首页 从物权法看小区车位归属权问题



从物权法看小区车位归属权问题从物权法看小区车位归属权问题 环北部湾区域经济与大西南出海通道建设 一、队伍情况 学科带头人:刘朝明教授 本学科点现有教研人员97人,其中正高职称7人,副高职称41人,博士学位人 员3人,国务院特贴专家4人,广西高校跨世纪人才1人。 二、实验室名称、主要设备和设备总价值 ,一,电子商务实验室 ?主要设备 微型计算机、实物展示台、投影机、DVD、功率放大器、无线话筒、音箱、不间断电源、DELL服务器、HP服务器、SUN工作站、激光打印机、喷墨打印机、扫描仪、镜像光盘塔、交换机等。 ?设备价值约为11...

从物权法看小区车位归属权问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 环北部湾区域经济与大西南出海通道建设 一、队伍情况 学科带头人:刘朝明教授 本学科点现有教研人员97人,其中正高职称7人,副高职称41人,博士学位人 员3人,国务院特贴专家4人,广西高校跨世纪人才1人。 二、 实验室 17025实验室iso17025实验室认可实验室检查项目微生物实验室标识重点实验室计划 名称、主要设备和设备总价值 ,一,电子商务实验室 ?主要设备 微型计算机、实物展示台、投影机、DVD、功率放大器、无线话筒、音箱、不间断电源、DELL服务器、HP服务器、SUN工作站、激光打印机、喷墨打印机、扫描仪、镜像光盘塔、交换机等。 ?设备价值约为118万元。 ,二,金融模拟实验室 ?主要设备 微型计算机、实物展示台、投影机、DVD、功率放大器、无线话筒、音箱、不间断电源、方正服务器、IBM服务器、激光打印机、集线器等。 ?设备价值约为75万元。 设备总价值:193万元 三、科研工作情况 ,一,主要研究方向及学术带头人 1( 大西南对外开放战略与贸易口岸定位研究(刘朝明教授); 2( 国际竞争优势与广西拓展国际市场研究(李欣广教授); 3( 广西经济区域规划与发展战略研究(郭晓合副教授); 4( 金融发展与财务管理现代化研究(唐文琳副教授); book, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibility Urban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some long-term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality 5( 工商企业管理与诊断、咨询研究(梁戈夫教授); 6( 网络经济运行机制与电子商务操作研究(汪涛副教授)。 ,二,承担的科研项目及经费数 1991-1995年承担的科研项目为16项,其中国家级项目只有1项。1996-2000年共承担各级各类科研项目41项,其中国家级项目8项(具体项目见表3)。科研经费总数:127万元。 表3 1996-2000年承担科研项目一览表 项目起止 科研经费课题名称 项目来源 负责人 时 间 (万元) 1996~1998 2.5 1.中国西南与周边国家跨国区域市场构建与国家社会科学基金 杨伟嘉教授 运行 1996~1998 2.5 2.中国西南民族区域扶贫开发综合经济效益国家社会科学基金 刘朝明教授 研究 1997-1999 5.7 3.大西南整体开放战略与贸易口岸定位研究 国家自然科学基金 刘朝明教授 1997~1999 9.5 4.管理诊断对推动中小企业管理技术进步的国家自然科学基金 梁戈夫教授 综合研究 1998~2001 9.0 5(网络经济运行机制及相关理论问题研究 国家自然科学基金 汪涛副教授 1999-2001 5.6 6.产业扩大开放的发展风险及其调控管理 国家自然科学基金 李欣广教授 2000-2002 10 7.广西与周边区域协同发展的理论与策略研国家自然科学基金 黎鹏副教授 究 2000-2002 4.0 8.知识产业发展的统计规律及政策研究 国家社会科学基金 温志宏副教授 2000-2003 3 9.少数民族地区经济学类专业人才培养模式国家教育部 杨克斯教授 改革及质量保证问题研究与实践 1997-1998 0.9 10.广西拓展国际市场的战略和对策 区党委宣传部 李欣广教授 1997~1999 1.2 11.西南出海通道经济区域形成问题研究 区党委宣传部 张培胜副教授 1997~1999 1.1 12.农村流通体制改革研究 区党委宣传部 杨伯康教授 1998~2000 2.0 13.资源综合开发及开拓国际市场中信息技术广西科技厅 汪涛副教授 应用对策研究 1998~2000 3.5 14.科技资源的市场配置和政府调节关系的研广西科技厅 杨克斯教授 究 1996-1998 0.4 15.国际服务贸易竞争优势研究 广西教育厅 李欣广教授 1998~1999 0.8 16.桂西北民族地区人力资源开发与经济社会广西教育厅 杨克斯教授 可持续发展研究 2000-2003 0.4 17.大西南整体开发研究 广西教育厅 刘朝明教授 1997-1998 0.5 18.南昆铁路开通后南宁市经济发展战略研究 南宁市“九五”重点刘朝明教授 课题 1999-2000 0.6 19.南宁市企业管理现状及加强以质量为中心南宁市社科院 阎世平副教授 的现代管理研究 1999-2000 0.6 20.南宁市经济体制转换与经济结构优化问题南宁市社科院 陈喜强副教授 研究 1999-2000 0.5 21.南宁市增加出口、利用外资和扩大对外开南宁市社科院 李立民副教授 放的对策研究 1998~1999 0.3 22.南宁市通道经济体系的构建与网络电子商广西大学 郭晓合副教授 务应用实施方案 1998~1999 0.25 23.广西经济增长地区差异的实证分析 广西大学 陈喜强副教授 1998~1999 0.25 24.南宁市农村产业结构优化研究 广西大学 庄晋财副教授 1999~2000 0.3 25.农业产业化中龙头企业培育和发展研究 广西大学 邵法焕副教授 1999~2000 0.3 26.政府经济行为的理论与方法研究 广西大学 唐拥军教授 1999-2000 27.汽车工业产业政策的主体行为机制及评估广西大学 赵大晖副教授 方法研究 2000-2001 0.2 28.拓展消费信贷,促进广西经济发展 广西大学 高见副教授 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality 83 项目起止 科研经费课题名称 项目来源 负责人 时 间 (万元) 2000-2001 0.2 29.我国农业人口非农化的经济研究 广西大学 曾艳华副教授 1997-1998 14 30.贵港糖业集团工资改革方案 横向项目 刘朝明教授 1999-1999 3 31.梧州长洲水利枢纽工程经济效益评估方案 横向项目 刘朝明教授 1999-2000 5 32.柳州凤山糖业集团改革方案 横向项目 梁戈夫教授 1997-1997 2 33.南宁五威有限责任公司发展战略方案 横向项目 刘朝明教授 2000-2001 4 34.南宁高新区优势产业培育方案 横向项目 刘朝明教授 1999-2000 5 35.玉林市第一人民医院改革方案 横向项目 梁戈夫教授 1998~1999 0.3 36.研制南宁燃气燃料有限责任公司营销诊断横向项目 梁修庆副教授 报告 1998~1999 0.3 37.研制南宁市燃气燃料有限责任公司市场营横向项目 王宝荣副教授 销战略方案 1998~1999 0.3 38.研制南宁市燃气燃料有限责任公司企业诊横向项目 梁戈夫教授 断及管理重组总体方案 1998~1999 9 39.南宁市万泰啤酒有限公司战略诊断及市场横向项目 梁戈夫教授 营销研究 1999~2000 6 40.金融风险防范研究 横向项目 尹建国教授 1999~2000 9 41.玉林市税收增收管理与财政调节办法 横向项目 刘朝明教授 1999~2000 6 42.玉林制药厂企业战略策划研究 横向项目 梁戈夫教授 1998~1999 0.3 43.研制南宁燃气燃料有限责任公司营销组织横向项目 李蜜蜜副教授 改革方案 ,三,获奖及成果转化情况 1991-1995年获奖成果共21项,其中省级以上12项。1996-2000年获奖成果共40项,其中省部级以上22项(具体项目见表4) 表4 1996-2000年科研获奖成果 序号 成 果 名 称 项目主持人 获奖名称、等级 01 经济非均衡与宏观调控 刘朝明教授 广西社科研究成果二等奖(1996) 02 社会保障制度的重新定位 阎革教授 广西社科研究成果二等奖(1996) 03 中国西南周边跨国区域市场研究 李立民副教授 广西社科研究成果三等奖(1996) 04 开放型经济中产业结构演进模式与我国的对策 李欣广教授 广西社科研究成果三等奖(1996) 05 中国国情丛书之柳工本《广西柳工机械股份有限公李蜜蜜副教授 广西社科研究成果三等奖(1996) 司》 06 关于财务状况变动的若干问题 杨秋风教授 广西社科研究成果三等奖(1996) 07 中国少数民族科学技术史丛书《农业卷》 李炳东教授 广西社科优秀成果二等奖(1999) 08 论西南地区人口素质的提高与贫困的缓解 庄晋财副教授 广西社科优秀成果二等奖(1999) 09 社会保障工作研究 阎革教授 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 10 “广西壮族自治区民营科技企业管理条例”研究 唐拥军教授 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 11 比较利益原则在当代世界经济中的命运 李欣广教授 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 12 西南民族区域:反贫困战略与效益 刘朝明教授 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 13 系统工程:中国对外贸易战略 刘朝明教授 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 14 广西拓展国际市场的战略与策略 李立民副教授 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 15 国际服务贸易竞争优势研究 刘华讲师 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 16 关于中国渐进式改革的思考 古惠冬讲师 广西社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 17 期货投机功能的经济学分析 庄晋才副教授 广西社科研究成果佳作奖(1996) 18 期货市场管理的比较研究 张培胜副教授 广西社科研究成果佳作奖(1996) 19 国有企业股份制改造模式比较与选择 王宝荣副教授 广西社科研究成果佳作奖(1996) 20 通货膨胀压力的形成机理初探 阎革教授 广西社科研究成果佳作奖(1996) 21 试论市场经济运行中的政府权力 杨克斯教授 广西社科研究成果佳作奖(1996) 22 少数民族农业科技史研究与民族地区的现代化建设 李炳东教授 广西社科研究成果佳作奖(1996) 23 《中外农村产业结构比较研究》 刘朝明教授 广西高校社科优秀成果一等奖(1996) y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o ful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinci84 序号 成 果 名 称 项目主持人 获奖名称、等级 24 《期货市场及其管理问题研究》 张培胜副教授 广西高校社科优秀成果二等奖(1996) 25 《中国少数民族农业科学技术史丛书》(农业卷) 李炳东教授 广西高校社科优秀成果一等奖(1997) 26 《面向21世纪国际贸易丛书》 刘朝明教授 广西高校社科优秀成果一等奖(1998) 27 《社会保障工作研究》 阎革教授 广西高校社科优秀成果二等奖(1998) 28 《农村合作基金会专题研究报告》 韦德洪副教授 广西高校社科优秀成果三等奖(1998) 29 国际服务贸易竞争优势研究 李欣广教授 广西高校社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 30 强化教育兴农的途径和对策 邵法焕副教授 广西高校社科优秀成果三等奖(1999) 31 面向21世纪国际贸易丛书 刘朝明教授等 广西大学人文社科成果一等奖 32 社会保障工作研究 阎革教授 广西大学人文社科成果一等奖 33 广西至2000年合理的产业结构研究 汪涛副教授 广西大学人文社科成果二等奖 34 论市场经济条件下农民经济利益的实现 邵法焕副教授 广西大学人文社科成果三等奖 35 农村合作基金会的专题研究报告 韦德洪副教授 广西大学青年优秀成果一等奖 36 农业政策中产量目标与收入目标的矛盾及对策 庄晋财副教授 广西大学青年优秀成果二等奖 37 市场经济与社会保障问题的研究 陈喜强副教授 广西大学青年优秀成果二等奖 38 广西之出海大通道及其区域经济的开发战略初探 黎鹏副教授 广西大学青年优秀成果二等奖 39 大学毕业生综合能力测评的探讨 邵法焕副教授 广西大学青年优秀成果三等奖 40 外商直接投资的正负效应分析 吴冬霞副教授 广西大学青年优秀成果三等奖 ,四,学术著作出版和论文发表情况 1996-2000年出版著作32部。1996-2000年共发表论文430篇,其中在核心期刊发表67篇(具体篇目见表5和表6)。 、著作(见表5) 1 表5 1996——2000年出版论著、教材情况 序号 书名 作者(或主编) 出版社名称 出版时间 01 1996 经济非均衡与宏观调控 刘朝明 中国经济出版社 02 1996 世纪之交的探索——社会主义市场经济理刘朝明 广西人民出版社 论与实践 03 1996 社会保障工作研究 阎革 广西人民出版社 04 1996 中国国情丛书——柳州卷 杨克斯 中国百科全书出版社 05 1996 国情丛书《广西柳工机械股份有限公司》 李蜜蜜 当代中国出版社 1997 系统工程:中国对外贸易战略 刘朝明 中国经济出版社 06 1997 理性思维:国际贸易理论的探索与发展 李欣广 中国经济出版社 07 1997 行为约束:国际贸易政策与法规 杨克斯 中国经济出版社 08 1997 操作实务:国际贸易形式与方法 杨伟嘉 中国经济出版社 09 1997 EDI:国际贸易新手段 汪涛 中国经济出版社 10 1997 国际贸易会计 杨秋风 中国经济出版社 11 1997 交易保障:国际贸易信用与结算 张培胜 中国经济出版社 12 1997 企业法人经营管理全书 刘朝明 中国经济出版社 13 1997 两个转变与中国经济发展 刘朝明 广西师范大学出版社 14 1997 金融学 张辉 广西民族出版社 15 1997 现代企业管理概论 陈喜强 中国商业出版社 16 1998 财政金融学 张辉 广西师范大学出版社 17 1998 现实与抉择 刘朝明 广西人民出版社 18 1998 ’98AIBSEAR会议论文集 林元辉 广西民族出版社 19 1998 食品安全与比较优势 吕玲丽 广西民族出版社 20 1998 西南民族区域:反贫困战略与效益 刘朝明 广西人民出版社 21 1998 会计学基础 杨显英 广西师范大学出版社 22 1999 世界著名经贸组织 黎鹏 吉林教育出版社 23 1999 大西南对外开放战略与出海通道建设 刘朝明 西南财经大学出版社 24 1999 市场化进程中国有经济 唐文琳 广西人民出版社 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro 85 序号 书名 作者(或主编) 出版社名称 出版时间 25 1999 证券市场运行与风险管理 尹建国、汪涛、广西人民出版社 岳桂宁 26 1999 简明发展经济学 朱仁 广西人民出版社 27 2000 国际贸易——理论与政策(英文版) 刘朝明、郭晓合 华南理工大学出版社 28 2000 货币银行学 黄绥彪 广西人民出版社 29 2000 应对WTO 唐文琳 广西人民出版社 30 2000 WTO与中国金融业 唐文琳 广西人民出版社 31 2000 世纪探索 杨克斯 广西人民出版社 32 2000 市场经济中的政府行为 唐拥军 中国商业出版社 2、论文(见表6) 表6 1996——2000发表在核心期刊上的论文一览表(共67篇) 第一 序号 论文名称 刊物名称、期号、年份 作者 01 外资对民族经济发展的复杂影响 李欣广 国际经济合作,04,1996 02 比较利益原则在当代世界经济中的命运 李欣广 世界经济研究,05,1996 03 外商直接投资的正负效应分析 吴冬霞 经济体制改革,04,1996 04 中华民族人口数量再生产史上的主要特征探析 黎鹏 人文地理,04,1996 05 壮族地理略论 黎鹏 人文地理,03,1997 06 国际经济交往中的资源转换及发展新势态 李欣广 改革与战略,02,1997 07 直接竞争力——企业国际化经营的依托 李欣广 对外经贸实务,07,1997 08 “两个转变”与中国经济发展研讨会简介 刘朝明 经济学动态,01,1997 09 投资率与经济增长率的比例及其控制 刘朝明 经济学动态,04,1997 10 推行“软硬资本”理论, 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 农村合作基金会的股金制度 韦德洪 经济与管理研究,05,1997 11 按照“软硬资本”理论来筹集和管理农村信用社的股权 韦德洪 金融理论与实践,11,1997 12 关于加快建设广西东向出海通道的战略构想 尹建国 改革与战略,06,1996 13 孟加拉“乡村银行”扶贫模式及其启示 庄晋财 农业经济问题,07,1997 14 国际服务贸易竞争优势研究 李欣广 改革与战略,01,1998 15 缄默到底是拒绝还是接受 刘华 对外经贸实务,04,1998 16 农业产业化中经济关系和法律关系探讨 吕玲丽 经济问题,03,1998 17 广西耕地的水灌溉与粮食产量的灰色联分析 孙碧清 改革与战略,增刊,1998 18 试论农业产业化进程中的农业信用形象与金融地位问题 王选庆 农业现代化研究,12,1998 19 制度、技术与民族贫困地区的粮食安全 庄晋财 农业经济问题,06,1998 20 开拓农村市场寻找新经济增长点 覃巍 经济问题,增刊,1998 21 日本的海洋,渔业管理体系 覃巍 世界农业,12,1998 22 乡村工业、小城镇与农村城市化 程李梅 改革与战略02,1999 23 关于中国渐进式改革的思考 古惠冬 经济问题探索,01,1999 24 西南新经济增长点的选择 郭晓合 财经科学,03,1999 25 广西旅游经济发展对策研究 郭晓合 改革与战略,03,1999 26 论桂澳旅游业的联动发展 黎鹏 人文地理,02,1999 27 广西对外开放战略与贸易口岸定位 黎鹏 改革与战略,04,1999 28 略论县域农业产业化问题 黎鹏 农业经济,01,1999 29 近年来中国宏观经济收缩的原因、机理与政策含义 李敬湘 改革与战略,02,1999 30 引进外资与维护国家经济安全 李欣广 国际贸易问题,08,1999 31 《宏观价值调控论》一书评价 李欣广 改革与战略,02,1999 32 澳门回归后桂澳合作的新途径 刘朝明 经济学动态,06,1999 33 扶贫攻坚与效益衡定分析方法 刘朝明 经济研究,07,1999 34 大西南最便捷出海口岸物流量测算与比较 刘朝明 中国软科学,07,1999 35 大西南对外开放战略的总体构想 刘朝明 中国软科学,04,1999 36 社会网络与经济发展 邵法焕 改革与战略,06,1999 37 国债余额对中央财政支出的滞后效应 王中昭 改革与战略,05,1999 38 我国产业结构调整的重点和主要任务 阎革 改革与战略,05,1999 39 广西经济开发的人才策略 阎世平 财经科学,05,1999 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o al Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some long86 第一 序号 论文名称 刊物名称、期号、年份 作者 40 人才管理的特点及其在知识型企业的应用 阎世平 学术交流,06,1999 41 亚洲金融动荡的深化影响及广西外经贸工作对策 尹建国 改革与战略,03,1999 42 广西沿海港口建设与资金筹措分析 张培胜 改革与战略,02,1999 43 运用特色理论发展广西特色产业 张永成 改革与战略,02,1999 44 从城郊型迈向都市型:南宁市农业发展的新思路 庄晋财 农业技术经济,02,1999 45 构建完善的金融监管体系 唐文琳 改革与战略,01,2000 46 农村城镇化的动因与实现机制 庄晋财 财经科学,01,2000 47 广西消费结构与产业结构关联的实证分析 黄丽馨 改革与战略,04,2000 48 对我国优惠政策的再思考 古惠冬 改革,06,2000 49 评《世界农业政策与发展比较研究》 李欣广 经济评论,04,2000 50 南宁市增加出口、利用外资和扩大对外开放对策研究 李立民 改革与战略,02,2000 51 西部开发中的壮族区域经济发展定位及新增长点培育研究 郭晓合 改革与战略,03,2000 52 市场调节效率与市场调节失效 唐拥军 改革与战略,02,2000 53 培育科技风险投资机制推动科技产业化 唐拥军 经济问题探索,11,2000 54 论企业人本管理 阎世平 学术交流,04,2000 55 当前经济增长中的消费乘数效应分析 梁修庆 消费经济,03,2000 56 华夏文化在企业重构中的价值 梁戈夫 改革与战略,01,2000 57 欠发达地区县域城镇体系的规模等级结构分析 黎鹏 求实,06,2000 58 农村地域城镇化发展水平目标的确定及其实现对策 黎鹏 求实,06,2000 59 农户采用新技术的行为分析 吕玲丽 经济问题,11,2000 60 当前加快农村合作经济组织发展的意义措施 范小俊 经济问题探索,02,2000 61 抓住西部大开发机遇,促进广西经济大发展 张恒松 改革与战略,增刊(2),2000 62 从成本角度看扼制 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 诈骗 陈少军 经济评论, 22,2000 63 论知识产品及科学技术创造价值 温志宏 改革与战略,01,2000 64 知识产品:必须核算的一类产出 温志宏 统计与预测,02,2000 65 从增长速度与财税收入的局限看政府业绩评价制度 温志宏 统计与决策,04,2000 66 知识产业划分的理论依据 温志宏 统计研究,12,2000 67 农民收入状况评价指标体系的初步研究 覃巍 经济问题,12,2000 四、学术交流情况(见表7) 表7 学术交流情况对比表 举办国举办国国内学出国进外国专 际 内 者 修 家 时间 会议次会议次讲学人人 来访人 数 数 次 次 次 1991-1995 0 2 3 4 3 1996-2000 2 2 9 5 18 1996-2000年期间重要学术活动有: 1(1996年,先后有《中国社会科学》总编赵振英研究员,美国威斯康辛大学拉克洛斯分校3位教授,香港黄连枝博士到我院讲学。 2(1996年11月5-7日,全国政治经济学史研究会第三届年会在本校召开,由本院承办。 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality 87 3(1997年,先后有日本久留米大学经济学部3位教授,台湾大学江荣吉教授,美国威斯康辛大学2位教授,美国旧金山州立大学徐朋博士,华中财大刘思华教授,中国社会科学院李京文教授来学院讲学。 4(1997年6月10-12日,学院协作承办“广西—澳门经济互动研讨会”在北海召开。 5(1998年,先后有台湾大学江荣吉教授,美国夏威夷大学2位教授,意大利耶拿大学教授,中国社科院江春泽研究员来学院讲学。 6(1998年8月3-5日,学院承办“中国青年农业经济学者年会在北海召开。 7(1998年10月21-29日,学院承办“国际商务学会东南亚分会'98学术年会”在南宁召开。 8(1999年5月,美国哈佛大学黄俊洪教授到本院作学术讲座。 9(2000年,先后有武汉大学严教授,中国社科院张健研究员,北京大学厉以宁教授,美国关岛大学Dick教授,美国旧金山州立大学徐朋博士,北京工商大学梁小民教授到本院作学术报告。 五、人才培养情况 、学科涵盖的本科专业 1 本科为经济学、金融学、财政学、国际经济贸易、工商管理学、会计学、农 业经济管理学,在校学生规模有一定程度增长(见表8)。 表8 1991-2000年在校本专科学生数量增长 1600 140013911313 12001160 1000 本科生919906800专科生775 总人数600 400 24120013178 0 199119962000 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o ovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continue88 2、学位点情况 硕士研究生培养规模不断扩大。1998年获得国际贸易硕士点,2000年获得工商企业管理硕士学位点和MBA专业学位点。目前已有5个硕士学位点和1个专业学位点,在校生规模急剧扩大(见表9)。 表9 硕士研究生培养一览表 研究 导师 招生 毕业生获学位人年末在校考取攻年份 专业数 备注 方向数 人数 人数 人数 员人数 生人员 博人数 1990 2 5 9 5 4 4 17 92年1995 3 5 7 16 8 8 43 考上1996 3 6 7 19 14 14 48 博士11997 3 8 11 24 13 13 59 人 1998 3 7 13 32 16 16 75 1999 4 8 13 25 19 18 81 3 2000 5 9 17 43 26 25 99 2000年比 1996年增2 3 10 24 12 10 51 2 加量 增加倍数 0.667 0.50 1.429 1.263 0.857 0.786 1.063 2.00 、学生管理工作取得显著成效。其中,以“同志连”为主线开展经常性思想政治3 教育工作,参与同志连活动的同学从最初的63人发展到450人;确立以英语4级“过级率”抓学风建设,在全校保持领先名次;精心组织丰富多彩的文体、社会活动,取得优异成绩;定点、定期开展社会实践活动,1997年度被评为学校“优秀社会实践集体”。 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro89 机 械 工 程 一、 队伍情况 学科带头人:何国金 本学科现有教学、科研人员106人,其中教授16人,副教授和高工35人,讲师和工程师45人,助教10人。具有博士学位人员3人,硕士学位人员35人;广西跨世纪人才3人,广西“十百千”人才2人;广西优秀专家2人;享受国务院特殊津贴3人。 二、实验室名称、主要设备和设备总价值 ,一,先进制造技术实验室 ?主要设备 立式加工中心 、三坐标测量机、电火花线切割机、电火花成型机、数控车床、注塑机、可编程计算机控制器、滚齿机、立式铣床、可编程序控制器各1台,微型计算机3台。 ,二,机械CAD/CAM/CAE实验室 ?主要设备(含大型软件) 微型计算机27台,服务器7台;超级工作站3台、多媒体投影仪1台、Ansys有限元分析软件、I-deas机械加工仿真分析软件、I-deas机构运动仿真分析软件、Moldflow注塑过程仿真分析软件、Smar Team产品数据管理软件、MK ERP企业资源计划软件各1套, Cimatron模具制造仿真分析软件2套,Solid-Edge25套。 ,三,机械产品优化设计及网络化设计研究室 ?主要设备(含大型软件) ALGOR设计分析软件一套、计算机6台。 设备总价值:1166万元 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o al Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some long90 三、科研工作情况 ,一,主要研究方向及其学术带头人 (1)机械产品的虚拟设计与制造,学术带头人李尚平教授。 (2)网络化设计与制造,学术带头人陈树勋教授。 (3)机电控制及自动化,学术带头人何国金教授。 (4)CAD/CAM,学术带头人梁 式教授。 (5)动态测试与故障诊断技术,学术带头人沈炜良教授。 (6)内燃机与汽车工程,学术带头人冯冠东教授。 (7)农业机械化,杨 坚教授。 ,二,承担的科研项目及经费数 科研总经费208万元。 (1) 甘蔗收获机械的运动机理及可视化虚拟设计,国家自然科基金项目,项目批 准号59965001,经费15万元。 (2) 互连网环境下的结构系统全局协调优化设计,国家自然科基金项目,项目批 准号59875002,经费12万元。 (3) 并行分布式环境下的机械系统分解优化设计研究,国家自然科基金项目,项 目编号: 59665002,经费8万元。 (4)金属切削刀具电解处理技术的研究,广西科委项目,项目编号:桂科青9646003,经费3万元。 (5)4ZB-6A小型甘蔗剥叶机研制,广西科委项目,项目编号:桂科攻9646075,经费 12万元。 (6)立方氮化硼(CBN)砂轮磨削新工艺的应用开发研究,广西科委项目,项目编号:桂科攻96466016,经费2万元。 (7)典型机械零件CAPP系统的开发研究,广西科技厅项目,项目编号:桂科攻9807002,经费 5 万元。 (8)变电系统中CAD优化控制及专家系统开发,广西科技厅项目,项目编号:桂科攻9807004,经费8万元。 (9)低成本金刚石圆锯片刀头的研究,广西教育厅项目,项目编号:桂教科研[1997]397号,经费4万元。 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s 91 (10)甘蔗剥叶机的运动仿真系统研究,广西教育厅项目,项目编号:桂教科研[1997]424号,经费3.6万元。 (11)室内装修专用作业台车的研究,广西建设厅项目,项目编号:桂建科字[1997]第41号,经费6万元。 (12)椭圆振动弹性网分流筛,广西教育厅项目,项目编号:桂教科研[1998]334号,经费3万元。 (13)并行分布式优化设计支撑平台的研究,广西教育厅项目,项目编号:桂教财[1996]403号,经费2万元。 (14)并行分布式环境下的遗传优化设计研究,广西教育厅项目,项目编号:桂教科研[1998]169号,经费4万元。 (15)岩滩电厂厂房结构物及机组强振问题的试验研究,广西电力工业局项目,经费35万元。 (16)发电机冷却水供应系统的PLC控制系统设计及调试,广西水电工程局中标承包的马来西亚项目,经费1.2万元。 (17)10m闸门水封平面加工专用铣床设计,广西水工机械厂项目,经费1万元。 (18)锁模机构模板有限元受力分析,柳州力风塑料成型机厂项目,经费0.65万元。 (19)NA.LJZ20-15大型二级生活垃圾转运站设备合作开发,南宁专用汽车厂项目,经费1.5万元。 (20)垃圾收集控制器的开发,南宁专用汽车厂项目,经费0.45万元。 (21)G165柴油机连杆和曲轴应力及变形分析,南宁机械厂项目,经费1.5万元。 (22)割灌机手感振动测试分析,柳州索罗小型动力机厂项目,经费0.2万元。 (23)房架高强度螺栓连接抗滑移系数试验,区第一安装公司项目,经费0.26万元。 (24)计算机控制拉力试验机技术改造,广西送变电建设公司项目,经费3万元。 (25)R165、R170和R175B柴油机外观改型设计,广西贵港动力机器有限责任公司项目,经费0.8万元。 (26)微机辅助填写操作票的开发与应用,广西玉林供电局项目,经费10.5万元。 (27)振动给料筛分机的研制,广西贵港钢铁总公司项目,经费1.4万元。 (28)高炉槽下振动给料筛,广西贵港钢铁总公司项目,经费2.6万元。 (29)VT-2500注射成型机电测试验,柳州力风塑料成型机厂项目,经费0.3万 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme92 元。 (30)YC6108Q、YC6108ZQ型柴油机缸体及缸盖铸造残余应力测试,广西玉柴机器股份有限公司项目,经费2万元。 (31)YC6108Q、YC6108ZQ型柴油机缸体及缸盖同一铸造退火前后残余应力测试,广西玉柴机器股份有限公司项目,经费1.5万元。 (32)耐磨低成本金刚石刀具的研制,南宁奥杰工具技术有限公司项目,经费3万元。 (33)4108Q柴油机可靠性、降低排放污染物的研究,广西柳发股份有限公司项目,经费15万元。 (34)LL-B1145/1720XZ(PY)双模轮胎定型硫化机横梁及底座结构的有限元分析、测试和优化,桂林橡胶机械厂项目,经费4.5万元。 ,三,获奖及成果转让情况 1、获奖情况 1)黄华梁等主编《机械设计基础》(第二版)教材,获教育部科技进步三等奖, 1999年。 2)陈树勋的专著《精密复杂结构的几种现代设计方法》,获第二届全国高校出版社优秀学术著作优秀奖,1995年。 3)陈树勋主持的“飞行器结构设计的多目标模糊优化”获航空基础科学基金资助项目成果二等奖,1995年。 4)刘启福主持的“铸铁一次结晶过程-石墨球化机理研究”研究成果,获广西科技进步二等奖,1998年。 5)段明扬主持的“硬质合金刀具刃磨及相关制造技术的应用基础研究”研究成果,1998年获广西科技进步三等奖; 6)陈树保主持的“课堂教学与基地实践辅导相结合——<机械设计>教学方法改革”项目,1997年获广西教委教学成果三等奖; 7)曾盛绰的论文“机械工程及自动化专业人才培养方案及教学改革的研究与实践”, 2000年获区高校教育教学优秀论文一等奖。 8)何国金的论文“毕业实习毕业设计双向选择就业试用四结合的新尝试”, 2000年获区高校教育教学优秀论文二等奖。 2、成果转让情况 1) 4ZB-6A小型甘蔗剥叶机于1999年和2000年先后转让给南宁大发实业贸易公 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang gr93 司和广西柳州市钢圈厂投产,转让费共20万元。 2) 振动给料筛分别转让给贵港钢铁总公司和广西百矿股份有限公司投产,已创产值75万元。 ,四,学术著作和论文发表情况 1、专著 1)陈树勋著,《精密复杂结构的几种现代设计方法》,北京航空航天大学出版社,1996年7月第1版。 2)王光远、陈树勋著,《工程结构系统软件设计理论及应用》,国防工业出版社,1996年2月第1版。 3)李尚平、曾盛绰、徐华亮、梁洁等著,《地方性综合大学机械类人才培养的研究与实践》,重庆大学出版社,2000年5月。 2、教材 1)华楚生等主编,《机械制造技术基础》,重庆大学出版社,2000年第1版。 2)彭文生、黄华梁、王均荣、李志明主编,《机械设计》,华中理工大学出版社,2000年第1版。 3)广西大学制图教研室编,《机械制图与题集》,重庆大学出版社,1996年第1版。 4)《画法几何及机械制图教程》、《画法几何及机械制图教程习题集》,阎善民、胡炳智、及秀琴、李训谱主编,吴机际、谢成辉、彭如恕副主编,中国科学技术出版社,1996年第1版。 5)田世淳等编,《机械设计课程设计》,华中理工大学出版社,1995年8月第1版。 3、发表的主要论文 1) 段明扬、杨玲,“硬质合金刀具焊接技术研究”,《机械工艺师》1996年第11期。 2)樊社新,“防振锤的动力响应及能量消耗”,《电力建设》1996年第1期。 3)曹硕生、赖玉明,熊焕庭,“高速低粗糙度外圆切入磨削表面波纹度的试验研究”,《中国机械工程》,1997年Vol.8;No.2。 4)耿爱农、罗光缉,“二冲程汽油机调谐腔排气系统的研究”,《内燃机学报》,1997年第3期。 5)陈仲仪、毛汉领、黄振峰,“基于信号的频率特征对金属跌落零件的报警方法”, y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o al Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some long94 《机械强度》,1997年第4期。 6)毛汉领、李尚平,“对金属跌落零件报警的神经网络方法”,《中国机械工程》,1997年第2期。 7)李尚平、雷力生、罗伟文、罗自行、曹硕生、李俚,“CBN砂轮与磨削液”《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》,1997年增刊。 8)罗文伟、李尚平、雷力生、罗自行、曹硕生,“机床刚度对CBN砂轮磨削性能的影响研究”,《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》,1997年增刊。 9)曹硕生、李尚平,“陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮特性的试验研究 ”,《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》,1997年增刊。 10) 仇 君,“高速条件下修整参数对修整力及工件表面质量的影响”,《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》,1997年增刊。 11)胡映宁、陆进琼、廖小平,“工件材料切削加工性的灰关联分析”,《机械设计与制造》,1998第4期。 12)黄华梁、张本生,“表面合金涂层提高球墨铸铁齿轮抗腐蚀性能的研究”《机械传动》,1998第2期。 13)梁 式,“砂轮磨钝的在线监测与预报”,《机械工艺师》,1998第5期。 14)廖小平,“注塑机合模机构的计算机辅助设计”,《机械制造》,1998第5期。 15)蒙艳玫、何国金,“在PLC顺序控制系统中设置辅助继电器的各种分析的比较”,《机床电器》,1998第 2 期。 16)蒙艳玫、何国金,“PLC顺序控制系统的计算机辅助设计” ,《机床电器》,1998第6 期。 17)仇 君,“预测磨削力的灰色理论方法”,《新技术新工艺》,1998年第3期。 18)梁 式,“外圆切入磨削过程的计算机仿真”,《新技术新工艺》,1998年第3期。 19) 蒙艳玫、何国金,“PLC输入输出点节省技术的综述”,《组合机床与自动化加工技术》,1997第11期。 20)杨 坚、韦 林,“分流式振动排种器的研究”,《农业机械化》,1998第3期。 21)杨 坚、韦 林、覃振友, “2BD-8自走型分流式小型水稻直播机”,《农业机械学报》,1998第4期。 22)杨旭平,“评定圆度误差实用数据处理”,《机械工艺师》1999第2期。 23)陈燕云、邓汉波,“椭圆振动分流筛”,《矿山机械》,1999第1期。 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in -ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the95 24)黄华梁、李小周,“A study on the microstructure and working properties of grey cast iron gear with Ni-P-Co alloy casting”,《材料保护》,1999第3期。 25)雷德任、何国金,“一种简易的PLC顺序控制系统模拟调试方法”,《机床电器》,1999第3期。 26)廖小平,“在注射机上成型塑料瓶的注吹模具设计”,《模具工业》,1999第3期。 27)韦 林,“水稻机械化直播技术”,《农业机械化》,1999第2期。 28)朱江新,“扣机限位导柱分型机构的改进”,《模具工业》,1999第8期。 29)罗丛敏、廖映奇,“改性淀粉芯砂工艺性能的灰关联分析”,《铸造》,2000第4期。 30)杨 坚、阳潮声,“分流式振动排种器性能影响因素分析”,《农业机械学报》,2000第3期。 31)杨家强、何国金、邓劲莲,“用PLC主控单元直接控制步进电机的研究”,《制造业自动化》,2001第4期。 32)朱江新、林义忠、雷德任等,“拉力试验机控制系统改造设计”,《机床电器》2001年第2期。 33)黄华梁,“钢齿轮表面合金涂层的显微结构和接触疲劳强度研究”,《机械传动》,2000年第4期 四、学术交流情况 1、主办全国性学术会议5次 (1) 1996年中南地区机械设计教学研讨会。 (2) 1997年西南地区力学研讨年会。 (3) 1998年中南地区机械原理教学研讨会。 (4) 1998年全国工程热力学教材修订会议。 (5) 1998年西部地区工科院校教材建设主编会议。 2、参加国际学术会议4次 (1)ICME’2000第一届国际机械工程学术会议(上海),参加者:何国金,论文题目:建立机器人位移方程和方向余弦方程的迭代法; (2)IMCC’2000第九届国际制造会议(香港),参加者:梁 式、李尚平,论文 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality 96 题目:A) Research and Exploitaion on the Embedded Feature-Based Modeling System of the Box Product;B) Research on the High-Speed Precision Grinding Behaviour by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy(作者:李尚平、梁 洁、李 俚);参加者:胡映宁,论文题目:The Surface Quality Analysis of Electropolishing Cemented Carbide (3)IEEM’2000第七届工业工程与管理工程国际学术(广州),参加者:邓晓丽,论文题目:工业工程在生产计划与控制中的应用。 (4)第四届亚洲铸造会议(澳大利亚)1996.10,参加者:刘启福,论文题目:蠕铁的凝固模式及铸造性能。 五、人才培养情况 1、学科涵盖的本科专业 机械工程及自动化、材料成型及控制工程、热能与动力工程、农业机械化及其自动化、交通运输。 2、学位点情况 本学科现有硕士学位点6个:机械制造及其自动化、机械设计及理论、机械电子工程、动力机械及工程、农业机械化工程、材料加工工程。 3、本科生和研究生培养情况 “九五”期间共培养本科毕业生1227人,硕士53人,研究生班毕业17人。目前在校本科生1695人,在校硕士研究生63人。 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality 97 作物遗传育种 一、队伍情况 学科带头人:刘丕庆教授 本学科2000年在职教职工总人数31人,教授7人,40岁以下具有博士学位教师4人。“九五”期间,本学科引进博士一名,送4位年轻教师到国内著名高等学校攻读博士学位。两名教师被评为广西高校跨世纪人才,一名教师被评为广西“十百千人才工程”的人选,两位40岁以下的年轻教师被评为正教授。整个学科形成了老中青结合,学历较高,进取意识强的学术队伍。 二、实验室名称、主要设备和设备总价值 本学科现有分子育种实验室、品质育种实验室、植物细胞工程实验室、同位素辐照中心、水稻研究所等实验室和研究所 。设备总价值245.1万元。 ,一, 分子育种实验室 ?主要设备 高速冷冻离心机、成像系统、电泳系统等常用的分子育种设备和有关的计算 机软件。 ,二, 品质育种实验室 ?主要设备 核磁共振仪、分光光度计等品质分析的仪器。 ,三, 植物细胞工程实验室 ?主要设备 超净工作台、摇床等植物细胞工程的仪器设备。 ,四, 同位素辐照中心 ?主要设备 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme98 钴源等仪器设备。 ,五, 水稻研究所 ?主要设备 辗米机、人工气候箱、温室网室等育种设备。 三、科研工作情况 ,一,主要研究方向及学术带头人 本学科主要从事农作物的育种、育种的基础研究等科研工作,承担国家级、省部级、各种横向课题。目前有如下研究方向:籼型杂交水稻的选育、特种玉米的选育、细胞工程育种、基因工程育种、育种基础理论的研究。 ,二,承担的科研项目及经费数 表1 “九五”期间作物遗传育种学科的科研项目统计表 项目级别 项目数 获得资助的金额(万元) 3 49 国家级 17 142.8 省部级 12 73.5 地厅级 5 20 横向课题 37 285.3 总 计 “九五”期间作物遗传育种学科获得各种渠道的科研经费共285.3万元(表1、表2)。采用先进育种手段的课题有水稻抗虫基因工程育种、空间诱变育种等方面的课题,这些课题的实施将提高本学科的研究技术含量,为广西农业发展提供可靠的技术储备。对广西的农业生产很快就起帮助作用的课题有高产、稳产、优质籼型杂交稻的选育、水柜水的利用、高油玉米的引种试验等方面的课题,这些课题如果得到很好的执行,在“九五”及“十五”估计会对广西的粮食生产、农业生产环境的改善有极大的好处。 表2 作物遗传育种学科“九五”期间承担课题一览表 序号 课题名称 课题来源 负责人、单位 经 费(万元) 起止时间 1 9.0 1995-200水稻空间诱变育种* 国家863 陈芳远(子项 0 目) 2 20.0 1999-200抗虫转基因杂交水稻的国家转基易小平(子项 2 研制和产业化* 因专项 目) 3 10.0 1999-200水稻控制系统获得抗性国家转基易小平、韦鹏 2 的正调节开关基因的克因专项 霄(子项目) actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in -ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the99 隆和鉴定* 4 2.0 1997-200MT基因在假单胞菌和国家自然何勇强主持 0 (总12万) 苎麻中的表达及其在生科学基金 韦鹏霄参加 物修复中的应用* 5 8.0 1994-199籼型优质香稻不育系的国家科技邹优柱 6 选育* 部 6 4.0 94—98 香优25、博优25、技优科技厅三莫永生 25高产示种示范** 项 7 2.0 95-97 优质不育系的选育*** 教育厅 莫永生 8 8.0 97-99 优质不育系的选育及应教育厅 莫永生 用*** 9 7.0 96-2000 优质不育系的选育** 科技厅育莫永生 种攻关 10 7.0 96-2000 晚稻高产、抗病新组合科技厅育莫永生 的选育** 种攻关 11 6.0 99-2001 博优253的中试** 科技厅三莫永生 项 1)12 20.0 1995-200优质不育系的选育**** 省种子公莫永生 0 司 13 5.0 1999-200农杆菌介导抗虫转基因广西自然易小平 2 水稻研制** 科学基金 14 13.8 1999-200优质、抗病、抗旱农作物科技厅三易小平、吴子 1 育种中间材料的创新** 项 恺、 15 1.5 96—99 籼粳亚种杂种水稻制种教育厅 易小平 技术的研究** 16 2.0 97—99 籼型亲粳恢复系的分子教育厅 易小平 同功酶标记** 17 8.0 99-2003 水稻基因工程育种** 人事厅跨易小平 才基金 18 4.0 95—99 粳型亲籼恢复系的开发教育厅 陈芳远 利用** 19 10.0 96—99 籼粳亚种间杂交稻新组教育厅 陈芳远 合的开发利用研究 ** 20 7.0 96-2000 适合桂南地区杂交水稻科技厅三季绒倩 的选育** 项 21 7.0 96-2000 适合桂中地区晚稻早熟科技厅育廖民宗 杂交稻选育** 种攻关 22 4.0 94—96 RAPD技术在植物育种科技厅回吴子恺 的应用** 国人员基 金 23 4.0 97-2001 甜糯玉米育种** 教育厅 吴子恺 24 30.0 2000—20水柜水的利用** 水电厅 吴子恺 02 25 10.0 2000-200高油玉米的引种试验** 刘丕庆 3 27 1.0 99-2002 超级杂交稻恢复系的选广西大学 刘丕庆 育* 28 9.0 99-2001 优I5759、培杂206的中科技厅三邹优柱 试** 项 29 2.0 92-96 香稻不育系的选育** 科技厅三邹优柱 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme100 项 30 39.0 2000—20稻米优质高产新品种及科技厅三邹优柱、何龙 03 中间材料创新** 项 飞、莫永生 31 5.0 1996 野生稻抗虫基因的转移 教育部 韦鹏霄 ** 32 5.0 1996 二系的组织培养和组配广西自然韦鹏霄 后代的遗传规律的研究 科学基金 ** 33 7.0 96-2000 适合桂南地区水稻新品科技厅育韦鹏霄 种的选育** 种攻关 34 1.0 97-2000 国际水稻所不育系细胞教育厅 韦鹏霄 质的应用*** 35 5.0 2000—20抗螟虫基因SKC转化籼广西自然何龙飞 03 稻及其抗性评价 ** 科学基金 该项目分三次立项,故作三个项目计。 *:国家级课题 **:省部级课题 ***:地厅级课题 ****:横向课题 ,三,获奖及成果转化情况 1、获奖情况 本学科在“九五”期间共获得广西科技进步二等奖一项,自治区教育厅一等奖两 项。籼型杂交稻不育系细胞质遗传效应的研究获得教育厅一等奖,广西科技进步二等 奖,空间环境对水稻诱变作用的研究获得教育厅一等奖。此外有7项科研成果通过鉴 定,一项专利正在公示阶段(表3)。 表3 “九五”期间作物遗传育种学科的成果鉴定、专利情况 通过鉴定的成果 专利情况 优质不育系95A的选育 一种培育玉米品种的新方法 优质不育系凌红A选育 大穗型不育系红广A选育 博优25杂交组合的选育 枝优25杂交组合的选育 优质香型不育系香二A的选育 2、成果转化情况 “九五”期间本学科的科研成果也获得较好的转化,为广西农业生产做出了很大 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality 101 的贡献。 A、籼型杂交水稻的选育 “九五”期间,我校的作物遗传育种学科在农作物新品种的选育上有较大的进展,共选出新的杂交组合(品种)10多个参加区试,通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定的品种(杂交组合)3个。推广面积比较大的我校选育出的水稻新组合(品种)有:汕优广12、博优1012、枝优1012、博优253、金优253、白钢占等,累计推广面积约1000万亩,增产稻谷约7-10亿斤,社会效益约4-6亿元。 B、特种玉米的选育和推广 我校作物遗传育种学科在特种玉米的研究和开发上做了大量的工作。“九五”期间,我校选育出的“超甜20号”在广西大面积种植,每年约1万亩左右,共5万亩;我校育出的甜糯玉米新品系、新引进的高油玉米组合经小面积试种,田间表现喜人,可在“十五”期间大面积种植。 ,四,学术著作出版和论文发表情况 “九五”期间出版专著一部,修改校内用的实验指导两册。正式出版《外源基因导入的研究》,四川人民出版社,易小平(合著),1998年;修订校内本科生用的实验指导:《遗传学实验指导》和《作物育种学实验指导》,1998年。“九五”期间,本学科在国外、国内各种杂志上发表学术论文80余篇,其中被本学科权威索引如:SCI、CAB等收录的论文达15篇。(见表4) ()a表4 发表论著表 序论著名称 会议(刊物、年、卷、期、页 作 者 号 出版社) 1 Susceptibility of potato sprouts Phytopathologi1997, 刘丕庆 to P. infestans(Mont.) De Barry a Polonica 13(2),102-105 2 Cell types in the wild type callus Plant Science 1998, 14(5) of rice (Oryza sativa) as 258-261 revealed by screening for salt 刘丕庆 tolerant lines with selection pressure 3 The infection of potato sprouts Progress in 1998, 20(3) to P. infestans (Mont.) De Barry Plant 228-231 刘丕庆 Protection 4 The pathogenicity of P. infestans Annals of 1998, 25(6) (Mont) De Barry 刘丕庆 Agricultural 115-119 Sciences th5 An infection of potato sprouts 7 1998,1.3.24 by P. infestans (Mont.) De Barry International Congress of 刘丕庆 Plant Pathology 6 EMS和5-氮胞苷处理水稻愈核农学报 1999,13(3)刘丕庆 137-141 伤组织对耐盐细胞频率的影响 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme102 7 水稻野生性愈伤组织中耐盐细广西农业大学1998,17(4)刘丕庆 341-344 胞频率的影响因素 学报 8 玉米轮回选择的ASI增益 作物学报 1996,15(4)吴子恺 224-228 9 玉米10个数量性状的基因效玉米科学 1995,5(4)吴子恺 120-125 应分析 10 玉米几个与产量和抗旱性有关玉米科学 1998,8(3)吴子恺 114-116 性状的遗传研究 11 马协不育花药隔ATPase超微作物学报 2000,26(5)关和新 613-617 结构定位 12 水稻红莲型奥泰不育系和保持武汉大学学报 1998,44(5) 733-735 系黄化苗及不同发育时期花药关和新 的mRNA分析 13 胚胎学和遗传学方法结合研究遗传学报 1998,25(3)关和新 237-244 水稻双苗的遗传 14 利用重组DNA技术进行植物西南农业学报 1998,5(2)易小平 114-118 遗传改良 15 激光及Co-r射线对水稻胚愈西南农学报 1998,5(2)易小平 150-154 伤组织形成的影响 16 水稻特异亲和性突变体与籼粳水稻遗传育种1999,170-175 品种杂交F1育性分析 易小平 国际学术讨论 会文集 17 空间条件影响水稻感光性遗传空间科学学报 1996增刊117-119 杨存义 的影响 18 高空环境诱发粳稻品种对细胞空间科学学报 1996增刊150-154 质雄性不育保恢突变和亲籼变陈芳远 研究 19 杂交水稻重穗型组合的增产潜杂交水稻 1996 14(2)莫永生 114-118 力及其选育探讨 20 优质籼型不育系95A的选育 杂交水稻 1997 15(3)莫永生 115-117 21 水稻野栽杂交授粉子房离体培广西农业大学1996 15(4)韦鹏霄 291-298 养研究 学报 22 水稻花药培养及育种应用研究 广西农业生物1999,18(1)88-94 韦鹏霄 科学 23 光(温)敏核不育水稻花药培广西农业生物1999,18(1)84-87 韦鹏霄 养及遗传育种研究进展 科学 24 高维生素水果Acerola的组织广西农业生物1999,18(1)95 韦鹏霄 培养 科学 25 光(温)敏核不育水稻花药培广西农业生物2000,19(1)15-18 养及遗传育种研究 I. 材料科学 韦鹏霄 基因型对光(温)敏和不育水 稻花培效果的影响 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-103 26 博优25的选育和应用 广西农业科学 1999,(6)韦 政 283-284 27 早籼优质不育系95A的选育及广西农业科学 1996,(6)莫永生 213-214 其特性 28 枝优25的选育与应用 广西农业生物2000,19(2)109 莫永生 科学 29 早籼优质不育系95A的选育广西农业大学1997,16(2)87-92 莫永生 与]应用 学报 30 对传统农学专业改造的研究与高等农业教育 1997,(6)47-49 彭懿紫 实践 31 空间诱变创造克服籼粳杂种半水稻遗传育种1999,289-294 不育性新种质和新恢源研究 卢升安 国际学术讨论 会文集 32 RAPD分子标记应用于斑茅的广西农业大学1997 16(4)冯 斗 190-193 研究 学报 33 RAPD方法在人参鉴别上应用广西农业大学1997,16(3)冯 斗 261-267 初报 学报 注:(a)因一位老师出国,一位老师进修,一位老师调离,三位老师退休,论文的收集较困难,故该表不是全部论文。 四、学术交流情况 派两位老师出国深造;派3位老师到国内著名大学、研究机构进修;参加国际学术大会3人次,国内学术大会1人次;请一位中国科学院遗传研究所的研究员到我校进行讲学;实验室接通了光缆专线,使老师、研究生更容易上网查资料。 五、人才培养情况 1、学科涵盖的本科专业 作物遗传育种学科涵盖4个本科专业:农学、植保、园艺、生物技术专业,为上述专业开设遗传学、作物育种学、田间试验与统计分析、种子学、植物细胞工程等课程。 2、学位点情况 本学科现有一个作物遗传育种硕士点,为本学科的研究生开细胞遗传学、数量遗传学、细胞生物学等课程。 3、本科生、研究生培养情况 作物遗传育种学科每年培养本科生500人左右,硕士生8人左右。 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme104 作物栽培学与耕作学 一、队伍情况 学科带头人:杨丽涛教授 作物栽培学与耕作学学科现有从事教学与科研的专业人员28人,其中教授和研究员9人,副教授、副研究员和高级工程师、高级农艺师12人,讲师、助研、工程师和农艺师31人。有博士生导师3人,硕士生导师14人。在中青年教师中有博士学位6人,硕士学位3人,在职攻读博士学位5人,广西“十百千”人才第一层次人选1人。 二、实验室名称、主要设备和设备总价值 本学科有作物栽培学与耕作学实验室、植物与植物生理学实验室组成。具备了作物、土壤营养成分检测及作物生长发育检测能力,完善的环境因子调控和检测设施,装备了作物形态结构、生理生化机理必备工具,还扩建及装备了光合室、植物生长培养室、计算机室等,已初步建立起能承担国家级等重大项目需要的实验室体系。拥有 2221152 m的大型智能温室及其一栋270 m、两间共60 m的相关配套设施。设备总价值:641万元。 ,一,植物与植物生理学实验室 ?主要设备: 光合测定系统、植物冠层分析仪、高速离心机、紫外可见光分光光度计、叶绿素荧光仪、荧光、磷光发光分光光度计等。 ,二,作物栽培学与耕作学实验室 ?主要设备 原子吸收分光光度计、全自动凯氏定氮仪、谷物品质分析仪等。 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in -ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the105 三、科研工作情况 ,一, 主要的研究方向及其学术带头人 1、甘蔗栽培及相关生理,学术带头人杨丽涛教授。 2、亚热带作物化学调控,学术带头人李杨瑞教授。 3、亚热带作物“两高一优”栽培,学术带头人吴志恺教授。 4、水稻栽培及其相关生理,学术带头人何龙飞副教授。 ,二,承担的科研项目及经费 科研经费总数:724万元。部分科研项目列表如下: 1. 甘蔗糖分积累的化学调控机理研究(39360043),国家自然科学基金,7万元。 2. 甘蔗应用乙烯利增产增糖的生理机理研究(39860039),国家自然科学基金,8万元。 3. 甘蔗蔗茎增粗生长的细胞学基础研究,国家自然科学基金(30060038),15万元。 4. 化学调控对甘蔗茎内生理生化代谢的影响(桂科自9721013),广西自然科学基金,8万元。 5. 利用化学调控提高甘蔗抗旱性的机理研究(桂科青9912014),广西自然科学基金,5万元。 6. 甘蔗田中铝毒解毒的技术研究(桂科攻9820009),广西攻关计划,5万元,区糖业公司配套15万元。 7. 抗虫转基因杂交水稻的研制和产业化,国家研究与开发专项:国家转基因植物研究与产业化专项课题,20万元。 8. 抗螟虫基因SCK转化籼稻及其抗性评价,广西自然科学基金(桂科青0007015),5万元。 9. 早籼稻谷米质改良(桂科攻0012027),广西攻关计划,12万元。 10. 稻米优质高产新品种及中间材料创新(桂科攻9939006),广西攻关计划,10万元。 11. 抛秧稻生育及生理生化特性研究,广西自然科学基金,4万元。 ,三,获奖及成果转化情况 1、学科获奖情况 自治区级科技进步奖以上的获奖成果有: y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-106 (1) 广西沿江沿岸易涝农田避涝粮食增产综合技术措施研究开发,广西科技进步二等奖,1999。 (2) 甘蔗不同基因型的生理生化特性及其与经济性状的关系研究,广西科技进步二等奖,1999。 2、成果转化情况 研制出TO型生物透明剂、94623系列荔枝保鲜剂、“多效好”植物营养剂、高效硝铵复合肥、甘蔗增产增糖剂、作物高效液肥“蔗丰灵”、“施施乐”增产剂等,在生产上推广9000多万亩。生产香蕉等作物、花卉组培苗400万株。 ,四,学术著作出版和论文发表情况 1、著作 谢义林参编.《广西植物资源开发利用战略研究》. 广西科技出版社,1998,1版。 李扬瑞等参编. 《生物学大词典》(马庆生主编). 广西科技出版社,1999,1版。 周厚高主编. 《广西植物志》(蕨类植物门). 广西科技出版社,1999,第1版。 杨丽涛著.《The effects of environmental and physiological variables on the gas exchange of several woody plants under boreal climate condition》. 广西科技出版社,1999,第1版。 林鉴钊、陶春娘、何龙飞著,《荔枝贮运保鲜技术》,广西科技出版社,2000,1版。 2、论文 罗瑞忭,李杨瑞,林炎坤。甘蔗生长前期喷施乙烯利对叶光合器官形态结构的影响。《广西农业大学学报》,1996,15(3):214-220 李杨瑞,唐崇实,Robert R. Coleman.鸡粪嫌气消化液对万寿菊生长和代谢毒性的初步鉴定。《广西农学报》,1996(3):19-26 潘有强,林炎坤,李杨瑞。甘蔗蘖分期喷施乙烯利对两个甘蔗品种的三种保护酶活性的影响。《广西农业大学学报》,1997,16(2):105,109 罗瑞忭,李杨瑞,林炎坤。甘蔗生长前期喷施乙烯利对叶绿体超微结构的影响。《广西农业大学学报》,1997,16(3):198-203 潘有强,林炎坤,李杨瑞。甘蔗蘖喷施乙烯利对甘蔗生长及主要农艺性状的影响。《广西农业大学学报》,1997,16(3):198,203 廖江雄,武金榜,林炎坤,李杨瑞。 三种催熟剂对甘蔗成熟期光合及糖分积累 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s107 的生理生化影响。《广西农业大学学报》,1997,16(3):204,209 Li YR (李杨瑞),Liang H, Luo RB, Lin YK. Low concentrations of ethephon rdpromote plant growth and sucrose accumulation in sugarcane. 3 Asia’s pacific Conference on plant physiology, November 3,7,1997,Shanghai, P13 李杨瑞,杨丽涛。宿根蔗后期叶面追肥对甘蔗品质和某些生理特性的影响。《广西农业大学学报》,1998,17(1):8,14 李杨瑞。发展农业产业化与农业新技术革命。《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,1998,20(3):15,18 农友业,李杨瑞,张逢友,陈锦朝。甘蔗生长后期喷施乙烯利的效应。《广西农业大学学报》,1998,17(3):222,226 杨丽涛,李杨瑞,许涛。后期灌溉对宿根蔗蔗糖分积累的影响。《中国糖料》,1998,(3):7,11 叶燕萍,李杨瑞,韦戴卓。不同浓度蔗丰灵对蔗品种桂糖15号生长、产量和品质的影响。《甘蔗》,1998,5(4):25,28 李杨瑞,林炎坤。马庆生主编的《生物大词典》中植物生理学部分,960,1036。广西科技出版,1999年第一版,1999年1月 李杨瑞。向原料蔗砍运榨衔接要糖分。《广西日报》,1999年2月26日二版 李杨瑞。国外农业发展的 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 及启示。《广西农业科学》,1999,(2):55,59 李杨瑞,杨丽涛。论提高蔗糖生产效益的农业措施。《甘蔗》,1999,6(2):39-42 李杨瑞。农业发展的趋势和机遇。《广西农业科学》,1999,(3):111,115 姚瑞亮,关雄,李杨瑞,陈如凯。植物激素乙烯分子生物学研究进展。《广西农业生物科学》1999,18(2):153,156 姚瑞亮,李杨瑞,林炎坤。乙烯利对甘蔗节间过氧化物酶活性的影响及酶细胞化学。《广西农业生物科学》,1999,18(3):169,172 李志刚,李杨瑞,黄光昭,徐建云。蔗丰灵处理对不同甘蔗品种的效应。《甘蔗》,2000,7(1):6,11 叶燕萍,李永健,李杨瑞,林志松。甘蔗四种下种方式的效果比较研究。《广西农业生物科学》,2000,19(1):10,14 姚瑞亮,李杨瑞,杨丽涛,叶燕萍。乙烯利对甘蔗茎内IAA氧化酶活性动态变化的影响。《广西农业生物科学》,2000,19(1):6,9 李志刚,李杨瑞,陆兰春。甘蔗分蘖期不同阶段喷施蔗丰灵的效果。《中国糖料》, y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme108 2000,(1):22,24 张向军,李杨瑞。乙烯利在甘蔗上的应用研究进展。《广西农业科学》,2000,(2): 100,105 姚瑞亮,李杨瑞,杨丽涛。乙烯利对甘蔗成熟和未成熟节间的催熟增糖效应。西 南农业学报,2000,20(2):89,94 李志刚,李杨瑞,黄光昭,徐建云。蔗丰灵对不同甘蔗品种一些酶活性的影响。 《广西农业生物科学》,2000,19(3):157,160 李杨瑞。依造农业科技,为西部大开发服务。《广西农业科学》,2000,(5):223, 225 李永健,叶燕萍,李杨瑞。气象因子对甘蔗不同下种方式出苗的影响。《广西农 业生物科学》,2000,19(4):243,247 李杨瑞,马乌里,林炎坤。干旱条件下单用草甘膦及加KHPO和(或)加H3BO324 作为甘蔗化学催熟剂的效应研究。《作物学报》,2000,26(6):692,698 Li YR, Tang CS, Coltman RR. Effects of different concentrations of anaerobically digested chicken manure effluent on growth and metabolism of marigold (Tagetes patula L.). Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2000, 13(4):73,79 何龙飞,刘友良,沈振国,王爱勤,李杨瑞。铝对小麦幼苗营养元素吸收和分布 的影响。《电子显微学报》,2000,19(5):685,694 叶燕萍,李杨瑞,李永健,杨丽涛。种苗处理方式对甘蔗抗旱性的影响。《甘蔗》, 2001,8(1):5,9 高国庆,李杨瑞,林文雄。转基因作物产业化与风险评价。《广西农业科学》,2001, (1):36,39 Li YR,Tang CS. Organic phytotoxic components in digested chicken manure effluent and their physiological effects on germination of lettuce (Lactuca L.) Guangxi Sciences, 2001,8(1):44,47 sativa 李杨瑞。调整城乡二元结构 促进社会全面进步。求是杂志社主管《内部文稿》, 2001年第7期(总第533期):19,21 Yang L.T., T.J. Arkebauer, and E.A. Walter-Shea. 1996. Response of gas exchange of jack pine (Pinus bankisiana Lamb.) to environmental factors. Research Semi-Annual Performance Report to U.S. Department of Commerce, actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s 109 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. February, 1996. Yang L.T., T.J. Arkebauer, and E.A. Walter-Shea. 1996. Light dependency of net CO assimilation rate response to internal CO concentration in several 22 woody plants. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 3-8, 1996/Research Semi-Annual Performance Report to U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. November, 1996. 李杨瑞,杨丽涛。1998,宿根蔗后期叶面追肥对甘蔗品质和某些生理特性的影响。 广西农业大学学报,17(1):8—14。 杨丽涛,李杨瑞,许涛。1998,后期灌溉对宿根蔗蔗糖分积累的影响。中国糖料, 3:7—11。 杨丽涛,Arkebauer,T.J., Walter-Shea,E.A. 1999, Ther effects of environmental variable on gas exchange of several tree species under boreal field conditions. 广西科学,6(1):1-11。 杨丽涛,Arkebauer,T.J., Walter-Shea, E.A. 2000, Dirunal variations in gas exchange of aspen, hazelunt, jack pine and black spruce.植物生态学报,24(4): 408-419 叶燕萍,李杨瑞,李永健,杨丽涛。种苗处理方式对甘蔗抗旱性的影响。甘蔗, 2001,8(1):5,9 林鉴钊,新式旱育秧苗叶片的的解剖学观察。广西农业大学学报1997 江立庚等,杂交旱稻旱育秧苗分蘖特征研究。作物研究1997 江立庚,杂交晚稻旱育秧苗素质及增产途径研究。杂交水稻1997 江立庚,水稻秧苗叶片保水力数学模型及其在生产上的应用。华中农业大学学报 1998 梁和等,几种化学特质对甘蔗某些生理特性和产量的影响。广西农业大学学报, 1996 梁和等,钙硼营养与果实生理及耐贮性研究进展。土壤通报,2000 梁和等,叶面喷硼对柑桔硼钙、果实生理病害及耐贮性的影响。浙江大学学报, 2000。 梁和等,硼对椪柑果实品质及耐贮性的影响。世界元素医学,2000 梁和等,N-(2-氯-4-吡啶基)-N’-本脲对苦瓜生长影响。植物生长物质,1998. y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o ful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinci110 徐建云,杂交早稻旱育秧苗床增温效应研究。广西农业大学学报, 1998 徐建云,杂交早稻旱育秧苗根系特征特性研究。广西农学报, 1998 徐建云等甘蔗新品种生产性能试验初报广西蔗糖2001113~20 韦善清,甘蔗高效液肥“蔗丰灵”在甘蔗上应用研究。广西农业大学学报1997 董登峰,涝渍逆境下化学谳节对孕穗期小麦发现特征和产量性状的影响。广西农业生物科学1999 董登峰,小麦苗期和孕穗期涝渍的某些生理特性比。广西农业大学学报1997 罗兴录,木薯与花生间作产量效应及生态经济效应研究。广西农业大学学报1997 徐建云,水稻新式旱育秧苗叶片解剖学观察。耕作与栽培1998 徐建云,水稻新式旱育秧苗根系解剖学观察。广西农业大学学报1998 董登峰,不同类型水稻秧苗叶片衰老特性研究。广西农业大学学报1997 何龙飞等,膜片钳与植物膜生物学研究。生物学杂志, 1999 2+ 何龙飞等,植物Ca通道的种类、作用与调节。广西农业生物科学, 1999 何龙飞等,铝胁迫对小麦根系液泡膜ATP酶、焦磷酸酶活性和膜脂组成的效应。植物生理学报, 1999 何龙飞等,被子植物的受精工程概述。广西农业大学学报, 1996 何龙飞等,青菜的原生质体培养。广西农业大学报, 1996 何龙飞等,被子植物的受精工程技术。生物学杂志, 1996 何龙飞等,植物离子通道的特征、功能、调节和分子生物学。植物学通报, 1999 何龙飞等,铝胁迫对小麦幼苗发育和生理特性的影响。南京师大学报(自然科学版), 1999 何龙飞等,铝胁迫下钙对小麦根液泡膜功能和膜脂组成的影响。南京农业大学学报, 2000 何龙飞等,植物Ca2+-ATP酶种类、分布与功能。广西农业生物科学, 2000 四、学术交流情况(见附表) 附表: actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality111 国 家 任 务 国承省部 横向 际地厅级 担973级课 其 他 协作 863 攀登 国家自然 国家其他国家组合课 题 课计 题 计划 计划 科学基金 攻关 课题 作 题划 数 - - - 5 国家 国 其他 国 横 863 973 省部 其 实 攀登 自然 家 国家 际 地厅级 向 计计 年度 级课 合 计 计划 科学 攻 级课 合 课题 协 划 划 他 题 到 基金 关 题 作 作 96 6.0 30.8 1.0 7.5 2.0 56.3 经 97 3.0 2.0 88.5 2.0 2.0 107.5 费 98 6.0 2.0 102.0 2.0 2.0 122.0 99 8.0 37.0 109.9 3.0 3.0 166.9 万 2000 15.0 20.0 27.0 3.0 2.0 67.0 元 合计 38.0 61.0 358.2 11.0 16.5 519.7 国 家 级 部 委 (省) 级 获奖 国际奖 其他 (项) 特等 一等 二等 三等 四等 特等 一等 二等 三等 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6 4 \ \ 论 文(篇) 专著(册) 论文和 研非双边国际会议 全国性会议 刊物发表 中 文 外 文 专著 究分组 特邀 大会 国外 国内重 (篇) 成 大会(含特邀)报告 报告 报告 报告 刊物 要刊物 果 8 12 107 4 批准发明专利 已鉴定成果 技术转让(含前项转专利鉴让数) 定转让 国内 国外 项数 其中转让数 (项) 1 14 0 0 来宾讲座专家 派出讲学专家 主办国际 主办国际 主办国内 参加国际 (人次) (人次) 学学术会议 双边会议 学术会议 学术会议 术(次) (次) (次) (人次) 国内 国外 国内 国外 交 流 0 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 五、人才培养情况 1. 学科涵盖的本科专业 本科专业为农学、植保、园艺、农业资源与环境、生物技术等。 2. 学位点情况 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o al Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some long112 去年本学科获得了博士学位授予权,取得显著突破,有关博士生培养计划和方案已制定完成,2001年计划招收博士生6名。硕士点有作物栽培学与耕作学、植物营养学。 3. 本科生、研究生的培养情况 “九五”期间共培养本科生2000多人,硕士生13名,与福建农业大学、浙江大学联合培养毕业博士生3名,目前在读博士生7名,硕士生25名。 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality113 电 气 工 程 一、队伍情况 学科带头人:王辑祥 教授 电气工程学科现有教授14名,副教授32名。“九五”期间,新增硕士导师15名,一批年轻的教授、副教授上岗指导硕士研究生。1996年以来,本学科的年轻教师入选广西 “十百千人才” 1人,广西高校跨世纪人才1人,获国务院政府特殊津贴的专家2人。6位教师晋升教授,12位教师晋升副教授;在职教师获博士学位1人,获硕士学位 10人;在职攻读博士学位8人,在职攻读硕士学位7人。 经过几代人不断的努力,本学科已经形成了面向国民经济建设,理论联系实际,5个独具特色的稳定的研究方向(详见三、科研工作情况),学术队伍健康成长。 这些研究方向,不光承担了大量的科研课题,更重要的是,培养和锻炼了一大批年轻的学术骨干,为广西国民经济建设提供了强有力的技术服务。 二、实验室名称、主要设备和设备总价值 ,一,电力系统仿真实验室 ?主要设备: RTDS实时数字仿真器,包括:主机、Sun-Ultral-60 图形工作站、输入、输出设备及辅助设备等。 ,二,计算机监控实验室 ?主要设备: FoxPro小型集散控制系统、传感器实验系统、辅助设备。 ,三,电工技术实验室 ?主要设备: 开放性的电工技术实验装置,示波器、测量仪表等辅助设备。 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme114 设备总价值:920万元 根据学科建设规划的目标、任务的要求,结合我院资金投入和实验室的具体情况,“九五”期间,学科实验室建设的“211工程”经费投入为320+150万元,重点建设了两个专业实验室—电力系统仿真实验室、计算机监控实验室和一个基础实验室—电工技术实验室。 重点投资320万元建设了“电力系统仿真实验室”、“计算机监控实验室”。购置了加拿大RTDS公司生产的具有世界领先水平的“电力系统实时仿真器”和美国FoxPro公司生产的计算机集散控制系统,使学科的部分实验水平达到国内先进水平。在重点学科实验室的支撑下,学科承担了包括国家自然科学基金项目在内的多项课题和直接面向国民经济服务的“天广500kV直流输电系统研究”等近百项横向课题(详见三、科研工作)。 投资150万元建设的电工技术实验具有48套先进的电工实验装置和52套“虚拟电工”实验设备,初具规模。电工技术的实验水平和实验能力满足了当前本科教学实验和开放性实验的要求,成为了学校实验室建设中的一个成功的范例。 三、科研工作情况 ,一, 主要的研究方向及学术带头人 1. 电力系统最优化理论及应用,学术带头人:王佩璋 韦 化 教授 2. 电力系统安全及控制,学术带头人:王辑祥、杭乃善 教授 3. 现代防雷技术及过电压分析,梁小冰、王巨丰 教授 4. 计算机网络及应用,学术带头人:何小阳、梁京章 副教授 5. 智能控制,学术带头人:林小峰副教授、卢子广副教授 在实验室建设的支持和学术气氛的烘托下,“九五”期间的科研工作有了长足发展,面向国民经济建设的科研项目和科研服务大为加强,科研经费和项目逐年上升,如下表所示: “九五”期间科研经费一览表 年度 96年 97年 98年 99年 00年 科研经费(万元) 80 70 130 332 327 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang gr115 “九五”期间科研经费柱形图 (单位:万圆) 400 300 200 100 0 969798992000 学科承担了“红水河流域梯级水电站群最优电力潮流研究”、“甘蔗制糖结晶过程的遗传神经网络模型”两项国家自然科学基金科研项目和一大批省部级、厅局级等纵向项目。高水平的项目研究对学科的科研能力、人才培养起了极大的推动作用。在此基础上还承担了“天广500kV直流输电系统研究”、“微机励磁调节器的研究”、“混凝土搅拌站微机控制系统”、“新型防雷装置的研究”等60多项横向项目,科研工作的直接经济效益为939万元。 ,二,承担的科研项目及经费数 科研经费总数:939万元 电气工程学科“九五”期间主要研究项目统计表 经费序课题名称 编号 负责人 起止时间 进展情况 号 (万元) 红水河流域梯级水电站群 1. 最优电力潮流研究(国家G98202 韦化 1999.01-2001.12 正在进行 9 自然基金) 甘蔗制糖结晶过程的遗传 2. 神经网络模型(国家自然G98219 罗 飞 1998.11-1999.12 已完成 10.8 基金) 交流伺服系统频域H?范 3. 数优化鲁棒控制的研究 卢子广 1994.09-1996.09 已完成 6 (国家自然基金) CIM方法论(部分内容) 4. 何小阳 1994.09-1996.09 已完成 1 (863项目) 实时模糊专家控制系统 5. (智能技术与系统国家实 林小峰 1997.01-1998.12 已完成 1 验室) y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality116 21世纪初电工学课程体系 6. 内容改革的研究与实践林苗 2000.10-2003.10 正在进行 14 (教育部) 变电系统中CAD优化控制 7. 及专家系统开发(广西科S98110 廖小平 1998.08-2000.08 已完成 5 技厅) 智能控制器的研制和应用8. 林小峰 1993.09-1996.08 已完成 4 (区教委) 工程型模糊控制、专家控 9. 制开发工具的研究(广西林小峰 2000.08-2003.09 正在进行 4 区科技厅) 非晶态合金铁芯开关电源10. 周元芳 1996.12-1997.10 已完成 4 变压器(区教委) U型非线性抗扰励磁调节11. 李啸骢 1998.09-2001.07 正在进行 4 器研制(区教育厅) 激光引雷消雷基础研究12. 王巨丰 1995.06-1997.02 已完成 4 (区科委) 可视化电力系统分析集成13. T98120 韦化 1998.09-2000.12 已完成 3 软件研究(区教育厅) 便携式电、超声局放电检 14. 测电力变压器故障预防性 杭乃善 1997.09-1998.12 已完成 3 诊断仪(广西教委) 糖厂酒精PH值可编程序控 15. 制测试装置的研制(区科 王维亚 1995-1996.12 已完成 3 委) 糖厂综合自动化系统的体16. 何小阳 1998.01-2000.01 已完成 3 系结构(区教委) 控制系统仿真新技术(广17. 林小峰 1999.05-2000.12 已完成 3 西区科技厅) 异步电机的非线性自适应18. T98111 卢子广 1998.09-2001.12 正在进行 3 解耦控制研究(区教育厅) 智能电量参数监测装置19. 莫耀赐 1994.09-1996.06 已完成 3 (区教委) 用复功率平衡研究非线性 20. 网络的稳定性(广西自然黄炳华 1999.09-2002.12 正在进行 2 科学基金) 接地系统的冲击特性试验21. 梁小冰 1996.09-1998.09 已完成 2 研究(区教委) 22. 智能同期装置(区教委) 莫耀赐 1995.10-1997.07 已完成 1.5 电力系统的可观测性分析 23. (广西教委留学回国人员 孟宪强 1994.10-1996.08 已完成 1.5 科研资助) 水电站微机监控系统和水莫耀赐 24. 1993.09-1996.01 已完成 1 库优化调度(区教委) 杭乃善 永磁无刷直流电动机的电周元芳 25. 磁计算及优化设计研究 1995.06-1996.06 已完成 1 肖仁山 (区教委) actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in county". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome long117 利用递推最小二乘算法实 26. 现微机电量变送器(广西 李振然 1995.09-1996.12 已完成 1 教委) 交流牵引电磁铁的改进技27. 黄炳华 1994.09-1996.09 已完成 1 术(区教委) 《自动控制理论》重点课28. 吕祖沛 1999.06-2001.12 正在进行 0.9 程建设(区教育厅) 自动化专业CAI体系的研 29. 究与实践(区教育厅重点林小峰 1998-2000 已完成 0.6 教学立项) 电力系统自动装置教材 30. (区教育厅预备立项项李啸骢 1998-2000 已完成 0.3 目) 创作实验室建设(区教育31. 李如琦 1998-2000 已完成 0.3 厅) 激光引雷消雷基础研究32. 王巨丰 1995.06-1997.02 已完成 0.2 (区教委) 模糊控制系统的开发工具33. 林小峰 1996.12-1998.12 已完成 2.3 (本校) 低成本变频器的开发研究34. X98223 林忠岳 1998.11-2000.08 已完成 1 (本校) 发电机非线性自适应最优 35. 控制的可编程微机励磁调X98222 龙 军 1998.11-2000.12 已完成 1 节器(本校) 异步电机智能矢量控制研36. 卢子广 1997.01-1997.12 已完成 1 究(本校) 数控机床伺服数控系统37. 海涛 1996.05-1997.09 已完成 0.5 (校青年基金) 应用神经网络诊断电网故38. 谭建成 1994.10-1996.07 已完成 0.5 障(校青年基金) 交流调速变频器的研究39. 钱健 1996.12-1998.06 已完成 0.5 (本校) 交流调速变频器的研究40. 钱健 1996.12-1998.06 已完成 0.3 (本校) 埃米特式与集成网络的稳41. X98224 黄炳华 1998.11-2000.08 已完成 0.3 定性(本校) 控制系统计算机辅助设计 42. 与仿真(CSCAD)微型机实 李啸骢 1996.05-1998.09 已完成 0.3 用软件包研制(本校) 可编程序控制器与上位机 43. 联网通信系统的开发(校 钱健 1994.10-1996.05 已完成 0.2 青年基金) 电扇电子程控器研制(本44. 李啸骢 1997.04-1998.04 已完成 0.1 校) 西津电厂微机网络管理信45. 梁京章 1994.11-1996.09 已完成 61.78 息系统 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme118 西津电厂安全生产实时数 据远传及远方监视应用研46. 梁京章 2000.09-2001.02 已完成 43.35 究开发(广西西津水力发 电厂) 47. 计算机加油控制系统 何小阳 1999.12-2000.01 已完成 40 广西电视台发射中心防雷48. 王巨丰 2000.12-2001.02 已完成 39.0 工程(广西电视台) 浮石电站可编程(PLC)微 49. 机双通道励磁调节器(南施武生 2000.06-2000.08 已完成 31 宁发电设备总厂) 六炉山中继站防雷措施改50. 梁小冰 1999.06-1999.08 已完成 29 造 故障分析及整定计算管理51. 韦化 1998.10-1999.08 已完成 27 系统 洛东电厂微机网络管理信52. 梁京章 1996.05-1997.12 已完成 27 息系统 散化化肥PC控制自动灌包钱 健 53. 1995.01-1996.06 已完成 24 生产线的研制 苏 骁 大化电厂职工电脑培训系54. 梁京章 1999.07-1999.10 已完成 20 统建立 广西广播电影电视局柳州 55. 246台防雷技术改造工程王巨丰 1999.12-2001.01 已完成 13.65 (广西广播电影电视局) 广西电网设备检修专家系56. 韦化 1998.06-1999.06 已完成 11 统 岩滩电厂轴电流测试及研57. 李世作 2000.12-2000.12 已完成 10 究(广西岩滩水力发电厂) 58. 电解开关电源 莫志军 1999.08-1999.11 已完成 10 平果500KV变电站弱电设 59. 备防雷改进方案设计研究梁小冰 1999.12-2000.05 已完成 10 (南方电力公司) 500KV输变电工程技术咨 60. 询及技术服务(广西送变郑江 2000.06-2001.06 正在进行 10 电建设公司) 变电站安全操作辅助系统61. 谭建成 1995.01-1996.01 已完成 9 研究和应用 天广500KV直流输电系统62. 杭乃善 1999.05-2000.12 已完成 9 的研究(广西电力公司) 广西广播电影电视局永福 63. 微波台防雷技术改造工程王巨丰 2000.12-2001.01 已完成 8.799 (广西广播电影电视局) 广西合浦县广播电视局闸 口镇马头岭电视发射台防64. 王巨丰 2000.07-2000.10 已完成 8.108 雷工程(广西合浦县广播 电视局) 林水变至郁南35KV?回输 电线路防雷改造工程(广65. 郑江 2000.10-2001.10 正在进行 8 西桂东电力股份有限公 司) actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-119 66. 微机励磁调节器 杭乃善 1999.07-1999.12 已完成 7.5 检修申请票软件系统开发67. 韦化 2000.09-2001.03 已完成 6 (钦州供电局) 大化电厂厂区接地系统接68. 梁小冰 1999.09-1999.12 已完成 6 地电阻测试 钦州市犀牛脚糖厂压榨车 间直流电机控制系统改造69. 王辑祥 2000.10-2000.12 已完成 6 和硅整流调速系统技术工 程(钦州市犀牛脚糖厂) 灵山变电站地网改造和防70. 梁小冰 1999.07-2000.07 已完成 6 雷研究(钦州供电局) 百龙滩水电站工程接地计71. 李世作 1999.05-1999.06 已完成 6 算研究 百龙滩电厂进口设备资料 72. 翻译、整编(广西大化水李世作 2000.08-2000.12 已完成 5.5 力发电总厂) 西津电厂生产调度电话录 73. 音系统改造(广西西津水梁京章 1999.12-1999.12 已完成 5.2 力发电厂) 接地系统分析计算软件包74. 肖仁山 1994.10-1996.01 已完成 5 开发 砼搅拌站微机称量控制系75. 李国进 1999.03-1999.12 已完成 5 统 大王滩水电厂明阳并网点 76. 油开关及35kv线路的控制王辑祥 2000.01-2000.12 已完成 4.998 保护(大王滩水库管理处) 砼搅拌站微机称量控制系 77. 统的设计、供货、安装、李国进 2000.05-2000.06 已完成 4.95 调试合同(南宁造船厂) 贺州地区电网潮流计算软 件及电网短路计算软件开78. 韦化 2000.08-2001.10 正在进行 4.7 发(广西桂东电力股份有 限公司) 广西电能质量在线监测系 79. 统的研究及开发(广西电郑江 2000.11-2001.01 已完成 4.5 力试验研究院) 广西党委系统网络通讯和80. 梁京章 1996.06-1997.05 已完成 4.3 领导查询系统 广西麻石水力发电厂物资 管理信息系统的网络通讯81. 莫耀赐 2000.01-2000.04 已完成 3.8 和软件开发(麻石水力发 电厂) 进口保护整定计算项目 82. (广西电力局中心调度赖业宁 2000.10-2000.11 已完成 3 所) 浮石电站同步发电机组励 83. 磁系统交接试验(融江水施武生 2000.10-2000.11 已完成 3 电开发有限责任公司) y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality 120 电力变压器故障诊断系统 84. 研究(广西电力试验研究郑江 1999.05-2000.05 已完成 3 院) 农网改造10kV及以下配电 线路、变电台区典型设计85. 梁京章 2000.03-2000.03 已完成 3 预算软件(广西地方电力 设计室) 电力变压器故障诊断系统 86. 研究(广西电力试验研究郑江 1999.05-2000.05 已完成 3 院) 马山县供电公司农网建设 (改造)工程(10KV以下87. 梁京章 2000.04-2000.05 已完成 2.5 线路)预算软件(广西马 山县供电公司) 刘力 88. 山区线路防雷研究(本校) 1994.10-1996.02 已完成 2.5 颜卓胜 89. 闸门启闭微机控制系统 王巨丰 1999.09-1999.12 已完成 2.3 柳钢中板厂滤波回路事故90. 王辑祥 1999.08-1999.10 已完成 2.3 分析 银山电站水位测量仪购销91. 施武生 2000.03-2000.03 已完成 1.5 (银山电站) 多协议转换器合同协议书 92. (广西万维通信设备有限何小阳 2000.05-2000.06 已完成 1 公司) 大化县供电公司农网建设 (改造)工程(10KV以下93. 梁京章 2000.05-2000.05 已完成 1 线路)预算软件(广西大 化县供电公司) 南丹县电网调度模拟显示94. 黄悦 1996.05-1996.08 已完成 1 屏单片机控制装置 电脑抢答器软件开发(广 95. 李国进 1999.04-1999.05 已完成 1 西电视台) 左江电站励磁调节器加装 96. 交直流电源变换装置(广施武生 2000.01-2000.01 已完成 0.795 西南宁地区电力公司) 塔机小车变幅变频调速97. 李国进 1999.04-1999.10 已完成 0.624 (广西建筑机械厂) 塔吊起升调速控制系统98. 李国进 1999.08-1999.11 已完成 0.57 (广西建筑机械厂) ,三,获奖及成果转化情况 1、获奖情况 ―九五‖期间获奖情况表 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in asper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civ121 国家级 省部级 厅局级 2 5 13 (1)控制系统仿真模拟CAI课件,国家教委优秀CAI软件三等奖,1998 (2)可编程控制器的原理及应用,国家教委优秀中青年教材奖,1996 (3)人工智能控制器及计算机仿真技术,广西自治区科技进步二等奖,2000 (4)可编程控制器的例题与实验指导,机械工业部优秀教材二等奖,1996 (5)接地系统研究,广西自治区科技进步三等奖,1999 (6)可编程序控制器技术系列科技教材,云南省科技进步三等奖,2000 (7)“工学一体化”的电力系统分析改革与实践,广西自治区人民政府优秀教学成果一等奖,2000 2、成果转化情况 科研工作中,许多高新技术产品形成了产品,生产了“微机励磁调节器”已在左江电厂等电站投入运行20余套,产值200余万元;专利产品防雷隔离变压器在区海关、区广播电视厅和区电力工业局等区内10多个单位推广使用;专利产品“头部分裂避雷针”在桂东电网和广东电网推广使用,实现了本学科的产品打进区外发达地区零的突破;生产了“混凝土搅拌站微机控制系统”12套用于高速公路建设中。实时控制智能软件包获国家创新基金支持。 ,四,学术著作和学术论文发表情况 1. 学术著作 (1)林小峰,廖志伟 著, 模糊控制系统开发软件FCDS, 西安交通大学出版社, 1999 (2)林小峰,赵宏 著,神经网络系统开发软件NNDS, 西安交通大学出版社, 1999 2、学术论文 电气工程学科发表论文著作一览表 序会议(刊物、出版社), 论著名称 作者 号 年、卷、期、页 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o ful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinci122 Large Scale Hydrothermal Optimal Hua Wei IEEE Transactions on Power Power Flow Problems Based On 1. Interior Point Nonlinear (韦化) Systems;2000.02,Vol.15, No.1 Programming A Interior Point Nonlinear Hua Wei Programming for optimal power IEEE Transactions on Power 2. Flows Problems with a Novel Data (韦化) Systems, 1998.8.Vol.13, No.3 Structure An Interior Point Nonlinear IEEE/PES-SM’ 97,Proceedings, H. Wei 3. Programming for OPF Problems (韦化) 1997年5月 With A Novel of Data Structure A Decoupled Solution of H. Wei IEEE/PES-SM’97,Proceedings, 4. Hydro-Thermal OPF Problems by (韦化) 1997年8月 Means of IMP and NP A Research on ILL-Conditioned H. Wei ICEE’96 Conference Proceedings, Problems Arising by IPM on Power (韦化) 5. 1996年8月 System Optimization Process An Application of Inter Point H. Wei Quadratic Programming Algorithm IEEE-PICA'95, Conference 6. to Power System Optimization (韦化) Proceedings, ISBN 1995.5 Problems Large Scale Optimal Power Flow H. Wei Based On Interior Point Quadratic IFAC-LSS'95, Conference 7. Programming of Solving Symmetric (韦化) Proceedings, Vol.1, 1995.6 Indefinite System Interior Point Method for IEEE Catalogue, No.95TH8130 H. Wei Hydro-Thermal Optimal Power Energy, Management and Power 8. Flow (韦化) Delivery IEEE-MPD'95, Conference Proceedings Vol.2, 1995.11 电力系统最适化问题 日本电气学会论文 9. (韦 化) ISSN0985-4213,1996 Dynamic Composite Newton H. Wei The International, Conference on 10. Interior Method for Optimal Power (韦化) Electrical Engineering 1995.7 Flow A Comparison Research on Interior ICEE'95 Conference Proceedings Point Methods for Optimal Power IASTED International Conference H. Wei Flow Problems on High Technology in the Power 11. (韦化) Industry PTEK'96 Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 0-88986 –205 -2, 1996.6 An Application of Interior Point H. Wei Quadratic Programming Algorithm IEEE-Trans. On Power System 12. to Power System Optimization (韦化) ISSN:0885-8950, Vol.11 No.1, 1996 Problems H?0ptimal Robust Control of LuZiguangElectronically Commutated Motor Chinese Journal of Automation 13. 1(卢子广) Servo Systems Using . 1999年No.2 Two-Degree-of-Freedom Controller Design U型非线性抗扰励磁控制律设计 中国电机工程学报1999年第9期,14. 李啸骢 第19卷 15. 激光诱导下间隙放电电压的估算 王巨丰 中国电机工程学报1999年第7期 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in county". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome long123 An Approach Combining Topology Proceeding of the 3rd World Li Shizuo Finite Element Method With a 16. congress on New Preconditioning Conjugate 李世作 Magnetoelectric-Field,1998.03 Gradient Method A New Hysteresis Model For Proceeding of the 2rd World Li ShizuoFerromagnetic Materials congress on Magnetoelectic-Field, 17. 李世作 1996.10 Ultra fine Crystalline Core MT-15(第15届国际磁体会议论文Li Shizuo18. Transformer and Its Loss Estimation 李世作 集)1996年10月 Method 对调机组群的不对称Y阵动态等19. 1杭乃善 电网技术2000、06,Vol.24,No.6 值法 2 直击雷对变电站控制室弱电设备 的影响 20. 梁小冰 电网技术1999年第3期 微机型发电机励磁回路一点接地颜卓胜 电力系统自动化,1997年11月第21. 保护的实验研究 李振然 11期第21卷 龙军 22. 智能型温度检测装置 《桂林工学院学报》1996.第16 吴杰康 电子换向电机伺服系统的二自由自动化学报 23. 卢子广 度H?优化鲁棒控制* 1998年1月24卷第1期 Analysis of mechanism for the SPIE(国际光学协会)会议论文 24. operational mode of lock in 龚仁喜 2000.11 PCSSs(Invited Paper) '96中国控制与决策学术年会论文25. 一种专家模糊控制器 林小峰 集 分数槽绕组稀土永磁无刷直流电《微特电机》 26. 周元芳 动机反电势的计算 1997年第2期 电机与控制学报 27. 隶属函数对模糊控制性能的影响 林小峰 1998年第四期 自动化仪表 28. 控制系统多功能软件包 林小峰 1999年第3期 误差校正型超高精度组合A/D转电气自动化 29. 黄洪全 换器的设计 1998年第5期 用埃尔米特矩阵的第二形式及其通讯学报 30. 黄炳华 应用 1999年第2期,第20卷 通信学报论文集 31. 斜埃尔米特矩阵与网络稳定性 黄炳华 1998年4月 《控制理论与应用》1996.10 32. 控制系统仿真软件SIMLAB 林小峰 第13卷增刊 模糊推理在电阻炉温度控制中的电子技术应用 33. 林小峰 应用 1999年第3期 电气传动自动化 34. 优化I/O量的PLC电梯控制系统 施武生 2000.06,Vol.22,No.3 Proceeding of the 3rd World 煮糖结晶过程神经网络模型的遗35. 卢子广 Congress on Intelligent Control 传算法 and Automation 2000.06 BP网络手写具体字符识别软件实1999中国控制与决策学术年会论36. 林小峰 现 文集 1999年 37. 微机双积分水位测量系统 施武生 电工技术1999年第10期 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme124 钕铁硼永磁无刷直流电动机电磁李世作 38. 微特电机1996年第3期 场有限元分析 肖仁山 断路器跳闸线圈烧毁的原因分析39. 龙 军 电工技术1996.11 及对策 40. 送电线路的台风荷载设计新方法 郑 江 电力建设,1996年第一期 41. 一种简易的大地消雷装置 郑 江 电力建设,1996年第四期 42. 盘形悬式绝缘子的头部结构研究 郑 江 电瓷避雷器,1996年第四期 现有合成绝缘子的端部结构问题郑 江 43. 绝缘材料通讯,1996年第三期 及其改进措施 林 苗 新型合成绝缘子的结构设计 郑 江 44. 电力建设,1996年第九期 林 苗 稀土永磁无刷直流电动机反电势周元芳 微特电机,1996年第二期 45. 及电磁转矩的计算 电力变压器中不容忽视的一匝电46. 周元芳 变压器,1996年第七期 势 初等灾变理论在电力系统稳定性47. 赖业宁 广西大学学报1999年第3期 分析中的应用 现代建筑电气设计技术文集199948. 建筑通信设备的雷电过电压保护 郑江 年10月 高土壤电阻率地区无避雷线输电49. 郑江 广西电力工程1999年4月 线路向防雷措施探讨 变电站综合自动化的基本功能及50. 郑江 广西电力技术1999年第2期 结构 电力通信设备的防雷设计原则及51. 郑江 电力建设1999年第7期 其措施 全介质自承式通信光缆(ADSS)52. 郑江 广西电力工程 的结构特点及其应用 用PLC控制的点火油泵变频调速53. 施武生 广西电力技术1999年第3期 系统 54. 高精度水位监测系统研究 施武生 广西水利水电1999年第4期 现代内点二次规划算法在电力系面向21世纪电机工程科技发展战55. 韦化 统最优化问题上的应用 略论文集1999年 对水轮发电机组电动盘车的一些56. 周元芳 广西电力技术1999年第3期 见解 电力变压器串接加压器后的等值57. 莫里克 广西电力技术1998年第二期 电路与对差动保护的影响 58. 交流电磁机构的节能研究 李世作 广西电力技术1998第四期 59. 贵港航运枢纽工程接地装置设计 李世作 广西电力工程1998年第四期 一种求均匀传输线路过程的分析60. 李泽 大学物理1998年4月第四期 方法 61. 避雷针的有限保护范围分析 郑江 广西电力工程1998处第四期 关于消雷器应用于柴油机发电厂电气电子教学学报1998年10月第62. 林苗 的问题的研究 20卷 基于递推最小算法和自适应采样63. 李振然 电工电能新技术1995年 的微机自动准周期 周元芳 大容量开关电源变压器设计中值李世作 64. 广西电力技术1998年第3期 得注意的几个问题 肖仁山 莫炳扬 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-125 利用富里叶变换实现电力系统频65. 李振然 广西大学学报1996年第4期 率测量 《广西电力职业技术鉴定所》 电气检修技术(电工职业技能培训颜卓胜(编66. 《广西电力职工培训中心》1997与鉴定丛书) 著) 年春出版 67. 可供选用的配电站中型布置方案 李如琦 广西电力工程1997年6月第2期 李如琦 《广西大学学报》1997年9月第368. 单片机系统中的实时数据库 龙 军 期第22卷 《福建电力与电工》1997年第469. 论消雷器与柴油机发电厂的防雷 林 苗 期 一种简易的大地分块(均压)消雷70. 郑 江 《广西电力工程》1997年第2期 装置的几个问题探讨 架空线(索、管)的特殊风荷载设71. 郑 江 《广西电力工程》1997年第4期 计方法 李世作 GROUND接地系统数值分析软件72. 梁小冰 《广西电力技术》1996年第三期 包开发研究 肖仁山 使用方便的电力系统故障分析程73. 龙 军 《计算技术与自动化》增刊1996 序 《广西大学学报》(自科版) 199674. 浮点数开平方快速算法 龙 军 年第三期 龙 军 8098单片微机电量变送器的应用 《广西电力技术》1996年第二期 75. 吴杰康 建筑物防雷接闪器保护范围的研《广西大学学报》1996年第二期76. 林 苗 究 第21卷 77. 高层建筑低压电网中的安全保护 林 苗 《广西电力技术》1996年第二期 林 苗 建筑物的台风荷载设计方法探讨 《广西电力工程》1996年第三期 78. 郑 江 林 苗 《全国小康住宅工程电气设计研79. 2000年的智能型住宅展望 郑 江 讨会论文集》1996.5 合成绝缘子的结构设计问题及其郑 江 80. <<广西电力建设>>1996年第四期 对策 林 苗 现代内点理论及其在电力系统经广西大学学报(自然版)81. 丁晓莺 济调度中的应用 2000.03,Vol.25,No.1 广西大学学报(自然科学版) 82. 钢厂供用电网的谐波谐振分析 段建东 2000.12,Vol.25,No.4 同步发电机阶跃大扰动过程的目全国高等学校电力系统及其自动83. 杭乃善 标引导法 化专2000.09 220~500KV电网继电保护整定计全国高等学校电力系统及其自动84. 赖业宁 算专家系统 化专业第十六届学术年会论文集 全国高等学校电力系统及其自动基于现代内点非线性规划的最优85. 李 滨 化专业第十六届学术年会论文集潮流 2000.09 广西电机工程学会电工技术专业不定导纳矩阵在模拟电路故障诊86. 李 凌 委员会电工技术2000年学术研讨断中的应用 会论文集 2000.12 87. 谐波的现场检测、诊断及抑制 林 苗 广西电力工程 2000.04 电路与系统学报 88. 用埃尔米特式计算复功率 黄炳华 1999年第2期,第4卷 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developme126 微机核子称在固体物料动态计量广西大学学报 89. 宋绍剑 中的应用 1999年11月 西安交通大学出版社 90. 模糊控制系统开发软件FCDS 林小峰 1999年6月 西安交通大学出版社 91. 神经网络开发系统NNDS 林小峰 1999年6月 工业仪表与自动化装置 92. 模糊控制中模糊推理算法的研究 林小峰 1999年第2期 专家控制系统外壳ECSS的设计与工业仪表与自动化装置 93. 林小峰 实现 1999年第3期 低压电器 94. SA-20 PLC在生产线中的应用 林小峰 1999年第2期 电工技术 95. 电炉温度的模糊控制 林小峰 1999年第3期 PLC在扬声器纸盒成型机中的应电工技术 96. 林小峰 用 1999年第6期 纯滞后系统的Smith-Fuzzy预估控广西大学学报 97. 林小峰 制 1999年第3期 广西大学学报 98. 建筑公司MIS建设探讨 李鹏 1999年12月 用PLC控制的点火油泵变频调速广西电力技术 99. 施武生 系统 1999年第3期 广西水利水电 100. 高精度水位监测系统研究 施武生 1999年第4期 用Visual Foxpro制作特殊报表的广西大学学报 101. 廖碧莲 方法 1998年12月 利用F/V转换器测机组转速和频电工技术 傅卫红 102. 率 1999年10月 广西电力工程 103. 中小型电力企业Intranet系统建设 傅卫红 1999年2月 广西大学自然科学 104. 基于SNMP的网络管理机制探讨 傅卫红 1999年3月 Internet和ISO网络管理方案的分广西民族学院自然科学版 105. 傅卫红 析与比较 1999年2月 基于8098单片机控制向电流跟踪变频器世界 106. 韦燕凤 变频调速系统 1999年第10期 电子与仪表 107. 宽范围扫描遂道显微镜控制系统 黄洪全 1998年第3期 不用工频变压器的5OHZ逆变电广西科学院学报 108. 黄洪全 源 1998年第3期 发电厂和变电站计算机监控系统*广西电力局 109. 郑江 的抗干扰措施 1998年第2期 第二届亚洲应用电磁场会议 A New Hysteresis Model For 110. 李世作 Ferromagnetic Materials 1998年第三期 电工技术 111. 模糊控制技术在洗衣机上的应用 林苗 1998年第9期 自复励励磁装置的过电压及其保广西大学学报 112. 傅卫红 护 1998年9月 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-127 广西大学学报 113. 电力电子变换技术的波形分析 傅卫红 1998年 广西大学学报 114. 分层调整因子的模糊控制器 林小峰 1998年第一期 中国自动化学会 115. 模糊控制隶属函数重叠率的研究 林小峰 1998年 微型计算机信息 116. 一种模糊控制系统开发软件 林小峰 1997年第6期 电阻应变式转矩转速测量仪(摘中国无线电电子学文摘 117. 周元芳 要) 1998年14卷4期 大容量开关电源变压器设计中值广西电力技术 118. 周元芳 得注意的几个问题 1998年第3期 四、学术交流情况 “九五”期间的学术交流极大推动了学科的学术研究气氛。期间,邀请了英国Umist大学、美国Aflide大学、澳大利亚、加拿大等国外学者到校讲学5次,国内专家讲学8次,校内的学术报告定期举行。举办了2次全国性的学术会议活动,每年参加国内学术会议的人数平均超过20人,形成了参加国内学术交流的制度。 五、人才培养情况 1、学科涵盖的本科专业及本科生培养情况 电气工程学科本、专科专业一览表 序号 专 业 名 称 类别 新专业 八五招生 九五招生 1 200 410 电气工程及其自动化 本科 2 200 420 自动化 本科 3 0 50 农业电气化与自动化 本科 , 4 0 75 电气自动化与计算机控制技术 专科 , 5 0 75 办公自动化与计算机应用 专科 , 2、学位点情况及研究生培养情况(见下表) 硕士学位点建设情况一览表 序号 专 业 名 称 类别 新增学位点 在校人数 1 22 电力系统及其自动化 硕士 2 38 控制论及控制工程 硕士 3 4 高电压及绝缘技术 硕士 , 4 6 农业电气化与自动化 硕士 , 5 0 电气工程 工程硕士 , y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o ovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some longal Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continue128 计算机科学与技术 一、队伍情况 学科带头人:苏德富教授 五年来,学科加快了学术队伍的建设,加大了计算机、通信网络方面的高层次人才的引进和培养力度,先后引进博士3人,硕士10人,委培博士5人,硕士6人。教师进入研究生班学习38人,进修学习14人次。目前,学科现有教学与科研人员90人,其中教授5人,副教授、副研究员及高级工程师28人,讲师、工程师36人。被美国数学联合会认可的计算数学专家1人,广西有突出贡献科技人员2人,列入广西“十百千”人才工程第二层次1人,广西高校跨世纪人才1人。新增硕士生导师8名。 二、实验室名称、主要设备和设备总价值 设备总价值:600万元 1、“九五期间”,重点建设并行分布式技术实验室,以及图形图像处理实验室、计算机通信技术实验室。目前,并行分布式计算技术实验室已经初步建设成一个以HP 6000小型机、SUN E450超级服务器和SUN E250服务器、CISCO6509/3548中心交换机、高档微机(23台)以及相应配套系统软件为代表,可独立运行的内部Intranet系统、其外部经由防火墙技术与Internet连接的高速以太网,是区内最先进的网络环境,形成了一个能进行并行分布计算、协同计算和组件技术的可伸缩的网络并行计算机集成环境。 2、图形图像实验室、计算机通信技术实验室建设初具规模。其中图形图像实验室拥有HP图形工作站、Sun图形工作站、Dell图形工作站各一台,HP彩色绘图仪(A0)一台,Dell高档微机16台,实达微机6台,数字摄像机1台,数码相机1台,以及激光打印机、扫描仪、图像采集设备等外部设备;计算机通信技术实验室拥有HP频谱分析仪一台,数字示波器2台,高档微机6台,以及一批比较先进的通信实验设备。这两个实验室都具备了一定的实验条件和科研能力。 3、投入专项本科教学实验室建设资金,重点建设了计算机综合、信息与通信技术等专业基础实验室,更新了计算机、网络设备、微机实验箱、电子线路实验箱等各类设备300多台(套),使专业教学实验开出率达到90%以上,极大地改善了专业的教学实 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang gr129 验条件,促进了专业教学改革的进程,提高了学生的培养质量。现有PIII 733微机54台、PII 366微机40多台,其他微机60多台,高档服务器7台,微机原理与接口实验箱31套,单片机实验箱30套,各式打印机8台,数码相机和摄像机各一台,以及网络交换机、集线器、高档示波器等一批先进设备。 4、利用美国CISCO网络系统公司的投资,建成广西CISCO网络学院实验室。该实验室向拥有CISCO网络设备4套,为网络专业人才和师资队伍的培养,以及教师和研究生的科研提供了先进的计算机网络实验环境和教学环境。 5、 校计算中心现有联想PIII /677微机210台,奔腾Celeron 300--366微机 320台,HP服务器5台,联向服务器3台,CISCO网络交换机10多台,以及打印机、投影仪、光盘刻录机、扫描仪等外部设备。 三、科研工作情况 “九五”期间,本学科以并行分布计算、CAD理论与应用、网络通信技术作为主攻方向,主要开展了并行分布式计算、CAD理论与应用、计算机网络技术、混沌通信技术、Internet网上应用技术、计算机控制理论、数据库系统与管理信息系统等方向的研究,逐步形成了学科的优势和特色,部分研究成果达到国内领先和国际先进水平。五年来,共承担国家973项目子课题1项,国家自然科学基金项目6项,省部级科研课题13项,区厅局级项目10项,校级项目12项,横向课题20多项,课题总经费达到383.1万元。 ,一,主要科研方向及学术带头人 1、网络技术与并行分布式计算 本研究方向的学术带头人为苏德富、钟诚。 主要进行网络并行计算、事务处理、网络安全与数据加密、算法设计与分析、基于Internet/Intranet的计算机网络信息系统的设计与实现等方面的研究。研究内容包括:选择、匹配和网络路由寻径等方面的并行算法设计与分析,基于PC机群、CORBA、ACE、PVM和AGENT的分布式并行程序设计方法与技术,分布式网络环境下密钥管理与恢复、电子投票、信息与身份认证的理论和技术等。 本研究方向的特色是:利用动态数据结构、映射理论、素数理论和粗集理论研究一些重要非数值问题的并行算法设计与实现;在微机网络环境下利用分布资源实现并行计算。 2、计算机辅助设计(CAD)理论与应用 y the views of the three aspects.Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we should according to the actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I sabook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. f urgency to do a good job in the city, sense of responsibilityOne, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense o al Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civilized county". After the past few years continueovinciful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situation. This year, the county again is the prove the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the strong grasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruito imprall levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important content of building wealth and beauty Juxian, as the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the development of an important engine. In recent years, at nt level and cultural quality of the people, but also to promote tUrban civilization is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall developmestrongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the cultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are-d to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, some long130 本研究方向的学术带头人为韦日钰、李陶深。 主要进行工程优化设计、遗传算法及其应用、CAD应用技术方面的研究与应用系统开发工作。研究内容包括:工程系统多学科协同优化设计理论及方法,并行分布式CAD,演化计算与遗传优化设计,计算机模拟与仿真,CAD支撑软件及应用,计算机图形技术,图像处理等。 该方向在国内较早开展机械系统分解优化设计方法及在并行分布式环境下实现的研究,首次提出了一个基于松弛因子的线性分解法及一个基于遗传算法的分解优化方法,将它们用于求解结构和机械系统的优化设计问题,在并行分布式优化设计方面取得了较突出的研究成果。 3、现代通信技术 本研究方向的学术带头人为覃团发博士。 主要进行通信理论与技术、信息系统理论与技术等方面的研究。研究内容包括:混沌控制、语声混沌通信、声图文混沌通信处理、移动Ip电话、扩频通信技术、宽带接入网技术等。 该方向较早开展利用混沌理论研究将声、图、文结合在一起的保密通信技术,首次提出了利用中间目标态势现快速控制的方法,并在国际上首次应用APD技术到时空混沌控制同步系统,所研究的语音混沌保密通信系统已经达到实用程度。 4、广义控制系统理论。 本研究方向的学术带头人为梁家荣博士。 主要研究内容包括:广义系统的变结构控制和广义系统的计算方法,广义周期系统的稳定性分析等。该方向已有10多篇高水平的理论研究论文在国内的一些核心刊物上发表。 5、数据库技术与管理信息系统 本研究方向的学术带头人为李陶深、梁京章。 主要进行数据库应用技术、管理信息系统等方面的研究与开发工作。研究内容包括:数据库管理系统、基于网络的管理信息系统、工程数据库技术、分布式数据库技术、网络综合信息系统的集成技术等。 该方向在分布式工程数据库系统支撑软件技术的研究、大型网络数据库管理系统的设计与实现方面取得了可喜的成绩。 ,二,承担的科研项目及经费数 actual, earnestly implemented. Below, I say the views of the three aspects. ld according to thebook, signed the book of responsibility of other departments. Signed letters of responsibility is made junlingzhuang, we shou the city, sense of responsibility One, the positive results, a clear understanding of the gap, and effectively enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in ilizedtion. This year, the county again is the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government recognition as "provincial civasper, solid and thorough do a lot of fruitful work, initially formed a multi stakeholder involvement, sharing the good situang grof building wealth and beauty Juxian, as to improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people of the stro f an important engine. In recent years, at all levels of the county adhere to create a civilized city as an important contentment oural quality of the people, but also to promote the upgrading of the county's economic and social effect to speed the developn is high gold content, people concerned about the high degree of honor, embodies the city overall development level and cultUrban civilizatiocultural quality term lack of regulation, the masses are strongly persistent problems are solved effectively. To significantly improve the-ome longcounty". After the past few years continued to create, the county Significant improvement in the urban and rural landscape, s 131
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