌面左方的子系统名称当中,找到“基础数据”项,点击打开, 出现如图界面: 图1.1 (3) 双击物料属性图标,出现: (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 3 - 图1.2 (4)点击工具栏中的“插入”按钮: 就是这个 图1.3 桌面会弹出这个对话框: 图1.4 (5)由下拉按钮选择“物料性质”,输入“物料编码”,“物料名称”“成分”“门幅”“单位”“主要仓库”“供应商”等内容,其中,物料编码,名称,单位,三项为必填项,其它内容可以根据 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 填写。填写完成后,点击“保存”按钮,再点击“增加”按钮,继续输入新的物料产品。已经输入的产品则会自动保存到系统信息当中。 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 4 - 艾德软件 2、 输入颜色信息 (1)点击“颜色设置”出现以下界面: 图1.5 (2)点击工具栏中的插入,输入颜色编码,名称,再继续点击插入,输入第二个颜色信息,输入完毕后点击“保存”按钮保存,输入错误点击删除按钮删除,重新输入。每次进行修改后,注意点击”保存”按钮以确认修改。 3、 输入仓位设置信息 (1)点击“仓位设置”出现以下界面: 图1.6 (2)点击工具栏中的插入,输入仓库编码,名称,仓位编码,仓位名称,再继续点击插入,输入第二个仓位信息,输入完毕后点击“保存”按钮保存,仓位输入完成。进行修改后,注意点击”保存”按钮以确认修改。 4、输入生产工序信息: (1)点击“生产工序”出现以下界面 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 5 - 图1.7 (2)点击工具栏中的插入,由工序栏下拉菜单选择工序,输入工序名称,编码,生产名称,再继续点击插入,输入第二个工序信息,输入完毕后点击“保存”按钮保存,输入完成。进行修改后,注意点击”保存”按钮以确认修改。 5、给物料产品添加颜色信息。 )双击“物料属性”打开窗口,出现以下界面: (1 颜色按钮 图1.8 (2)点击所要选择的物料,再点击”颜色”按钮左面将出现对话框: greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 6 - 艾德软件 颜色保存 颜色增加 图1.9 (3)在色号当中输入色号,颜色,和最低库存信息,增加颜色信息点击对上图中标注的“增加”按钮根据物料的的颜色数量输入,输入完成后点击上图中标注的“保存”按钮保存输入的信息。 *注:增加的颜色项不能留有空白,否则无法保存,出现如下图提示: 不能留有这样的空白 图1.10 6、给物料添加工序信息 (1)双击“物料属性”打开窗口,出现以下界面: (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 7 - 加工按钮 图1.11 (2)点击所要选择的物料,再点击”加工”按钮左面将出现对话框: 图1.12 (3)点击“加工后物料编码”的下拉菜单,选择所选择的物料加工后的名称情况,在点击“加工工序”下拉菜单,选择加工工序,要增加其它信息点击“增加”按钮,按以上步骤操作,完成后点击“保存”按钮,保存输入的信息。 *注:增加的加工工序项不能留有空白,否则无法保存 二、 其他类信息的设置: 1、客户信息的输入 (1)在桌面左方的子系统名称当中,找到“基础数据”项,点击打开,出 现如图界面: greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 8 - 艾德软件 图1.13 (2)双击“客户设置”图标,出现以下界面: 图1.14 (3)点击工具栏中的“插入”按钮,输入客户编码,客户名称,赊销信用(输入最大值,如:信用额度为一百万,则输入999999元)在地区类别的下拉菜单中选择该客户所在的地区(地区设置方法见下文),输入地址,电话等信息。其中客户编码,名称是必填项,其他项按企业需要填写。 2、地区信息的输入 (1)双击“地区设置”打开窗口 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 9 - 图1.15 (2)点击工具栏中的“插入”按钮,输入编码,地区名称。多个输入则连 续操作,完成后点击“保存”按钮完成设置。 3、供应商信息的输入 (1)双击“供应商设置”,出现以下界面: 图1.16 (2)点击工具栏中的“插入”按钮,输入供应商编码,供应商名称。选 择地区类型,地址,电话,传真等相关信息。多个供应商设置输入则连续操 作,完成后点击“保存”按钮完成设置。 4、本企业部门设置 (1)双击“部门设置”出现以下界面: greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 10 - 艾德软件 图1.17 (2)如果要增加部门,请点击“插入”按钮依次输入“部门编码”“部门名称”“部门类型”“仓库类型”输入完毕后,再点击“保存”按钮,以保存所输入的信息。 5、通讯录的设置 通讯录可以保存本公司内部人员以及客户供应商的通讯信息,方便及时的了解这些信息,操作步骤与上面介绍的方式相同,可参考以上操作,不再作详细介绍。 三、财务基础数据的设置: 打开艾德软件,点击主窗口当中的“财务管理”进入财务管理信息设置: 1、银行基本信息的输入 (1)点击财务管理当中的“出纳管理”,出现以下界面: 在这里 图1.18 (2)再双击上图所示窗口当中的“银行设置”图标,出现: (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 11 - 银行期初按钮 图1.19 (3)点击工具栏中的“插入”按钮,依次输入“银行名称”“银行帐号”选择“币种”“属性”等内容,再点击“保存”按钮,确认保存,保存完成后,再点击工具栏中的“银行期初”按钮,出现以下对话框: 下拉按钮 图1.20 点击“银行名称”的下拉按钮,选择银行,再在“余额金额”当中输入银行帐号的期初余额,完成后点击“设置”按钮,设置完成。 2、摘要设置 本窗口主要设置银行帐的收款/付款的原因。 (1)双击“摘要设置”图标,出现: greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 12 - 艾德软件 图1.21 (2)系统已经预设了一些收支名称,如果你还要加入,请点击图1.21工具栏当中的“插入”按钮,出现图1.22当中的黄色部分: 填写新内容 图1.22 (3)在当中输入“摘要编码”“名称”选择性质“收入”或“支出”选择“科目”再点击工具栏中的“保存”按钮,完成操作。 3、期初客户欠款的录入: (1)点击“财务管理”当中的“应收管理”出现: (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 13 - 客户应收冲红按钮 客户应收录入图标 图1.23 (2)双击“客户应收录入”图标(如图1.23),打开以下窗口: 图1.24 (3)在“应收类型”下拉菜单当中选择“调整余款”在“客户编码”当中选择客户,在“金额”当中输入客户应收款的明细金额(注,由于是欠款,金额应该输入负数),点击工具栏中的“保存”按钮,确认保存,再点击工具栏中的“审核”按钮,确认审核完成。 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 14 - 艾德软件 (4)要输入另一张单,请点击“插入”输入错误又没有审核的情况下点击“删除”,审核后只能做冲红处理(只能当天冲红,第二天后将不能进行此项处理),具体操作如下: 双击图1.23当中的“客户应收冲红”出现: .图1.25 再点击此窗口当中的“检索”按钮,出现对话框: 图1.26 此时当天应收款单都会出现在这个对话框当中,选择要冲红的单,点击“确 定”按钮,此时客户单明细会出现在图2.11当中,再点击图2.11当中工具栏 中的“冲红”按钮,确定冲红,冲红完成。 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 15 - 4、期初本企业应付款的设定: (1)点击“财务管理”当中的“应付管理”出现: 应付款冲红 应付款录入 图1.27 (2)双击“应付款录入”图标(如图1.27),打开以下窗口: 图1.28 (3)在“应收类型”下拉菜单当中选择“付款调整”在“供应商”当中选择供应商,在“金额”当中输入本单位应付款的明细金额,点击工具栏中的“保存”按钮,确认保存,再点击工具栏中的“审核”按钮,确认审核完成。 (4)要输入另一张单,请点击“插入”。按以上相同的操作,如果输入错误, greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 16 - 艾德软件 在没有审核的情况下点击“删除”审核后只能做冲红处理(只能当天冲红,第二天后将不能进行此项处理),具体操作如下: 双击图1.27当中的“应付款冲红”出现: 冲红按钮 图1.29 再点击此窗口当中的“检索”按钮,出现对话框 图1.30 此时当天应付款单都会出现在这个对话框当中,选择要冲红的单,点击“确定”按钮,此时客户单明细会出现在图1.29当中,再点击图1.29当中工具栏中的“冲红”按钮,确定冲红,冲红完成。 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 17 - 第二章、仓库管理 仓库管理系统主要用来处理仓库的收发业务,主要包括:仓库的盘点库存,采购的入仓记录,生产产品的入库,委外收货的入库,销售退货的进仓,仓库之间的调拨,报损,布料的合匹,等业务。 一、数据的录入: 1、盘盈单的输入 盘盈单就是将仓库盘点情况记录进电脑,作为仓库管理的基础性设置,通过盘盈单的输入,可以了解仓库库存情况,更好的为生产,采购,销售提供重要的信息。其基本操作如下: (1)在系统清单中点击仓库管理: 图2.1 (2)双击窗口的“仓库盘盈单”打开: 图2.2 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 18 - 艾德软件 (3)点击“对方单位”右边的空格处出现下拉按钮,选择进行盘点的单位,就是选择自己所在的仓库名称,点击“编码”下的空格,由下拉菜单中选择盘点的产品,由“色号”下方空格的下拉菜单选择该产品的色号,点回车键,在“缸号”下方空格处输入该产品缸号,在“仓位”下空格的下拉菜单选择仓位,按回车键,使光标跳入数量栏,输入数量,再按回车键,同品种产品自动跳入第二行,只输入数量即可。输入完毕后,点击工具栏中的“保存”按钮,确认保存,再点击工具栏中的“审核”按钮,审核后该产品数量进入系统当中,可以进行销售发货的开单。(不审核,产品信息没有进入电脑库存,无法进行销售开单)。 2、采购收货单的录入: 采购收货单是仓管人员将采购来的产品直接输入电脑 (1)在系统清单中点击仓库管理出现如图3.1的界面 (2)双击窗口的“采购收货单”: 图2.3 (3)在发生仓库下拉按钮当中选择收货的仓库,在“对方单位”下拉按钮当中选择供应商,品种的输入与盘盈单输入的操作是相同的,不再做重复的介绍。 3、生产入库单的输入: 生产入库就是将本企业生产部的产品的入库数量输入电脑 (1)在系统清单中点击仓库管理出现如图3.1的界面 (2)双击窗口的“生产入库单”: 出现的窗口内容和盘盈,收货内容是相同的,操作方式也一致,只是注意在“对方单位”的下拉菜单中,选择生产车间名称即可~ 4、委外收货单,销售退货单的输入:操作与以上操作相同; (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 19 - 5、仓库调拨单的输入 仓库调拨单是指本企业内部的产品调播,如从A仓库调往B仓库, (1)双击图3.1当中的“仓库调拨单”出现以下界面: 检索按钮 物 料 明 细 栏 图2.4 (2)如图3.4点击“物料库存情况”下的产品框,由下拉菜单中选择产品,由颜色下拉菜单中选择颜色,由缸号下拉菜单选择缸号,再点击“检索”按钮此时下方物料明细栏中会出现所选择的物料的库存情况,如图3.5 物料项 , 图2.5 (3)再双击该物料项(如图3.5标识),出现 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 20 - 艾德软件 小框 图2.6 (4)要调拨哪几匹布在选择栏下的小框内点击,出现一个小勾,再点击“确定”按钮,该物料的明细会出现在右边的仓库调拨单当中如图2.7: 图2.7 (5)如图2.7,在“调出仓库”“调入仓库”下拉菜单中选择所调出,调入的仓库,在“录入数量”当中输入实际调拨的数量,在“仓位”的下拉菜单中选定调入仓库的仓位,再点击工具栏中的保存按钮,确认保存,再点击“审核按 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 21 - 钮,”以确认审核,调拨完成。 6、仓库损耗单的录入: 双击图2.1当中的“仓库损耗单”出现以下界面: 图2.8 接下来的步骤与仓库调拨单的输入方法是一致的,不再做详细介绍, 7、仓库的合匹 (1)双击图2.1当中的“仓库合匹”出现以下界面: 仓库选择 图3.9 (2)在“仓库合匹单”下方的“仓库”下拉菜单中选择仓库(见图3.9当中 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 22 - 艾德软件 标识) (3)执行与“仓库调拨”第2,3,4步同样的操作,只是在第四步当中,把要合匹的几匹布前面的小勾勾上,点击“确认”按钮; (4)在第一行“仓位”下拉菜单中选择仓位,其他合匹的布会自动加上仓位,在点击“保存”再进行审核,合匹完成。 8、仓库的拆匹 仓库拆匹是合匹的反过程,操作和合匹相似,只是在拆匹单中“录入数量”把一个大数分成若干小数,不再做详细介绍。 二、数据的处理 1、仓单的审核 由于数据录入当中的所有数据必须要经过审核才能真正进入库存,因此,本 系统在这里设置一个审核处理项,便于使用者实时进行审核入库,具体步骤: (1)双击“仓单审核”出现如下界面: 图2.10 (2)点击工具栏中的检索出现 图2.11 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 23 - (3)在图2.11当中选择仓单,点击确定按钮,该单据会出现在图2.10当中,确认后点击工具栏中的“审核”按钮,进行审核。 2、仓单的冲红 如果仓单审核后发现仓单有错误,此时仓单不能进行修改,只能进行冲红,而且只能在当天晚上十二点之前进行,否则无法进行冲红处理。 其具体步骤: (1)双击“仓单冲红”出现如下界面: 冲红按钮 图2.12 (2)点击工具栏中的检索出现: 此时,当天审核后的仓单出现在下面对话框中: 图2.13 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 24 - 艾德软件 (3)在图2.13当中选择要冲红的仓单,点击确定按钮,该单据会出现在图2.12当中,确认后点击图2.12工具栏中的“冲红”按钮,进行冲红。 三、统计报表: 统计报表提供对进出仓,仓库库存,月结等情况的查询。 1、物料进出仓情况的查询 (1)点击统计报表,双击进出仓明细,出现如下界面: 图2.14 图2.15 (2)在“仓单类型”当中,选择仓单类型,在“仓库”当中选择查询的仓库,在“物料编码”当中选择要查询的产品名称,在“颜色”当中选择要查询的颜色,在 “时间”中调整所查询的时间段,(如果都不填写,那么查询的结果将是当天的所有进出仓情况的统计)再点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,那么在图2.14界面当中将显示你所需要的查询结果。 其它类型的查询和“进出仓明细”的查询步骤基本上是一样的,注意输入查询条件后,直接点击“检索”按钮操作即可。 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 25 - 第三章 采购管理 采购管理主要是用来处理企业的采购订单的录入,采购收货,采购统计等方面的业务。本管理系统的管理从三个方面来完成。 一、数据录入 1、采购订单的录入 (1)点击“采购管理”, “数据录入” 双击“采购订单录入”出现以下界面: 图3.1 (2)在“供应商”的下拉菜单中选择供应商名称,在“质量要求”“包装要求”当中输入订货要求(可填可不填),在物料编码当中选择产品,再选择“色号”“颜色”输入订货数量,单价,系统自动生成金额,输入交货时间,再点击“保存”“审核”完成操作。 2、采购收货的录入: (1)双击“采购收货录入”打开如下界面: greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 26 - 艾德软件 图3.2 (2)点击桌面右方“采购订单选择”的“供应商”下拉菜单,选择供应商,在“物料编码”输入物料名称,订单产品的情况会出现在右边,双击选中的物料,会出现如下的对于对话框: 图3.3 (3)在对话框中输入“缸号”“数量”等情况,点击确定按钮,此时该产品的情况会出现在产品收货单当中, (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 27 - 图3.4 (4)核对收货数量无误之后,在“仓库”项选择该产品存放的仓库,在“仓位”项选择产品存放仓位,点击“保存”按钮确认保存,再点击“审核”按钮进行审核,采购进仓完成。 *注:在采购收货之后,要进行应收款的生成处理,具体方法如下: (1)单击“财务管理” “应付管理” “应付款的生成”出现以下界面: 图3.5 (2)点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮出现对话框,当天所有审核后的采购收货单都会出现在当中,选中要生成应付款的单据,点击图3.6“确定”按钮 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 28 - 艾德软件 图3.6 (3)此时,本张收货单会出现在生成应付款的单据当中, 图3.7 (4)再点击工具栏中的“生成应付款”按钮,生成应付款操作完成 如果生成应付款出现错误,则进行如下操作: (1)单击“财务管理” “应付管理” 双击“应付款取消”出现以下界面: (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 29 - 图4.8 (2)点击“检索” 按钮,出现对话框 图3.9 选中你要取消的应付款,点击“确定”此张单据会出现在“应付款取消”的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 中,点击取消应付款,操作完成,(注:此操作只限于取消当天生成的应付款) 3、采购退货的录入 采购退货的录入操作方法和采购收货是相同的,不再作详细的介绍。 二、数据的查询(统计报表) 1、采购订单明细查询: (1)点击“采购管理” “统计报表” 双击“采购订单明细”出现: greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 30 - 艾德软件 图 3.10 (2)在“制单日期”当中选定所要查询的时间段,在“物料编码”当中选定所查询的产品名称,在“供应商”当中选定查询的供应商名称(本部分查询可以模糊查询,如:只输入时间段,所查询的结果将是所选定的时间段内所有订单)再点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,要查询的结果将会出现在采购订单明细当中。 其他数据的查询和订单查询的操作步骤是相同的,不再做详细的介绍。注意输入查询条件后,直接点击“检索”按钮操作即可。 第四章、销售管理 销售管理主要是用来处理企业的客户访谈记录,销售订单的录入,销售收货,销售统计等方面的业务。本管理系统的管理从三个方面来完成。 一、数据的录入 1、客户访谈记录的录入 (1)点击“销售管理” “数据录入” “客户访谈记录”双击打开: (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 31 - 图4.1 依次填写表格当中的相关内容(带小框的可以进行勾选)将访谈内容填写完毕之后,点击“保存”按钮保存,要继续填写记录,请单击工具栏中的“新增单据”可以继续填写下一张访谈记录。 2、销售订单的录入 (1)双击销售订单打开: 图4.2 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 32 - 艾德软件 (2)在订单客户当中选择客户,输入 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 号,选择“付款方式”“质量要求”“备注”等再在产品编码当中选择产品,选择色号,单位,输入数量,交货日期等, (3)依次点击工具栏中“保存”“审核”完成操作。 3、销售发货的录入 (1)打开销售管理,双击“销售发货录入”出现: 图4.3 (2)点击左边“物料明细情况”当中的产品下拉按钮,选择出货的产品,在产地当中选择产地,选择批号,点击旁边“检索”按钮(注:不是工具栏中的检索按钮)此时,该产品的库存情况会出现在下方,如图: 图4.4 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 33 - 此操作可进行模糊查询:如只选择产品,那么所所显示的产品将是仓库存当中的所 有该产品 双击该产品,该产品的每件数量都会出现在当中如图4.5,在要销售的产品前“选择”的小框内点击小勾,再点击“检索”按钮旁边的“确认”按钮,则该产品会出现在销售发货单当中如图4.6,: 图4.5 图4.6 (3)在“销售发货单当中”选择客户,付款方式、运输方式、仓库,等内容,再在下方销售物料明细当中输入销售的数量、单价,然后点击工具栏中的“保存”按钮,再确认进行“审核”,本次操作完成。 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 34 - 艾德软件 4、销售发货出库录入 本出库录入指未经结帐的出库,具体操作是: (1)双击“销售发货出库录入”出现: 图4.7 (2)根据出货产品的名称等,在“物料明细情况”里选择“产品”“颜色”“缸号”“数量”再点击“检索”按钮,此种物料情况就会出现在下方的明细当中(此项也可以进行模糊采询,如只输入其中一项点击“检索”按钮): 检索按钮 图4.8 (3)在“选择”项下面小框(见图4.8标识)点击,出现小勾,再 点击图4.8当中的“确定”按钮,该产品会出现在图4.7当中的销售发货出库单当中,在数量栏里输入出库数量。 (4) 点击图4.7当中的“保存”按钮进行保存,在进行审核,操作完成。 5、销售发货结算 由于“销售发货出货”是从仓库直接发货,没有进行客户应收款的结算,在 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 35 - 财务系统当中予以结算,生成应收款操作如下: (1)点击“财务管理”,“应收管理”双击“销售发货结算”打开 图4.9 (2)在“已出库发货单” 上“客户”选项中选择客户,点击旁边“检索键”该客户的发货单就会出现在下方,选中后双击要结算的单据,该单据会出现在结算当中,输入单价,在系统自动形成金额, (3)点击工具栏中的保存,再点击“生成应收”按钮,应付生成,如客户来款,则可点击“客户来款”输入客户的来款情况。 6、销售基础数据的录入 本系统提供“销售发货备注设置”“收货地址设置”“业务员设置”“客户单价设置”“收货人设置等内容”可依据实际情况进行设置,不多作介绍。 二、数据处理 当相应的订单或发货单审核之后,也有可能由于一些特殊的原因导致所开的单据无效,此时,可以对其进行相应的处理,以使电脑数据反映真实的销售,库存情况。 1、订单的完成/取消 (1)依次点击“销售管理” “数据处理” 双击 “订单完成/ 取消”打开: greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 36 - 艾德软件 图4.10 (2)点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,出现对话框: 图4.11 在对话框中会出现所有订单的情况,选中所要完成或取消的订单,点击 10当中 “确定”按钮,订单详细情况会出现在图 4. (3)点击图 4.10工具栏中的完成或取消按钮,完成操作。 2、销售发货的冲红 (1)依次点击“销售管理” “数据处理” 双击 “销售发货的冲红”打开: (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 37 - 图4.12 (2)点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,出现对话框 图4.13 在对话框中会出现所有当天的销售发货单,选中所要完成或取消的发货单, 点击“确定”按钮销售发货单详细情况会出现在图 4.11 当中 (3)点击图 工具栏中的“冲红”按钮,完成操作 注,冲红处理只针对当天审核的单据有效~ 3、销售订单的跟踪 此操作能及时了解订单的完成情况。 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 38 - 艾德软件 (1)双击“销售订单的跟踪”出现 图4.14 (2)在“制单日期”选定查询的时间,在“客户”中选定客户,在“物料编码”中选择产品名称,(可模糊查询)再点击“检索”按钮查询。 三、统计报表的查询: 1、销售订单的明细查询 (1)依次点击“销售管理”“统计报表”双击“、销售订单明细”出现: 图4.15 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 39 - (2)在“日期”当中选定所要查询的时间范围,选择“客户”“物料编码”“部门”等项(此操作亦可以进行模糊查询)在点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,所查询的明细情况将会出现在图 4.14当中 其他查询操作和此操作一致,不再作详细介绍。 *注意:时间范围要选定,否则将只会检索出当天的单据。 第五章 财务管理 艾德软件为企业提供全面、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的财务处理工具,他主要包括:录入凭证、审核凭证、凭证记账、资金转帐、期末结帐等流程,他主要有三大部分构成,即,收款管理、付款管理,会计管理等构成。 一、应收管理 1、客户来款(实收款)的录入 (1)点击“财务管理” “ 应收管理” 双击“客户来款录入”打开: 前欠款按钮 图5.1 (2)在“客户名称”下拉菜单中选择客户,在“来款类型”下拉菜单中选择来款类型,根据实际输入发生的时间,选择付款方式,输入来款金额,如需了解前欠款,点击“前欠款”按钮,在输入完毕之后。 (3)再点击工具栏(工具栏见图5.2)当中的“保存”按钮,确认保存,再点击“审核”完成操作。 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 40 - 艾德软件 图5.2 2、应收款录入, 此操作和实收款录入基本相同; 3、销售结算在销售管理当中以进作了介绍。 4、销售退货录入 (1)双击“销售退货结算”打开窗口, 图5.3 (2)点击工具栏中“检索”键,则仓库入库的退货单会出现在弹出的对话框 当中: 图5.4 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 41 - (3)选中要结算的退货单,点击“确定”按钮,该张单据将会出现在图6.4当中,输入相关单价,系统自动形成金额, (4)点击工具栏中保存按钮,保存单据,再点击“生成应收”按钮生成应收款。 5、应收款的取消和单据冲红处理处理 包括销售发货、退货的结算取消,以及客户来款、应收款的冲红这里由于操作步骤相同,分别介绍一种操作 发货应收款的取消: (1)双击“销售发货结算取消” 图5.5 (2)点击工具栏中的“检索”当天的销售发货结算单会出现在弹出的对话框当中 图5.6 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 42 - 艾德软件 (3)选择要取消的应收款单,点击“确定”该单据会出现在图6.6当中,点击工具栏中的“取消结算”按钮,操作完成~ 客户来款冲红 (1)双击“客户来款冲红”: 图5.7 (2)点击工具栏中的“检索”当天的客户来款单会出现在弹出的对话框当中 图5.8 (3)选择要冲红的客户来款单,点击“确定”该单据会出现在图6.8当中,点击工具栏中的“冲红”按钮,操作完成~ *注:以上两项操作只能在当天完成,超过十二点就不能在进行上述处理 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 43 - 6、应收款各项的查询 包括客户来款、客户应收款、客户欠款、综合统计等。 我们选取客户来款明细来做介绍: (1)双击“客户来款明细” 图5.9 (2)在“检索条件”当中选定要查询的时间范围,在“客户”栏当中选定查询的客户,再点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,查询结果将出现在图5.9当中(可以进行模糊查询) 二、应付管理 1、应付款、实付款的录入(两种方式的录入基本相同,这里选取实付款录入介绍) )双击“实付款的录入”打开: (1 图5.10 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 44 - 艾德软件 (2)在供应商中选择供应商名称,在“付款类型”当中输入付款的类型,根据实际情况输入“发生日期”选择“付款方式”输入准确的金额, (3)单击工具栏中的“保存”按钮,保存后,再点击“审核”按钮进行审核。本次操作完成 2、冲红处理 冲红处理的操作步骤和应收款冲红处理的步骤是一样的。不再做介绍 3、采购应付款的生成/取消 本操作已经在“采购管理”当中做了介绍。 4、委外应付款生成/取消将在委外管理当中介绍。 5、实付款明细、应付款明细、供应商余额、应付款综合统计的查询方法和应收款各类查询一致 三、出纳管理 其中“银行设置”“摘要设置”的内容已经在基础设置当中作了介绍。 、银行日记账录入 1 (1)双击“银行日记帐录入”出现: 图5.11 (2)在“银行”栏当中选择银行名称,或是现金账,点击工具栏当中的“插入”按钮,出现: 图5.12 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 45 - (3)选择“收付方式”,“部门”在“摘要”当中选择原因,输入收入/支出金额,票据号,选择对方名称, (4)点击工具栏中的“保存”按钮保存,需要再输入,则点击“插入”,继续录入。 2、转帐入/出行操作 (1)双击“转帐入/出行”: 图5.13 (2)此时应收/应付当中转帐的单据会出现在窗口里,在“银行编码”当中选择银行,输入对应的转帐单号,点击“保存”按钮,操作完成。 3、以“银行日记账查询”为例介绍“银行帐日记明细”“银行日记账统计”“银行余额查询”的操作: (1)双击“银行日记账查询”出现: 图5.14 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 46 - 艾德软件 (2)在“银行”当中选择查询的银行,选择“部门”选定“记账日期”则该天的帐目情况会出现在明细当中,若想查询该天上一天下一天的情况,则点击“上一天”“下一天”按钮即可。 4、银行余额曲线图 (1)双击“银行余额曲线图”: 银行 图5.15 (2)在“银行”当中选择要查询的银行,选定日期再点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,此时图5.15当中会出现该银行的余额曲线图 第六章、委外管理 委外管理主要是处理企业委外加工的数据,纺织企业主要包括有染色、磨毛、涂层、植绒、印花等工序的委外加工,本系统提供订单、收货、退货的录入,单据的处理,及委外统计报表的查询。 一、数据的录入 1、订单的录入(染色、磨毛、涂层、植绒、印花) 以染色订单录入为例: (1)点击“委外管理”, “数据录入” 双击“染色订单录入” (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 47 - 检索按钮 物 料 明 细 栏 图6.1 (2)在“加工订单”当中“订单日期”输入时间,在“加工商代码”中选择加工商,选择“仓库”,在“物料明细情况”选择要委外加工的产品信息(可模糊查询)点击“检索”按钮,出现图7.2,再双击选中的物料,出现图7.3,在图7.3当中“选择”项的小框里勾选需要委外加工的物料。再点击“确定”按钮。则选中的物料会出现在加工订单当中,如图7.4,在单据里选择加工前颜色,加工后颜色,输入单价,系统自动产生金额。(注意:如果该物料在基础数据设置时没有设置加工的工序,则无法开出加工订单) 图6.2 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 48 - 艾德软件 图6.3 图6.4 (3)输入“门幅”点击“要求”按钮出现如图6.5 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 49 - 图6.5 (4)根据自己委外要求勾选,输入,完毕后,再点击“保存”按钮 (5)点击图7.1工具栏当中的“保存”按钮,保存后在进行审核,操作完成。 2、委外收货的录入 (1)双击“委外收货的录入”: 图6.6 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 50 - 艾德软件 (2)在“委外订单选择”选择供应商,合同号、物料编码,点击“检索”按钮,再双击检索选中的物料,出现: 图6.7 (3)输入“缸号”“收货数量”“单价”,再点击图6.7当中的“确定”按钮,该单据会出现在“收货单”当中如下图6.8,选择“仓位”再点击工具栏中的“保存”“审核”键,收货操作完成。 图7.8 3、仓库的委外收货 (1)双击“委外收货录入(仓库)” (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 51 - 图6.9 (2)在“加工商”当中选择加工商,在“物料编码”当中选择收货物料,在“选配”当中选择色号,输入缸号,收货数量,自动生成用坯数量,选择仓位,用坯仓位,用坯名称,输入用坯批号。 (3)输入完成后点击“保存”“审核”完成入仓操作。 4、委外应付款的结算 由于委外直接入仓无法结算应付款,这里要在财务管理中进行委外应付款的结算 (1)点击“财务管理”“应付管理”,双击“” 图6.10 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 52 - 艾德软件 (2)点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,委外收货(仓库)的录入单会出现在对话框当中,选定结算的单据,点击“确定”按钮即出现: 图6.11 (3)在图6.11的界面里输入单价,系统自动生成金额,再点击“保存”按钮保存,再点击生成应付款按钮完成此次应付款生成的操作。 5、委外应付款取消 此操作和其他的相同,不再做介绍 二、数据的处理 此操作与采购、销售的单据冲红处理一致,请参考上文的介绍。 *注:冲红处理只能冲红当天的单据 三、统计报表 此查询操作与其他查询操作一致,不做重复介绍。 第七章、通知管理 本管理系统主要是利用计算机网络的快捷的优势,及时准确的传递重要信息,避免不必要的失误。 一、发货通知 1、发货通知的录入 (1)点击“通知管理”“发货通知” 双击“发货通知录入” (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 53 - 图7.1 (2)如图7.1输入日期,选择“仓库”,“收货单位”在表格当中选择“物料编码”“颜色”“批号”,输入“匹数”,“计划数量”,“单价”(可输可不输) (3)在输入完毕后,依次点击工具栏中的“保存”“审核”完成操作 2、发货通知的完成/取消 (1) 双击“发货通知的完成/取消” 图7.2 (2)点击图7.2上方的单号,下方将会出现对应的明细,再点击工具栏中“取 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 54 - 艾德软件 消/完成”按钮。完成操作~ 3、发货通知明细查询 本明细查询和所有查询操作一致,不再重复说明 二、付款通知 1、付款通知的录入 (1)点击“通知管理” “付款通知” 双击“付款通知录入”: 图标7.3 (2)选择“付款部门”“付款类型”在表格当中选择“收款单位”输入“收款人”“付款项目”“金额”,如果是转帐,输入收款人帐号 (3)依次点击工具栏中的“保存”“审核”按钮按照提示完成操作。 2、付款通知的完成和取消 (1)双击“付款通知的完成和取消”: 图7.4 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 55 - (2)点击工具栏中的“检索”按钮,在弹出的对话框当中选择要进行操作的付款通知,点击对话框当中的“确定”按钮,此张通知会出现在图8.2当中,再点击工具栏中的“取消/完成”按钮,完成操作 3、 付款通知明细查询 此操作与介绍的其他查询操作是相同的,不再做介绍 第八章、成本管理 本系统提供对每月核算成本的操作,为经营者提供准确的成本数据 1、点击“成本管理”“成本核算”双击“坯布成本月结” 图8.1 2、输入月结的时间,再点击“检索”按钮,本时间的出入单据会出现在明细当中,再点击“月结”或“反月结”按钮完成相应的操作。注意:图8.1当中的红字 greatlyave been speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions h-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-speed, and high road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high- 56 - 艾德软件 这是进行月结的前提~~~ 3、坯布成本月结统计: 双击“坯布成本月结统计”打开图8.2的桌面,选择“月结年月”“物料编码”(可进行模糊查询)再点击“检索”按钮,该产品一个月时间的月结情况将会出现在明细栏中,方便查询 图8.2 (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatlyspeed, and high speed), darts -city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high- 57 -
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