首页 励志_常识_做人与做事,低调做人、高调做事



励志_常识_做人与做事,低调做人、高调做事励志_常识_做人与做事,低调做人、高调做事 做人与做事,低调做人、高调做事 ?做人要像水,做事要像山。做人尽量往低处走,让着别人,遇见利益和名声尽可能往下退,给自己留下做大的余地。做事一定要有自己的主见和目标,像山一样挺立在那儿,才能把事做好。 ?做人须要有“三识”。即:学识、见识、胆识。有学识需要真正学到有用的知识而非死背教材;有见识需要见过大场面,且能够悟道而有所得;有胆识需要经历过艰难困苦,有化危机为转机的魄力,有力挽狂澜的勇气。 ?做人须有七德:一不班门弄斧;二不打断别人的话;三不急于求成;四提问要...

励志_常识_做人与做事,低调做人、高调做事 做人与做事,低调做人、高调做事 ?做人要像水,做事要像山。做人尽量往低处走,让着别人,遇见利益和名声尽可能往下退,给自己留下做大的余地。做事一定要有自己的主见和目标,像山一样挺立在那儿,才能把事做好。 ?做人须要有“三识”。即:学识、见识、胆识。有学识需要真正学到有用的知识而非死背教材;有见识需要见过大场面,且能够悟道而有所得;有胆识需要经历过艰难困苦,有化危机为转机的魄力,有力挽狂澜的勇气。 ?做人须有七德:一不班门弄斧;二不打断别人的话;三不急于求成;四提问要有针对性;五解答要符合情况;六谈话要有始有终;七要立足实际。 ?做人应把握十个“度”: 胸怀要大度、说话要适度、工作有力度、事业有高度、读 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 有厚度、理论有深度、视野有宽度、办事有速度、劳累勿过度、寿命有长度。 ?做人八为本:人生以求知为本,做事以认真为本,养亲以孝敬为本,养生以恬淡为本,主事以谨慎为本,治家以勤奋为本,居官以勤政为本,处事以诚实为本。 ?做人要坚持两个"善":一,善解人意,就是要善于理解他人意思,从善的愿望出发去理解他人,决不恶字当先,冤枉他人;二,与人为善,就是要以人为本,与人和善,团结大家一起把事情做好。不交恶人,不做恶事,不留恶名。 ?做人要有三"牛"精神:"老黄牛"精神,埋头苦干、任劳任怨;"拓荒牛"精神,开拓创新、艰苦创业;"孺子牛"精神,为民担责、甘愿奉献。 ?做人要有良知,良知就是做人的最基本道理和应该遵守的最基本的行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,它以一种文化的方式植根于脑海深处的东西,是好与坏、美与丑、是与非的分水岭。良知是人生的道德底线,这既是我们做人的责任,也是维系社会文明的需要。 ?做人,只有恪守正、诚,人品端正、为人正派、诚实守信、光明正大,才能有根基、有底蕴、有建树、有政声。做人,唯有信守正、诚,才能凝聚自己的全部人格力量。做人如果丧失了正,丢掉了诚,人就变成"废人",甚至会变成危害社会的坏人、罪人。 ?做人要实在,实在是人生的一种基本态度,是做人不可逾越的道德底线。"实"体现在态度上,是诚实;体现在工作上,是踏实;体现在作风上,是务实;体现在对待组织上,是忠实。 ?做人要实在,"实"意味着脚踏实地,意味着实事求是,意味着实绩实效。与"实在"相对的是"虚伪"和"油滑"。"虚伪"、"油滑",作为人性中的恶劣品性。 ?做人要实在,实在是一种扎扎实实的积累,实在是一种节节攀升的提高。实在人有时人会吃一点"亏",但他每时每刻都会感受到心灵的充盈、安宁、踏实;偷奸耍滑的人有时会捡一些便宜,但品性上早已为他的人生埋下祸根,他所营造的"空心堡垒"随时可能崩塌陷落。 ?做人要灵活,灵活是指一个人聪明、机灵和善于应变,灵活表露的是一种处世的智慧,展现的是一种做事的技巧,灵活是人的一种良好品质。 ?做人要严谨,不能放纵。 "严谨"的是严肃谨慎,有板有眼;"放纵"是率性而为,不受约束。在生活作风上,还是严谨些好。 ?做人要有自己的风格、气质,但不要有离群索居的怪癖。世界上,很少有离开他人的合作、帮助而能干成大事的,也很少见哪项事业靠一两个人就能独立完成的。 ?做人要襟怀坦荡,光明磊落,刚直无私,主持正义,原则问题不让步,歪风邪气不迁就,对上级不卑,对同级不亢,对下不耍官腔。 ?做人需要有铮铮铁骨和挺直的脊梁。傲骨中蕴涵着做人的尊严,蕴涵着生命的自信,蕴涵着超越的热望,蕴涵着对挫折的藐视。"天地有正气,杂然赋流形。" ?做人不能有傲气,但须有傲骨。人无傲骨,必然形容猥琐,品位低俗,魅力全失。有的人有傲骨,却无傲气;有的人有傲气,却无傲骨。做一个有志向、有抱负的人,当然应选择前attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 者。 ?做人须有傲骨,但不可有傲气。傲骨体现的是人的内在精神,傲气是人的虚浮气息的外在显露;傲骨鼓起的是澎湃激昂的生命斗志,傲气造出的却是一击就破的"空心气球";傲骨能为自胜、胜人奠定基础,傲气则只能为自毁、自败设下陷阱。 ?做人需要理性,理性做事,是一个人成熟的标志之一。只有理性,才能按客观规律办事、依法依纪办事。缺乏理性,就会感情用事,出现盲目性和随意性。人生需要靠理性战胜感情冲动,靠理性对盲目性加以克制和引导. ?做人要宽严俱持,待人宽,律己严,无处不宽严;做人要方圆同重,行事方,思谋圆,诸事求方圆。方圆同重是人生的通达之境。 ?做人需要方圆结合,方圆有度。掌握人生方圆,是一种人生智慧。圆有余而方不足,则缺乏做人应有的骨气、正气;圆不足而方有余,则刚脆易折,难免经常碰壁。把圆与方结合起来,做到当方则方,当圆即圆,方圆有度,就一定能把人做好,把"官"当好,把事办好。 ?做人需要知荣辱、明善恶、分美丑、辨正邪,对于正义的事业、公正的原则、合理合法的利益,须坚持、信守、捍卫。但这不是要满眼皆是敌人,事事着眼对抗,出手就用刀斧。 ?做人,不要盛气凌人,而要温温恭人,学人之长;做人,不要趾高气扬,而要堂堂正正,光明处事;做人,不要以己之长,比人之短,而要找寻差距,见贤思齐;做人,不要因己之拙,忌人之能,而要解剖自我,自省赶超。 ?做人要像水,做事要像山。做人往低处走,遇见名利往下退,给自己留下余地。做事要有主见和目标,像山一样挺立,才能把事做好。 ?做人,要以正大为先,以善意为怀,以谦谦为基,以光明行事,自自然然、平平常常地抬头见大、望远、仰高。 ?做人准则:人品要像固定电话--可靠;言行要像来电显示--诚实;胸怀要像,,,,--宽广;生活要像小灵通--简约! ?做人三原色:按本色做人,按角色办事,按特色定位。按本色做人就是要以诚为本,以德为根;按角色办事就是要爱岗敬业,全心服务;按特色定位就是要开拓进取,争创一流。 ?做人贵在三慎:慎微,勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之;慎隐,在无人知晓情况下,不做亏心事。慎恒,锲而不舍,始终保持高远的志向! ?做人切记三不要:一不要拿自己的错误来惩罚自己 ;二不要拿别人的错误来惩罚自己;三不要拿自己的错误来惩罚别人~ ?做人牢记三点:一、拿望远镜看别人,拿放大镜看自己;二、接受表扬要低下头来,接受批评要抬起头来;三、不要把善良看成愚蠢,不要把谦虚看成懦弱~ ?做人三不原则:一不比,强我者不惭,胜人者不傲;二不气。无心之失,不过敏;有意挑衅,不陷进;三不怨,别人的做法相信也有他的道理。 ?做人须有三气:即气质、气度、气势。气质是坚定而从容、自信不自负;气度是虚怀若谷,计议久长;气势是不靠数字支撑,而凭实力说话~ ?做人须具备三商:智商、情商、健商。智商显示一个人做事的本领,情商反映一个人做人的表现,健商标明一个人对生命的认知。 ?做人须有三颗心:事业上有颗进取心,生活中有颗平常心,心灵里有颗慈爱心。做事须靠三自:自信、自强、自律。自信是成功的基础,自强是阴阳和谐,自律是防腐剂。 ?做人三要:一要恩怨分明、敢作敢为、敢拼敢搏。二要视野开阔,心胸豁达、心态平和。三要给人欢喜、给人希望、给人信心、给人方便~ ?做人须具备三有:有健康、有专长、有平常心。花有色、香、味;人有才、情、趣。健康、信仰、物质基础是做人三大支柱~ ?做人须有三明:先见之明、自知之明、知人之明。有先见之明,是一种智慧;有自知之明,attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 是一种成熟;有知人之明,是一种素养~ ?做人三箴言:诚实守信、知己律己、容人助人。诚实守信,是治业之根本;知己律己,是立身之要道;容人助人,是处世之良津~ ?做人四自重:行为,一举一动要自重;讲话,一言一行要自重;处世,一事一物要自重;做人,一时一刻要自重~ ?做人四不:不为讨便宜而侵犯他人,不为逞己快而讽刺他人,不为嫉彼好而打击他人,不为护私欲而伤害他人。 ?做人禁忌:不因貌美而自傲,不因恭维而失态,不因距离而忘怀,不因荣华而蜕变,不因嫉妒而结怨~ ?做人须有四气:在贫困中,要有忠心志气;在危难中,要有信心勇气;在富贵中,要有舍财义气;在做人中,要有浩然正气。 ?做人四不四要:不固执己见,要通情达理;不尖酸刻薄,要与人为善;不骄傲自恃,要谦和敦厚;不忘恩负义,要感恩图报。 ?人生四境界:一、顺应人本能做事的是自然境界;二、以功利动机做事的是功利境界;三、讲道德做事的是道德境界;四、奉献社会的境界是人类境界。 ?做人要懂得报四恩:一报万物养育之恩;二报父母扶养照顾之恩 ;三报恩师提升智能之恩;四报夫妻互相照顾之恩~ ?做人四要:学习领域要精益求精;工商社会要交流纵横;人际空间要谈笑经营;孤独日月要心灵平静~ ?做人须做好五个对待:对待父母要用心孝敬,对待师长要用心尊敬,对待子女要用心管教,对待自己要用心自律,对待他人要用心关爱~ ?做人处事四态要:一要法情重于人情;二要清淡重于攀缘;三要化他重于被化;四要有道重于有财。 ?做人牢记四条:一你的动机不像你想象的绝对无私;二勿过高估计自己的优点;三不要想象多数人都会盯着你;四你喜欢的事情不要指望别人同你一样感兴趣。 ?做人五大情怀:悲天悯人之情怀,终极思考之情怀,纯真良善之情怀,霁月光风之情怀,明心见性之情怀。人可无宗教信仰,但不可无宽广情怀。 ?做人五要:一要严于律己,宽以待人。二要谦和为美,多让少争。三要与人为善,切忌骄横。四要仗义疏财,扶危济贫。五要诚信待人,远离是非。 ?做人要五有:有强健的身体;有正当的职业;有精湛的技能;有丰富的知识;有公道爱人的热心~ ?做人处事六原则:一要守本分。二要守规矩。三要守时限。四要守承诺。五要重 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。六要重效果~ ?做人要六用心:用心思考,那是力量的根本;用心学习,那是智能的根本;用心工作,那是成功的根本;用心友谊,那是处众的根本;用心诚信,那是做人的根本。 ?做人要有六力:对自我要有约束力,对他人要有亲和力,对处世要有宽容力,对求知要有精进力,对困境要有忍耐力,对成功要有推动力~ ?做人处事“六然”“四看”:自处超然、处人蔼然、无事澄然、处事断然、得意淡然、失意泰然。大事难事看担当、逆境顺境看襟怀、临喜临怒看涵养、群行群止看习见~ ?做人八胜:诚实者胜,勤劳者胜,谦虚者胜,仁义者胜,大公者胜,笃实者胜,忠忱者胜,信用者胜,圆融者胜。 ?做人十忌:忌虚荣、忌懒惰、忌骄慢、忌暴戾、忌贪吝、忌私心、忌无信、忌邪执、忌不忠、忌说谎。 ?做人十字诀:以贪字读书,以疑字穷理,以刻字责已,以狠字立志,以傲字植骨,以悔字attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 改过,以聋字止谤,以盲字远色,以吝字防口,以病字医淫! ?做人要靠“二礼”治天下,“三法”定江山。所谓“二礼”是:彬彬有礼、讲话讲理;所谓“三法”是:想法、看法、做法。 ?做人骄气不可长,傲骨不可无,贪欲不可有,爱心不可少。只有尊重别人,才会庄严自己~ ?做人不图虚名,讥讽随之消失;做人多干实事,荣誉不期而至。做人要自由、自主、自立,做人不要自我、自大、自负~ ?做人要行不违仁,言必合礼,恭而能和,简而且肃。富时没有富毛病,穷时总有穷志气~ ?做人要有同情心、谅解心、宽容心、忍耐心。有了同情心,才能利人;有了谅解心,才能容人;有了宽容心,才能爱人;有了忍耐心,才能做人~ ?做人要有:积极进取的生活态度,健康向上的生活情趣,豁达乐观的生活襟怀,反身求己的思过习惯。人格有品,生活才会有质~ ?做人之道:以澹泊明志,以担当办事,以智能除惑,以无求交友,以勤奋学习,以慎言防祸,以勤俭生活,以宏愿立志,以热心做人~ ?做人四怕四不怕:不怕没有钱,最怕没知识;处世不怕有困难,最怕没意志;生活不怕有欠缺,最怕不明理;人生不怕没成就,最怕没方向~ ?做人要恭在貌,敬在心,切不可貌恭而心不敬。谁也不能保证成为一个伟人,但须做一个诚实的人。 ?做人以求知为本,做事以认真为本,省亲以欢心为本,养生以不怒为本,居家以勤俭为本,居官以不贪为本,交际以诚实为本。 ?做人高手如同下棋,若有若无,声东击西,不声不响,计算长远,在不知不觉中将对手逼得不能动弹。 ?做人不能把安逸看做生活的目的,无聊是人生最大折磨,谁要是觉得自己拥有无限的闲暇日子,说明他离开快乐的日子已经为期不远了。 ?做人如行船。逆行者,虑其逆难而力求安,则事事小心;顺水者,喜其顺未虑其危,则疏忽大意。故:逆水者失事少,顺水者失事多~ ?做人的最高境界是忍耐、宽容、节制。做人的最高策略是:勇于斗争,善于让步。站着是做人应有的骨气(低头是必不可缺的人生智慧。 ?做人要坚信:假如我不能,我一定要;假如我一定要,我一定能。身苦者往往心不苦,心苦者往往身不苦~ ?做人要时刻记住:吸人一口气,庆幸自己的存在;呼出一口气,表示对世界的微笑;即使自己再平凡,也没理由被埋没~ ?做人不为时尚所惑,不被积习所蔽,不被浮名所累。坚信梦想成真的执著,勇敢接受挑战的坦然。 ?做人要如镜,时刻自我观照;做人要如箱,随时提放自如;做人要如本,不断 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 功过;做人要如烛,永远照亮别人;做人要如钟,分秒珍惜生命。 ?做人要善摆脱,不摆脱则无出世之襟期;做事要力担当,不担当则无处世之事业。眷恋生命,执著人生,但不要忘了它的限度。 ?做人须知理、知趣、知足。知理,是懂得做人道理,把握做人的本分;知趣,是处事把握分寸,能张弛有度;知足,即不为物欲俘虏,满足以无为有~ ?做人最重要的是人格,人格内涵包括知、情、意。知是知觉、知识、智慧;情是情感、情绪、情操;意是意念、意识、意愿。 ?做人要聪敏,而非聪敏自误;要淡泊,而非淡泊无志;要深沉,而非深沉莫测;要善良,而非善良可欺;要静思,而非静思无行;要勇猛,而非勇猛无羁! ?做人掌握四平衡。第一平衡,心中干净;第二平衡,外诱不动;第三平衡,与世无争,第attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 四平衡,自身安宁。人体生命,在于平衡,心理平衡,健康长生。 ?做人三原色:按本色做人,按角色办事,按特色定位。按本色做人就是要以诚为本,以德为根;按角色办事就是要爱岗敬业,全心服务;按特色定位就是要开拓进取,争创一流。 ?做人最高境界是把握四点:礼为处事之本;义为待人之方;廉为应世之道;耻为修养之妙~ ?做人要不变随缘,但随缘不是随波逐流,随缘是内方外圆,有不变的随缘,也有不变的原则。 ?做人的唯一 指南 验证指南下载验证指南下载验证指南下载星度指南下载审查指南PDF 就是自己的良心,做人惟一使人感到蔚籍的是自己行为的正直与诚实,生活中要是没有这种慰籍是非常不明智的。这种慰籍,无论命运对你如何,你总能以坚定的步伐前进,而且充满荣誉感。 attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.
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