首页 徐晗毕业综合实践手册



徐晗毕业综合实践手册徐晗毕业综合实践手册 届别: 2012届 二级学院,部,:物流技术学院 专业名称: 报关与国际货运 班级名称: P380209报关 学生姓名: 徐晗 学生学号: 38020905 指导教师: 黄燕东 黄海桃 序号 材料名称 数量 备注 1 毕业综合实践任务书 1 2 毕业综合实践任务实施计划 1 3 学生应职应岗能力评价表 1 4 毕业综合实践答辩记录表 1 5 毕业综合实践成绩评定表 1 6 顶岗实习工作经历证书复印件 1 7 职业资格证书复印件或专业技能证书复印件 1 arra...

徐晗毕业综合实践 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 届别: 2012届 二级学院,部,:物流技术学院 专业名称: 报关与国际货运 班级名称: P380209报关 学生姓名: 徐晗 学生学号: 38020905 指导教师: 黄燕东 黄海桃 序号 材料名称 数量 备注 1 毕业综合实践任务书 1 2 毕业综合实践任务实施 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 1 3 学生应职应岗能力 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 表 1 4 毕业综合实践答辩 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 表 1 5 毕业综合实践成绩评定表 1 6 顶岗实习工作经历证书复印件 1 7 职业资格证书复印件或专业技能证书复印件 1 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 毕业综合实践任务书 专业 报关与国际货运班级 P380209报关 学号05姓名 徐晗 根据专业教学计划安排及毕业综合实践教学要求~现向你下达毕业综合实践任务书~望你能认真、高质量地按时完成任务。 预期实践 杭州佳燕有限公司 岗位名称 岗位职责 单证流程 1、英语四级 岗位能力 2、良好的工作沟通和协作能力 要求 3、工作认真负责 1、熟悉英语交流 实践岗位 2、单证操作流程 条件要求 (一)技术应用性设计要求 1、描述公司与您实习岗位相关的业务流程目前的状况。 2、分析该业务流程主要存在的问题。 3、根据这些问题写出设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一份。 (二)实施操作技能要求 1、描述实习岗位需掌握的基本技能。 2、分析掌握这些技能存的难度和学习方式。 3、考取与该岗位相关的国家职业资格四级证书。 (三)总结(或论文)要求 1、详细描述实习岗位的过程和收获 主要任务 2、分析自我的不足和改进的方向以及如何去努力。 与要求 3、完成实践总结报告,或论文,一份。 (四)时间安排与要求 1、校内文献查阅并撰写综合实践实施计划,2周,。 2、企业相关岗位顶岗实习与企业内相关资料搜集与调研,4周,。 3、完成技术应用性方案设计,9周,。 4、毕业综合实践报告撰写,2周, 5、答辩准备与答辩~资料整理并上交,1周,。 (五)其它任务要求 1、根据《毕业综合实践完成指南》要求~完成其他文档 2、调研需要保留原始材料。 学校指导教师签名: 黄燕东 企业指导 黄海桃 电话: E-mail: 师傅姓名 专业主任意见: 签名: 年 月 日 s (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainagetime failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases rrelation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathingine coonchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machtism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support brrheumagical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surction urology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency setary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Nearrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Ro2 毕业综合实践任务实施计划 专业 报关与国际货运班级 P380209报关学号05姓名 徐晗 1、毕业综合实践任务的内容和具体实施计划: ,一,毕业综合实践的基本内容 ,注:可以参考目录中的基本内容, 单证员的操作流程分析及改进——以杭州佳燕服饰有限公司为例 摘要………………………………………………………………………………,3, 一、概述…………………………………………………………………………,3, (一)单证员及单证的重要性 ………………………………………………,3, (二)杭州佳燕服饰有限公司简介 …………………………………………,3, (三)实习背景 ………………………………………………………………,4, 二、单证员的操作流程分析……………………………………………………,4, (一) 接新合同~合同编号 ………………………………………………,4, (二) 审证、改证 …………………………………………………………,5, (三) 制作单据 ……………………………………………………………,5, (四) 委托报检 ……………………………………………………………,6, (五) 租船订舱 ……………………………………………………………,6, (六) 安排拖柜 ……………………………………………………………,7, (七) 委托报关 ……………………………………………………………,7, (八) 获得运输文件 ………………………………………………………,7, (九) 准备其他文件 ………………………………………………………,7, (十) 交单 …………………………………………………………………,7, (十一) 业务登记、文件存档 …………………………………………,8, 三、单证员操作流程的优化…………………………………………………… ,8, 结语 ………………………………………………………………………………,8, 参考文献………………………………………………………………………… ,9, ,二,、毕业综合实践的具体实施计划 2011年10月25日----2011年11月8日 毕业综合实践的选题 2011年11月9日----2011年12月30日 收集文献、整理资料、实习等~完成开题报告 2012年1月1日 ----2012年5月20日 实习、撰写毕业综合实践方案初稿~修改毕业综合实践方案 2012年5月21日 ----2012年5月27日 毕业综合实践方案定稿 2012年5月28日----2012年5月31日 毕业综合实践答辩 ing gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage(pump ome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncturex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrrce sexpansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung soung, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial etrainitric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in eral surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pedial genon 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgicaname time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine secti tmentarrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Depar3 2、完成任务的重点和难点及拟解决的办法: 重点:杭州佳燕单证操作流程 难点:单证操作的分析及改进方案 拟解决办法: 一 通过学习~请教老师及企业师傅等方法~深入了解义乌盛萃公司的单单证流程。 二 上网了解资料 三参考文献: 罗兴武.通关实务[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2006.8 黄海东.国际贸易实务[M].北京:清华大学出版社.2009.4 芮宝娟.进出口单证实务.北京:中国人民大学出版社.2010 海关总署报关员考试教材编写委员会.报关员资格全国统一考试系列教材 中国海关出版社~2011 3、指导教师的意见与建议: 该同学的毕业综合实践课题能够结合公司具体情况展开阐述,课题切合实际运作,具有一定的可操作性和创新性。综合实践任务实施计划结构较清晰。希望在后期具体写作分析过程中,结合企业实际运作情况,利用学校所学知识,对企业现行业务提出一些有针对性的对策和建议。同时也希望在写作及实践的过程中,注重请教单位的指导师傅及同时也积极主动地与老师的沟通和配合,勤奋钻研,正确早日、独立完成报告的写作。 s (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainagetime failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases rrelation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathingine coonchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machtism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support brrheumagical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surction urology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency setary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Nearrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Ro4 指导教师签名:黄燕东 2012 年 5 月 31 日 4、专业主任意见: 专业主任签名: 年 月 日 学生应职应岗能力评价表 学班学生姓名 徐晗 38020905 P380209报关 号 级 应职应岗的通用能能力结构 应职应岗的基本素质 应职应岗的专业能力 力 分 口 析 计 头 交 自 业 实 与 业 算 与 岗 敬 岗 团 文 往 我 务 际 解 务 机 书 位 业 位 队 明 沟 提 理 操 决 创 观察点 应 面 工 精 守 协 习 通 升 解 作 问 新 用 表 作 神 纪 作 惯 能 能 能 能 题 能 能 达 量 力 力 力 力 的 力 力 能 能 力 力 分值 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 15 10 评分 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 15 10 合计总分 100 ing gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage(pump ome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncturex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrrce sexpansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung soung, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial etrainitric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in eral surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pedial genon 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgicaname time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine secti tmentarrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Depar5 (此栏主要填写工作内容、工作业绩与能力总体评价) 该同学在实习期间~为人诚恳~热于助人~有较强的动手能力。 工作业绩 与 评语 指导师傅签名:朱梦莎 2012 年 5 月 20 日 希望在今后的工作中有所成就 实践单位 意见 单位盖章: 年 月 日 毕业综合实践答辩记录表 专业 班级 学号 姓名 毕业综合实践 主要成果名称 指导教师姓名 答 辩 s (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainagetime failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases rrelation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathingine coonchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machtism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support brrheumagical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surction urology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency setary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Nearrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Ro6 记 录 记录人: 年 月 日 毕业综合实践成绩评定表 专业 班级 学号 学生姓名 顶岗合成果评价 答辩评价 评价 计 评分项任务及计划 工作 目 评价 质量与水平 态度 量大 小和 顶岗 论述思路 独立 实践 岗专训与回答的正 科学完成 表现 位业练规实钻研导确性和逻 性与情况 及效 贴贴实范用与勤师辑性等 创新及其 果 近近效性 性 奋 配性 成果 度 度 性 合 数量 总分值 10 5 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 20 分 得分 55 18 20 93 该篇文章能够按照要求完成,对一些原始的材料进行了一定程度的整理,基本能表达自己的观点。在答 辩过程中能够应答老师的提问,有个别问题无法解答。经论文答辩小组的讨论,一致同意该论文评定为优秀。 指导教 师评语 指导教师签名:黄燕东 2012年5 月 30日 ing gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage(pump ome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncturex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrrce sexpansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung soung, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial etrainitric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in eral surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pedial genon 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgicaname time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine secti tmentarrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Depar7 该篇文章基本能够按照要求完成,对一些原始的材料进行了一定程度的整理,基本能表达自己的观点。 在答辩过程中能够应答老师的提问,有个别问题无法解答。经论文答辩小组的讨论,一致同意该论文评定为 优秀。 毕业综 合实践答辩小组成员签名: 殷宝庆、董毅、黄燕东 评审意答辩小组组长签名:黄燕东 见 2012年 6 月 1 日 综合评 价等级 二级学 院,部,毕业综合实践答辩委员会主任签章: 意见 年 月 日 备注:1、答辩内容主要针对毕业综合实践过程及其成果。成果主要分三类:一是策划书、方案、设计、设计 说明书等;二是实践总结报告或论文;三是职业资格证书、专业技能证书等。 2、在岗实践评价分数:实践单位指导师傅的评价分数(100分制)×20%折算。 3、等级分优秀(90-100分)、良好(80-89分)、中等(70-79)及格(60-69分)、不及格(60分以 下)五级。 此页粘贴:职业资格证书或专业技能证书复印件(数量较多的,可缩 小复印粘贴) s (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainagetime failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases rrelation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathingine coonchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machtism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support brrheumagical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surction urology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency setary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Nearrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Ro8 此页粘贴:顶岗实习工作经历证书复印件 ing gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage(pump ome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncturex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrrce sexpansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung soung, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial etrainitric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in eral surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pedial genon 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgicaname time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine secti tmentarrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Depar9 s (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainagetime failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases rrelation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathingine coonchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machtism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support brrheumagical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surction urology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency setary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Nearrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Ro10
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