首页 开题报告:沉湎过去就是死亡--论爱米丽的悲剧成因及《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的主题意义



开题报告:沉湎过去就是死亡--论爱米丽的悲剧成因及《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的主题意义开题报告:沉湎过去就是死亡--论爱米丽的悲剧成因及《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的主题意义 华南理工大学广州学院 本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 Submission to the Past Means Death --------On the Causes of Emily’s Tragedy and the Thematic Implication of A rose for Emily 沉湎过去就是死亡 --论爱米丽的悲剧成因及《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的主题意义 班 级 2009级英语1班 姓...

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Writing seventeen long novels and nearly one hundred short stories in total, He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949. A rose for Emily is well-known as one of William Faulkner’s short stories. As a representative work of southern literature, A rose for Emily never fails to fascinate readers, especially its heroine-Emily. The book tells us that Emily killed her lover and slept with his corpse for many years after the struggle among personality,traditional society and the real world. With the unconventional narrative point, the essay’s sequence in time is upside-down. The whole story keeps the readers in suspense. This thesis mainly discusses the causes for the heroine’s tragedy, expounding that women are persecuted by Southern traditional customs and patriarchy culture, and that with the downfall of the old times and coming of a new era, the new values and new codes of conduct and those of old times were in constant conflicts, which exerted unprecedented impact on people’s soul. Also, the thesis points out that Puritanism exerted a terrible shackle and deep oppression on the human nature. Hence, instead of retreating to the past to seek refuge, man should strive to abandon the traditional southern dross and maintain the traditional southern virtues to revive the human nature in a world of crisis. 2. Aim and Objectives A rose for Emily is one of Faulkner’s best short stories, which is comparable to all the long novels that Faulkner has written. By expounding the causes for heroine’s tragedy, this thesis aims to show us that Puritanism exerted a terrible shackle and deep oppression on people, and that femininity was persecuted behind Southern traditional custom and patriarchy culture, thus pointing out that man should strive to abandon the traditional southern dross and maintain the traditional southern virtues to revive the human nature in a world of crisis. 3. Research Method The thesis is conducted in the ways of close reading, literature review, comparative study and case study within the framework of formalist criticism. 4. Research Questions The research, by expounding the causes of Emily’s tragedy, aims to show us that Emily was persecuted by Southern traditional customs and patriarchy culture, and at the same time, she was greatly influenced by the conflicts between the North and the South, hence she failed in the struggling against the Past. For this purpose, this paper attempts to answer the following questions: 1) What was Patriarchy? 2) What was lady-making system? 3) How did Southern tradition influence Emily? 4) What were the conflicts between the South and the North? 5) How did the conflicts between the North and the South influence Emily? 6)What were the causes for Emily’s tragedies ? 7) From what aspect can we say that Emily failed in her struggle against the past? 5. Future work: Procedure, data and methodology Date Progress Notes BeforeMay25th 2012 Preparing for the proposal and to revise the proposal Book reading May—June 2012 proposal corrections and ready for the proposal defense Data collection Reading books on original humanity and character etc.; and July-August.2012 ready for thesis writing Sept—Oct.2012 First draft writing Nove—Dec.2012 Finalizing the thesis and ready for thesis defense 6. Structure of the Thesis Besides the introduction and the conclusion, the thesis is composed of three chapters. In the introduction, the thesis gives a brief introduction to this masterpiece and the novelist’ s literary achievement, reviews on the current research situation at home and abroad, expounds the theoretical significance and the practical value of the research, and outlines the structure of the paper. The first chapter is the analysis of the influence from which Emily has suffered in the old times, pointing out that the Patriarchy and lady-making system influenced Emily greatly, and distorted her character to some extent. The second chapter is about the influence on Emily by the conflicts between the North and the South. Emily lived in Jefferson town, a particular place not only under the influence of the Southern tradition, but also faced with the Northern intrusion. In other words, Jefferson town stands for the epitome in which the Negro slavery plantation economy represented in Emily would be cast away by the industrial civilization. The third part treats the reasons why Emily failed in the struggle against the past, pointing out that Emily, the last aristocrat, represents the tradition of the South and the unrealistic monument of the past, and that her irreparable weakness and sole efforts failed her in the battle against the southern tradition. In the conclusion, the thesis restates the main idea in different words and comes to the conclusion that with the advancement of society, the old conventions have to adapt themselves to the changing situation. Denying the change of customs and passage of time is absurd and ridiculous. In fact the writer’s adoration for human virtues and his faith in man’s future can be shown in the novel, which indicates the writer’s greatness and popularity. Introduction: Chapter1 Emily Influenced by the Southern Tradition 1.1. Emily in Patriarchy 1.2. Emily in lady-making System Chapter 2 Emily Influenced by the Conflicts Between the North and the South 2.1 Emily in Jefferson Town in Social Transition 2.2. Emily Facing the Northern Intrusion Chapter 3 Emily’s Failure in Struggling Against the Past 3.1 Emily: The Monument of the Past 3.2 Emily’s struggle Against the Southern Tradition 3.3 Emily’s Failure in Her Struggles Conclusion Notes Bibliography Acknowledgements Bibliography 1. Davina Ruthmann. The chronology in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” (M) GRIN Verlag 2007 2(Francis J.Bremer Puritanism (M) 2009 3. Judith Fetterley The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction (M) Indiana University Press 1997 4. Robyn Warhol-Down,Diane Price Herndl Feminisms Redux: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism (M) Rutgers University Press 2009 5. 崔丹 后殖民主义视阈下的女性主义诗学观——聚焦《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中的女性形 象 (J)《中华女子学院学报》 第1期 2012 6. 杜晓飞 张丽丽 An Interpretation of A Rose for Emily From a Feminist Perspective (J) 《学周 刊:C》第2期 2011 7. 胡英,刘洊波 《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》与《远大前程》叙事比较研究 (J) 华南理工大学学报:社会科学版 2005 8. 兰久富 《社会转型时期的价值观念》 (M) 北京师范大学出版社 1999 9. 李常磊 王秀梅 当代美国南方文学的现实性回归 (J) 《当代外国文学》第1期 2011 10. 李娜 Hawthorne,s Puritanism in Young Goodman Brown (J) 《科技致富向导》第24期 2011 11. 刘智 “美国价值观之清教主义根源” (J) 《深圳大学学报》第1期 2004 12. 钱健颖 静止的空间,流动的时间——论《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的立体共时性 (J) 《语 文学刊:基础教育版》 第11期 2011 13. 威廉福克纳 著 陶洁 编 《福克纳短篇小说集》 (M) 译林出版社 2001 14(肖明翰 《大家族的没落》 (M) 广西师范大学出版社 2004 15. 张琪、张雪珠 论《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的哥特式特征 (J) 乐山师范学院学报 2003 16. Net1: 莫微微,牛培 《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的女性主义解读 2009 Literature Review: thWilliam Faulkner is the most famous southern writer of 20 century in America. As a modern classical writer, he may be called a master in application and creation of literature language. With seventeen long novels and nearly one hundred short stories in total, He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949. After his death, many scholars think highly of his works and even treat it as a study about Faulkner. His compositions reflect the social history profoundly. Furthermore, being apt at expressing people’s inner feelings, William Faulkner successfully represents the complexity of modern people as well as modern life. As a representative work of southern literature, A rose for Emily never fails to fascinate readers. The book tells us that Emily kills her lover and sleeps with his corpse for many years after the struggle among personality,traditional society and the real world. With the unconventional narrative point, the essay’s sequence in time is upside-down. The whole story keeps the readers in suspense. William Faulkner and his works have attracted the attention of many critics since 1980s, and more scholastic criticism about A rose for Emily has appeared all over the world in recent years. For example, in his analysis, Judith Fetterley pointed out that the grotesque aspects of the story were the result of its violation of the expectations generated by the conventions of sexual politics(Judith, 1997). From the book The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction, Fetterley mainly demonstrated that Bias, intent, and feminist impact were among the elements examined in the analyses of works by some American authors (Fetterley, 1997). And by analyzing of structure of the short story, in the book The chronology in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, Davina Ruthmann pointed out that “Instead of the tyranny of chronology, it is the construction out of fragments that now becomes a key formal characteristic. And without showing any linear sequence of events, Faulker’s narrative technique in “ A rose for Emily” mirrors exactly this modernistic ideal.” (Ruthmann,2007). In Feminisms Redux: An Anthology of Literary Theory and criticism, Robyn Warbol-Down summarized the feminist literary criticism and theory and re-established the measure for representing the latest developments in the field, and from the perspective of sex hostility. Also, Warhol-Down in his work pointed out that sexual desire lead to death and explained that, “A rose for Emily is a story of how system which allows you to murder your wife makes it possible for your wife to murder you.”(Warhol-Down, 2009) For Chinese researchers, Emily’s character is also a welcomed topic.For example, QiangJianying focused on the sequence of time of the whole book and pointed out that the assembling fragments of different time increased the mystique of reading and strengthened the theme (钱健颖, 2011). CuiDan in terms of post-colonial criticism analyzed Faulkner’s reflection on feminism in Emily, which approached the fiction from the aspect of the culture clashes between the South and the North (崔丹,2012). ZhangQi made a comment on this book from its Gothic writing technique,indicating that Gothic character of this story is mainly seen between the plot construction and human characters, mystique and illusion. (张 琪2003). XiaoMinghan explored the fiction from the main writing expression, pointing out that Faulkner used his concise stroke and exclusive structure to create Emily—a successful artistic representative (肖明翰,1995). Professor LiuCunbo compared Faulkner’s A rose for Emily with Charles John’s Great Expectations and found their common points, emphasizing two novels were very similar in the description of abnormal human features and visual angle of the narration.(胡英,2005). In conclusion, the above previous research achievements, would help me a lot in my research and they also lay a good foundation for my research of the heroine -Emily from the aspect of culture. Some related researches made by domestic and foreign scholars mainly concentrate their studies on the theme, feminism or the structure of the story. However, in literary circle, studies which specialize in analyzing this fiction are far from enough, especially in the research on the causes of Emily’s tragedy and the thematic implication of A rose for Emily. That’s why I choose this direction. The thesis is on the purpose to make up for the deficiency of the research of this fiction. Meanwhile, it is also a fresh attempt to study William Faulkner. 指导教师(导师组)意见: 审查小组意见: 签 名: 审查小组负责人(签 名): 2012年 月 日 2012年 月 日 备注: 1、要有5篇以上相关文章的阅读量。 2、理、工科开题报告撰写要求在150 0字 个人自传范文3000字为中华之崛起而读书的故事100字新时代好少年事迹1500字绑架的故事5000字个人自传范文2000字 左右,人文社科开题报告在2500字左右,包括论文选题 的背景和意义、工作任务分析、调研报告、 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 拟定与分析、毕业论文撰写提纲及实施 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、 文献综述(理、工科可不提交文献综述)等。 3、电脑打印,用A4纸,页边距左边3.2cm,右边2.54cm,上下边距2.54cm,在左边装订;内容为 小四号宋体,行距为固定值20磅。 4、文献综述(按文献综述格式打印)附在开题报告后面一起装订。
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