首页 福建省内自驾游路线



福建省内自驾游路线福建省内自驾游路线 一行程: D1:早上出发(自驾车,厦门—同安—南安—永春——德化,全程约三个小时, 中午抵达德化,午餐后往南埕桃仙溪乘坐“闽中第一漂”——竹筏漂流、游 览单级落差184米享有“华东第一瀑”美誉——岱仙瀑布; 后自驾车乘车赴石牛山国家级森林公园;工 住石牛山度假村 D2:早观曰出(气候允许情况下),早餐后开始游览石壶祖殿、飞风石、石老虎、 石牛山主峰登高望远,龙泉洞、九十九洞;午餐后返城关,参观陶瓷一条街、 飞天艺吧,陶瓷博物馆;下午自驾车返厦门。 二、友情提示:石牛山较陡,须穿防滑...

福建省内自驾游路线 一行程: D1:早上出发(自驾车,厦门—同安—南安—永春——德化,全程约三个小时, 中午抵达德化,午餐后往南埕桃仙溪乘坐“闽中第一漂”——竹筏漂流、游 览单级落差184米享有“华东第一瀑”美誉——岱仙瀑布; 后自驾车乘车赴石牛山国家级森林公园;工 住石牛山度假村 D2:早观曰出(气候允许情况下),早餐后开始游览石壶祖殿、飞风石、石老虎、 石牛山主峰登高望远,龙泉洞、九十九洞;午餐后返城关,参观陶瓷一条街、 飞天艺吧,陶瓷博物馆;下午自驾车返厦门。 二、友情提示:石牛山较陡,须穿防滑平底鞋,特产为山珍及陶瓷等。 东山岛海滨休闲二曰游 一:行程 D1:早上厦门准时集合出发(自驾车至东山岛约三个半小时,全程高速),中午抵达东山岛,用当地风味午餐,餐后游览风动石、关帝庙景区、铜山古城;后参观寡妇村纪念馆;车游百亿新城、金銮湾海滨浴场。 住东山 D2:早餐后乘车前往码头,乘渡轮前往名屿——东门屿,游游览东门寺box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 等景点,午餐后结束愉快行程,返回厦门。 二、友情提示: 1:夏天到东山岛海滨渡假是个好去处,记得带泳衣哦~ 2:记得带防晒霜及到了东山别忘了吃海鲜餐哦~ 永春牛姆林二曰渡假游 一、行程 第一天 08 :00厦门准时集合出发(自驾车约三个半小时:厦门—同安—安溪—牛姆林) 11 :30抵达永春牛姆林 12 :00用风味午餐及入住渡假山庄休息或直接游览(依客人待定) 15 :00牛姆林原始森林探幽,享受天然氧吧~ 线路一:(较平缓约2个小时):科普馆——动物园——许愿树——发财树——合欢树——情侣道); 线路二:(约2个半小时):科普馆——动物园——迎宾树——好汉坡——蝴蝶泉瀑布——情人谷——情侣树——留客林); 17 :30参观商贸街(永春特产)及用晚餐(中国野味品尝或烧烤); 晚上露天卡拉OK或山庄室内休闲舞厅及卡拉OK(300元/场); 第二天 08 :30早餐后前往永春东关桥(素有闽中桥梁甲天下之美称,自驾车1.5小时) box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 魁星岩(全国仅有两处供奉魁星公的寺庙之一)求学 12 :00特色风味午餐(永春正宗白鸭汤),餐后返回厦门(约2个小时); 二、参与性项目:溜索:40元/人(含保险) 射击:10元/人 射箭:10元/人 狞猎:30元/人 野战:62元/人 烧烤:30元/人 滑草:40元/小时 生命因休闲而更精彩——龙岩云顶、永定土楼(龙崆洞)休闲游 第一天 08: 00 厦门出发(全程高速约2个半小时) 10:00到达龙岩云顶,入住度假酒店 10: 45 参观茶园,沿途观银湖亭、双娇亭,置身雄峰、鸟瞰山下全景; 11: 30 午餐:云顶特色菜;12: 30在云顶的恬静中享受安逸的午休; 14: 30 走在落叶缤纷、松果铺地的山道上,融入毛竹滴滴翠绿,沿途观:国家一级保护植物——红豆杉、国家二级保护植物——千年古银杏树,于山涧峡谷探苦竹坑、寻潜龙瀑布飞花溅玉; 16: 30 体验高空滑索道或太空球的惊险刺激;18:00晚餐:云顶特色菜; 19: 00 茶艺馆品茗云顶高山乌龙茶,观茶艺 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演,也可选择在卡啦OK厅、KTV房放声高歌、电影室观看精彩大片或棋牌室自由活动; 第二天 07: 00 临“鸟语林”体验鸟语花香的山野情趣,自由漫步云海群峰,呼吸自然氧吧新鲜空气;08: 00早餐:云顶特色餐 08: 30 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一:从云顶出发赴永定土楼民俗文化村;方案二:从云顶出发赴龙岩参观华东第一洞——龙崆洞 11: 00在用餐; box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 12: 00 午餐后参观:天后宫(妈祖庙) ? 客家土楼博物馆 ? 振成楼(1912建,圆楼王子) ? 福裕楼(1880建,府第式方楼) ? 如升楼(1901建,最小土圆楼) ? 奎聚楼(1834建,宫殿式方楼); 15: 00返回厦门。 永定土楼、连城冠豸山、石门湖休闲二曰游 一、行程: D1 :早上8: 30厦门准时出发,自驾车前往闽西,午餐后游览土楼王子—振成楼,奇特的客家居民——永定土楼民俗文化村,后赴连城; 宿连城 D2 :早餐后游览素有“南豸山夷、丹霞双绝”的国家4A级风景区冠豸山、石门湖等景点;午餐后返厦。 龙岩龙崆洞、连城冠豸山石门湖休闲二曰游 D1 :早上8: 30厦门准时出发,自驾车前往闽西,午餐后游览华东第一洞——龙崆洞,后赴连城; 宿连城 D2 :早餐后游览素有“南豸山夷、丹霞双绝”的国家4A级风景区冠豸山、石门湖,午餐后返厦。 培田古民居、冠豸山石门湖休闲二曰游 D1 :早上厦门准时集合出发,乘豪华旅游空调车前往闽西,午餐后游览游览素 有“南豸山夷、丹霞双绝”的国家4A级风景区冠豸山、石门湖等景区; 宿连城 D2 :早餐后游览竹安寨、培田古民居;午餐后返厦。 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 二、友情提示: 1 :闽西土特产为八大干等,如豆腐干、地瓜干、菜干、罗卜干、老鼠干等; 2 :由于冠豸山较陡,请穿平底防滑旅游鞋或运动鞋。 泰宁金湖、将乐玉华洞休闲二曰游 一、行程: D1 :早上准时集合出发(自驾车,约四个半小时抵达三明)午餐后前往将乐 游览华东第一洞—玉华洞,后赴泰宁(约1个半小时) 入住酒店。 宿泰宁 D2 :早餐后赴丹霞湖景区游览“天下第一湖”——泰宁金湖,主要景区有: (天迹水帘、水际瀑布、情侣峰、甘露寺、鸳鸯湖、鹊桥相会、天梯石巷、水上一线天、水上观音、十里平湖、擎天一柱、霸王别姬、平湖仙翁、通天桥)等。后继续自驾车游览上清溪漂流:乘 “华东第一漂”九十九曲,峡谷精彩竹筏漂流,主要景点有:(金钟长鸣、仙帆迎客、鲨鱼嘴、百褶峡、骆驼山、圣象洗心、兰花峡、相思峡、落霞壁、情侣峡、仙家足浴、蛤蟆窥仙、海市蜃楼、金沙滩)等,午餐后游杉阳古镇(尚书第、红军街、观梅林戏),后自驾车返回厦门(约六个小时抵达厦门),结束愉快行程。 永安桃源洞、石林、槐南安贞堡二曰游 一、行程: box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 第一天:早上(自驾车前往永安,约4个小时)抵达,午餐后车赴槐南游国家级文物保护单位----安贞堡,晚餐品农家特色风味餐。 宿永安 第二天:早餐后游国家AAAA旅游景区永安桃源洞:游览一线天、通天亭、观音殿、飞来石等景色;午餐后车赴福建小桂林—永安鳞隐石林、十八洞景区。午餐后返厦门。 备注:闽北以丹霞地貌为主,特产为山珍,如笋干、香茹、木耳等。 福州平潭岛海滨风光度假休闲二曰游 一、行程: D1:厦门准时集合出发(自驾车:全程高速,约三个小时抵达渡轮码头,人车同上渡轮),乘前往全国第五大岛、福建第一大岛的“海坛国家重点风景名胜区”——平潭岛,入住酒店;中餐后游全国最高的海蚀石柱、不可不看的平潭代表性景观——泮洋石帆;龙凤头海滨浴场;(金坤康乐度假中心浴场),东南沿海规模最大的风力发电站——长江澳风力田、仙人井、龙凤头海滨浴场;晚餐后组织活动或逛街; 住平潭岛 D2:(方案一)早餐后出海捕捞,自己动手,丰衣足食,与渔民共乐,捕劳成果归客人所得,或现加工、及酒店加工即可(加工费自理);午餐后返回厦门,结束愉快行程。 或(方案二):早餐后游览中央军委主席张万年亲临指挥“96台湾海峡三军联合作战演习的——将军山、万兽之园的——南寨石景林;午餐后返回; 或(方案三):三十六脚湖,船游湖景等; 二、友情提示: box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 1:平潭沙雕节为每年的7月31至10月5号,期间可观大型沙雕展; 2:请自带好防晒霜 3:平潭海滨浴场车可直接开到沙滩上行驶,记得带泳衣哦~ 4:主要美食有八珍炒糕及海怪等,海干品也便宜~ box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check
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