首页 足浴城营销策划方案[1]



足浴城营销策划方案[1]足浴城营销策划方案[1] 足道营销方案 市场定位:要在足道一行中游刃有余,就必须熟悉这个行业,必须了解当今市场的行情,就必须去收集市场的资料。 做好市场调查 清楚其他同性质足道生存之道 划分自己足道所处的定位 顾客的消费定位: 做好足够的统计数据 了解和熟悉顾客的消费习惯和消费水平 分好顾客的消费层次 拥有自己的主打品牌:如果一家店不在当地起主导或龙头作用,那就要有自己的特色品牌,为了能让顾客能够记住你,就需要一种衬托~一种能让顾客记住你的品牌~ 设计方案一:标语,让我们关注您的四季健康~ ...

足浴城营销策划 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 [1] 足道营销方案 市场定位:要在足道一行中游刃有余,就必须熟悉这个行业,必须了解当今市场的行情,就必须去收集市场的资料。 做好市场调查 清楚其他同性质足道生存之道 划分自己足道所处的定位 顾客的消费定位: 做好足够的统计数据 了解和熟悉顾客的消费习惯和消费水平 分好顾客的消费层次 拥有自己的主打品牌:如果一家店不在当地起主导或龙头作用,那就要有自己的特色品牌,为了能让顾客能够记住你,就需要一种衬托~一种能让顾客记住你的品牌~ 设计方案一:标语,让我们关注您的四季健康~ 推出四季特色足浴 春天 :香花泡脚知足乐 夏天 :水晶冰凉过足瘾 秋天 :醋疗酸痛解足乏 冬天 :蒸脚暖心享足福 设计方案二:标语,关爱父母健康,从脚底做起。 推出孝悌系列活动,主打情感牌。 百善孝为先,相信全天下人都会理解怎样为孝。 活动策划:在特别时间短推出“关爱父母的健康” characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 活动,为带上父母长辈来消费的顾客给一定的优 惠。(这是一种变相宣传)若顾客愿意亲自为自己 父母长辈洗脚,可以只需付材料费用。技师帮忙 指导和讲解知识。品牌需要口碑,口碑需要建立。 抓住有钱人爱老人更爱面子的特点,顺着他们的 心理。让自己的品牌特色流入深巷之中。 4、特色服务:务必记住自己的产品是服务,卖的就是服务。顾客 是我们的上帝。顾客是我们的老板,老板炒掉我们 最简单的方式便是不去我们这家店消费。务必记住 顾客的满意就是我们的利润,所以,送上最贴切温 馨的服务是我们存活的宗旨。 方案一:培养优秀的技师 技师的作用:为顾客提供贴切温馨的问候,引导顾客 消费,顾客进门后,安排顾客在卡座,对他们望闻 问切。要拿一张纸,像餐厅的顾客点菜一样,记下 来。 请问您们几位是一起的吗, 请问您们今天是第一次光临我们店吗, 请问您今天要做什么样的服务。(我们这有68、98、128、178几种价位,我为您介绍一下相应的按摩时间及服务内容...... )让顾客自己选择,若顾客不懂,技师讲解和引导他们 消费。 contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, publ uctionng construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the constrpeed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuriat the same time, improves the s saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity-on, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyorrosition performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance cn, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulaR pipeline, hot melt connectio-creased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPhe successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation inand other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure t characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, lifereserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and k andic staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering wor2 请问您有熟悉的技师吗, 好的,请您稍等,我们正在为你安排房间。 请问这房间的温度适合您吗, 如果有需要,请按服务器通知我们一声~ 方案二:顾客的消费信息采集。要做好一个服务,就必须 了解顾客的消费习惯。要知道顾客的消费习惯就 对顾客的消费进行信息收集和统计。 信息采集方式一:技师引导顾客是留下的信息。 方式二:通过服务信息回馈单。 在顾客消费结束前一分钟,技师拿一张信息回馈表 给顾客填写。 例如顾客抱怨服务时间太短,记住该顾客,送走顾客 时候提醒顾客我们下次一定改进。下次那位顾客再次 光临时候,便要对该顾客特殊化的加长服务时间。 这张信息回馈表做成奖票形式,要求顾客留下姓名和 电话号码,告诉他们我们会为他们的个人信息保密。 time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducin weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same saving, and-has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyhort, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, s using life sR pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists a-mplementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPs of isponsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee planish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of recharacteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establl pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube ande civil engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tire projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical futung to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and alsts while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description accordig co3 然后有技师将信息回馈表交到总台,做数据统计~下 次那么顾客光临就可以更加全面简洁的为该顾客提供 他熟悉的服务~为了能够让顾客能够填好信息,我们 可以举行每月一次的抽奖活动~以激励顾客填写信息 回馈表。 4、有效的广告宣传:一个出色的营销少不了系统出彩的广告宣传。 要让你的品牌能够流传的人群中,广告不可少的介质。 广告无需太大,无需在电视台播出,但一定要传到有 消费的人群之中。这样广告才是有效的广告,才是有 的宣传。 方案一:立体广告模式:(1)在重要路段,如彩虹桥附近建 浮动广告牌,用浮动变换的字体介绍我们足浴城的 特色服务,和近期所做的优惠活动。温馨提醒大家 健康的生活离不开脚的。(2)制作有用的物品 作为广告的载体,让群众在使用我们送出去的东西 有意识无意识的看到我们的广告。该物品可以是很 平常的物品。如夏天时候我们可以将广告写在塑料 的扇子上面,或者我们赠送汽车上的小年历。等等 一些低价且又实用的东西。分发广告时候注意要按 特殊的地区去分发广告,不能在大街上见到人就分 发。要到一些有足够消费能力的楼群地下,或者在 比较高消费的地区分发广告,赠送小物品。 k andic staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering worcontract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, publ uctionng construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the constrpeed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuriat the same time, improves the s saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity-on, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyorrosition performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance cn, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulaR pipeline, hot melt connectio-creased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPhe successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation inand other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure t characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, lifereserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and 4 方案二:变相广告。深刻理解变相广告给我们的店带来的实 效益,有时候操作的恰当,能够胜过所做的大片的 广告。每个商店都会采用节假日促销活动,方式各 不相同,但是效果都是为了能够吸引眼球,增加销 售。我们可以根据不同的节日来搞不同的活动。 在教师节时期推出“尊师重教”活动。在活动 期间,前来消费的教师,可以享受优惠的服务。 这样,我们就可以将我们的品牌推向教师职工 在重阳节,我们可以推出关爱老年人活动。在 活动期间前来消费的中老年人给特定的优惠。 在母亲节或是父亲节推出关爱父母优惠活动。 在七八月份淡季推出“感谢天下父母亲”活动,为考 上名牌大学的家长五折消费一次。为考上一本的大学 生的家长八折消费。 这些都是可以做来做广告,做口碑的有效方式。此类 方法众多,操作手法各异,只要稍稍用心,不相信找 合适的做口碑的方法。 方案三:在特殊的时期做炒作我们可以采用免费为 路人洗脚活动,让公众清楚你的服务质量,服务水 平。让群众来评价你的服务。当然,这样做的前提 我们的服务质量绝对不能有半点问题,否则免谈。 这种方式,可以得到短时期较大的宣传范围和力度 re projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical futung to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and alsts while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description accordig cotime, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducin weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same saving, and-has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyhort, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, s using life sR pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists a-mplementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPs of isponsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee planish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of recharacteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establl pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube ande civil engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? ti5 也可请让一些不清楚足浴行业的人切身 体会 针灸治疗溃疡性结肠炎昆山之路icu常用仪器的管理名人广告失败案例两会精神体会 这类 服务。普及大众对足浴的知识。 5、优化的管理:我们要清楚自己的资金,条件有效的处境。此时 提高业绩最有效的方法只有提高自己的管理。拥有 五名以上员工的店铺就需要拥有一套系统完善的管 理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。这是企业或私营店铺的生存之道。而拥有 一位出色的管理人员好比三军的统帅,起到非常关 键的作用。一个好的管理者务必做到一下几点。 时间管理 :制定严格的工作时间表,让员工 有正常的时间轨道运行。制定严格的出勤制度表 和请假规定。 激励员工的工作激情: 先教后用的激励技巧。 公平的激励原则。采用足步加工资的方法,积累经验, 考核成绩。考核的内容包括:出勤、着装、是否违纪、 业绩、有无特殊出表现等。(绘制表格统计数据)公 平原则:不唯亲、不唯上、不唯己、只唯实、公平相 待。可以相互监督。 适时的激励技巧。 让员工有主人翁意识。(每周一次 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 大会,讨 论我们足道的营销 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。鼓动员工有足够的积极性, 采用奖励方式。只要员工发表讲话,并说出自己的主 uctionng construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the constrpeed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuriat the same time, improves the s saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity-on, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyorrosition performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance cn, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulaR pipeline, hot melt connectio-creased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPhe successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation inand other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure t characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, lifereserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and k andic staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering worcontract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, publ 6 意,若该主意有一定的可行性,我们给予一定的奖励。这样就可以很好的调动员工的工作激情。) 系统的奖罚制度 :对激励员工和留住老员工,以下方法是比较可行的,但是实际操作起来有一定的难度。管理积分制度。每天都对员工一天的表现打分(表格在后面)每月统计一次。倘若员工能够在这个月之内达到一定的分值,就可以提工资。等到提到工资上限时候,就可以享受店铺利润分红(这是留住老员工的重要手段) 和员工的人际关系 让每个员工都了解自己的地位,不要忘记和他们讨 论他们的工作表现 如果有工作变动,应事先通知员工。员工如果能够 接到通知,工作效率一定会更高。也能避免产生员 工的不满情绪。(若未能办到,给予一定的补偿) 让员工参与同他们切身利益有关的计划和决策 了解员工,了解他们的兴趣爱好,习惯和敏感的事 物 信任员工,赢得他们的忠诚信任 让员工有委屈说出来,让管理员清楚。什么问题都 是可以商量的 表扬员工,抓住每个机会,表扬你以员工为骄傲 l pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube ande civil engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tire projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical futung to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and alsts while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description accordig cotime, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducin weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same saving, and-has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyhort, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, s using life sR pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists a-mplementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPs of isponsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee planish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of recharacteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establ7 言表如一 批评前肯定她得工作表现 培养员工的形象 A. 穿戴整洁,服装同一 B. 口腔清新,化妆自然 C. 谈吐优雅,举止端庄 培训员工,提高员工的素质 及时的跟新技师技术,对他们进行培训 每天一课,提高他们的内在修养(在员工休息 室放一些有营养的书籍,比如《弟子规》懂得 孝悌。财经书刊,报纸。活到老学到老,相信 他们会慢慢喜欢那些曾今很难接受的知识。每 天半小时之内。有管理经理授课或是由有经验 的技师教课。) 学习礼仪知识。员工的形象代表正我们店铺的 形象。所以员工的礼仪知识相当重要,不可忽 视。 提高员工的口才,提高口才的前提是自己拥有 足够多的知识和见解。拥有好口才的员工可以 很好的避免顾客与技师话不投机半句多的尴 尬。让顾客能够轻松自在的享受我们的服务。 数据统计(拥有一套完善的统计方法,可以很好的了解 peed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuriat the same time, improves the s saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity-on, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyorrosition performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance cn, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulaR pipeline, hot melt connectio-creased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPhe successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation inand other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure t characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, lifereserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and k andic staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering worcontract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, publ uctionng construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the constr8 足道运营情况和问题所在,业可以优化管理。为管理提 供意想不到的帮助。) 如下表 足道员工积分表 时间: 年 月 日 仪容仪表 出勤(3分) 业表(2分) 姓名 总绩现违纪现职分值 特殊贡献(1分) 分称 (2(1象(1分) 值 项目 满迟请旷着谈分) 分) 勤 到 假 工 装 吐 足道顾客信息表 卡号 姓名 联系方式 住址 消费光顾对服务 项目 水平 频率 的评价 l pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube ande civil engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tire projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical futung to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and alsts while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description accordig cotime, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducin weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same saving, and-has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyhort, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, s using life sR pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists a-mplementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPs of isponsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee planish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of recharacteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establ9 总结 :足道是服务行业。而顾客买你的帐的原因是你的服务到 位。温馨服务是能够读懂顾客喜欢什么,需要什么。比如 喜欢和人家拉家常,或者顾客喜欢看报纸,看新闻杂志。 读懂顾客需要什么,能够满足顾客的需求,就能立于不败 之地,想客人之所想,急客人之所急。 ic staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering worcontract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, publ uctionng construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the constrpeed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuriat the same time, improves the s saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity-on, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energyorrosition performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance cn, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulaR pipeline, hot melt connectio-creased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PPhe successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation inand other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure t characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, lifereserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and k and10
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