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第13章的习题翻译(李璐希张瑛)第13章的习题翻译(李璐希张瑛) Chapter 13 Managing Change and Innovation 第13章管理变革与创新 翻译人:李璐希 张瑛 TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 判断正误 FORCES FOR CHANGE 变革的力量 1. Change is an organizational reality. 变革是一个组织的现实。 (True; easy; p. 356) 正确 简单 356页 2. The marketplace is an external...

第13章的习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 翻译(李璐希张瑛) Chapter 13 Managing Change and Innovation 第13章管理变革与创新 翻译人:李璐希 张瑛 TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 判断正误 FORCES FOR CHANGE 变革的力量 1. Change is an organizational reality. 变革是一个组织的现实。 (True; easy; p. 356) 正确 简单 356页 2. The marketplace is an external force of change. 市场是一个外部力量的变化 (True; moderate; p. 356) 适度 356页 正确 3. The change in demand for health care technicians is an example of an economic change. 需求的改变对于卫生保健人员是一个例子,一个经济变化。 (False; difficult; p. 356) 错误 有难度 356页 4. Labor markets are an internal force for change. 劳动力市场是一个内部变革的力量。 (False; moderate; p. 356) 错误 适度 356页 TWO VIEWS OF THE CHANGE PROCESS 变革过程中的两种观点 5. The “calm waters” metaphor of change is consistent with Lewin’s concept of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. “风平浪静”隐喻的变化是符合勒温的观念改变,再解冻。 (True; difficult; p. 358) 正确 有难度 358页 6. In the “white-water rapids” metaphor of change, managers should expect change at any time, and it may last for unspecified lengths of time. 在“激流险滩”隐喻的变化,管理人员应该期望改变在任何时间,并可能持续的时间长度。 (True; moderate; p. 358) 正确 适度 358页 MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 管理组织变革 7. Organizational change can be any alterations in people, structure, or technology. 组织变革可以是任何人、 结构或技术的变化。 (True; moderate; p. 360) 正确 适度 360页 8. Any manager can be a change agent. 任何经理可以成为变化的代理人 (True; moderate; p. 361) 351 正确 适度 361页 9. Computerization is a technological change that replaces people with machines. 电算化是用机器代替人的技术变革。 (False; moderate; p. 362; AACSB: Technology) 错误 适度 362页 AACSB:技术 10. Probably the most visible technology changes in recent years have come through managers’ efforts to expand corporate financing. 也许最明显的变化在最近几年已经通过管理者努力扩大企业融资。 (False; moderate; p. 363; AACSB: Technology) 错误 适度 363页 ;AACSB:技术 11. Sensitivity training is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction. 敏感性训练是一种行为的改变,通过非结构化群体互动。 (True; easy; p. 363) (正确;容易;363页) 12. Change threatens the investment you’ve already made in the status quo. 变化威胁你的投资已经取得的现状。 (True; easy; p. 364) (正确;容易;364页) 13. One reason people resist change is that it substitutes ambiguity for uncertainty. 原因之一人抗拒改变,取代模糊不确定性 (False; difficult; p. 364) (错误;困难;364页) 14. Negotiation refers to covert attempts to influence, twisting and distorting facts, or withholding information. 谈判指影响,暗中试图扭转和歪曲事实,或隐瞒信息。 (False; moderate; p. 365) (错误;适度;365页) 15. Never negotiate with employees as a means of overcoming resistance to change. 永远不会作为克服阻力的手段来更改与雇员谈判 (False; moderate; p. 365) (错误;适度;365页) 16. Cooptation refers to covert attempts to influence. 兼顾是指暗中试图影响。 (False; moderate; p. 365) (错误;适度;365页) 17. Manipulation is the use of direct threats. 操作是使用直接的威胁。 (False; moderate; p. 365) (错误;适度;365页) 18. A major disadvantage of coercion is that it is may be illegal. 胁迫的一个主要缺点是它可能是非法的。 (True; moderate; p. 365) (正确;适度;365页) 352 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGING CHANGE 管理变革中的当代问题 19. Cultural change is easier when the organizational culture is strong. 当组织文化强时文化变革更容易。 (False; easy; p. 366) (错误;容易;366页) 20. A leadership change can facilitate cultural change. 一个领导改变可以促进文化变革 (True; moderate; p. 367) (正确;适度;367页) 21. The number of employees experiencing job stress in the United States ranges anywhere from 40 to 80 percent. 遇到工作压力的雇员人数在美国范围内任意位置从 40%到 80%。 (True; difficult; p. 368) (正确;困难;368页) 22. Stress is the physical and psychological tension an individual feels when he or she is facing or experiencing extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. 压力是身体和心理紧张个人感觉当他或她是面临或遇到特殊需求、 约束或机会,结果被认为是 不确定和重要的。 (True; moderate; p. 369) (正确;困难;369页) 23. In terms of organizational factors, any attempt to lower stress levels has to begin with employee selection. 在组织因素,任何试图降低应力水平已开始与员工的选择。 (True; moderate; p. 370) (正确;困难;370页) STIMULATING INNOVATION 激发创新 24. Having creative people is not enough to get innovative products and work methods. 有创意的人并不能够获得创新的产品和工作方法。 (True; moderate; p. 374) (正确;适度;374页) 25. The three sets of variables that have been found to stimulate innovation are the organization’s management, culture, and technology. 这三种类型的变量,它已经被发现刺激创新是该组织的管理、文化和技术。 (False; moderate; p. 374) (错误;适度;374页) 353 26. Studies have shown that when an organization’s structure provided explicit support for creativity from work and nonwork sources, an employee’s creative performance was enhanced. 研究表明,当一个组织结构为创造性工作和 nonwork 来源提供明确的支持,增强员工的创 意表现。 (True; moderate; p. 375) (正确;适度;375页) 27. Innovative organizations tend to have dissimilar cultures. 创新的组织往往会有不同的文化 (False; moderate; p. 375) (错误;适度;375页) 28. Individuals who offer impractical answers to what-if questions are not stifled in an innovative organization. 个人提供不切实际假设问题的答案不是窒息在创新型组织。 (True; moderate; p. 375) (正确;适度;375页) 29. In an innovative organization, focusing on means to ends suggests that there might be several right answers to any given problems. 以一种创新的组织,关注意味着结束表明可能有几个正确的答案对给定的问题。 (False; moderate; p. 375) (错误;适度;375页) 30. Idea champions are good at gaining the commitment of others to support their mission. 来支持他们的使命的. 拥护者的想法都擅长获得别人的承诺 (True; easy; p. 376) (正确;容易;376页) MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 选择题 For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question. 对于下面每一种答案, 选出最完全的答案回答问题. FORCES FOR CHANGE 变革的力量 31. Being a manager, with no environmental uncertainty or threat of competitors’ new products, would be relatively simple without ______________. 作为管理者,没有环境不确定性或威胁的竞争对手的新产品,将无 ______________ 相对简 单。 354 a. government regulations 政府管理法规 b. diversity 多样性 c. cultural differences 文化差异 d. organizational change 组织变革 (d; moderate; p. 356) (d;适度;356页) 32. Managing change is an integral part of ______________. 管理变革是 ______________ 的一个组成部分 a. top management’s job 最高管理者的工作 b. middle-level management’s job 中层管理者的工作 c. the first-line manager’s job一线经理的工作 d. every manager’s job 每个管理者的工作 (d; moderate; p. 356) (d;适度;356页) 33. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is an example of which of the following forms of environmental change? 2002 年的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案 》 是一个示例,是下列哪种形式的环境变化, a. Internal内部的 b. Technology技术 c. government laws and regulations政府的法律和法规 d. labor markets劳动力市场 (c; moderate; p. 356) (c;适度;356页) 34. Assembly-line technology is changing dramatically as organizations _______________. 装配生产线技术作为组织 _______________ 在急剧改变。 a. develop new products for the market 开发新产品市场 b. replace human labor with robots 替换人类劳动的机器人 c. replace old manually controlled machines with newer machines 使用较新的机器替换旧的手动控制的机器 d. find new markets for their products 为他们的产品寻找新的市场 (b; moderate; p. 356; AACSB: Technology) (b;适度;356页;AACSB:技术) 355 35. Changing human resource management activities to attract and retain health care specialists due to increased needs for those workers is an example of what kind of environmental change factor? 改变人力资源管理活动吸引和保留应付增加的需求,这些工人的健康护理专家是一个什么样的环境变化因素的例子吗, a. Marketplace市场上 b. Technology技术 c. labor markets劳动力市场 d. economic经济 (c; difficult; p. 356) (c;困难;356页) 36. Global economic pressures force organizations to become more _____________. 全球经济的压力迫使组织成为更多 _________________。 a. price competitive价格竞争 b. quality conscious质量意识 c. cost efficient成本效率 d. conservative with raw materials保守的原材料 (c; difficult; p. 356; AACSB: Globalizations) (c;困难;356页;AACSB:全球化) 37. Falling interest rates are an example of what external force? 利率的下降是什么外部力量的一个示例, a. Marketplace 市场上 b. government laws and regulations 政府的法律和法规 c. labor markets 劳动力市场 d. economic changes 经济形势的改变 (d; easy; p. 356) (d;容易;356页) 38. Which of the following is not an internal force of change? 以下哪一项不是变化的内力, a. Technology技术 b. Strategy 战略 c. Workforce 劳动人口 d. employee attitudes员工的态度 (a; moderate; pp. 356-357) (a;适度;356页——357页) 356 39. Which of the following is not an external force of change? 以下哪一项不是变化的外部力量, a. Marketplace市场上 b. government laws and regulations 政府的法律和法规 c. economic changes 经济形势的变化 d. workforce 劳动人口 (d; moderate; pp. 356-357) (d;适度;356页——357页) 40. Internal forces that stimulate the need for change tend to originate primarily from the impact of external forces or from ___________. 刺激需要改变的内部力量往往源于主要是从外部势力的影响或 a. the forces of competition 竞争的力量 b. change in technology 在技术上的更改 c. customer demand for the products the company produces 公司生产的适合客户需求的产品 d. the internal operations of the organization 内部机构的运作 (d; moderate; p. 357) (d;适度;357页) 41. What change factor did Steve Bennett address in his turnaround of Intuit, Inc? 史蒂夫 ? 贝内特在他脱困的 Intuit 公司地址的什么改变的因素, a. Technology技术 b. Workforce劳动人口 c. Equipment设备 d. Strategy策略 (d; difficult; p. 357) (d;困难;357页) 42. Increasing the numbers of employed women and minorities forces managers to pay attention to what change factor? 增加的就业人数的妇女和少数民族部队管理者注意什么变化, a. Strategy策略 b. Workforce劳动人口 c. Equipment设备 d. Technology技术 (b; moderate; p. 357; AACSB: Diversity) (b;适度;357页;AACSB:多样性) 43. Labor strikes are an example of what change factor that may encourage a change in management thinking and practices? 劳动罢工的例子是什么改变的因素,可以鼓励改变管理思想和实践, 357 a. Workforce劳动人口 b. Equipment设备 c. employee attitudes 员工的态度 d. strategy策略 (c; easy; p. 357) (c;容易;357页) TWO VIEWS OF THE CHANGE PROCESS 变革过程的两种不同观点 44. One of the primary views of the change process is ______________, while the other view is ______________. 更改过程的初步意见之一是 ______________,另一个观点是 ______________。 a. problematic; encouraged 问题;鼓励 b. occasional; continuous 偶尔;连续 c. costly; conservative 代价高昂;保守 d. optimistic; pessimistic 乐观 ; 悲观 (b; difficult; p. 358) (b;困难;358页) 45. Lewin’s theory is consistent with which view of organizational change? 勒温的理论是否符合组织变革的哪个种观点, a. Continuous 连续的 b. Contemporary 当代的 c. Mayo’s 梅奥的 d. “calm waters” 冷静水域 (d; moderate; p. 358) (d;困难;358页) 46. According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not a stage in the change process? 据库尔特勒温,以下哪一项不是一个阶段的变化过程, a. Unfreezing 解冻 b. Changing 改变 c. Refreezing 回冻 d. Restraining 抑制 (d; moderate; p. 358) (d;困难;358页) 47. According to Kurt Lewin, increasing the driving forces, which direct behavior away from the status quo, is a means of doing which of the following? 据库尔特勒温,增加驱动力,直接从现状的行为,是以下哪一种手段做的, a. Unfreezing解冻 b. Changing 更改 358 c. restraining forces 限制因素 d. refreezing 回冻 (a; moderate; p. 358) (a;适度;358页) 48. The unfreezing step of the change process can be thought of as ______________. 解冻步骤的变化过程,可以被认为是______________。 a. thawing the organization loose from the current status to the new status 解冻组织松散,从当前状态到新状态 b. making the move to the new organizational condition 使移动到新的组织条件 c. loosening the organization from the old condition and moving it to the new condition 放松本组织从旧的条件,并将其移动到新的条件 d. preparing for the needed change 准备进行必要的改革 (d; moderate; p. 358) (d;适度;358页) 49. According to Lewin, which of the following is the objective of refreezing? 根据勒温,以下哪个是回冻的目标, a. directs behavior away from the status quo 指导行为脱离现状 b. hinders movement away from existing equilibrium 阻碍运动远离现有的平衡 c. eliminates the need for future change 消除了未来的变化的需要 d. stabilizes the new situation 稳定新形势 (d; moderate; p. 358) (d;适度;358页) 50. The ______________ is consistent with uncertain and dynamic environments. ______________ 是符合不确定和动态环境 a. calm waters metaphor 平静水域隐喻 b. white-water rapids metaphor 白水滩隐喻 (激流险滩隐喻) c. contemporary metaphor 当代隐喻 d. continuous metaphor 连续的隐喻 (b; moderate; p. 359) (b;适度;359页) 51. In the white-water rapids metaphor, change is a natural state, and managing change is _____________. 在激流险滩隐喻,改变是一种自然状态,和管理变革是_____________。 359 a. an accepted practice 普遍接受的做法 b. an expected practice 预期的实践 c. a continual process 一个连续的过程 d. a maintenance process 维护过程 (c; moderate; p. 359) (c;适度;359页) MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 管理组织变革 52. What is an emerging and evolving consumer trend that Hallmark identified? 新兴的和不断发展的消费趋势标志标识是什么, a. future perfect 完美的未来 b. careiness c. new and novel … now 新颖的 … … 现在 d. happening 发生的事情 (c; difficult; p. 360) (c;困难;360页) 53. In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process are called ______________. a. change masters b. change agents c. operations managers d. charismatic leaders (b; moderate; p. 360) 53.在组织中,作为催化剂,负责管理变化过程的人被称为 ______________。 a. 变革大师 b. 变革代理人 c 业务经理 d 魅力型领导者 (b;适度;360页) 54. In spurring organizational change, outside consultants are usually more ______________, whereas internal managers may be more ______________. 360 a. drastic; thoughtful b. highly paid; risky c. resistant; bold d. cautious; friendly (a; moderate; p. 361) 54.在促进组织变革,外部顾问通常更______________,而内部的管理者可能更 ______________。 a 激烈的;周到 b 高收入;风险 c 大胆的 抗性 d 谨慎的;友好 (a;适度;361页) 361 55. As change agents, managers should be motivated to initiate change because they are committed to __________. a. promoting the welfare of their employees b. managing and want to do the best they can for everyone c. improving their organization’s performance d. meeting the competition head-on in the market (c; difficult; p. 361) 55. 作为变革,管理者应该积极主动的变化,因为他们致力于__________。 a 促进其雇员的福利 b 管理和想做的最好,他们可以为每个人 c 提高他们的组织的表现 d 会议市场正面的竞争 (c;困难;361页) 56. Initiating change involves identifying what organizational areas might need to be changed and _____________. a. discussing it with the board of directors b. hiring a consultant to confirm that the change is needed c. forming a committee to determine that the need for change is real d. putting the change process in motion (d; easy; p. 361) 56.发起的变化涉及到确定哪些组织领域可能需要改变和_____________。 a 与董事会讨论 b 雇用顾问确认,需要改变 c 形成一个委员会,以确定需要改变是真实的 d 将更改过程放在议案 (d;容易;361页) 57. Managers’ options for change essentially fall into what three categories? a. environment, technology, and mission b. structure, technology, and people c. mission, structure, and people d. mission, environment, and process (b; difficult; p. 361) 362 57管理者可供选择的变化主要分为三大类, a 环境,技术,和使命 b 结构,技术,和人 c 任务,结构,和人 d 使命,环境,和过程 (b;困难:361页) 58. What category of change involves work processes, methods, and equipment? a. technology b. people c. competitors d. structure (a; moderate; p. 361; AACSB: Technology) 58.工作流程、 方法和设备,涉及到哪些类别的更改, a 技术 b 人 c 竞争对手 d 结构 (a;适度;361页;AACSB:技术) 59. A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing what change category? 公司决定下放的销售管理程序是什么改变类别, a. technology b. people c. competitors d. structure (d; moderate; p. 362) a 技术 b 人 c 竞争对手 d 结构 (d;适度;362页) 363 60. What type of change might include a shift from a functional to a product structure? 什么类型的变化可能包括从功能到产品结构, a. a structural design change b. a structural component change c. automation d. computerization (a; moderate; p. 362) a 结构 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 更改 b 结构组件更改 c 自动化 d 电算化 (a;适度;362页) 364 61. Competitive factors or new innovations within an industry often require managers to introduce all of the following except new _____________. 竞争因素或新的创新,在行业内通常需要引入新 _________________ 除下列所有的管理 人员 a. equipment b. tools c. operating methods d. employees (d; moderate; p. 362) a 设备 b 工具 c 操作方法 d 员工 (d;适度;362页) 62. When grocery stores installed scanners to read the product price, this was an example of managing what change category? 当杂货店安装扫描仪阅读产品价格的时候,这是一个管理什么改变范畴的例子, a. technology b. people c. competitors d. structure (a; moderate; p. 363; AACSB: Technology) a 技术 b 人 c 竞争对手 d 结构 (a;适度;363页;AACSB:技术) 63. Techniques to change people and the quality of interpersonal work relationships are termed _______________. 改变在的人们技术和人与人之间的工作之间的关系的品质被把称为 a. operations b. organizational development c. downsizing d. robotics (b; moderate; p. 363) a 操作 365 b 组织发展 c 裁员 d 机器人 (b;适度;363页) 64. If Kraft Foods hired a consultant to decrease group friction and enhance cooperative work relationships, this would be an example of managing what change category? 如果卡夫食品公司雇用了一名顾问,减少组摩擦和加强合作的工作关系,这就是一个管理什么更改类别的例子吗, a. technology b. people c. competitors d. structure (b; difficult; p. 363) a 技术 b 人 c 竞争对手 d 结构 (b;困难;363页) 65. What organizational development (OD) technique is a technique for assessing attitudes and perceptions, identifying discrepancies in these, and resolving the differences by using survey information in feedback groups? 什么组织发展 (OD) 技术是一种技术评估态度和看法、 确定差异在这些,和通过使用调查信息反馈组中解决分歧, a. team building b. intergroup development c. survey feedback d. sensitivity training (c; easy; p. 363) a 团 队 建 设 b 技术发展 c 调查反馈 d 敏感性训练 366 (c;容易;363页) 367 66. What OD technique involves changing the attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that work groups have about each other? 什么 OD 技术涉及改变态度,定型,和对彼此有工作群体的看法吗, a. team building b. intergroup development c. survey feedback d. sensitivity training (b; easy; p. 363) a 团 队 建 设 b 技 术 发 展 c 调 查 反 馈 d 敏感性训练 (b;容易;363页) 67. Before using the same OD techniques to implement behavioral changes, especially across different countries, managers need to be sure that they’ve taken into account _______________. 在使用相同的外径技术实施行为变化,特别是在不同的国家,管理人员需要确保他们已经考虑到_______________。 a. cultural characteristics b. organizational differences c. employee attitudes d. societal differences (a; difficult; p. 364; AACSB: Globalizations) a 文化特征 b 组织上的差异 c 员工态度 d 社会差异 (a;困难;364页;AACSB:全球化) 68. An individual is likely to resist change because of all of the following reasons except _____________. 个人很可能由于以下原因除了 _________________ 所有的抵制变革。 a. uncertainty b. increased productivity c. concern over personal loss d. belief that the change is not in the organization’s best interest (b; easy; p. 364) a 不确定性 368 b 增加生产力 c 关注个人的损失 d 更改不是在本组织的最佳利益的信仰 (b;容易;364页) 69. To cope with the complexity of life, individuals rely on habits or _______________. 应付复杂的生活,个人依靠习惯或_______________。 a. programmed responses b. the status quo c. beliefs d. certainties (a; difficult; p. 364) a 程序的反应 b 现状 c 信仰 d 确定性 (a;困难;364页) 70. Which of the reasons for resistance to change expressed by an employee may be beneficial to the organization? 雇员所表示的变革的阻力的原因,可能有益于本组织吗, a. uncertainty b. freezing c. change is incompatible with the interests of the organization d. refreezing (c; difficult; p. 365) a 不确定性 b 冻结 c 变化是不符合本组织的利益 d 回冻 (a;困难;365页) 369 71. All of the following are mentioned as actions that managers can use to deal with resistance to change except ______________. a. education and communication b. diversification c. participation d. facilitation and support (b; moderate; p. 365) 71.下列所有提到作为经理可以使用处理除 ______________ 变革的阻力的行动。 a.教育和通讯 b.多样化 c.参与 d.促进和支持 (b; 适度; 365页) 72. For ________ to be effective, there must be mutual trust and credibility between managers and employees. a. education b. coercion c. negotiation d. participation (a; moderate; p. 365) 72.为 ________ 有效,必须有相互信任和经理和员工之间的公信力。 a.教育 b.胁迫 c.谈判 d.参与 (a;适度;365页) 73. __________ may be necessary when resistance comes from a powerful source. a. Education and communication b. Coercion c. Facilitation and support d. Negotiation (d; moderate; p. 365; AACSB: Communication) 370 73._____ 可能需要时的阻力来自强大的源。 a.教育和通讯 b.胁迫 c.促进和支持 d.谈判 (d;适度;365页;AASCB:通信) 74. ______________ is using direct threats or force on those who resist change. a. Negotiation b. Coercion c. Cooptation d. Education and communication (b; moderate; p. 365) 74.______________ 是使用直接的威胁,或对那些人抵制变革力量。 a.谈判 b.胁迫 c.兼顾 d.教育和通讯 (b;适度;365页) CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGING CHANGE 管理变革中的当代问题 75. Which of the following represents the relationship between organizational culture and change? a. Culture and change are naturally compatible. b. Culture tends to be very resistant to change. c. Culture can change in months but not weeks. d. Culture can never be purposely changed. (b; moderate; p. 366) 75.下列哪个代表组织文化与变化之间的关系, a.文化和变化是自然兼容。 371 b.文化往往是非常不易更改。 c.文化可以更改在几个月,但不是几周。 d.从未刻意改变文化。 (a;适度;366页) 76. Which of the following is not a favorable situational condition that may facilitate change in an organizational culture? a. a dramatic crisis occurs b. the culture is weak c. stock prices remain constant d. the organization is young and small (c; moderate; p. 367) 76.以下哪一项不是可能会促进组织文化变革的情境条件良好, a.发生戏剧性的危机 b.文化是弱 c.股票价格保持不变 d.组织是年轻且小 (c; 适度;367页) 77. Cultural change is most likely to take place when _______________. a. the organization is old b. the organization is large c. the culture is strong d. there is a leadership change (d; moderate; p. 367) 77.文化的变化是最有可能采取放置时 _______________。 a.组织是旧 b.组织是大 c.文化是强 d.有是一个领导的变化 372 (d; 适度;367页) 78. What is a strategy for managing cultural change? a. Support employees who remain devoted to the old values. b. Redesign socialization processes to align with the new values. c. Keep the reward system the same. d. Terminate top managers who are positive role models. (b; moderate; p. 368) 78.什么是管理文化变革的战略, a.支持仍然致力于旧值的雇员。 b.重新设计新的值对齐的社会化进程。 c.保持奖励系统相同。 d.终止顶级经理人是积极的榜样。 (b;适度;368页) 79. A dynamic and uncertain organizational environment has created a large number of employees who are ______________. a. old enough to retire, but can’t afford to retire b. young and energetic about the “next day’s work” c. overworked and stressed out d. overworked, but paid very well (c; easy; p. 368) 79.动态和不确定的组织环境创造了大量的员工,他们没有 ______________。 a.老得足够退休,但不能退休 b.年轻、 精力充沛的"第二天的工作" c.超负荷工作,并强调 d.超负荷工作,但很好支付 (c;容易;368页) 80. ______________ is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities. a. Stereotyping b. Stress c. A halo effect d. Creativity 373 (b; moderate; p. 369) 80.______________ 是不良反应的人有过大的压力,在他们头上从非同寻常的需求、 约束或机 会。 a.定型观念 b.压力 c.光环效应 d.创造力 (b;适度;369页) 81. Stress, in and of itself, is _____________. a. not necessarily bad b. healthy in most cases c. harmful, especially if not managed by exercise d. beneficial to those who use it (a; moderate; p. 369) 81.压力,本身,是 _________________。 a.不一定不好 b.健康在大多数情况下 c.有害的特别是如果不是由行使管理 d.对那些使用它的人有利 (a;适度;369页) 82. ________ prevent you from doing what you desire; __________ refer to the loss of something desired. a. Constraints; demands b. Demands; constraints c. Fears; stressors d. Stressors; fears (a; moderate; p. 369) 82.________ 阻止你做你所期望的 ;_____ 指事物所需的损失。 a.约束 ;要求 374 b.要求 ;约束 c.恐惧 ;应激源 d.应激源 ;恐惧 (a;适度;369页) 83. Which of the following is true concerning stress? a. Stress is a static condition. b. Stress is a negative reaction to an outside force. c. Stress can be caused by change of any kind. d. Stress limits performance. (c; moderate; p. 369) 83.以下哪一项是正确的关于压力的, a.压力是静态的条件。 b.压力是外力的负面反应。 c.压力可能引起的任何一种变化。 d.压力限制了性能。 (c;适度;369页) 375 84. __________ there must be uncertainty over the outcome, and the outcome must be important. a. For uncertainty to become fear, b. For anxiety to become stress, c. For potential stress to become actual stress, d. For anxiety to become fear, (c; difficult; p. 369) 84._____ 有必须的不确定性对成果,并且结果必须是重要。 a.为成为恐惧,不确定性 b.为成为压力、 焦虑 c 潜在的压力,成为实际的压力,. d 成为恐惧、 焦虑 (c;困难;369页) 85. Stress symptoms can be grouped under any of the following three general categories except ______________. a. physiological b. cultural c. psychological d. behavioral (b; moderate; p. 369) 85.压力症状可以根据任何 ______________ 除下列三个常规类别进行分组。 a.生理 b.文化 c.心理 d.行为 (b; 适度;369页) 86. Which of the following is an example of a psychological symptom of stress? a. changes in metabolism b. increased heart and breathing rate c. irritability d. changes in productivity (c; moderate; p. 370) 86.下列哪一项是紧张心理症状的示例, 376 a.代谢的变化 b.增加心脏和呼吸频率 c.烦躁 d.生产力的变化 (c; 适度;370页) 87. Changes in eating habits are a ____________ symptom of stress. a. physical b. psychological c. behavioral d. inertial (c; easy; p. 370) 87.饮食习惯的改变是压力 ____________ 症状。 a.物理 b.心理 c.行为 d.惯性 (c; 容易;370页) 88. Managers need to make sure that employees’ abilities _______________. a. match the job requirements b. are being maximized c. are not being affected by their stress d. are not causing them stress (a; difficult; p. 370) 88.管理人员需要确保该雇员的能力 _______________。 a.匹配作业的需求 b.被最大化 c.不受他们的压力 d.未导致他们压力 377 (a; 困难;370页) 89. _______________ that increase opportunities for employees to participate in decisions and to gain social support have been found to lessen stress. a. Improved organizational communications b. Time management programs c. Wellness programs d. Job redesigns (d; moderate; p. 370) 89. 增加机会,为员工参与的决定,并获得社会支持的 _______________ 已经发现,减轻压力。 a.改进组织通讯 b.时间管理程序 c.健康 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 d.作业带来弄巧成拙 (d;适度;370页) 378 90. Stress from an employee’s personal life _______________. a. is difficult for the manager to control directly b. should never concern the manager c. indicates that the employee needs counseling d. always affects work behavior, so the manager should always intervene (a; moderate; p. 370) 90.从一名雇员的个人生活 _______________ 强调。 a.很难直接控制经理 b.永远不应关注管理器 c.指示雇员需要心理咨询 d.总是会影响工作的行为,所以经理应始终干预 (a; 适度;370页) 91. Managers might want to offer _______________ to employees who want to talk to someone about their problems. a. wellness programs b. time management programs c. employee counseling d. performance planning programs (c; moderate; p. 370) 91.管理者可能要提供 _______________ 雇员想跟人说过他们的问题。 a.健康计划 b.时间管理程序 c.员工咨询服务 d.规划程序的性能 (c;适度;370页) 92. How can managers increase the likelihood of making change happen successfully? a. focus on how they want to change the organization b. understand the difficult task at hand c. increase the role of individual employees d. observe how competitors are changing (c; moderate; p. 371) 92.管理人员如何可以增加的做出改变成功的可能性, 379 a.重点是如何,他们想改变组织 b.了解手边的艰难任务 c.增加个别雇员的作用 d.观察的竞争对手如何变化的 (c;适度;371页) 93. What is a characteristic of a change-capable organization? a. separates the present and the future b. makes controlling a way of life c. discourages mavericks d. shelters breakthroughs (d; moderate; p. 371) 93.什么是组织的特性的变化有能力, a.分隔的现状与未来 b.使控制一种生活方式 c.阻碍小牛队 d.站上盖的突破 (d; 适度;371页) 94. A study of organizational change found that __________ percent of changes at the work-group level were reactions to a specific, current problem or to a suggestion from someone outside the work group; and __________ percent of those changes occurred in the course of employees’ day-to-day work. a. 77; 68 b. 35; 90 c. 90; 35 d. 68; 77 (a; difficult; p. 372) 94.组织变革的研究发现,_____ %的工作小组层面的变化反应到一个特定的当前的问题或建议从有人在外面工作的小组 ;和员工的日常工作的过程中发生的 _____ %的那些更改。 a.77 ;68 b.35 ;90 380 c.90 ;35 d.68 ;77 (a; 困难; 372页) 381 STIMULATING INNOVATION 激发创新 95. Managing in the dynamic, chaotic world of global competition, organizations must create new products and services, _____________. a. at competitive prices and in the correct location b. and adopt teams as the best way to improve the organization c. and adopt state-of-the-art technology if they are to compete successfully d. that offer the customer what they want (c; moderate; p. 373; AACSB: Technology) 95在全球化竞争的动态、 混沌的世界中管理,组织必须创建新的产品和服务, _________________。 a.具竞争力的价格和在正确的位置 b.和采用团队作为提高本组织的最佳途径 c.如果他们要成功地竞争 并采用先进的技术 d. 为客户提供他们想要什么 (c; 适度; 373页; AACSB:技术) 96. ______________ refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas. a. Innovation b. Imagination c. Creativity d. Interpretive thinking (c; moderate; p. 374) 96.______________ 指的是以独特的方式结合思想或观念之间的不寻常联想能力。 a.创新 b.想象力 c.创造力 d.解释性思维 (c; 适度; 374页) 97. ______________ is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation. a. Innovation b. Imagination 382 c. Creativity d. Interpretive thinking (a; moderate; p. 374) 97.______________ 是以创新的理念,将其转化为有用的产品、 服务或操作方法的过程。 a.创新 b.想象力 c.创造力 d.解释性思维 (a; 适度; 374页) 98. Research into the effect of structural variables on innovation shows that _______________. a. organic structures negatively influence innovation b. the easy availability of plentiful resources provides a key building block for innovation c. frequent interunit communication helps create barriers to innovation d. time pressures actually cause people to be more creative (b; moderate; p. 375) 98对创新结构变量的影响的研究显示,_______________。 a.有机结构造成负面影响的创新 b.容易获得的丰富的资源为创新提供了关键的构造块 c.频繁的 interunit 通信帮助创建创新的障碍 d.时间压力实际上导致更具创造性 (b; 适度;375页) 99. Which of the following is an example of a variable that can foster innovation? a. mechanistic structure b. organic structure c. few organizational resources d. acceptance of ambiguity (b; difficult; p. 375) 99.下列哪一项是一个变量,可以促进创新的一个示例, a.机械结构 b.有机结构 383 c.几个组织的资源 d.歧义的验收 (b;困难; 375页) 100. Which of the following is not a cultural variable that supports innovation? a. acceptance of ambiguity b. tolerance for the impractical c. high external controls d. focus on ends, not means (c; moderate; p. 375) 100.下列哪一项不是支持创新的文化变量, a.接受的歧义 b.不切实际的公差 c.高外部控制 d.重点是结束,不意味着 (c; 适度; 375页) 101. An innovative culture is likely to have ______________. a. high external controls b. low tolerance for risk c. closed-system focus d. tolerance of conflict (d; easy; p. 375) 101.创新文化很可能有 ______________。 a.高外部控件 b.低容忍风险 c.封闭系统焦点 d公差的冲突 (d; 容易; 375页) 102. Which of the following human resource variables is supportive of organizational innovation? a. low commitment to training b. selection of Type A employees 384 c. high job security d. unionization (c; moderate; p. 376) 102。下列哪个变量是支持人力资源组织创新, A低承担培训 B型员工选择 C .工作安全 D .工会 (c;适度;376页) 103. ______________ actively and enthusiastically support new ideas, build support, overcome resistance, and ensure that innovations are implemented. a. Idea champions b. Whistleblowers c. Idea generators d. Idea screeners (a; moderate; p. 376) 103。______________积极热情地支持新的想法,建立支持,克服阻力,确保创新的实施。 A观念的冠军 B .告密者 C .点子 D .想法安检 (a;适度;376页) 104. All of the following are common personality characteristics of idea champions except ______________. a. extremely high self-confidence b. persistence c. energy d. risk aversion (d; moderate; p. 376) 385 104。所有以下是常见的人格特征的思想除了______________冠军。 A .极高的自信 B .持续 C .能源 D .风险厌恶 (d;适度;376页) SCENARIOS AND QUESTIONS 情况和问题 For each of the following, choose the answer that most completely answers the question. 对以下每个问题,选择正确的答案,最完整的答案。 FORCES FOR CHANGE 变革的力量 New Ideas (Scenario) 新思路(下) Although New Ideas, Inc., has been in business for 30 years, the company and its employees seemingly have been in a constant state of change. Louis Snyder has been President of New Ideas, Inc. for the last 15 years. During this time, he has had to change the strategic focus of the company three times. The employees have become vocal recently about the decrease in their bonus checks and their desire for increased profits. It seems as though his competition is always introducing new products into the market, and New Ideas, Inc.’s niche products are constantly changing. Moreover, the government has been active in passing new legislation to increase the control of the product packaging and product contents. The technology used to manufacture the products has continually changed to make the process more efficient 虽然新的理念,公司,已经营30年,该公司及其员工似乎一直在不断变化。路易斯斯奈德被总 统的新理念,公司在过去的15年。在这段时间,他不得不改变公司战略重点的三倍。员工已经 成为声乐最近关于减少他们的奖金支票和他们的愿望,增加利润。看起来他竞争永远是引进新产 品进入市场,和新的理念,公司的优势产品是不断变化的。此外,政府一直积极通过新的立法, 增加控制的产品包装和产品内容。所使用的技术制造的产品不断改变,使过程更有效率。 105. The technology change in the manufacturing process of New Ideas, Inc.’s products to make the process more efficient is the result of a competitor lowering its price. Therefore, it was a(n) ________________. 386 a. external force of change b. internal force of change c. marketplace force of change d. economic force of change (a; moderate; p. 356; AACSB: Technology) 105。技术变革在制造过程中的新理念,公司产品以使过程更有效率的结果是一个竞争对手降低其价格。因此,这是一________________。 A .外部力量的变化 B .内力的变化 C .市场力的变化 D .经济力量的变化 (a;适度;356页;遴选:技术) 106. Mr. Snyder has had to change the strategic focus of the company three times. The change in strategic focus of the New Ideas, Inc., is a(n) ______________. a. external force of change b. internal force of change c. marketplace force of change d. economic force of change (b; moderate; p. 357) 106。斯奈德先生不得不改变公司战略重点的三倍。改变战略重点的新思路,股份有限公司,是一______________()。 A .外部力量的变化 B .内力的变化 C .市场力的变化 D .经济力量的变化 (b;适度;357页) 107. When the employees express their concern about their bonus checks, which of the following types of forces of change is constraining Mr. Snyder? a. external force of change b. labor market force of change 387 c. internal force of change d. social force of change (c; moderate; p. 357) 107。当雇员表示关注,他们的奖金支票,下列哪种类型的力的变化是制约斯奈德先生吗, A .外部力量的变化 B .劳动力市场的变化 C .内力的变化 D .社会变革的力量 (c;适度;357页) TWO VIEWS OF THE CHANGE PROCESS 变革过程的两种不同观点 New Ideas (Scenario 2) 新想法( 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 2) Although New Ideas, Inc., has been in business for 30 years, the company and its employees seemingly have been in a constant state of change. Louis Snyder has been president of New Ideas, Inc. for the last 15 years. During this time, he has had to change the strategic focus of the company three times. It seems as though his competition is always introducing new products into the market, and New Ideas, Inc.’s niche products are constantly changing. Moreover, the government has been active in passing new legislation to increase the control of the product packaging and product contents. The technology used to manufacture the products has continually changed to make the process more efficient. 虽然新的理念,公司,已经营30年,该公司及其员工似乎一直在不断变化。路易斯斯奈德被总 统的新理念,公司在过去的15年。在这段时间,他不得不改变公司战略重点的三倍。看起来他 竞争永远是引进新产品进入市场,和新的理念,公司的优势产品是不断变化的。此外,政府一直 积极通过新的立法,增加控制的产品包装和产品内容。所使用的技术制造的产品不断改变,使过 程更有效率。 108. Being that New Ideas, Inc., focuses on new ideas, uses technology that changes frequently, and has strong competition in the market, what metaphor of change can be used to describe New Ideas, Inc.? a. a calm water metaphor b. more of a white-water rapid metaphor than a calm water metaphor c. more of a calm water metaphor than a white-water rapid metaphor d. a white-water rapids metaphor (d; easy; p. 358) 388 108.为新理念,公司,侧重于新的思想,利用技术经常变化,具有较强的市场竞争中,如何改变 比喻可以用来描述新的想法,公司, A平静的隐喻 B .多个激流迅速隐喻而平静的隐喻 C角一个平静的水比水快速隐喻隐喻 D激流险滩隐喻 (d;容易;358页) MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 组织变革管理 Fred Fryer’s Donuts (Scenario) 弗莱德油炸甜甜圈(剧本) Since the integration of two new stores in Littleville, U.S., Fred Fryer’s Donuts, Inc., has recognized that there is a need for reengineering the entire organization. The main need is to install new state-of-the-art kitchen equipment in the seven remaining stores, and then dispose of all old equipment to a salvage dealer at three-fourths of the book value, or a loss of $2,000 per store. This means that employees will have to be trained to operate the new computer programmed equipment. Fred is setting up the main store as a training store. Employees from the other stores will train at the main store for the 5 days that their respective store’s equipment is being converted. The regular employees from the main store have the responsibility of instructing the classes or overseeing the installation of the new equipment and testing its operation before that store’s employees return from training. The organization is also implementing teams to replace the old employee reporting system. Ordering of materials will now be done by an intranet among the stores and the corporate purchasing function. Fred has promised that no one will lose his or her job because of the reengineering organizational changes. He estimates that when the employees get to the computer programming training, as many as 10 percent of the current employees will resign or retire. The planned opening of a new store in Nowhere will absorb any “excess” employees due to the efficiency of the new equipment. 由于整合两家新店littleville,美国,弗莱德油炸甜甜圈,公司,已认识到需要有重组整个组织。 主要需要的是安装新的最先进的厨房设备在余下的七个商店,然后处理所有的旧设备回收商在四 分之三的账面价值,或损失2000美元每店。这意味着员工将被训练操作的新电脑程控设备。弗 莱德成立的主要存储作为一个培训店。员工从其他商店将列车的主要商店的5天,他们各自的 存储设备被转换。定期的员工主要商店有责任指导或监督安装新的设备和测试运行之前,商店的 回报员工培训。该组织还执行小组取代旧员工报告系统。订购的材料将是由一个内部之间的商店 和企业的采购职能。弗莱德已经承诺,没有人会失去他或她的工作由于再造组织变化。他估计, 389 当员工得到计算机编程培训,多达百分之10的雇员将辞职或退休。计划开设一家新商店不会吸 收任何“过剩”的员工由于效率的新设备。 109. Do the employees of Fred Fryer’s Donuts, Inc., have reason to be concerned about the reengineering or to resist the changes that Fred has announced? a. No. They have been promised a job after training on the new equipment. b. Maybe. They do have a few changes occurring in their job. c. Yes. Their whole work life could be changing. d. Definitely. Everything in their job is changing, even the town in which they may be working. (d; easy; p. 361) 109.做员工弗莱德油炸甜甜圈,公司,有理由关注的再造或抵制变化,弗莱德宣布, A不,他们已答应一职后培训的新设备。 B或许吧。他们有一些变化发生在他们的工作。 C .是的。他们的整个工作生活可以改变。 D .肯定。一切都在他们的工作是变化的,即使他们可能工作镇。 (d;容易;361页) 110. What is the most successful way to deal with the human side of the reengineering to help to change people and the nature and quality of their interpersonal work relationships? a. training and development b. organizational development c. reengineering training d. give the employees a training manual (b; moderate; p. 363) 110.什么是最成功的方式来处理人权方面的再造帮助改变人们的性质和质量的人际关系, A培训与发展 B .组织发展 C .再造培训 D .给员工培训手册 (b;适度;363页) 390 111. The installation of the new equipment at Fred Fryer’s Donuts, Inc., is an example of _______________. a. technological change b. technological-automation change c. technological-computerization change d. technological-reengineering change (c; moderate; p. 363; AACSB: Technology) 111.在弗雷德油炸锅炸,Inc.的新设备的安装是 _______________ 的示例。 a.技术变革 b.技术自动化变化 c.技术电算化变化 d.技术再造的变化 (b;适度;363页;AACSB:技术) 391 112. Which of the following should Fred and the team leaders practice if they need to overcome employee resistance? a. assure the employees that they will have a job after training b. encourage the employees to talk with their coworkers c. tell employees that the new system is the best way to make donuts d. educate employees and communicate with them about the changes (d; easy; p. 365; AACSB: Communication) 112。下列哪个要弗莱德和团队领导人的做法如果他们需要克服员工阻力, A .保证员工,他们将有一个职后培训 B .鼓励员工和他们的同事 C .告诉员工,新系统是最好的方式让甜甜圈 D教育员工,与他们交流的变化 (d;容易;365页;AACSB:通信) The Government Job (Scenario) 政府工作(下) Colin was getting accustomed to his surroundings in state government. His efforts at getting people to accept change had met with little resistance due to his and the new director’s efforts as well as the hard work of his subordinates. But now the hard part really started—actually managing the change. What techniques could he and his agency’s new director employ to most effectively implement changes that would result in increased productivity in his department? He considered changing three aspects of his agency: the structure, the technology, and the people. 科林是越来越习惯了他在州政府周围的环境。他在努力让人们接受更改会见了他和新主任的努 — 实际上管理转变。哪些技力,以及他的下属的努力工作小阻力。但现在真的开始难的部分 — 术可能他和他所在机构的新主任雇用最有效地实施更改会导致他的部门在提高生产力,他考虑换 他代理的三个方面: 结构、 技术、 和人民。 113. If the new agency director decided to remove layers in the agency and increase the span of managerial control, this would be considered changing the ________________. a. structural design b. selection process c. degree of centralization d. structural components (d; moderate; p. 362) 113。如果新办事处主任决定删除层的机构和增加的管理控制,这将被认为是改变 ________________。 392 A结构设计 B .选择过程 C .集权程度 D结构部件 (d;适度;362页) 114. If the agency director decided to shift away from a functional to a product design, this would be considered changing the _______________. a. structural design b. selection process c. degree of centralization d. structural components (a; difficult; p. 362) 114。如果署署长决定转向从功能到产品的设计,这将被认为是改变_______________。 A结构设计 B .选择过程 C .集权程度 D结构部件 (a;困难;362页) 115. If Colin decided to replace some employee work time with a telephone menu system, this would be considered changing the _______________. a. organizational structure b. technology c. people d. organizational development (b; moderate; p. 362; AACSB: Technology ) 115。如果柯林决定取代一些员工的工作时间与电话菜单系统,这将被认为是改变_______________。 A .组织结构 393 B .技术 C人们 D .组织发展 (b;适度;362页;AACSB:技术) 394 116. Finally, Colin decided his people could benefit from ___________, a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction. a. survey feedback b. sensitivity training c. team building d. intergroup development (b; difficult; p. 363) 116. 最后,柯林决定让他的人可以受益于___________方法改变行为,通过非结构化群体互 动。 A .调查反馈 B敏感性训练 C .团队建设 D .机构间的发展 (b;困难;363页) The Practice (Scenario) 实践(下) Kelly Rae works for an ophthalmologist’s office where she has been employed as a technician for approximately 1 year. Kelly has been promoted to the position of clinic coordinator where she is responsible for ensuring operational efficiency and effectiveness by managing and training other technicians, overseeing the doctor’s schedules, and coordinating activities between the scheduling desk, the technicians, the insurance office, and the optical shop. Upon her promotion she was given a mandate by the doctors to “clean house” in an effort to make fundamental changes to enhance productivity. 凯利雷伊作品为眼科医生的办公室,她已被用来作为一个技术员为大约1年。凯利已晋升为临 床协调员,负责确保业务效率和效力的管理和培训技术人员,监督医生的时间表,和之间的协调 活动调度台,技术人员,保险公司,和眼镜店。她在她提升的任务是由医生“干净”的努力在根本 上改变提高生产力。 117. If Kelly were to consider enhancing productivity by giving greater authority to other technicians and increasing formalization, she would be considering ___________ changes. a. structural b. technological c. people d. automatic (a; moderate; p. 361) 395 117。如果凯利被考虑提高生产力的更大权力,其他技术人员和越来越多的形式化,她会考虑 ___________变化。 A .结构 B .技术 C人们 D .自动 (a;适度;361页) 118. The two doctors at the practice have very different work habits. Each has his own team of technicians who are used to the doctors’ preferences and are comfortable with their routines; they basically do the same thing every day. When Kelly suggested that they train all of the technicians to work with both doctors, this led to significant resistance from all of the parties involved. The technicians were concerned that they would no longer be able to perform their usual daily tasks. Their resistance came from ______________. a. the technicians’ belief that ambiguity would increase b. the technicians’ fear that they would be forced out of their habits c. technicians’ concern over personal loss d. belief that Kelly’s changes would harm the organization (b; moderate; p. 364) 118.这两位医生,这种做法有非常不同的工作习惯。每个人都有自己的球队的技术人员都用于医 生的首选项,很了解他们的日常生活 ;他们每天基本上做同样的事情。当凯利建议他们训练所 有与这两个医生工作的技术人员时,这导致重大的阻力来自所有有关各方。技术人员担心他们不 再能执行其惯常的日常任务。他们的抵抗来自 ______________。 a.歧义会增加 b.技术人员的恐惧会在他们的习惯的强迫他们的技术人员的信仰 c.个人损失对技术人员的关注 d.凯利的变化会损害本组织的信仰 (b;适度;364页) 119. Shelly, a technician, was particularly concerned about the changes. She had spent a number of years ingratiating herself with one of the doctors and, because of it, she had earned special privileges, such as taking extended lunches with her husband. Shelly’s resistance to change came from her _________. a. belief that uncertainty would increase b. fear that she would be forced out of her habit 396 c. concern over personal loss d. belief that Kelly’s changes would harm the organization (c; easy; p. 364) 雪莉,一个技术员,特别是关心的变化。她花了数年,讨好自己的医生之一,因为它,她已经获 得了特权,如采取延长午餐和她的丈夫。雪莉对变革的阻力来自她的_________。 A信仰的不确定性增加 B .害怕她会被迫离开她的习惯 C .关注个人的损失 D .相信凯利的变化会损害组织 (c;容易;364页) CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGING CHANGE 变革管理中的当前问题 The Management Seminar (Scenario) 管理研讨会(剧本) Mandy recently returned from her two-day managerial seminar, How to Totally Change Your Management and Leadership Style in Two Days. She felt the seminar was worthless (as she had predicted), but it did give her a chance to think about how to change the culture of her organization. She had been brought in by the new CEO as a change agent, and she has the authority to make an impact. She felt that the recent hostile takeover by their parent company had shocked everyone, especially given that the entire organization consisted of only 150 people and had been in business for only 5 years. She felt that this might be the time to attempt cultural change while everyone was still thinking in terms of change. As she tossed her leadership seminar manual into the wastebasket, she considered what her first step might be and how well the cultural change would work. 最近刚从她两天的管理研讨会,返回嫚蒂如何完全更改您的管理和领导风格两天。她觉得研讨会 是毫无价值 (如她曾预测),但它确实让她有机会思考如何改变她的组织文化。她曾带来了变 革者,作为新的首席执行官,她有权作出影响。她觉得,由其母公司最近的敌意收购了与每个 人,震惊,尤其是考虑到整个组织包括只有 150 人,并已在业务中只有 5 年。她觉得这可能是时 间来尝试文化的变化,虽然每个人都仍然是思维的变化。正如她扔进废纸篓的她领导研讨会手 册,她认为她的第一步可能是文化 120. Of the following, which is an advantage that Mandy has to implement cultural change? a. her new leadership skills b. the recent purchase of her company c. previous stable leadership d. her managerial level 397 (b; difficult; p. 367) 120这是一个优势,以下哪一项曼蒂已经实施文化变革, A她新的领导技巧 B .最近购买公司 C公元前稳定的领导 D .管理水平 (b;困难;367页) 121. Which of the following statements is true concerning the leadership of Mandy’s company and its effect on cultural change? a. New top leadership can be an advantage. b. New top leadership is rarely an advantage. c. It is important for the cultural change to begin with employees first. d. Leadership issues have little impact on cultural change. (a; moderate; p. 367) 121.以下陈述中哪一项是关于嫚蒂的公司和文化变化对其影响的领导, a.新的最高领导层可以成为优势。 b.新的最高领导层是很少的优势。 c.它是重要的第一次开始与员工的文化变迁。 d.领导问题对文化变迁的影响小 (a;适度;367页) 122. Which of the following statements about her company is most advantageous to Mandy as she attempts to change the cultural leadership? a. Change would be easiest with a company that is older and has a small number of employees. b. Change would be easiest in an older company with many employees. c. Implementing change in small companies that are new is easiest. d. Implementing change in small companies that are old is easiest. (c; difficult; p. 367) 122.以下语句对她的公司哪一项对曼蒂最有利,她尝试更改的文化领导, a.更改将是最容易与较旧,有少量的雇员的公司。 b.更改将是最容易在较旧的公司有很多员工。 398 c.实施新的小公司的改变是最容易。 d.执行都是旧的小公司的改变是最容易。 (c;困难;367页) 123. Of the following, which statement about her company’s previous culture would be most advantageous to her accomplishing a change? a. A previously strong culture is receptive to change. b. A previously nonexistent culture is receptive to change. c. A moderately strong culture is receptive to change. d. A weak culture is more receptive to change. (d; difficult; p. 367) 123.以下哪些关于她的公司以前文化的语句会对她完成了变化最有利, a.以前强文化是接受变革。 b.以前不存在文化是接受变革。 c.中强文化是接受变革。 d弱文化是更易接受更改。 (d;困难;367页) 399 Fred’s Situation (Scenario) 弗莱德的情况(剧本) Fred was not handling the change in his department well. The company had recently changed hands, and even though no jobs had been lost, people had been changing jobs and were being asked to move to different locations. The new leadership had a completely different outlook than management he had worked under for the past 21 years. Fred found that he was unable to concentrate at work and generally felt like he did not like his job anymore. At home he was getting headaches and having trouble sleeping, which only enhanced his feeling that things were not going to work out well for him. When he thought about it, he had always hated change. He had chosen this line of work partially because it was considered stable (boring to some) and predictable. Fred’s new boss kept trying to convince him that he was a valuable employee and that new opportunities, along with salary increases, were in store in his future. Unfortunately, Fred felt like he never knew what to expect from day to day and what Fred really wanted was to have things return to the way they were. 弗莱德是处理不改变他的部门。公司最近转手,即使没有工作了,人们一直在不断变化的工作和 被要求移动到不同的位置。新的领导班子,有一个完全不同的前景比管理他曾在过去的21年。 弗莱德发现他无法集中精力工作,总觉得他不喜欢他的工作了。在家里,他越来越头痛和睡眠, 这不仅增强了的感觉,并不是要解决好他。想到这里,他一直讨厌改变。他选择了这一行的工作 部分是因为它被认为是稳定的(些无聊的)和可预见的。弗莱德的新老板一直试图说服他,他是 一个有价值的员工,新的机遇,随着工资的增加,在商店,在他的未来。不幸的是,弗莱德觉得 他从来不知道什么期望从每天和弗莱德真正想要的是有事情回到他们的方式。 124. Fred was obviously feeling stress. Which of the following is not a factor of the stress that Fred feels? a. It is a static condition. b. It may involve opportunity or threats. c. It is related to what Fred desires. d. It is related to a desire of Fred’s that is uncertain. (a; moderate; p. 369) 124弗莱德明显感到压力。下列哪一项不是一个因素的强调,弗莱德的感觉吗, A这是一个静态条件。 B它可能涉及的机会或威胁。 C它是有关弗莱德的欲望。 D这是有关弗莱德的愿望是不确定的。 (a;适度;369页) 125. Fred is obviously resistant to the change being introduced in his organization. Which of the following reasons is most likely the primary driver of Fred’s resistance? 400 a. habit b. concern over personal loss c. uncertainty d. belief that change is not in the organization’s best interest (c; moderate; p. 369) 125。弗莱德显然是抗药性的变化被介绍在他的组织。以下哪些原因是最有可能的主驾驶员弗莱 德的抵抗, A .习惯 B .关注个人损失 C角的不确定性 D .信念改变不在本组织的最佳利益 (c;适度;369页) 126. Which of the following statements is not true concerning the stress Fred may be feeling? a. Stress may come from any change in Fred’s life. b. Stress may come from personal factors. c. Stress is not related to personality differences. d. Job-related factors may be part of Fred’s stress. (c; easy; p. 369) 126。下列哪个陈述是不正确的关于弗莱德可能感觉, A:应力可能来自任何改变弗莱德的生活。 B .应力可能来自个人因素。 C压力是不相关的个性差异。 D .与工作有关的因素可能是弗莱德的一部分压力。 (c;容易;369页) 127. Which of the following would be a behavioral symptom of Fred’s stress? a. headaches b. a rise in Fred’s blood pressure c. his job dissatisfaction 401 d. problems sleeping (d; moderate; p. 370) 127. 下列哪种行为症状是弗莱德的压力, A头痛 B .增加弗莱德的血压 C他工作的不满 D .睡眠问题 (d;适度;370页) 128. If Fred’s manager noticed Fred’s stress, which approach would she find to be the most useful in helping to reduce Fred’s stress level? a. select better employees b. improve organizational communications c. redesign Fred’s job to increase his workload d. redesign Fred’s job to decrease his workload (b; difficult; p. 370; AACSB: Communication) 128.如果弗雷德的经理注意到了弗雷德的压力,她会发现哪种方法最有用的帮助减少弗雷德的应 力水平, a.选择更好的员工 b.改善组织沟通 c.重新设计,增加他的工作量弗雷德的作业 d.重新设计降低他的工作量弗雷德的作业 (b;困难;370页;AACSB:通信) 129. Fred’s coworker, Tammy, is also feeling stress. Tammy’s stress, however, is not due to the new changes at work. Rather, Tammy’s stress is due to some rather large credit card bills she owes and her recent separation from her partner. Which of the following tactics would be most appropriate for the manager to use to help Tammy reduce her stress level? a. improve organizational communication b. redesign Tammy’s job to decrease her workload c. implement an MBO program d. provide employee counseling for Tammy (d; difficult; p. 370) 129。弗莱德的同事,塔米,也感到压力。塔米的压力,但是,不是因为新的工作中的变化。相反,塔米的应力是由于一些较大的信用卡帐单,她和她最近分离从她的伙伴。以下哪种战术将是最合适的经理使用帮助塔米降低应力水平的, 402 A .改善组织沟通 B .重新设计的工作减少工作量 C .实施目标管理 D .提供员工辅导塔米 (d;困难;370页) STIMULATING INNOVATION 激励创新 Lightspeed.com (Scenario) Lightspeed.com (方案) Edwin Edwards is a team leader for Lightspeed.com, an e-business that has employees in every global time zone. Some of the factors that the team has to contend with are deadlines, strong work ethic, creativity-innovation chain, high-speed turnaround, and professionalism. As team leader, Edwin sees team members via videoconference only a few times per year or via compressed video via Internet a few times more per year. A frustration that he is encountering himself is that he works with all of these people and does not have control over their “actual” work or the few organizational rules, regulations, and policies. Yet, due to the position he is in, he feels he gets all of their complaints. The team does not deal well when a member offers an “off-the-wall” solution to a team problem; team members seem to have more trouble with this than any other team-conflict issue. What he likes most about leading the team is that they seem to prefer getting their objective accomplished instead of wasting time trying to decide who should be doing what tasks. 埃德温 ? 爱德华兹是 Lightspeed.com,电子商务在全球的每个时区中的雇员的组长。有些团队 必须直面的因素是最后期限、 强的职业操守、 创造力的创新链、 高速周转和敬业精神。 作为团队的领导者,埃德温 ? 团队成员通过视像会议看到只有几次每年或通过互联网每 年多几倍的压缩视频。他遇到了自己的挫折是他与所有这些人的工作,并没有对他们的" 实际"工作或几个组织规则、 法规和政策的控制。然而,由于他的位置,他觉得他获取所 有他们的投诉。团队不处理好时成员提供一个"离谱"的解决方案,团队的问题 ;团队成 员似乎有更多的麻烦,这比任何其他团队冲突问题。他最喜欢的领导团队,是他们似乎更 喜欢让他们来完成的而不是浪费时间试图决定谁应该做什么任务的目标。 130. When Edwin feels frustrated that he does not have control over team members’ “actual” work or the organizational rules, regulations, and policies, he is contending with _______________. a. low external control b. diversity of opinions c. abundant resources d. unclear goals (a; moderate; p. 374) 130。当埃德温感到沮丧,他没有控制团队成员的“实际”工作或组织规则,法规,政策,他正与 _______________。 403 A低外部控制 B .多样性的观点 C .资源丰富 D .明确的目标 (a;适度;374页) 404 131. When a member offers an “off-the-wall” solution to a team problem, it appears that Edwin has to contend with what cultural variable? a. tolerance of conflict b. tolerance of risk c. tolerance of the impractical d. focus on ends (c; moderate; p. 374) 131。当一个成员提供了一个“另类”解决一个问题,看来,埃德温不得不与文化变量, A耐受性冲突 B .风险容忍度 C容忍不切实际的 D .关注结束 (c;适度;374页) 132. The part Edwin likes the most is that the team seems to prefer getting their objective accomplished instead of wasting time, which indicates that the team is ____________. a. tolerant of conflict b. an open-system focus team c. able to deal with high risk d. focused on ends rather than means (d; moderate; p. 375) 132. 埃德温最喜欢的球队似乎更喜欢让他们的目标完成,而不是浪费时间,这表明该队____________。 答:宽容的冲突 B .一个开放的系统核心团队 C .能够处理高风险 D .关注目的而非手段 (d;适度;375页) ESSAY QUESTIONS 论述题 FORCES FOR CHANGE 405 变革的力量 133. In a short essay, discuss the external and internal forces that bring about the need for change. 133. 在一个短的文章,讨论的外部和内部的力量带来变革的需要。 Answer The external forces that create the need for change come from various sources. The marketplace can affect companies by requiring them to constantly adapt to changing consumer desires as they develop new search capabilities. Governmental laws and regulations are a frequent impetus for change. Technology and the fluctuation in labor markets also forces managers to make changes. Organizations that need certain kinds of employees must change their human resource management activities to attract and retain skilled employees in the areas of greatest need. Economic changes, of course, affect almost all organizations. For instance, global economic pressures force organizations to become more cost efficient. But even in a strong economy, uncertainties about interest rates, federal budget deficits, and currency exchange rates create conditions that may force organizations to change. Internal forces also create the need for change. These internal forces tend to originate from the internal operations of the organization or from the impact of external changes. A redefinition or modification of an organization’s strategy often introduces a host of changes. In addition, an organization’s workforce is rarely static. Its composition changes in terms of age, education, ethnic background, sex, and so forth. The introduction of new equipment represents another internal force for change. Employees may have their jobs redesigned, need to undergo training on how to operate the new equipment, or be required to establish new interaction patterns within their work group. Finally, employee attitudes such as job dissatisfaction may lead to increased absenteeism, more voluntary resignations, and even labor strikes. Such events often lead to changes in management policies and practices. (moderate; pp. 356-357) 答案 外部力量,创造变革的需要,从各种来源。市场可以影响公司要求他们不断适应不断变化的消费 欲望,因为他们发展新的搜索功能。政府法律和规定是一种常见的动力变化。技术与劳动市场的 波动也迫使管理者做出改变。组织需要某些类型的雇员必须改变他们的人力资源管理活动,吸引 和留住熟练员工在最需要的领域。经济的变化,当然,影响到几乎所有的组织。例如,全球经济 压力迫使组织成为更具成本效率。但即使是在经济强劲,不确定性,利率,联邦预算赤字,和货 币的兑换率创造条件,可能迫使组织改变。内部力量创造变革的需要。这些内部的力量往往源于 内部机构的运作或从外部影响的变化。重新定义或修改组织的战略往往引入了一系列的变化。此 外,组织的工作人员很少是静态。其组成的变化,在年龄,教育,种族背景,性别,等等。新设 备的引进代表另一个内部变革的力量。员工可能有他们的工作重新设计,需要接受培训如何操作 新的设备,或者需要建立新的互动模式在其工作组。最后,员工的态度等工作的不满可能导致增 加旷工,更自愿辞职,甚至工人罢工。这些事件往往导致改变管理政策和实践。 (中度;第356-357) 406 TWO VIEWS OF CHANGE 变革的两种不同观点 134. In a short essay, describe, compare, and contrast the “calm waters” and “white-water rapids” views of organizational change. 134. 短文,描述,比较,并对比“风平浪静”和“激流险滩”观点的组织变革。 Answer Up until the late 1980s, the calm waters metaphor was fairly description of the situation that managers faced. It’s best illustrated by Kurt Lewin’s three-step description of the change process. According to Lewin, successful change can be planned and requires unfreezing the status quo, changing to a new state, and refreezing to make the change permanent. The status quo can be considered an equilibrium state. To move from this equilibrium, unfreezing is necessary. Unfreezing can be thought of as preparing for the needed change. It can be achieved by increasing the driving forces, which are forces that drive change and direct behavior away from the status quo, decreasing the restraining forces, which are forces that resist change and push behavior toward the status quo, or combining the two approaches. On the other hand, the white-water rapids metaphor is consistent with the discussion of uncertain and dynamic environments. It’s also consistent with the dynamics of a world that’s increasingly dominated by information, ideas, and knowledge. The stability and predictability of the calm waters metaphor do not exist. Disruptions in the status quo are not occasional and temporary, and they are not followed by a return to calm waters. Many managers never get out of the rapids. They face constant change, bordering on chaos. These managers must play a game that they’ve never played before, and the game is governed by rules that are created as the game progresses. (easy; pp. 357-360) 答案 直到上世纪80年代末,平静的水面的隐喻是相当说明情况,管理者面对。这是最好的说明了库 尔特勒温的三步描述的变化过程。根据勒温,成功可以改变计划和需要解冻现状,改变到一个新 的状态,再将永久改变。现状可以被视为一个平衡状态。摆脱这种平衡是必要的,解冻。解冻可 以被认为是准备必要的改变。它可以通过增加驱动力,这是力量的变化和脱离现状的直接行为, 减少限制的力量,这力量,抵制变革和行为的现状,或两者结合的方法。另一方面,在激流险滩 隐喻是一致的动态不确定环境的探讨。这也符合动力学的世界,越来越多的信息,思想和知识。 稳定性和可预测性的平静水域隐喻不存在。中断的状况不是偶然的、暂时的,他们没有其次是恢 复平静的水域。许多管理者不滚出去的急流。他们面对不断变化,混乱边缘。这些管理者必须玩 游戏,他们从来没有玩过游戏,并遵循一定的规则,而随着游戏的进展。 (简单的;第357-360) 407 MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 组织变革管理 135. In a short essay, explain organizational change. Then briefly discuss the three types of change. 135. 在一个短的文章,解释组织变革。然后简要地讨论三种类型的变化。 Answer Most managers, at one point or another, will have to make changes in some aspects of their workplace. We classify these changes as organizational change—which is any alteration of people, structure, or technology. Organizational changes often need someone to act as a catalyst and assume the responsibility for managing the change process—that is, a change agent. There are three types: structure, technology, and people. Changing structure includes any change in structural variables such as reporting relationships, coordination mechanisms, employee empowerment, or job redesign. Because an organization’s structure is defined in terms of work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization, and formalization, managers can alter one or more of these structural components. Another option would be to make major changes in the actual structural design. Changing technology encompasses modifications in the way work is performed or the methods and equipment that are used. Competitive factors or new innovations within an industry often require managers to introduce new equipment, tools, or operating methods. Automation is a technological change that replaces certain tasks done by people with tasks done by machines. Probably the most visible technological changes in recent years, though, have come through managers’ efforts to expand computerization. Most organizations have sophisticated information systems. Changing people refers to changes in attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behavior of individuals or groups. The term organizational development (OD), though occasionally referring to all types of change, essentially focuses on techniques or programs to change people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships. (moderate; pp. 361-363) 答案 大多数管理人员,在一个点或另一个,要改变在某些方面的工作。我们把这些变化的组织 change-which任何改动的人,结构,或技术。组织变革需要经常有人作为一种催化剂和承担责 任的管理变革过程是,变革代理人。有三种类型:结构,技术,和人。改变结构包括任何结构变 化的变量,作为报告关系,协调机制,员工授权,或重新设计工作。因为一个组织的结构是指在 工作方面的专业化,分部,指挥链,管理跨度,集权与分权,和正规化,管理人员可以改变一个 或更多的这些结构的组成部分。另一个选择是将作出重大改变的实际结构设计。技术的变化包括 修改的方式进行工作的方法和设备,用于。竞争因素或新的创新在行业经常需要管理人员引进新 设备,工具,或操作方法。自动化是一门技术变革,取代某些任务,由任务由机器。也许最明显 的技术变化,近年来,虽然,管理者通过努力扩大化。大多数组织已经成熟的信息系统。改变是 指人改变态度,期望,观念,和行为的个人或团体。组织的长期发展(外径),虽然偶尔提到的 所有类型的变化,基本上集中在技术或程序改变人的性质和质量的人际关系。 (中度;第361 - 363) 136. In a short essay, explain organizational development (OD). Then list and explain the five most popular OD techniques. 408 136. 在一篇短文中,解释组织发展(外径)。然后列出并解释五个最受欢迎的外径技术。 Answer Organizational development (OD), though occasionally referring to all types of change, essentially focuses on techniques or programs to change people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships. The common thread in these techniques is that each seeks to bring about changes in the organization’s people. a. Sensitivity training—a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction. b. Team building—activities that help team members learn how each member thinks and works. c. Intergroup development—changing the attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that work groups have about each other. d. Process consultation—an outside consultant helps the manager understand how interpersonal processes are affecting the way work is being done. e. Survey feedback—a technique for assessing attitudes and perceptions, identifying discrepancies in these, and resolving the differences by using survey information in feedback groups. (moderate; p. 363) 答案 组织发展 (OD) 虽然偶尔指的所有类型的更改,但实质上是重点技术或程序更改人性质和质量的 人际交往的工作关系。这些技术中常见的线程是每个旨在使本组织的人发生变化。 a.敏感性培训 — — 一种改变通过非结构化的集团的互动行为的方法。 b.团队建设 — — 帮助团队成员的活动了解如何每个成员认为,工作正常。 c.威球发展 — — 改变态度、 定型和工作群体的看法有关于彼此。 d.处理咨询 — — 外部顾问可以帮助了解如何人际流程的经理正在影响正在进行的方式。 e.调查反馈 — — 一种技术评估态度和看法、 确定差异在这些,和通过使用调查信息反馈组中解 决分歧。 (中度;363页) 409 137. In a short essay, list and discuss the four reasons that describe why people resist change. Include an example of each reason to support your answer. 137. 在短文中,列举并讨论四个原因,说明为什么人们抵制变革。包括一个例子,每一个理由 来支持你的回答。 Answer An individual is likely to resist change for the following reasons: uncertainty, habit, concern over personal loss, and the belief that the change is not in the organization’s best interest. Change replaces the known with ambiguity and uncertainty. For example, when quality control methods based on sophisticated statistical models are introduced into manufacturing plants, many quality control inspectors have to learn the new methods. Some inspectors may fear that they will be unable to do so and may, therefore, develop a negative attitude toward the change or behave poorly if required to use them. Another cause of resistance is that we do things out of habit. Every day, when you go to school or work you probably go the same way, whether walking, driving, or using mass transit. If you’re like most people, you find a single approach and use it regularly. As human beings, we’re creatures of habit. Life is complex enough—we don’t want to have to consider the full range of options for the hundreds of decisions we make every day. To cope with this complexity, we rely on habits or programmed responses. But when confronted with change, our tendency to respond in our accustomed ways becomes a source of resistance. The third cause of resistance is the fear of losing something already possessed. Change threatens the investment you’ve already made in the status quo. The more that people have invested in the current system, the more they resist change. Why? They fear the loss of status, money, authority, friendships, personal convenience, or other economic benefits that they value. This helps explain why older workers tend to resist change more than younger workers. Older employees have generally invested more in the current system and thus have more to lose by changing. A final cause of resistance is a person’s belief that the change is incompatible with the goals and interests of the organization. For instance, an employee who believes that a proposed new job procedure will reduce product quality or productivity can be expected to resist the change. If the employee expresses his or her resistance positively, this actually can be beneficial to the organization. (moderate; pp. 364-365) 答案 一个人可能抵制变化的原因如下:不确定性,习惯,关注个人的损失,并认为并没有改变本组织 的最佳利益。改变取代已知的模糊和不确定性。例如,当质量控制方法的基础上复杂的统计模型 引入到制造工厂,许多质量控制检查人员必须学习新方法。一些核查人员可能担心他们将无法这 样做和可能,因此,发展的消极态度的改变或表现不佳,如果需要使用它们。另一个原因是,我 们做的事情的习惯。每一天,当你去上学或上班,你可能走同样的路,是否散步,开车,或利用 大众运输。如果你和大多数人一样,你会找到一个单一的方法,经常使用它。作为人类,我们习 惯的动物。生活是复杂的,我们不想有全方位的考虑选择了数以百计的决定,我们要让每一天。 为了应对这种复杂性,我们依靠习惯或程序的反应。但是当面对改变的趋势,我们应对我们习惯 的方式成为一个来源的抗性。第三个原因是害怕失去已经拥有的东西。变化威胁你的投资已经取 得的现状。人们越投资在目前的系统,他们越是抗拒改变。为什么呢,他们害怕失去地位,金 钱,权力,友谊,个人便利,或其他经济利益,他们的价值。这有助于解释为什么老年工人往往 抵制变化更比年轻工人。老员工一般都投资在目前的体制和因此失去得更多的变化。最后一个原 因阻力的改变一个人的信仰是不兼容的目标和利益的组织。例如,一个员工认为,拟议中的新的 410 工作程序将降低产品质量和生产率预计可以抵抗变化。如果员工表示他或她积极抵抗,这实际上是有益的组织。 (中度;第364-365) 411 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGING CHANGE 当前变革管理中的问题 138. In a short essay, define stress. Next, discuss the various causes of stress and explain how managers can recognize stress in their employees. 138. 在短文中,定义应力。其次,讨论了各种原因,应力和解释管理者如何识别压力的员 工。 Answer Stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities. Stress is not always bad. Although it’s often discussed in a negative context, stress does have a positive value, particularly when it offers a potential gain. However, stress is more often associated with constraints and demands. A constraint prevents you from doing what you desire; demands refer to the loss of something desired. When you take a test at school or have your annual performance review at work, you feel stress because you confront opportunity, constraints, and demands. A good performance review may lead to a promotion, greater responsibilities, and a higher salary. But a poor review may keep you from getting the promotion. An extremely poor review might lead to your being fired. Just because the conditions are right for stress to surface, however, doesn’t always mean it will. Two conditions are necessary for potential stress to become actual stress. First, there must be uncertainty over the outcome, and second, the outcome must be important. Stress can be caused by personal factors and by job-related factors. Clearly, change of any kind—personal or job- related—has the potential to cause stress as it can involve demands, constraints, or opportunities. Because organizational changes are frequently created in a climate of uncertainty and around issues that are important to employees, it’s not surprising that change is a major stressor. Stress is shown in a number of ways. For instance, an employee who is experiencing high stress may become depressed, accident prone, or argumentative; may have difficulty making routine decisions; may be easily distracted; and so on. Stress symptoms can be grouped under three general categories: physical, psychological, and behavioral. All of these can significantly affect an employee’s work. (moderate; p. 369) 答案 压力是不良反应的人有过大的压力,在他们头上从非同寻常的需求、 约束或机会。应力并不总 是坏。虽然它经常讨论的一个负面的上下文,应力不会有积极的价值,尤其是当它提供了潜在的 收益。然而,更经常与约束和要求相关应力。约束可以防止你做你所期望的 ;要求请参阅损失 所需的东西。当您在学校接受测试,或有你每年的表现,检讨工作时,你会感觉应力,因为你直 面机遇、 约束和要求。良好的性能审查可能会导致推广、 更大的责任和较高的工资。但可怜的 检讨会令你得到推广。极差的审查可能导致你被解雇。只是因为,有条件的表面应力,然而,并 不总是意味着它会。两个条件是必要的潜在压力成为实际的应力。首先,对成果,必须有不确定 性,第二,结果一定是重要的。个人因素和与工作相关的因素,可以造成压力。显然,任何一种 改变 — — 个人或与工作有关 — — 有可能造成的压力,因为它可以涉及需求、 约束或机会。因 为组织变化频繁创建在气候的不确定性和周围那些雇员对重要的问题,是不令人惊讶的变化是主 要的压力来源。应力所示以多种方式。例如,正在经历高应力的雇员可能成为沮丧的时候,意外 容易发生,或议 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 ;可能难以做例行的决定 ;很容易分散注意力 ;等等。应激障碍症状可分 为三大类: 身体、 心理、 和行为。所有这些会严重影响员工的工作。(适度;369页) 412 139.In a short essay, discuss three ways that managers can help to reduce stress for their employees. 139. 短文,讨论三种方式管理可以帮助他们的员工减轻压力。 Answer Things that managers can do in terms of job-related factors begin with employee selection. Managers need to make sure that an employee’s abilities match the job requirements. When employees are in over their heads, their stress levels typically will be high. A realistic job preview during the selection process can minimize stress by reducing ambiguity over job expectations. Improved organizational communications will keep ambiguity-induced stress to a minimum. Similarly, a performance planning program such as MBO will clarify job responsibilities, provide clear performance goals, and reduce ambiguity through feedback. Job redesign is also a way to reduce stress. If stress can be traced to boredom or to work overload, jobs should be redesigned to increase challenge or to reduce the workload. Redesigns that increase opportunities for employees to participate in decisions and to gain social support have also been found to lessen stress. Stress from an employee’s personal life raises two problems. First, it’s difficult for the manager to control directly. Second, there are ethical considerations. Specifically, does the manager have the right to intrude—even in the most subtle ways—in an employee’s personal life? If a manager believes it’s ethical and the employee is receptive, there are a few approaches the manager can consider. Employee counseling can provide stress relief. Employees often want to talk to someone about their problems, and the organization—through its managers, in-house human resource counselors, or free or low-cost outside professional help—can meet that need. A time management program can help employees whose personal lives suffer from a lack of planning to sort out their priorities. Still another approach is organizationally sponsored wellness programs. (moderate; pp. 370-371) 答案 经理可以做的工作相关因素的事情开始与雇员选择。管理人员需要确保雇员的能力与工作 要求相匹配。当雇员在他们头上,他们的压力水平通常会高。在选择过程中的现实工作预 览可以减少应力工作期望在减少歧义。改善组织通讯将把歧义激减至最低。同样,性能规 划计划等管理层收购将明确工作职责,提供明确的绩效目标,并减少通过反馈的歧义。重 新设计的工作也是减少压力的方法。如果应力,可以追溯到无聊或工作超负荷,工作岗位 应重新设计挑战增加或减少工作量。重新设计的方案,增加员工参与的决定,并获得社会 支持的机会也已经发现来减轻压力。从一名雇员的个人生活压力引发的两个问题。第一, 很难直接控制管理器。第二,有的道德考虑。经理具体来说,有侵犯的权利 — — 即使在 最隐蔽的方式 — — 一名雇员的个人生活吗,如果经理相信它是道德和雇员是接受,有管 理器可以考虑的几个方法。员工咨询服务可以提供缓解压力。员工经常想跟人说过他们的 问题和组织 — — 通过其管理人员、 内部人力资源辅导员或免费或低成本以外的专业帮助 — — 可以满足这种需要。时间管理程序可以帮助的员工因缺乏规划整理他们的优先事项 的其个人的生命。还有一个方法是组织上赞助商的健康计划。 (适度;370-371) 413 STIMULATING INNOVATION 激发创新 140. In a short essay, define creativity and innovation. Next, discuss the three sets of variables that have been found to stimulate innovation. 140 在短文中,定义的创造力和创新。其次,讨论了三套变量,已发现刺激创新 Answer Creativity refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas. An organization that stimulates creativity develops unique ways to work or novel solutions to problems. Innovation is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation. Thus, the innovative organization is characterized by its ability to channel creativity into useful outcomes. When managers talk about changing an organization to make it more creative, they usually mean they want to stimulate and nurture innovation. The three sets of variables that have been found to stimulate innovation are the organization’s structure, culture, and human resource practices. Structural variables: Research into the effect of structural variables on innovation shows five things. First, organic structures positively influence innovation. Second, the easy availability of plentiful resources provides a key building block for innovation. Third, frequent interunit communication helps break down barriers to innovation. Fourth, innovative organizations try to minimize extreme time pressures on creative activities despite the demands of white-water-rapids-type environments. Finally, studies have shown that when an organization’s structure provided explicit support for creativity from work and nonwork sources, an employee’s creative performance was enhanced. Cultural variables: Innovative organizations tend to have similar cultures. They encourage experimentation, reward both successes and failures, and celebrate mistakes. Human resource variables: Within the human resource category, innovative organizations actively promote the training and development of their members so that their knowledge remains current, offer their employees high job security to reduce the fear of getting fired for making mistakes, and encourage individuals to become “champions” of change. (difficult; pp. 374-376) 答案 创新能力是指概念结合以独特的方式或作出不寻常的想法间的关联。一个组织,激发出创造性的 工作方式或新的解决问题的方法。创新的过程是以创造性思想并将其转换为有用的产品,服务, 或操作方法。因此,创新型组织的特点是它有能力将创造力转化为有用的成果。当经理谈论改变 一个组织,使其更富有创造性,他们通常意味着他们要激发和培养创新。三套变量,已发现刺激 创新的组织结构,文化,和人力资源的做法。结构变量:影响的研究结构变量的创新显示五件 事。第一,积极创新有机结构的影响。其次,容易获得充足的资源提供了一个关键结构创新。第 三,频繁的部门间的沟通有助于打破创新障碍。第四,创新组织试图尽量减少极端的时间压力对 创造性活动尽管要求white-water-rapids-type环境。最后,研究表明,当一个组织的结构提供了 明确的支持创造力的工作和非工作,员工创造性绩效的提高。文化因素:创新的组织往往也有类 似的文化。他们鼓励试验,奖励成功和失败,并庆祝错误。人力资源变量:在人力资源类别,创 新组织积极促进培养和发展自己的会员,他们的知识仍然是目前,他们的员工提供工作的安全 性、减少被解雇的恐惧而犯错,并鼓励个人成为“冠军”的变化。 (困难;第374-376) 414
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