首页 初二英语导学案Unit7



初二英语导学案Unit7曹县一中初二英语导学案 主备人:户艳芳审核人_________________________________ Unit7 Section A (1a-2c) 一、成功学习: 1.成功目标: (1). 熟练读出、书写并运用本课新单词; (2). 学会制作奶昔、沙拉并描述其过程; 2. 成功自学: (1).个人自读,记忆单词、短语;小组对子互查读写情况; 单词和短语: 奶昔______ 果汁机_______ 切;割_______ 剥;削______ 倾倒______ 到…里_______ 酸奶...

曹县一中初二英语导学案 主备人:户艳芳审核人_________________________________ Unit7 Section A (1a-2c) 一、成功学习: 1.成功目标: (1). 熟练读出、 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 写并运用本课新单词; (2). 学会制作奶昔、沙拉并描述其过程; 2. 成功自学: (1).个人自读,记忆单词、短语;小组对子互查读写情况; 单词和短语: 奶昔______ 果汁机_______ 切;割_______ 剥;削______ 倾倒______ 到…里_______ 酸奶_______ 原料________ 一杯的容量______ 西瓜_______ 茶匙_______ 总额;总数_____ 用法说明_______ 打开_______ 切碎______ 把…倒进…里_____ 制作香蕉奶昔_______________ 把…放入…里________________ 两勺蜂蜜___________________ 制作水果沙拉________________ (2). 重点句型: 你如何制作香蕉奶昔?____________________________________? 把牛奶倒进搅拌器里。____________________________________. 我们需要多少香蕉?______________________________________? 我们需要多少酸奶?______________________________________? (3).How do you make a banana milk shake?你如何制作香蕉奶昔? a. 这是一个特殊疑问句。特殊疑问词how意为“怎样;如何”用以对做某事的方法、方式、途径及动作过程等进行提问。 题:他是如何发现它的?____________________________? b. make 在此意为“制作”,后面可以接双宾语,即make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb.,意为“为某人做……”。 题:He made me a big cake. = ________________________. 他为我做了一个大蛋糕。 c. shake 做名词,指牛奶盒冰激凌摇匀后制成的混合饮料,相当于milk shake,是不可数名词。 另外shake还可以做动词,意为“摇动;晃动”, 常见短语:shake one’s head摇头;shake hands with sb./ shake sb. by the hand与某人握手。 (4). Turn on the blender.打开搅拌器。 a. 这是一个祈使句,以动词原形turn开头,表示请求、命令的语气。 题: ___________, please. 请坐。 b. turn on 是“动词+副词”短语,意为“打开(电灯、电视、收音机、煤气、自来水等)”。其反义词组是turn off 关上,关闭。(open常用来表示“开门;开窗;开盒子;睁开眼”等,其反义词是close) 常见类似搭配:turn up(把声音)调大;turn down(把声音)调小题:Everyone should save every drop of water. Remember to ______ the tap after you finish washing. A. turn off B. turn down C. turn on D. turn up [注意]turn on是“动副短语”,宾格是代词时,必须放在两者之间;宾格是名词时,放在中间和后面均可。如: 题:——Mom, can I watch TV?妈妈,我可以看电视吗? ——Of course, _____________.当然可以,打开吧。 (5) Pour the milk into the blender. 把牛奶倒进搅拌器里。 pour…into意为“把…倒入…里”。其中pour是动词,意为“倾倒;灌;浇”,常指倾倒液体。 常用结构:pour sth./pour sb. sth./pour sth. for sb. 题:_______________________________. 请给我倒杯水。 (6)—How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶? —We need one cup of yogurt.我们需要一杯酸奶。 a. how much意为“多少”,用来询问不可数名词的量,其 后接不可数名词。 how much还可以用来提问价格。 题:______________ this pair of red shoes?这双红鞋多少钱? how many也意为“多少”,用来询问可数名词的数目,其后常接可数名词复数形式。 题:______ apples are there in the basket?篮子里有多少苹果。 题:______ milk does the boy drink every day? A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How long b. a cup of yogurt意为“一杯酸奶”。在英语中,表示不可数名词的数量时,常用“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”来表示。其中“量词”可以有复数形式。 联想:表示不可数名词的数量时,可用以下两种方法: I. 用much, a little, little, a lot of, some, an amount of等修饰。题:No hurry. We have ____ time left.不要着急.我们还有很多时间. II. 用单位词的量来表示不可数名词的量。 常见的表示不可数名词的量的搭配有: a piece of一张/条/块 a glass of 一玻璃杯two teaspoons of 两茶匙;题:__________ 一片/块;___________ 六碗; ___________三箱3.成功量学: (1) ——_____ TV do you watch every day?——About two hours. A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often (2) ——Would you like some drinks, boys?——Yes, _____, please. A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolate C. some cakes D. two boxes of cola (3) First, put _____ on the bread. A. two butter B. two butters C. two teaspoons of butter D. two teaspoons of butters (4) I have to go now. Please to ____the lights when you leave. A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D. turn on (5) I want to buy . A. two bottles of milk B. two bottles of milks C. two bottle milks 二、成功展示: 三、成功检测: (一)根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词(每题5分) 1.P______ some more salt on the popcorn, please. 2. How many t___________ do you need? 3. Read the i__________ before you switch on the engine(打开机器). 4. First p_____ the bananas, and then cut them up. 5. Let me p_____ you a cup of coffee. 6. Da Ming usually has a bowl of __________(面条) for breakfast. 7. He’s __________ the milk __________ the blender now.(把…倒进). 8. Let Lucy __________ __________ bananas.(把…切碎) 9. He often ________ (开)the door and __________(开) the TV first. 10. Please give me some __________ (盐). (二) 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 句子(每空5分) 1. 请为我打开收音机好吗? Will you please ________ ________ the radio for me? 2. 我们需要多少洋葱? ________ ________ onions do we need? 3. 我需要这些苹果。请把它们切碎。 I need these apples. Please cut ________ ________ . 4. 她放了三杯酸奶。She put in three ________ ________ yogurt. 5. 你需要多少蜂蜜?________ ________ honey do you need? 四、成功思学: 我的收获:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 我的疑惑:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 曹县一中初二英语导学案 主备人:户艳芳审核人_________________________________ Unit7 Section A (3a-4) 一、成功学习: 1.成功目标: (1). 熟练读出、书写并运用本课新单词; (2).会运用first,next,then,finally描述制作食物的过程。 2. 成功自学: (1).个人自读,记忆单词、短语;小组对子互查读写情况; 英汉连线: (2). 把下列单词按 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 分类: watermelon; yogurt; apple; popcorn; banana; rice; teaspoon; pear; strawberry; sandwich; bread; egg; milk; broccoli; noodle; honey 可数名词:___________________________________________ 不可数名词:_________________________________________ (3).重点句型: 最后把所有东西都混合在一起。_________________________. 往面条里加些盐。_____________________________________. (4).Finally mix it all up. 最后把所有东西都混合在一起。 a. finally是副词,意为“最后;最终”,相当于at last或in the end. finally是表示先后次序的词。在英语中,如果要描述过程,通常用first, next, then, finally等表示。 题:He worked out the math problem __________.最后他算出了这道 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 题。 b. mix up意为“混合”,是动副短语。其中,mix是动词,意为“混合;混在一起”。mix…with…意为“把…和…混合在一起”,相当于mix…and…together. 题:________the tomatoes _____ the sugar.把西红柿和糖混合在一起。 (5). Add salt to the noodles. 往面条里加些盐。 add…to…意为“把…加到…里”。 题:The fire is going out. Will you _____ some wood _____ it? 火要灭了。你添点儿木柴好吗? 3.成功量学: (1) Let’s ______ fruit salad. A. make B. to make C. making D. makes (2) Please put some salt into the water, then ______. A. mix up it B. mix it up C. mix up them D. mix those up (3) ——Let me help you carry the box. ——__________. A. Of course not B. Certainly C. Yes, please help D. Thanks very much (4) Don’t forget to ____ some sugar ____ the coffee. A. pour; to B. put; on C. add; to D. cut; up (5) If you ____ red and yellow, you get orange. A. add B. mix C. draw D. make (6) Amy, can you tell me how ______ apple pies(派)? A. makes B. making C. to make D. made (7) He needs two ____ and ____ sauce now. A. sandwiches; a B. sandwich; a teaspoon of C. sandwiches; some D. sandwich; a teaspoon (8) She would like two ____ of bread. A. bottles B. slice C. pieces D. spoons(匙) (9) It’s dark(黑暗的) in the room. Please ____ the light. A. turn on B. turn up C. turn down D. turn off (10) ____ the bananas and yogurt into the blender. A. Put in B. Put C. Take D. Peel 二、成功展示: 三、成功检测: (一)根据提示填空(每空2分) 1. How many ______ (dictionary) do you have? 2. I have three _______( watch ). 3. There are some _______( orange) on the table. 4. I like _______(tomato) and _______ ( chicken). 5. How much _______( honey ) do we need? 6. Tina, let’s _________(make) fruit salad. 7. Oh, it ______(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now. 8. Tom is a little _________ ( strong) than Mike. 9. I think English is ______________(important) than any other subject. 10. My mother ________( take) the bus to work every day. 11. 请把酸奶倒进杯子里。 Please _______ the yogurt _______ the glass. 12. 然后放入两汤匙柠檬和一杯酸奶。 _______ put in _______ _______ _______ lemon and _______ ________ _______ yogurt. 13. 我不知道怎么玩这个游戏。 I don’t know _______ ______ play the game. 14. 请放些鸡肉片在这个三明治上。 Please ____ some chicken slices _______ the sandwich. 15. 我们需要多少食盐? How ______ salt do we need? (二)填空描述制作食物的过程(每空1分) 1. How to make a banana milk shake? First ______ the bananas. Then ______ ______ the bananas. ______ the bananas and ice cream ______ the blender. Then ______ the milk ______ the blender. Next, ______ ______ the blender. Finally, ______ the milk shake ______ a glass and ______ it. 2. How to make fruit salad? ______ ______ ______ three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. ______ ______ the fruit ______ a bowl. ______ ______ _____ two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. ______ ______ it all ______. 3. How to make popcorn? ______ ______ the popcorn ______ the popcorn popper. ______ ______ ______ the popper. ______ ______ the popcorn ______ a bowl. ______ ______ salt ______ the popcorn and ______ it. 4. How to make tomato and beef noodles? ______ ______ ______ the tomatoes and beef. ______ ______ the noodles. ______ ______ salt ______ the noodles. ______ ______ the ingredients ______ the noodles. ______ ______ the noodles. 四、成功思学: 我的收获:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 我的疑惑:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 曹县一中初二英语导学案 主备人:户艳芳审核人_________________________________ Unit7 Section B & Self Check 一、成功学习: 1.成功目标: (1). 熟练读出、书写并运用本课新单词; (2). 学会制作三明治并描述其过程; 2. 成功自学: (1).个人自读,记忆单词、短语;小组对子互查读写情况; 单词和短语: 三明治_______ 面包_______ 黄油_______ 调味品_______ 生菜________ 火鸡________ 薄片________ 超级的_______ 顶;上部_____ 食谱______ 核对;检查______ 鸭子______ 调味汁_______ 薄煎饼______ 卷;裹_______ 嫩洋葱_____ 两片面包__________________ 两茶匙佐料________________ 一些生菜_____________ 把另一片面包放在上面___________ ...的食谱___________ 吃北京烤鸭_________ 卷煎饼_________ (2). 重点句型: 首先把黄油涂在一片面包上。____________________________ 然后切碎一个洋葱和一个西红柿。________________________ 把洋葱和西红柿加到面包上。____________________________ 最后,把另一片面包覆盖在上面。________________________ 这里是制作火鸡三明治的烹调方法。______________________ (3). Finally, put another slice of bread on the top. 最后,把另一片面包覆盖在上面。 top意为“顶”,常构成on the top of ..., at the top of ...等短语,含义基本相同,意思是“在......上面,在... ...顶部”。 题:我们在山顶进行了一次野餐。_____________________ 他们把东西放在了车顶上。______________________ (4). Here is a recipe for a great turkey sandwich! 这里是制作火鸡三明治的烹调方法。 本句是倒装句,为了引起别人的注意,句首是here / there 等副词,并且谓语动词是be/come/go 等时,句子一般要倒装。 如:Here comes the bus! 公共汽车来了! 题:这是给你的一封信。_____________________________ [注意] 当句子的主语为代词时,主谓不倒装。 如:Here you are. 给你。 3.成功量学: 1. —Would you like some milk? —Yes, just . A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 2. —Can you ______ a banana milk shake? —Sorry, I can’t. A. do B. make C. cook D. get 3. —What can I do for you ? —Please____two apples and then ____. A. peel; cut them up B. peel; cut up them C. get; cut them down D. get; cut down them 4. I walked a long way, ___I got there . A. Next B. First C. Finally D. Then 5. We must cut __ the tomatoes and put them the blender. A. off; in B. up; into C. down; in D. down; into 二、成功展示: 三、成功检测: (一)根据句意和首字母填空(每空2分) 1. First put the butter on a s_____ of bread. 2. A some sugar to your coffee. 3. The butter, yogurt and relish are ready. M________ them up. 4. On the t_____ of the mountain, there is an old temple. 5. Here’s a r________ for making Bei jing Duck.. (二) 用介词(副词)填空(每空2分) 1. Please pour the milk ______the blender. 2. Can I add some sugar the rice? 3. I need some help. Can you cut _____ the tomatoes for me? 4. Add some honey and mix _________ the ingredients 5. Do you like onions sandwiches? (三)完成句子(每空2分) 1. 妈妈,我可以帮你切碎这些洋葱。Mom, I can help you ______ ______ the onions. 2. 我们需要在原料里加一些奶酪。We need to some cheese the ingredients. 3. 那家工厂不再将污水注入河里了。The factory doesn’t _______ waste water the river any more. 4. 欧洲杯足球赛就要开始了。我们打开电视吧。 The Europe Cup Football Match is going to begin. Let’s ______ _______ the TV. 5. 这里是制作超级火鸡三明治的烹调方法! _________ _________ a recipe _________ a great turkey sandwich! 6. 列车员查看火车票时,你应该出示它。 When the conductors on the train your ticket, you should _________ it to them. 7. 你怎么又把电视打开了?你应该先做作业。 Why did you _________ _________ the TV again? You should do your homework _________. (四) 填空描述制作食物的过程(每空2分) 1. How to make a super chicken sandwich? First, ____ the butter _____ a slice _____ bread. Then _____ _____ an onion and a tomato. _____ these ____ the bread. Next, _____ some lettuce and the chicken slices _____ the bread. _____ the relish _____ the chicken. Finally, _____ another slice ______ bread ______ ______ ______. 2. How to eat Beijing Duck? ______, _______ you have all the ingredients: slices of duck, pancakes, sauce and green onion. _______, get a pancake and ______ the ingredients ______ it. _______, _______ the pancake. _______, enjoy it. 【写作模板】 Last Sunday I went to see my grandma. My grandma made some beef sandwiches for me. They were very delicious. After lunch, I asked my grandma to teach me how to make a beef sandwich. First, she put a teaspoon of butter on a slice of bread. After that, she cut up an onion and a tomato. She added them to the bread. Then she put some lettuce and four slices of beef on the bread. Next she put two teaspoons of relish on the beef. Finally, she put another slice of bread on the top. 四、成功思学: 我的收获:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________我的疑惑:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Just for fun: I Have His Ear in My Pocket(他的耳朵在我衣兜里) Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, "What happened?" "A kid bit me," replied Ivan. "Would you recognize him if you saw him again?" asked his mother. "I'd know him anywhere," said Ivan. "I have his ear in my pocket."
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