首页 英语-五年级下册-wherewereyoulastmonth(2)-人教课标版-邓良伟-石岐第一小学



英语-五年级下册-wherewereyoulastmonth(2)-人教课标版-邓良伟-石岐第一小学英语-五年级下册-wherewereyoulastmonth(2)-人教课标版-邓良伟-石岐第一小学 石岐一小英语精品课程阅读主题教研经验汇编 机遇与挑战 讲课稿 石岐一小邓良伟 各位老师下午好。首先我要感谢张梅清老师为我提供了这样的一次独白的机会~在座有很多经验比我丰富~教学能力比我高强的老师~说“讲课”实在是不敢当~今天下午只不过是跟大家探讨探讨~说说我去年5月底参加全国教师基本功大赛的过程和讲讲我个人对小学英语教学的一些看法。 说起参加这次全国赛~我就不得不把这句话念一遍:天时不如地利~地利不如人...

英语-五年级下册-wherewereyoulastmonth(2)-人教课标版-邓良伟-石岐第一 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 石岐一小英语精品课程阅读主题教研经验汇编 机遇与挑战 讲课稿 石岐一小邓良伟 各位老师下午好。首先我要感谢张梅清老师为我提供了这样的一次独白的机会~在座有很多经验比我丰富~教学能力比我高强的老师~说“讲课”实在是不敢当~今天下午只不过是跟大家探讨探讨~说说我去年5月底参加全国教师基本功大赛的过程和讲讲我个人对小学英语教学的一些看法。 说起参加这次全国赛~我就不得不把这句话念一遍:天时不如地利~地利不如人和。我想说~没有各兄弟学校和我们科组的老师通力合作~这场仗是打不赢的。首先进行的是市赛~我非常荣幸地和几位市直属学校及其他区~镇的老师们站在了一起接受选拔。 ,市赛内容, 1、,展示教学内容:短文, 2、,分析短文, 3、,用课件展示教学过程, 接下来的省赛刚好也在中山举行~其他各市派来的选手各有所长~通过观摩她们上课我受益匪浅。当然~我们中山市的智囊团也是很厉害的。 1 ,省赛内容, 1、,展示教学内容:短文, 2、,展示录像, 在大家齐心协力地帮助下~我们占尽主场之利~最后评课专家决定由中心小的张老师参加全国优秀课例赛~我则代表广东省去山东威海参加全国赛。临行前的那个夜晚~教研室郭老师从百忙中来到我们学校指导科组的准备工作~一直干到很晚~我还记得那天晚上他吃的外卖是红烧排骨饭。其实在去威海之前~我们学校科组老师硬拉着教研室聘请的外教Lore谈了3个小时~她一针见血的提出说~我们两次的 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 设计得活动太多了~老师忙着把教学步骤上完~而学生则是忙于应付老师布臵的任务~大家都在赶时间~她觉得活动仍然应该围绕原文来进行。到现在~我还常常提醒自己:表演课~比赛的时候上上就算了~平常上课可千万要为孩子们着想。 全国赛总共有27位老师参加~我抽到的是二号~内容是 ,全国赛内容, 1、,展示教学内容:短文, 2、,分析短文, 3、,用课件展示教学过程, 4、老外的反馈 接下来~我想和大家谈谈~我从这次比赛中学到了些什么,总体 2 上~还是那句话~人和很重要。 一、 尽量取得各方领导的支持~领导是我们强大的后盾~无论是精 神上的还是物质上的~有他们的大力支持~我们就没有后顾之忧 了。 二、 一起备课的老师是我们的好战友~他们其实也很辛苦~当参赛 老师在休息的时候~他们仍在奋斗~要多点体谅他,她,们。比 如课件或者练习打错什么就应该理解~在比赛前发现错误都是好 事。我比赛前20分钟市实验小学的老师们就帮我发现了一些我 们还没发现的错误。我们要干的就是马上改正~然后记住它~其 他的事不要干了。 三、 宠辱若惊~贵大患若身。何谓宠辱若惊,宠为下~得之若惊~ 失之若惊~是谓宠辱若惊。何谓贵大患若身,吾所以有大患者~ 为吾有身~及吾无身~吾有何患, 比赛老师不要把得失看得太重~以平常心就做每一件事~成 功了就说这件事做好了~失败了就说这件事没办好~不要在里面 加个“我”字。不过这话是对自己说的~对一起备课的老师我是 这样讲的:拿了一等奖是大家备课备得好~拿不到一等奖是因为 我没把课上好。和领导更不能这么谈~你就说:我一定会尽力全 力的。领导内心其实还是很想你拿那个奖的。 接下来~我想和大家说一下我对小学英语教学的观点。 首先~从课堂设计的角度来看~我认为英语课堂第一要有趣。千万不能教到孩子们读完高三之后说:我以后再也不要学英语了。而要 3 令他们觉得学英语是很有趣的~高三之后要他们说:英语实在是太有趣了~我大学一定要读英语系。问题是课堂设计如何才能有趣呢,,举例子,同样是练习~经过包装之后~效果就不一样~就像这瓶水~假如我稍加包装~广告词这么说:今年咱们不收礼~收礼还收这瓶水。经济效益就大不一样了。 第二~设计的活动要有意义~有实际功用~能够的话最好整个学期的练习有一定的重叠性~至于要不要紧密联系生活则需要斟酌。这方面做得很好的我觉得非新概念英语的练习莫属。,举例, 第三~充分发挥学生的主观能动性。三国时期~蜀国有丞相诸葛亮~每每打仗都赐予将领锦囊妙计~如遇难题只要打开锦囊~依计而行~便可解决。诸葛亮不愧为卧龙~但是他这种治国方法是不对的。任何事情都有自己操办~他下面那些将领什么都不用想了~长期没有动脑子的机会~以致诸葛亮去世之后~蜀国没有几个能独立思考的人了~以致其迅速灭亡。同理~教孩子不是常说要“授之以鱼不如授之以渔”吗,提醒大家一个方法~大家其实以前就会了~拿一张白纸~将其对折~在其其中一面写下你准备一节课所要做的事情~接下来~分析一下哪些东西学生能做的~把它们搬到另一面~以后让学生去准备。再接着以后视学生情况进一步放手~让孩子们逐步成为学习的主人。 第四~老师们之间要用心去交流~请记住不是交换。北京师范大学的何克抗教授组织的跨越式实验课题的理念是很不错的:每位实验老师只需要设计一个单元的教案和做好上课用的课件~然后拿出来分 4 享~整个小学阶段的教案和课件都有了。不过由于很多复杂的因素~老师们拿出来的东西可能都不是自己准备得最好的~总有一点留一手的感觉。这一点我们得向国外学习~同科组老师之间的教案和教具完全共享~拿到手的老师只需要稍作改动就能用来教学~这样一方面节省了大量的备课时间~另一方面经你修改过的教案会给以后用的老师更多的提示。 其次~从教师专业发展的角度来看。 第一, 做老师要修炼自己的爱心。就像天龙八部藏经阁的那位 无名老僧所言:佛门子弟学武~乃在强身健体~护法伏魔。修习 任何武功之间~总是心存慈悲仁善之念~倘若不以佛学为基~则 练武之时~必定伤及自身。这个老僧所讲的慈悲心就是爱心~少 林72绝技就是老师上课用的各种教法~一味钻研教学法而把对 学生的怜爱之心搁臵一旁~恐怕对学生弊大于利。不过老实说我 到现在对学生还是不够耐性~往后还要多多用功才行。 第二, 老师要不断地学习。如果您想提高自己的英语听说读写 的水平~我建议大家把新概念英语4册书那些优秀的文章背诵并 能默写下来。很遗憾~在下只背到第三册第七课就被更加有趣的 东西所吸引~是什么东西呢~讲起来很长~是我经历的另一个故 事了。如果大家觉得新概念不够in~毕竟它今年40来岁了~作 者L.G.亚历山大也已经去世了。可以去BBC Learning English 去进修~不过上面的材料多是英式英语~如果各位对美语感兴趣~ 就要自己去找地方啦。,简单介绍网站~举例,如果您愿意花多 5 一点时间去研究教学法~我建议大家多看一下外国原版教材~还有国外语言专家的著作~,贴图,或者到BBC Teaching English 的网站上浏览一下。,简单介绍网站, 再次~很多人总是拿“学海无涯苦作舟”来劝诫读书人~好像学习是件痛苦的事情~我想提醒大家~学习的过程是非常快乐的。这句话最初出自庄子:吾生也有涯~而知也无涯。以有涯随无涯~殆已:已而为知者~殆而已矣:原文的意思是:人的生命是有限的~而知识是无穷的~以有限的生命去追求无穷的知识~就会搞得精疲力竭~既然如此~还去追求知识的人~就只能弄得疲困了。做什么事情都要顺其自然才行。大家在工作学习~一定要注意保重身体啊。我刚刚出来工作的时候就没有人提醒过我~现在喉咙患了慢性咽炎~现在后悔极了。 最后~我想和大家作一个设想:假如每星期每个班再多设三节英语课。假若果真如我所愿~那么各位英语老师以后就只教两个班就好啦~不用那么辛苦要顾及那么多学生。这三节课我会这样花。 第一节课~我会教孩子们Phonics。,怎么教:找好教材~稍作改动, 第二节课~我会让他们阅读英语故事。,读哪些书, 第三节课~背诵经典。有的语言专家认为:首先~要相信如果儿童是 “活的” ~则耳朵自有听的能力~发音~是不必费心教的~教发音是徒劳无功的。现在国内的英语教学~不相信儿童是 6 活的~不教学生多听 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的英美人讲英语~都由老师一点一滴的教不甚标准的发音~这就是国人的英语一直讲不标准的主因。其次~要相信如果儿童是 “活” 的~则其心智本来是灵敏的~只要累积的句子够多了~自能领悟文法文意~而通过 “领悟” 的~才是最真实的了解。所以~“文法” 是不必费心教的~教文法~往往弄巧成拙。现在的国内的英语教学~因为不相信儿童是活的~所以一直不愿意多放点东西在学生肚子里~让他去自然消化。都把学生看成机器~由老师一点一滴的教文法。这就是国人英语反射反应建立不起来的主因。他们说得也很有道理~如果可能的话~我们应该让孩子们4岁开始背莎士比亚著作~在小学13岁之前完成所有古典背诵任务~像一位英国专家这样指出:你得在他们不再习惯唱歌、也不再相信童话故事之前打动他们。或者这样说简单一点~语言是教了才懂~而数学则是懂了才教。语言越早学越好~咱们古人上千年留下的读书方法还是有一定道理的。现在为什么没有几个真正的文学大师呢~我想一是现在国家稳定了~二是越来越少人读古文经典了。大家如果对这方面有兴趣~不妨到这个网站看看。 当然~这仅仅是我的异想天开~自己创设了这样一个理想环境而没有顾及到很多实际中存在的问题。 下面把我罗列出我常常光顾的网址供大家浏览~说实在~老外的确比我们国人敬业~当然~欧美给他们创设了良好的环境~他们有些人一天到晚对着蛇啊~蟑螂啊等等动物的时间多过对着 7 家里人~但是他们不愁吃不愁穿。我们祖国的经济总有一天会赶 上他们。 该下课了~再次感谢进修学院的张老师和各位同行的耐心聆听~ 谢谢。 Writing is Fun By Shiqi No. 1 Primary School Guihua Cai Advisor: Lore Brief: According to educational research, children should learn languages in stages, the earlier they start , the more they achieve. Children learn their first language in the following stages: listening, speaking, and later – usually when they go to school – reading and writing. Teaching young learners a foreign language often tries to reproduce these stages of mother tongue learning by first concentrating on listening and speaking skills and only introducing reading and writing at later stages. We usually distinguish between receptive (listening and reading) and productive skills ( speaking and writing)) Key Words: English wring, listening, speaking , and reading In the old days , writing in English was very boring because pupils learnt it in very traditional ways, often just by copying what the teacher said without fully understanding. And in primary school, most teachers still think that that the most important skills for beginners to master are 8 listening, speaking and reading. They do not value writing highly and usually put it last because they believe that it is the most difficult task among the four skills. It is also the most difficult for teachers to correct . Therefore teachers avoid giving writing lessons and most of the students are unmotivated and lack of interest in writing classes. It is true that students who master the other three skills well, will eventually also learn to write well, but writing should not be something that is left behind in language lessons because the elements to enable students to write well can be developed from early on, for example by enhancing vocabulary and ideas. Teaching writing therefore should go hand in hand with teaching the other skills. Writing is very important. What kind of writing can we expect from young learners in the early stages ? Students can be asked to respond to short and simple texts with relevant information and ideas (including personal experiences, imaginative ideas and evaluative remarks) with the help of cues. Students can be asked to write short and simple texts using a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns and cohesive devices fairly appropriately with the help of cues. Some spelling and grammatical mistakes can be tolerated as long as they don?t interfere with communication . The purpose of writing is to 1. Communicate with each other. 9 2. Record information which lasts over time. 3. Present information, ideas and feelings for a variety of purposes and audiences. 4. Enhance oral development and reinforce the language structures and vocabulary that learners have acquired 5. Develop students? communication skills. 6. Demonstrate one?s creativity and critical thinking. 7. Inform, influence and entertain others. Writing in English lessons can be fun. Learners need to be provided with task-based writing activities at all the four stages of the development of writing skills: copying, controlled writing, guided writing and independent writing. But how to give a writing class that is fun and how to teach pupils creative thinking techniques? “A comfortable and resourceful teaching environment is very important for initiating creativity. And more important is teachers should provide students with a pressure-free, harmonic, free and encouraging environment so that students will be able to express freely. In developing students? creativity, teachers should allow mistakes.” Here are some activities for developing writing skills. Copying is the easiest stage. Such as listing about their group members? favorite toys and their prices from a drawing of the display window of a toyshop. 10 Group members Favorite toys price Tim toy cars 5 yuan Arranging jumbled words into the right order to work out the sequence of a story. ( ) Dee gets up quickly and says : “Oh, it is too late.” ( ) It is 9:00 in the morning. ( ) But the school door is closed. There is nobody here. ( ) He puts on his school uniform and goes out without breakfast. ( ) He rides his bike to school in a high speed. ( )Oh, it is Sunday today. Dee forgets. Copying is good for beginners. The story is funny. It is easy for the pupils to do. And arranging it successfully can give them confidence. Therefore the students would be interested in writing and enjoying the story. Controlled writing: The tasks mentioned here are somewhat limiting but 11 ensure accuracy. Such as describing characteristics of familiar objects/people for others to guess. Like a riddle: We use them at home. They make cool air . They keep us cool in summer. What are they ? Keeping a record of the appearance and other information about their favorite animals. For example, this is my favorite animal. It is black and white. It lives in China only. It likes eating bamboos. What is it ? Can you guess? The pupils first read a model passage. Then they write a short paragraph according to the model passage using the same tense. Here is a model which can be adapted. Zinky?s Home. Students use the description to draw and write a postcard about their home. Zinky: Hello! This is my home . The sky is pink. The clouds are yellow. The grass is orange . The trees are purple and the fruit is blue. The flowers are black. The cows are red . Do you like my home ? Zinky is from space . His home is very difference from ours. The students are surprised by that. They would like to draw Zinky?s home . And the 12 students would like to create their own lovely home. They may describe it like that: The sky is white, The clouds are red.. The grass is pink, etc. They may change the colors as they like . I am sure the pupils would like to write a description like that and draw it. Guided writing:This task may suit students in grade 5 and 6. It is based on vocabulary and sentence structures they have learned. The pupils and the teacher first talk about a common theme, reflect on it and develop sub-themes. For example :A thief . We can discuss it according to the form below. Then keep on developing relevant ideas to write longer passages. Theme: A Thief His age His stature His clothes Students need help with the language but also with the structure, how to arrange their ideas. We can for example give students first of all the description of the thief as a listening task: Is he tall or short? Is he young 13 or old? What kind of hair has he got? What is he wearing today? While listening to the description of the thief , the students tick boxes on a chart. old young tall short red brown Wearing a Wearing a hair hair blue coat green coat Then they use the chart to guide their description. They may begin like this . Last night , a thief climbed into Mr. Green?s house . He stole a diamond necklace . The police were chasing him. He was ______________. He was _________________. He had ______________. He was wearing __________________at that time. If you see him or know where he, please call 110 . And you will get 10,000 dollars. Thanks. Independent writing: This kind of writing is the most difficult , but it helps to develop the pupils? creative thinking. Teachers only give pupils the topic. They must find the ideas themselves and write using their own knowledge. Here is an example : Camping. 14 Look at the pictures carefully, If you put the pictures in a different order you can make different stories. Then think of an ending. Pupils like stories . Therefore they are interested in them. They can write what they think. It is a free and creative task. Story writing makes the writing lesson active. Here are two of my students? stories. Story One : One day, Alfy and Sheila went camping. They were very happy. Then they went hiking. And they found some berries. When they went hiking, a bear came . The bear was hungry. He was looking for food. He broke the tent . Alfy and Sheila went back with the berries. The bear wanted to eat the berries. Alfy and Sheila was angry. They said : “ If you want to eat the berries , please put up the tent for us . ” The bear cleaned up the tent quickly. Alfy and Sheila shared the berries with the bear . They became friends. 15 Story Two: One day Alfy and Sheila went camping . They went to pick some berries. They knew that the red berries were safe to eat. The blue berries were poison. At that time , They heard a big noise . A hungry bear came . He broke their tent and ate up all their food. Alfy and Sheila were angry . They picked some blue berries gave them to the bear. The bear died. They cleaned up the tent again. They were very happy. The same pictures , but in a different order can create different endings. Writing can be fun. Having writing lessons in primary school is important. Teachers should create more fun writing activities to improve their pupils? writing skills. Reference documentation: 1.《广州教研》第374期: 《小学高年级英语写作教学初探》 2. 《谈谈 小学英语写作教学》 3( Learning English in the Modern Word , Wong Lai Ching , Hong Kong 4. What should kids learn before the enter the secondary school, Wong Lai Ching, Hong Kong 5. Writing tasks for learners in primary schools , Hong Kong 6. Teaching Writing , Serlina Suen, Hong Kong 7. English Language Curriculum Guide (P.1-6), p.141 8. Timberlake 1982, Chan 1988, Lee 1992 16 浅谈小学中高年级英语写作教学 石岐第一小学 陈小杏 [摘要]: 英语教学的最终目的是发展学生的英语语言技能, “听说读写”是小学生学英语必须初步掌握的四种技能,它们之间的关系是相辅相成,互相促进的,听说重要,读写同样不可轻视,只不过在小学生学英语不同的阶段应该有不同的侧重。英语写作是听、说、读、写这四个语言技能之一,是英语学习进步过程中看得见的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。提高英语写作水平不容忽视。 [关键词]: 英语写作 重要意义 主要问题 教学实践 提高效率 一、小学英语写作教学的重要意义和主要问题 新的小学英语课程标准也指出,小学阶段的英语教学要使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的语言综合运用能力。由于小学教学极为重视“听、说、读”的训练,而英语教学书面表达却相对滞后,学生受母语文法的束缚,教师训练写作形式单一,学生缺乏写作自信心,学生写作水平提高甚微。 语言学家的还研究证明:写作教学有助于词汇、语法、句型、课文等语言知识的学习,并能够促进听、说、读和思维能力的潜在性发展,同时,听、说、读和思维能力的发展又反作用于写的能力的培养。写作教学对于帮助学生了解英语思维的方式,形成用英语进行思维的 17 习惯,提高学生综合运用语言知识的能力大有益处。 二、小学英语写作教学的实践 1、树立信心,消除畏难 对学生的要求不能一刀切,对学习好的要求要高,对学习差的要求要适当低一些。经常帮助差生树立信心,掌握写作方法和技巧。在学习Gogo小学英语五年级上册unit 5 It’s cold in winter.这一单元后,为了让学生们有备而写,我让学生以My favorite season为题写一篇关于自己最喜爱的季节的小作文。为了消除学生对写作文不自信的心理,我没有直接让学生开始“写”作文。而是先给学生看一幅有关春天的图,让全班同学一人一句介绍春天的一切。简单的一句话,并没有难倒学生。大家表达清晰,语言流畅。接着,我再让学生看了一整段介绍: My favorite season Hello. I’m Miss Chen. My favorite season is fall. The weather is cool in fall. The leaves are red, yellow and orange. I can thgo fishing in fall. My birthday is on September 13. It’s in fall. I have a birthday party in fall. So, I like fall. 看了这段介绍后,给出概念图让学生写作并配上图画。教师引导学生,让学生感受到写英语作文就像讲话,简单明了,配上图画又令人感觉新颖,学生们写作文不仅没有了畏难情绪,还更加有兴趣了。 activities weather season things Special day 18 2、精读范文,获取指引 古人云“读书破万卷,下笔如有神” ,阅读是写作的基础。实践证明,学生平时课外阅读面越宽,语言实践量越大,运用英语表达自己的能力就越强。范文能为英文写作的初学者提供很好的指引,通读范文,读透范文,对于提高英文写作能力举足轻重。在写作课的教学中,教师应该提供质量较好的范文,并作详尽的分析,为学生降低写作的难度。 因此,我针对每单元所学的课题,我归纳知识点,例如Gogo小学英语五年级上册,Unit1-4主要训练学生对人物的描写、介绍;Unit5-8主要训练学生对季节的描写、介绍;Unit9-12主要训练学生用英语写周记、日记。同时,透过网络帮助搜索了不少适合学生阅读水平的故事,儿歌和英语小知识,为学生提供了大量的阅读素材。通过日积月累,大量的、广泛的阅读,能让学生在自然的习得中学得大量的英语单词、句子,形成较好的语感,为学生更好地写作打下了坚实的基础。 3、循序渐进,稳步提高 “滴水穿石非一日之功,冰冻三尺非一日之寒。”英语写作能力并非是一蹴而就的,它必须由浅入深、由简到繁、由易到难、循序渐进、一步一步地领着学生进行训练。我们小学阶段作文教学可以采取多种形式。 (1)单词造句。从四年级开始,不能让学生孤立地掌握单词,要求学生会用每个单词造句。如:uncle-This is my uncle. 19 (2)口头表述。四年级上学期,充分利用课前的3分钟,让学 生作自我介绍。如:Hello. I’m Lily. I’m a girl. I’m 10 years old. I like cheese. I’m in Class 2, Grade 5. Thank you. (3)仿写。仿写是英文写作的初级阶段,中高年级的学生要不 要仿写,这个问题要视乎学生的实际水平而定。中年级并没有受过专 项的写作训练,对英文写作几乎一片空白,所以对于他们,仿写绝对 必要,但并不占主导地位。例如:My pet This is my pet. It’s a dog. It has two big eyes and a little mouth. It can play football and run. I like playing with it. So, I like it very much. (4)完型填空。填充式写作训练可用于每一个对话后的拓展, 通常的做法是让学生把对话改写成的短文补充完整,所补充的内容可 以是短语,也可以是句子。例如:My diary Today was______ . The weather was __________. I didn’t go to school. But I was very busy. In the morning, _____________ . In the afternoon, ________________ . In the evening, _____________________ . I was _______ today. (5)图配文。让学生根据给出的或自己画的图,写上一定的文 字进行说明,这种形式比较受学生欢迎,我也经常采用,如:用英语 给图画写上介绍说明。例如:My favorite season,让学生在文中配 上图画。 三、小学英语写作的反思 20 俗话说,“打多深的基础,就可建多高的大楼”,“愿望有多大,力量就有多大”。学生的能力也是无穷的,只要教师善于引导,注重启发,多为孩子创设条件,加强语言写作实践,在运用中帮助学生去感知、去理解、去记忆,一定能培养出学生对作文的浓厚兴趣,并大大提高他们的英语写作能力和水平。 参考文献: 1. 国家教育部《英语课程标准》 2. 《中小学外语教学》 如何培养小学生的阅读能力 石岐第一小学 严小玉 摘要:研究在英语教学的起始阶段,小学生英语阅读能力培养的必要 性、重要性,通过不断积累语言因素,扩大操练面,激发英语 阅读兴趣,养成英语阅读习惯等方法来提高小学生英语阅读能 力。 关键词:小学生英语阅读能力、激发英语阅读兴趣、养成英语阅读习惯 当今社会,知识日新月异,科技突飞猛进。21世纪将是知识经济的时代,是信息的时代。英语是传输信息的重要工具之一。一个人英语阅读能力的高低,往往决定了他吸收有用的信息的数量和质量。所以,从小培养学生的英语阅读能力具有重大的意义。 21 如何培养小学生的阅读能力,我是从两大方面着手。一是培养学生的兴趣,二是教会学生最基本的阅读方法。 兴趣是通向学习乐园的向导,只有对学习产生了兴趣,它才能引到你在知识的乐园里遨游,使你忘掉疲劳;兴趣是学习的老师,在兴趣“老师”的吸引和指导下,可以加快获得丰富知识的进程;兴趣是成长的前提,凡是成才者,事先都具有喜好某种事物的心理倾向,特别是小学时期对某物的兴趣,如果不受客观因素的干扰、制约,往往可以转化将来从事某种专业和专业活动的兴趣。所以必须注意培养学生的阅读兴趣。 一、精心选择阅读材料 由于面对是小学生,所以材料内容要生动、有趣,以便激发小学生的阅读兴趣。根据课本所学的知识,并在此基础上,我编写和收集小英文故事、小短文等。材料可选择熟悉的童话故事如(The Ugly Ducklings、 Three Little Pigs etc.)、日常生活情景(在学校、在家里、购物时、在医院里等等)、各地区各国生活文化介绍等内容。 二、揭示课题时推想,唤起阅读兴趣 题目是文章的窗口,它往往起着提示 全文 企业安全文化建设方案企业安全文化建设导则安全文明施工及保证措施创建安全文明校园实施方案创建安全文明工地监理工作情况 ,点明中心的作用。初学一篇课文,揭示课题时,引导学生调动已有的知识和经验,从文章内容和作者的写作目的等方面入手推想,估计文章内容写了什么,作者是怎样写的,文章的写作目的又是什么„„这样制造一些悬念,在学生大脑里形成一种“阅读期待”,然后让学生在阅读课文时将所读内容与自己的预测进行验证、比较,从而唤起学生的阅读兴趣,培养 22 学生的英语能力。如在课堂上,我让学生阅读一个童话故事The Strange Sun Tree (奇特的太阳树),首先,全班学生一起读题目,然后我问为什么用strange 来形容这棵树,学生各抒己见。然后学生带着问题阅读,最后知道了原因。 学生有兴趣阅读是好的,但要使学生的阅读能力得到提高。老师还要教会学生一些阅读的方法。提高英语阅读能力的方法较多,也因各人不同的基础而异,但无捷径可走。一般来说,比较有效的阅读方法有如下三种。 一、 广泛阅读,保证一定数量。 要真正快速地提高英语阅读能力,关键还在于多读,尤其是多读一些难度较大的文章。利用语法知识解决阅读中的困难,通过阅读加深对语法知识的理解。只有在阅读实践中,有意识地学习、积累,应用阅读过程中所需要的英文词汇、语法知识,才能奠定提高英文阅读能力的基础。阅读能力不是一朝一夕就可以提高的,关键在于坚持。英文有一句话说得好:“One cannot succeed without perseverance(”。只要目标明确,坚持不懈,并运用成功的阅读策略,英文阅读能力就会不断提高。 二、 养成良好的阅读习惯。 在阅读过程中,要有良好的习惯。阅读时一定要专心致志、聚精会神,不能边聊天边阅读,也不能边阅读边干别的事。 在教学中,我发现学生有一些不良阅读习惯。 1. 音读 23 许多学生都有出声阅读的习惯。出声阅读的主要弊病就是使 阅读速度和效率受说话速度的限制。因为,正常默读速度几乎要 比出声朗读的速度快两倍以上。另外,出声阅读往往以不同的形 式表现出来,有时看见的仅仅是无声地动动嘴唇,有时甚至连嘴 唇也不动,只是舌、喉在活动。嘴唇的活动无疑会影响眼睛的扫 视速度,"一个有效率的读者能够只要看到印刷符号,就直接获得 意思,而不经过声音阶段。"因此,要克服这种不良的阅读习惯, 就要训练自己养成通过视觉器官直接感知文字符号的视读能力。 2.心读 心读是一种很难观察到的阅读习惯。心读时,人体的任何部位,不论嘴、头或声带都没有动,只存在一种说话的内在形式:学生在内心里始终自言自语,清晰地发出并听着每个字音。这种毛病亦是一种很坏的阅读习惯,它直接影响到阅读的速度和效率,并且矫正起来又比较困难。采用强制自己深入理解文章内容的同时,又强制自己加快阅读速度的方法一般能逐渐克服这种坏习惯。 3.指读 指读是指用手指、铅笔或尺子等指着一个个词进行阅读的习惯。这种指读的单纯机械运用不仅会减慢阅读速度,而且还会把我们的注意力引向错误的方向。一个高效率的阅读者不会注意单词的位置,也不会在每个单词上平均花费时间,而是把注意力集中在作者要阐明的思想内容上。指读的习惯实际上妨碍了眼睛运动并限制了大脑的快速活动能力。因此,必须克服这种不良的阅读习惯,逐渐养成用脑瞬间 24 反映文字信息的能力。 4.复视 复视指的是读完一个句子或段落后回过头去重复阅读。阅读能力差的学生往往过分依赖于复视以养成一种习惯。改变这种不良习惯的办法就是让自己阅读大量难度适宜的读物,这样就不会因遇到生词或不太懂的短语、句子或段落而回过头来再看,以至养成复视的习惯。 5.头的摆动 阅读时头部下意识地左右摆动是阅读的另一坏习惯。在阅读过程中,有些人往往尽量使自己的鼻尖对准他正在读的每一个字。这样,当他顺着一行字往下读时,他就会轻微地摆动头部,而当他通过头来看下一行时,他就会很快转回去以便使鼻尖再对准书页的左边。这种头的摆动,学生往往意识不到,而正是这种不必要的动作往往对阅读速度产生影响。因此,必须克服这种毛病,养成阅读时只移动视线的习惯。 其他不良的习惯,诸如阅读时,有的注意力不集中,"思想开小差";有的用尺子比着, 一行一行地向下移;有的一面阅读一面玩弄钢笔、尺子、钥匙等物,不时地发出响声;有的爱抖动双腿;有的过多地进行语法分析;有的还停下来查词典等等。这些不良习惯大大妨碍了阅读的效率,直接影响学生的阅读质量。 三、 学会猜测生词 在阅读过程中常常会碰到一些生词。在一般情况下,不必见到生词就查词典,这样可以保持阅读的连贯性,不致于影响阅读的速度和 25 对文章的整体理解。那么,碰到生词该怎么办呢 可以采用下列三种办法来处理:?如果是专有名词,一般可以根据上下文来判断它是人名还是地名,或是其它组织的名称。对于这些词不认识关系不大,只要知道它代表什么就行了。?通过构词法来分析判断。如有些词的词干是学过并且掌握了的,只不过是加了前缀或后缀转换了一下词性或词义而已;又如有的是两个单词合在一起的合成词,等等。对于这些词只要有些构词法的知识就能够猜测判断出它们的词性或词义了。?另有一些单词可以根据上下文的内容、语气来判断它们的含义。如果遇到个别难以猜测其义而又会影响到对文章理解的单词,就应该查阅一下词典。 总之,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,只要坚持练习,不断总结经验,就一定能提高英语的阅读能力。 参考文献: 1. Diane和James教授合著,华东师范大学英语教学专家吕良 环编注的《成功英语阅读策略》 2. 中华人民共和国教育部 《英语课程标准》(实验稿),北京师 范大学出版社,2001年 3. Children of the World 2005.6 4. 《指导阅读技巧与方法 提高阅读能力》, 郑秋叶《中小学英 语教学与研究》2001,第2期。 26 Making reading communicative Written by Scien Deng Summary: If telling my students "And now we're going to practise listening," elicits looks of dread and fear, announcing reading practice can often elicit yawns, heads descending to desks, or eyes ascending heavenwards. And these reactions are from my students. "I can read at home, I come to lessons to speak!" more than one of my students has told me. Many students do seem to regard reading is a waste of class time but how many of these students will read outside class without encouragement inside? The aim of this article is to consider a few approaches to making classroom reading more communicative, by which I mean integrating it with other skills work, so that students can see its value. Key words: pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading, task. Communication suggests interaction of some sort, perhaps in many students' minds between speaker and listener. Is reading, therefore, since it is often a solitary activity, a non-communicative activity? Surely not since the reader is interacting with the writer, albeit in a less direct way than speaker and listener. Reading is, of course, just as communicative as any other form of language use and as teachers our aim is to bring out that communicative element. For example by establishing direct communication between reader and writer by exploiting students' written work for reading practice (see below for ideas). Another feature of real reading is that while we may read alone we communicate what we read to others constantly. Talking about what we have read is a rich source of classroom possibilities. One of the things to bear in mind when lesson planning is that classroom reading is not the same as real reading. Classroom reading aims at helping students develop the skills they need to read more effectively in a variety of ways (the same variety of ways as they can employ in their own languages, of course). To enable this we plan 'pre-reading', 'while-reading', and 'post-reading' stages. These stages can help us make reading more communicative. Pre-reading tasks often aim to raise the readers' knowledge of what they are about to read (their schematic knowledge) as this knowledge will help them to understand the text. In our L1 we use this knowledge subconsciously and as a result need to raise it consciously in an L2. This raising of awareness is most effectively done collaboratively. Approaches I use include: , Tell your partner what you know about the topic , Do a quiz in pairs to find out what you know about the topic , Look at some pictures related to the topic , Skimming the first paragraph for gist and then predicting. 27 When reading in our L1 we are constantly using our schematic and linguistic knowledge to predict content (both related to the topic and the language itself). In class, predictions can be communicated to colleagues, of course. Some examples of what predictions can be based upon include: , A title , Visuals , Knowledge of the author , A skim of the first paragraph , A set of keywords from the text , Reading the end, predicting the beginning. , Reading the middle, predicting the beginning and the end. Although reading is often a solitary activity and the idea of 'reading in pairs' seems odd, reading can be collaborative. Approaches I use include: Running and reading: this approach especially lends itself to scanning as the idea is to encourage the students to read as quickly as possible in a race. 1. Divide the class into student A and student B pairs. Student A sits at one end of the classroom. 2. Stick the text to be read on the wall at the other end of the room. 3. Give student A a list of questions. 4. Student A reads the first question to student B who has to run down the classroom to find the answer in the text, and then run back to dictate the answer to student A, who then tells B question 2 and so on. 5. The first pair to answer all the questions wins. (I ask the students to swap roles halfway through so everyone gets a chance to scan). Slashed / Cut up texts: This is a genuinely collaborative reading approach. 1. Photocopy a suitable text and cut it diagonally into four. 2. Seat students in fours. Give a piece of the text to each student. They mustn't show their piece to the others. 3. Give each group a set of questions. 4. The group have to work collaboratively to answer the questions since no one has the whole of the text. 5. Groups can compare answers when they have finished. Using websites: if you have a computer room available this is a very effective way of promoting communication as students can work on a reading task in pairs reading from the same screen. Jigsaw reading is an old favourite but perennially effective. 28 1. Divide a text into two parts or find two (or three) separate texts on the same topic. 2. Students A get one text and a related task, students B get the other text and task. 3. Students A complete their tasks in a group. Students B likewise. Compare answers in A & B groups. 4. Students get into A & B pairs and tell each other about their tasks. Creating a class text bank: I encourage students to bring in interesting texts that they have found (perhaps as a homework task using the Internet) which can be submitted to the class text bank. For weekend homework each student selects a text to take away which they then discuss with the student who originally submitted it. This is, of course, what readers do in real life. Exploiting graded readers: this is a good way to help with detailed reading since this implies reading for pleasure. I have used two approaches: 1. Using a class set of the same reader so that everyone reads the same book. This leads into class discussions of what everyone has read. 2. Students read different books and then recommend their book (e.g. by writing reviews) to their partners. Exploiting students' written work: I often put students written work up on the walls for the others to read. Tasks can include guessing who the author is, voting on which is the most interesting, selecting some for a class magazine. As mentioned above, telling someone about what we have read is a very natural reaction to a text. I have already mentioned a few in connection to 'while-reading' (e.g. recommending readers to the class) but other ideas I have used include: , Discussions about the text , Summarising texts , Reviewing texts , Using a 'follow-up' speaking task related to the topic , Looking at the language of the text (e.g. collocations). Conclusion I would not be exaggerating to say that one of the things that all the most successful language learners I have met have in common is that they are dedicated readers in English. They all recognised the value of reading as a way to develop their language independently of the classroom but equally saw the value of investing class time in becoming more effective readers in English. They were willing to make this investment because they realised that reading could be fully integrated into other skills work and thereby be just as communicative as any other classroom practice. 29 References ‘Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom’ David Nunan ‘Developing Reading Skills’ Francoise Grellet ‘Affect in Language Learning’ Jane Arnold English Teaching in Hong Kong By Grace Cai thJuly 18 Ms Huang and Ms Zhang from Hong Kong gave us a special English writing class in Bo Wen School. We were deeply expressed by this active class. First , Ms Huang showed an interesting story „Well Done , Max ? to the students . The students were interested in it and got a lot of messages from the story. Then she designed 9 worksheets for the students .They must think over and looked for the answers from the story by themselves. The contents could provoke the students? thinking and enabled the students? new ideas. In this English lesson , Ms Huang and Ms Zhang put the four skills together, they are listening , reading , speaking and writing . While reading aloud , students listened to English as well , reading and listening skills are especially important for beginners. In this lesson , Ms Huang gave us a warm and friendly express. She controlled the class well . She allowed the students to make mistake , but 30 they must open their mouth to speak English , even think in English. She afforded much time for the students to create their ideas. She showed us that learning English is fun. Ms Huang told us that in Hong Kong , all of their students should read both Chinese and English books everyday. Reading is one of the four major learning concerns adopted in all schools . If you want to learn better English , Please read lots and lots of English books, you may choose some cartoon books with more pictures than words at early stage, then, upgrade your standard by trying some difficult ones. But also bear in mind to read those books in good quality and of your own interest. In English lessons in Hong Kong , the teachers allow the students to make mistakes, allow the students to go around the classroom or sit on the floor .Learning English well , a good environment is very important, so the teachers should decorate the classroom with English arts. The classrooms in Hong Kong are very colorful. There are many students? pictures and articles on the wall or in the air in the classroom. There is an English corner. There are lots of English books on the bookshelf. There are some English words on some objects . There are not many desks and chairs lining up . It is a good place for study . At the same time, we compare with our teaching . We will find that we teach it in very traditional ways, such as the students repeating after the teacher with out understanding, or just copying or dictating the new words, they would forget what they have learnt very easily for they did not have much chane use English in their daily life. We should learn from Hong Kong , and make friends with English . When you love English , it will come close to you. 31 巧设写作任务,提高小学中年级学生的写作能力 石岐第一小学 周俭秋 【摘 要】本文通过列举开心学英语第三册的任务型教学任务的具体实例,分析了任务型写作任务的优点、设计要求 【关键词】优点, 要求,实例,体会 写作是一种思维活动,是学生表达思想的方式。写作能力训练是发展学生思维能力和表达能力的有效途径,也是衡量教学效果的标准只之一。目前的小学英语写作教学中,发现许多学生想表达的内容丰富多彩,而表达能力极为有限。在中年级学生身上表现尤为突出。如何解决这尖锐的矛盾,笔者在中年级的写作教学中,尝试通过设计各种各样的任务型写作任务,引导学生循序渐进地进行写作能力的训练,实践证明,学生的写作兴趣和写作技能得到了较大的提高。 一、 任务型写作任务的优点 《课标》倡导任务型教学,在小学英语写作教学中,教师给学生布置一些与他们的认知水平、生活经历和兴趣爱好相适应的写作任务,可以激发学生的学习动机。学生一旦有了具体的写作任务就会处与一种积极的、主动的、心理状态,字句运用所学的语言去做事,并通过完成任务使综合运用语言的能力得到进一步提高,还对培养学生的思维能力、想象能力、创新意识和主体意识有较大的作用。 二、 设计任务型写作任务的几点要求 32 1、 以话题为中心,目的明确、情景真实 开心英语教材各单元的教学都是围绕特定的话题展开,体现了“结构、功能、话题相结合”的特点。如第三册的话题涉及朋友、身体、爱好、运动、动物等,这些话题贴近学生的实际生活,符合小学生的心理特点,能满足他们的学习需求。因此在设计任务型写作任务时,应以话题为中心,让学生写与他们日常生活有关的和他们熟悉的内容,给学生提供更多实践和活用语言的机会。在语言上则多模仿,对暂时不能表达的较复杂的内容先割爱,避免“硬表达”和“乱表达”。 2、 遵循循序渐进原则,考虑任务的梯度性、可操作性 小学生的英语写作顺序应该是“从单词、短语到句子,然后是段落,再发展到短文” 的顺序。教师应针对儿童的年龄特点和语言水平,设计难易适中的写作任务。在设计时还要考虑学生现有的知识水平,不要布置难度过高的任务,让学生在完成写作任务的过程中取得成就感和满足感。 3、 注重任务的趣味性和多样性,提高写作任务设计的实效性 据了解,不少学生对英语写作失去兴趣主要原因之一就是厌倦单一、机械的抄写、硬套的写作形式,作为教师应当勤于思考、勇于尝试、改变传统的观念,设计新颖的的写作任务,使枯燥的内容童趣化、生活化,容易化。当兴趣成为写作的主要动力时,写作就会有意想不到的效果。 三、 任务型写作任务设计的具体实例 33 下面以《开心学英语》第三册教材为例,介绍几种简单的写作任务。 1、 填一填,树立写作的信心 Sample 1: Design a name card. Gao Kangying 郑晓路 _Sharon __ Connie Gao Kelvin Sample 2: Things I can see in my school Draw and colour pictures of what can you see in school. Write about what can you see. I can see a sun . I can see a pen . It is yellow . It is orange . Sample 3: My favorite toys Draw and stick pictures of the toys you like. Write the name of the toys. This is a toy car . I want a toy car . Sample 4: Choose a toy you want to share. Draw the toy in the box. Write about this toy. I want to share this toy. It is a /an stuffed animal . It is brown and green .(colour) 34 2、 圈一圈,丰富写作的形式 Sample 5: Animals Look at the picture . Circle the words and complete the sentences. This is a panda . It has a big / small body. It has big/small nose. It has fat/thin legs. It is __black and _white_____. (colour) It can climb/run/swim/fly/ walk. 3、 想一想,培养学生的创新思维 Sample 6: Friends Step 1: Make notes about friend. Name: Rita Look like: short Can: sing Cannot: swim big /small nose big/ small mouth long/short hair big /small ear fat/thin leg swim walk run sing dance climb … Step 2: Draw your friend on the sheet. Write about him or her. This is my friend, Rita . She is short. She has a big mouth. She can sing . She cannot swim .. 4、 猜一猜,增强写作的趣味性 35 Sample 7: Write a riddle about animal Step1: Draw an animal . Write a riddle about this animal. Step2: Read the riddle to your friend. Ask your friend to guess. It has two big ears . It has a long nose . It can walk . It cannot fly . Sample 8: My friend’s pets Step 1: Listen to your friend. Find out where their pets are. Draw the animal in the picture. Step 2: Show your friend the picture . Complete the sentences. 1. The dog is under the table. 2.The doll is on the table. 3.The rabbit is in the box. 3、 画一画,锻炼学生的发散性思维 Sample 9: Design and describe a monster. My name is Kitty. I have one eye. I have two ears. I have one mouth. I have four hands and arms. I have two legs. I have two feet. This is my body. 4、做一做,提高学生的综合素质 Sample 10: Make a bookmark. 36 Sample 11: Make a mini book. 四、 结束语 写作技能的培养是个循序渐进的过程,对于小学生来说要求他们用英语进行书面表达肯定有一定的困难。因此教师需要坚持通过多种途径为学生搭建写作平台,引导并帮助学生激活写作素材。并鼓励学生在写作过程中查阅词典或向他人请教,对于他们的习作,应设立多边批改和评价形式 ,要以赞赏和鼓励为主,进一步提高学生的写作兴趣和积极性。教学实践证明,在小学英语写作教学中运用任务型写作是一种有效的写作训练途径。只要教师在教学中研究教材、巧设写作任务、并选择合适写作任务实施办法,坚持对学生进行写作训练,学生的写作能力一定会得到很大的提高。 37 参考文献 1( 教育部, 2002。英语课程标准及解读 (实验稿)。北京:北京师范大学 出版社。 2(张燕 “小学英语写作教学中的问题与对策” 《中小学外语教学》2006, 10 3(Alan Maley 华东师范出版社 38 39
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