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英文书信落款格式英文书信落款格式 篇一:英语写信格式 英语写信格式 English letter writing format 1、信纸的右上角写时间、地点 例如, March 9,2012, Beijing In 1, the top right-hand corner of the page to write the time, sites such as March 92012, Beijing, 2、开头:Dear XXX At the beginning of2,: Dear XXX 3、内容:最少三...

英文书信落款格式 篇一:英语写信格式 英语写信格式 English letter writing format 1、信纸的右上角写时间、地点 例如, March 9,2012, Beijing In 1, the top right-hand corner of the page to write the time, sites such as March 92012, Beijing, 2、开头:Dear XXX At the beginning of2,: Dear XXX 3、内容:最少三段 Content:3, at least three section 4、落款: Your Sincerely XXX,Your Faithly XXX, 诸如此类 4: Your Sincerely XXX, signed, Your Faithly XXX, and so on 首先要看你写信的性质。是官方而正式的书信,还是朋友 1 间的通信, You should first look at the nature of the letter. Is the official and formal letters? Still friends communication? 无论是哪一种,基本的英文书信格式应包括四大部分:日 期,称呼,正文,和落款(包括敬语)Either way, the basic format of English letters should include four parts: the date, name, text, and signature ( including honorifics ) 1、朋友间的 October,16,2011(右起顶格) Dear Jimmy(左起顶格) I'm glad to receive your letter...(正文,开头空四格) Yours Sincerely, Jack(转自:wWw.CspEnGbo.com 蓬勃 范文 网:英文书信落款格式)(右下,包括敬语和落款) 2、官方、正式的书信 信内应包含收信人地址(西方古时防止信封损坏地址无着 而沿用至今的传统)、日期、称呼、正文、落款等。其实官 方的书信更多应该参考第3点,越全面越表示你对他们的重 视。 001th,Happy Road, 9th District 250013, New York, U.S.A(地址同样顶格写,从小写到大) (以下同1) October,16,2012(右起顶格) Dear Jimmy(左起顶格) I'm glad to receive your letter...(正文,开头空四格) Yours Sincerely, 2 Jack(右下,包括敬语和落款) 3、更为严格的商务英语电函,包括有十几种元素。难度很大,但是是英文商务信函的必备 (信头是寄信人地址、公司信息,收信人地址,经由转交,参考号,日期,称呼,主题,正文,敬语,落款,签名,附注,附件等等) 篇二:涨姿势 英文邮件落款写法大全,超正点 涨姿势 | 英文邮件落款写法大全,超正点 泛瑞翻译 英文邮件中的落款就好比中文信件里的“ 此致敬礼”。但在西方,不同的写法用词背后有不同的意义。 今天我们就看看根据关系程度来区分的那些落款。 1.Love Very personal.Used between lovers, family and close friends. 私密用语,适用于家人、恋人或者非常亲近的朋友。 如果有关系一般的同事或者其他人给你写电邮的时候用此落款,那么你得...当心了... 2.Cheers Very casual.Used between friends.Can be used between coworkers if you want to appear very casual, at the risk of sounding unprofessional. 很随便,通常用于朋友之间。如果是同事关系的话用此落款,说明你想表现出一种比较轻松的姿态。但也要注意,此 3 落款很有可能让你看上去很漫不经心或给人以一种“吊儿郎 当”的赶脚。 当然,关系近的话无所谓。 3.Take care Casual and used between friends. 比较随便,用于朋友之间。比较中规中矩。 4.Thanks or Thank you "Thanksis very casual and "Thank you "is formal. Usually used in a business setting."Thank you is a great way to end an email to a stranger, especially if you are making a request or asking a question. Thanks/Thank you, Thanks 比较非正式一些, Thank you 更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生 人问问题或者提要求的时候。 Thank you 是一种非常好的结束敬语。 5. Yours or Yours Truly or Truly Casual or Business causual.A more personal but still polite way to end the letter. You've probably met the receipt in real life. Yours/ Yours Truly/ Truly, 非正式致意词,可用于工作场 合,是一种很礼貌的说法,大家可能在现实生活中的收据或 4 收条上看过。 6.Best or Best Wishes Casual or Business casual.A polite way to end the letter.Can be used between friends or strangers. 比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的结束语。 可用于朋友或者陌生人之间。 7.Sincerely or Sincerely Yours or Yours Sincerely Casual, Business casual or Formal.The standard letter ending. "Sincerelyis the most versatile ending because it can be usedto end either casual or formal correspondence. If you're unsureabout how to sign your letter, use Sincerely. Sincerely/ Sincerely Yours/ Yours Sincerely, 可用于正式或 非正式场合,属于非常 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的信件结尾,用在各种场合都非 常合适,如果你不知道该用什么结尾的话,那么就用它吧, 省心。 8.Regards or Best Regards Business casual or formal. You would use this if the recipient is someone you haven't met in real life. Regards/ Best Regards, 用于正式或者非正式的商业场 合,常用于对方是联系很久但未正式见面的人。 5 9.Cordially Formal. Used in business correspondence when the topic of the letter is serious. Sometimes used if there is a conflict betweenthe sender and the recipient. Cordially, 用于正式的商业场合,通常来说,是用于严肃的场合。例如当发信人和收信人之间有商业纠纷或者冲突的时候。 篇三:英文信函写作格式与规范 英文信函写作格式与规范 英文信函写作格式与规范 2. dateline 中文书信的日期写于落款之后,而英文信函的日期位于信端之下,信内地址之上。根据英美不同的习惯,日期可有两种写法。如2003年5月20日可写作: 20 May 2003 (英式写法) May 20, 2003, 或May 20th, 2003 (美式写法) 注意:月份应用英文写出,不以阿拉伯数字代替,因此,上例日期不可写成2003,5,20。此外,美式英语要求月份与年份之间用逗号隔开,但英式写法在月份与年份之间一般无逗号。 (4) 称呼(Salutation) 称呼自成一行,从信纸的左边顶格写起。通用的称呼是 6 “Dear?”,其后接逗号。 采用何种称呼应根据写信人与对方的关系及认识的亲疏程度。 ? 一般性的称呼有: Dear Mr. ? ,(用于男士) Dear Mrs. ? ,(用于已婚妇女) Dear Ms. ? ,(用于女士,已婚未婚均可,尤用于对婚姻状况不确定者) Dear Miss ? ,(用于未婚女士) “Mr.”,“Mrs.”,及“Ms.”之后可加缩约号“.”,也可不加;但“Miss”之后概不加标点。 “Dear”之后接收信人的姓氏,如“Dear Mr. Smith,” 注意:不写成:“Dear Mr. John,” 亦不写成:“Dear Mr. John Smith,” 习惯用法是:“Dear John,”或“Dear Mr. Smith,” ? 较正式、尊重的称呼也可采用头衔或职务,如“Dear Prof. Smith,”“Dear Dr. Smith,”等。 ? 在收信人为不知名者的公务信函中,称呼可用: Dear Sirs,(当收信对方为单位/公司,而非某人时) Dear Sir,(当收信对方为不认识的男士时) Dear Sir/Madam,(当收信对方为性别不明的陌生人时) Gentlemen,(只用复数形式,且之前不加“”,属美式英语 7 用法) ? 称呼偶尔也用“Messrs.”,表示收信人为两位或多位男士(如 Messrs. J. Smith R. White), 但在更常的情况下表示收信对方是以人名命名的公司。 ? 收信人为熟友,可直称其名,如:“Dear Mary,”,“ My dear John,”??等。 (5) 信的正文(Body of Letter) 正文是信的主体,一般由开场白—主体段—结束句/段组成。 在开场白中,应该直截了当的陈述写信的目的:是致谢,道歉,祝福,咨询,建议,批评,请 求,??。这与中文书信的习惯不同。在中文信中,我们常用诸如“你好~”,“近况如何,”等客套话开头。在写英文信时,应避免受此影响。切记不要把最重要、最醒目的第一句或第一段浪费在诸如“How do you do,”,“How are you,”等无关紧要的词句上。 信的主体部分可根据需要,分段叙述。表达应做到准确、简要、得体。准确指的是内容(包括数字、人名等细节)准确无误;简要首先应避免使用老式八股套话(诸如“I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter.”等);得体指的是表达符合英文习惯,措词与语气适合通信双方的亲疏关系。如公文信函做到语气礼貌但不谦卑,直接但不粗鲁,简洁但不唐突。 8 (6) 结束敬语(Complimentary Close) 结束敬语是写信人对收信人的一种谦称,最通常用的结束敬语是: ? Yours faithfully,(英式用法) Faithfully yours,Truly yours,(美式用法) (用于收信人为陌生人的正式公务信,对应于称呼用“Dear Sirs”,“Dear Sir”,“Dear Sir or Madam”,的正式信函。) ? Yours sincerely,(英式用法) Sincerely yours,(美式用法) (用于称呼为“Dear + 姓氏”的正式或非正式书信。) 结束敬语第一个词的开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。 应该避免使用诸如“We remain yours faithfully”,“Respectfully yours”,等老式结束敬语。 (7) 签署(Signature) 签署是写信人自己的签名。署名不加头衔,即不在自己的名字前加“Miss”、“Mr.”、“Prof.”之类的头衔。若因业务需要,必须让对方了解自己的性别或职务,可在签名下行用括号标明,如: Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully, ____________ 或 __________________ Leslie Archer (Ms.) Wang Wei (Sales Manager) (Managing Director) 9 即使是打印的正式信函,签名也应用手写,之后再于手写的签署下面打印姓名。 代表某人签名应该在自己的签署下行写下所代表的人名,之前加“pp.”(即拉丁语per pro的缩略形式,表示“for and on behalf of”),如: Yours faithfully, ---------------- Sophie Lee pp. Bob Taylor (The Managing Director) (即代表总经理签名之意) (8) 附件(Enclosure) 如果信中已说明有附件随信寄去,也要在信笺的左下角注明,便于收信人查阅。如果附件不止一个,应写上几个附件和是什么附件。附件英文可缩写为Encl.,Enc,或Encls。例如: Encl: Doctor’s Certificate (附:医生证明一张) Encls(或Enclosures):4 Invoices (附:发票四张) HEADING (信端) 10 DATE (日期) INSIDE ADDRESS (信内地址) ???????? ???????? SALUTATION (称呼) BODY OF LETTER (信的正文) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— COMPLIMENTARY CLOSING (结束敬语) SIGNATURE 11 (签署) ENCL(S):(附件) (or P.S.)(或附言) 下面是日常生活中常用的几种专用信件实例。 A. 推荐信 (Letter of Recommendation) Sample 1 P.O. Box 3567 Nanjing University P.R. China 30 August 2003 Professor Ellis Browning Department of English Literature University of Cambridge Dear Prof. Browning, I have the pleasure of introducing to you Ms Hong Feng, the bearer of this letter, who is a former student of mine in Nanjing University. Ms Hong was a top student in our department, where she spent four years for her first degree in Modern English Language Studies, followed by three years of graduate study in the 20th Century English Novels. She has special in demonstration of her gift and creativity. She has now been 12 accepted by Cambridge where she will spend 3 years working on her doctoral degree. Ms Hong has always been a delight to teach. In addition to her academic talent, she is pleasant, amiable and understanding. I have no doubt that you will enjoy being her teacher as well as her friend. I should be very much obliged if you can help her settle in and also give her necessary guidance in regard to her course work. Yours sincerely, Fan Wen Sample 2 Xiaxin Foreign Trade Co. Ltd. 23 Nanhua Road, Xiamen 5 May 1998 To whom it may concern, This is to introduce Mr. Chen Taiping, the bearer of this letter, who is the Marketing Manager of our Company. Mr. Chen Taiping has been assigned to do a marking research around the Country. We should esteem it a great favour if you would afford him the necessary information. Yours faithfully, 13 Li Ling General Manager B. 感谢信 (Letter of Expressing Gratitude) June 12, 2003 Dear Dr. Smith, I would like to thank you for allowing me to observe classes as a visiting scholar from China in your nice department with so many talented and productive professors. My one year stay in your country will come to an end, and I’ m very happy to say that I’ve enjoyed my time here. I really like your department and your faculty and staff members who are so kind, helpful, and pleasant to get acquainted with, to learn from, and to cooperate with. Your university is an ideal one to visit, to learn from and to do research in. During my one year stay here, I have studied several courses offered by your professors from whom I have learned a lot from their excellent class instruction. I feel I should say much more, but the language fails me at this point. Your department and your colleagues have given me a host of opportunities, so much pleasure, and good friends, and countless precious memories for which I am truly grateful. 14 Thank you a million times for the good that you and your friends have done for me. I will always remember you and your friendship. May health, happiness, and progress be yours. Yours sincerely, Wang Xin C. 祝贺信 (Letter of Congratulation) CHINA SOUTHWEST AIRLINES (CSWA) Xiamen Office Address: Wenbin Villa, 68 Mid-Hubin Road, Xiamen Tel: 9008000 Fax: 606494 6 December 1994 Lucas TAECO Aerospace (Xiamen) Co. Ltd. 20 Diliao Road, Gaoqi International Airport Xiamen, 3610006 Dear Sirs, Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the new joint venture you have recently established in Xiamen. 15
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