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养生 炖品 电炖锅 煲汤 清炖 美食 菜谱 食谱大全


养生 炖品 电炖锅 煲汤 清炖 美食 菜谱 食谱大全养生 炖品 电炖锅 煲汤 清炖 美食 菜谱 食谱大全 养生炖品食谱.我国的炖煮美食文化渊源流长,几千年前古人烹调美食所用的鼎、鬲、甄等食器,就是最先的炖煮食器,“水煮法”的炖品亦由此产生。 时至今日,炖品已经发展成为融美食和保健养生于一体的饮食文化,现今的炖品不仅讲究汤汁鲜美醇和、汤料细腻酥嫩、香味纯正怡人,更有食疗相辅、健体养生、润颜美容之功效,日益倍受人们的喜好。 实践证明,炖品是最好的滋补营养美食。因为炖品能将食物中众多的营养成分在小火中炖煮时充分溶解于汤汁内,容易被人体所吸收,而大火烧煮菜肴时,高温容...

养生 炖品 电炖锅 煲汤 清炖 美食 菜谱 食谱大全
养生 炖品 电炖锅 煲汤 清炖 美食 菜谱 食谱大全 养生炖品食谱.我国的炖煮美食文化渊源流长,几千年前古人烹调美食所用的鼎、鬲、甄等食器,就是最先的炖煮食器,“水煮法”的炖品亦由此产生。 时至今日,炖品已经发展成为融美食和保健养生于一体的饮食文化,现今的炖品不仅讲究汤汁鲜美醇和、汤料细腻酥嫩、香味纯正怡人,更有食疗相辅、健体养生、润颜美容之功效,日益倍受人们的喜好。 实践证明,炖品是最好的滋补营养美食。因为炖品能将食物中众多的营养成分在小火中炖煮时充分溶解于汤汁内,容易被人体所吸收,而大火烧煮菜肴时,高温容易使其中的营养成分变性破坏,难以被人体吸收。在讲究美食健康自然的今天,许多人选择通过炖品进行食疗,食疗的方式通常分为清补和滋补,根据不同的时令季节和不同的体质进行。 ?春天精补--春天食疗时应有选择的进行; ?夏天清补--夏天天气炎热,适宜食一些清凉的炖品; ?秋天滋补--秋天气候干燥,要多食滋阴润燥的炖品; ?冬天大补--寒冬来临,人体需要摄入较多食物,并且机体具有将营养物质储藏于内的特点,进食的滋补品能较好的利用。 炖煮的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 通常有两种:一种是不隔水进行炖煮--即将原料在沸水中烫去污腥,再放入陶瓷锅中,加水、调味品和辅料直接炖煮,家常汤料常用之中方法炖煮即可;另外一种隔水炖法则是将原料在沸水中烫去腥污后,放入特制的隔水炖盅内进行隔水炖煮,隔水炖法适合于炖煮名贵的滋补品。 要多长时间,费电吗, 煲一次大概2-6小时,7-15个小时一度电。三档可调温控开关(煲粥高档是一个多小时的、煲汤高档是3小时左右、自动档是5-6小时、低档是7-9小时)如食物多些、时间会有差异、低功率、不费电。 3、使用简单: 一:上午按高火档炖,中午下班回来就可吃,不用看管。 二:上午按低火档炖,傍晚下班回来就可吃,不用看管。 三:睡前调低档,早上起床就可吃,不用看管 (应以以上炖的时间为参考) (以下食谱时间不可完全参照)电炖锅牌子不一样功率有差异、炖时间上不一样 ? 白鳝片粥 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 :米一杯,白鳝一条(约九两),葱一根,姜丝少许,糖、油、胡椒粉适量。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 作法:米洗净,用少量油拌匀,白鳝去骨切片,加水十杯放入炖锅,煮约四十至五十分钟,撒上葱花与姜丝,落盐调味即可享用。 ? 皮蛋瘦肉粥 材料:皮蛋两个,瘦肉六两,米一杯,生姜丝、葱少许,胡椒粉适量。 作法:将其中一个皮蛋搓碎,加少量油和米一同拌匀,另一个皮蛋切开,瘦肉切成片,在炖锅内加水十杯,放入以上材料,约煮四十分钟左右,放少许盐、胡椒粉调味,撒上葱花、姜丝即可。 材料:米一杯、鳙鱼头半个(约1-2两),大头菜一个,葱一根,姜丝少许,糖小半调匙,胡椒粉适量。 做法:米洗净,用少量油拌匀,大头菜洗净切丝,鳙鱼头洗净切小块片,与姜丝拌匀。加水适量与所有材料放入炖锅内煮40-50分钟。加入糖、胡椒粉,撒上葱花与姜丝,落盐调味即可。 ? 首乌红枣粥 材料:首乌一两,梗米一两,去核红枣十粒,红糖半调匙。 做法:将首乌、梗米、红枣洗净,加清水适量,放入炖锅内,煮约40-50分钟,放入红糖即可。 ? 冬菇鸡粥儿童 材料:冬菇四朵、鸡腿一个、米一杯、胡椒粉、生姜丝少许、葱一根。 做法:冬菇泡软后切开,鸡腿去骨切小块后用开水汆烫,连同米,少量油和适量水放入炖锅内煮40-50分钟,加入盐、胡椒粉调味,撒上葱花、姜丝即可。 鲩鱼腩粥 材料:米一杯、鲩鱼腩(草鱼肚)六两、榨菜适量、葱一根、糖小半匙、胡椒粉、姜丝少许。 做法:米洗净,用少量油拌匀,鱼肚洗净切小片,用姜丝略腌,加适量水放入炖锅内煮40-50分钟左右,加入榨菜丝、胡椒粉、撒上葱花与姜丝,落盐调味即可。 ? 窝蛋牛肉粥 材料:牛肉六两、蛋一个、米一杯、葱一根、生姜丝、糖、胡椒粉少许。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 做法:米拌油后,连同适量水,放入炖锅内,煮约40-50分钟左右,再加入切成薄片的牛肉与姜丝,磕入鸡蛋,稍焖片刻。放糖、胡椒粉、盐调味。撒上葱花即可。 ? 粟米鸡爪粥 材料:鸡爪六两、玉米粒半杯、米一杯、葱一根、生姜丝、胡椒粉少许。 做法:鸡爪洗净切半,用开水汆烫过,和玉米粒加适量水放入炖锅内,煮约40-50分钟,撒上葱花、姜丝,加入调味料调味即可。 ? 百合炖雪梨 材料:雪梨2个,百合2两,冰糖3两。 做法:冰糖加水慢火煲滚,白合用清水浸半小时,放落滚水中煮三分钟,取出沥干水。雪梨切去梨心不要,洗净连批切件,把雪梨、白合、冰糖水放入炖锅内,炖3小时左右。 功效:滋阴、润肺 ? 酸梅炖鲤鱼 材料:鲤鱼一条,酸梅5粒,咸菜一两,排骨四两。 做法:鲤鱼剖好,放入油锅炸至外 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 金黄,然后用姜、葱、酒飞水五分钟,排骨煮五分钟待用。鲤鱼、排骨、酸梅、咸菜一起放入炖锅内加入滚水粮食,炖四小时左右。 功效:消暑、止渴、消除疲倦。 ? 北芪当归炖乌鸡儿童博客:宝贝成长主页,小朋友的成长纪念册~4Q&P cy i%l o;v 材料:北芪一两半,当归半两切片,乌鸡一只,姜一片。 做法:鸡剖后洗净,,放滚水中煮五分钟,取起洗净。北芪、当归、乌鸡、姜同放炖锅内加入滚水适量,炖五小时左右,食时落盐调味。 功效:妇女月经不调,白带、血虚头晕,最有疗效。也可以作为保健食谱。, ? 强身延寿汤 材料:党参五钱,白术二钱,茯苓三钱,当归二钱,川芎一钱,熟地黄二钱,白芍二钱,枸杞子四钱,干草一钱,生姜一钱,去核红枣十粒,乳鸽一只。 做法:乳鸽放入滚水中煮五分钟,取出洗净。将药材用干净的纱布包裹扎紧,连乳鸽一起放入炖锅内,加滚水适量,炖五小时左右,去药包,落盐调味。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 功效:补肾、益气养血,常饮强身健体,延年益寿,返老还童。 ? 北芪党参炖乳鸽 材料:乳鸽一只,北芪半斤,党参半两,酒半汤匙,淮山半两,猪肉二两,姜一片。 做法:鸽入滚水中煮五分钟,取出洗净。猪肉入滚水中煮三分钟,取出洗净。连同淮山、北芪、党参、姜、酒放入炖锅内,加滚水,炖五小时左右,食时落盐调味。 功效:补气、健脾胃。 ? 清炖香露鸡 材料:瘦光鸡一只,冬菇二两,火腿半两,红萝卜半只切块,姜一片,葱一条。 做法:鸡洗净,放落滚水中煮五分钟后连同火腿、姜、葱,放入炖锅内,加滚水适量,炖四小时左右,加入冬菇再炖四十分钟,落盐调味。 功效:此汤性质温和、补身,老少皆宜。 ? 洋参炖草鱼头 材料:草鱼头一个(约八两),洋参片二钱。 做法:草鱼头(鲩鱼)切开二片相连,放入滚水中煮三分钟捞起。鱼头、洋参片放入炖锅内,加入滚水中适量,炖四小时左右,落盐调味。 功效:提神补脑。 ? 天麻炖猪脑 材料:猪脑四副,天麻二钱,姜二片。 做法:将猪脑之红筋小心挑除干净,洗净后放入冷水慢慢煨至水滚,隔去水份。猪脑、天麻、姜片放入吨盅内,加入滚水中适量,炖四小时左右,落盐调味。 功效:此品对患者有慢性头痛者,如能长期进食,可以根治。 ? 胡萝卜炖排骨 材料:胡萝卜四两,排骨一斤,冬笋一条,川芎一钱,黄芪三钱。 做法:排骨用沸水烫净后用冷水冲洗,连同切好的胡萝卜和冬笋倒入炖锅内,加川芎、黄芪than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 炖三小时左右,落盐调味。 功效:养颜美容,有利于、脾功能。 ? 沙参玉竹老鸭汤 材料:北沙参一两,玉竹一两,芡实四钱,生姜二片,老鸭一只。 做法:老鸭斩件放入滚水中煮五分钟,取出洗净。沙参、玉竹、芡实、老鸭放入炖锅内,加滚水适量,炖约四小时,落盐调味。 功效:滋阴润肺清补,用于干咳痰少,劳热,消渴肠燥便秘者。 ? 首乌炖羊肉 材料:羊肉八两,首乌四钱,枸杞、姜片、葱段、绍酒、麻油适量。 做法:羊肉洗净后切块,在沸水中烫去血腥后用冷水冲洗,将洗净的首乌连同其他配料放入炖锅内,加适量水炖至3-4小时,落盐调味。 功效:补气提神,暖脾胃,增温御寒。 ? 茯苓党参乌鸡汤 材料: 乌鸡一斤,枸杞二钱,茯苓一钱,党参三钱。 做法:乌鸡洗净后切小块,在沸水中烫去血腥后用冷水冲净。将洗净的枸杞、茯苓、党参连同乌鸡块放入炖锅内,加水适量,炖3-4小时,落盐调味。 功效:强化心肝功能、增强免疫力、并能保肝明目。 ? 海马杜仲炖排骨 材料:海马一个,杜仲、枸杞各二钱,排骨一斤,胡萝卜半个,当归半钱,黑枣、黄芪各三钱。 做法:排骨过沸水烫后洗净,同杜仲、海马、当归、黑枣、黄芪、枸杞放入炖锅内,加适量水炖五小时后,加切块的胡萝卜再炖半小时,落盐调味。 功效:平补肝肾,适合腰脚酸痛、乏力者食用。 ? 红枣莲藕炖鲫鱼 材料:红枣三钱,莲藕半斤,鲫鱼二条,胡萝卜三两,黄芪四钱,姜三片。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 做法:鲫鱼洗净滤去水份,胡萝卜、莲藕洗净切块,先将红枣、黄芪、莲藕放入炖锅内炖2-3小时后加入胡萝卜、姜片、鲫鱼炖半小时,下少许米酒和盐调味。 功效:有效减少皱纹,清除粉刺。并适合皮肤萎黄、贫血、头晕者。 ? 首乌炖虾 材料:何首乌三钱,虾八两,枸杞三钱,川芎半钱。 做法:将洗净的何首乌、枸杞、川芎放入锅内加适量水,炖二小时后加入洗净的虾,以及小许米酒和盐,再炖约10分钟即可。 ? 红枣淮山炖羊肉 材料:白萝卜四两,淮山五钱,羊肉七两,红枣三钱,桂皮、陈皮各一钱。 做法:羊肉切成小块后用沸水洗烫,白萝卜切块。将洗净的淮山、红枣、桂皮、陈皮和羊肉放入炖锅内,加适量水炖四小时后加入萝卜再炖一小时,落盐调味。 功效:强化肝、肾功能和泌尿系统,宜先天体质较差和老年尿频者食用。 ? 冬瓜薏米瘦肉汤 材料:冬瓜四两,薏米四钱,瘦肉四两,茯苓一钱。 做法:冬瓜洗净去皮切块,瘦肉切小块用沸水略烫。将洗净的茯苓、薏米和瘦肉一同放入炖锅内,加适量水约炖四小时,落盐调味。 功效:具瘦身美容之功效。 ? 牛蒡炖母鸭 材料:母鸭一斤二两,牛蒡四两,枸杞二钱,黄芪三钱,肉桂、当归、熟地各一钱。 做法:牛蒡洗净拍松切断。鸭肉洗净剁块用炒锅将油炒出,滤油后连同枸杞、黄芪、肉桂、当归、熟地放入炖锅,加适量水炖3-4小时,落盐调味。 功效:疏通血脉,增强肾脏功能,适合冬天手脚冰冷不温者。 ? 荷叶干贝炖瘦肉 材料:荷叶一钱,瘦肉六两,干贝、香菇各三只,新鲜百合二个。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 做法:干贝浸发两小时。瘦肉切小块,沸水烫后滤去水份,荷叶用纱袋装好,香菇泡软后去蒂洗净切片,百合洗净剥开。将瘦肉、干贝、荷叶放入炖锅内,加适量水炖三小时左右,加入百合,落盐调味。 功效:具瘦身美容之功效。 ? 红枣白果炖牛尾 材料:牛尾一斤,芋头半斤,红枣、白果各三钱,花旗参、淮山各二钱。 -做法:牛尾洗净后在沸水中烫后,用冷水冲净。将洗净的白果、红枣、花旗参、淮山连同牛尾放入炖锅内,加适量水,炖7、8小时后,落盐调味。 功效:适合皮肤粗糙、干燥和有粉刺者。 ? 鲍鱼红枣汤 材料:鲍鱼一斤,红枣十五个,川芎半钱,黄芪四钱。 做法:将洗净的川芎、红枣、黄芪放入炖锅内,加适量水炖二小时后放入鲍鱼,少许米酒和盐,继续炖约20分钟即可。 功效:改善体质,增加抵抗力和心脏造血功能。 ? 冰糖燕窝 材料:燕窝四钱,龙眼肉三钱,红枣二钱,冰糖适量。 做法:燕窝在冷水中浸泡二小时后洗净并滤去水份。红枣放入炖盅内加适量水,再放入燕窝和龙眼肉炖3-4小时,放入适量冰糖即可。 功效:美容养颜、滋补肝脏备注:上面文字中关于炖煮的时间以及用料仅供参考,实际制作时视不同的材料,根据炖锅的功率和食物的炖煮情况掌握最佳的炖煮方法。 相关知识 重量单位中的;“斤、公斤、两、是多少,“一钱” 代表几克, 十分等于一钱,十钱等于一两.一两50克,那么一钱就应该是5克 1斤=0.5千克(公斤)=500克=10两=100钱 公制: 1斤 = 10两 = 100钱1钱 = 5克市制: 1斤 = 16两 = 160钱 两 是市制的重量单位。 1两 = 0.05千克 = 50克 1斤 = 10两 旧时,1斤等于16两,故有成语“半斤八两”,表示不分上下。 斤 1斤 = 0.5千克 = 500克 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and
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