首页 真空泵的维修与保养



真空泵的维修与保养真空泵的维修与保养 目 录 摘要„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 英文摘要„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 第一章 真空泵的工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 1.1真空泵的分类„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 1.2各种真空泵的工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 1.2.1 水环式真空泵/液环真空泵工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„...

真空泵的维修与保养 目 录 摘要„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 英文摘要„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 第一章 真空泵的工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 1.1真空泵的分类„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 1.2各种真空泵的工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 1.2.1 水环式真空泵/液环真空泵工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 1.2.2 罗茨泵的工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 1.2.3 旋片式真空泵工作原理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 第二章 对真空泵维修的探讨„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 2.1机械维修的意义„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 2.2机械设备预防维修的经济性权衡„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 2.2.1 机械设备的维修方式„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 2.2.2机械设备预防维修的经济性分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 2.2.3 定期维修工作权衡„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 2.2.4 视情维修工作权衡„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 2.2.5 结语„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 2.3机械维修过程中应注意的事项„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13 2.3.1重视零配件质量和型号„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13 2.3.2通过正确分析故障,采取正确有效的维修 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13 2.3.3做好部件的清洗工作„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13 2.4机械维修的发展„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13 第三章 对真空泵保养的探讨„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„15 3.1真空泵的保养„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„15 3.2 国内外先进的维护保养制度与方法„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„15 3.2.1“PM”,即预防维修保养制度„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„15 3.2.2 生产维修保养制„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„15 3.2.3推广“TPM”保养维修„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„15 3.2.4 爱护机器设备„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 3.3 实施机械设备强制保养的方法„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 3.3.1提高认识,明确强制保养的原则„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 3.3.2借鉴先进经验,建立健全强制保养制度„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 3.4 对推行“强保工程”的几点建议„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 结束语„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„18 参考文献„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„19 选题相关资料„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„20 英文对照表„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„23 摘 要 1 本文以真空泵为研究对象,第一章以真空泵的工作原理进行了分类,并对各种真空泵进行简单的描述。 文章第二章通过机械设备在使用过程中的问题和隐患的出机械维修的意义,从经济性角度对维修工作进行了可行性的分析。通过对设备维修费用的统计分析,建立了定期维修和视情维修工作的经济权衡模型,为机械设备的维修决策提供了科学的依据。并要求对不同种类及型号的机械采用不同的维修方法的注意事项。及机械维修将与高科技相结合的发展方向。 文章第三章首先提出真空泵在保养中应该从哪些方面入手以及注意事项。然后又从设备的整个生命周期来看,设备的使用、保养及维修阶段占设备总寿命周期的绝大部分,且是设备真正发挥和体现其使用价值的保障阶段。文章研究了真空泵强制保养的经济效益,然后探讨了国内外先进的维护保养制度与方法对真空泵保养的启示,并在此基础上,提出了实施机械设备强制保养的措施。 关键字: 真空泵;检测;维修;保养 Abstract 2 In this paper, vacuum pump as the research object, the first chapter in order to pump the working principle of classification, and a simple description of the various vacuum pumps. Articles second chapter in the course of mechanical equipment problems and hidden dangers of a mechanical maintenance of meaning, from the economic point of view on the repairs carried out a feasibility analysis. Equipment maintenance costs through the statistical analysis, regular maintenance and repair work as appropriate, the economic trade-off model for the maintenance of mechanical equipment to provide a scientific basis for decision-making. And calls on the different types and models of mechanical repair methods using different notes. And mechanical maintenance combined with high-tech development. Chapter III presented the first paper in the maintenance of the vacuum pump should start to pay attention to what matters. Then from view throughout the life cycle of equipment, equipment use, maintenance and repair stage equipment accounted for the majority of the total life cycle, and the equipment to play and reflect its true value of the security stage. This paper studies the economic benefits of vacuum force maintenance, and then discusses the advanced maintenance system and method of the vacuum pump maintenance revelation, and on this basis, the proposed mandatory implementation of mechanical equipment and maintenance measures. Keyword:Vacuum pump;Detect;Service;Maintenance 第一章 真空泵的工作原理 3 1.1真空泵的分类 按真空泵的工作原理,真空泵基本上可以分为两种类型,即气体传输泵和气体捕集泵。气体传输泵是一种能使气体不断的吸入和排出,借以达到抽气目的的真空泵。气体捕集泵是一种使气体分子被吸附或凝结在泵的内表面上,从 而减小了容器内的气体分子数目而达到抽气目的的真空泵。 真空泵是用各种方法在某一封闭空间中产生、改善和维持真空的装置。真空泵可以定义为:利用机械、物理、化学或物理化学的方法对被抽容器进行抽气而获得真空的器件或设备。随着真空应用的发展,真空泵的种类已发展了很多种,其抽速从每秒零点几升到每秒几十万、数百万升。按真空泵的工作原理,真空泵基本上可以分为两种类型,即气体传输泵和气体捕集泵。随着真空应用技术在生产和科学研究领域中对其应用压强范围的要求越来越宽,大多需要由几种真空泵组成真空抽气系统共同抽气后才能满足生产和科学研究过程的要求,由于真空应用部门所涉及的工作压力的范围很宽,因此任何一种类型的真空泵都不可能完全适用于所有的工作压力范围,只能根据不同的工作压力范围和不同的工作要求,使用不同类型的真空泵。为了使用方便和各种真空工艺过程的需要,有时将各种真空泵按其性能要求组合起来,以机组型式应用。 1.2各种真空泵的工作原理 1.2.1 水环式真空泵/液环真空泵工作原理 图1-1水环式真空泵/液环真空泵工作原理 4 图1-2水环式真空泵/液环真空泵工作原理 水环真空泵(简称水环泵)是一种粗真空泵,它所能获得的极限真空为2000~4000Pa,串联大气喷射器可达270~670Pa。水环泵也可用作压缩机,称为水环式压缩机,是属于低压的压缩机,其压力范围为1~2×105Pa表压力。 水环泵最初用作自吸水泵,而后逐渐用于石油、化工、机械、矿山、轻工、医药及食品等许多工业部门。在工业生产的许多工艺过程中,如真空过滤、真空引水、真空送料、真空蒸发、真空浓缩、真空回潮和真空脱气等,水环泵得到广泛的应用。由于真空应用技术的飞跃发展,水环泵在粗真空获得方面一直被人们所重视。由于水环泵中气体压缩是等温的,故可抽除易燃、易爆的气体,此外还可抽除含尘、含水的气体,因此,水环泵应用日益增多。 在泵体中装有适量的水作为工作液。当叶轮按图中顺时针方向旋转时,水被叶轮抛向四周,由于离心力的作用,水形成了一个决定于泵腔形状的近似于等厚度的封闭圆环。水环的下部分内表面恰好与叶轮轮毂相切,水环的上部内表面刚好与叶片顶端接触(实际上叶片在水环内有一定的插入深度)。此时叶轮轮毂与水环之间形成一个月牙形空间,而这一空间又被叶轮分成和叶片数目相等的若干个小腔。如果以叶轮的下部0?为起点,那么叶轮在旋转前180?时小腔的容积由小变大,且与端面上的吸气口相通,此时气体被吸入,当吸气终了时小腔则与吸气口隔绝;当叶轮继续旋转时,小腔由大变小,使气体被压缩;当小腔与排气口相通时,气体便被排出泵外。 综上所述,水环泵是靠泵腔容积的变化来实现吸气、压缩和排气的,因此它属于变容式真空泵。 1.2.2 罗茨泵的工作原理 5 图1-3罗茨泵的工作原理 罗茨泵在泵腔内,有二个“8”字形的转子相互垂直地安装在一对平行轴上,由传动比为1的一对齿轮带动作彼此反向的同步旋转运动。在转子之间,转子与泵壳内壁之间,保持有一定的间隙,可以实现高转速运行。由于罗茨泵是一种无内压缩的真空泵,通常压缩比很低,故高、中真空泵需要前级泵。罗茨泵的极限真空除取决于泵本身结构和制造精度外,还取决于前级泵的极限真空。为了提高泵的极限真空度,可将罗茨泵串联使用。 罗茨泵的工作原理与罗茨鼓风机相似。由于转子的不断旋转,被抽气体从进气口吸入到转子与泵壳之间的空间v0内,再经排气口排出。由于吸气后v0空间是全封闭状态,所以,在泵腔内气体没有压缩和膨胀。 但当转子顶部转过排气口边缘,v0空间与排气侧相通时,由于排气侧气体压强较高,则有一部分气体返冲到空间v0中去,使气体压强突然增高。当转子继续转动时,气体排出泵外。 1.2.3 旋片式真空泵工作原理 图1-4旋片式真空泵工作原理 6 图1-5旋片式真空泵工作原理 旋片式真空泵(简称旋片泵)是一种油封式机械真空泵。其工作压强范围为101325~1.33×10-2(Pa)属于低真空泵。它可以单独使用,也可以作为其它高真空泵或超高真空泵的前级泵。它已广泛地应用于冶金、机械、军工、电子、化工、轻工、石油及医药等生产和科研部门。 旋片泵可以抽除密封容器中的干燥气体,若附有气镇装置,还可以抽除一定量的可凝性气体。但它不适于抽除含氧过高的,对金属有腐蚀性的、对泵油会起化学反应以及含有颗粒尘埃的气体。 旋片泵是真空技术中最基本的真空获得设备之一。旋片泵多为中小型泵。 旋片泵有单级和双级两种。所谓双级,就是在结构上将两个单级泵串联起来。一般多做成双级的,以获得较高的真空度。 旋片泵的抽速与入口压强的关系规定如下:在入口压强为1333Pa、1.33Pa和1.33×10-1(Pa)下,其抽速值分别不得低于泵的名义抽速的95%、50%和20%。 旋片泵主要由泵体、转子、旋片、端盖、弹簧等组成。在旋片泵的腔内偏心地安装一个转子,转子外圆与泵腔内表面相切(二者有很小的间隙),转子槽内装有带弹簧的二个旋片。旋转时,靠离心力和弹簧的张力使旋片顶端与泵腔的内壁保持接触,转子旋转带动旋片沿泵腔内壁滑动。 两个旋片把转子、泵腔和两个端盖所围成的月牙形空间分隔成A、B、C三部分,当转子按箭头方向旋转时,与吸气口相通的空间A的容积是逐渐增大的,正处于吸气过程。而与排气口相通的空间C的容积是逐渐缩小的,正处于排气过程。居中的空间B的容积也是逐渐减小的,正处于压缩过程。由于空间A的容积是逐渐增大(即膨胀),气体压强降低,泵的入口处外部气体压强大于空间A内的压强,因此将气体吸入。当空间A与吸气口隔绝时,即转至空间B的位置,气体开始被压缩,容积逐渐缩小,最后与排气口相通。当被压缩气体超过排气压强时,排气阀被压缩气体推开,气体穿过油箱内的油层排至大气中。由泵的连续运转,达到连续抽气的目的。如果排出的气体通过气道而转入另一级(低真空级),由低真空级抽走,再经低真空级压缩后排至大气中,即组成了双级泵。这时总的压缩比由两级来负担,因而提高了极限真空度。 7 第二章 对真空泵维修的探讨 2.1机械维修的意义 自20世纪90年代以来,机械的发展迅猛,各企业机械设备拥有量增长迅速,新型现代化设备不断问世。机械成为了企业的主要生产工具,也是体现企业生产力发展水平和现代化程度的重要标志。机械维修的目标就是排除机械在使用过程中出现的故障及其隐患,以最经济合理的寿命周期费用使设备维持良好的性能,保证企业正常生产,提高劳动生产率,促进企业生产效率和经济效益的提高。因此,机械设备的维修工作做得好坏,直接关系到企业经营目标的实现和企业能否维持稳定协调发展。 机械一般是在条件不是很好的环境下工作,而且其运行过程中的负荷变化频繁。自然环境的侵蚀以及机械各部件之间的冲击和磨损,大发影响了机械的工作性能,影响了作业效率,甚至还会造成更严重的机械故障。机械不能正常运行,不能充分发挥其性能,将会严重影响企业的经济效益很安全生产,因此,机械的维修工作,必须引起各施工企业领导的高度重视,通过制订机械维修保 养规程,强制执行,并要有切实可行的措施来保证。 维修为机械在施工中有条不紊地高效工作做出了重要的前期保障,整个机械维修过程包括机械的维护和工程机械的修理。维护是修理的基础,为了延长或提高工程机械性能而实施的技术活动;修理是维护的保证,是为了恢复或改善提高工程机械性能而实施的技术活动,两者缺一不可。企业要深化改革,不断提高设备的维修水平,维持设备良好的性能,促进企业经济效益和技术装备水平的提高。 2.2机械设备预防维修的经济性权衡 2.2.1 机械设备的维修方式 根据机械设备的结构特征以及零部件磨损规律,通常采用以下两类典型的维修方式。 1 事后维修 它是指机械设备发生故障后才进行的维修。它包括查找故障部位、进行修复或更换零部件、调整、验收等一系列技术活动,是一种古老的维修方式,仅适用于安全性、可靠性要求不高的情况。 2 预防维修 预防维修是指机械未发生停机故障或损失之前所进行的维修。随着设备或系统结构的日趋复杂,以及因发生故障所造成的经济损失日益增大,那种只通过事后维修的方法越来越满足不了需要,采用预防维修是不可缺少的。 预防维修方法从其发展过程上说,又分为如下两种基本形式: (1) 定期维修 根据使用经验及统计资料,规定出相应的维修程序,每隔一定时间就进行一次维修,对设备中某些零部件进行更换或修复,以防止整机发生大面积功能性故障。 (2) 视情维修 视情维修亦称按需维修。它是对设备进行连续性状况监控,当其一个或多 8 个监测的特性下降到某种 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 值以下时就进行维修,以消除潜在故障,避免进一步发生功能性故障。 2.2.2机械设备预防维修的经济性分析 对于事后维修方式而言,因为设备已发生了功能性故障,为了恢复设备的使用功能,必须按要求予以修复或更换,故这类维修工作不存在经济性衡量的问题。而对于预防维修的两种基本形式来说,所针对的均是未发生功能性故障(即仍可继续使用)的机械设备,不能简单地用 一刀切 的方式统统采纳,而是应该从经济性的角度来权衡是否需要做预防性维修工作。 定期维修立足于概率论的基础,根据设备内部主要零部件发生故障时间的统计分布来确定维修周期,这样能使维修工作可以在有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、有准备的情况下进行。但这种方式由于必须对零部件进行拆卸分解离位式的检查维修,不仅增加了维修时间,也影响了设备的固有可靠性。另外,所规定的维修周期,往往受多种因素,特别是偶然性故障的影响,不能完全符合实际,往往不是造成设备失修就是维修次数增多,维修费用增加。 视情维修主要立足于失效物理基础,需要配备十分可靠的监控及测试装置,不断地对零部件进行特性值的测定,直至发现有某种故障征兆的时候才进行更换或修理。因此,这既能提高设备的有效度,又能充分发挥零部件的使用潜力。但视情工作本身又必需一定的保障(包括监控及测试)设备,以及相关的人力与管理费用,给维修工作增加了额外的开支。 那么,对于某一种机械设备而言,如何判断是否要采用预防维修方法呢?作者认为,若抛开安全性因素的影响,应主要从经济性方面进行权衡,即舍与取(预防维修)两种方案哪一种更节省维修经费即为可行。下面就对预防维修两种基本方式的权衡方法予以阐述。 2.2.3 定期维修工作权衡 设备做定期维修工作的总费用包括设备的定期维修费、耗损期内事后维修费和使用损失费,可用 下式计算: 式中 ——设备定期维修工作的总费用 ——设备工作到耗损期 时的残存比 ——设备进行一次定期维修的费用 ——设备事后维修的费用 ——设备故障引起的使用损失费用 考虑到设备不做定期维修工作时可工作到平均寿命T ,而通常T ?Tw,且有T > w,故设备不做定期维修工作的费用应考虑设备工作到 ?,时的剩余寿命, 即剩余成本。不做定期预防性维修工作的费用C 可用下式计算: 9 式中 一——设备的平均寿命(耗损故障时间的平均值) — — 设备的耗损期 ——设备的成本(购置费) 进行费用比较,若cHT 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 等一夜东流;由于其它因素导致人心不稳,缺乏监察和 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,设备保养工作难以落到实处。 克服短期行为 对于重用轻养、只用不管、吃老本拼设备的现象,仅靠设2. 备部门无法遏制。要有主管领导挂帅、审计、财务等部门参加,搞“综合治理”,从抓强制保养和成本管理入手,走“设备定期价值重估”等路子,规范项目经理行为,强化制度约束机制,切实解决目前设备实物形态和价值形态严重脱离的问题,减少企业损失。 3.“强保工程”要首先做到五落实 落实保养种类、落实保养项目、落实保养资金、落实保养责任人员、落实保养质量检验。做到按经济规律办事、用科学方法管理。 4.强制保养与国外先进保养制的异同在我企业推行的强制保养是针对我单位而制定的,更能切合本单位实际情况。而且吸取了国外的先进保养经验,是一套比较完善的保养制度。它和国外保养制的目的都是一样,强调设备的保护,提高设备的使用时间,从而提高企业经济效益。 15 结束语 经过了两个多月的学习和工作,通过查阅相关的资料和书籍以及在老师的帮助下,我终于完成了《真空泵的维修与保养》这篇论文。 两个月来,在不停的查阅资料和咨询老师和同学时,我学到了许多东西,可以说是对我三年来所学知识的一次回顾温习和整合,使我所学的知识得到了进一步的升华。而且最重要的是我学会了学以致用。 从开始接到论文题目到系统的实现,再到论文文章的完成,每走一步对我来说都是新的尝试与挑战,这也是我在大学期间独立完成的最大的项目。 这段时间,我对真空泵方面的知识进行了更深入的学习和研究,可以说受益匪浅。 感谢老师对我的帮助,虽然我的论文作品不是很成熟,还有很多不足之处,但我会继续努力。 总而言之,这次的学习还是很有意义很有收获的,我想,这次理论和实际的结合,将来对我的工作将会有很大的帮助。 16 参考文献 1 王超、王金等(机械可靠性工程北京:冶金工业出舨社,1992( 2 罗云、张俊迈等.设备寿命周期费用方法及其应用北京:海洋出版社,1992 3 曾天翔.可靠性及维修性工程手册北京:国防工业出版社,1994( 4林允明.设备管理[M].北京:机械上业出版社.2005. 5田奇.建筑机械使用与维护[M].北京:中国建筑上业出版社.2003. 17 选题相关的资料 一、真空泵 真空泵是一种旋转式变容真空泵须有前级泵配合方可使用在较宽的压力范围内有较大的抽速对被抽除气体中含有灰尘和水蒸汽不敏感广泛用于冶金、化工、食品、电子镀膜等行业。真空泵分类广泛,主要有WLW系列立式无油真空泵、W型往复式真空泵、2X,2XZ型旋片式真空泵、ZJ,ZJH型罗茨真空泵(ZJH型为专利产品)、2SK,SK型水环式真空泵、2BV,2BA型水环式真空泵、[2]H,2H型滑阀真空泵、TLZ型真空泵、SL型罗茨鼓风机、JZJHX型罗茨旋片真空机组、JZJHS型罗茨水环真空机组、JZJHWLW型立式无油真空机组、JZJP型罗茨水喷射真空机组、JZJHBA型罗茨水环真空机组、RPP型水喷射真空泵、JZJH2H型罗茨滑阀式真空[3]机组等型号。 真空泵广泛用于塑料机械、农药化工、染料化工、砖瓦机械、低温设备、造纸机械、医药化工、食品机械、工业电炉、电子行业、真空设备、化肥、冶金、石油、矿山、地基处理等领域。 2BA型水环式真空泵是为满足真空泵可带水吸气这一要求,在原SKF型和2FA型水环式真空泵的基础上,自行开发研制而成的新一代水环式真空泵。它设计先进、结构新颖,适用于各种较为苛刻、复杂的应用领域。它可抽吸含有大量水气,可凝汽的介质,在抽吸易燃,易爆或有毒、有腐蚀性气体时不易发生危险,故可广泛应用于机械、石油、化工、电力、制药、食品、陶瓷、制糖、印染、冶金、塑料、瓦砖、皮革等行业,特别适用于塑料配套使用,2BA型水环式真空泵分别取代SZ、SK、2SK-3、2SK-6、2S-185、2SK-230和W型往复式真空泵。 人们在使用过程中经常碰到输送化学气体,这就需要引进耐腐蚀真空泵的新概念。它是利用陶瓷、不锈钢、合金等特殊介质来做过流部分的,真正符合了通常的“耐磨、耐酸、耐碱、耐高温”的要求。 二、真空泵-机械分类 按其工作原理,基本上分为气体输送泵和气体捕集泵两种类型。气体输送泵包括:1、液环真空泵(水环式真空泵)2、往复式真空泵3、旋片式真空泵4、定片式真空泵5、滑阀式真空泵6、余摆线真空泵7、干式真空泵8、罗茨真空泵9、分子真空泵10、牵引分子泵11、复合式真空泵12、水喷射真空泵13、气体喷射泵14、蒸汽喷射泵15、扩散泵等。气体捕集泵包括:吸附泵和低温泵等。工业中应用最多的是水环式真空泵和旋片式真空泵等。 按其真空度可以分为:粗真空、高真空、超高真空三大类。 粗真空系列: 2SK、SK系列双级水环式真空泵 ( Model 2SK、2SK-P1 Water Ring Vacuum Pump ) 主要用来抽除空气和其它有一定腐蚀性、不溶于水、允许含有少量固体颗粒的气体。广泛用于食品、纺织、医药、化工等行业的真空蒸发、浓缩、浸渍、干燥等工艺过程中。该型泵具有真空度高、结构简单,使用方便、工作可靠、维护方便的特点。 2BA、2BV系列水环式真空泵( Model 2BA Water Ring Vacuum Pump ) 主要用于粗真空。抽气量大的工艺过程中。它主要用来抽除空气和其它无腐蚀,不溶于水,含有少量固体颗粒的气体,以便在密闭容器中形成真空。所吸气体中允许混有少量液体。它被广泛应用于机械、制药、食品、石油化工等行业中。 W型往复式真空泵( Model W Piston Vacuum Pump ) 是获得粗真空的主要真空设备之一。广泛应用于化工,食品,建材等部门,特别是在真空结晶,干燥,过滤,蒸发等工艺过程中更为适宜。 WLW型立式无油真空泵( WLW Vertical Oil-Free ) WLW型无油(耐腐蚀)立式往复真空泵是W型卧式真空泵的更新换代产品,是获得粗真 18 空的主要设备。由于采用全密封装置,实现了曲轴箱和汽缸的完全隔离;加上活塞环使用了自润滑材料,便实现了先进的无油润滑。由于无污水排放,所以该型真空泵特别适用于化工、医药和食品等行业的真空蒸馏、真空蒸发、真空干燥、真空浓缩、真空浸渍等工艺过程中。 高真空系列: H、2H型滑阀式真空泵(Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump) 广泛应用于真空拉晶、真空镀膜、真空冶金、真空热处理、真空浸渍、真空干燥、真空蒸馏、真空练泥、航空航天模拟试验等新材料、新技术、新工艺的生产与研制中。 滑阀真空泵可单独使用,也可作为罗茨真空泵、油增压泵、油扩散泵的前级泵的使用。当抽吸对黑色金属有腐蚀、对真空油起化学反应、含大量蒸汽、大量粉尘的气体时,需附加装置。 优点:相比旋片式真空泵耐用5倍以上,有取代旋片真空泵的趋势。价格相对高一点。 2X型旋片式真空泵 用来抽除密闭容器的气体的基本设备之一。它可以单独使用,也可作为增压泵、扩散泵、分子泵的前级泵使用。该型泵广泛应用于冶金、机械、电子、化工、石油、医药等行业的真空冶炼、真空镀膜、真空热处理,真空干燥等工艺过程中。 2XZ型旋片式真空泵( Model 2XZ Sliding Vane Rotary Vacuum Pump ) 具有结构紧凑,体积小,重量轻,噪音低,振动小等优点。所以,它适用于作扩散泵的前级泵,而且更适用于精密仪器配套和实验室使用。例如:质谱仪器,冰箱流水线,真空冷冻干燥机等。 ZJH系列罗茨真空泵( Model ZJH Roots Vacuum Pump ) 是一种旋转式变容真空泵须有前级泵配合方可使用在较宽的压力范围内有较大的抽速对被抽除气体中含有灰尘和水蒸汽不敏感广泛用于冶金、化工、食品、电子镀膜等行业。主要用于真空机组的主泵,不能单独使用。需要用前级泵辅助。如:水环式真空泵,滑阀真空泵,立式无油真空泵,分子真空泵等。最大罗茨真空泵保持纪录为10000L/S生产企业为上海益化真空设备有限公司(成功运用于中国石化集团)。 JZJH2H罗茨滑阀真空机组(Roots Pump with Rotary Piston Pump Vacuum System) 由罗茨真空泵与滑阀真空泵串联组成,滑阀真空泵作为预抽真空泵以及罗茨真空泵的前级真空泵使用,罗茨真空泵左右主抽真空泵。罗茨真空泵与滑阀真空泵抽速比大小选择的主要依据是真空机组长期工作的真空度,真空机组长期工作区间在低真空,宜选择较小的抽速比(2:1至4:1),如果真空机组长时间在高真空工作,则可选择较大的抽速比(4:1至10:1) 型罗茨滑阀真空泵机组。推荐企业:浙江真空设备集团有限公司、海门市华丰真空设备有限公司等。 JZJHX型罗茨——旋片泵机组( Model JZJHX Roots-Sliding Vane Rotary Vacuum Pump System ) JZJHX型罗茨--旋片泵机组是以罗茨泵为主泵,以旋片泵为前泵串联而成。其结构紧凑,操作方便。使用于抽除空气及其它无可凝性及无腐蚀性气体,广泛应用于需要大抽速和高真空的各种真空系统中。如:真空冶炼、电力电容器、变压器、真空浸渍处理、真空镀膜设备中的预抽等。 JZJHS型罗茨——水环泵机组 ( Model JZJHS Roots-Water Ring Vacuum Pump System ) 本机组由于采用水环泵作为前级泵,因而特别适用于抽除含有大量水蒸气和带有一定腐蚀性和可凝性气体的工艺过程中。如:真空蒸馏、蒸发、脱水、结晶、干燥等工艺过程中。 JZJHBA型罗茨——水环泵机组 ( Model JZJHBA Roots-Water Ring Vacuum Pump System ) 19 本机组由于采用水环泵作为前级泵,因而特别适用于抽除含有大量水蒸气和带有一定腐蚀性和可凝性气体的工艺过程中。如:真空蒸馏、蒸发、脱水、结晶、干燥等工艺过程中. 三、真空泵-机械选择 选择真空泵注意事项: 1、真空泵工作时产生的振动对工艺过程及环境有无影响。若工艺过程不允许,应选择无振动的泵或者采取防振动措施。 2、了解被抽气体成分,气体中含不含可凝蒸气,有无颗粒灰尘,有无腐蚀性等。选择真空泵时,需要知道气体成分,针对被抽气体选择相应的泵。如果气体中含有蒸气、颗粒、及腐蚀性气体,应该考虑在泵的进气口管路上安装辅助设备,如冷凝器、除尘器等。 3、真空泵在其工作压强下,应能排走真空设备工艺过程中产生的全部气体量。 4、正确地组合真空泵。由于真空泵有选择性抽气,因而,有时选用一种泵不能满足抽气要求,需要几种泵组合起来,互相补充才能满足抽气要求。如钛升华泵对氢有很高的抽速,但不能抽氦,而三极型溅射离子泵,(或二极型非对称阴极溅射离子泵)对氩有一定的抽速,两者组合起来,便会使真空装置得到较好的真空度。另外,有的真空泵不能在大气压下工作,需要预真空;有的真空泵出口压强低于大气压,需要前级泵,故都需要把泵组合起来使用。 5、真空设备对油污染的要求。若设备严格要求无油时,应该选各种无油泵,如:水环泵、分子筛吸附泵、溅射离子泵、低温泵等。如果要求不严格,可以选择有油泵,加上一些防油污染措施,如加冷阱、障板、挡油阱等,也能达到清洁真空要求。 6、正确地选择真空泵的工作点。每种泵都有一定的工作压强范围,如:2BV系列水环真空泵工作压强范围760mmHg~25mmHg(绝压),在这样宽压强范围内,泵的抽速随压强而变化(详细变化情况参照泵的性能曲线),其稳定的工作压强范围为760~60mmHg。因而,泵的工作点应该选在这个范围之内较为适宜,而不能让它在25~30mmHg下长期工作。 7、真空泵排出来的油蒸气对环境的影响如何。如果环境不允许有污染,可以选无油真空泵,或者把油蒸气排到室外。 8、真空泵的工作压强应该满足真空设备的极限真空及工作压强要求。如:某真空干燥工艺要求10mmHg的工作真空度,选用的真空泵的极限真空度至少要2mmHg,最好能达到1mmHg。通常选择泵的极限真空度要高于真空设备工作真空度半个到一个数量级。 9、真空泵的价格、运转及维修费用。 五、真空泵-机械安装 1、真空泵应安装在地面结实坚固的场所,周围应留有充分的余地,便于检查、维护、保养。 2、真空泵底座下应保持地基水平,底座四角处建议垫减震橡皮或用螺栓浇制安装,确保真空泵运转平稳,振动小。 3、真空泵与系统的连接管道应密封可靠,对小真空泵可采用金属管路连接密封垫采用耐油橡胶,对小真空泵可采用真空胶管连接,管道管径不得小于真空泵吸气口径,且要求管路短而少弯头。(焊接管路时应清除管道中焊渣,严禁焊渣进入真空泵腔。) 4、在连接管路中,用户可在真空泵进气口上方安装阀门及真空计,随时可检查真空泵的极限压力。 5、按电动机标牌规定连接电源,并接地线和安装合适规格的熔断器及热继电器。 6、真空泵通电试运转时,须取下电机皮带,确认真空泵转向符合规定方向方可投入使用,以防真空泵反转喷油。(转向按防护罩指示方向) 7、对于有冷却水的真空泵,按规定接通冷却水。 8、如真空泵口安装电磁阀时,阀与真空泵应同时动作。 9、当真空泵排出气体影响工作环境时,可在排气口装接管道引离或装接油雾过滤器。 20 英文翻译 1, vacuum pump Vacuum pump is a rotary positive displacement pumps shall be allowed to use before the pump with the pressure in the wider context of a larger pumping speed being extraction of gas containing water vapor is not sensitive to dust and is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry , food, electronic coatings and other industries. Vacuum Pump Categories widely, mainly oil-free vacuum pump series vertical WLW, W-type reciprocating pump, 2X, 2XZ type rotary vane vacuum pump, ZJ, ZJH Roots vacuum pump (ZJH type for the patented product), 2SK, SK-type water ring vacuum pump, 2BV, 2BA type of water ring vacuum pump, [2] H, 2H-type slide valve vacuum pump, TLZ-type vacuum pump, SL Roots blower, JZJHX Roots rotary vane vacuum unit, JZJHS Roots of water ring vacuum unit , JZJHWLW vertical oil-free vacuum unit, JZJP Roots water jet vacuum unit, JZJHBA Roots of water ring vacuum unit, RPP-type water jet pump, JZJH2H Roots rotary piston vacuum [3] units and other models. Vacuum pumps are widely used in plastic machinery, pesticide chemicals, dyes chemical, brick machinery, low-temperature equipment, paper machinery, pharmaceutical chemical, food machinery, industrial furnace, the electronics industry, vacuum equipment, fertilizer, metallurgy, petroleum, mining, ground handling area. 2BA-type water ring vacuum pump is a vacuum pump can bring water to meet this requirement breathing, in the original type and 2FA SKF type of water ring vacuum pump, based on self-developed from a new generation of water ring vacuum pump. Its advanced design, new structure for a variety of more demanding and complex applications. It contains a lot of water pumping gas, the media can be steam in the pumping flammable, explosive or toxic, corrosive gas and is less dangerous and can be widely applied in machinery, petroleum, chemical, electrical, pharmaceutical , food, ceramics, sugar, dyeing, metallurgy, plastics, tile brick, leather and other industries, especially for supporting the use of plastic, 2BA type of water ring vacuum pump were replaced by SZ, SK, 2SK-3, 2SK-6, 2S- 185,2 SK-230 and the W-type reciprocating pumps. People often encountered in the use of chemical gas transport, which is necessary to introduce the new concept of corrosion-resistant vacuum pump. It is the use of ceramic, stainless steel, alloy and other special media did flow to part of the real line with the usual "wear, acid, alkali, high temperature" requirements. 2, vacuum pumps - Mechanical Category Its working principle is basically divided into two gas pumps and gas pumps are two types of trap. Gas pumps are: 1, liquid ring vacuum pumps (liquid ring vacuum pump) 2, 3, reciprocating pumps, rotary vane vacuum pumps 4 pumps 5 set-piece, rotary piston vacuum pumps 6, 7 more than cycloidal pump, dry vacuum pumps 8, vacuum pump 9, molecular vacuum pump 10, traction molecular pump 11, compound vacuum pump 12, water jet vacuum pump 13, pump 14, gas injection, steam injection pump 15, diffusion pumps. Gas capture pumps include: adsorption pump and low temperature pumps. The most widely used in industry is the water ring vacuum pump and rotary vane type vacuum pump. According to their degree of vacuum can be divided into: coarse vacuum, high vacuum, ultra-high vacuum three categories. Rough Vacuum Series: 21 2SK, SK series of two-stage liquid ring vacuum pump (Model 2SK, 2SK-P1 Water Ring Vacuum Pump) Mainly used for extraction of air and the other has some corrosive, insoluble in water, allowing a small amount of solid particles containing the gas. Widely used in food, textile, medicine, chemical industry, vacuum evaporation, concentration, dipping and drying process process. The vacuum pump has a high, simple, easy to use, reliable, and easy maintenance characteristics. 2BA, 2BV series water ring vacuum pump (Model 2BA Water Ring Vacuum Pump) Mainly used for rough vacuum. Process large amount of exhaust. It is mainly used for extraction of air and other non-corrosive, insoluble in water, solid particles containing a small amount of gas to form a vacuum in a sealed container. The absorption of gas mixed with a small amount of liquid allowed. It is widely used in machinery, pharmaceutical, food, petrochemical and other industries. W-type reciprocating pumps (Model W Piston Vacuum Pump) Is a rough vacuum was one of the major vacuum equipment. Widely used in chemical, food, building materials and other departments, especially in the vacuum crystallization, drying, filtration and evaporation process is more appropriate. WLW vertical oil-free vacuum pump (WLW Vertical Oil-Free) WLW-based non-oil (corrosion) W vertical reciprocating vacuum pump is horizontal vacuum pump replacement products, is to obtain rough vacuum of major equipment. As a result of all seals, crankcase and cylinder to achieve a complete isolation; with rings using a self-lubricating materials, we achieved an advanced oil-free lubrication. As no sewage disposal, so this type of pump particularly suitable for chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry, vacuum distillation, vacuum evaporation, vacuum drying, vacuum concentration, vacuum impregnation process and other processes. High Vacuum Series: H, 2H-type rotary piston vacuum pumps (Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump) Widely used in crystal pulling vacuum, vacuum coating, vacuum metallurgy, vacuum heat treatment, vacuum impregnation, vacuum drying, vacuum distillation, vacuum mud training, aerospace simulation, and other new materials, new technologies, new techniques of production and developed. Vacuum pump may be used alone, but also as a vacuum pump, oil booster pumps, diffusion pump oil pump before use. When the suction on the corrosion of ferrous metals, oil from the chemical reaction on the vacuum, with a lot of steam, a lot of dust in the gas, the required attachments. Advantages: rotary vane vacuum pumps and durable than 5 times or more, the trend to replace rotary vane vacuum pump. Relatively high price point. 2X-type rotary vane vacuum pump Airtight container for extraction of gas one of the basic equipment. It can be used alone as a booster pump, diffusion pumps, molecular pumps in the pump before use. This type of pump is widely used in metallurgy, machinery, electronics, chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical and other industries vacuum metallurgy, vacuum coating, vacuum heat treatment, vacuum drying process. 2XZ-type rotary vane vacuum pump (Model 2XZ Sliding Vane Rotary Vacuum Pump) Compact structure, small size, light weight, low noise, vibration and so on. Therefore, it applies to diffusion pump before the pump, but more suitable for precision instruments, supporting and 22 laboratory use. For example: mass spectrometry, refrigerator production line, vacuum freeze drying machine. ZJH series Roots vacuum pump (Model ZJH Roots Vacuum Pump) Is a rotary positive displacement pumps shall be allowed to use before the pump with the pressure in the wider context of a larger pumping speed being extraction of gas containing water vapor is not sensitive to dust and is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, food, electronic coatings and other industries. Mainly used in the main vacuum pump unit can not be used alone. Need to pre-pump assisted. Such as: water-ring vacuum pumps, rotary piston vacuum pumps, vertical oil-free vacuum pumps, vacuum pumps and other elements. Roots vacuum pumps to maintain the largest record 10000L / S manufacturers for the benefit of Shanghai Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd. (Sinopec Group successfully used). JZJH2H Roots slide valve vacuum unit (Roots Pump with Rotary Piston Pump Vacuum System) Roots vacuum pump and slide valve by the vacuum pump in series, as Pre-pumping vacuum pump and roots vacuum pumps vacuum pumps use the first level, the main pumping about Roots vacuum pumps. Roots vacuum pumps and rotary piston vacuum pump size ratio selection was based primarily on long-term work in a vacuum vacuum unit, vacuum unit range of long-term work in low vacuum, should choose a smaller pumping speed ratio (2:1 to 4:1) If the vacuum unit work long hours in high vacuum, you can choose a large pumping speed ratio (4:1 to 10:1) Roots vacuum pump unit. Recommended Enterprises: Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Group Co., Ltd., Haimen City Huafeng Vacuum Equipment Limited. JZJHX Roots - Rotary vane pump unit (Model JZJHX Roots-Sliding Vane Rotary Vacuum Pump System) JZJHX Roots - Roots rotary vane pump is the main pump unit pumps, rotary vane pump to pump in series for the former. The compact, easy to operate. Used in extraction of air and other no condensable and non-corrosive gas, widely used in the high pumping speed and high vacuum range of vacuum systems. Such as: vacuum smelting, power capacitors, transformers, vacuum impregnation, vacuum coating equipment and other pre-pumping. JZJHS Roots - water ring pump unit (Model JZJHS Roots-Water Ring Vacuum Pump System) As a result of the unit before the water ring pump as the pump, thus especially suitable for extraction contains a lot of steam and with a certain corrosive and condensable gases in the process. Such as: vacuum distillation, evaporation, dehydration, crystallization, drying technology process. JZJHBA Roots - water ring pump unit (Model JZJHBA Roots-Water Ring Vacuum Pump System) As a result of the unit before the water ring pump as the pump, thus especially suitable for extraction contains a lot of steam and with a certain corrosive and condensable gases in the process. Such as: vacuum distillation, evaporation, dehydration, crystallization, drying technology process. 3, vacuum pump - mechanical selection Select vacuum Notes: 1, vacuum pump vibration generated when the work process and whether the impact of the environment. If the process does not allow, should be selected without vibration of the pump or take anti-vibration measures. 23 2, to understand pumped gas composition, gas containing non-condensable vapor, with or without particles of dust, such as whether the corrosion. Select vacuum pump, you need to know the gas composition, was pumping gas for select the appropriate pump. If the gas contains steam, particles and corrosive gases should be considered in the pump inlet pipe on the road to install auxiliary equipment, such as condensers, filter and so on. 3, vacuum pressure in their work, should be able to discharge generated in the process of vacuum equipment, process all the gas volume. 4, the right to combine vacuum pump. As the vacuum of selective extraction, therefore, sometimes used a kind of pump can not meet the exhaust requirements, the need of several pumps together, complement each other to meet the ventilation requirements. Such as titanium sublimation pumps have a high hydrogen pumping speed, but not pumping helium, and the three pole-type sputter ion pump, (or two very asymmetric cathode sputtering ion pump) on a certain argon pumping speed, the two together, would be better to vacuum the vacuum. In addition, some pumps can not work at atmospheric pressure, need to pre-vacuum; some pump outlet pressure below atmospheric pressure, need to pre-stage pump, ancient capital of the need to use the pump together. 5, vacuum equipment to the oil pollution requirements. If the stringent requirements of oil-free equipment, they should choose a variety of non-oil pump, such as: water ring pumps, molecular sieve adsorption pump, sputter ion pump, low temperature pumps. If the requirement is not strict, you can choose a pump, plus a number of oil pollution prevention measures, such as additional cold trap, block board, block the oil wells, etc., will also achieve clean vacuum requirements. 6, the correct choice of pump operating points. Each pump has a certain working pressure range, such as: 2BV series water ring vacuum pump working pressure range 760mmHg ~ 25mmHg (absolute pressure), in such a wide pressure range, pump pressure and pumping speed with the changes (more changes in the light of the pump the performance curve), its stable working pressure range of 760 ~ 60mmHg. Thus, the pump's operating point should be selected within this range more appropriate, and not under it in the 25 ~ 30mmHg long-term work. 7, vacuum pump oil vapor discharged from the environmental impact of how. If the environment does not allow pollution, can choose oil-free vacuum pump, or the oil vapor into the room. 8, vacuum pump working pressure must meet the limits of vacuum equipment and vacuum pressure of work demands. Such as: a vacuum drying process requirements 10mmHg vacuum work, selected the maximum vacuum pump at least 2mmHg, preferably to 1mmHg. Often choose to limit vacuum pump vacuum equipment operating vacuum higher than the half to an order of magnitude. 9, vacuum pump prices, operating and maintenance costs. 5, vacuum pump - mechanical installation 1, vacuum pump should be installed in place of solid ground solid, around should allow sufficient room for easy inspection, maintenance, service. 2, vacuum pump should be kept under the ground level of the base, the base corners of recommended damping rubber pads or bolts pouring system installation, to ensure the smooth running vacuum pump, vibration. 3, vacuum pump and piping system should be sealed and reliable connection on a small 24 vacuum pump can be used to connect metal pipe with oil resistant rubber gasket, vacuum hose can be used on a small vacuum pump connected to vacuum suction pipe diameter shall not be less than the diameter, and the requirements shorter and less piping elbow. (Should be clear the pipe welding pipe welding slag, welding slag into the vacuum chamber is strictly prohibited.) 4, the connecting pipe, the user can be installed above the vacuum inlet valves and vacuum gauges, vacuum pumps can check the limit any time pressure. 5, connect the power provided by motor signs and the ground wire and install the appropriate fuse and thermal relay specifications. 6, vacuum pump power commissioning, the motor belt to be removed, confirm the required direction of steering pump be put into use, to prevent reverse fuel injection pumps. (Shift to the direction of the shield) 7, for a cooling water pump, connected to the cooling water required. 8, such as vacuum outlets solenoid valve, the valve and the vacuum pump should also be action. 9, when the vacuum pump exhaust gases affect the working environment can be installed in the exhaust pipe connected or installed away from the oil mist filter access. 25
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