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采访成功人士实践报告采访成功人士实践报告 HAOJING COLLEGE SHAANXI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE , TECHNOLOGY 题目:坚持不懈 努力拼搏 在平凡中成就伟大 学生姓名: 高 惠 学 号: 系 部: 专业班级: 指导教师: 二?一三年一月 坚持不懈 努力拼搏 在平凡中成就伟大 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week ...

采访成功人士实践报告 HAOJING COLLEGE SHAANXI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE , TECHNOLOGY 题目:坚持不懈 努力拼搏 在平凡中成就伟大 学生姓名: 高 惠 学 号: 系 部: 专业班级: 指导教师: 二?一三年一月 坚持不懈 努力拼搏 在平凡中成就伟大 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 陕西科技大学镐京学院 摘 要 和平年代,英雄也许不再经历血与火的洗礼,但依然闪耀动人的 光芒。在我的身边,每个人在自己的岗位上奋斗着,平凡却不平庸。此次寒假,我利用十天的时间采访了身边从事不同工作的人,有教师、工人、个体户、上班族、大学生,走进他们的生活,探寻他们的成功之路,体验他们如何在平凡的生活中成就伟大。经过数天的接触,虽然他们的成功各不相同,却阐释者一个共同的道理:平凡的人在平凡的岗位上,只要坚持不懈,努力拼搏,仍然能够取得的成功。 关键词:坚持 努力 平凡 付出 成功人士 stmenth organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjurrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraplans adar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will py, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calencompanarty, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the nsure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his pr to euality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In ordews: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, qup session, which reads as follo-According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapfinished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-nished and semiduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of fid prol other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finisheskeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, al ojectfor, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The prprogress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop 1 前言: 在这次采访中,每一个采访对象都让我感触颇多,在与他们的接触中,我每时每刻都在跟着他们的一言一行思考,他们的成功之路让我深刻领会到坚持、努力对于在人生道路上奋斗的平凡人来说是多么地重要。 一个人在一生中总会遇到各种挑战和机遇,我们需要坚持不懈的精神和努力奋斗的勇气去面对生活,只要肯坚持,只要肯努力,总有守得云开见月明的一天,一定会取得成功。宝剑风从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。如果没有恒心、耐心、毅力,没有坚持不懈、坚韧不拔、坚定不移的精神,成功还会属于你吗, 第一次亲身参与社会实践,感受到很多东西要比 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 本中的理论知识深刻的多,从实践中汲取营养,用自己的坚持和努力,走向成功的彼岸。 实践的过程: 此次以体验成功人士的成功之路为主题,我通过面对面谈话,实地参观等方式,对十个不同行业的人士进行采访,倾听他们背后的故事,感受他们成功的经验。 采访感受: 通过十天的采访,我从这些人身上学到了很多,他们在自己平凡的岗位上做着平凡的工作,但是每个人都有自己不可磨灭的闪光点。我深刻体会到,成功对于一个平凡的人来说并不是遥不可及的梦想,每个平凡的人只要坚持既定目标,并为之努力奋斗,最终都会成功, finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-ed and semifinishroduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of ther nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished pall o ct skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period,, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The projeop fornt progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshganization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustmeph orarrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragra day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plansendar any, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 cal, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the comppartyensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his ty and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order tohe implementation of security, qualiup session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of t-g to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapAccordin2 陕西科技大学镐京学院 平凡往往孕育着伟大,彰显着成功。 调查资料: 1、无私奉献,默默付出——高秀礼 他把自己最美好的年华和激情都挥洒在乡村的课堂上,他用自己半生的心血浇灌着一个个渴望知识的灵魂,他就是——高秀礼。一位平凡的乡村教师,从教二十多年来,他全身心地投入自己所热爱的教育工作,付出了比一般教师更多的劳动汗水,他用一颗金子般的纯真爱心温暖了、滋润了孩子们的心田。他已经记不清曾经有多少孩子得到过自己精神上和物质上的帮助,也记不清曾经给多少孩子义务补课„„,他的奉献精神令人佩服,他的爱心事迹令家长称赞。她不仅在平凡讲台上留下了自己那特殊的足迹,更在众多孩子们的心中留下了最美丽的微笑。 如今,他一天退到幕后,干起了后勤工作,为老师和学生的工作和学习保驾护航。他说:“能用自己的微薄之力能帮助别人,再苦也是值得的,我这一生坚持在教育战线上,可说是桃李满天下,看到自己的学生在各行各业上成绩突出,我觉得自己是成功的。”憨厚朴实的话语让我感动,平凡又怎样,普通又怎样,只要自己坚持不懈,用自己的努力有益于别人,有益于社会,就是成功的,祝福你,人类灵魂的 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师。 2、医者仁心——张国锋 初次见到张大夫是在一个病患家中,他正在为患者做针灸,为避免打扰到他,我没有上前打招呼,只是默默地在一旁看着。只见他一 finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-nished and semiduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of fid prol other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finisheskeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, al ojectfor, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The prprogress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop stmenth organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjurrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraplans adar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will py, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calencompanarty, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the nsure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his pr to euality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In ordews: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, qup session, which reads as follo-According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap3 边扎针一边轻声询问患者的感受,患者是一位老人,张大夫扎完针后还贴心地为老人盖好被子,就 注意事项 软件开发合同注意事项软件销售合同注意事项电梯维保合同注意事项软件销售合同注意事项员工离职注意事项 向老人千叮咛万嘱咐。我看在眼里,颇有触动,医生就应该是这样的。 对待出诊的病人是这样,对门诊病人更是无微不至,有患者来输液,张大夫便吩咐爱人做饭给病人吃,熬小米粥给感冒的孩子、老人。来看过病的人们都说,张大夫不仅看好了他们的病还暖了他们的心。对此,憨实的他只是谦虚的笑笑。他说,作为医生不管他是贵贱贫富,老幼美丑,一律同样看待,都存有对待最亲近的人一样的想法,也不能瞻前顾后,考虑自身的利弊得失。看到病人的烦恼,就像自己的烦恼一样,内心悲痛,不避忌艰险、昼夜、寒暑、饥渴、疲劳,全心全意地去救护病人,不能产生推托和摆架子的想法。他说:“这一生我只做一件事——珍爱生命”。 这样掷地有声的话语让我为之振奋,是啊还能有什么比生命更重要的呢,张大夫他是成功的,对于医生来说,相对于精湛的技术而言,医德更为重要。 3、为了事业和家庭,再累也不算什么——赵艳霞 用她自己的话说女人要上的厅堂下得厨房,她就是这样的一个女人。这个曾经无忧无虑的女孩现在已为人妻为人母,在外忙碌工作,回家忙碌爱人孩子,生活的井井有条。她说,为了事业和家庭,再累也没什么。 她是一个很健谈的人,在采访中,她总是滔滔不绝,我默默倾听着,感受着一个女强人生活的细枝末节。 finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-ed and semifinishroduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of ther nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished pall o ct skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period,, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The projeop fornt progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshganization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustmeph orarrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragra day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plansendar any, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 cal, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the comppartyensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his ty and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order tohe implementation of security, qualiup session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of t-g to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapAccordin4 陕西科技大学镐京学院 她给我总结了她的人生感悟,她说:“人为了一份责任心活着,为了一份使命感活着。感情、家庭或者事业,因人而异。活一辈子不容易,说长也不长,要放得开,知足常乐。忙来忙去图个啥,图的就是为了过得好,过的快乐。人往往把让自己快乐的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 定的很高”。她说,她要是做某件事情两个人意见不一致了,先想想自己的做法是不是正确的,然后再让自己站在对方的立场上去看待这个事情,看是不是有不一样的观点。因为你不能再一意孤行,你的行为代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 着一个家庭。两个人在一起应该互相体谅、理解、包容、支持。 她说,女人要有自己事业,才有家庭的幸福,所以为了事业和家庭再累也要坚持,也要努力奋斗。 如今,看到她们一家单口幸福的场景让我在心底对这个女人肃然起敬,祝福你们。 4、用手中的笔记录身边的感动——王彩云 “铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”。记者,一个光荣而神圣的职业。是他们走进鲜为人知的内幕背后和险境,用镜头记录事件的真相;是他们用手中的笔描绘出这个世界的和谐与美好。 今天我采访的是一位记者,她用她的笔书写着身边的感动,以典型带动其他新闻工作者努力工作,弘扬主旋律,打好主动仗,服务政府工作。 2008年她开始从事记者工作,五年来笔耕不辍,青春岁月付之于记者职业。期间多次被评为优秀记者,2010年被评为市优秀通讯员,数十篇新闻作品在省市各大媒体刊发。 h organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjurrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraplans adar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will py, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calencompanarty, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the nsure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his pr to euality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In ordews: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, qup session, which reads as follo-According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapfinished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-nished and semiduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of fid prol other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finisheskeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, al ojectfor, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The prprogress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop stment5 一个清瘦的身影,一个简单的背包装着干粮,穿行于大街小巷、田间地头、工厂车间„„一支笔、一个采访本陪着他就这样走过青春的岁月,就这样将自己的“人生规划”定格为记者这个职业。 她说,选择这个职业是源于小时候的梦想,她生在农村,长在农村,农村朴实的生长环境让她拥有一颗善良的心。她始终将目光放在那些弱势群体上,那些让人感动的人和事上,记录普通人的普通事,平凡人的平凡话。 她向我讲述着她的经历,让我感觉到她在这个职业中不断成长,在做一个记录着,在见证新人新事的同时,他所记录的也将成为历史的佐证。 为了采访打枣老人,她曾数十天跟随老人上山,观察老人打枣,和老人同吃同劳动,写出来的新闻颇受受众欢迎,那一年,应为她的报道,该乡镇的红枣销售一空。老百姓拍手称赞,都叫她是他们的好女儿。2011年,为农民工讨薪得不到法律援助,她就此做了报道,引发了强烈的社会反响,就此农民工讨薪难的问题得以解决。 2012年,她参加了单位组织的“旅游纪行”记者采访团,一周多的时间里,她纵横全县南北千余里,访工业重镇,采民俗文化村,寻梦红碱淖,实时迅捷地传回稿件,圆满地完成了任务。 记录者,记录着——记者的使命在采访中体现,记者的职责在记录中传承。时光推移,岗位未变,在王彩云的心目中,坚持记者的职业生涯,让她的人生充实而光彩。2010年10月7日,她组织策划了国庆七天看变化的专题报道,形式多样,进行了全方位、多角度、立 ph orarrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragra day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plansendar any, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 cal, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the comppartyensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his ty and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order tohe implementation of security, qualiup session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of t-g to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapAccordinfinished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-ed and semifinishroduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of ther nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished pall o ct skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period,, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The projeop fornt progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshganization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustme6 陕西科技大学镐京学院 体式的详尽报道,受到了读者的热情追捧。2011年9月9日,王彩云联系了热心公益事业的部分商家、书店、医院,策划、组织了颇具规模的“重阳节爱心大行动”,为县敬老院进行义诊、送图书等活动,还捐赠了面粉、药品、衣物,这一活动受到了相关部门的表扬。2012年3月两会期间,王彩云策划推出了“两会”专版,并有序组织单位记者进行现场短信问报道,形式新颖,内容短小精悍,是一次非常不错的创新尝试,改变了以往会议报到的老模式。 2013年,她敢为天下先,在单位首先实行新闻策划,拟写策划案,她不拘一格配置稿件、图片,别出心裁拟制标题,苦思冥想定夺中心。在将近一个月的时间里,他值班室的灯光伴着窗外的星月,一同迎来黎明的曙光。如今新闻网站迎来了空前的改革浪潮,人人想创新,人人敢创新的大好局面,在中央“走基层、转作风、改文风”的大背景下,新闻网站目前的新闻获得了空前的成功,得到读者广泛好评。“苦吗?”有人这样问他。她总是笑眯眯地回答:“走在乡村山野总能看到别样的风景,记录平凡人和事印证了时代的进步。追逐风景,感受进步,我所感受到的全然是快乐,要说苦也是苦中作乐,乐在其中。” “大海航行靠舵手,国家就犹如一艘大船,记者就是这艘船上的望远镜,永远看到的是最远方的真实海情。”5年前,怀揣着记录的梦想,王彩云步入记者的行列。5年后,回望点点滴滴记录的轨迹,王彩云深知——之所以能一直坚持着,并为这样的事业努力前行,是因为她站在了前辈的肩膀上;之所以能记录着,是因为许多同仁给他铺好了纸,递上了笔。因而,无论是5年前还是5年后,时过境迁, stmenth organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjurrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraplans adar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will py, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calencompanarty, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the nsure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his pr to euality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In ordews: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, qup session, which reads as follo-According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapfinished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-nished and semiduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of fid prol other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finisheskeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, al ojectfor, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The prprogress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop 7 许多人和事都在变化,但是她的职责不变,年龄在变但心中的秉持不变。 告别时,她告诉我,记者这个职业是她的生命,她将用一生来完成它。 这样的成功让她平凡的人生变得不平凡,她的努力和付出得到了回报,付出了艰辛,收获的是伟大。 5、说道不如做到 付出总有回报——张俊 张妈是我无意中采访到的保洁员,一个很普通的人。但是经过仔细攀谈,我了解到她的艰辛,她默默付出的胸怀,她深沉无私的爱,她的收获和属于她的成功。 她是某招待所的保洁员,负责房间卫生和整理床铺,这个看似普通的工作却也担负着重要的责任,每天天不亮,她就出发开始整理,有时会“意外”发现客人的财物。她说:“很多人都劝我自己留着,我觉得那样不好,丢了东西的人该多着急啊。”话语朴实,却是人生的大道理,大哲学,大智慧。 她认为,在工作中,活干得比别人多,你觉得吃亏;钱拿得比别人少,你觉得吃亏;经常加班加点,你觉得吃亏„„其实,没必要这样斤斤计较,吃亏不是灾难,不是失败,吃亏也是一种生活态度。现在吃点儿小亏,多付出一些,为成功铺就道路,也许在未来的某个时刻,你的大福突然就来了。 她的世界观是无论薪水高低,工作中都能尽心尽力、积极进取,使自己得到内心的平静,这往往是事业成功者与失败者的不同之处。 ph orarrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragra day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plansendar any, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 cal, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the comppartyensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his ty and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order tohe implementation of security, qualiup session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of t-g to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapAccordinfinished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-ed and semifinishroduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of ther nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished pall o ct skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period,, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The projeop fornt progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshganization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustme8 陕西科技大学镐京学院 工作过分轻松随意的人,无论从事什么领域的工作都不可能获得真正的成功。将工作仅仅当做赚钱谋生的工具,这样的人其实是很悲哀的。 我会永远尊敬她,因为她有一个爱护他人的心。我想说,“三百六十行,行行出状元”,大家不分贫富,不分高斯贵贱,人人平等,任何职业都应该受到尊重,大家都是靠本事吃饭,没有等级区别,将来步入社会我们一定要爱岗敬业,尊重他人,也爱护自己。张阿姨虽然是保洁员,但是有着非凡的胸怀和认识,能为他人着想就是成功的人。 6、在平凡中历练 平凡却不平庸——高彦生 今天我采访了是农业银行行长高伯伯,作为一名成功的领导者,却格外平易近人,就像是邻家大伯,与他交谈非常舒服,就像是聆听长着的教诲,邮箱是倾听教授的演讲。 采访中,高伯伯讲述了他的成长历史,他说,他和很多成功的人一样,都是经过知识改变的命运,从小他就知道刻苦读书,很早他就意识到要像走出农村必须通过读书,好好学习。他时常告诫自己,每个人都是普通人,要通过自己的努力,再加上坚持不懈的奋斗,才能最终取得成功。 上世纪90年代,本地师范学院招生,从此高伯伯的人生有了转机。毕业后,他被分到当地一所中学任教,在教学岗位上矜矜业业,培养出一批又一批人才,2000年,该中学因为生源减少而撤除,高伯伯没了阵地,一时间彷徨、迷惘,不知道人生该去向何方,这是是农业银行招人,他索性报了名,没想到竟然考上了。在银行的每个日 h organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjurrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraplans adar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will py, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calencompanarty, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the nsure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his pr to euality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In ordews: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, qup session, which reads as follo-According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapfinished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-nished and semiduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of fid prol other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finisheskeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, al ojectfor, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The prprogress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop stment9 子里,他都把自己看作是新人,常常不耻下问,和同事们请教问题,已增长自己的银行知识,他觉得只有提升自我才能胜任现有的工作和满足社会的需求。 就这样,从一个银行小职员如今成长为一个银行的行长,一路走来,感慨颇多。他认为一个人要成功首先要努力,要坚持,这样在机会来的时候才不至于失之交臂。 “听君一席话,胜读十年书”,高伯伯的话语叫我醍醐灌顶。是啊每个人都有自己的生活轨迹,大家展现的都是不同的风采,踏踏实实走好每一步,我才能让我们的人生更加靓丽多彩,我们次啊能从中获益,为以后的路奠定基础。坚持不懈,感恩生活,我们才能有更加美好的未来。 结语 生活中,有的人一提起成功总觉得很遥远,很艰难,总觉得自己与成功无缘,其实这是不对的,我认为的成功很简单,就是在平凡中历练自己,在普通的人生中孕育机会,等待伟大的到来。每个人成功的机遇是平等,只要坚持不懈,只要肯努力肯吃苦就一定会成功。 成功对于普通人来说就是在自己的岗位上作出应有的贡献,简约不简单,平凡不平庸,一个人做一件事不难,难的是一只做一件事。很多人都在抱怨工作重复无趣,实际上是缺乏发现坚持的乐趣和努力后收获的心。 我们要做一个有心人。人的一生机遇都是必然会到来的,机遇的得失并不是由各人的主观意念而决定的。它取决于人们的能力,智慧 finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an-ed and semifinishroduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of ther nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished pall o ct skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period,, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The projeop fornt progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshganization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustmeph orarrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragra day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plansendar any, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 cal, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the comppartyensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his ty and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order tohe implementation of security, qualiup session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of t-g to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapAccordin10 陕西科技大学镐京学院 和客观条件。抓住与抓不住,是因为给力和不给力。这力的来源就是我们平时智慧和知识的积累,是我们主观对社会认知的修炼。 成功者不是在所有方面都能够成功,这里面由各人在不同领域里的经验和知识所决定。能够抓住机遇的人为智者,因为他们早已在努力地积累着自己的财富,并不断增强抵御风险的能力。我们常说:失败是成功之母。只要你不放松对自己的要求,不丢掉目标,失败一定是成功的序曲。只有勇于攀登的人,才有机会到达光辉的顶点。 成功是一个人人皆知的词语,而对于它的理解,不同的人往往会得出不同的答案,甚至有相当一部分人认为“成功是一件说不太清楚的事情”。得出这样的结论对于我们来说是无益的。因为这就像一个人找不到靶子就开枪射击一样,他的命中的概率一定很低,打中是偶然的,打不中却成了必然。 成功是目标的达成。一个人光有预期目标,还不能算是成功。衡量他是否成功的一个前提条件就是:所有的目标都必须是可以量化的。用形容词表示的目标都是有问题的,是模糊的目标。因为我们的目标决定我们的未来,而不是我们的未来决定我们的目标,因此,当一个人在决定他现在的行为的时候,目标起着决定作用,也就是说一个没有目标的人,也就无法去制定相应的计划。只有当一个人通过努力达到了预期目标,也就是量化目标的实现,才能称之为成功,否则就是“不成功”。 -nished and semiduct testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of fid prol other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finisheskeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, al ojectfor, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The prprogress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop stmenth organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjurrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraplans adar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will py, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calencompanarty, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the nsure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his pr to euality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In ordews: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, qup session, which reads as follo-According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrapfinished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an11
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