首页 关于关于辽宁省行政复议听证程序规



关于关于辽宁省行政复议听证程序规关于关于辽宁省行政复议听证程序规 【法规名称】 辽宁省行政复议听证程序规定 【颁布部门】 辽宁省政府 【发文字号】 辽宁省人民政府令第246号 【颁布时间】 2010-01-21 【实施时间】 2010-02-22 【效力属性】 有效 【正 文】 辽宁省行政复议听证程序规定 辽宁省人民政府令 (第246号) 《辽宁省行政复议听证程序规定》业经2010年1月6日辽宁省第十一届人民政府第33次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2010年2月22日起施行。 省长 陈政高 二0一0年一月二十一日 辽...

关于关于辽宁省行政复议听证程序规 【法规名称】 辽宁省行政复议听证程序规定 【颁布部门】 辽宁省政府 【发文字号】 辽宁省人民政府令第246号 【颁布时间】 2010-01-21 【实施时间】 2010-02-22 【效力属性】 有效 【正 文】 辽宁省行政复议听证程序规定 辽宁省人民政府令 (第246号) 《辽宁省行政复议听证程序规定》业经2010年1月6日辽宁省第十一届人民政府第33次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2010年2月22日起施行。 省长 陈政高 二0一0年一月二十一日 辽宁省行政复议听证程序规定 第一条 为规范行政复议听证程序,依法公正办理行政复议案件,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政复议法》、《中华人民共和国行政复议法实施条例》等法律、法规,结合我省实际,制定本规定。 第二条 本规定所称行政复议听证是指行政复议机关或者行政复议机构为查清案件事实,直接听取听证参加人对案件事实、证据、依据等问题所作的陈述、辩论等的审理方式。 第三条 本规定适用于我省行政区域内行政复议机关或者行政复议机构(以下统称听证机关)依法组织的听证。 第四条 听证参加人包括当事人及其代理人和其他参加人。 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 当事人包括行政复议申请人、被申请人、第三人。 其他参加人是指证人、勘验人、鉴定人、翻译人员等有关人员。 第五条 听证应当坚持公平、公正、公开原则。除涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私外,听证应当公开举行。 第六条 行政复议案件具有下列情形之一的,可以举行听证: (一)对具体行政行为认定的事实存在重大争议; (二)对具体行政行为依据的理解和适用存在重大争议; (三)符合《辽宁省行政复议规定》第二十三条第一款规定; (四)听证机关认为必要的。 第七条 听证可以依当事人申请或者由听证机关决定举行。听证应当由听证机关实施,不得委托其他机构组织。 当事人要求听证的,应当向听证机关提出书面申请。当事人口头申请听证的,听证机关应当当场记录。 第八条 听证机关决定举行听证的,应当在举行听证的7日前,通知听证参加人。 第九条 听证通知书应当载明下列事项: (一)听证参加人姓名或者名称; (二)案由; (三)举行听证的时间、地点; (四)首席听证员、听证员、书记员的姓名; (五)告知其他有关事项。 第十条 听证应当在被申请人依法答复后,行政复议决定作出前举行。 第十一条 听证在1名首席听证员和2名听证员组织下进行。首席听证员由听证机关负责人指定,并主持听证活动。听证设书记员1名,负责制作听证笔录和其他事务工作。 根据案件审理需要,听证机关可以邀请有关专家或者其他人员作为听证员参加听证。 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 第十二条 首席听证员履行下列职责: (一)决定听证的时间、地点和方式; (二)决定有关的听证参加人参加听证; (三)主持听证活动,维持听证秩序; (四)根据案件需要询问听证参加人; (五)决定证人当场作证; (六)决定听证的延期或中止。 第十三条 首席听证员、听证员或者书记员有下列情形之一的,应当回避: (一)与本案当事人、代理人是近亲属; (二)与本案有利害关系; 三)与本案当事人之间存在其他关系,可能影响案件公正处理。 ( 前款规定,适用于勘验人、鉴定人和翻译人员。 首席听证员的回避,由听证机关负责人决定;听证员、书记员的回避,由首席听证员决定。 第十四条 当事人在听证活动中享有下列权利: (一)申请首席听证员、听证员或者书记员回避; (二)可以自己参加听证,也可以委托1至2名代理人参加听证; (三)查阅提交的 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 ; (四)陈述案件事实和理由; (五)就案件争议焦点进行质证、辩论; (六)听证结束前作最后陈述; (七)阅读听证笔录; (八)依法享有的其他权利。 同一案件申请人超过5人的,推选1至3名代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 参加听证。 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 第十五条 当事人在听证活动中履行下列义务: (一)按时到指定地点参加听证; (二)遵守听证纪律; (三)如实回答听证员的询问,如实陈述、举证; (四)委托代理人的,应当出具授权 委托书 手术委托书下载过户委托书下载房屋委托书下载车管所委托书下载收房委托书 下载 ,明确委托事项和权限; (五)未经首席听证员批准不得中途退出听证会。 第十六条 有下列情形之一的,申请人应当提供证明材料: (一)申请行政复议时一并提出行政赔偿请求的,提供由具体行政行为造成损害的证明; (二)认为被申请人不履行法定职责的,提供曾经要求被申请人履行法定职责而被申请人未履行的证明。 第十七条 首席听证员、听证员应当在举行听证前, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 案件争议焦点,确定听证重点内容,拟订听证提纲。 第十八条 听证开始前,书记员应当查明当事人和其他参加人是否到场,宣布听证纪律。 听证开始时,首席听证员应当核对听证参加人的身份,宣布首席听证员、听证员、书记员名单,宣布案由,告知当事人有关的权利义务,询问当事人是否申请回避。 第十九条 听证会按下列程序进行: (一)申请人陈述行政复议请求、事实和理由,出示相关证据; (二)被申请人答辩,陈述作出具体行政行为的事实、理由和依据,出示相关证据; (三)第三人陈述,出示相关证据; (四)当事人对证据进行质证; (五)当事人进行辩论; (六)当事人作最后陈述; (七)首席听证员征求当事人意见,是否同意调解。 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 第二十条 书记员应当将听证的全部活动记入听证笔录。 听证笔录应当载明下列事项: (一)听证参加人姓名或者名称、住所; (二)首席听证员、听证员和书记员的姓名; (三)举行听证的时间、地点; (四)案由; (五)行政复议请求,申请人陈述的事实、理由和证据; (六)被申请人答辩的事实和理由,出示的依据、证据及其他材料; (七)第三人陈述的事实和理由; (八)证人证言; 九)质证、辩论的内容; ( (十)当事人的最后陈述; (十一)当事人是否同意调解。 第二十一条 听证结束后,听证笔录应当交当事人核对无误后签名或者盖章;拒绝签名或者盖章的,由首席听证员在听证笔录上注明情况。首席听证员、听证员和书记员应当在听证笔录上签字。 听证笔录中有关证人证言部分,应当交证人核对无误后签名或者盖章。听证笔录应当附卷。 第二十二条 听证认定的事实,应当作为审理行政复议案件的依据。 第二十三条 有下列情形之一的,应当决定延期听证: (一)申请人(自然人)死亡或者法人、组织解散,须等待权利义务继承人或者法定代表人参加听证; (二)申请人、被申请人因不可抗力不能参加听证; (三)申请人(自然人)丧失行为能力,尚未确定法定代理人; (四)听证机关认为应当延期听证的。 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 第二十四条 当事人违反听证纪律或者未经批准中途退场,致使听证会无法进行的,中止听证。 被申请人无正当理由不参加听证会,且在依法答复中未提供有关证据、依据的,应当视为具体行政行为没有证据、依据。 第二十五条 行政复议机关和行政复议机构应当设置专门场所用于举行听证。听证所需费用应当从行政复议经费中列支。 第二十六条 本规定自2010年2月22日起施行。 文章来源:中顾法律网 (免费法律咨询,就上中顾法律网)你好哦啊, Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere
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