首页 职业道德与法律讲稿



职业道德与法律讲稿职业道德与法律讲稿 一、导言 俗话说:“没有规矩,不成方圆。”在社会生活中,如果渗行为的规矩,没有一定的规则和秩序,社会就会陷入无秩序的混乱之中,遵守规则是人类社会生活能够正常进行的前提和保证。 春秋战国时法家代表人物韩非子就曾说:“悬衡而知平,设规而知圆。” 社会生活要正常进行,就要有规则,社会成员都应该遵守规则。 规则都有哪些, 道德、纪律、法律都是调整人与人之间关系的重要行为规范,它们互相联系、彼此补充,成为维护社会秩序稳定的重要手段。道德通过社会舆论、传统习俗和人们内心信念来维系,是对人们的行为...

职业道德与法律讲稿 一、导言 俗话说:“没有规矩,不成方圆。”在社会生活中,如果渗行为的规矩,没有一定的规则和秩序,社会就会陷入无秩序的混乱之中,遵守规则是人类社会生活能够正常进行的前提和保证。 春秋战国时法家代表人物韩非子就曾说:“悬衡而知平,设规而知圆。” 社会生活要正常进行,就要有规则,社会成员都应该遵守规则。 规则都有哪些, 道德、纪律、法律都是调整人与人之间关系的重要行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,它们互相联系、彼此补充,成为维护社会秩序稳定的重要手段。道德通过社会舆论、传统习俗和人们内心信念来维系,是对人们的行为进行善恶评价心理意识、原则规范和行为活动的总和。法律是统治阶级意志的体现,是由国家制定或认可,并由国家强制力保"的行为规范的总称。纪律是建立在道德和法律基础上的一种行为规范,是政党关、部队、团体、企事业单位等为了维护集体利益并保证工作的正常进行而镀规章、条文,它要求所属成员在集体生活和社会生活中遵守秩序、执行命令和自己的职责。道德规范的实施没有强制性,法律、纪律的实施具有强制性。在我国,每个公民都依法享有权利和履行义务,还应该遵循共同的道德准则。遵守法纪,是法律、纪律规范的基本要求,也是建立公共秩序的起码道德条件个公民应尽的道德义务。 职业道德与法律"是我们本次培训学员必修的一门德育课程。 学习 “职业道德与法律”课程的意义: of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity ? “有德有才重点使用,有德无才培养使用,无德有才弃之不用。”这代表了很多企业的用人理念。一份对企仙的调查发现,在被企仙辞退的中识学生中有50%以上不是因为技能原因,而是因为识止道德素质的因素。 ?上班第一天就迟到了个多小时;一份简单的资料接连打录三遍还有错别字,工作时间拿着手机随便聊天,受到一点约束或批评就受不了,随意提出辞识„„这些学生实习实训中存在的问题,是在一次调查中部分企仙人力资源部负责人列举出来的。 ?孙某,是某省一所识仙学校的学生,在北京一家大型商场导购实习期间,模仿组长签字,伪造退货凭据,将一台价值几千元的冰箱退货款据为己有,随即不辞而别。事发后,孙某被追查。 O结合上述事例,谈谈中职学生提高职业道德素质和法律素质的重要性。 学习“职业道德和法律”课程,有助于掌握必要的职业道德和法律知识,树立社会主义荣辱观,增强社会主义法治意识,提高思想道德素质和法律素质,促进全面健康成长。 全面建设小康社会、发展中国特色社会主义,加强社会主义新农村建设,构建和谐社会,对我们从事社会公共事业管理的人的能力和素质提出了更高的要求。 因而,我们需要加强基本素质的培养,思想道德素质和法律素质是人的基本素质。它体现着人们协调各种关系、处理各种问题时所表现的是非善恶判断能力和行为选择能力,决定着人们日常生活中的行 Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 2 - 动目的和方向。其中,道德素质是人们的道德认识和道德水平的综合反映,法律素质是人们知法、守法、用法、护法水平的综合反映。 荣辱观,是人们对荣誉和耻辱的根本看法和态度,属于道德范畴。在我们的社会主义社会里,是非、善恶、美丑的界限绝对不能混淆,坚持什么、反对什么,倡导什么、抵制什么,都必须旗帜鲜明。只有明辨 "什么是光荣的,什么是可耻的",才能在全社会扶正法邪、扬善惩恶,引领良好风尚的形成和发展。以"八完八耻"为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观,明确了当代社会最基本的价值取向和行为浩则,涵盖了人生态度、社会风尚的方方面面,体现了社会主义基本道德规范。社会主义荣辱观是每个公民理应遵循的道德准则。学习"职业道德和法律"课程可口帮助中职学生分清荣辱、明辨善恶美丑,增强知荣明耻的意识,自觉践行社会主义荣辱观。 学习"职业道德与法律"课程,需要我们做到理论和实际相结合,知、信、行相统一, 首先,要认真学习有关道德特别是职业道德规范和法律规范,?掌握职业道德茬 法律的基本知识,从而增强职业道德意识和法治意识,提高自己的认知能力和判贤能力。 其次,要认同职业道德规范和法律规范,增强对职业道德和法律知识学习酝自觉性,逐步将职业道德和法律规范内化为自己的信念,并体现在学习生活和未来职业活动中。 再次,要从我做起、从身边的小事做起,以道德莉法律、纪律的 survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wateous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the lates- 3 - 要求规范自己的言行,通过参与各种实践活动,"逐步养成文明的行为习惯,并长期坚持。 习礼仪,讲文明 我国素以"文明古国“、"礼仪之邦"著称于世。在社会主义现代化建设的今天,"习礼仪,讲文明”既是提高介人修养、促进个人发展的基础,也是建设社会主义精神文明、构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容。 一个人的文明礼仪,从小处讲,可以表现自己的良好形象,搞好与他人、社会的关系;从大处讲,能够反映一个社会的文明程度,甚至关系到国家的和谐与稳定。 每个人都是独一无二的,人人都有自己的特点。要做自己人生的主人,就要正确认识自己,完善自我意识。俗话说:人无完人。 正确认识自已:尽力搞好本职工作 古希腊的阿波罗神殿遗址。在神殿的石柱上,刻着“认识你自己”的箴言。 孙武:知已知彼,百战不殆。 老子:知人者智,自知者明。说的就是这个道理。 正确认识自己,不能盲目地自我欣赏。只有在客观分析自己的基础上,进行正确的评价,才能自我得到良好的发展。 认识自我是人生的起点,人的一生是一个不断了解自己、发展自己、完善自己的过程。一个人正确认识自己、接受自己的程度高低,决定着他适应社会能力的强弱。 , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with hSecond, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. - 4 - 认识了自己,就要不断加强自身修养,努务提高自己适应社会的能力。我今天就来学习 第一讲、员工的职业道德与礼貌修养 第一节 员工的职业道德 一、 道德 道德是指人们在共同生活中的思想品质行为规范,通俗的说,就是做人的道理和规矩。它的准确涵义包括三层意思: 一是规定人们该做什么,不该做什么的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,用以调整人们生活行为的规范。 二是通过社会舆论,传统习惯和个人内心信念来调节人们之间的关系,它包括,义务,良心,荣誉,节操,幸福等内容。 三是以善和恶,好与坏,正义与非正义等来确定人行为的标准。 二、社会公德 社会公德,简单地说就是社会的公共道德,是指人们为了维护公共秩序,调节人们之间的关系而形成的公共生活准则和行为准则,比如说尊老爱幼,助人为乐,遵守秩序,爱护公物,行为文明,待人礼貌,遵守诺言,诚实守信,彼此谦让,互相尊重等。我们做为一个社会文明的窗口,基本的标准就是要遵守社会公德。 三、职业道德; 职业道德,是社会道德的一个领域,是指从事一定职业的人,在职业活动的整个过程中,必须遵循的行为规范和行为准则,也就是社会道德在职业生活的具体体现,职业道德是从属于社会道德总范 e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wateous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu- 5 - 畴,它包括以下三方面的内容: 1、敬重本职工作:充分认识本职工作在社会生产总体系申的地位和作用,"认识本职业的社会价值,确定献身本职工作的决心。 2、热爱本职工作:"热爱自己的工作对象和劳动资料,乐于为本职工作奉献自己的青春和年华。 3、勤于本职工作,在工作申勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业钻研技术,精通业务,在本职工作中做出成绩。 四、职业道德规范 1、敬业乐业,热爱本职工作。 遵守规章和纪律,遵守员工守则,维护团体(企业)的对外形象和声誉,做到不说有损团体(企业)利益的话,不做有损企业利益的事情。 2、树立"宾客至上"的服务观念,要有满腔热情的服务精神,使客人对我们这里的一切都能感受到“绵绵情意,点点温情”,具体体现在以下几个方面: (1) 主动:在工作中全心全意为群众(宾客)服务,自觉地把服务工作做在群众(宾客)提出要求之前。 (2)热情:对群众(宾客)要象对自己亲人一样,工作时面带笑容,态度和蔼,言语亲切,热心诚意,感情真挚,动作认真,助人为。 (3)耐心:在工作申热情解答群众(宾客)的问题,作到多间不烦,事多不厌,遇事不急噪,镇静自如地对待群众(宾客),处理问题,茬繁忙的工作是有条不紊,当发生矛盾时,要严于律己,恭敬谦 Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 6 - 让。 (4)周到:群众(宾客)进入要周到侍奉,处处关心,帮助群众(宾客)排忧解难,使顾客满意。 3、认真钻研(业务)技术,提高服务技艺和服务水平。 4、公私分明,不贪不占,克己奉公,不谋私利,勤俭节约,反对浪费。 5、树立主人翁责任感,以主人翁的态度对待本职工作,关心(组织)企业的前途和发展,为(组织)企业的兴旺发达出主意,做贡献。工作中处理好个人与集体的关系,互相尊重,互相协作,严于律己,宽以待人。 6树立文明礼貌的职业风尚,服务工作中的文明礼貌主要反映在以下几个方面:(1)有端庄,文雅的仪表 (2)使用文明礼貌,准确生动、简练亲切的服务语言。(3)尊老爱幼,关心照顾残疾群众和年迈体弱的群众。 (4)严格遵守服务纪律,按各项服务按操作程序和操作细则进行。(5) 在接待中讲究礼节礼貌。 第二节 员工的礼貌修养 一、礼节、礼仪、礼貌的基本内容 礼节 是人们在日常生活中,特别是在交际场合申互相问候,致意,祝愿,慰问以及给予必要的协助与照料的惯用形式。 礼节是礼貌的具体表现,如点头,握手等。 礼仪不----是礼节的一种形式,简单的讲,就是人们施礼的一种形式。 hnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wateous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity- 7 - 礼貌是社会交往活动申人与人之间所必须遵循的一定的行为规范,从称呼,言行,举止到仪容表现自?己,对他人的恭敬,尊重,友好,而对自己有所克制。 1、尊重自己,尊重他人,团结互助,忠诚诚实,赋有职业自豪感奉献精神,待客热情友好;说话亲切和蔼,"举止稳重大方,处事礼貌谨慎。 2、 与客人交谈时,应站立端正,讲究礼貌,不左顾右盼, 低头哈腰或昂首又腰,要用心玲听客人的谈话,,不与客人抢话,不申途插话,不与客人争论,不强词夺理,说话有分寸,语气温和,语言文雅。 3、不询问客人的年龄(特别是女宾),不询问客人的履历,工资收入,衣物价格,对奇装异服和举止奇特的人不围观。不交头接耳对伤残和有缺陷的客人不歧视,服务要周到。 礼貌----是人与人之间在接触交往中,互相表示尊重和友好的行为。体现了时代的风尚与人们的道德品质,体现了人们的文化层次和文明程度,礼貌是一个人的在待人接物时的外在表现这种表现通过仪表,仪容,仪态以及语言和动作来体现的。 礼带,礼仪,礼貌通称为礼节礼貌,在社会交际申主要表现为:一是语言方面的,二是行为方面的,没有明显界限、既可分别使用又可结合使用。其核心是互相尊重,互相谦让。 二、服务工作中常见的礼有: (一)问候礼是人与见面时问候的一种礼节,问候礼是服务人员对 , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with hSecond, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. - 8 - 客人进店或外出的一种接待礼节,以问候,祝贺语言为主,问候礼节在日常的使用中又分为以下几种不同的问候: A、初次见面的时候,客人刚刚进入的时候,与客人初次见面应说"先生您好,欢迎光临""我是某某服务员,!请问您有什么吩咐么? 时间性问候:客人进入后,在与客人见面时耍根据早,午,晚大概时间何候,"早上好""您好""晚上好",但在何晚上好的时候与英语的晚安区别开来,英语中晚"上好是"Good "evenmg(是见面时互相打招呼)而晚安是"Good nigt"则是客人进房间休息或今晚不再见面时的一种祝愿语。 B、对不同类型客人的问侯:进入的客人类型很多,服务人员要根据不同类型的客人进行间侯,如同体育代表团,文艺代表团见面时,除一般性问候外,还要说一些客人"比较爱听的吉利语言 ,如"祝你们比赛获胜,祝你们演出成功,你们表演的很精彩; C、节日性问候:节日性问候礼,-般是在节日之前或节日之后间侯语言,如圣且节, "新年,国庆节,等可问候"圣诞节快乐;新年快乐等"在我们日常服务工作中,当了解到某天是客人生日时,就要更加X心客人 (一)称呼礼是指日常服务与客人打交道时所用的一种称谓,客人来自不同的国家地区,由于各国各地区民族语言风俗习惯各异,因而,在人与人之间的称呼有很大的差别汀如称呼错了,职务不对,姓名不对,不但会使客人不高兴,引起客人的反感;甚至会闹出笑话和产生误会。按职位称呼;知道职位,军衔,学位,要在"先生,小姐"煎带上 ous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wate- 9 - 职衔,如博士先生,议员先生,上校先生等。 (二)应答礼是指同客人交谈时的礼节。A。解答客人问题时,必须起立,站立姿势要好,背不椅它物,讲话语气要温和耐心,双目注视对方,集中精神倾听,以示尊重客人,对宾客的问题或托办事情,没听清楚时,要同客人说"先生,对不起,请再讲一遍好么? 或者说,"对不起,先生,您再把您的留言重复一遍好么?,这样就可以避免在服务申出现差错。B。服务员在为宾客处理服务上的问题时,语气要婉转,如果客人提出的要求及某些问题超越了自己的权限,就应及时请示上级及有关部门,禁止说一些否定如"不成,不可从,不行,没有办法不知道等"。 (三)迎送礼是指服务员迎送客人的礼节。A、客人来公司接待人员(服务人员)要主动向客人打招呼问好,笑脸相迎,在为宾客服务的过程中应按先主宾后随员先女宾后男宾的顺序进行服务,对老弱病残的客人要主动搀扶。B、对重要外宾或友好团体来店或离店,公司要组织管理人员服务员在大门口排队迎送,迎送人员的服装要整洁,姿势要端正,鼓掌要热烈,使客人有种亲切感。 (四)操作礼主要是指服务人员在日常工作中的礼节。A、服务人员在日常工作中着装整洁;注意仪表,举止大方/态度和蔼,工作期间不准大声喧哗,不准开玩笑,不准哼小曲,?保持工作地点或客房的安静环境,进入包房要敲门,敲门时,要注意既不能猛敲,也不能相隔时间很长再敲门,要有节奏的轻敲,轻敲一下后;如没有回答,稍隔片刻在缓敲两下,待客人同意后再轻轻开门进入,并用温和的语调对 Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 10 - 客人说"对不起,打扰您了,我是服务员,您需要什么服务么?"征得客人要求后退出客人房间,并对客人说"请您稍候"。B、服务员在打扫房间时要既轻又快;搞完卫生后,不可在房间内停留,搞卫生时,也不可以随意动客人的物品, (五)其他礼节 1、握手礼:行握手礼时受礼者一步距离,上身稍微前倾,两足立正,伸出右手,四指并齐,拇指张开朝上,向受礼者握手,礼必即松开。注意间题:(1)同客人握手必须先由客人主动伸手后我们才能与之相握。(2)握手时应脱下手套或帽子。(3)握手时以内感双目注视对万。说些问题和 祝福语 对上级领导生日祝福语祝领导生日快乐祝福语周年庆祝福语给领导的生日祝福语送花祝福语 ,忌看第三者或心不在焉。 2、鞠躬礼: 上级对上级或晚辈对长辈及初次见面的朋友之间的礼节,行鞠躬礼要求服务员见到客人要问好,行鞠躬礼,当客人及公司主要领导距服务员约2米远的时候,服务员要在站立的基础上,双肩自然下垂;双手在体前交又,目视客人,面带微笑说,"您好,欢迎光临",在大堂里说"先生,小姐您好",并同肘以腰部为轴向前倾15度,行鞠躬礼。 3. 致意礼: 点头致意是同级或平辈之间的礼节,在公共场合在路上行走遇到同事或朋友,在不便打招呼的情况下,一般点头致意即可,距离较远的可举右手打招呼,与相识者在同一场合多次见面时,不必再次问好,握手,点头,微笑,随意即可。 4、举手注目礼: 是军人的礼节,行此礼节,时应举右手,手指伸直并齐,中指及乙食指千帽糖的右侧,手掌微向外方,右上臂与肩齐 ous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wate- 11 - 高,身?体呈立正姿势两目向受礼丁者注视;待受礼者答礼后,"方可将手放下,对于长官或长者,每次见面都要敬礼,目前有时酒店的保安也有使用注目礼的。 三、礼貌用语 要求:服务员在第一线工作,用礼貌用语接待客人,介绍消费项目,解答询问,不仅有助提高质量;而且有助于扩大语言的交际能力。所以服务员要作到态度从容,言词委婉,语气柔和。 1、问候语言,您好! 早上好1 下午好! 晚上好!节日快乐!圣诞快乐! 2 、询间语言: 口气保持谦虚,客气;语气要和蔼,"请问先生您贵姓,我可以知道您的姓名和公司名称么?请问您需要我为您做点什么么? 请稍候片刻,我 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 经理来听您的电话好么,您的吩咐我己经 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 下来了,现在复述一下给您听,好么? 请问,您可以留下您的电话号码和住址么? 3、应答语句:很高兴为您服务,谢谢,您多提宝贵意见,请放也 '我一定将您的意见转达给我的上司,好的,我们一定遵照您的吩咐去做,请不要客气,这是我们应该做的。 4、道歉语句,"对不起,让您久等了,很对不起,是我们未能给您解释清楚,产生误会,请您原谅,不好意思,打扰您了,对不起,我未能听清楚您的话,请您在复述一遍好么? 5、感谢语,,谢诫您的光临,?欢迎下次在来,多谢您的提示。请慢走,谢谢您的关照" 四、日常礼貌要求。 出服务仪表;所谓服务仪表是对服务员的服务中心精神面貌,容貌修饰莉服饰,着装等方 Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 12 - 面 的要求和规范。? 笨微笑服务:这是迎宾礼节,礼貌的基本要求,服务员对待客人态度要和蔼,热情,谨慎, 不卑不亢,大方有礼@在宾客面前不能板着脸,嗽着嘴,扭扭捏捏,过于拘谨。 ?3真要经常修饰容貌:要做到勤理发,勤洗澡,勤修指甲,发型大方,头发不乱@眼角无分 泌物,鼻毛不外露,男服务员要经常修面,?不留小胡子,大鬃角。 取?:每一位员工在进入岗位前,?都应对照检查一下自E"的容貌。 5v:要着装整洁;在工作岗位穿长袖衬衣,服务员按季节场合穿统一的规定的工作W@服装 ?要整洁千净,?""爽烫乎整。纽扣要扣乐 男服务员穿西装系领带,穿长袖衬衣,应把下半部扎 进裤沟。无论男女服务员在室内不戴太阳镜,不穿拖鞋,不卷袖口与裤角。 冶『服务言谈,?所谓服务言谈是服务员在迎宾接待服务中,语言谈吐万面的要求,主要有6 点口'东;漳见宾客要面带微笑,?站立服务,主动问好,一般地说?"您好"早上好等",不要 说"您千什么;"@,你吃饭了没有",不要主动与宾客握手,如果宾爸伸出手与你握手时,也 攒按握手礼的要求进乐 不要过久地盯住某一部位打量客人(特别是女宾)。与男宾握手, ;初次见面;?要用力,不至于把对方有疼痛的感觉为适中,暗示对方,"我信心十足,与宾客握 ,手要轻握手指的三分之一。B、和宾客谈话时,与宾客保持一步半的距离为宜,听客人说话 时不要左顾右盼,?漫不经心,随意看手表,双手东摸西摸。倾听对方讲话时要端正自然,目 ;翻斌赣途子瀑奏咏筐的的话或没有搞清楚的问题可请宾客再重复一遍,在回答宾客问话时, 窟簧悉易谴簿以对黄链听清楚为宜,说话的语调要亲切诚恳,表情要明朗温和表述要得体, 简捷朋才0cv向宾誊提阿时,?语言要适当 要注意分寸,如"间对方叫什么名字"人数 ?爹步弘@不能说"您叫什么名字""您几个人"应该说"我该怎么称呼您呢? ""你们几位? " D真"在与"宾客交谈时要注意倾听,让对方把话说完,?不要抢话,回答对方问话一定要实事求 是;"知道多少说多少?,"讲不清的事情要向对方解释或待事情搞清楚再做回答。E;宾客之间 ;谈话时;??不要靠前旁听,?不要在一旁窥视,更不要随便插话干扰,即使要有事,非找宾客不 :可;也不要打断他们的谈话,而应在一旁稍候在宾客有所察后,先说声"对不起,打扰一下" 茬得到宾客允许后,再发言。F、对外来电话找客人时,一定要听清楚要找的宾客的姓名, 单植,了然后视情况转告,不得就近高声大叩 当宾客表示感谢时,一定要回答"请别客气。" ?舀7。T服务举止:?所谓服务举止是对服务人员在工作申的行为,动作方面的具体要求,做为- X个合格的服务员必须做乱 A、举止端庄,"动作文明,坐立正直,不前俯后靠,不摇腿 ous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wate- 13 - 饶脚, 不把脚放在沙发的扶手上,在宾客活动的场所,坚持站立服务,既便客人让座也应婉言谢绝, !塑客要走在前,送客要走在后,客过要让路,同道不抢道,不许在宾客申间蹿衍 若反向行 麦;卜千般应靠左边站立,示意请客人先走,然后再行。B、在宾客面前应禁止各种不文明的 ?,举动;?如吸烟七"吃零食,"厂掏鼻孔 剔牙,挖耳朵,打隔,打喷嚏,打哈欠,抓头搔痒,搓汗 揖/???修指电厂伸懒腰,既使在不得斟酌情况下,应尽力采取措施掩饰或回避。c、在上班工 L作前;;不要吃带有强烈异味的葱蒜,韭菜,在现场服务过程中,绝对不能吸烟,喝酒,吃东西,b"服务员在工作时应保持室内千净,说话声音要轻,不在宾客面前大声喧哗,打闹, 吹口哨。?唱小调走路脚轻快,操作动作要轻,取放物品要轻,争避免发生响声。E)宾客在房 恫?内;:如没有招呼,-般不要进入,宾客有招呼或有急事要进去时,?一定要先敲n. 如果门 弄着鞠;?也应轻轻敲两下门,等客人允许后,方可推n进入,离开时,应面向客人退两步, 然后转身拙门,轻轻把门关好,如果有急事需要进入客人的房间,一定要先用电话联系。得 到客人同意后方可进入。F、严禁与宾客乱开玩笑,打闹或取外号。G、宾客之间在地方狭 个的?同;?/过道或楼梯询谈话时,不能从中间窜行,先到声"对不起,请让一下"待对方挪动 后;千再?从侧面或背面通过,如果无意申碰撞了客人应主动道歉"对不起"方可离去。H)对 容貌,体态或穿着奇装异服酌客人切忌交头接耳议论或指手划脚,:更不许围观,听到宾客的 方言土语;?:认为奇怪好笑时不能模仿,讥笑,"不能有任何嫌弃的表情和动作。I、为宾客点 烟,十根火柴只限?一人;?心为第二个人点烟时,?一定要另划一根火柴,如用打火机应熄火后, 再打十次;?以示礼貌和周到。 ?8?;?飞贾务礼仪:?所谓服务礼仪对服务人员在服务过程中,在礼遇规格和礼宾次序方面应遵循 伪摹本要求和规范,值得注意的是:A、"在客房和餐厅的服务工作申应严格遵照礼遇规格和 礼宾顺序做到先客人后主人,:"先女宾后男宾,先主要宾客,后其他宾客。B、不要随意打听 询阿女宾的情况,?也不要轻易向宾客了解随身的服装,金银首饰及贵重日常用品的价格,产 地,:'对宾客的物品不要表露喜爱或羡慕以免产生误会。c、不要轻意接受宾客赠送的礼『, 加出现不收可能失礼时「压表示探切谢意,礼品收下后及时交领导处理。D、宾客从服务 Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 14 - 台 经过时、十定要点头示意,宾客离开时,应主动欢送,并说"再见,欢迎您再来。"E)服 务称号:?是指服务人员在服务中向宾客准确地使用尊称方面的要求和规范,对宾客的称呼应 根据年龄,身份,职务,@拴别,婚否来确定,不能直接点名通姓,称呼时男宾可称"先生" 已婚女宾可称"太太,女士",末婚女宾可称"小姐,称呼虽是一件比较简单的事,但服务 '讨如不加注意,称呼不当就容易引起宾客的反感和误会,影响服务质量。 五。员工的礼貌修养 礼貌修养是指一个人在待人接物方面的素质和能力,员工礼貌修养反映在人的气质、风度、仪表、F姿态、举止、服装、语言等方面的细节应包括: (1):讲究仪表和仪容 衣冠容貌要整洁,衣服要清洁笔挺,不能出现摺皱,"扣子应扣齐,决不能在室外或公众场奋整理;、皮鞋擦亮。 头发,胡须不宜过长,并要修理整齐,指甲要经常修剪。 不在人前做一些不雅观的动作,如剔牙,漱口,打哈欠,"伸懒腰,挖鼻孔,掏耳朵,梳头发或抚摸脸,照镜子等。 (2)举止大方得体。 对待客人态度端庄和蔼,精神饱满,交往申要注意检点,站,坐走都要合乎常规。 (3)说话客气,不做任何越礼之事。 (4)女士优先 (5)遵时守约 (6)尊重他人。 (7)口动作雅观。( ous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wate- 15 - (8)万称呼得当。 (9)语言与交谈,当与客人谈话时应注意: A?,站立直腰挺胸,眼睛看着客人。 B?暂停手上的工甘 肺带笑容,留心客人吩咐。 C?用微笑,清楚,简洁,客气的语句回答。 D?与客人保持适当的距离。约50公分。 (10)打手势的注意事项:指点用全掌,手心向上,忌用手指指人。 六、礼貌举止的意义, 1、服务员的礼貌修养表碑了本店的管理水平,如物质和精神的双重享受,如果服务粗俗,服务态度的好坏都表明管理的高低. 2、礼貌修养是服务人员本身素质的表现,我们在日常生活里,?如社会背景;家庭环境,文化程度,个人行为的影响,"应该上下班一致,不虚伪,养成良好的礼貌修养。 6、良好的礼貌修养能满足宾客的心理需求。我们在消费商品的时候也在消费态度,物质和精神的享受同等重要。巩固良好的礼貌修养能弥补不足,使工作增辉,我们的工作是琐碎而细致的,很难做到尽善尽美,服务时要以礼相待,如弄酒饮料,取货慢,延误了时间,这时只要话说到礼做到,就容易得到客人的谅解。 七、实施礼貌应注意的问题 1、人的风俗习惯,注意别人的忌讳。 2、不要记讥笑客人的某些行为,奇特穿戴,怪异的动作,更不能模仿。 Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 16 - 3、客人提出"的意见,要虚心听取接受:并及时汇报。 4、遇到粗暴的态度和生硬的语言,仍耍以礼相待,以礼劝告,不要争执和态度生硬。 5、发生误会应耐心解释,不可罗嚏,"强词夺理,指责客人。 6、客人不主动握手,不要先伸手握对方。八对待客人一视同仁,不可轻慢,歧视,不要厚此薄彼,衣着取人。 8、对待比较冷漠的客人要抱有谅解之处,热情对待,切莫以牙还牙。 9;切勿在客人前面谈论公司的营业状况,上司及工作。 第三节;员工的礼仪礼貌要求 I、仪表;指外观,外表,?通指衣着,发型,表情,形态。 2. 仪容:"指人的表情容貌;人的化妆,衣着形态的外在综合表现。 3."淡妆:淡雅的化妆既能表现原来的自然形态和面部表情;而略加修饰的化妆。 八 礼节:?是指人们之间表示尊重的-种形式,"如待人接物酌规则方式,在公共场合举止风 "度和衣着。 5主动:不分客主,一样照顾,不论忙闲,待客不误,不闲麻烦,方便顾客,不怕困难优 质服务。 "6. 热情:"待客礼貌,面带微笑;态度和蔼不急不燥,语言亲切,积极关照,工作热心,照 料周到,面部和善,态度安祥。 7. 耐心;客多人欢,安排不乱,百间不烦,不厌,诸事不急。处事果断。? 8.宾至如归:服务员在任何情况下,都应保持友善态度,做到热情礼貌,周到,工作要认 真细致/?办事讲求效益o @处处关心客人,?事事为客人着想,便客人感到亲切愉快,从而产生 宾至如归感。 9. 周到:严格按照服务程序?(工作程序)工作,想客人之所想,急客人之所急。 10、?诚实;待客诚恳,?对公司忠诚,路不拾遗。有事必报,有错必改。 11、'勤俭:勤恳工作,节约水电,-爱护设备设施。 12、礼貌:尊重宾客;"站立服务:笑容常展,笑口常开,说话温和,常用敬语。 注:(l)所为仪容是容貌和面容的总称(2) 仪表是人的外表,包括容貌,姿态,风度, 服饰等。A、员工必须常保持服钝擎齐,清洁,并按规定配戴员工牌,员工证,自觉爱护公 司所发的工服。B、男员工头发以不盖耳部为适度,不许留胡子。c、女员工保持淡妆,"不 可浓妆艳抹,涂指甲,并避免使用味浓的化妆品。D"员工不得梳染怪异的发型,应勤剪指甲, 勤修头发,?保持清洁。E女员工只可配戴个耳环颜色清淡,除小耳环、手表外、不可带其他 手饰。卞女员工不得披头散发,头发过肩扎起,头饰以探色小型为好。?G牙齿清洁,口 ous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wate- 17 - 气清 "新,上班前不异味食品,不喝含酒精的饮料。H员工制服合身,爽直、"整齐、清洁、钮扣齐 全扣好;?衣袖裤腿不可卷起,"?衬衣下摆扎进裤内。i、要勤洗澡,无体味,自然大方,得体, 符合工作需要及各项安全规则,精神突突,充满活力,整齐,清洁。 (一) 仪容;仪表 仪容仪表是指人的外表,包括人的容貌,姿态,举止,?风度,衣着,修饰等各方面。仪 容仪表美,体现了对他人,对社会的尊重,表现出一个人的精神状态和文明程度。 也表现了服务人员对工作的热爱和对客人的热情。 员工在工作岗位上的仪容要求是: 男员工 头发要梳理整齐,头发长度不能盖及耳部和衣领,不留胡须,并每天剃须, 保持指甲清洁,不得留指甲,工作期间或工作现场一定要穿统一工装,衣服要穿着整洁,衣 ?扣裤扣要扣好,领带领结要紧柬,衣袋内不易放太多的东西。衬衣要干挣,下摆扎进裤丸 内衣内裤不能露出。 女员工 头发梳埂整齐,不留怪发形,头发长度不能过肩,发型朴素,只用一种头发 饰物,不留长指甲,不得染指甲,不能浓妆艳抹。要化淡妆;力求自然,显出脸部最美的部 分。掩饰缺陷的部分。不得戴首饰上岗(除结婚信物) ?(二)仪态一人们在交际活动申表现出来的姿态和风度,包括日常生活中和工作中的举止, 如站立的姿势,待人的态度,说话的声音,面部表情等,最受欢迎的服务人员不是长的漂亮 的人,而是仪态最佳的人。因此要求每位员工都要站有站姿,坐有坐相,举止端庄稳重,落 落大方,自然优美。? 对员工仪态的要求是; ?i;站姿:"站立是要挺正而自然,从正面看,身体重心应在两腿申间向上穿过脊椎及头部,重 心放在两个脚前掌。 站立的要领是, (i) 挺胸,收腹、梗颈。(2) 站立要端正,眼睛平视,环顾四周,嘴微闭,面带笑容。 ;(3)双肩"自然放松,双臂自然下垂,手握空拳,放在身体两侧,背部挺直,挺起胸部,收 腹立腰,以保持向客人服务的最佳状态。?(背手式,双手在后面)(4)女子站立时,双脚呈 丁"v"字型,双膝靠紧,两个脚后跟紧靠。双手在体前交又,右手搭在做手上,虎口相对(5) 虏子站立时,双脚叉开与肩同宽。双手在体后交叉,左手抓右手的腕关节。(6)站立时要防 止重心偏左或偏右。(7)?站立时身体不能东倒西歪。站累时,脚可以向前或向后撤半步。但 上体仍保持正直,不可把脚向前或向后伸过多,甚至义开很大。 之坐态" Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 18 - ?就坐时姿势要端正,这是体态美的重要内容之一,平坐在椅子上的要领是:入座要轻 缓,上身正直,人体重心垂直向下;腰部挺起,脊柱向上伸直,胸部向前挺,双肩放松平放。 身体正对前方,手自然放在双膝上,双膝并拢,双目平视,面带笑容,坐时不要不要把椅子 坐满(服务人员坐椅子的2/3左右),就座时不可有以下几种姿态: (i) 不可坐在椅子上前俯后仰,MM, ,(2) 不可将脚跨在椅子或沙发扶手上,或架在茶几上。 (3) 在上司或客人前不可双手抱在胸前,不可中翘二朗腿,不可抖腿或半躺半坐。 3.行态 行走时应昂首、收腹、眼直视、肩要平,身要直;两臂自然下垂摆动,腿要直,女子 走-字步。男子行走时双脚跟两条线,但两条线尽可能靠近。 @;?i,行麦时不可摇樊晃脑,?,左顾右盼;厂或者手插口袋,也不得以凭何借口奔跑,"跳跃。 :巷丁圆工作需要超越客汰肘;;:不要礼貌致歉;?说声,"对不起"。 丫,;及;@走路时男士不要扭腰,;女士不要晃动臀部。 """"@@,@?叭:"尽量靠右行走;;不定书间。, "'@5、?与上"司宾客相髓时刀;要点头致意*主动让道,同行致门前时应主动开门让他们先 入一 行。 "6卜"上楼时客人在前,?,下楼时客人在后, ""(三) 礼貌表现在行动上: 昹;尊重上司" ? "八? : ? 。? "A?在各种场合见到上司或同事都要面带笑容,主动问好,"您早!""您好""上午(晚上) 好" B?不可随意将自己的客人,熟人和朋友介绍给上司。 c?受到上司的批评,不应解释,对上司的疏忽或不妥之处,不可当面指责或反驳。 D?进入办公室应敲门经允许后再入(食指或中指的中关节轻p三T) E?会见上司,一定要得到应允方可前往,一般先约定时间。 F?无事不可随意进入办公室,进入上司办公室,必须得到允许方可就进,上司不请座不要 随便坐下,更不可随便翻动物品,膘视批件等。 G?当首长或上司到办公地点视察或来问话时,坐着的人要起身,以示致意。 H???偶遇时,不便打扰,可用手势或点头致意。 2,微笑服务 微笑是我们服务取得成功的法宝,人们强调微笑,是表示对客人的欢迎友好。 ,,?;;;,?;、?微笑服务是指服务员以真诚的笑容向客人提供物其所值的服务。使客人接受服务过程申 ?;;支;。;?、;:镣会到一种亲切感,?还可以融洽顾客与服务员之间的良好关系,同时也反映出一个服务美好 ous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityhnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wate- 19 - " 镶蔑 爽巍蔑澜情操"?;;"?/yX?@ -? 溺嚣镊磁磁裳瓣簧要发冶淌汕「表达出对客人真心的感谢和欢迎,要笑得自然?,得体,不可 -- ;寨强蛾癸"皮笑;肉不笑;:@?,:""""" L 攒毅磁缓火员应该切记的是:???当你与客人见面,首先是微笑,然后是语言。 ;;? ";;?邀笑服缓是同服务工作的"八字方针"融汇在一起的。服务工作申的热情,主动,礼貌,周 二卢::;;",?到本身就包含着微笑的内容。 :??",;3?;?;微笑H;;(已掌不打笑脸) @"'@/?:@:;:增养微笑的三个要素(基础): 、,@","?:""*"l'识上班?的进入工作角色,:?忘记烦恼,不带情绪和个人色彩。 ?";?,"使:;";("讫?况处理好工作中出现的问题,"尤其是自身的工作失误。 :?-?;?":U3?况稳定的心理素质,??为大喜,大悲;?要冷静,沉着。? "":@"?K四)礼貌表现在语言上: 、" ;";飞?D说话肘语调要平和,切勿高声喧哗;"或叫客人名字。?不可将语调延长,以免造成误会。 "';@;,?,?:以?夕"j"尽量让别人听清启己的讲话,要言语简练。 "?':??@*?卜?"鹤")";不以斥责酌口吻对话,?也无惧怕心理;更不能揍到客人前面哺咕。 "@@;/叫";;??:;取,(?心;能用语盲表达酌,?不要打手势,椰使用动作不易过大。 ""@,"?,@??;彷):?面谓客人讲话肘,;?;保持一定酌距离(1米左右)要目光平视,(不要游离不定) 也不要 "::;"紧盯双眼;口"注视逃避且光/:,勿将嘴靠近客人或口水四溅。 ??;L?,;?、@?;?(6)??谈话时;看客人三角区乙两眼和鼻之间。) ?;(7)??与宾客谈话时不可心不在焉扣漫不经心或不满不耐烦。讲话时要用服务用语。不能随 "?毛?;,?;。;便使用不恰当的词语。 (8)与客有分歧的,不要固执己见,蔑视他人。要以协商的口吻。 ",(9)客人谈话时不要趋前旁听,更不要插嘴,;若要与其申一个人讲话,应让客人讲完,如 ,??遇急事,应先知会并道歉。? ,c lo)与老客人讲话也应讲究礼貌用语。不使用不恰当的词语或有损本店的话。 "(1I)?工作申同时接待几位客人,应按先后顺序一一回答,对在后面的客人应打招呼,不能 不理不睬。 ?,(i2) 没听清客人的讲话时说;"对不起,能再重复一遍么? "(五)语言的艺术性: (l) 注意选择语旬:请您这边走:丫往这边走),您贵姓,我该怎么称呼您? 不要空调,非常 的,特别的。 (2)语言语气的表达:说话要简练,明确,?不能含糊其词,多用商量和征询的语气讲话, 要比直接的发问好的多。说话应亲切友好,且要注意分寸,不能训斥客人,如扔纸团,棉签, ,吐痰等等,点菜时: 我建议,?我认为,不能用,不。 (3)语言音调的运用: 说话要温和,声音清晰,抑扬顿挫,正确表达语气,语言不大也 used. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with hSecond, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity- 20 - 不 ,小,?不快也不慢不机械:不犯矫揉造作,不特意拉长声调和时间。 (4) 注意避免争论。 注:说话时的表情,姿态;?"语言艺术除了要掌握说话的技巧外,还有一个重要的方面, 就是说话的姿态和表情,?我们的服务不同于导游,一般要比较静的场合下服务,不需要太多? 的手势动作等。 ??Ki)站立时姿态:在和客人谈话时,不能全身左右摇摆,来回晃动,给人一种不安的感觉, ,也不能用手比划客人或者低头不看对方,用脚来回擦地。表示对客人的冷漠和不关,b。用手 "?掌贴在额头上和摸脸,表示没有把握和疲倦,或把手背在身后,表示闲散和消极:握紧拳头 和插迸裤袋,则表示轻视和威胁:头要挺直略向前倾,表示对对方不关心,不能频频点头, ??,摇头,;低头,耸肩和垂肩:。?;正常的站立姿势是身体贴于亲呢或勉强做作。 '@(Z)?'手的动作:不可打手势或手舞足蹈。 :"?"?(3)说话的表情,?说话的表情神态要自然,面带微笑,它能反映人的情绪,状态和精神面 @'貌。? (4)?微笑的作用:能给人美好的感觉,使人心旷神怡,缩短了人与人之间的距离。 (5 ") 目光乎视:它能帮助您保持情绪与情感上的相对稳定,只有平视,才表示健康的微笑, 目光不可左顾右盼。不要盯住客人身体及物品。不能瞪大眼睛,也不能把眼睛眯起来,笑得 "不能机械。? 不能依假厅面的工作台,不能两手乱挥舞,不能太僵直,莫握拳,摇低头,下意识动作, "?和谐自然,不卑躬屈膝;,勉强做作,"扭捏不安。 第四节:国内外忌讳常识 社会 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 交 往中的忌讳, 举止忌,严忌姿势歪斜,手舞足蹈,以手指人,拉拉扯扯,相距过近,左顾右 盼,目光远跳H频频看表,伸懒腰。? 谈话忌:严忌荒唐,淫秽,?随意询问他人履历,子女私事,工资收入,私人财 产,衣饰价格,批评尊长等。 语言忌:"严忌大声辩论,高谈阔论,秽言恶语,寻根问底,争吵辱骂,出言不 hnology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvit teclch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latessurvival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mu e theroots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improv planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes,lings improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seednical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, hacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new tec-ick(4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of qu ring, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements.of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wateous effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity- 21 - 逊。 礼遇忌:严忌?冷落仇人,独谈到底,轻易表达,打断异。纠缠不止,随意传话。 拍照忌:拍照古画及其它古物时,严忌使用闪光灯,忌给不相识的女人拍照。工 (6)?卫生忌:严忌在公众场合蓬头垢面,衣装鞋帽或领口袖口不洁。正式场合忌挖 眼屎,搏鼻涕,??抠鼻孔,剔牙齿,剪指甲等不卫生动作及随地吐痰弹烟灰,乱 丢果皮纸屑等不洁之物。 日常生活中的忌讳 "(I) 与人交往态度要诚恳,表情要自然,不要过分脑腆,?躲躲闪闪,不要心不在焉 的左顾右盼,看书报或面带倦容直打哈欠等无关动作。 (2) 谈话时辅助的用势要得当,?不懂的手势尽量不要做。 (3) 不要用手指指人,"交谈时'目光适申,把目光放在同一水平上 (要用"虚光看对 方眼嘴之间)。 ;?," ? 。? "(4) 尊重别人的隐私:?不随意发问个人私事。 (5) 不要提及对方敏感之事,对穿短裙,和裸露部位较多的女士,谈话时目光不要 降低。 《6) 在洗手间内或附近,遇到上司或同事时,只需要相互微笑点头就可以了,不需 要在说什么,"千万别说,"你上哪儿去?""您吃饭没有"。 (7) 打喷嚏或打隔时,:要侧面捂嘴,事后说声,"对不起"公众场合不要当着人家的 面拖鞋。 (8) "宾客最忌讳听到"不知道"三个字,服务人员任何时候不应说"不如道,兄是 音己职权范围内的事,"要尽力为客人解答,如不属于职权范围而有不清楚或无 把握的事,要立即报告上司,给客人以圆满的答复,暂时无法答复的问询,事 后要答复客人。 (9) 在无意碰到别人要说声:"对不起"!帮客人拿行李和物品时,切不要动客人的 ?公文包、钱包、更不要帮女子提拿她们的手包。 (10)不能在客人面前;:与其它同事用家乡话交谈。 其它:?印度教徒不吃牛肉,"伊斯兰教徒不吃猪肉等。 10 Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityused. , especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be he survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branchesrove tn. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can impe to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protectiooisturand after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the mty of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, capacincreased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage nt soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) iacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and preve-inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick igh efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficientof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with h- 22 -
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